Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Mar 1928, p. 6

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PAGE Sm FAV R IRAs CoOl F R tYoung bering tees. About 4 acres of surirof $r),000.0 nterest; and tORT landofa s oa o the th oveeisead jr- aubject toa, areserve bld. AND HIIIW Y ise ~ rampae 1 Halt a Sity rgao. Thse Kroufdsurroufldog the For further particulurs and con- SPECUALISTS MN MININO SECURITIES OsaACoNcI Lends t hereosisuisntt ere a ufcet Fut-a-tbves 1'corrects experta. IConant & minis, William MawLSE N JLSE -~ ~ ~ ln available tisere for tise air part, Terns-10% of tise purcisase maney Barriters, &c., -Auctisaeer. Q~g u n u ~ i~ .a Osappot to ProposIs weas aposa iber aect suc annd ]BiadderandLidaeTroiible fat the timeof thse sule sud tise bal- 7 %Samcae Street, S.,U.UW4*~mu3~, tuprbt rpoas lougbt tisat if pressure wa s rougist suce ta ho paidthi thi brty days Oshawanario. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Submtte byWiby a turaad rapr rpreesttios iTise property is uubject to, a prior Dated iut Osawa tbas 28th day of - ~~~~Mude, the Toronto representatives reitedmrtgeauesrtse AD12 Aunoated very briely in tisese fal- coutillbe made ta ses that Whitby masI 'bur edOfc:Rtr htdn uniss ast week, tise Oshsawa CitY te logical locution for the casîp sud Casant taust Wednesday night uanrs ttst its establishsment here ssoatd ben- nsously upprovesi a resotution fax-or- efit tisera as useti. He poistesi sut fur-M ing tise establisisment of un usr po rt tiser tisat if suris a camp came ta RoT UESSE tby i wusjuotpassble hut ome reem u1'ilng St. E., Oshawa-Phones 143 and 144 sud lsa tise proposai tos anstruet' a lsrge plant eanfacîaring arroplanePoeCts OrEpne Tarata t Quber oasdry. Witis regarsd ta the prsposed nem Torintoway unie ae isore o orsmud oal sr.Last Fewi' E ays of Sale Tise question of tise Wiitisy air- lukesisore coud, Mr. Annes said tbat Mt V R T I G G E part was brought ta tise attention of no stoneassould be left unturied to Ma HMAS GRAtAM W tis cunil t tafirt ebuar metfurtiser tise sciseme objet scsuld be of 'ta axt y aisnd tried sU las! VRTIOO th orii tit is Fburyme-_u i.51 meios Sur 'bladder sud kits>.lse e- '-' ing by F. H. Aunes of Wiitbs, misa immense value ta Wiitby. trouble, wbivb usedtet keep me irrit Store Closes N la uu 331 painteti out tisat bath tise Taown of __________________wark a aoutsta tlime, untl 1 I araed Wisitisy ansItise caunty of Onturso laking 'Fruit a tiers' Tisunisata 'Ti bave posseti resolutions favsring tii arstivsoo otdy 1ae ee ayhDOKuaefoun, ot, ot sitpfroveatseaion afTheisese utio YTiso uvaas fisk ay.1vae nt. rTyBosGreCiaCls o of N t o n lofnc i ut C mtur lfre i, r peaia, i t n il e i suso n, B i , î l e . ..............s. «t. . pse ytect oni]stwe bet dterut ean I a o no "mtes Mr. u . a ds, BaoliS upplism ak re wrs , ad n res aoenissthj ersod a iot -ir"ssabng ain li factooonuerous t -o .-.'--.k. .. ..' lybodesabann eti ise etobea iostiasifrIa 5: tce mnin W hi is a ti al n g th L is s so e a-b la siter a nt ib daey tra m ubl es. of t m arkso f».::.: C r ez P ap: 0 " o' » P"yoa .