Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jun 1928, p. 4

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AMNI . in dbd «S k- c 'h-fl bu, mous sed p-Issu itboper ?~embers of the. Publie Utilty Coi- slon, Mayor *ateznan, A. M.Itosa, . J. LukSS*and up. G. W. P., Evcry *W4re iu Niagara, fls on Wcdnesday andl Thursday atteadlng thc annuel ennlon !the. Hydro Electrie Power Association. Mr. Warren MeKenale, vho bas beei vith Thom sn'a CashGrocery for soin.- Urne Masbecu appointed manager o! iii ' Dominion store et Llndaay, and 1u and Mme. MeKensie wiii ieve next wek te take up resi- douce l in t t tow Rev. W. E. Baker o! Torouto, oc- enpled tbe puipit of ii. United Church on Sunday moralng. Miss Gertrude McInt3ire la viiting ber uiiele, Mn. Jëhui orrow, in Mon- treal. Mr. aud Mmi W. M. Jemmyn were ia Toronto lesft Frlday atteudiug the. Convocation of Tenonto University, alica their dulieMiss Nellie 1er- myn, recelveer Bachelr o! Arts degree. *The -annual convontion of the Wo- mcna.Clbrstan Teniperauce Union for the. Cenities of Onterio aud Dur- bain, vili be helda t Port Ferr on juue 21st. Urt. Wum. Pagsley, To- routo, vili be thse specla speaker for thie convention. Mr. sud Mrs. . L H.P.rry sud littie son are on a visit wth frieA& ýlu Chathaun. John Drinkrow lias punehesedal bouse sud lot on Henry $treet frein Wal.ter lima. KUE? i»>1qDÀY. 11CLY 2 Ée- joy the iià"lda~t home "onJuMY 2ud. sud bave yeur supper et St. Ber-. usrd's cburchgardie psrty. You'Il çsec soinetbins you've neyer seen before. Unitéd meting. MM H. 1 report ueug a nuiuber' metional ; jnited lknere.J a of de- Lweil led a tôle he enl c- mUp o!fCG.I. sevce moqt SA * uc< toe ic Os iful meeting lool ro0111on SMDd, et 8.80 Newcomens Moraooi.lgnin Prayer Mo H o0y Communion, 11.00M e.m E.ink Pray- er,. 7 ..SuBday, scaoo lé 0Ln. Bible Cila, S8p>m. W. A. at Mmu Downanl'resideuce, 3 pian. Thumm"sddayv nesptist ech-.Sunday, ljune 1M. T. F. Ectpetr.Sunday, 10am. Bible 1coo;lamn, ?The Hoiy Sprlt"; 1 p.m, Service Of Pralse. onday,,8 pan.,Si. B.Y.ýP.U. Thurs- day, 8 p.m, Frayer Meig St. Andrew'# Premlbyterian Churcla ---10 a..,Sunday School; l aâm., vin srvie.Mr. G. L XeLean, of Toroný ; 7p.m,, Mr. G. U~ McLeam The. United Church--Suuday, June 17. Bey. .A.. M. Irwmn, pastor. -il Ï . m. and 7 p.m., Be,. J. W. Davldson,' B.A.t B.D., viii 'ýpreach. Sunday School assembles at il a.mi. St. Jlon'. Chh(Anirtcan>,'Port Whitby. Sunday, June l7th. 10 a. ma., Sunday Sehool; il a.m., Moening Prayer; Mr.. P. L. -Fowke, Oshawa; 7 p.m., Holy Cozlmmunion; Bev. W. J.. Minto Swan, St. John's West, Toron- te. Ii. S*lvatioa Aruiy.-Capt. Purdy4 and Lieut. Leach. Sunday, June 17- il a.m., HoUness Meting; subject,i "The Inwàrd Witncas"; 3 p.m., Sun- day School; .7 p.m., Great Salvation Meeting. A hearty welcome to ail. »GIRLS' -SOPTBALL SEASON. OPENING On Friday evening of this week lit the Town Parkte opening gaine of thc Girls' Softball League wiii be play-, ed between the Chevrolet team, ofi Qahawa, 'and the Whitby girls. The playera vil une up at-the Post 0f- lIce, at 6.50 p.m., snd vili march te the. park,. headed by the Town -Band. The Mayer, ]Reeve and Deputy-Reevc will officially open the gaine, *hich las scheduied to atart at 7 o'clock. There will ,e. a silver collection. TEN14IS CLUB ORGAIiIZED Those lnterested in ýtcn4is hcld a meeting on Monday evcniug, and or- ganzd a Tennis Club, which -*il havecharge of the piaying on thc new courts, which arc cxpected te be ready vcry shortiy. Oficers were eiected as fon. Pws:- .E. Carruthers. Preaidet-Gordon B. Whitfield. lst Vice Pres.