Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Mar 1928, p. 3

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WHITBY TIEURSDAY, MJARCH 22nd, 1928t Entertainera, grama of the evening, which followed RE S(leader), Ed. devotional exercises, waa as follow:- Y GAZETTE AND CHR0212LE WH YR, Froat, W. Instrumental, Beth Mcntyre; re- Mi________-----------__ PAGE TM C R NC E Pringle and ing, Howard Harris; chorus, group of the - EE ls Pnbllbed evmy Thé sbsàpi boys; resding, Florenco 'Undes-wood; ETh.II ORTGAGE sALE licice l P.0O ayear lasolo, Vivian Rire; reading, Doris Reid, h o Orslntla Uitd dV~ic; 2.5u a "sar tai s3ubirib- NCERT chorus, group of girls; instrumental, madl *('e INDEM N TVRU fte_ W ineUited SatesorÊ Othf lnCHOuNtICL TThephou A n ofrthg -te tu Which the aubscrlpto la pald la lndlcalad o her O uscad Hildegarde Goodfellow; reading and a r Ais n certain otaewhhE ir y pi7 Sof musbel f4qc Auto Crsh wer ia MstAnwhc lae.ten the Ssndsy chorus, Jack Harding and group of hier Il lCrash ducodaat the urne of the AV TIIGRSta o thar forelocrel TIit l.mhcn1 os ilnsl , c eke;eu iasale, there wlIli e offered by public -S l ( fa iialflhuo nonI boy;.vioen slo, Jck Nekel;cds-ertion;Accdentson th Kinl sorion, n SaurdayoMarc 24î, F1I RflIaq1q A D V EliasIN G R A T E S - TAac iee ntlo c a l ahd Keg a- 19 2 8 , a t t h e h o u r o f T w o o 'c lo c k pImr a o v e t a l g 1 e . p r i e o n n s r I o ; e p x li n s B b -S G N 0 P R N s t 0 a H i g h iW a y J s t E a s t a t t h e s if i c e o f P a u l G . p u r v i s , C o l u o - unue pc a aquentf r I ns r c ip c ertion Its adeachw day bring o sure signa of the com ng end of the f W hitby bus, Otario, the follow i g propertym u t w e o a e r q i i g n w f r i u e t Rnapatfoiontrc p dstseet aekonCanadian wnter. Spring 15 juot around the corncr. JALL AND SINGULAR that certainrnitre t ona pplItIoe n . heew oaonw s ofcîly dcin M r h s.Par el or tract of ]and and pr m ises, F b e h o e c r e h s s e i Adelamnewlthout specifie directions will be In- Spring is the scason ofref narnho rjuvnaio hethel lode, rahedlos he ith bip o Est hibyanc Wity Two Toronto tronqys Irsekonceitnortdiaytngiand beingOin theaTswn-IoAdSOLIDrWALNUTiGIBRthe BEDROOh serted tili forbid, and eharged d ecordingly. and of rint lfe.Itisnly ntio n thar ej atio tho Toroohta porttruck,',,Uion ate of ntoei eingteTwn Tae h n l e --Be îl -4S. tim n h January C aOfnt si n ht romA S L D A N T G B B R E R O ie e l, ... 3 represents the, b uîh of a new y car and the calendar y ar C e ne lrY i the e rly heorm of Tues- po e i o the N s th i of Lna i n e n o in- S U I T Et Ionr0f Canadian Weekly Newpaper Association is an artilical structure, and by some said s-o bc menaccd. day onoronng. One f them as qite ber Seventeen in the Seventh Com- sFve - Rflu ond±of te very laest eigs M.em-eGOO Selececow SNWeeklie n With Plant lfe and that of the lower animais, the com- badly damageci, butnetrdrvrso0fheTwhiofEtWhty Reu rPic $2 SU E C.A ODELW&SN ulses icg Of spning la at once the birth of a new yeor and ncw was inJureci. nihe ave