Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jan 1928, p. 3

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JANUARY l2th, 1928 WHITBY GAZE~~~E AND CHRONICLE - VUTDBY GAZLTE AND -CIIRONICLE ipublIshed every Thursday morning. The subseription rie is $2.00 a year in-advance; $2.60 a year to subscrib- rs ti the Ujnited States or other foreign countries. The ate to which the subscrîption is paid is iniae n te ictress label.-.1 ,ADVERTIISJNG RATES-Tranîtient, local and legal ivertising, 12c. per lina first insertion; 8c. per lune sub- tquent insertion. Rates for contract space advertisements mnade known n application. -Advertî.seme-nts without specifie directions will be li-' rted tîli forhid, and charged accordingly.- Telephones:-ReIl,-23; Residence-Bell-58. Memiber of Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Memioer Selected T1own Weeklies C. A. GOODFELLOW & SON, Publishers W1,HITBY, TH(.RSDAY, JANUARY 12th, 1929 E DITOR1AL. TH 1E NEW G>RADER PURCHASE \Vhn lk~pc~il'îî.of the Souîth \Vard Ratcpayers' iocazi,,rnd,,,iIîr,,d îon îhe' uîght of the election at a. uNis im 4îetîgt the ratîcpaycrs that the nèw grader 11w h Tttv',n :G>ijn il agrced s(ime mrnths ago to 1ýthsc bt whichli;s wit yct [ceni paid for, was en, reiy usîe for wýi rk- on 'Whîtby*s streets, his dcc- ratirI io 'it t nchatllçcnged, and the raîepa);y'ers were fi toi iihînk the irutîler over for theimselve-s. Mr, WVlitîtc, ti,-president,'l whio j; a fo'rmer ounc illoir, '.ind Ftî îld -know 'st methiîn gabout' Street 'orTk în \V1luîhy, v sni tst cmplîatic-in hi; statemient It il W(0d1(1t widdg ditches because on any strects in We toWv.jt>ler' ttu)tld [e too short a pull. He stated oý( tha tiU,>t the grader the town would have tt pur- a: r alla rttr Ifor hauling purposes because, t'., t-t'd, îilî ';ts boýt i ct t vy for h t -e, als t that Split .fdr;î t ia ~vc to î Icused, and the town was in p1ito s4tîtîîtt J rase citber. The gr.-tder, lie ptinted t, .11; 1) f1is s t t ii te fali and iL a tinte when vory t11 bcîrktîul i dtone wîll it, NV'tlît il ec.fîrcss1n r i ipnt tii s me v.'ay tor the other it tuti Mir.cyttr' teuc the Caz:ette and Chron'- le feelsý t1[ai in the întýc's ' (à,11werattcpayers wlio wil t'm t ts lth( 11111 [iii t tlic tgrader and equipinctt ttt .il it' ¶ î at'th' .tt)c t1 f thet c in ii lt til;te it, the r'cit't tt I l, k tn risk'kl (f se'. ral tnn v',ho 'vk cre ('l tm tnm htii îti the tvrcck'rnetit (if tt prchas e vwas en- 1 k Utt,lsiîld uvsigîethk'îrî t he- ftllest extent 'ftîc p thîttzte iuuuîk îcpaLit t ayy furth-er expenise. T'Pc k'r ty [c JIt wvhlat \VF,>tby requires for pr"'tisretsi>înl'age, ;tîî ndo i ubt the Cituncil' rs if ad carvii t akrced t l th ppurchase honlestly otiîtl's , tiitirt a nd perhaps a grecîL deal tof ti( id11 k i ttîtt sn ftlicr crsnsideraî it n tof the pur, tai' d s i lk r '1p1tî1sthd t ts ulkefurthcr in- ~Sileitsd;t lîlitel y the rcee'e in hi; unomnation kcIl i ad ain in luhs alter-election ioratîin. Fisurteeni 111indnd dý]t tîr' us a lt, it fnotncy and the ratepayers ýi trally '41ttuld kuîoI(W wheîhier or îlot it has [ccii wisely 111-NNYWISE AND I.EXTRAVAGANCE tTick' dittîr (if the. St . Mârys jotiurna;l'Argus does flot A'11Vc tlut it pays iiîy Couaneitsi bctut> pennywîs he il'îsw'rttn i pùfbhic works have lu be ain;îiîc.Ont the other lîaîd, -he believes that Mîuucillîtrs on uîthttpe lumake à namc for themsdlves y unduii expctisive inmprovements of une kind or idlicr. Th-- jo)urnialtArgus hauuis out, the advice Lu s C>tuncil, ttnpie mostly of greeni men:- 'Tliit rL, ireo big issues hefore the town lit the 's'rt une and the Coiwil's job will [e-tsi kecp the 01H! LET i1T BE SOON Tht.' St (lli.sr itiuký"- Stii mav y tttn silc- iii \01'11 wh'.Ill ev Qen' .r 1 lc li hink '1" tii. C f'Picl 4, lit iVt's'eI' , v'letthe Jirevintce is ig tt)1Ilk't dii tii"t".ts'ýiit is'uiani t rtnî itho municipal- 'sý tir -hartifthe rxs.uuetrein muto'r cars. Evcry \\l ý) aJ ty i (1uîîaiilias to sSmca tremielidous k? iti re uriti te nke die -trcets- fofr iitr car tîfîc~ ~ ~~~(i au h. it1xvr r icse iuîîaîisfcn v.ci5i.i4ck\elitre-for fson'hiest ii.ccCiuI tl'k's.