Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Mar 1928, p. 2

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PAGE TWU -------- - ~ ed the death kmeil of their religion, as Whitby Enitled fe Refund, muny o the Council anad people tes whom hoe expounded tise gospel on hat I Contioaued front page 1) occasion was converted sud went forth sentations in thiu. reopect and prom- as miasionscios. Hlistoci' rocorded hat ised to write te Mr. Christian convey- St. Patrick establiahed about 300 tag his viewa. The reeve stated fuc- churohes, baptiued 1,500 priesta and her hat uhior to tise visit ta Toronto stahliahod many scisoolu and other in- M. Christian bila promisedi hat if stitutions foc thse bonefit of tise Celtie M. Muir upheid thse tons dlaim hoe peuple, while is mission stationu li- wouid offer nu furthor objection. Tise came centros for aendiag forth mis- ceose wasocf tise opinion hat very sionarios te, other ilaes. St. Patrick, it shotîy the rooney nom undoubtediy -aa emphasined eneounteced great due thse tean would hoe pad ovr. hardahipsa nd endureti sufferingo and Crodil to Engineera privations in order hat hoe might Credt fr dscoerin th setio ofcarry on is ork. th Croitha for disco e tise secto- Was Christian Churcis viethte sasnt oC thdertw aics o Speaking of the eharacter of tise vdeo foc tie rants to To tsnne chureis which St. Fatridk estahltahed H.L gironglte reev C oasay Engineer) and worked for, Stev. Mc. Irwin declar- . t..Png and ontya t Engore D. d hat it waso pureiy and simply a J.th Kean sucomnopnCa. hymr Christiaun and universal ehureh. It sas Coun. Ed. Bowman stated hat the flot a divided church at it was domin- thanks of thse Council waa duo te En- ated hy the teachings of Christ. It ws a' ginoors Pringle and Kean and te the tise Holy Catholie Churci-not Roman 8 ceeve for hir work in geting the Catholi- for he latter churcis bal mosy fr tse ew. $.40, h stt-not boon established as it is taday at monCha tfor thee St.en Fa3ri00, deatis- cd, aas not pickod up evecy day. htim.AerS Paik'dah Ileevo Jackson sated that hoe dad idolatry and divisions sisited it,' and e not want any thanka foc dong is teday in Ireiand differont reigS duty, and recaiiod hat deputy-reoSO conditions very largely eisteti. St. Undecaood had aly aupported ica Patriekas 11e, however, was constant- aison tise roatter casse hfore the ly in ouch with Christ and tise pcn- P County Counic. cipies which Ho exemplifieti, and$1 Tise Pire and Light Comnmitilce ro- theroin lay is sucreso. f commended tise installation of à light on John Street htwoen Brodk sud Ana ah~ ots Ferry Strots. Tise rcommondation 5' Tm ln ots mas adopteti. It was left in tise hands of the (Cantinued f rom page 1) Stroota Coromittoe te advrtiso if with "Labrador, Fat sud Prssent,- necosoury for a stret fororoan for the in ,nhich she elarged upon tise is- season, siso for tenders for Town tory, salicot featores and peopies of teamiog. thio fac north sud littie kucan coun- Thse engioeer cepocedi tisaI M. Van- try. Hec suiject matter aud arrange- Stone, iast yoacns foroman, issd doue a mont of materias waa vecy good and littie mork hie yeac. It mas not clear aiso qite instructive. te counceil. hoaovec, ahether hoe ia- Spoke on "Canada" teuded te rtais tise job hia yeac, 81 The third speaker of the junior con- t tise Mayor'n banquet in December test, Miss Dorothy Swan, prosented ho intimated hat hoe mosld fot do the as addreos os "Canada. Hec mauner wsrk Cis yesr foc. 40c ans bouc. of speakisg sas forooful and calculat- Fay