inoinstheTortshpwentyFars htb, Ref rPi 25.00. Our Price $240.00 The foot Ocid(-ot of the two oc- the West haîf of the North haif of LotSeths uienorwid . The March sun s 10 0w sonling dlown its warmth. curreci about 12.30O ocklirwen a Number Eighteeo in the Seventh Con- I ____________ suite_____in___________________ Wl-IITBY, THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, lm2 Aftcr the departure of the wintcr and while the vacant Ki-ngsey Transport truck, with w o ono fl0 onbpo hty days have bren bauotiful with a zip and long in the ai load of olouhanise for Toronto, The naici prsperty consists of 120 E D I T O R I A Ling Of refreshing and nagn tic spring th re i riew l fr telephone p ls, comng te et afte r andi 100 acres of farre land. On the W / T I V and oew hope creatrd in ail ut us. týadg tira ditch for about o 100i-arre pareel la a large haro with W e T W TEPOOE f RES pWRMfeet, Gilforl Grant, Vaoghan %oisitable arrangements for stock, andiP W T A BJA C TII RPSDICESDPWRRTES i Spring bringo greas- pions and sometilmes high r- Toronto, who woo lrving the truck,'two dwelling bouses. The farruio RVTE M UA C The announrment publishcd in these columnosoives which arr gond thingo in theniseivro. It 10 nul roulci advanee no theory as to the woill itoateci, is iu s fair state of FRIcol-dFNEALSEVC bost week thos- the HydrcsElcctric Power Commission oufficrnt lu saY that the hommng istnct 10 convenient in cause 0f the accident. Ho woo div- tivotion sud has excellent soil for cos- Phone 410 Brock 8ISuh WlbOs proposes 10 charge the Town of Whitby for power s-t 'he spring s-îontuaban cultobrgînaî b anorbn bu, odO tor odrny ratareig.opoSouth,______________________________ ont._____ thr te o) $363pers horse-ower anaurally sur' rsb pîgi ajyu esnruugoîch-i0swcelf h ol ;odbea EMS-e e et0ftepr _________________________________ ps-or mnyrorpyes hotw y augo voîrd lu bulc its nrst, the animal 10 burrow into its mother ai the eaetera end of A. biean's prop- choise money te ho paici ut the time of make the îown a ssraighs- Hydro municipaty on the earth, andi man lu plan bis home. It 10 a îoyous sea orty, a few bosses nont of the ce me- sale,.Tie balacteb idwhn undestonding that Power- would bc supplicd xl cool, son, and while wnîer spors will soion he oves-,whuch tory. More il crnstlrrohîy ciamageci thirty days of tise date of sole, The The Hyde, migt easiy argu that a the popo ilmany wll regrt, yeSPrinaitelephonenedpoloy'rhesis, a iiiphavepoteo saih wilanavetancio buildingsbui aregs tre ho ieolci Thresd e yd romises igeîa ttn rpodmn lrgretycîSprng iforce.ad ul isesîi replaceci, and, astocrbdisg the snhJert te a reserve bici, onci toan on- -are u u tdthaou eet et npe f isling First M orteage. For fo rthrr will také a o lt o)figures, aund pes-hapo oomeîiug more another one fuît s Ils spolisTises 0p WTheranCconitinsno yalu effective, 10 cunvince the average power uses- tisat an i-EMT RSALWJ.C CT after going absot lhrty foot* furtiser ply to insrease tif 54 pet cent.s-alis-e 1924 ià Tus-ifie. Rarrster, Roaciî,,A:s Cao is- he