- ofrdsatioa eie, tiseCam Bresal Usnodwtu sreng owng oY.Yu ics ld- Pet Co s, l ,nSoeCaes, Sands, Stoe, -....... tion praceedu, "tisis Council tirsires ta "Fruil-a-tives" tise ver>. tbing yoar sys- 4 Bist Cabinets, Etc. impreos apon tise Ministere of irfence, tem neis. lIast O e ialci tisa Honorable Col. J. L. ltalstooi, ts rcns thet rct almay--to-ay. importance ta Osiawa and Toronto of s o atitain g w isat ap p ean s s t e ne B o k S . S , 5 D s S u h o o t O f c of tise tarot sitrs in Canada for tise ue atadsac fToTos parposes nalneîlas avrIl as prsmoting SixHudisned o iannit-he eti BokS.S,5D rs ouh fPstOie aviation grserolly in this csastr,. Six663')indreioantiSixtetree fet Tise otter resolation, lookiivg ta -<68 aeo est ielat ____________________________________ marsis tise estaisliaaiment if asaitiser ]friit of Mar Street, tise place of lha- "- ______________________ Provincial Higismap, wticlissilt fui-gnig lom as neorly as possible tise store of .Soving sud Excepting tisereaisaut Luise Ontario andthie River St. Laow-and tiserefrors att portso f said Lot "O !-ence is: ,No. 25 whiicis have bren ierett re ' Tisat tiis Counil expresses its R.. I. MORLEY ald and couveyrd ta tise Port 'NbyG O approval of tise proposaI to immcdi- General Manager ladustrial Accident sud Port Perr>. Bous>. Company., utety csnstract o igisway along tise Preventisa Associations, missfrei no0w kIcuas0tise Midianti Braacis 0f Laisnore eastward from Taronto ta time,$u lime fureses ineresling ar- tise Grand TrunaRiIw5>ayad For- tise Queises iouutsry, aeil as 5l5pCv- ticles on "Accident Prevention" wiich tiser Excepting tisereabout "rd tise, et isy tise City of Tarantsoand tise appear ia tise Gazette and Chronicle. fraonail parts of ssid Lot No. 95 Tonof Wiitby, and furtiser tisot _________________ ich iayu have heen heretofore sai, 115H ) C A R S siet tiglswoy possatraugis tisesari- anti conveyeti to tise Csmphellford oas Tomnsansd Cities un tiseNats. Lakte Ontario and Western ltaiimay shore of Luise Ontarioansd River St.Derv OWDs of Comanay. M L U H I -UC edr Lreuinea nt oaardluf thise Secondly-Lots Numbers One, Tto If you are anticipating the purchase of a good si remine undiaa'uted bes t. M ayor of e cs Town a ity al ngL ic e n s e F ees iThree Mu nici eel Pln , fM a t o f'a L ots , used ca r ju st look o v er th is li t, corne in an d n - a c ea u g i n Buset v a lust a n d d s rfo rm -c thcop f hsdroutiand s e Namber 25, in lise SpeontiConcesso ptthrdiehrnadbcnvndta hy Quyo hsreouinb sn o-Oe of two letters rmad ut tise of the Township af Wldtby. ae pettem rvete adb Cnice ht hya c stll e the sadarsbh mari] to tise Prime Minister andti t Towa Cuuncit meeting on Monda>. This faria comprises 43 acre. mare are ail that we dlaim. ohrcr r ugd ine of utarlof e o- evoniug mas fror tise Towns Catucil or legs la tisa Tomwo n if Witis>andi ince of Ontario." ocf Dandas auking furtiser opposition costitutes une of tise met beautifal 12 odCueT e L a e ta tise bill now iefore tise Privute gestlemnan's residences eastofa!Tor- 12 odCueTie L a e Observe 35th Aniversary Bills Comrittee of tise Ontario Leg- auto. On tise lansh;i saidteta stand a 1925 Ford Sedan ' ,) o is a i e h m ou tti deleg ate t larg o t7-room