Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jan 1928, p. 8

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WHTBY GAZETTEA»iDCHRNICLE East Whitby Council of certain moneys frontthe Royal he Council .eofEat Whftby Town- expenditure cf the Corporation of the umus i Z llt e ? mer prs11928 wi ead hreetines and passed. except the Reeve. The Deputy A By-Law to appoint auditors to Ne and Counillors teck the. declar- Audit the accunts cf the Townahip cf n of office. Minutes of former East Whitby for the -year 1927 wasi ting were read and adopted.- Cer- read three "res and passed, Meurs nications were read fromn D. J. S. Roberts and Jas. McKenzie recel,- n, Mgr. Liquer Control Board, On- ing the mppointment. co Good Roads Àssociation; Ã"ftario Moved by Major Smith, seconded by ffol Trustees and Ratepayers A,. Mr. Lavis, that this Council advertise ation; Globe Indemnlty Go., Con- for tenders for the position of Asses- & Annis, Clerk Dariingten T'p. sor for 1928. The tende rs te state sal- 1United Farrners Co-Operative Go. ary eXpected, and said tenders te be [oved by Major Smiîth, -secoded by in the office of the Clerk by noon on Warne, that the Deputy Reeve act Wednesday, January 18th, 1928. Gar- Chairmnan in the absence of the rîed. ve. Carried. lhe Clerk was instructed te order- Moved by Major Smnith, seconded by ht copies of the Municipal1 WorId. Mr. Warne, that the following ac- 4oved by Mr. Lavis, -seconded by counts be paid:- Warne, that the- Reeve -and Dep- Hyrod Electrie, St. Lights..$ 20.58 Reeve be a convnittee te interview, A. Trim. Bd. of Health...$ 7.50 Medicai Officer of Health re fu- 'S. V. Young, S. S. No. 10 ... 1000.00 e servces. Carried. 1 A. Beckett, R. and B........ 68.75 loved by Mr. Warne, seconded _by .Lavis, that the Clerk bp author- Moved by Mr .Warne, seconded by 1 to write the Canadian National' r. Lavis, that -this Council do. now ilway' for permnission te lower theiri adjourn te meet again on Wednesday, s.sing on the Toronto & Eastern Jnayltnxa 'lc .. .at Gibbon St., Lot 13, Con. 2, East 1inuthaoficefth e at1oClerk pm iîtby. Carried. linteofcofheCrk By-Law to authorize the borrowing P. G. Purves, Clerk. WILDER & DEVERELL FORD DEALERS Headquarters for Good Tires, Tubes, 011, Gasoline, Anti-Freeze, Parts and -Alil Repairs. Sur Repair Dopartinont Us not too bu sy to take care of. your require- t ments. Brlng your car Un and let us look t over. Phone 10, Whitb Nid, -.Wlb-Inter -0F- Boots andShoes WE HAVE*MANY BROKEN UNES 01F Footwear, flubhers, Slipprs Hockey Shoes, Etc@c THAT WE ARE CLEARING AT COST PRUCES. Cail and Secure a Bargain., * SHOES REPAIRED. P8ssIsSlp tore BROCK STREET SOUTH Whltby, Ont. C h esteoin loi 1d' Abéautiful Mohai r ChesterfielçlSuite, reverse side of cushions are sllk. Regular $175.00 for $150.00 Cash. See our bedè, special prices. springs, and mn'att'reses, ail at w Wc.TOWN PRIVATE AMBULANCE PUmRNIUME aMW FUME848. &«W« P"" e410 '*FM* lu., somme wwt.,. @.~ Oit" ioOffldasJinMarket Tur JANUARYSALE AFTERNOON DR, E GREATLY REDUCEO for JANUARY CLE Smart Frocks of Georgette and Sllks wthvelm IJp to the'Minute ln Style and Fî Values up to $27,50 for LINENS A keen sense of the desirability H. A. Dorrance, County Agricul- f ot btalning first hand inter- tural Representative at Brantford; -mation on the methQds ef market- C. W. Buchanan, Agricultural Rep- ing et Canadian products overseas, resentative at Port Arthur,,aud A. and the epportunity ef extending P. MacVannell, Agricultural,'Repre- markets for Produets, as weil as a sentative at Picten. knowledge et the best known C0- The tour, whlch will include ofberative system In the world, has more than fifty agriculturlàts from led lion. John Martin, Minister Of ail parts of Canada, 'will leave Hiall- Âgrlculture-of the Ontario Govern- fax on Sunday, January 8th, by the ment, to nominate two Officiais ef S.S. "Laplawd", et 'the Red. Star bis Department to accompany the Line, and wiil be a month er more flrst Canadian Farmers' Mar<etIngt->i Britain and Denmark, where ail Tour to Great Britain and Denmark the large marketing centres are te organized by the Canadian National be visited, with conterences with Ral'ways. marketing autixorities, the Empire The officiais nomlnated by Hon. 