Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jan 1928, p. 5

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RY l2th.~~~JW 19e 'ET'mvqA PUUUL Rellable Atarm Cl-ck Is a wonde'tful- help towards gettlng up 'on time these dark moro. ings. We have a fine- assortment prlced f rom $1.715 to $5850 Ail .Guaranteed, _\jSMaficks JEWELER Fifit Class Watch Repalring BROCK STIREET WHITRY Local HappeningsI Mlr. Thomaýý Harris and nephew, rold Harris, att-ended on Wednes- y' the funeral of his son% WIfe, who ýd at Enniskillen. rhe miany friends of Mrs. L. Bandel, o has been Ill' for several weeks, pleased to note that she haà so recovered as to be able to be up a short tinAe each day. 4r. F. N. Bum-s is able to be out iin after being confined to his home two weeksthrough ilines. 'ev. C., HL Schutt,_ Superintendent Home Missions for the Baptist arch, -preachedj at both- services last riay iii Whitby Baptist Church, Irnd ivered two very inspiring messages. N N UA L (HURCH MEETING he annual meeting of the congre- ion -of -St. Andrew's 'Presbyterian arch. iii called for next Monday ev- ngat eight o'clock. Reports.of the r's work in all departments will presented and various'church of- rs -elected, as welli as other busi- s transacted. WANT A- LIQUORSToRE Lpetition is being eirculated ask- the Liquor Control Board to es- house. Election of officers at the fol- l owing meeting. -U ~ I .Friday, Jan. 20, 8 pi.-Confirma- Te tion instruction at the Rectory. Annual Vestry meeting Monday, Za.2r,8 p.m., in Parish Hall. A t Rh ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN......... Sunday, Jan.L 5th< il a.m.-Sacramehnt of Lord's Sup- peýr. Besf Sheffield Cutlery J3 p.m.-Sabbath School and Bible Best çommunity Plate study.1 1847 Rogers Plate 7 p.m.-"The greatest Need of -the World To-da'y."f-e Electric Percolarors Jan. l3th-Friday, 8 p.m.,,Prepara- Electric Toasters tory service and reception of new Electric Grills members. Electric Vacuum Cleaners iJan. lGth, Monday, 8 p.m.-Annual Electric Washers meeting -of the congregation. Electrie Ranges Note- St. Andrew's heartiIy ex-; te mi s a welcome to ail. i -. iEVERYTHINGOUN HARDU SALVATION ARMY Phone 20'w A RU Captain Purdy Lieut. Leach' WHITBVAT fi Sunday, January l5th 9.30 a.m.-Knee driliT. 11 a.m.-Holiness meeting. Vide President, Mrs. Wilder; 2nd Vice 3 p.m.-Sunday Scbool. Mrs. Mitchell; 3rd Vice, Mrs. T. Bal- p.m.-Salvation meeting. imfer; 4th Vice, Mrs. Robb; 5th Vice, The meetings this Sunday will be Mrs. D. Wilson; Treasurer, Mrs. W.! cnutdby Staff Captain and Mrs. !Bamer; Secretary, Mrs. Canning. Spooner,_ of Torpnto. ~oeand - hear them. jINSTALLATION 0F OFFICERS THE UNITED CHURCH j At the'regular meeting of Sunbeam Rev. A. M. Irwin, Pastor Chapter,'Order of the East;ern Star, Sunday, Jan. l5th, 1928' Oshawa, held on ThursdaY evening, ~Regular srie for wortdiip at ilIthe newly-elected officers, were in- in. nd 7serices Stillng ofstalled by Sister Roberts, of Whitby, a.ad7p.ni. Rev. Wm. Silno Park St. Church, Orono, will preach at Past District Deputy Grand Matron. btii services. The retiring- Worthy Matron -and p.m.Sunay chol ad BbleWorthy Patron were presented with Clase..-udyShoanBil their jewels. A vote of thanks was ex- C olays Jn.sthMetnso.f tended to the installing officer for the ficil Bard t 8capable and impressive manner in ficil Bo rd t 8 .m.whièh the installation cereniony was League. D.M., on behaif of the members of the Tudesday, 73p. m. g Preopescnutd ferwihSse lp meeinea. 