Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jan 1928, p. 7

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sy» Lellers Froin Our Corr" k b items etf m ut"er fs'hmd&. e.J. G. Clugston, o! Columbus, eavery interesting and iielpful ress a the Week 0f Frayer service le Uniited Clhureh on Thursday ev- g o last weèk, he -.Ladies' Guild met on Wednes- ,Jan. 4th, attie home o! MÎrs. A. 1HpiJtt. Arrangeients were made the annual bazaair to be -held on 15tti. he Young Peop'le's League held its i meveting on, Tuesday evening ri the fellowing officers -were eleet- -Pre-sideýnt, LR'ay St. John; lst Vice idrilt, Miss BIenný:e Garbutt; 2nd Edwin M ron 3rd Vice, Miss Iy th Vice, 'Mr. lreland; -Secre- Miss MaryLke.; Treasurer, tor Hlil Orgaint, Mr. G. P. -Ass.t. 'Organinýt, Miss R. Boyd. fine 44t of feWcw.an(I spring-- the propeýrty (f David Scott, to 4(ld at F". Mackey's. farrn,- 1 'jý swust of Whithy town, Saturîlay l4th. Don't forget the date and e-dramia eîtitled "Deacon Dubîs" 1le prvsfcntved in the Townisbip Hall rookliin on Wednesday, Jan. lSth, p.m-., by tic Dramatic Club of Zion, under the auspices of tie es' GuIld of thcelUnitetd Clurcli. c wîi lebcsupplieti between thc by thc flrst Scout troop *of Brook- Admission 35c. Childmen 20c.t ecials ecdl week at MacDuff's-. airn 'to picasýe. -ogres"s is' being made-in thie or- zation and promotion of the Gien- ;on Country Club. A- meeting of directors was held on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd, at Brooklin, wlien nunierus matters of business were'déait witli, and arrangements furthered for the saleof stock. and the. early colnpletion of details which wil rapidly brIng the Club to a consummation of -its plansi for the establishment of a club house and gamne preserves. Prospects are that this wili provide a most popuhar, resort for a large number of business' and professional nmen from Whitby,i Oshawa, Toronto and other places. W. A. Dryden is President and F. W. Hodson is Secretary of the Club. Di- rectors includé Dr. Jas. Moore, F. A. Burt, E. W. Nesbitt, W. D., Dyer, and Jo s. King, of Whitby. -A furtier meet- ing is to le bela on Saturday of thisl week. AUDLEY Mrs. Wm. Colling, and, son, of AIe- mneda, Sask., called upon friends here last week. Hem iusband was raised in, thîs vicinity arid left to seek bis for- tune in Western- Canada about 25 ycars ago. Wm. and Mrs. Hedge and fanîily, and Mm. Winters, Sr., visited their relatives, Winters Bros., here on Sun- day. A fine lot of fresh cows andspring- crs, the property- of- David Scott, to be sold et F. Mackey's farm, 1 % miles w'est* of Whitby town, Saturilay, Jan. l4tb. Don't forget the date and place.- Mr. and- Mrs. Çazel.y entertained about 30 friends on Thursday evening. A meeting is being called to reor- ganize thc Ladies' Aid Society ini the local church. BROOKLIN FLOUR MILLS - Pi Wheat Wante-d Our requIrements for Fail Wh eat wll exceed that of Iast year. We aie prepared to pay you the hlghest possible P:Ice for.good MiUIng Fail Wheat, and 2c above elevator price, whatever irlce* that May be. F'hono-Day, 26;, Nlght 2713 or 25029 Brooklin Charles 'Wilson Brookln, - - - Ontario The Ses H fere. s KATES, Prlced- f rom oJc to $2.50. See the new ce ce Nie-Tu b 4. t's a dandy., HOCKýEY STICKS, 25e to $10000 PUCKS, ANKLE SUPPORTS, SKATE- STRAPS.D We also Supply Complete OutflItse. Ail Sizes of Skates ln Stock at preseént. 