For Lot ed tes acoaso patriotic sentiments in Couneit voted to psy oser to lise the mnids of hiec hearers. Bshe comn Match Manufacturiflg Co. the surs of baned fats with eoiogy o! thua fir $300 in paymesot or a lot purrhassd isy county, its pioneers and ite great lead- tise 1927 Council at tise corner of Dun- ors. dus and Asi stret for mater diver- A historical sketch of tise towu of sion purposes. Wiitby forroed the hais of the fourtis The reeve expiaiued hsw the pur- speech in tise junior esutet giveu isy clisse was moade foliomiaig aany de- Mios Charlotte Worfolk. Promu a local manda from Ah Street cesidenta foc stancdpoint lis ocatios ou the couty the diversion of aster whieh eveey town mas at once eutertaaniug and in- spring flooded hir celars. Sinco the teresting. Apparetiy Miss Worfalk __ purchase thero had heesa no trouble. had takesi some Pains to ascotuin the htie -acquisition of tise lot was a stecy relatent te Wht)ys foundiug good rosi estate deai foc tise toan. le fron, tise ime hat Thomas Wilson mas aiso explained hat tise tosu settlod t tise Indian village of Big vassid get somo revenue annuaaly feoan Bay, sos Fort Whitby. bilîboards osa tise pcopety owned hy "Cotton" oas tise sobjet by Aes tise Ruddy Sign Co. Jeffrey, saho spohe fifth n scder. A rc,10st froro tise Publie Utlity Wilh easgy aelieration hoe outliued Commission for an appropriation of how cotton sas gromos and its usefol- $2.500 foc sauitccy semer opecatios ness to mss. Ho rited statioties tes for 1928 as rfecced te tise Finance show hat three Cames as mocis cotton Csamittee. Tise eose spined hat Cis is worn than wool anad hat Cis con- amounit aighttlho roîlueed by tise Coma codity is tise ciief of vegeteble pro- mission in order te sssist tise Couril duels. tu keop clown tise tam rote. Miss Betty l.amier, prize winnec, gave s, tise csnclsding addre-m an os- position on qilk, its uncieut and won- Heavy Shipments-of Liquor derful hrsttr; and thaesay in he groislh of tise important slis industry Continuod frore page 1) and hom Ciina after ieeping tise Faliîng Off in Liqucc secret foîr ,ears issu at last lost Ct tes It is iteecstiasg Cs note friais tise neighboring countrios. Hec tel mas figures qsoted hat i tise ast persd vivaious and extremnely înteroating. of il mouCha thece mas a decidod Tise jsdges, Mos. G. M. Goodfelios, iscroaso in tise siiproont sf ale, ieer Mrs. Phillips and iev. A. M. Irin, and porter, and a ronsialeraisir île thon mont into consultation and ten croase ini tise otiser spiituoas lisiose minutes later Principal Archibald an- shiproonts. it s suggested hat tise nonced hir decision awaading Mr, opeation of tise Liquse Cuatesi At Michaud andl Miss Lamier tise coveted wiic mates il mucis casaer for tise senior anal junior Tamblyn prises. average indaiduai to secure a ouppis The basîs on mici tise contestants of liquor may base bsail soaething tu serre anhed mas te alsaw a maaimum do aits tise latter dereease. Hoeor, sf an eqoal nuabor sf marks for arh ho hat as it maf, suris are tise officiai section of tise rontest. Therforo, tise figures aupplied by tise Customos De- ocateracai rsnteot of Fidsy evoning partment. and in publisiang tiea tise counted sniy one-tiird of tise total. Gazette and Chromecle bas no tissught Musical Programme of suggcsting hat iegai trasations Istrsperseil betmeen tise orationo are beîsg rarried ou bre, becauso in aereeseveaia musical and instrumental strurtions isnued te tise local contesss numbers pcovided by popils of tise sificers, mhisse havie been