thal Wbiîby la beig s-oed j~ O One cof the brst acts on lise Ontarilo Sttute bouok tos carne 10 reat s-jO the front enci tilt-Ranisof Com erBd, Coupe111UC T P o w e r sy s e m w h it e e l p h a ;s a s th e P eîe -n ta ou g w h o e h e s- by d e a h sr o th r s- n m e oa n c e fo r n aisir s T ie o g in e or his tru ck , a R e os a a O t r oT 8 7 pas-o teboc foi uh reba eerbalonr-o dyg sts;hhc rod eans lnare lftu- moîer toc oshera tisei coInes or St-ret Railway, s-be pulp mîlI at Campbrllfo-ciand the support and educale îhers-childrcn. The Publs-ac eavy city oPeel wagon, was a Wmi- alyAuoer, Onsama, seda Cobourg gos aund wates-works plans-s? Tihis may or ray unIs for te yeas- ending Os-lobers-3lt, I1927 sc nitwilated nit bseokiol i - The ED u sactio lOsaya orof * ýe,, e-i nos-b he becase, but une s-inglasestain, namely, that rescîivec by the Gazette and Chronîcle. shows tisotluy b dlyan hel.rTisebowsoaofFehuor93A s-be Public Uîîbîîd CoThesio beform pafn lte. "Ibis- "a thes-utle UAdlOnl ommissCounîyormoItes-sths-eod the su. of merchiandi..e mer,- -trmwn arsuoci tis eb r, A..,1928. -39 -1 teenîh bibi' shoulci ask the Hydro to explain in a vr $14J375, while a smlar amounî was cssnts-huîed hy the crivoway where bihe truck crme o Caoningto Co»cPP" su deut ans.Cut.reot, but apparen tly little damage Th aint Cuelis - * - C Wb.tby voîrd in gond fais-hso juin Ibm chain tif Tise pus-posmo of uhe Act-I and those whcs arr lîgîhir was duns tu tisecontents. The tele- sing tise reebration of tise jubiiee of Ati 870 aind up warsCry. es î4edste 'ie-13_50 municipaliîies who as-e pastocssilus-egreos- Hydro, n- to share in ils benoctîs, os-c fullY sel forth in the folbnsw- phone poloes beken off in the arni- In-corporation. It iiiehodeait itis f080an sars Cr.i, ', h 0137o terprise. Whos-by has a rîghs to knose why il ns calird i chppîng kndly isandmd lu us for the gencral infus- dont crTo sroasilon itai oncea h i etg. qurasi ham erf rmancern - V*, ,,r,, 1375, upon lu, pay incs-eased power- rates foc which ou s-beur matin of Ibm public by Robes-t Thompoon, the chair- uirea for Tootonuterpitqaiy n efrCci', - m> face lises-e sermo itîbe Os-no justification. or man Of the Souths Ons-ario Board, wbu recrîves fs-cm as seelI as local oVires te rosidents IN MEMORIAM vauunn v abeo-.- 140 wegk toweek mny enqiries.along the Kingso eaci. Vhile ose v grae w eck 10 erk n an en q ui brîrs. o ardpo l o a s b -o i n off com plete y , the H O G E - bu loving em br nce o f v a u a '1 0 THECO NT ROD EV RE MA pr Oednîi daencienyh aîisuadthe sup- long distance seroo- e as nos- ire- Edna Versa Hodge, only anci belov- Thto oler oustandimg val- T ,7 f THE OUNY RAJ)LEV REFNDS por ti th cimendnt hoîrenof o mîdow so bas resu- paireci, linemor obole. A fem of tise eci daugister of Me. ssci Ms. Chas. uos whlch resait frouna Paria,, cou~ 13 Tise chic) enginees- of municipal roacis of tise De- dent wis lues- Iwo or mus-etif ber osen chîlcirmn uns-Ir local connections Oseiouses in tise Hodgo, miso departeci this life Marrish ugsan coulnt'àselPe $1is 499sq pastrent