6WIIERE GOOU GOODS ARIE CIIEAPESTO" - Il 1 il -j SPECIALS 10 Bars P. & G. Soap, .i pkt. Pearline -..45e. 2 pkts. large size Chipso and 1 tin Old Duteh Cleanser...........for 50c. 1 lb. ltin English Breakfast Coffee ýand 1 lb. tireakfast Cocoa . ...... .-fr7e -tins Brunswick Sardines and 1 lb. tin of salinon....... ......for 40e. 14 lb.' bag of Pastry Flour and 2lIbs. Pure Lard...............for $1.30 2-5 lbs. fine dairyv saît and 6 lbs. Epsom 'Salt.s 60c. Beehive Corn Syrup, 10 IL pails 65ce, 5 b; pails 35c. LADE &-SON BrookIn -Soie' Agentâ for ILowe-Bros;. ÈIfghStandard Painto an&VarnUses CLARM O T We regret to learn that, Mrs. Jas. Board of the Circi MnINSV RM N UC ET IR T RSlr. E Thompson is spending thie oru is ut poorly, and sincerely soaels e ffai0 health. The Sunday Se] 1f. . . Coates returned after Miss, Mary Kerr, who is attending Sahbath for anoth Procue Expert Service in. the preparation of tIU sedn theChir-sandW- Agincourt High School was home over staff of teachers e imprtat frms an atsmal cst.Year's holidays with friends ini Toron- the week end. doubt this year w Income Tai Act requires thât a proper system of to and Mona is. Miss Jessîe Heron, of Whitby High but much good W~ books be kept by ail business 1Érms. Thomas Linton is visitng hi br- Sehool, was home over Sunday. by the school.- We aveanaccuningsytem to ui ai bances ther Martin at Orono. Mr. John Miler was i the -city onl The man-y', rier ofMr Wes, ofAshurn, preached in. Monday.obay er i lftae the United Church on -Sunday lst 0W- Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Jones, accom- Sunday last that 1Iformation promptly furfnished. intoteinssf1e.-lrIce-j panied by Mr. Will Sexsniith, of Have- a prto i i lan. lock, spent the week end with Mr. and We are pleased tc WILIA A D WEMrs. Overland was called to the city Mrs. Innis Grant. writing shewa 59 Victoria -Street, TORONTO on Sunday owing to the'serious îii- well as could bee ____________________________________________ Several farmers are busy hauling recover. [turnips to the station this week. Mr. At time of writing Mr. Thomas Walt Simms is the buyer. Downey is in a very critical condi- Sunday School Several of our hockey sports at- tion. o'clock sharp next The St. Andr~ews Young People held over Snudden's creek, las had to be tended the match at Stoufville Mon- Mr,. and Mrs. Bert Duff andi fam- able al who deil thei weklymeeting on Thursday ev- repaired since the heavy rains and day night betwee n Markham'and the îly were at Ashburn on Friday night w ood. ening at the home of F. M.?and Mrs. eash-out of ice and water that resuit- Stouffvýille tearn. The score was 2-1 i attending the golden wedding of Mrsý. 1' Mr. iand _is. P, Chiapman when, after devotional ser- ed in a flood over the road and soften- favor of the Visiting team. Duiffs- parents, Mr. ani Mrs. William ý,Zion, attendied chi vice, a study of Tennyson and the re- ed the new cernent so as to niake the A. large number in the town are Taylor. Congrýatulations are extend- day.- lation of poets to the national ilfe, bridge not safe for travelling. it will suifering from severe colds, several ed to, them, frorn a host of frîind IMr Bentley lia( took place. A social time followed. soon be repaired for ail motorists and beinig undet the doctor's care. here. last. Several r The Cornmunity Club held an un- rigs of ail kinds have been under D. A. and- Mrs. Pugli returned to Misses Hilda and Freya Hahn, of' teanîs andwa\-,gons usually successful meeting on Monday great inconvenience in taking a detour Lakefield onMna> h fre as- ootsen h eked at theirý Chas. .idg,£ett, night at the home of Mrs.