shomn to us sosi miicis added murb te Cisc prs- are entiely tu tise rontracy. geais These inrisded a piano sois by Modes of Sipment JosePhine Thsomas; vîoisn solo, Jark The liquor sipments te tise United Nookel; piano duet, Miss Constance Staten tiseougis ths Fort, as airosdy Ranic and Miss Ada Jubis; soprano nîted, base gos formard mstly is> solo, Miss Violet Swan. "Tise ense- isoat, uthougb sevocal trscks have Or,' ils ts touches of isumr sud bers supplîrd. Pesa a relable source pathos, tise scisool publication, mas ai- t is iearned hat this mnter one bot 50, rosd. Tise meeting mas coneiuded esgaged in tise rado sus lsst, or Sud- ails tise iuging of tise National An- deniy dsappoared, anal tht its place tisem. mas akes by aurewansd mire speedy cramft. The men abs operate t hîbyIbh che boasý ndobtelyendure gret br- w ib ihShe .haps as rrossing tise uSke durng tise sauter, us iately one bot anrhored IConinued from page 1) bre was lteraly rosered itis ire. It idctdb h eota en oe .also bsoms hat durang cald and andat ed in tse eprt sbon ashe soarssy s rather sor issats buse hai ia eSa hsedpra sCs la, turs barS and seob seler iscre. nspetor adnstted to the principal Tise put mnIer bus ho on sev fasse- tisai Whihis> s maris soperior to tise ablie for la aur rs port trade a, it bas groat majariy of sCisr scisoola hoeisud beenverylargly oen.teoted as a simlse fashios. bren'or lareis5P0Tise report stuteo hat out of 4 seissiars an Fora t, ossndned fo r -eit- ang, i1 more gosal, 20 morefur9 st. Pablekaerepaaa ad 6mere very psor. lu faiessa CA tise ansportiar fousai hat of, al.sntanued frora page i) 25ear.uaaaai12seegosd, 9mer fair miilo miaostering au Italy' he receiard and 4 urere pose, us hile there mas aanoe alettre tereod 'Tise Voico of Irolund" graded a., sery pose Fora (B shonm uhîish ld to hiodersass tureturn tu ed 4 god, 2fair, i poorand i vres lreland as a missonary te tise peoploý pose. In thia latter classaîse 50S per About tisaI tisie, Ciefore,isvig cent. reseaugaasdgralanacmbacb ieon srdand, ho sas commiusiosod conmpares moul sais tise repsrts fsr isy tise Bishop of Boume tu go te abat ther rernanior tms, TEAis good tea" The Orange Pekoe is sometlung extra-a specia tea In ean, brighi Aluminum Some cotroversy resulted whon thse gymnasium for playlng badminton in secretary asked whetber the board the eveninga an increasewaa shows shouid psy bank exehange and print- in the high achool hydro bil. Conue- ing cost in ronnection witb thse issuisc quentiy as Princeipai Arehlhald tated of $31500 worth of debentures for the that is staff was anxisus to psy for new addition ta the higi scshosi. Sev- tliis privilege thé teachors wil ho ce- ersi memobers tbsught that the town quosted to contrihute six dolars a shouid psy these charges but the mas- montis. jonity favored psssing the account. Certain other accunte were ocdered pai, the largoat heing an tem for fnulfl5 amaZfl $508.80 for gymnasium equiponent which was chsrged tes the building âuper anal Prograamne fund. Over 300 pactoolt of a very fine sup- On sceount of the teuchers using tise per on Thuraday between 4.80 and We sdil drafts, money orders and cable remîctances on al parcs of the world-at low- es rates. Qsaack service at ail branches. Wiaby BranacisJ. H. ]'ERRY, Manager WE ARE BRANCHIN ODUT Having purchased Hall's Taxi and Service Station adjoining the Whitby House, which we will carry on with our other business on Dundas and Byron Streets, we are now in a better posi- tion than ever to give service in oiling, greasing, tire