-laek ,Bow.. 2nd Vice Pres.-Mim Merjoiqe M- Scc-Treas.--Miss Helen Jludgon. Grounds Committe- Miss MeGil- llvray, 3. H. Pcrry, 3. Bascom. -. IlRep. on Board of Directoýs-Mrs. G.ý M. Goodfellow. Social Convener-Appointinent left with!Executive., The age for juniors vas fixed at 12 tpç 14o spd thc adull[ section at 15- snd overA recommendation vas made te the Board of Directors that no junibr mcembcrship be allowed te adulta vho wîsbed te play ini junior hours.-1 There - i considerable enthusiasi arnong the tennis players, and a vcrY active progrm .of sport -ia beiug planncd. for the summer. fi olceCourt At thertequestof D.-'A. J.* Svansou, counsiel foriC.F. Lery ie egn of thc Wbitby Fire ;Deparle ute mthe charge agmiuat him of criminel ueg- liueSi connection with an accident e Ui ovu Line on the cveniug o! May 7tb, *ben a fire- truck crashied inte, a crowd -aud injured five, thc herng, set for Friday aftcrnoon lest, vas adjourncd until Tucsday, lune 19, at cight 'loek. -Mr. Swanson infori- cd .Court that defeuse vas> not prepar- cd te go on and aakcdfor an adjoumn- m ent, to vluch Uie Crowu consented& A nuinher of' vituesses were on band prprdt give evidencé, iucludig soneo i injurcd men.w This is thc second adourumnent of tUicmse Five Mex and a Girl Taken Following a raid made ou a boat- honse et Port Whltby Friday cveniug byr Chic! »Gunson, four men and oe appeÈred ini PoliceCutStr rav =,trnon before Meisttat il- lin on varions charges.The. four nmen, Kcmnn.th and Peter Bnxrow, Henry Heath and L Golett, ail of Oshiawa, were charged with being foud nd ua dlaorderiy bouse and* being foniid guilty, vere flne$25 and coste, each or two nionths, tii.fines belng peid. The girl, Blanche Christie, no address, charged wiîth being Uic keeper ofUi place, wa ound guilty snd rmne until the lStii for sentence. A f ifth ins, vho was apprchendcd by the Chiof t etfve o'elock Satnwdsy morsi- 9n a h. drove up la front o!t the T0a Hal avlng appareotly icarn- ed o! the fate of bis allcged coin - ions, faces a serions charge, for ic banl o! '5,000 vas demnended, sud an- ethe clargofetviols#ag ic Liquor Coetrel Act, for wbich $2,000 bail vas esked. Âee.stwu vas sphi.on Bet- urday te raieis total bail eof11.000 WgD»)ING9 hesmart costûme. Her va. o!sweUicarIV roses. Mrs. Flthrattended Uic bride aa aliteal tii.bridegroom. Mter Pmmeny a reception vas ,d home o!£ thé bride's whieh Mr. sud Mrs..