Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jan 1928, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR'1 OOLUM'S SyRUP -0F TAR CO-LIVER CIL COMPOUNO AN EXO ILENTHfIMEOY VAUJABLE'UN THE TRIEAIMENT 0F COUGHS, COLOS, BORE THOUT, BRONCHIAL TROUBLES, CROUP< LOSS OF VOICE RELIE VES IFFICULT BREATHINO 40c a Bottie E. L ODLUM DLtiggist and Stationer WHITBY' ILocal Happenings Mi.R .Millar, 40 has con- 4ctdabarbeýr slxop in Whitb., for ý-eVeIral yvars, lia., solti his bIusiness ad li 4It thîs week w ith Mrs. Millar, fi1 f Tornlo, whex'e they iiitend l o Mr. nti r.AfidisonIx Bradley (h)iex,<f letroit, have b(eui itinig the forîxîer's parents, -Mr. Mrs-. E. Bradley, llrock St. S. ani vis- andi Mî's. i'red Pogson, Nvho bas been qjuite iii at lier home, Diundas St. atiýs low nmuch improveti. ,Nl. ArVhtir l'et,-heti, vi. ti-t bissisV IN, rs. anii<r.J. Tlhomnson, of Winnipeg, Jo.Mitchell durang the MisGtrtruife Mclntyre lias heen vitigiiOttawa ,ai attendedth ie anegivenIx 1wthe lHon. Peter Ilecxi- an ý fo ' sduughteî', Margaret, ut te ('in;teau IILaurier. 1e.A. M. lrwiîi, B.A., B.D., <liai rnati of Oshawa Presbytery, %vil] ake anxiversary services in' Park st, U-iiteuil (hurt'li, Orono, on Sun- day,- Jnuay Itit. m î-i.'Fio,. Ileuiderson, a forier reiýýdéiit of Whitby, has Just recover- cd froni a svrious llness which coni- fiuodllier Vo lier hone, 42 Ann St., Tootfor sxetÎmeflier Whit- b)y frienîls wili be gladti o know of ber rocovi-ry.- Mr'. anti Mrs. T., D. I-lobson, ILIivoy, I1., are vis;itinig with and MNrs. J. T. -.Nkathison. of Mi'. M i -ss 'emne Nicholîs spent -New Yvar"- Nvet'k ith lier grantparents, .%I'. and IMirs. Wm. Edgar, BQwrnan- 'Piletriîiiueil meetinxg of the Cobour'g Pî'ehytr'ul, Voîxenl.issioniary So- chipyw iiih<- lxld i Pot 'V ope Un- T' itq id (,lii xcii on Tihu rsda y the i 9th,1 coiiiîî'xtipmg at 10 We'loWk.A îiieetng1 oif the exkeutive coininiittee w-I be liM on NWeîlxxestMaîy eveîing in te axie îxrcx.A large afttndance is IslîIl ifoi'. T'hu ,lIîuaî'\- ixîetiîig of tlîe Xoxi- It,t itilutv ' w iIllel llonlThurs- daIy watîî-nîuî, the 2;tll, at 3 o'clock iit ti wl laîîxî,w heu an aid- dus' wili le given x l' Mr. A. G. llo xixl.i., oni 'Iaws- ertaîng te Wnîîeuî"i.' lease' uxutethe change oi' dlts ana dtatt,'tif îîeiî.A cordial inivitat i,11 i-uîvqixte Al. It is lîoped tl-'wi lithrkre attendauice at tli~ neîinz. I ssAiîîes, l'res., Miss: Mrî. ;anîl Mru Ç' l. NWiIloI' (if Port lxl'.havet taken'up tlir non- rxes- i1i lîce iiiX elî1<kandi st-em very p1ýia- qil witîx their -urrouniinks. 3Mr. Wle tIb., mîanîager oýf the- Ontario hIeît.iltarn tlî-ie lis suces-ox', Mr. J. $< r Mciurdy', of Wood- st ',li-'i r -il diin îowxîand takien Vi hn' \,at,îll' N-.Wilson. FV1LU Slll>I>AYERS- h&-:uîîlas bhmuifertuixate in se- wuimw Tglh,- 10i0r.n-li'e!low ship Play- 1-1s for l îistvv-nxng, J auuary 27, diate in mini. Fli1 e r îarticulaîr. uTE .%YL'Iï1()PEN Ot ig e -etinued soft 'i <ather Vii, ic- l;i-~ p ailll hft tixe bay ant l'et litls.What tiaer is of it i-s fa-reuoc . iuxg x 'e for skating.Qîti_ it-sîienî sas to ste st' aulop-c liay -uon Janlualx bIb i- a rare sight NOT'ICE Mrs.IL .--<I tise- o announce h, vsite wii otinuete obuv poulVrv, iroii, ragsz, etc. Or ledrs r hou ,t,'t N 2î'ill b.c prui ly aý ýtttenîqd to IlHITHY BABY AUXMOST WON *Wl tici i i-hans f Osham'a Of- fred ei e' vallualile prtsent st» tl( ite t htbby boni in 192" in thititcity, te prizr wi'pt to lab% Jean Sauniders, (if 1t60 (?îîh-gf.' Atue, Oj1laýa, %ht ,.a> tbirni t l~Uai.n. Nuw Yt- ar':4 mlorn)iîîg. A Wliltby baby, WltrEu- genllb liluy, >sAn Of %Mr. und Mnis. Wal- Ver Baiit.