Vol 64-No.' wHIBY, ONTARLO, CANADA, 19~ C. -A.GOOI BACCALAUREAT SERMON IN TU UNITRICIIURCII Graduates and Stà dents of The College Ileard a Fine Discourue Witi fie front et the pulpit a won- dertul mass et flower S d toiage, flowr, lunfthe pulpit deek, fie gms>d- uatos snd studenta occupyiug epecisi p ae ftie front, and fie bute aud- itorium fiîedtu th fe deers, fie- an- nual Baccalaureate sermon in cen- nietion with the Ontario Ladies Col-' lege was preacied in fie United Chur-ch on Sunda>' eveilngb ytic Bey. Harocld Young B. A, B.&.,oe St. Paul's Umited Char-eh, Teroento. Tic message conetitutod an ajppeal fer a sftudy ofthte great personaif>' et Jesus, fer cessecratios te tic higier fiage etlite snd tor eraf"er use et tic mediuma et prayer sin oe quieti place, away freux the noise sud ter- moil)et tie worfd, as a m*ans et gain- ing strength et charaçter sud a 1*ic- nss- fe Christ. Arr-sged b>' a special commttee et Castle Chapter, et *hlch Mfisa M. Au- nes wae convener, asaiâfed b>' Mre. John Rice, tie flewcers sud terne lu front efthfe churci were impi>' wen- dertul snd iu keping with fie.benut>' ot tic sdvice. Tic dispia>' sud ifs ar-engemeut muât la.ve meéauf maiy heurs of werk. In luhfe pulpit witi fie pastor efthfe church, Bey. A. M. Irwin, was fie- speaker efthfe evening, Rcv. H. Young, sud fie new principal et tic Colege, 11ev. DÉt. C. IX Carseellen,'ail taklng pat ln tic service. Tic choir sng a speclal suthem n ad Misa Helen Bun- ner, efthfe' Cllege, ren4ered a solo One efthfe hymne, "Fer- al fie Saints. Who Prom hVeir Labers'Beef," wass u8cd in memory o e I ate .ollege principal, Bey. F. L. Farewel,Who was iu the pulpit whea tic last Bacc- alsureafe sermon was preacicd. Be- tercuce tehis passiug wss made -Iu eueetffte prayers ofthte evenlug.- Christ,. Perflult>' Taking as his fcxf "And Jesas bade fie people tarewell and 'tf ~into a nieuntaln u tepma>," Bey. eMr. eung tiret spoke efthte great per-sonality. et *Jesusewhlchilmpressed a1 eux ho he came in centr-act dur-lng hie brief esrthly miniet..lt proved s rese- suce ence te sand et mes wIuo md been sent te arreet Hlm for- ils teaci- lugesud hie miracles; it teucicd fie heart et the isrdcued Roman sodi* wtio standing b>' aft tcecrucifixion (Continued on page 2) DANFORTH uii BSINESS Tianfnth Business Meu's Associa- COnuUNT! TAX RATE IS NINE MLS AN INCREASEOVER YEAR197 LARGE BUDGET FOR GOD ROADS More Money for Oshawa Suburban Road Commission - $3,400 for Town of -WhitY--Aleged .Inefficiency of Foremen Declared to be Adding to Road Comte- More. Expenditures"for Roads Undertaken this Year The fax rate for tic Count y et Ontario for ail purpeses iu 1928 = nl o inemils, su increase et 'Erse quartera of a mili over Jat year. Fer geucral purposes tic rate is six sud n hali Tie rate for goed meads wl ho fwo andt a hait maillé, an lucresse e oft tree quarters a ta miii over -1927, and, uccessar>', .accerding tortehfxaCeunty Rends Committec, on *acesst et al lrger programme et work te ho un- derteken sud te meet unforsecu ex- peditures. Ie'o roade rate was appreved cf tteFÈlday afteroon sesson et thé Ceunîl, but net ber-e a lengthy debate a aenpaedrngwih charges were mnade' b> several mcm- bers fiat tlxere- was considerable ln- eflicieucy ou fie part. et -count> rend' toremen, sud-ftis, if was icld, .wasj contributor> teéfthe county's