tif Public Highmays has uphelci ttc contenion 16 yeassof age anci has nos- adequaleremous s-o cas-e vimlnily were pottout of commission, 23rd, 1913. huead osa-ysei. Pr of s-bm Town tif Wbbsby ths-ougb ils Councib îhaî o uis properly for tibm mîîbouî lise assistancetif au abowiaus-e however, andi il msaiosoesicithat Althoagis me are fair amoy im public demand, Four eRyS cutis-led soarerfund otf fifîy pes- cens-, of tiseamount paîd undes tise as-I Undes- a ncw bibl, rebîcis isready fos- ores hydro drop iros iotao lise Prom ligisî ancispeocis groat Umon of cars -" 52," Pu- ani--2060 lis-o s-bm cuunty tsesusy in tise general levy fus- counîy Ibsirds-adin0 in bbc Ontas-ol igslasus-e, the nvîdum muos- bouses hai been snaopped. Yet sol too fac for our heart to reach "62, "72" and 112 b. p. u500>1' -20 roacis for s-be Pass-tmo ymurshave- heen a rsidens- in Ontaoo(ns-i10"Canada" as Tisesecond acce"olent socrai about Brut witisout tiese mile of a a isgiteco lmperlai8"- py l«*. - ~22095- 87.30 tise same moening, almono exact- fceeve 0"rie nedfua y ,<ý Zsu,î Wbuîby bin0 un us-ban municipaiity nul sepas-aucclheres-fore) t tise turner cf tis e daî of tise faîhe f s-be ly acrosa tise rooci froon tise rsI oce.Tise osfca c rsoeatier lae. *870 s-o 4685c,, -.t) - - - _ fs-mtireIb coons-y, andcinîg wis-bin ils hordes-s nu chîlcis-n on rehuse bebaîf Ibm allowans-e o tu bemacir, A six ton Huer Transport truck, wrdsR 'ost nohrplc. 080t 065 d 0 2 cuunty ruadsorus sonnecting lnks, is, un s-be shic) n-andi for a perioci of Imo ycass mmedîaîely ps-bs- lu the travelling frore Torontosto Oshawea toes . cus rare mises I sait] gosdbye Iseeonburgic OCl0 gneero opinion, entis-ed lu ses-nom about $3,400. Oîhcr application fos- au allnos-ousc, as vs-cl as ai tbm tirer tf ith goodo coro-Iigneci te Geseral To tise iearost on eartiste me tI et[onsuagiorsnawIf, e- - 74 us-ban muuîcîpalîts-oas-e ebîgîble lu receive gratis fors-the applic-ation. Il is tirsrsyhaî obe he a BritisMotora aci to Jobs Balles & Son, O yen, Ho coron, I1isso tHo rs-es onvain- vou e -$3 couns-y -odosud lisa men tbes mi01 wiin iheurs- uject by b-htirt oatus-liatio os-r bm he idow oîf a ois the ites b uavolul itting a Bell His bsto ocaisbsm -eart sand' r. ' as&Se,& - boundaries, bhtos- os tby, lise many suber us-han muni- Britîis subjrct, A like allowaisse may be paîi wberc Telepisone truck mhich mas mabing When tise (lays arhed moaygtisefîag tht ay Cba-yslerou -dn - 39401 cipabitimo sirelarly is-uasmd, bas none of ths-ia, lise tise mouises-o) tise idren 's bbc 'wtfe o) an iumaur of repaira necesoars-f rom tise other se nigiso eary, buv performance, quaL- Al48 Sîaîus-e wos amuded in 'l1926 appsreuîîy s-ossprsîaîly pro-a isospîlal fut the insane in Canada, or mo) a mau mhois o ident, b bnoommy Sas'sser aces i-ys-yerevîuwjc vide foc Ihere, in otder lisas-îhcy mughs- get bas-k tome pes-maîîenîby dîsabîrd and incapabl -utiuig~ Tise truck, a i .M. rodel with ivou ctandotovalowicm Z105- ,1 2 of s-be mtiey îbey cous-rîhus-ecifusr-macs.lise suppo-t-o) bis famîly, us- of a masnseho bas deoerteci cen, Toronto. H.