îipu~ v ittcijuiic s if c lircu UIli, k) 16 ar'- 1,li. î's.'i atToîronuto. arc unn ci f reli"ef." TcStti-trJi t ît It hardL1 :'niccs fair 1. aski c ~ ~ ~ ( LcUiC~t:ttt p ftrre\ er pa\'iu g for rtîads thet ciuz ii ~\cili csllcts c itthe revenue c' recp[cttpro.ducin z Thecre 1S no.i Jîu't a- ut ~t uice~. s. cunîs'ut v i ee liv s-cethereenl- ts tho r "f'- tthik' îuîiucpalîtùcs\Vhv net te he ich."a'sDs.p.îîunutstîrne1of thec millions 1tic fi luqu 'r t a. tilet the îuuîaui~~hr -\RE OF NMENTALLY [)EFCIENT CHILDREN a l 1r.eiCi !le Cîic"Aid Stictv eof C'nar'- Ueî'a tk'w days ago aten1ti n wj -as clled ttî eue tu'nasrpri 1 1,îls.'n if i msodern icevth aîî r 'Ichii ,iatcct-lier insane iii r i tcîe ut -c~ ~ ~ ~~~~~iie melIto-pct ~tie.e nsîi1'the yars; shidhttedfisi mlte hiXVlong îhcey may -lîVe. SkîcrîîtndîîtÇIM. Alger rtfported Iliat there t ti!J uJden udr the -superviîsi in ut îs.x',I t teyct~ldnî)t b[s. teicas wardS Id I ii,>pîed, .îd îîr ff uSt remain dur' th ' s f he'r îtrphanihý d unis.r' theScît' ip%) 1'.!l> nThetic c (4 t~ftheScîymkist naturally îrk 'frwý-.rd t, ,ic vy'earýw hc hy [ecttme ien and 0111i1 frem a à ys-al tatîdp it and ask: \Vhlial The -,iperrintden t iade a suggestioin tsi the effect ah't tli : 's.rzmcî hsUld s$tep ini and take care cf ch1 m-iadwmen c tf child intellect. He pointed it thlat under the Society'1s superv-%ision are mentalIy id-' pdch'ldren-who' are hîkely to become perma- 'tI r'UÇ ohI the Socy unkl,-s the provincial and )DlfItI11)%'tguvrlmnit step ini and provide boarding or muage bseho' ols fo'r the Care andti raining of such child' n. Their 'numbier is unreasing, the 'prîntendent cii- bisized, polflttfg out-the ucmIiQous fact that whcn îhey uch the age of 21 yearxs and art îurned loose upon .iur communities something more serious than we, care . bill. It. was brought out in eévidence in wo coutemplate is likely te happen. p C C U , F,,a's favor that after the fight ha The suggestion of the Children's Aid superinten- olcef imxnediately offered-to pay for moulds, dent seems te be net only a reasenable but logical eue, ta h&ken.oce ve ndbo aiid oue*that might wrel[e brought te the goveruments Trken.8Ra A ,iuntyiouithr y he ciestyo hre om re hportiosthe In Police Court Thursday afternoon:Three boys from Hamilton, B. Ban- Couny Cuncl wicbbasto har a arg potio ofMagisrate J. E. Willis found Mu- nett, C. -Hunson and Alex Brisson, the cost cf Shelter maintenance. Not merely from a; Duke guîlty of keeping a disorderîy picked up on the street heu-a by Chief financial but from a' humanitarian standpoint, aud for'jhouse ini Whitby, and ramanded hieu- to1 Gunson Thursday night and given the protection of society sbould the suggestion be given, gaol for a waek for sentence. is; shelter and food, told the story that ,the most careful aud serious consideration. It seems1 Worship heard the evidence of 'aunOut-î they had run away from thair homes only reasonable that the state should sîep in aud belpIside man whose name is withheld at'i h miiu iy rdywe the munxiiipalities who have this problem to face-and ;the requast of tha Crown Attorney,i thay appeared before the magistraLe they are doubtiess legion in this coun~try.