ever lui- creasing read coste. Twe extra expenditures cmbodied lu tic two ands hait miii rate arc $2,00 for fixe Oshawa Suburban Boad Conm- mission te, cover* extra ceet et pave- ment construcfcd.laet yenr, sud $3,400' te tie Townet Whitfb>', reprssentfing 50 per cent et thc ameunt paid b>' fiat muicipalif y ounged' rends levies for fie ye&r 1926 sud 1927. It wss turtier p'ixted touf b>' meibers oethfe CountyCuade Comltte fiat a ver-y caretul euir-iad becu made oethfie proposcdi.espgndifumes for readsansd bridges submittcd la Januar-y sud fiat while reductios îhid been made wixer-, ever possible, if wbuld take fie cufire two sud hait mille te ,financetfis 9ya- programme as nppreved et by. fie Departmeut f e-Higlxways. The eut>' ofher alternative *Ès te curtail fhe work, whici fie>' dîd nef thiuk advieable, or te fincur a deficif. Rural Places Would Suifer -Speaking-on this poinit, Reeve A. W. Jackson poîited eut tint. if fthe Coun- cil undertook toecut fie miii rate . k ced fer t weuld have te eut ouf seme et fie werk planned for tuis season, and, if fia was deoe, tic rural' sec- tions wouid ho tie sufferers,. as fite fexpenditures, for urban centres were Iflxcd b>' statut e. Tic Commiffee of I wiiei .is was a member, had gene. caretuil>' over fite count>' rends ru-; centi>a' sud mdndeairored te keep dowu expeuditures as muci ne posa. ibic. Tic>' fried te ho ecouemîical but found fiat certain work whlci tic,> 4? ircommýeded was absolujtel>' ne- Ciarges Ineficiene>' Wardeu G. Id. Forsytiopincd fixat tien will holà their annual picnie in Ituecent s n~îrus. av Whltby fhils year, gathering at fie isrn d bridges taken over by Tewn Park on ticetternoon et Wcd- the Provincial Highways Deparfuient. needy, Jne 2fiwellover100He cited instances te show fiat the nesdeyg. Tue js the eecafoner 100governiment spent fwo dollars 'for ev- ond vi1,lt te Whitby sud the- chances eyoesotb'u enip ik arethfit trom now on tiey will ntie eriug, in rgavelling. ",Wc are net geft- an annual visit here. Arrangements for ung effieiency,"1 declared. tic warden, their entertainuwnt are lu fhe hisd whe ndded fiat he hmd received inu> efthfe Whitby Post of tie Candian complaints et inefficieucy -on fhe Part Legion who 'have undertaken to sup- et counfy rend teremen,- sud nsked ni>' the supper te maise tunda for fie members et Ceundil te report te, the ilumnation et tic war memo T.jhe Iciairman et the Bonds Comxittee any Legien wlll aise prepare a programme- complints et men lu the ceuuty's em- and arrangements fer the use efthfie pley net deiug their weric. Tie Ceun- orchestra sud dancing at tie pavillion t>' Rend Superinfeudeut could net at the Park. One tenture efthfe atter- wtci rend toretnen al fie time, as noon will be n sottball game beween he had.tee muci work te do. He re- Whitby Firemen anud Dautorth mer- Iated how one torcuxan came th work( chants. In the evenhg fihers wil be{fhe - otier morning -at 8.15 instcad et a dance at fie pavillien, fie visitors ' aud he would prebabi>' bill fie coun-( eugaglng tie pavillien teor their ex- ty foi 10 heurs instcad et. 8'k heurs. clusive use for' thrce heurs. The Le- The warden- opiued fiat if ail fore- glon will have seversi attractions ou men lu fie county'semploy, wcre1 fie grounds during fie day. (Contiuued on page 6) 1 FINE AGRICULTURAL. SHOW AT TH1E BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR Annual Event Saturday Attracted Many Prominent Breeders of Live Stock and Horses - Attendance Wtt. Large and. Exhibits Welup to Average in Num- ber and Quality-Boys' PhYsical Exercise4 Dispay- Softbai Gaines, Horseshoe Throwing Conteet, Even-« ing Concert i Big Programme. * IlookiluSpriug Pair 'Sf111contin- uel te be fie pepular agrculturl show wiudow et Soufti Oufarîlasd *aise a meeca for amateur athletie or- ganizatiens £reom a widc district. 