- mas roming 05511, It io but eossîsg ucîtisahotrd lrroatis sd0,aeos gun d1t Wismn une stopso luconsides- for a moment tbm fus-i ber auîc wbo bas ntI bren heard o) fos- aI least blvr anci mises jot "ver tise issoîl asot if a lle slrip of sea, Ol~ t ol rloe. 00',sh 00a 0, tsas- Wissby lass- yeas- paic inlto e isr cnuy ove $1 7,000, yars -pruvcddshe s qualificd asrears rsicuof liedoltelarostaesmhosae An me boi ld ermnîtlg n is par- tf tti amuntbeig ouado frnm sehîci ibm satîonalîty, ecs, as slaîcd in ps-mseding senteuces regard, Bell Telepisone truck baciing out of shoro, sovn seul nt idrs-îiy benefit, îî îs ouly natural so sop- img wîdows. A like allowasse maY be paîi tu a musman a crivomay (,sitise nortssida cf the More beautifal, more preeboos tisas h lie-~0d Pose s-ai there shosîci bc sorme provivioun wisercby lise mso ris a Brîiis subîcci dcsricilcd sud resîdcnî as aismve ruas- a few foot ahaaciI-e coulci nul fore.j s-Own tu aflnm etcîsau bc reimr8e foritfs s- iuge fin- staîcci, Who "bas rsrdenî with ber aund uncir-bercas-e a stop hies eavy truck bu tires ta avoi ans-jalouotioy. It ristructisas-tishe mtiney 00w dues-o tise s-bld over s-be age tif 16 yrars--ur a buobanc oi s pepr an accident, so taok tise cite. At1 My Csi Who5 takcîb roont of aillAVISO MTRC. Town o) Wbîitby musI be speut as desîgnas-ec by tise manently dsabîrd anci incapabJe of sonîs-buîîng t,î ib this point sha dilais is about Oive feel Whooe es isth 0000e sieco jISO M TR o miitebt ste onba ay teesrqurig upoto teedeep, bot tise driver guideol his truck Hcneaîb ThYowom almoighty wins Linjîcci god i ci irai cti teslnn îfsuî biib ontseu hs oe cslcn nisssn ulawfol wcdlus-k, fartiser on, only a spîncibe of tise Su wcll ho brune iea VersaLoaDelr etc, asinfi-s suloc) A lîke allswancc may aIso trucs stoppeci just six feet in front Tisas- oison Ho coils us homne b heaven THl-E WORK 0F THE BIBLE SOCIETy ' be pai 10 o a timan, mbethes- mas-s-ed ls-or nrarrîrd. of anotiser poe. îî wso is eaoîîy oaci- Yous-loiog s 1e e guide tise say. eo" asiesdent wîîhhteIerti sus- mos-e osphan chîlaisoi utofcourse lise misle loaci bai Fatiser, M other, Brothsers. Bîhi Soieo mî tit ditriutin o s-b Bile ou if ren s undes- 16 yeas of age, -aci riu te graudrenîbes- sîst, to ho siiftec to asotiser truck beforo BbeSceyithditiuinothBilindfeeteauns-orosutises-suitable pesousacting as Ibm fosîr-il could lho lawed ot of thsediteis. angue uin evey s -uunîy un e ttishe ans-cas noIrci h sirr O)sucishicis-moe, ancibas nos- adequate recans" an emncotprofosorwbt pukeut sbe nnua mig (as in first sentence).- The acs- dors nit pecîfy tise are -,5fg~lPéuI tifte Wbis-by braucislas- meck, is so suy tieese Macuo t ms- o1-f tbmalluons-e. Eocbapplication ris cons]îcireci VVULIF RVWIIF velous. Ttc speaker poialeci ouIts-bt to-day tise Bible separas-ely sud tise cîrs-umsancro fthlie applîcantino 10 priotec inîu593 different looguoagmo, 14 ncw anguoges ecstigat-ed before Ibm gruns-ris madc It b oms-rosas-y A C M D T brin0 as-Bcd lasI year, anci that as-t yeas- otites-longs- tuat