î and M-ho '-not only gave verbal evidance 1'thay weu-a givea a warning and sent l____Iof having bean -mi the company- of ac- home with the undet-standing that cused when the police vrisitad har place, they must report te the police on their TH-E ONLY -CURE FOR WAR but also submitted to court a sign- arrivaI. Oaa boy, it is uadarstood, is Viscount Cecil, of Britain, is absolutely rigbt wben, ad statament. Mrs. Duke te tifiad on a haiulrnwyndbsate d ber own -eabituanldrunaway landYl1oiswfather bdid -he' holds that il is'-futile te make rules fer the civilized - eafan eddasoltl otwnjir ak of wr, uJ hat safty ies nly "th the charge agaînst hér, also the avid- The casa of Fred James, charge coiiduct in peace ~~~~~~ence gîven by the wiýness "found in"wt akls rvn adfiigt mmd, sas te Oilla Nws-ettr.1 Chief Gunson and Night Censtable stop at the scene of an accident, was j 'Theý- great war w.as preccded by years cf uiego- !Thomas told of watching the Place inage oroe1ek tiations wrhicb. airncd at 'civilizing' v'ar. But as soon: and neticing trafl'ic Lo and from ac- 1 iodryi u as 'the combatants realized that t'hey '.ere flgbtiug for cused's apartmient, although accused iodrynBu9 theur '.'ry 9 existence, ail the rules su laboriously framcd set up that it was hieu- brothers andj James Kelly, of Toronto, arrestad aud su carcfully adopted went [y the. huard. Unirmed~ thair friands who had been visiting for being drunk whila riding on the shus, '.'n toscundr uutrl fags wee aîaced uJhar. Chief Gunson told of fanding a Lindsay bus, M'as piekesi up in Brook- captrcdor snk.Good whch he ntios ha ageedman in accused's apartment on the lia after being -put off the bus for ha- tii caîl1 innocent were seized. It xvas not a question of night of the raid. W. H. Kennedy, îng disordarly. MagistraLe Willis fin, counsel fer Mu-s. Duke, asked for a ed himi $20 and costs for hi; unseem- kecping merely war rhaterial- fromn the cnerny; iL was a Idismissal of the charge on the grouad ly conduet. question oif starvingy hum imb submission. The pîca 1 that thera was not sufficient -evidence A. Rousseau and A. Matin, of the. of necessîty w.as -put forv.'.rd ou al sides, aud even toLuconvict, stating that it was a case Royal Hotel, charged with having hi- ncutral nations cngagcd in lawf ul commerce becanie vie- of Mrs. Duka'; word against that of quor for sale in an illegal place, ware îîms of the war. AudJ thcy were quite heiples;; their the mnan who had testifiadaanthu.rmae frawe nrqeto appeals tu international law, wcre cf nu avail; and if MagistraLe Willis, however, t-uled that couasel fou- the men. The informa- thcy hecame augry aud took sides agaiust tihe offending under the section of theý code on which ion was laid by Provincial Constable nation, thcy wcre even xvorse off than they wcre wbhen this charge w'as basasi ha had power Cookman and. Mitchell, and arises out theymerey tok teir unihmen. ,to convict on the testimony of une of tha fanding of a small glass of hi- they mcly ookthc ir pun.ishmcan t. - sbecedt witnass, and in this case he believed quor behind the bar some weeks ago. Wareaunut[e ivii:c. t cn nt ['-sbjctedLuthat the charge hasi bean fully provan. iyoua TLEFO MTE t-uic;, - ke an athîctiec cntest. There is nu refere LuUH TL R -1MTE whom. appeal eau [s. made-,. A nation flghting for ils Fined for Âssault Arrested by Constable Brow'n, of life is nuL going lu [e bampered [y Declarations of Ia Thursday's Police Court E. Fa- Brooklin, for stealing Lhree bags of London. It fights .,ith every weapon, fair or foui, on whieh it can lay ils hands. Why nuL? The worst it eau sufer is annihilation, which is more likcly Lu corne from its e nemies than from neutrals whose rights tire disregardea.- --Luord Cecii is right. The onîy cure for war is peace, and peace is only uibtainable, whcn men avoid w-ar [y the exercise cf -eSCISeî- the world over" PLACE BAN ON FALSE ADVERTISING -Accordîng to despatches appc;iring in the Press un Tuesday of this wcek, the Retail Merchants' Associa- tiou lias reccived assurance frirni the Prime Minister at Ottawa that a requcst that false advcrtising [e made an isfence, w'>11 recei'.e fis'.'rable consideration from the Guvt. The' Associatioîn pointcd out the prevalence of misleading the public [y means of advertisements, w.ith regard to personal or t-cal property, as well as' merchan- dise.