5sf- urda>' affernoon af fie Commiunit>' Park fie asnual Fair, ciauged lu date frein May 24fi, proved a succese frein ever>' efandpoint sud wili slwase h r-caembered aseeueetf-tte beet freux mon>' efandpeininthe icFaim Asse- ciafien'e bluter>'. Tie atteudance *ass l arge sud fie number and ciasse et eu- tries wcre a liff le aboesthe average. ,ricre was s good programme, witu inu>'ncwteaturese,sud tic wcticr mn did his bit tewar-ds nxskiug fie dir-eteresud all aftendlng tie Fair happmy. Tiers waa, a partillarly fiue dis- pil>' et live stock sud xerse, suad iu- çbxided in tue exhibitors wcre suds wcll known fariner-s sud stock breeders as R. R. Mowbrav, Picering, short- borne-, R. Duft & à on, Myrtie,lier-ses; Y'r-k Betty, Breeldin, herss; Doeg las Tiomsen, Brookln, Jersey -cows; ef Robins, Hampton, herses; Roy Hall, Breokil, horsee; E. Parisi Uxbridgeý horsees and -G. N. Irwin, 'htoeearcu Fam"Pckeriug, ixorses. -A new exhibitor- file year wus -Mr. F. P. O'Connor, icsd oethfe great Leur-a Secerd Csndy Company', inio iew )hot extenive bande ou Dawes n...Àamd lm.u.and ist Poinoe inlu -V DRAMATIC CLUB« PRESENTS. ýPLAY Presentations. to Miss A. A. Bail From her Whitby Friends and Class One efthfe peiplar eveufs lu cou- nection wifh fli clesing efthfe Ou- tarie Ladies' Celege has always becu fie comm encement pis>' by fie Dra- matie, Art- Club on tic evening pre- eding .fhcday et graduation, sud- thsyesr this event ?roved ne excep- to.Teday eve rgtfe Concert 'Hall was mnore than tiIbcd witi stu- dents aud friends >fethfe Coleewe fie Club, under fihe able drcine Mise A. A. Bail, witi thirteeu y0uug' Iadiestaking part, prissentecd fie com- mencement play,1 "Little Lord Faunt-à lemo>," a fin#ý- interotation et tic weil knewn stor>' b> Franea Hodgsen Burntf. The varieus ciaracters. lu tep were weil represented'sud tew ofe cdiacter eflected muei cam and. tiougbt lu trainng. l speetator were unanimeus lu pro- nueng the -play the beat fiat has ., han m î' theA flle in ifl»M5 EVEN AS[D FOR. i NATURALIZATION Oebw& IMIliFace:Charge Of FaJs Pretences The C ounty Court and General Ses- sions of the Peace e>ened at the Court. House- Tuesday atternoon -with Ris Honor Judge Thorapson presiding. There were- two, jury and six nq4- jury civil -actions. q the c dochet, and i most oft them'mor ear*driver were involved. Amncmiwas made that so me otthe saczo ..wm settled--eut of Court utid wsre r704oeed -mo ý Crewn 'Altorz4ëey'Z. A: kbouSIn formne& Ris Ipnpr that there-were ne crimiinI a bses tý,ýo~e ýe'befozra the Courtý* 'ust$ie. He s~td seven applicatons frr natdiWliiatiot- and oné trom CaanýIgt4'.lT' 'ap- plicants were: Joe) ýxinta, aaSb ina, Erne, Balan, - drew 'Tutak, Onu- try Olinzk, John Sayehukalin of Osh- Sawa, eand, Samuel Max SjUasî Cn, nlngton. The appliteants wr i questioned by RHis Henor. -AUlwt the exception-, ofue