730p i-Pae Chapter, presented Sister Roberts Thiirsav. 9n.m- hir nÉ i- with a beaùtiful piece of china. A ban- Friday, 7.30 p.m.-Tuxis Boys'meet. BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday, Jariuary lSth, 1928 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School., 11 a.m.-Morning Service. 7 pi..-Specialý service of' praise by the choir assisted by local talent. COUNTY COUNCILý-CO1JNTY 0F ONTARIO The first mneéting of the Counci1 of1 the Corporation of the County of On- ý tario for the year -1928 will be heldq pursuant to statute in the Councl I Chamber in the Courtt House in the1 Town of Wbitby onT1:ae"y,-the 24th 1 day of JaRuary, 1928, Êt the hour of 1 two o'clock in the afternoon. Ait accounts te be laid before the Council shoulld -be forwarded to theî Clerk, properly tertified, at least three1 days before the meeting of the, Coun- i cil. Dated at Wbitby, this Sth day 'of j January, 1928.1 Arthur E. Christian, County Clerlç. ish a liquor store in Whitbyý. The LADIES' AID IIAD GOOD YEAR tion sets forth that the town was -T4~ annual meeting of the Ladies' er under local option, also that it.is Aid 'of St. Andrew's Presbyterian centre of a large district, The Church was held ý at the Manse on1 ion wîýll be forwarledto Hon. Mr. Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 4th. Thet ina, (Chairinîn of the Board. ,ecretary's report gave a summary of1 the~ year's work wbich besides the reg- EPAR FORBAN CONERT ular monthly meetings included a ba- lte Citizens' Band is busy prepar-j arasleohmeooigada for the tit-st of a Neries of Sundav social, wbich resulted in the society inig sacred Coïncerts-to be held i being able to furnish' new chairs for TonHalonFbuart->- th., There the Sunday School, supply fruit and lie a choie pragramme by the j lowers for tie sick and assist the 1, assiste(l li outside talent of a managers of the chut-ch very material- iorder. t.1y. The treasurer's report was most - encouraging. After deducting aIl ex- NOTICEj penses a nice balance remains, to be- E gin the new year. The eleiction of of- îeJantuary\ Openi Board nmeeting ficers resulte(l in, Mrs. F. Roberts lic- he Womien's Baptist, Home and n lcePrsdtfo198 lt ign MNissionary Societies of On- n elcdPesdn fo198 lt ,) West, w iIl be held oýn Thursday, tnt-y 19th, froni 10.15 am. to 3 p. A NO CE N S in -thie First Avenue Baptisti __ NNOUNCEMEN"___________ reh, - Torýonto. Take a Broad,.ievv gc.t off ut First Ave and walk one j'Second of the four-week series of k vast. Tuo.se interested are asked, eucires to te held in St. Bernard's ake note. Hall on Wednesday evening, Jan. lSthJ -. - . t 8 o'clock sharp. Good prizes. Re- freshments. HAD RIS CAR 'ST0LEN hile v-isiiting in Oshawa on Tues- About 45 pairs .of ladies' rulibers,, nigit Depu)Ity-Repeve R.J.Un 1r-siaîl sizès, 1, 2 and, 3, for 35e pair. i had bis Chev. coupe stlnfenCollin' Cash Shoe Store, Wiitby.' ront of thie H6spital. The police Mr. J. M. Sierlock, Toronto, 'Vocal --ntified, and Inter wien it was Teacher. Wbitby Studio at Mr. Frank quet was held at the close meeting. of the1 WEDDINGS O'NEIL WILLISF The wedding of Mr. Wm. Ralph O'Nell, of Cincinnati, former47 Of London, Ont., to Miss Jessie Ilma Willis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. vas. M. Willis, of Port Whitby, took place iýuietly ini Prospect Ave. Baptist Church, Buffalo, N.Y.,,on Saturday, Jan. 7th, 1928. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. W. Lieichiater, formerly of London, Ont., and old friend of the groom. The bride wore a very becoming -gown of powder blue georgette and lace with hat to match and carried a nosegay bouquet, of pale Pink roses, fresia and gardenia. She was attended by lier sister Anastasia IWillis, of Toronto, who wore beige georgetfèW and lace,, beige fox fur, d hat to match and carried. Ophelia roses. The groom was suppcrted by SALE REGLSTER Saturday, Jan. 14-Auction sale of fresh cows and springers, the proper- ty of David Scott, to be sold at Frank Mackey's farmn, one and i haîf miles west of, Whitby town, on the highway. Sale at L30 sharp. See bills. Wmn. Maw, auctioneer. Births, Marriages, Deaths.' - MARRIAGES O'NEILL-WILLIS-At Prospect Ave. Baptist Church, Buffalo, N.Y., on Saturday, January 7th, by the Rev. W. Leichiater, William Ralph O'Neil, of Cincinnati, formèrly of London, Ont., to Jessie Elma, daughter of Mr. and M rs. J. M. Willis, of Port- Whitby. CLASSIFIED ADVERTUSING Z' driven thiroughl Whitby Nighti G. Erskine's, Centre Street, each Wed- itable John Thomias got Mr. Rus;.Inesda.v. Phone 187. City Studio atl O ALjN T E ltateh. who «us ý;on hand at the' Heintzman's,' opposite Eaton's, phone, FRSL A DT E to dIrive humi to Oshawa in pur- Elgin 5965. _33! of the s-tolen car. When the of- 1 poR RElNT-APARTMENT CENTRALLY arrvedin he itVliefouni hj Don't forget the series of eucires 'I6ocated. Immnediate possesaion. AÏ'ply to ,%hich had ct-ashed, into a pole and to be held 'in the Orange Hall coin.- d1.Wity Ot -f abndnd Afisiihtwa mencing Friday, Jan. l3th. Good1. I indi, nd. t -ile olceblievethwat prîies. Refreshinents. Admission 25e.i T0 LET-Accommnodation for gentlemanj 111 t, nd he olic txlie.e hatboarder. Apply to Box 785, Gazette and hief intended to pull off a robbery J Reserve the date Jan. 27th for an honceOfie onie place but lost bis.nerve. afternoon tea and cooking sale held! - -funder the auspices, of the L.Adies' Aid ARICI FM SALE JOH'SPOR WHTBY P. J. Sullivan, licensed pluxnberand'VoRt SALE-A LARGE RANGE. WILL Rector, Rev. D. B. Langford tinsmith, Brock Street north. Wht- burn Sal or wood. Cheap for cauh. M. Sunday, January 15th by. Phone 117. - . *Collins» Shoe Store. an-Morning'serie p.ni.-Sundlay- Sehool and Wonî- The regular meeting of the Wom-, SALE-WRiTE ENAMELLED BABY' Bibleen's Christian Temperance Union wil Carriasp- in tiret clama condition. Phone Bib-le Class. . lie held in the auditorium of the Pub- 2S or 199. -f cher, thely ctormno vc. lic Lilirary on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. FOR SALE-I 4-HORSE POWER. WIT ýursday (t-a>1.0~x. 7tb, at 3.30. As plans are te le made Kmods and couplinza. Géo. Bell mk. Apply iie etiof the Se30ln' .f or special work for the coming year )4". Bradfor'd Powell. Thorntons Cornra-291 ind TeetngeBas of the noE"ai the members are urgently request- in the Sunday Sehool Hjall edte le prýsent. Âlso please rememn- 1FOR SALE- LADIES- BLACI LAMB îday7~ 4..p..Juir'A-ber it is fee day. Coat., Apply at Gazette Office. ~unda Sehol.Hll. Bargains in repairing at M. W. col-:~ 5un-14Schol all 7 ý 'OR ; i F OgRDSECA. 1918p i Naa girLs' gatbering in' the Sunday lins' ahoe store. & " SL- ol Hall. 7.30 p.m.-Choir practice SngTtdor Sedan. alilgttly uaed for dem«otration' e cht-eh j~ rthur W. Lynde, Teacher of ig oniy. IRei-Naaîi. otoro. Dundas St. Wes nday, 8 p.m.-Annual me eting of ing. Studo corner Of DunlOPAM- whitby- 3unday Sehool teachers and off ie- Ce~ntre Streeta& Phon 871. or addr.ma n the Rectory. Box 169. Whtby. .