- It was strcssed that "seconds" are advertîscd and sold [y some houses as 'first-class stock" In anoîher instance, a stock that cost les; than $1:1,000 and sold un- der the B ankruptcy Act for Iess than $ 10,000 had been advertised as a stock purchased at $W,000. An amend- ment tu the Criminal Code J;ý asked Lu protect the pub- lic agaînst thii kind kof fraud with a penalty of a $200 fine or six months' imprisonment, or both. The Retail Merchauts -desire to have the same law enacted in Can- ada that is hein g operated in twcnty'three cf the States, and which xvas brougbt about [y the Advertising Clubs. The Association also asked that the postal service be denied persons or firms usiigthe mails for the distri- bution cf unsolicitéd, merchan-dise such as necktieis, stockings, etc. A Federal Lax is suggested on mai order bouses and dîstri[uted among the municipalîies ontan -cq7ùitahle basîs. The merchants askcd for the issue of ahaîf-cent stamp for circulars aud advertising matter auJ that its use be exîended tu the rural mail delivery service.- Editorlal Notes. The 1928 Csîuncil rîghtly took prompt action to in- v.ite lu \Vhitby for a publie reception Col. Amery, Sec- rctary of State for Dominion Cabinet, aud- his wife, a Whitby girl. Although nu official word bas been t-e- ceiv.ed, a despatch appeared in Tucsday's papers from Vanco uver stating that the party expected to visit W'hit' [ly, January 2Oth- No effort should bc spared Lu enter- tain the visitors, and in this connection it is a pleasure ftî note that the Ckiuncil lias the co-operation of the On- tank)î Ladies College. The shuec manuf acturers handed out a nicc new year anuînuucnut, tk the pubIc 'w.hen they issued a state- neunt that a gencral adv.ance is to take effeet at once. ni aIl footwear huecs. Hamilton Spctator-Auto bodies arc 11(w [eingi miade from i cather. Can you imagine driving around Lu. the ckîhîlcr's for a shîne or Le bave a feuider haîf soled? Thie ratepayers oif the Townu of Uxbridcre voted tn New Year's D ay te reduce the nuiriber of Counicillors in 1929 from six to thrce- h xvas purely'au cctrnomic mcasure as the Co.uncillors in that te'w.n receive remiun- eratton for.their Servi-ces. The [y-la'..' approvcd cf [y the ratepayers [v a irubstantial majictnîîy, must receive saînction (sf the Oîîtarit LcgiSlaturc before it beComes h. C)uie cargoofetvhiskey- from Scetiani for Bnîtish Columbia comprîzedl.,i) bottles. The campaigu cri' in British Columbia acyainsr r rohibition xvas that a millon -dollars '..as bciuîg atîn-uzilly spcnt in that province 'for lîquer. The. expeidîture nuw under government is on 1 itrn ground when he chcects te the subject chosen f.r- debate in the Wrarton High Scý-hool: "Resolved, that C.anada w'oulël [c [etter joined up with the Unïîted States" "Cauada's destiny as a part cf the British na- tion is fixed,*" says the edîtor, "and, shouid be no m&re debatable in eut-.szhools than that Bruce county remain a part cf the Prov%"ince cf Ontaro.- The *greatest sin- tiers against British sentiment in Canada are the flag- f'Iappers who for political purposes charge theîr eppen' ents with "dis"loyaty" Their campaign seeks te make ià appear that there realy is a ceusiderable body of opinion iii the country autagonîisuc te, Britîsh counec- ion' gzan w'as founsi guilty by Magistrata _________________ Willis of assulting J. McClurg in a local factory, after Lin-ca witaessas and factorv amû'loy,ýee.s lîad testifiedA that thera had been a fight andi that c i accusad had struck -the fiî'st blow. In viaw of the haavy bill of costs, which amour.1,ed in ail to $43.70, Fagan wa-, let off with a fine of $1.90 andi eosts, ~ J *01 F e at as given two w'ecks te pay up.W McClurg, who iras injuresl in the fight, was alluires for the ima ha had to lay off suffering, it was allagasi, from Money Back if Moone's Emeraid Oil bis injurias, anti aiso for the doctor's Doesn't Do Away With Ali Sore- NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR A DIVORCE NOTICE is hereby give that Charles Henry Gifford. of the City of Toronto in the Count.,.