have been lu* Cati- ada thePequired five years ând de- clared their intention te stay. . They were ail fine looking, meil with good jobs. The Court of Sessions previougly contirmed *the appointinent of C.' A. Martin and Gregory Buddy as county constables,. and struck off the list the naine et William Montgomery, Beav-' eryon., resigned. Faces Serieus Charge LU Morphy, a former Oshawa 'but,- cher, appeared- before Rlis Honor te electAtrial on a -charge of obtaining the sum et 41,700 by faise pretences- from Fred Clemence, ef Oshawa.- If is alleged thà t Morphy while in bus- iness* obtained goods te this amount sud.-falsely represented that he had certain assets te* satisfy- the debt. The prisoner made ne plea and the ttrial was set dewn for hearing by Judge Thompeon on June 2th. B3ail *was, renewved. FA kM ¾, Tieme was eereté d ýst week- b> fie HRonorable Mr.Ju4é Raney, te the senior Jue ot-9ntÃzio County;' the queâtion' et wietber -the Town et Whifby or jihe >shaw.. Cenéral 'Rs- pifai Boarà 7 lýeîeùitled4ê fie '"w00 l4equest left by fie laie CoL J. E. tampx.mU, KG, tor hespitl upoe lu Whifby,; subjet tu2Mphance b>' fie Town or Cebunty' ôt_'Ontarib' or 'befi with certain stipulations The case was argued at some bngt betre Mr. Rancy at Osgoodc Han sd if'new remains wifi Judge Tenpsnte give- &L déecisi'on. Geore H.8edgi%,on behaif etf thiCcutrcetof tht ofethfie Ite J.-E. YaMwell, aked et Jutite BRanc>' an interprétation oeta clause lfitr Farewei's wl. This previded fa I prier.tb i"s deati ýor witbi;tree years. thèreïfter, etthie ,e. t te oft WMthfy :or fie 1uwly ý4fX cel bofb. -sioifd ataI -the Mation ot &M0sboud be paid t I up istate ¶ebA ialW"s iaene- 1 .__-1 iùder_-f ie .residuary -clause et the. a4ditiên -l"aie t it f Wbtifby 6nthe Cenjit>' did net hve a time, 0 .ëwa e ae i resid-. uary infe*t F aiiU _wlmStarted - On, behait et fixe Town et Wiitby, if w a tted tint Mei Farewell jiedI iu Deceinbe 192&,* sud tfie,'ire ears peiodwaupIv 12 . Tu1921'thec Town 'le t h~fb cu e éb carter fe hsit lTheat 'c approv- cd fi. "projet. ýand e taerie , Cout>' voted a contribution.ontracte weme, let, rX_ Sedgwvick ssd, sud woek stat-i cd riofe eceber28, 1926. There was excavatioii started,. he said, "but how muci he did nef kuew."ýp .Gideon Grant, LC., 'representing tie Oshawa Hospital Beard: "Tic>' rau. a -long furrow and called if doue at fiat."1 Later Mr. Grant dcclarcd: ",We sa>' tic>' have dpne netiing since." Ris Lerdship: "Tic question is did tic tewu or count>' bring fiemscîves within fie wordigefthfe, wil?" Mr. Granit poiaited eut tic words: "Undertake sud 'commece te -build" iu tie> *111 and -submitted that a trial would ho rcquired te determine wieth- cm work- ceuld ho said te have becu ho-. gun. .Ris Lordship' lu eferiing fie case te tic Senior Judge et Ointarde Count>' constitutcd tic Rospital Board et Osh- awa, -plaintifs sud fie Hospifal Board (Cont"d nu 'fpage 2) Comnmencemenýt Day held at tic On-' farie Ladies' -C4lcge.ou Wednesday, wken tweËIty-mmne-graduafes wr awarded thoir diplomas, sud preseufa- tien e'erfcas mdais; sciela r-. shipe suaid jdss,'brougifte à a -véry suecce-sstu'elosé fie 5*th.College year. 