repairing and re-tiring. We carry in stock Seiberling AI-Tread Tires and tubes, also small accessories such as gai, oil, etc. Wo ViII Oarry On the Taxi Business Luke's Service Stations Next to Whitby bouse Dundas and By'ron Streets Phones-382W, 382J, 330 PARKER'S OYE WORKS WHITBY BRANCH ROSS' COAL OFFICE Brock St. North. Telephone 34 CLAN UP FOR EASIER Before buying that new Easter Suit, Coat, Dress or Hat, let us dlean ald press your old ones. In many cases our moderate charge will save you many dollars in replacing that garment. AVOLU DISAPPOINTMENT BY CALLING US EARLY Don't delay - give us a cali now. Odorlesa Dry Cleaners. 1.30, andl afterwarda enjoyod an Mrah< programme prealded. overhy the pas- tor, wVho gave t a ýbrief q tddtesap- propriate. ho St. Patzilk's Day. Thoae lE '9-ligPa wersi Piano soo, Robins Nfchèiuen; v'aldort, Mrs. Maimdrell P sudMra. Keèan, accosnpanied by Doug- las' Maundreli ; readlog, Mca. Prank Wells; solo, MLOze en Bunner', of O. FOR TH1E POET it ISeOfl In L.C., accompanied hy Miss Lessk; li- bling brooks,. gentle rain strumentals, Miss Kisboy and Miss romance of the revival of Loask, aiso of thse College; vocal solos, Mr. Astiey and Mr. Ed. Bowmian. Dur- FOR THE ORDINARY ÇI ing tho suppor hour piano selctions mneans goloshes, umbreils wore given hy Mr. A. W. Beall. regulatios of fires s0 chatt In keeping with tho day, tho tablo or ton cold. and roomn decorationa wore of greon a nd white and theso wero attractively FOR TH1E COAL DEALER and tastefully arrangod. At each tablo drive-ways and lawns, ar capable saleladies woreoun band, requirements of each imcl ohile for the supper thse services givon by the ladies in charge could not have MY STOCK of Coal, Coke ar been improved upon. SERVICE is the kind yo On Friday afternoon thse hazaar was ficut season of tihe ycar. continued, quite s numbor dropplng b for afternoon tes, and during tho af- ternoon a numbor of much appreciated piano selections were given by Miss Lulu Dryden. SeIling continued brisk and towards evening the tables wereJo n M fairly well cleared. The bazsar was weUl conducted in every way and great credit la due te Cor. Brock & Dunlop, ail who teok part. At the Sunday services, Rev. Mr. Irwin, onhehaif cf- the Ladies' Aid, thanlced the ogrega- tion and aUl othera who inasny way liadt ontrihuted tewards ite sueces Thse money realized W~ the Ladies' A SAPE AND SURE Aid wili hoe well uaed. One of the REMEDY FOR fonctions of the Soiety annually is te AILINO CNILDREN! this is juat one of the many thinga donc by the Society. M1IJ.J.L R, ]POWIDERS Spring - - Cleanlng AuogrA m SpeciaisOVER A MILLION botties of MILLER'S HERE JUICE, We keep your smail needs. the rosi herbai remedy, were sold leot yoar. It gives prompt, lasting Especlally ah this lime of relief in tomach, liver, kidney and howel disorders. Ask A. H. Aluin, year 1h la a duhy ho your druiggist, Whitby, about this resnedy. examine our merchandise. Inspiration, burstmng budo, bab- ndrops, running sap,--all t4c of life. ýITIZEN, thse householder, it as, house-deanong, ind careful thc house wiil flot be too waran P it means muddy roado, soft and extra rare bn meeting the lividual customer. and Wood i8 complete, and niy you will appreciste at this dif- cClelland Phone 397, Whltby Agi l zes B. L. *W. AothraoitoOoal ON MAND. IAima OTO Rut Coko. Phne 70 PORT WKITBY L. W. DUDLEY General Insurance FIRE Whltby, Ont. LIFE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE Tho lutual Lufe Assurance Co'y ai Canada PURELY MUTIJAL NO