ttc recopient ~continue lu rescroOtrt - AC O 0 D TO agros-e besug ints-tdus-ecieiei Otrot Is l os- ite-otngani ocu-affing to note s-ai becepmneu chli- wm i res-îpî tif un alssw- For AgrîCulturai Depart- Wii-iy for yraru bas bren bleosec italis tmber of anse ment at the !I'gh Scbool vos-y foth)ul andi painortakîog colîcctoir o ihave visiteci te humes oif tise peuple s-o orcure fund fus- tise Sosiety'o Ii" -Board Discussion wtisi, Ais-h las oce worty o)fs-be support o) ail. W _________s \Vhiby avea lttl ovr $30 lst earthrughtheAt tise Morrismeeting of tise Ba rci Wisîisygav a nie ime $30 Iot yor ts-ugttheof Edcuation hl on Wedneoiay on- collmcsos-a-is- sgit bave given [nor---buî there mes-e > sîraci of sandîng îcy sîdeseabisoas- Rmfre an a a nise laist, tisa question of reiether muny other demandu The obowing, thms-core, was aplemmns- iîkc o cuffler o ued for s-usghenîng risce proper accommocation ohouicilho pro- muai credîsable oe, andcialb mio have s-be Sosicîy's in- Stoulds lie a gouci ides ouied f or continuanca o) tise ageirol- s-escotaitatbrst, anci heheve ttc Bihleso bc a great cm- tarai departreent at tisa local iigis genertingprowe, wil hop andtrus thatWhity's Or eseerne coocistesBarie Eamine, onaoutf tise fchie)ne mas-e hSeemat- pe lil Sx guprtuog pomer. s bclI tp ci ro-sbtV'ssb' u-esemc-scts a-i xmine, îî otatesof discussion. Tise Boardi b f uceml 4-Door Sedan ouppri mlI awayobe )s-s-s-omoigvos-y creditahie Sps-îng Mîstos- Show eduîîîn, jrînîcci on sitis losîng a 81,100 govannnment uni a pinS papes- $500 csunty unnuai grans- unleas tise ALBERTA COAL FOR ONTARIO g tir promunt facils-bas for this pisas of cil It is gouci orma outoly for tise cool usessf o)rn- Thoac liss-ning-li on Rcv W A Cameson ses-mon Speakingog n tise subjeet, Principal sas-mo bus- for s-bm minessof Abes-ta tisas-ttce Domianuon i Torons-o on oasecent Sunday cvenîug, heard bmm gior Archlhaici of tise Higis Sehooi tateci goves-ument bas couard so b fixeci a minimum )cigisî gos-icias-vîce soimin stos-k înverss- "Don'î boy tisai if hs 'lepartmeant sere iroppeci s-os- whcs-chy goond qualis-y coub frua s-be westrn ps-uv- stock on reargîi Most o) us can I afford 10 il souli relieva hlm of mues etra is-e s-on Se moord tu Ontanti antd soltI mus-b more g a worS but hoe assurai tise boarci htie h cbraply than anthrsacite fror te. Unitedi States. Gswas wiling ta expend roasiierable cf- Ttc fcigtîrts-cfixet islafus- s-riaîl ur s- -- sos-ly, an avenhusas scouiemplas-mg a nominal cargr foc fort if an attempt sens maie ta ire if aI s-be enci o) a ceruaina pesidiluPisind tisai cooli ch use o)fs-bit motir camp by tousouvîsis-ors. Lusi provo s-ho presant statuas)ftise falici- obupmros-s con be ps-ofitably mader by tise radw ait so'rste Huntsville Conausiion s-uested $70000 tics offeroci for thirs course, He claire s-at os- even a lis-le iahcs- bis-cittc 'iipmc il s1froco -is sous-ce anci the camp boAt -noue o trte. iix.ecitisat a oîaoiel en i masre-m-i- D aaCic m ai nUmasoo sos-veu witn ah s-aom -B Ie'ç

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