eti , m a nrie r bou se, 4 a o K e h a IC ontinard from page 1 C ou uty Co a icils tise po ser nom ru- room eti lotige, large tara, w t 9 3 O e i n o rnmT i s g o s M uhiB lc K e e p w u A h e d joyeti by ail minar municipalities of silo, -car garage, green bouse, peut- 1923 have:n t e c lt to o h ig ise r tu tig e . H is WV o rs h'P issu in g lîc en o os te p e tid ie ro . a sti try h a n se , su d p sc k in g b u e . A b u t 1 9 2 2 C h e v r o le t R o a d s t e r ta Sa . r . - V -. h d R o m C 6 1 ý p i S I ; nom ed severot of tise chater mem isers ba-liens. Tise Dundos letter oaggeot- 5 c e s tus been planteti for orchard E W . S d " W u - bM Fi. , Ai. Cinna atiti live, su t also cong rotulate t h ie e] tisat if ti bi lltt as pasoed, lise 'su t um ali fruits, com prising about 250 1 2 h v o e0.pt l S d n s m l i e g . gS i M - d Taqo. T., b. i ra ul d la Ohm Chi T Ri..B .1. p r e s e to t ic e r o a n ti m e m b e r s f o r t h eis t r e a b o u it t e sa b o e r -S a Tan nwihe arog re on.tend tise privilege te temas of 4,000)-12 AckCueadà eodo ilualios i lesa ornsar a inerfoi; 1923Buik Cope r homkam..ac Wir Ca IamireC Tis e prgram me nldt e fts-auo.R 's a ntisabanda of amer two million owners antidrivera. Th pogameinlde tef.l.-Tiere a-ass oure htte su rprise AlA1925 ukSea ing aumisers: Sang, Me. J.1.Thomas; o; UhelCin eos he, n rfe-l'0 he G.M.C. Deforrd Pay Plan aRers on sang, Mes. Nicholson; Scotch sang, amngtse Cclors gisn, efer ge -i aMcLnageblIn.Bnlc..1 Zî Roergtisodrs; ddressmsFl Orcîsimce titstietossappuo Our pricl's are right. Your present car taken as Y mîso,î- .ngMn rat Tscetiglti lon of 4,600 people not icludasg tise reaiso;ng, rs. FrankthWelt adog Me Qtur.otoIsupitai. part payîltent with Time Payrnent Terms to Me &s song, Mr. An erson; ogEuir-j po a tino hib ;E gie rP in- 1 have an ordr for ,000 ens I . Sirîgistsoîrs; atidreases, Bros. E. IL gle replylng tisat il wasu4,600. The wihms cfle yArlIt o UC Blow anti W. J. Hallett, tw. charter cu'nillors ere ai looking surpriset wiso ich muo be l wlld.b pi a memisera; sang, Front Tiseastgolti. and lesaed at tis s uppaseti increasa All ay I ndeoffo cahpc o 0-"- Tise aceampaulats orre Mrs. Frontkahen tise engineer bastil>. correcteti Wl adh~stcs rc o h aiiM trI - U C W lls, Misa Venu Ricisardon asti Mm. himiiet! anti auppliet h ie proper ig- gcxod fat lcus. T e D vd s n N t r C o .a.t dM F A T M R S L S Lim ite R. Andrsn.AIlof tise nursiers wepe ures, nomety 3,696 for tisa tomnansd Ifitrsephn 81 VUy appreciatet, bat tho e isy M . A uden - 1,500 for tise lasspital m otlug a total a fd r ee s c d hr e s I, W lailk a d o ti c D e l rsO h a a O t so, hovey lvelyimero ate f 5,196. Tisa moult plsce the tow, ndrvrchac. Harry Lauter, mde tise bit of the ev- in tise dues oullineti andthie proposai St i Dundas St.,,W ib ening. wl egiven furtiser conideratian W ib OshawaStOnt The fi rat speater of the evening, Il might tie natedt iatWithbu Whitby, n.bas. ----------.ar ui'Mtaeslnae Wl L i Ts. falluuing tise atidreso ythtie chair- atreati>.sent a prutent againat the that tise tersa "Daugistersofo Engisut" Two Famillea For Relief YnU Rnin Nolisklt ' îb ihn. AS a ' sa ouc meruhars anti loers of not only a there mere tut Imo famillea nom re- 1tiu se gel fMr S ûbilla Spabra Tuant country, bal s great empire misipisem- cei-eaag relief fron the town to micis lciaaet f CopSarrt, Head bracea ili i is fait nations, com- Mayor flatemnureptiedt hat tlisacon- Bodaatis (raa slam is-. monmesltisaanti calnes, kuamu nul milIe mas ver>. fortunate ta have us cass uIdctiaIs oraaiey and Toni Di,,I» eart7,nce imerel>. as an empire o! great citlea, few on Ils banda. byes gseaSacsruîîybn. ~ c..'I.,~J..~ '~ IIr fc migtty commerce and vast opportun- ______ > rg t ili e , b a t a n e m p i r e f o n a d e t i o n t is e - - - - - - - - lyust ant mol autlisme principlea Mortgage SaleÇ4 n c1,J o e- tisat mere simple tut notIe, anti vide- cf landa ituate in tise 'Town of Witby aprea i n trie application. ilrother- anti kaown la thse Grange Faria. hooti ont sisterisooti meant loyalty, deanbyVtuofhepw. nothe ag-vng tpentt i~ on ant r eti otaewsc tor~a(?E~RACEFUL ia. ,. aiie doora .f er atopasinit> amenmn a sltiserabutti ha o]f lina otttise oMsas,:di"bc contine fna cetai mutgag, wiehcloe rvision windahiald richi>. com- A erantloylty misicis ma a naleter lu e freti fer sale t>b pazelv, atsa ri c*at--Y or1. empire crealion andi retention. To ulcacin nMna. a~i ie tB5~ni knomuonltig a tiaI mpie ms0 261h, 1921, at 2 oclacli in the after- -l Ba. iaraaaon5là.~. u e fli c> ote i > knaa-antioret tis tra tatisInuan, an lise premisos n lulie Towa af ~ Cte Ug InuIt adseoactheistrmutti ate orWiily, b>.William Msw, aucîloneer, 6. a.WrIt sta(capable cf ver>. hagisapeet) ruo. ERRo elreitsIi eAIl anti Singular tisaI certain parcel ee rks...tmnchialfaus freetiorsd is e o lwn rpr> aey ~ ~ Sfi~cos aoeiaia.frm eii mas gifEi Rilslis oerdo! spf e rtract of landi anti prenises ituate Ih hS truc wrl bramuie. p tir. etauiu eaie anti elaqaune ho coul] for long timeil tying anti hiag ithtie Towma a! Wlit- PItEMTN, ONT. ri nbtd, acarCr on anme aspects oftise lotige aboaeb' ie Cat> f nansaniha tt4a7S êdin g Co.s S. annveuay ms omla-g elbrate intempou ofrOntart o tle-SCM 1]tI5Lofyoi.r LS.w'flDiscan the Durant "65" mis yaur local 1'- $725 1. $2195 ant wi bcth e a-as proad to bha No. 25 la lad Concession of lise Toma- Justath lu re farmnera Pmufi in t deal o bl .dietin -di. -&...1 . charter mersier. He retailedti tisa ip o! Witiby, more psrticularîy de- _________________ ms mate ver>. gouti mon> aoe thu olgco IT..C P r ia c e s s M y L o tig e tu rin g ils e u. o - o e st f la me:C a m m e n dgon g aaeIe r s~ àf ý i - d - L -i t erice isatiplapeti an important frater- point onlisheNorth irito! Mary cat na' lOl t a inSu S ual rie lu Wiitby'a coamUasnilphife, iS tr he u tise astoangofWIsty;cna Lumîltual ant laitgran e mot Stmrlsieeing Ithe SsadTowa nglo! oItbydo a 8t51n7a-isIplarge hud. anti haccesoularganmuatio uNo. Que on MotigsonaPlan, nom nasar vi adsChartei rgMasisea Speal Municipal Flan, a! part of saiti Lot H A D fcuste o utv"Z BoBomrferreti brieS>. ta Borne Nô*. 26; 'l'heucee Materly aîong ts !Cunls s utvI BrBo!wis chretisrutlalvanioriei.ltiutMrSretat 'ydotmlfrt v.. L 'i

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