'Mc Commencemen.t; jrogramme ws ield lu fieafteriioon, affer a. moru. in et great activit>' on fe part et fe ftacuit> sud studeufa.'aild-top tie presenitations sud pmro to-,eCon- cermt HallwasUed wthrelatives'sud triends f fie studeufs aud a large- numnber frein Wu - and 4surQudir ditit twas a kùnl nsd lu- pirlg agitee, ,iisplndem -in whit e, 'aMt carrying *e t rmssstcp .toriWard te "re- ~ 'thé rew ra e iir effots,. ver ' be tftul wi fh l ilacs, ros s ud. 4 terne. 5éted wxtls fiepreeideut.et tic -Beà rd,'Dm.. 'C. F.""cGhlivray, were fie principal, Bey,. Dr.-C. . C-ar- "allm,, Misse Maïwekl, lady princIpal, Bey. 'Dr. Fraiser, -et Dunibartou B e. Dr. Dobsen, princip al etf Alus Ladies ColgMm. R. C.amiIton xprei dm tToronto, members oet fixfacuIty- .duatensd ofiers. - HadOatsfsnding Year-> Tic Principal,.Dr.- CarsedilIeni, hie addiress, stf-qed fiat the yesm just clos- iug was euee fthfe beet lu fie iistomy1 et fihe Cofiege.' Thies was an enrol- mentof 151, u clag was IOUed te ve -m Ci] s8 COUNTY ù CLNIt1I~ZZ1S SESSION; MUCH BUSINESS DONE1 W Tax. Rate Struck,ý County Assessmnent Equalized-Roads and Bridges-Budgets Approved of-Grants for Ed- i ucation -and Agiculture-Many Bridges to be Re- paired-Atherley Bridge ýQuestion StURi Ingett1edc While County Loses Money-Warden Advocates Restricted Area. for Certain SmaII Gamte. Atter a session of three and a hait sien the Roads and Bridges Commit- days Ontario Couty Council complet- 1 tee, of which- John Boss,. of Thorah, cd its June business with a brief ev-j brought in a lengthy report with a ening session Friday, when the report number et recommendations dealing of the Ronds and Bridges Coninittee principaily with county bridges. was discussed 'and adopted. Duriug, New Bridge at Canmigton j the Session the Council struck tic fax, The Dobso n bridge at Cannington. rate, adopted the good roads budget, wilî>e. reconstructed at a cost et approved of reconstruction ot one $188557. There is iu counection there- large bridge aud repairs to several with an agreement with tie village others; considered grants 1P outsideto the sale efthfe superstructure of Higi Schools and Collegiates for tih fi adbig ofevlae for education of County pupils; nmade te i d bide42.he70vllgefo grants for the cause ot agriculture ini162.. the'counfy; approved of improvemeuts Tic County. will not assume re- to county buildings and gave atten- 1sp*uiiiyfrth ntlaine tion te considerable business. Th ic w g gai at tie C.*RR. crossing warden's injuniction at the commence-, terl Station as ordered by.tii men ettheSesionte pce upbus- ,Board ef Raiiway Coniissiouers, the nes iu erder te avoid an extra ses- Ronds and. Bridges Committeetaking cil wifi the result that business was cae nte provincial highway. fromi qucky and efficiently despafched. Whitby to Lindsay, it la a matter te Priday evening at the closing ses- <Coufinued on page 2) At the Baptist Association This-Week ýES y. tOLLEG 0F 111Eà S54tfr ORGANIem9h1>O TRAIE Board of -Trade o- Chamber -of Commverce siiüch ýas lis fuuctioniag in other places, mmuy, e them much smaUler th" n Witby? This day evcnung ia Â0Mgcalf b.ýy tie eitig -Boà trd et Trade vice-pedidebt, *.. G. L.-Mac- dougailabo- b. ieId.in the Ceea- cid Chaa&br at esghit Wéo'IOCk To' lategrestl lu'-f.thtown's J*ogress are 1nvUe&dqW Id ijehopeilthat there will ho a large reprseta- tien of the, business à nd ,p rotes- Éional- me1i. Whitby is growing and:t theres on everj haà d evidenceJ of 2rosperity. There-'e a feling/ that' a-Board. of. Tradé could.do etfectiv e'wock at thisturne,,sudj that: it would % Iudlenty 'te do.