- S. -Puck- so far out of their way for many confined to his bed for a W eek suifer- summier home here. - j uaî mvn nnwhn teywe e aemr hnwes ing with influenza. Mr. Frank l3riggs anti daugliter, the Mackt y hoile.s welcome. Under general business, tliey Mr. Jas. Luke lias started the foun- Quite a number intend going to Miss Thelma, spent Sunday w'ith lsfml al discussed. the year's activities and dation for lis new hôuon'soti Whitevale to the Township Sunday friends in Toronto. ebur&c passed resolutions to, cont4ibute -$20 north of the Corner and we shall see Sdhool Convention on Thursday, jan. Mrs. George Painte7r. is able to be:frnî- hswe or more towards the funeral expenses a nice new house finished iù the lZ2th. around- again after lier recent îilneýss. rs.Thpic of hemoherofa amly er, ecnt-spin. the bilinSeveral of the members of the Un-1 Sonie are anxiously W aiting for hre h rc of~~~~_ te oteofafmyheereetspigOtebuligmay be done iei C sfocate ]y bereaved. A grant of $5 was made this neighborhood before long and al ie hurcli assisted in the wood bee s-ýnow to make sleighing in order;goia o ate to the Bible'Society, and the visiting few new houses will lie seen near the on M onday afternoon ini the IJnderhill that they may haul their wood home, TcLbayC committee reported activities of ser- corner. 'Woods, preparing their winter's supply and do their other winter teaming. home of Mr. ant I ~ vice in remexnbering various members We~ are very sorry to hear of Mrs. of fuel for the church. However, the mild weather that has e011 Mothn'inî?ght of te comuniy wh aresick byP. Lfthose'sillnss rcenty. rt1ev. Mr. Grant, of Toronto, former been- enjoyed so' far.is not meetingexe tngngo oifithead fower its. Ah ot ion wasandP Mr. fhousei havs ee gneto M.pastor of the Baptist cliurch, preaclied generally with mucl criticism, as it an up)-to-tinte Lib: Tor- in listoed pulpit here on Sunday to a las been a great saving of fuel. -Mr. Sanluel Nai pased e te efec tht a apealbeonto wîere Mrs. Lofthouse expects to bh____lnpadoreil mae orsuport of the drama to en- have a ïý serious operation. We hopesleddcnrgto o mrrg ing fruit trees, shi able the'Club te do further charitable for lier a safe'recovery . KndAL pat o ths wek work among those needing this kindly. Mr. Fletcher, pf Toronto, lias begun M M L atO hs%ýe. touch of friendship and brotherly love. This community was very mucli the third choral class here. AIlargeI Mr. Spears, of, Brooklin, went j~ The. ones remembered were Mrs. shocked to hear of the sudden death numberhave ahready joined and it is through our village the first of thel Pratt, Mirs. Trimble, Henry Blake and of Mrs. Harvey Harris (nee Adele expected that niany more will join this1 week with his motor truck. 'I Additions to th' Thomas Puckrîn. The ehection of of-i Stewart) who passed away wî&itli pneu-i week. They practice everyq Wednesday1 Next Sunday there will- not be a King St. west, C ficrs eslte inth folowng Ho mnia after a short illness at lierlevening in the Community Hall, service liere owing. te the opening of increase its at'con Preg., Thomas Puckrin; Pres., Fran~k hm nShn. h a h econd Mr. and Mrs. Cifford Pilkey spentlthe new Greenwood dhurci. Let every-, five rooms, are a H. Puckrin; lst Vice Pres., John Bry- daughter of Mr. Stewart, -of Scarboro Sunday with the latters' parents, Lu- body go over and bear Dr. Chown, proprietor, Mr. E. an; ndVie res., George Puckri n cto n helt s Seat hr and Mrs. Pilkey. whô wmill preach in the afternoon and alterations ,\ill ir Sec.