'Marketing Board, etc., and -wlth Mr. Martin are Messrs. Reg. S. speclal Investigation et co-operatîve Duncan, (left) Director et Agricul- tural Representatives et Ontarloo, systems la England and Dennxark. and Frank C. Hart, (rIght) Dlrec- The party Is to be received by the tor et Co-operation and Markets Prince et Wales on January 25th for the Ontario Department et Agi-. and will be entertalned by the culture. In addition to these -otti- Lendon City Corporation, the Lord clal representatives et the Govern- Mayor et Lundon, the Lord Mayot ment three et the County Agricul-. etfIàverpool, the Lord Mayor- eof tur.LI Representatives . have also Manchester and the Lord Mayor of Jolned thé tno"' * These are Messrs. Edinbur.gb. GREENWOOD The Greenwood Girls Mission Gir-- cie met at the bhorne of Mrs. J. Boyer last Saturday afternoon. The annual election ef offîcers was held with the following resui 'ts: Hon. President, Miss May E. Brown; President, Miss Edith Or- merod; lst Vice-President, Mrs. Wmi. A. Brown; 2nd Vice-President, Miss Jean McWhirter; Corresponding Sec., Mrs. E. Howsam;. Recording Sec., MiDoris ssie Beelby; Treasurer, Miss DisF. Gee; Strangers Sec., Miss Hazel Bush; Supply Sec., Miss Alice Pegg;, Press Sec., Miss Edua Green; Asseciate Relpers Sec., Misses Zorah Gee and Mildred Mantie. Wm. Ormerod Jr., was rushed te Toronto last Tuesday suffering with appendicitis. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Hazel and Kenneth Bush en- tertained a -few friends eue evening last week. 1 Albert Harvey and Horace Leigh, Toronto, called on Greenwood friends last Saturday. jThe young people are giving hi drama, "Eyes of Làove" in the tewn hall at Pickering this Friday evening.- AIl roads lead, te Greenwood on tSunday, January the fifteenth, and on Tuesday, January the seventh. The community will Welcome your presence in the opening celebrations of their new church. Miss Hazel Bush visited with To-' ronto friends last week. Our Neighbors II I nthe tountles -Building in Oshawa during 1927 te- j talled $5,255,000. This was three per cent of the total for ail Canada, while Oshawa's population is only ene half 'f ene per cent ef the Dominion s; total. Toronto, for instance, led Can- ada w,,ith a total ef ever $31,000 '00. but if the Provincial capital's o4n- struction had borne the same ratio te population as Oshiwals then To- ronto would have had $150,000,000 eof new building completed during *1927. jThe local building record for 1927 was over five times as great as in 1926,1 in which year 395 permits were issued at a total value of $1,052,100. Dur-j ing the past year 728 new residences were erected, exclusive of apartment jhouses. at a total value et 92.311 450.1I Fatorles er.ste were valued at p«~ 00è. The year saw ý290 garages buiîtj bat a total cost et $44,268. The aver- age value was $153. Alterations were nmade te 106 houses at a cost cf $73r- 820. Some 22 other structures were erected at a total cost cf $214,55u,j and 23 business premises were erect- ed for an expenditure et $98,5W0. At a- meeting cf the. Presbytery et Guelph, held on F'riday lust in Knox' church, Preston, ii. caîl frein St. Andrew's church, Cobourg, te Rev.j Frank A. Harper, B.A., B.D., paster of Knox church, was sustained by the i Presbytery, and he will b. inglueted in St. Andrew's church on Thursday, evening, January 5, ,by the Presby-1 ter ef Pete*rboro. il 1~ City' Council with a view et assistîng U the aldermen in any move they may undertake tewards the deuction cf non-elective bodies or the -formation of an amalgamated Public Service Commission as has been suggested.' Dr. McKay declares that he has neyer, been satisfied with the Town Plan- ninïg Commission being restricted, as apparently it is by law, te the con- sideration of the passing upon- of sub- division proposals submitted here and there for approval. He points eut - that the only apparent cointrolz which the Commission has over sub- divisions. is the approval et the city engineer. At Monday night's Council meet- ing, His Worship, Mayor Preston, ap- pointed -a committee te investigate the advisability eof purchasing thel Oshawa gas plant frein the Hydre Electrie Power Commission and tu obtain flom the Commission an offer of sale te the municipality if the Commission desires te make such an!I offer.