Ëvar motor tnp te Kings.ou eut. On their returnUic Young wiii reside lu Ceboaivg A very pretty 8dig e o nised in St., Indes Ancac whéo Hilda Bo*ie, oniy -dan Mr. and-Ms WH Davis, and daughter of thc late Samuel Of. Port Whltby, .beceme' Uic bride' Dr. Roger Wgllngtou, eldest- sou Mr. alid lira. M. W. Matchett, Hamilton. Bey. Mr. Archboid perfo cd Uic ceremony., Mauve sud. filaca vlih in> -Darvin. ýulips ,jia]ms deot'.th "Uâc upi 4uresque IVbe bride, vho vas given'ava l:f ather, lookeal charmiug l > oujioyof crepe-ba e and.Ca ¾Iylace Ner veilleadChniy lace er t- v ith clut.n'ïof orange the bloasok£è bk carried a aboyer bou- th q7Ct o~tterfiy roses,. lily of Uic lu vley ai fera. LShee o,a thegroom's tas hei ga jury roosdt gift, a haudsome vri" vtch. Miss !unsigO! the Crv,:Kitorpeyl Lfilian. Wells, vho actcd "as brides- ofie0 t a dcsk, thre hairs a' maid, was chrmn gvud An a ,abo hease, as rcquested. .by Mr. creain lacedres r arctsatin,MebOnUiGotyCwuAt vith large bow o!fpnct velvet a.*uy Soin.in"rovements vwili alsè aide. She worc aj Rg icture bat theo ic gal govcràors re v apricot moh1air i vlvet bow culnrthc'layiug o!-an oa applI4ued lace on 'thccrovu. tic room sud Uic pane~ M ~~Edwardsp, Nwo also-àeted , scveral rooma. bn iaid, v a &frock 'ýi'hich ý Nw J.ryOrceWa f asiered likelh.at o! Miss Wclls 9 1 >plpgreen satnîHer- bat wvî of The insccter o Lgal Offices vi; gre mohaer. Bothktteins ta crn _______q.___ French boucjucts lupa&tW shadeaci masse vith Itby's brcath. Misas,~i bara KWtt, nicce o! Uic 'bride, asiI foywer l okcd vclry pretty lu a' Frenchvl-tnt dresspver pâlepihk I àiUk. She carrlcd a coenial bouquetI ]New iym .Anthcm juat rýecentlyis) d-a proved to be very m»Nch in demand. 66Com$srtinPrayer"9 by o'1h mLoneHendy For Choira, Churchea, chorals, tc. 35e..per copy. For sale by F. Landon, Wbitby.- MON UN ENTS1 N. W. STAFFORD Kingston Rd. Westý, Whitby Phone 68 R. 3-2 GRANITE AND MAUB.E £FALIER obekid of cemeterY work .4oîse .AV' rabale puces. Sae .C.mmimion-No Agents. .He.ads! yu lose- and tails we wîn on the mat- ter of competing in the laun- .dry. business. No home methods to-day cm , equal the modern laundry- in its cer- tainty of quallty resuits or in the cost of doing' the work. It la the oid story of amateur versus professional This particular iaundry ope- cializes un -"'family washes" only aud was designed -.from the ground up aud cquipped for that one purpose You will flnd one'of our five dif- ferent kcinda of service suit- cd te your particular. wash problcm. Have. a chat with, our young lady over the phone. -Thompson's WHUTBY EYESIGHT SPBCALIST Author o! >«Théeys lu Modem n*Life "Optometry Feature Scrvice" «Your Byca and Health» "Eye Care sud Eyc Strain" PHONE 1516 DW»ny'Bl.ck Oshawa, ont. Opposie Post ofie MY LISTINGS COVyER e mc If B J e. ~ i. Assoted boxes. of Bedding Plants,, sels-Sprouts, Celery, Peppers, to clear- at GERANIUM-S. ............. t)ther Assorted Plants HANGING BASKETS....... $eo Tho lOY SALI REFRI QERATO Makes- It's Own 1c Cali and See iït iii 0Operationle Fredz-Landon Opposite Burns' Cash liroccry, Wib .reg. -$2.75i ......... ..... zeg. $4.00 f ... . . ...rg. $4.30f< (c... ...... .reg,$1.5f1 .~reg. ;tss fc .rg. 45c.,f icaots te .Royal Theetre with .evoeY Puri anal upwards. eo HOME 0S MCAL aný.iWOSI Toi ilrMibtis IW"Us-4CA S AlIN iEllA OAL TEW SAIS I FIUTIIACtEALI. SIZELB Or*er fow whe P.rl tI If ýYoure .qualu.General Motors. Wood, Order Ilow whlle It. Is pwlrMifL &-SONS e34, Resideuce 345 Ly and Prices Are I f

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