- ALUMNEHFiV ga cmu *R>' Park, r compreliepsi tai -epjcf Pt ihe d u 0erp dlegatei fie"eCount>' C a number eft]t ýapaci't>' ansue insu>' ppUcations, for ai---~ ~U u xiffauceiad te o eteuseci ile .exdor-sePir-mdrP apirit et- fie studeut body sdbeilJga t Fnction incon-School Board Bill,7 r-ry fine.- Touching référeuce ' >* _ver>' live queui inde tetfe -pà ssing. etftthe late Pr-m- necton -With O ., L C.", whici weuld gpve: ipai, Rer. F.L. Fam-well, t imfe Closing Exerissoer. te - ieoin peaer gave. credit, .along Wifi hie isuferel -olleagues, for the successefthe year. petent, was net e (Cenfiuued ou page 5) A -deigitful sud.-intcrestîug eveuf nt poited eut fiat i _____________ luconnectien wifh flhc Ontario Ladiss ez surs dAemis Celiege Commencement Was ft ie ar- tianca tom bis fin nual Alumnaelunclxeonit eld at, ordndeh GRADUATES AND. ollck en Tuceda>'luic ehee rd ue edto ieeoi lug. mou sud concert hall. In, adihi. UN ER RA UA ES fou te memberso e.is differuxntiTic Commnitcee UNDER RADUA ES-,Chapters. efthfe Alumuse sud otacri recemmended fial forimer -students, sud tic, gmnduatiug 1 sued te coverthée class, .tic entire studeut hody -ofeti1 Count>"'s Buteret HEAR- ý I . RE ITAL mnaý T s etofUxb] HEA D I R CIT L ollcje was cntertainedn s 'Alumuse Towasb Two. Pleasant Functions lu fieartistically decorated t ables laà denerlecut Coimection i th 0.LC. Tic teasfmistress was Mrs. Lda Conge - -presideuf et Trafalgar, Chspfé, To4 (rd monte, su 'z , addres-s o et cm given b>'. the- rinZcipalý, tcRr Tuecisig xeciesfi ~Dr. C. B. ~arealen,- was- a ineet rec in cenuection wlihfie :Ont.amicrdale e Tictoast t iÂGa ~adIA~ Cfleg iftiude. . CIles" sdjproposed by MissI h e graduate . sud un t rcm uaTeA. A. B al, ft4- ie ai gahof pupls, at whlci ver>' fine pregrames College SougÃŽ, adn eôdd f'represu .d icAsmi'Ril ieMr Snl ,asnoi tuden ~etictlg crefu tminlg su u od f thfe year. Tic addresses b>'- bofi fnite part et teaciers sud pupils. aporaeadt h on. At boti :recitals a; numiber- et frieuda wereaprpafsdtefepin ~t ieColee er oniad a adi-Tien came tie. vote etf thanka, pro on te Cflseuts. o -bn, x-ad-posed b>' Mrs. J. e Elson suad ru- Frida>' eveuing fthe uudcrgraduates spnded te b>' Mrs.> Norman Suii, gave tîcir r .ecital, fie programme1 in.-, boti of Trafa1War Ciapter. Tic final. îiudiug feu cflightfui numbers, as tol- ,ube1atcslg .ge tc- -- Lews: . flouai Autheni. . Mzows ki"w aizs Dut)iCiaptera represeutcd at fthe lunch" --Nina Edwards sud Efiel.'Cross. Luc- cn ncudd ate CatR' lity as ",An Interlude"; Moszowskî "Go-nd- Trafalgar, To ronfo lyerson, Hail- oea-Pearl Milîlgan. ikn- ton, and tic, Chà pter in. tic Capital Reading, "Shm Weler's Valentine"- if',otta. loig h'lnh Ethel Cross. Schumaunn "Noveleffe in Tic prgaxoiongtclch E", I-Betty Wrightf.- Sinding- "'Rustie con was .icld lu tic C oilege Common et Springe"*-Phyliaý Chailis.,-Laudon reoomsu p-vd eb.a er'ie Ronad-Vcal olo - " Loelyligittul one. Mrs. Lvdiatf, et* To- RonaldVocà l olos Margaroet Ironto, uas again ln tic ,chair, and NÀghtf" and iEveuing," rgg atter .yen' satisfacfery reporta: hai' Luke. Liszt-f "Cantique d'Amour"- bc edbyfemSetr u ras- Margaret Barfon. Arcusky "Valse and iue fý ooasrneed1 E.(A Polonaise" freux Suite for Twe Pianos ueapaosi n edr. > E.