-'y, ituvevi-r' sa cosecr- peioas >wr 4aeL-arten sigiiedi acer-- titkcatte h v. ing that the littie feilow Was boeriat l12.51, New Yeur's I)ay. AFair Policy 0T1oward Loci. Advertiers The Gazette and Chronicle lias> endeAvored for- years to co- operate with local advertisers, and has adhered to a poicy of keeping its advertising columns open only for local merchants or for national advertisers. This has been the poiicy of! the ma- jority of Uic weekly papers of Ithe province, , others recettly having departed front it. A few days ago the Gazette~ and Chronicle was offered a sub- stantiai contract from a well known Toronto department store Swhîch wbised do seli a special line of goods in ibhis ternitory. T'his' contract, however, was not- accepted, because we felt that hleit wouki be a finalicial trgain for us it would flot be fair to W hitby merchants, andl be. caîuse we feit that 4he latter' should have ail the trade in th is Sand evtry other fine that it is jpossiblt, to get. This informationj is Ipuhlish ed hecause we feel thatg th ubi should be informed as totepoiicy this paper follows in ithis connection. STREETS WERE SCRAPED During the-muid weather this weeh Engineer Pringle and the Street's Comnmittee ha<l a number 'of streets serape(I. Some of themn were in very bad condition and were- almost im- passable. (OUNCIL MEETS MONDAY The- first regular meeting of te Town ýCouncil of 1928 wiIl be held on M,ýonday evening in the Council Chamber. Generaily, there is a large volume of business Vo come be- fore the first meeting, including the appointmnent of representatives to the variou.ý civic bodies. HOCKEY MIOGULS PUZZLED _Whitby -District hockey moguls are in a, quandry these. days over the situa.tion caused by mild -weatber condiîtionsý and try as they tan, they Jare able to arrive at only one solu- tion-cither take the games to To- ronto or wait until Old Jack Frost gets (lowfl to business and gives ice. The O.H.A. says that artificial ice will have to be resorted to if -the g-roup winners are to be (leclared int inw for suitable play-offs, but ak- ing hockey teams on road trips eosts money. Toronto artificial ice plants wvould clean up a nîée pile if al the teanis within a radius of fifty miles brought ail their postponed games there-but that isn't iikeiy. LIBRARY -HAD GOOD YEAR General incr-eases ini the, circulation at Whitby Public Library'during the 'ear .recently ended are noted in fig- ures Èurnished by the librarian, Miss Stî'aiton. The attendance in both the a<lult and juvenile <lpartments was also on the up-grade cilimb, an in- crease of 18 new members being me- p orted. During 1927, the aduit depart- ment shows a total circulation of 14,- 877, w~hile the juvenile section -had a total circulation of 5,405, making a general cIrculation of 20,382. ('ompari sons of the 1927 circulation 'with-that of the prevîous year, show an increase of about 3,000. Examina- tion of the nmember.ship moll shows that in 1927 there were 1,220 persons subscribed to the use of te ibrary, while in 1926, the namies on the iist numbered but 1,202. As in aIl othet' centres;;posse.ssilig a modern lpublic lihrary, the Whitby institution nmade additions to its sheives, there being nearly 200 addîtional volumes secured. Therýe inciuded ciass books as weil as mîodern fiction.- ATTENDET) A.Y.P.A. BANQUET On M.%otidayi eyening the third an- i-uad banquet of the- St. George's A.Y. '. A., Os;hawý,a, ivas held in the parish hall ati sem.ziie froni Whitby were pres- 1ent. 'Thü banqîuet commnence(1 sbortly after î6.30 p.i -,vith Canon dePencier <ipitiing~wt Grace. The bountiful suipper was catereti and >erved by the ladlies,. of the a-uxiliairy;-anti Mi'. T. B. Mtchell, oorr president of te as- soeiation, acteti as chairmian fhr the iiro-graiNhiel ivas as foliows: Conm- 1 iiunity Singing', a toast to te King propioseti by NIr. T. B. 