--d.f F01SAL-PAIR OF GMILS 1HOCKEYJ nday, 23rd-Annual Vestry meet- C41,rparig tM.W.Coliu' A M boots. nd odiution. Sise tshoe ~by. Priee S1.00.j Pliehin ad ae on'---t'fR SALE-i923 FORD COUPE IN OOOD SAINTS' CIWRCR (Anglican) hg ntam0=.* eomIJa b.PAp-g Bx4.G- Sunday, January 15tilttce L W. Southwl, Phone 2281. .- mer- Street North. -f W. . Kumaady, Barriator, basuTH p.m.-8. S. in Parlsb Hall. Bible mmd aemm the snr..t trou bit for- in church. 'Mner Offlea. oMe door- ea« tof PubieIW,&NFU>...SrrITIAOlî U~ ILD-Evenlng prayer and er- Llbrary. 1Moriey t 10»an onMortXgagum "' azete a C (>4OUeOU et toast rates of -ituratColla.. aruday, Jan. 1Uth, 3 p.m.--W. A. tlonsm, Souva'aang and iwnag o IVbM D-A APL usx àâfloa meeting at Mrs, Downil'mof astatésa. a p.cllty fo HWM cawPÂ&A BOteUJ. P iardware L Tu"dY. A good number were present. gn teaernOOn was spent ini quilt- ttteyed I a verY satisfactory IOJ i< ing and wn. manner and so they go until their like na The oir practising for a concert own inconveniencg and discomifort for- work. E b e en the near future. Keep ces them te the bands of those whom to awal( ind an watc, forpartiularsthey 'shouid have seen long before. js h lymnaadwtceorpriulr.or <rveys of this natureare te be Rev. Albert Carruthers, of EiicI<s- found in the- United States than in î dale, Mani, delivered a very fine mes- Canada because the United Sae a sage in Almonds church on Sunday miany more large industrial coneerns U u afternoon. and it develops that in the interest of I Sorry to report Mrs. Mackey bas teefeec o hs mlyed, fig-' -- . ieuanaanetort Put «LdZ heepared 1tI forth to remove the cause, wbeiý hs and Chil conditions there are in many' cases meg, at 1traced 1<, the public scbool it follows bloks m that tbose figures wil appjly here as block- n well as there because the eyes of our Pbone cbildren are taxed at scbool just as' muchas theirs and the eyes Of Our-Wib I . WhCitb Rogers Batteryless Radios vere cold during the pait week. C. C. MW Skates C. C. M. Bicycles erE sanI alh Hockey Sticks, orEe n elh Toys for the Chlîdren 1 the Eyes of Children We have a large and well assorted Part "3"' stock to choose from and wiuld be ByCH.ucptIY pleased tohave you call. Copyriht 192 made it is generally- superficial they VARE AT UIOWEST PRICES feel "I wonder is it worth wble," and li hssuperficial manner'it is dis- cvered that a matter of formin 8 to "E'S HA R DWAR E,42 per cent. of the cbildren are rul ed nsome way, but this eliminates temajority of the Hyperopic -(far J Mr Roert oodoùs, 0fBufalosigbted) cases wbose vision is good at cousin of the bride. After the cere- areepnse of reasrain . Tbueyfca niony a dainty dejeuner w-as, served at aepse ybcuei uefca 1Hotel Statler after which the bridaI ________________ couple îhet for London, ont., to visit Mr. O'Neill's mother wbo is critically _________________ i1, - before leaving for their home i Cincinnati. - GM n E PLAYED OPENING GA'IftSNn A big crowd witnessed the opening intermediate hockey gaine at Port! lm. I Ferry on Tuesday night. This was the first gaine of the season. and was played with Stouffville. The opening ceremonies were "God Save the King" played by the band, after which Reeve Somerville faced the puck. Tuis wasaa fast and furious game and was won by Port Perry bya score of 5 to 1. port Perry is the teain to beat in this ser- ies. Mrs. Bonetta, of Base Line, Osh- awa, is visiting ber daughter at the home Of Mr. J. Alînian. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLaughlin, of Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Annan, of Pick- ering, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bryant, of Pickering, visited on Friday last with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Osborne. Miss- L. 'Çoleman and Miss Mabel Rowe, of Torionto, were week end vis- itors at the home of- Mr. and Mrs. T. Morcomýbe. A fine lot of fresh cows and spring- ers, the property of David Scott, to be sold'at F. Mackey's farm, j1h/ miles west of Whitby town, Saturday, Jan. l4th. Don't forget the date and place. - Mr. Milton, Balsdon bas been under the doctor's care for the past week suffering with ân attack of, quinsey. Ladieft'-aid. wt at' the cburch on IN MEMORIAM WARD- >In affectionate remieffbrance of our dear Elgin, wbo departed this life Jan.rl4tb, 1927, in bis 2Oth year. One year bas passed dear Elgin How sad it is to us listening for A voice, a voice that neyer calîs There's not a day but we miss you more and more. We miss you bere, we miss you there, Dearest Elgin we miss you every- wbere. We miss you wben the morning dawns We miss you when the nigbt returns' Our home is dark without you Elgin Dearest Elgin we- miss you all the time. Sadly missed by Father, Mother and Brother.. J41 ID I Lfl We have replenlshed our stock after the Christmas 'rush, and wlsh te drawyo u r attention te, our van.- ous lUnes and 10w prices. M.-O. SPRO WL, Prop., Telephone 204 Aibei W.u beRk0f- Brook -Ste, s'O jWhltby M Y LISTINGS COVER 30 te, 40 fine Residentiai Properties Un the Town of Whitby. ealu and see me If you are lnterested. Albert W. Jackson FowI- for Your Dinnor We will have a nice range of Turkeys, Geese, Ducks and Chickens for, your evening dinner, and at prices as low as possible. Leave your orders early with us. WE GTJARANTEE YOLJ PROMPT SERVICE Herb Wilson MEAT ARET Ph... 169 NIgt 2109 WHITSV, ONT. Coal and Wood CHEAPESI FIUEL IN TOWN A Load off Solvay Coke and Jeddo Pea Coal Mixed, and. a Load of General Motors ,Wood. A Fuit Suppiy of 'Al Kinds of 'Coal. Te We- Ross &sons Phons-Olce34,,Residence -345 *The \Taluable Tonic and Builder $1,001.00 For Th roat . Kîd Finish Ticklingand -Value 40c. Coughs> To ear at 25c. 25cents R, J. Leaci Dr.uga and statlonery Phone 37 WHITBY, ONT. 'I Payientof axe! Take notice that the Couneil0 of Whitby has extended the tii ment of taxesfor 1927 withou per cent. penalty up to and in, JANUARy l14th As there -is stili a -large amount due it will be in the best intere, in arrears to pay as quickly asr avoid, paying more than they sI H. L.PRINGLE, Tax(C ÀDVE RTISI' INTfHE Brings G ood Ré, BDRNS, CAS'H -LUT PRIC Friday, Satuîrday and Smioked Picnic Hams . . . . 1c. Pickled Picnic Hanis.. 17c. lFresh., Picnic Hams ..8c. Sliced Breakfasi Bacon .. 27c. Buy L-ard and Shortcning Before the Price 3 lbs. bulk Lard or Sborten*ng........... . 3 lb. poilLLard or Shortenimg...... .... ... 5 IL poil Lard or Shorteuig..... ...... . 10 lb. pail Lard or Shorteniâg ....... ...... We buy only Government inspected meatý Cu romting cuts of Beef, liamb, Pork and Veal this &RGCERY DEPARTI 1. YelIow Sugar.............. .... . .1 2. Iang-Sugar ......... ........ .. ..... 3.-Bonnie Brar CoOdee...... ... .......... 4. Spcý iald Tea......... ...... .... 5. '~ " '~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.. Cooldng Fgi........... ...... ....... 7. 'Valenca gai. ..... .......... S. M ixed N ts . . .. . . . . . . . . . .11 Writing Pad and Small Pork Large -Sawsag Snfoked Ham Sausage Mea 1 M 12,th, 1M A urv% Bi lý . -1 -Goods BUTCHER--

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