(A ý-Margaret Barfon and Betty Wrigt. i Miss Dorotiy. Beattie, eue. ofthe stu- Ordained Pà stor, ýGraduates Récital * dents, followcd by a-re.adingy, "Faine, Ciircib>' fie1 On Saturda>' eveniug fie Hall was (Contînued n pg )fe soito weii filled wien tic principal,. Bey. ,Dr. Caracalien, presidcd, over fie me -~ B -ID A A TS S ciftni, given b>' members efthe grnd- WUUITBYLN S Y .A ç uafing clasa..'Tic programme .was -au Z exceptionally fine -oeeasd lncluded: the foliowing numbers: I 'REPORT A VrAD n Op. 13 and* Raun "Thec Runf"lw-Mar- I_____ ion Remiderson. Paderewski 'Chaùtl- d'Amour" sud MacDowcll "Frem -a Financiali C-chsof the Associat Wandering Iceberg" anc,"'To fie Sea"1YChrle -Faifh Baaeff. Lord . Dunsane>' __Tan"min Recent'Yiiars-.$8,OO Conti Bendlug.-"Fame and tic Poet"l-Mur- iel gr Shttlwoth. Bac -:"Ace ation to the McMasteir Iniversit, Moderato" freux Italian Concerto, pud WhMtb)y Past-or . Ordaîned* to the 1% Schumann ."Noveiefte luF"-Itelcn C Silverfiomne. Liszt-Vocal Solo "Die Curch--Ciinnington Church Asks .1 Lorelei"ý-Mnou -Henderson* Liezt Wornen Report Progresi Church V "Rhapsodie Hongroisey" Ne.-6-Dom- oUi>' Beattie (Post Graduate).' ______Tic annualiýessionis eofthe Wiitby- uIflA'IAJLinda>- Association etofBaptiaf Ciur- ORDIN TIONOF 7ches was ieid lu in.thixltby Ciurch LOJNG SE Tucada>' sud Wednesday under, fie WHITBY PASTOR M o fntriLp tfi ev,-dn- IV -cluded natters oet greaf importance for considération ,iucluding certain Capt T.ý F. Best Ordamned at ichanges in tic consttution ma nec- Palmer 91 Te saary -by passage. of fluxe sud ,change ada M eigHère o us- in conditions wlic report . 1on.niater an an- à à dy Niglt lrendy accomplishéd lent -ail iinusual of. iht element'of i te fitote gatheringa. Tic rocedigs, Tucada>' morming, -CaptaluT.F.Bést, well, sud fwome opencd. wifi devotional exercises Tic 'sittungs wldely.knownï on account et is.work lcd b>' Captain -Bleaf, pstor efthfe Sf Whitb>' oÃ"n Ti iu coxinection, witx thecY3LC.A. sud Whitby Churci,, femiug,,aftting lu- HuMer Judqc '1 amon fial.an e hurcies as au troduction tte tvi busis ot fie-day. fiY one, -aiflu eagifwas presented.-fôr examin-7 Over oee iuidxxd dglegates:register- lnân> cases -On aonwtha vew,- ordiitioni te a cd. ees ot inpOi'f cndlcled .for tint purpose b>' fhe Letters frein fie churcixes giving Allan' Wa]ker -WtbBaptftChurci et wbdch Cp.parficulars regardiug fie work carriedMm-Sue, Beât, is ti à cti>ng 'MIDIsteér, af? fixe out dud ii*te ycar-sud, givingindica- Harudén aga1à Wwitby-Lindsy ?Bptist -Associatien1-ue epreoent standing aud oeutleok i The tirst <*i onTuda. - ..- wcro rcssI, sud the usual record etf bb>'tfe dêeei 1 Tic e mxfliet l in e-sèhoolrfom gainsansud bases- duli>'asd careful>' 110recever' 9', eft hé Unîfed , -Curcx, -.by the 'kind eodlà déred. Onfbèéwhole if appearec i.ied '*08 '_ *courtes>' e, tb,- IO fficia-"Board, 'sudmfiat excellent work haïd bec d -oue. 1 aund'sEiaxg a'tt proc-edte1 rgniefr-fi -wrketYzM- tic fiuciar pint et i- e~(d 7rt,- rater- if thec Whitby-Llnmlnay- BaptltAssocaticu," - Ce5n-- hr .e hiseek. page ifra4on P qn m-G dme~Bcie ikras and Other iT 'ýý-A*à rds-CIever S*adeutis R.warded'for Oiittamd- .ing,,Work-Fin- e Efiits of Arts anid Household scienâce 1Delpqxt uets--Cosng Addr MI by. Principal ofAb% ita offfeSt. Thomas. -mi ý 1 e4ýon paq 1 âending cc