'Mitchell and re- sponded t(; by singing the National TRAIN TIME TABLE (standard Time) C. N. R. Whitby Junction GOING WEST-t*536 a.; -4.52 a.m.; i9.10O a.nx.; 1232 pm.; t-.34 p.mi.; T~>ip ni.; §$.23 pan. COING EAST-tSÀOauî:S a.m.; a. ýt*U2 Pmn.; 1932 p.m.; *10.5S p.m. (except Saàturday) M21,s a.ni. Whitby Town C N. R. COING NORTH-ts.31 ami.; 13.30 p. ni.; :5 p.ni; t'$2.53 p.m. COING SOUTH-t".51 la.m.; *1.50 p. C. P.RIL GOING WEST- t-55 am.;, §6.31 a. i.; -734 a~-Ii; ts.5ta-n-1.56 p. x,; t Î.45 P.m" GOING EAST-'t..-7 a.m.; f1.,57 p.m.; tî.45 pm; '11.0 pnî ; §1.03 a.m.; ýý3l amn. train and 1.30 a. train on Sundlays ý%lM stop at Whîthy tfo let ou' passt-xîgegtrs or pick theni up Vo or frnxpoints-%%e.-t of Toronto. - *Daily -hDaily except Swiday §Sundiay only **#Monday, 'Aednesday, Friday 1tTuesday-, Thursduy, SatuîrIay. Surplus Shown (Continued fromi page 1) Commission Vo purchase 2 poies on the west side of Brock street from the Post Off ice Vo the Junction Station for te suni of $84.00. Titis line; was abandoned last sumnier but sixteen of these poles have been in use for many years as part of the town's street lighting system. The Commission de- cided to- accept the offer, and author- ized the signing of the agreexpent. AIl classes are now dowh Vo busi- ness after te holidays and the scitool wiil be a busy place' from xiow until te end of te terni. The Literary Society mec Vs on Thursday afternoon of next week, Trucking Service Makes Daily Trips Vo and from the city, also sui-rrounding vicinity. A phone caîl will ensure prompt service. Phone No. 8 from 8 Vo 6.30. FRED B. JANES, whitby, Ont. riext week inite columns of the Ga-t tionai equipment lias been placed- The r zette and Chronicle. This was stLop- therein by the Board of Education. asset to ped on account of Vte Christmaas holi- The Veachers, in accordance with per- now titi Ilays. rf&ision granted 1V-hem by the Board, without are playing Badminton, and sevéral creasei O-wing Vo the illness of te Higit enjovable games have already been fmo-mVi Scitool inspect-or, the visit of that of-ý played. wil~fl beec ficiai, which has been expected for some time, particularly since the new addition was completeti, has been fur - _____________________ ther deferred. ~ WHITBY GAZE1'1E AND CHRONICLE. anthem. A few remnarks were, given by when a good programme will be n Mr. Mitchell, then Mr. Hartley favored presented by the members. It. is justM with a pleasing solo. Mr. F. L., Fowke, possible that a play will- be staged p ex-M.P., proposed the toast to the in the near future, now that te So-d clergy, Canon C. R. dePencier re- ciety has a good hall and stage-fac-1 sponding. A violin solo was given by ilities. Mr. J. Lee, who was accompanied on ___ the piano by Mrs. Lee. Then Mr. Regf Terrett proposed the toast to the vis- In place of the "Lit" meeting thiss itors and Mrs. Erskine, president. of week, H. M. Black, manager of thea the Whitby A.Y.P.A., and Mr. Cooke, BelTlehreCopn t saa presideût of the Bowmanville A.-Y.P. i came up to the sehool with moving A., rep lied to this toast. Mrs. C. ip. pictures and "gave a most interesting Davis rendered a solo in her usual tak on the developmýýnt of the tele- charming manner followed by a '#ew; phone. Mr. Black'traced the history remarks from Mr. Brown, the peopîe's of the phone from.the time of its in- warden. The speaker of the evenîng vfntion until to day, showing the vani- was Col. F. Chappell, then a few ous stages of advancement, and the words from Mr. C. F. Cannon, super- modern sxstem of saying "Hello" 1visor of public schools, closed the pro-ovrte iesnwiue tda. zran. 