STOCKHOLDER. Profits Aflohed ho Policyholders Annually. Ail Lêhest Feahures. Jota, DsabIlty Bene&a. Double Face of PolIcy If Accdenthly KIled. IF INSIJRANCE SEE DUDLEV. FRANK WELLS F. HIOWARiD ANNES Paloter and Decocator Rosi Mtate - Insurance - Lois West of Tod's Store. Phono 404 Appointments at Mr. Browning's Waipaper la Stock Office, i50xt door Fost Office. Phono 91 tH. DILLING PAINTER ANI) DECORATOR W. B. PRINGLE lasereior Decoratig s Sieclalty Notary Publi opposite Royal Hotel Phono 394 i __________________ <onveyancei' and G1EO. KEIL Insuranco Agent painter andi Paper Hanger woîy NAI Wall Papera in Stock __ONTARIO_________ Etimatea froc. Phono 351w. WM. MAW Prolessional Caris LICENSES AUCTIONBER AND VALUATOR Ail kisd of sales uromatly atteuded ARTHRE MTA to. Arrangements for sales ca eaho TR Q-israj, mnade at the Gazette Office. Torme Barcister, Solicitor, Notary Public, resnable. Phono 288. etc. Office in aouth wlng of Court WHITBY. ONYT. Rouae. Money te boan. MONUMENTS B W.utH.ui;KENcNEDY N. . SAFFRD Court, Notary, Conveyance tc aroN.RW. STAFORD byWHITBY, Ont. Kihsose8Rd. 3t %2 b OffceDundas St just eof tb. Phone68 R 3-2Public Llhrary. GRANITE AND MAIIBLIE DIEALIER Any kind of cemnetery wsrk doue at A. G- BROWNIN69 K.C. roasonabie pricea. Save Commission-No Agents In association with PARItiIILL &* O1ERB M, Barriater , Osawa ilOppsOleýI Burns' Grocery, Whithy IL'lhmnIAhmforIffluUPh... Whitby 892; Oais.wa 1814 uNICHOLSON &oSLLuunIppsntaent8 maY bc made for vn E UNDERTAK11ERSNIH2 ing consultation. Jj DR. R. T. macLARJIN Pibyyiian and &Sgeon SEE ME Iteidence ad Ofe's Cor. BrokadMr tetWj ABOUT YOUR EYES . okm-aySt- ~ ,Wlb it A. M. Aluln' Orug Store DEZ4TÂL WNiBVis, ONT B. B. BEATON, D.D.S., LOD.S. TUES AY, PR IL 3 raduate of Ute Roal Colege ef TUSAA RL> Dental Sren adUiariyo fetoeystore. office heur, 9 a F» E, LUKE Opt. 0. PHO 5.320. WIB Optoanelriat. 163-167 Toage Sreet- Targ.*e LJHq~>,i4p (Uputaurs o. 9Pale> 4i ~RD~AAg ,,s~ss Il THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1928 WILMY GAZETrE AND CIMONICLE 1 WE AIM TO PLEASE. Seirite Store M. . SPROUL Telephone 204 "Heads! you lose- uaid toila me wia on tise mat- Cor of rompeting in tise lauin- dry bsiness. No home methoda to-day cas equai the moderniausdry in la cor- tuinty of qoaity resaits or in tise cont cf ding tise mork. le is tise old stery cf amuateur veraus professional. This particciar lauodry ape- cializea on "family wasies" ouly and wao deaigned froca tise gcound op and eqippod for hat eue purpose. You moiii find one of our fine dif- feront kindo of service suit- ed te your purticular mas problero. Have a chat mitis our young lady oser tise phono. Thomnpson's WHITBY Nothing to SeIl T sa mstahe to speais Iocf 'buying Lie insus- Insurance protection as coally s sure and eenven- ient method of arranging your porzoual financing. You kuca, foc instance, of certain obligations abich you musC ho ready te mot -yoar criis te p ut pour riild tiscougis college. -you wisis to provide tise m.sney te enubla por boy te acquiro a businessofo!hiei oaci-te boy a fuan f bis oci, pechapa. -yoaa may aisb te provide asiditionai aecrcty for pour business. -pou may aish te provido s pension for pour oas old ago. Life leouronce enails}oa ou te make sure and reaven- lent pruvision for nay suris objective, and to maSo sure hat your ob- jective miii ho attalned. Il wl l ha apleamera l about aMy oet te. bervlca.Ila whlch YenuMay ho intereste&l W.J.H. Riohardsou etn a ul. WbAM hy

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