-Treas., Gladys Puckrin; Direct Wo predeceased lier some years ago. A gloom was cast over the Baptîst: evenîng. There xviii also be special of a large wînpg ors, Miss Leila Pratt, Miss May t rsedhrfoafe yerpepeeewenhylendofte, music rendered by the Pickeringand: present premnises. Brown and Mrs. R. Winters; Visiting af irmriglvn n h et fD.Frnr ean of McMas- 1 Brooklin dioirs.I Coin., Mrs. Frank Puckrin, Miss Hazel i -Cooper farm w%ýhere Mr. and Mrs. Gëo. ter University, Toronto, last Friday. 1 Miss Thonmas spent the.week end at Bush, Mrs. R. Hedge and Sidney Wan- B obinson now reside. Besides lier bus- Dr.- Farmer lad preached many times!lier'home in Markbam. An appree,(iatê4l nocott; Auditors,iMrs. Pratt and Ern- ibndadfu cilrn deesd i the churcli bere and was loved by Mrs. Bentley lias nearly recovered - ulatiori at the est Trimbie; Editor, Miss Doris Gee. leaves lier father and. four sisters to ahi who knew him and they reahize a -from a very severe cold from which Rubier Coinpaniv The drama coiymittee reported -pro- mourn her death. A large circie of great leader'of the denomination lias 1 slielias been'suffering for'some time. wa put in effect gress and hope te, put on the play redintecmuiysmahzpse oreivhsrwr. Miss Beatrice Stevenson lias returnA! office hours wr early in February. The retiring presi-wt h aiy Tefnrlarne Our hockey team -motored toiPort ed to lier home after spending al o'clock in the mior dent- made a speech reviewing the ments wilh be made Inter. Perry last Tbursday night, wlien tliey couple of wèeks at lier Uncle's here.1 at niglit. Trhew work and thanked the members for played a splendid game, having had Many from here will attend the, camne di rect f romn their loyal work and good community very little practice. 1The score was 2-1 fowh supper at Greenwood on Tuels-'lToronto 'xltlough spent. After the business was over a BAGGOTS VILLE in favor of Port Péýry. tlay evening next. cal plant were lit social time was indulged in under Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Lynde visit- A special meeting of the Quarterly'- ponsible. Leap Year privileges, after whidli an ed in Toronto last week. ASHBURN__________________________ enjoyable lunch w-as served and a sing The services-at Audley next Sun- Attenua meigofBns songandvots o thnks oth reir-daywill be withdrawn owing to the churcli congregation held on Tuesdayi-'ii'D ing officers took place. There were opening of the new churcli at Green- atronjnaylti h ae about 50 present. Wood and on the fnllnwînk- Sundav-- 7----.9 ,, . i4 RAGLAN There xvas no cburch services here on Sunday 1owing te, Sacrament being hcld at Manchester. Miss Hazel Pierson visited relatives in Oshawa iast wcek. Miss Rose Brent visited lier sister, Mrs. -R. Iladbourne, of Toronto;* hast Thursday. A fine lot of frerli cows and sping- ers, the property of David Scott, to be sold at F. Mackey's farm, 1% miles west of Whitby town, Saturday, Jan. l4th. Don't forget the date and place. Miss Jessie Slutc spent last week wxith relatives in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. N. Hughson visited et Charlie Reeson's in Brooklil on Sun- day. A number trom here ettended the hockey match at Myrtie hast Thursday evening which was playcd between Columbus and Myrtle. The score went hargely inýfavor o! Myrtie. Miss Hazel Akney spent tIc week end et-lier home ini Epsomi. G. Brent and N. Hughson visit- ed in the city last week. A number from here attended a dance in Scugog last Friday evïening. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson, of Pros- pect, v-isited their daugîter, Mrs. C. Avery, recently. Mm. and Mrs. Leslie Howard and Mr. Rahulby, of Oshiawa, spent Tues- - day at Harold PowelI's. Miss Gilibank spent Sunday with ber parents, at Bowmanville. Mrs. Harold Powell and Donald vis- -ited Mrs. Tonkin at North Oshawa re- cently. THRORNTON'S CORNERS 411 the neizhhhrs! wiil h.. -z.i...itio - a ------ - &.u4Lu--." ment of the churen. ÎReports were gxv-' Ja.22, 1ev. Mr. Fraser, of Dna-en as follows: Trauelrpotf ton wili have charge of tic service. - the1 W. M. S. by Mms. -Innis Grant; Mr. and Mrs. Aithur Bundy and Women's Guild by Mr. Wm. Burges dhiidren' of Toronto, spent Sunday at inthe absence of the secretary, Miss CliLnd o fe's o n s îHazel Moles; Sunàay School report A fne ot f res cos ad prlng-'by Miss Vera Leadli, aiso the Young ers, the property. of Dnavid Scott, te ,Peophe's Society; Verbal report of 'the be soid et--F. Mackey's farm, 11/2 'Bible- Society by 11ev. W. B. Mitchell miles west of Whitby tewn, SaturdaY,' in absence of' Secretary, Mr. George Jan. 14th. Don't forget tIc date andiWest. The following were added to place. Managers' roll for year 1928-Messrs. Messrs. Frank Puckrin, Gordon' Fred -Stepben, John Lawrence, George Trigg and W. C. Sonley are attending'Jeifrey. Mr.' John- Leask was re-ap- the short'course at the Rumeiy School:i pointed treasurer and Mr. Noman; in Toronto this week. - IAnderson." Secretary. Messrs. WaiterI The ladies of the neighborhood are Kerr and Norman Anderson were a- invited to the home of Mrs. C. Gaze- pointed as music committee. ly on Tuesday afternoon for the or- Rev. W. B. Mitchell, B.A., presided ganization -o! a Ladies' Aid. Ail are whiie Mm. Walter Kerr acted as Sec- welcome. retary. The new well being dug at te Five new members wcre taken in schooh is now completed and the water! during the year. The various reports works system is proving most satis-i given show that the church is in good factory. The water supply has been a, standing which is a source of satis- great worry and inconvenience for; faction te the ngigboard, as well some time but we hope it will'now as an encouraging outhook for the fu- meet with the approvai. of aIl. ture progress of the church work in this comntunity. A good attendance of the various BALSAM Suzday schools in this district is look- Messrs. Jamieson and Burnett bad e - ed for at -the Sunday Schooh Conven- business trip te Toronto on Tuesday. tion which takes place in Burns, A number of the farmersà are en- churcli on. F'riday from 10 a.m. to 4 gaged in drawing gravel and replairing p m. Dinner will be served'to, ail dele- the roads in this vicinity. gates. ,Jos. Hortop sohd a valuabie team of1 The Women's Guild is planning te horses lest week and delivered them. have a social some time this monti'. to Pickering on Saturday last. Particuhars later. Sorrv Mr. Carter is not eniovin.s bis usual health. Several farmers bere shippcd theIr fat stock, to the U.F.O. in Toronto hast Moniday. .The Mt. Zion Dramatic Club lhave had an invitation to give their spien- did play-"Deacon Dubîs" at Brooklin on the iSth of this inonth. A few ~nfflfrg.m ber. have iinTiP see the corner store open after being1 the Choral Class et Cluremont. closed since the death of Mr. A. E. i-A meeting of, the Sunday %ehool tWehster, wbo'carried on a grocery was held lest Thursday nigît when business here for many 'years, inter 'thc different ofioeirs were ehected. Mr. adding a gasoline- station, whieh wasî R. W. Wilson was