'Miss Mlntosh and 'Mr. Ers- Whitby's modern system -% 'as not! kinie were repre.sehtatives fromr the nientioneti. Mr. Black's a(ldress was! Whitbv societv, and Miss Audrey: much appreciated. Lamb and 'Mr. Cooke were the visitors fron Bwmavile.Col Chppel ~l.Attempts have been made to forn his add(re.;ss to the young people of the! su-ý High School tearn to enter in -the church proposed a toast to the 'u-- OtroHce League,bu c&s fth sscitonad hemni:South OtroHce u cessof he ssoiaton nd he em-without siTccess"_ A town teamn has, bers through the coming year. Mrs. J. hbo-wever, been organize(l, on which' Lee acted as accompanist for the there are a number of the students, singing and later Mr. and Mrs. Lee adte r aig go. Ls plaed or ancng.Thursday evening they trimmed Trhe banquet, at which about 10)0 Brooklin 5-0. young people were guests, was a thor- ough success and' a hearty vote of thanks was given to the ladies who' The publication of the weely had prepared the banquet and to those 1school examinations -,will be resumed who had helped with the prograni, _______________ without which the evening would not ________________________________ have been the success it was. _ _ _ _ _ _ New ONý MOJOR CARS We wilI ban you monies on your motor car, or if you can not meet your present payments we will pay off the claims and renew your pay- ments for any term up to 12 months and insure your car. GERMAN & MacKENZIE 2 King St. E. OSHAWA,, ONTARIO SPECUALISTS IN MINING SECIJRITIES LISTED AND IJNLISTED STOBIE, FORLONO & CO* STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Retord Building BAY &1 WELLINGTON BTS., TORONTO PRîVATE WURE SYSTENV il King $t. E., Oshawa-Phones 143 and 144 Phone Cails atOur Expense. 110W do you judge, the efficiency and safety of Anti-,Freeze?'- You can't tell by color, odor or price, and'yet the protection. of your power.-plant in winter is of vital importance. One way you can bel sure. You can put'- Vulc your radiator with, Anti-Freeze into positive- assurance of protection-an uncoiiditional guarantee of safety at ail temperatures because- Behind Vulcan Anti-,Freeze is a company t$hat has publicly staked its reputation on the safety of its products. Above Att-o Wa'e aofor Sa--fetyI Làet the chemîcal laboratories of this com, pany assume the responsibility of .keepmng your engine running smoothly and. safely --ail winter. Drive up wherever you see the British American Sigm.3 94BRITISH AMEJCAN OIL CO. LIMITED 2' A- PIONEER IN I*IS THE GAZETT WHITBYlI & C The recognized leading weekl1 Ontario County, covering the' and surrbunding rich farming appreciated in the homes of th A Tried and Tested Advertis Circulation growing steadily wi ium of subseriptions, contests c prerniurns. The worth of the Gazý icle is the only consideration of The news colums- of the Gazett( ernhrace the entire country, an( -the County Town-thoroughl3 surrounding district. The interests, of the Gazette an( the Town of Whitby are miitua Whitby GazeOtte At the ROYAL Ti WHITS, ONTARIO Wednesday and Thursdav. Jain THE SHOW, .With-John Gil bert rani Renee, Adorce. A v Friday and- Sat-urday, Janu2 I LASIING FAN With Ranger, the Dog Mre of the MIc Evry SauraySPECIAL MATIN Evey Sturlayat 3 p .. i atrp. Adri Monday and Tuesdayv, Janu., THE MARRIAGE CI Wîth Franicl- X_ Bu hi $HOW STA 1T 1A11, .m CO M IN(;-T H E VIRE BRiZ iTH-OM-PS Picnic llams, smok-ed. Picnic Hais., mild cured, niot smoked De-Luxe JelIy Powders Prunes, large size Layer Raisins, 3 crown Layer Raisins, 4 crown Sunlight Soap Mixed IHoney Extracts, any flavor EX TRA FRIDAY AND SATURDA' 5 String Comn Brooms5 Rcig. 'Price 75c. Phone Us For Serv lbý Cash Phone 21 WE DEL The new gymnasium is now va-busy place, and wiii be more so when addi- LOil' ===--Iq 0

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