Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jun 1928, p. 6

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GRAiNG 0OFDIPONU, coIoa" eald booca H-obbIo, Oarifo; Bil-M»e*ohy tari.; Bu"h Wsiyx Spat Wblthr, Ontario; BIwec k ;iawim KlduM"«YI4Out"u, (FiuM.k Couoitms>»; lMry Uluboti Wos4 Toronto.,Ontario. Pms.-.O.CM d A.TCJL-Pw* A. Ismets, cou qweed Ontario.; Bemie ezewWhitemym nlo, Nancita; oaes PErtUIvee- thora, IslagfttO., Ontaulo. Eqmaelu.-Vila Nubi hthow~6tbToot, Ontario. M.uebM Suomoe-Phly Fretn lé e oatib, Ontal eio- « Ael- Iren Oti; TumkorUDocotçba jmr, Ontaro iia I Cerma. BU - Wiovilonta&*; Adioy B"DoGere Bfrno a l;~nIrs n, DetrotMIh.; 1sf s Nllde nala' Bon melWonOooao.ntro CatheIrine CoN ud A.Itn.C.M.EMar42.nero, l#oa Hn W.VIERSà041CERTIFDCATES Tornto uOnlt.-ar;rà$". be hnra>. tm 'ri Md Bih mdue Schol-Nrs. Abot Cros ser Mar ,bt~Li toiNle Kal E. Tyor oenro.. uduey ienson Myavuis, Tnea Nisi udam(hurs). m Iatreucter-C &'Tayle or , Iran Bcl.(hnr>Maontri (hon*ooraNegaW sr Slsglag- l lao-arri Junior-Jean Caupbell, Lulu Golden (hoonr), Kathleen E. Taylor. PilmarY--DorotY Patten, Ida- Sterritt, Jea War& S.enior-E. Marlon- Hondersn -(lst clou honora>. Junior-A., A. Jefroy (lut CI&M honora). Nabot Creaier -(honora>. AWARINGOF MEDAflS Gold Medal by. 1fr. Oliver Hez.elwood, highe.t standing in M.L Cours-luth Gladys SpaîL Modale by Mi. G .Gocdfilw, econd standig in M& L L Modal by frIL N. Bassetts, hlghest standing lunA.T.C.19. sud 0CM. laneFaitA. Basett (houera). al, by 0. ChhSt -standing lu A.T.C.M9. sud A.O.C.M. e-elen £E.tàSirerthrn (honora). eda, r G. D. Atklnoi4 tua1 standing in Â.T.C.M. sud 0 -Venta M. Hes (Ira). Mémorial Gold Modal, by lirm George Cormackhlghost AIL, ansd A.O;.C.M. Singing-E. Marlon Hendermon, r.G .Atklusea, lghet stanin uItroit oa!Gold Modal, bidgbest Standing lu Householi laysV. Tucker. oetTh.mpémèe ecod sadigii ousehold IRl two yealr Commercial Ceurse-Audrey Harmilton, hlgboat standing lu Expressio etstanding lu pose Junior Natriculatien Si hldig Avrdof Ifritcoi. ~L~Modai on tG.u R ou Natrlclto)Bt standing luthe. Oratorleal I . «Cotiausfxompagel) ing the ep.aty a lot of moqéy. 'Wf ve dewM iicoumty habunîmu- - c ame way as e do mur ov. buisive u Fü e m demi more work dome for out mqady" t4 uMuen déclare&. jaohRom (Tborah), Mlul t ta foreussu woeiha oen the Prorvincial igaybail t.oua bis àoui teU sud ~ ~ ti hotogttl~systeus aaim ho f<iliw.d lu gsuug oeaty fore- me&. As mattefs novot.Od, the ceuni- ity pui e* $5a dy'for a teau nd nitho foreman-got $8 for speadlng gravai "We cuninot aford -te bane ubiteol Iared foremen dàlug Uobn-kj'sid Mr. Boss. Reeve Thompson (a"h) madt a forema vlth bis toa,ahouM ho the leader of bis men. go bohoéveul tha some foremon vere Dot 4ping their work, sud the sooner the -couaty got xi of them the botter. "We uh=l get efliency. as Our roacda coet a lot of money," uid the ree eta eah ad"'ur that forememi sbould Le mi able men-. Luhr Midleton, (Pîekeing),. mid that one quarter cf the tUne wasbot ou the county road system. *One man iu .Particular in -bis. township' bad nover been secm rking by hlm, as he was always standing ýtalking. A. W. Jackson, (Whitby), statod that wbile it was »bslu ey ossential that evory foreman deliver 100 per cent, cf tbe vork ha was suppoaod t., do,, the county road superintendeut could not possibly' ha on the job al the trne, hence it was net t. ha sup-ý poned that every foreman would roi* consistently. Thero might corne a day whon every' municipal - officer would deliver .100 per cent. service *but it would ho la the milenium, as thero alwayo bad been and always vould hoe morne vho would net, although he agreed that thore might ho morne im-ý Prevement ln tue proment system. Thora might bI oroplalts of a mam beaving wcrk a ,little ouy togot bMa pay cheti, but if ho performed extra service, which was eften teé case, nothing was said about It. Tho fore- man who came te work at 8.15 rnight the same day hoe workingoveîim Some members e of ilthought that 25e an heur vas te low a wage for thé "county te pay, wben pavisg comparnes vere paying 85e -and 40c. 