- General Motors ef Canada Limited has again displayed its generosity and public spirit in the presentation te the Oshawa Rotary Club of the[ Local Newapaper Advertising- Combate Mail Order Propaga-nda The advrtiig mmngerOf oee e the big mail order house in arecet addresssad "We hame a bureu whoso duty it la to resd ehweek the weeky newspaperý froin au over the. coutry. ?here is nMt a paper cf any cusquenco l' our trade terrltory that j r "The bureau look* ovor theM paper a"d whan we find a town where the mexeb amt.arm advurtlag la their local papo we immedi&tey B.od that Utor- tory wlth our Iitoate. "It always fringa rust t um far lun «em of the mnOf- fort -Put forthta *teriS1 whm tbe Ioamezcbmtn mke liberasuad omtaut urnofthd? local papemn Think it, over Mr. Merchant, and then use Th e Gazete & Chronicle et the houesla Wkkby. Towling-Pure linen, plain white or with red 'and blue border, or blue check, 20 inches wide. Reg.23 30e .............-. .For'* Cloth, Qf pure -Irish Linen in pretty floral designs, 2x2liý ds- $2 98 Towels -of pure linen Huckaback with hemstitched ends or oyster linen with fancy -end#% Each LUC Oyster Linen Towel with col- ored edge.... .... .. Each- Pure Linen Glass- Towels 21c Each Bath of heavy weight terr colored rainbow bon 69e.-, and ,79c. each. aback- Gift Ail articles China, Dutch and glassware, -etc., are this 20 per cent. red COATS- Ail our- Coa ts Greatly Ro For a Final Clearanu Here are a Few Outstan-ding 1 Black Needie Point,-with Opossum Interlîned, size 44. Regular $42,50 fc Black- Broadclotb, Opossum Shawl Cuffs, size 19. Regular $47.50 for $"r 2 Only Sport Tweed Coats, Natura iCollar, -.size- 18. Regular $27.50 -f or $1 Sport Tweed Coat, Plaid Overchec] Regular $18.-95 for $7.950 Brown Needie Point,- Opossum( Cuffs, size 38. Regular $39,50 for $2 Brown Needie, point, Op ossuim trimmei Regular $44.50 fr$200 Ladies' kid G loves of a fine French kid stock, in 2 dome style, shown in grey, tan, black and white. Reg. up to $2 Pi98C. Ciliron': Undsrwear a final * clearance vests and drawers. years. Reg. up to wo of odd lines of Sizes 3 to il 7ýc. -'35 Garment "1~ Sati 9.00 a.i 30 - pairs Flannele lst' quality -64, with pink or blue Oly -i1pair to a $ 1088 A.DE WL Dry Goods and Ready-i Vh Itby Phone 318 1 Lindsay new proposed bathing pool becemes a practicaIl; Convention Hall that is now situatedj realit.the town at the corner of Bond and Mary Sts., Oshawa Daiiy Times-This st-ory,ý old Boarý This was the announcement made at' vouched for as true by a member of: al achool the noon luncheon Monday bY vÃŽce-ý the city police force, is accredited te during th president of Oshawa Rotary; Gordon, a Chinamnan of the Globe Cafe: could net D. Gonant. Needless te say, the Ro-,ý "English"l, this waiter- said, "is were vac tary Club unanimously and enthus-1 very hard for Chines. te learn. Take te have h. iasticaliy aceepted this very generous;yu od'at'nw eeie ocl gift. te your church, and the preacher talks' W. R. ( The hall approxirnately is 40 feet about going without anything te eat. lar Peopl< by 100 feet and wiil seat fremn 200 te That is a fast. I go eut - on the that the 250. It is ef frame construction 'but' street and see an automobile goingt an arranî is very well built and .wdi easîlyi like - It is aise fast. A little anid Sons, stand being moved from its present fartiier on the car is stuck ini the ture Lupi site. te Rotary Park- on Centre street mud, and once more it is fast It'sl and~ Lupt wbich îa the. purpese the Rotary Club; a tough, lanuage!" Canada. h as in mind. On its new location itk Mayer Petnsiagrlades feature slh ~wÃŽ11 b. uscd for community purposes delivered at the opening of Monday and factoi and also as- a Glubhouse for those night's initial session cf the Oshiawa Hithertc using RotrY Park.L t la Ikely that 1928 Gouncil, -catis upon the. aldermnen, were aval a feundatiOn will be Put under the to tac. the. initial steps, towards the 1at least 4 entire buiding. Tha wlf provide for building cf a new City Hall, and urg-! the Unitec heatint plant but wM lm] Ise w a 8ed undivided Councilattention te tthe t pricewas large space availble fer other pur- formation of 'a Chamber of Cern- posed. In J poses, probahly for the. use cf the. merce whkiihu worsbip d.clared was' ufaîctured BOY Sois aMd for stonngtoUbog- w aticalyaSUed. IÀmited, w fUfa, &W80for leeker rOfls u aMth IU former Board cf Healtii cf tween 1il tTT R »ri"

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