re-ciectcd Superin- another great convenience. - Mr. Geo.j tendent and Mr. Goddard Bible Chass -Webster, nephew of Mr. A. Webster, teacher. will now carry on the business. Mr. ___ kand- Mrs. Webster intcnd to take up residence bere in the near future. We M R L T TO twelcome theni to our community. Mr. and Mrs. Fena, o! Toronto, Quite.,a number of Sunday Scbool spent Sunday et T. R. Price's. womkers wiil attend the Teacbert Mrs. Holliday bas been -spending a ' Training scbool this week held in St. couple o! weeks with lis sons in Tor- Andrew's Church, Oshawa. They1 onte. would like to see as many o! the MisVoe om iitdahr -ýugrtahr n h udysho home here over the week end. as possible attend, as thc instruction Columbus and Myrtie Hockey team tgix-en is interestingr and beneficîal in phayed a gaine here lest ThursdaY ttheir future teaching. AUl arc welcomc. inight thc score being 10 to 4 in favor We are glad to hear that Ted a.ndi of MyrItie. iBetty Robinson, who bave been so ili iMr. Elliott, of Youngstown,. N.Y., is witb flu are now mucli better?. sedn ekhr ibh it A fine lot o ! fresh cows and spring - s . L Tordif. e e it hs iser lbe sold at F. Mackey's farnn, 1 % 1 workters wÎll attend the Sunday School miles west of Whitby town, Saturday, convention et Ashburn On Frîday. Jen. 14t1. Don't foret thec date and At thc close o! the SundaY Schooll place. - session lest Sunday aftcmnoon, Rev. Congratulations to Mr. Richard j 1r. Sweyne gave e splendid talk on, Wallace-Lukýe, son o!fIrM. C. Luke, Temperance, whidh - was istencd to! and the late Mr. S. loike, aud 1Miss %ith intereat. Eve Mebel Patterson, daugliter o!f1Mr. A fine lot o! fresh cows and spring- and' Mms R Patterson, Albert St., crs, the- property of David Scott, te' Oshawa, on tb.eir meent marriage. 1fr. be sold at F. Mackey's feri, 1% ý anm a Patterson will reside n the nmiles west o! Whitby town, Saturday,' new bousqe lately fini.shed near -the Jan. 14ti. DonIt forget the date and !arm o! the .groom's parents on thc place. hîghway.. Wc ail welcoene tiem &SI Mr. Art. Tbompson, of Oshawa, nigIboY spent Sundgky at Roy Th<mpson's. Miss Loib Staoey, of! Ositvwî4 w a, Misn VersCook liasbeen suffenug viaitor but Suaday wMt Mins Olive. !rom a severe cohd, but we hope site tý Frnh. - vIii son b. arouud again. Tlh. e ernent bridge on the. third, ira. j. Birkett la abl. to b. out concesson, better kuown as tic bridge aa after ieveral montha o!filnm«a JnftIw ' .VW Its superior strength makes Purity g< ordinary flours. h is perfect for ail your baki buns and brad- the one flour sack or Try Purity M=ou to-dayj- it is certain tc Send 30c* i staff« for our 700-recip* Purity Floui Western Canaa FlouMlii.Co. Limite& Torouto, Mont BROOKLIN FLOUR EGGS 1 Are you getting your share? If net, stîmulatï Champion Egg -A sure "Egg Gettcr" Be sure and ask for Champion. Do flot mash which give ybôu ne better results. District Agent .Charles Wilson, pay That the. intereea .rused in the. New Chevrolet han bee, weH photographe of "i. latest addition to th.elight car fcid.r Tho Sa and dia. viiela, la aown in the. upper rigbt-baad photograpý,.-b one-ton truck chaula,, wile at the lover rigit is the coach n1, t tita formierly. bIsets ae upper left, the. masive new radijatora the. powerfiand eleau.cut-motor of the. uew lime, vitit two-port ex' left, a view of one of the. four-wheel brskes. l'h. New Ciievrolets,1 to b. availabi. at once. They are blger and roomaier titan previei NEBROOKLIN HARDWARE

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