'Warren Doarboeru (East Whitby) epined that.mon uhe got $5-a day Juat reudered that amount ef valu.eof ser- vice. Ho vwas oppesed te blring cheap labor. 1Byron Stivor, (Scott), thought that- aman who would net werk for $5 a] day should -get off the jcb. ROY Park,4 (Brcck), had hourd cern- Plaints of inefficiency, and urged that- Council do something. If the county road superitendeut did net have turne t.tethè foremen it would puy to get anl asistant He reminded ouÎndil that very heavy expenditures had, te; ho met this- year. The County vili issue àdentures for $20.000 at live and a. haif per cent for five years, lu 'heu -of!_$18MO00 u previously deeided ugon luythe Coui- Couneil authorised the treasurer t.ý pay te the Town or Whby 50 pou cent. 0f -the nount pu o ro"d uig126sd12 I cerdance vifithe Hghways Ihnrve mentt Âct.Conneil was on==uodo hearing legal sud goverument opin-. ions on this mutter, thult the ut wau lable for the grants as Axed by the statut.. Tae.Over New Remd Conei appreved of. areom d- tien eof the Ceunty RoudOomte that the county tabe over 'as part Of teé ounty road systexw a stretc of 4 miles frern SalinMlle t. Soàgràvel lu th» Township o eacthihlai Mi te.lhovery heafily trayvlbd.It va eortoidbata la rge porto of te L trafic ý_&_ýç otsorn. )ieow invqru nPoém -ot uâti Wi FrcSe .Te Ca Unomtyu4sy omit .mdsasd mondat tattheoetyadsp- intendeat luveatae. the cWgdB*I of - very ir$ne 1ytrmo n Çom- ty Rosi 12.3 in the Townabip et VUxbridge, aidt. paosecu t te £U!!t - lum-Ths ian wu bas k Uh Coumc'sa t*tmm by Reeve Somer yaksid p t rho str.ngly udha t cmm.flde" a a o Svut tatke m. armin htwt ship n the12thconcesion wsi on the lTw n e Malnmunn vedtScoto hteatLen' TwnBeach betuem Uxbridgpe and Scott, sud vest t.teeunty rend ruanint uorth from UxbuWIge De;mty-reevo George R. Tili polnt& ont tuat the Towmshp at hoavy ex- Pense kept this road! oponfor inter traic arglyfor foreigu trafice fromx the wost.thte only wintor roai thtWas kept open. for Cars, and wiethe Townîbp did not bave tte iopen* numerous cmlkt aidabuse vere hoapod on to~oni if it did âot. Re dld not think àt fUr that; the Towuship shouli! haveto bâr ail this expense. b Ner emy cd wm Ib" m vice ,. Liar mlgtb iked lerm Ex 'ra ~w NilsaW- O RDN ÂTIGN 0 OPli ori atin WHITBY ~ Mcg;vat te feilov imm eveu" -10e Whitersle. im Co nilyYiLaW nddey, et Whit-i hy, -Whoe xPreami on bohai f o!the W ES cburch eligtecne tbe Utaost «fdecelte vislomf th iii ~ j vhio h b becs takes sud saisfaion;, w" te Sufi emMte&The dutdou .t mum.ý.rp1_ muet rOve I of aaking teé caddte -t.o dem Mir bis oua yards and lu bis ovu vay bis. oc m ristian Experienceinluin ae 1ogte.si count cf bscnvrin;bscu t te =cacet. go-W vwork c egse miimr ais i Mie a lot -e: otbe Viru 0f hpjtjm~doctin1 urohaMbi -hou yu thisg t si goo) ut luthe m m Go t. A . Alun,4 E. R.. Hevuon, or ai At te rques ofthe -delegts Urneto uesio-and examine: at the 1 clos Of eachdivision. The counci wa erdoply impresaod with.the statements go much se that very few questinswere addressed to*the cas-.I* f'st ab 1i s h i TrH. Iv-$725 t- $2195. FedQuakerDar t k ~PrOducing orgçànmd rebuli Ab San rabohydrates, tg L which tone tihio sud - Usuallydeficieut in ordinury Land te-day taS druggLst to-day @re your skin a hoSti of Maous rpope, you've >' mw Md la e! that terne na in t or= ta. b>' stlcng 9 Oidla aeOft leare- a groasyý E L Olur n d muaS gir. cei or, ýother sood your momy cip ~4FrBR a," ùmnth..Durant "6". ilfmedemao"s~tion on a straigh 'u s, on a cuwvn g, teep lii i n traffic , nder amy tend oodio.s yo amy chou oiy dm cm à y. houusdy expau cma regardng tm -w&i bu& tautonobile tD@<o,.g wush eau. . .powe. .. s .vC yrY sonab odsemad idm cuusiwty.. And in sddidc. mi.. beauty thatdsemo c bedec of D isat b u t Iay u.H u t Lodica u~~âa dut hawDuwmaSi=esbhae Vka4*àbogUMquallications suYAr-ts 70U add &W Duran du IL. ~..i -as- s L~ Siti 01,i h ver long ila kir A Me.. Stssv~davgI sd~ amtIItou libutor-J.e

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