-f York in the Province of Ontario, Machinist, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof for a--BilI of 'Divorce from his wife, Eleanor Har- rison Gifford, at present residing at the City of Oshawa in the County of Ontario, on the ground of adultery. DA'TED at the Town of Cobourg in the Province of Ontario this 7th day -of Decemnber, 1927.. KERR & COCHRANE, King Street, Cobourg, Ontario, Solicitors 'o0r Applicant. -39 nes.' wellng and Dîstress in 24 Tw'o or Lhrae applications of Moone's Emeralsi Oil, andi in fifteen Eminutes the pain andi soreness dis-1 appeau-s. A few more applications at ragular intarvals andI the swelling! reuluces. ij Anti hast of ail any offensive 0(101 is gone for good-IL's a wonderfuli formula - this combination of as- h sential oils Mith camphor andi other i antiseptics s0 mai-velous' that thous-. anssof bottles are solu annual]y 1 for reducing varicose or swollen! vains. EE. L. Odlum, R. J. Leach andi A. H. Allin and avary good duruggist guar- autees the very fit-st bottia of Moona's Emerald Oïl Lu and your foot, troubles or money back.. T ALKING in superlatives cann ot ALpi&ture the motorlng thriland glow of the Iiustrious New Chr#sler "72,:" You probmbly cannot even imie out ïvour past expenience a car that gives you a speed ability of 72 and more miles an hour from -a 75 horse- power motor-4that flashes from 5 to 25 miles an hour- in 7 seconds- That even takes mnountamn grades at constant acceleration and literally wipes buls out of reckoning -that hasn't a vestige of engin e er or -road shoc- That handies mure easily at 70 and 72 than rms cars do at 45-that cra- dies you softly over cobblestones or rutted dirt-that 18 luxurious and beau- tiful beyond descripion-And, finally, -that bears the assurance of safety, de,. -potatoes from hisý mother ini that -vil- lage, Joseph McCann, age 24-, appear- ed ini Police Court before Magistrat jWillis Monday aftennoon. The evi- dence disclosed that he broke into his Imother's home during the night and stole the potatoes in question. He M'as found guilty and after a war.n-, ing ivas allowed to go on suspended sentence. GIVEN TEN YEARS Chief Gunson has been advised by the Chief ', of' Police of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that a man named Charles Frazer, who gave his address as Whit- 'oy, Ont., iras sentenced a few daysf ago to ten years in the state reforma-[ tory fore rape._ Frazer- was arrested in) a hotel in Chicago in eompany with a girl of 14* who *had been kidnapped in1 Milwaukee and whio ias being -search.- ed for by the police. The information 3whieh led to Frazer.s arrest w'as giv- S -M-ACLEAN'S 'Twice a Nionth $2.00 one year $5.00 three years3 MacLean's Magazine entertains:' it is National-not sectional; it is Caradian-written and edited- for Canadians and because it is what it is, it is giving its readers -a service th'at they cannot buy from any other periodical under-the sun. Send your subscription to: WHITBY GAZETTE &. CHRONLCLE an to the Polie Fî5 said to have in his comp'any laid against hin chuldu-en, accordi in Whitby, and1 Irfrom the town, endeavors to kes by doing whatev WHAT TIl Ton.s-ils are di ate, i-s. Svhill w'as applie(1, Te oparaition C.uîel sults guaraataec Whitby Druggis GO'vernient, Munici Corporation Bo Yield-ing from 41'. Ed. Bo wman Stauîdi COAL For Best Resuits u*Se D. L. & w. ANTHRACITE C AISO, BEST-QUALITY C Prompt -Dellvery. James Sawdon, Ph'one 182 Il" New Chrysler '<RedHead" 'Engi For those who oeck suprenr formnance, going bey Ond ev standard announced-Cý furninhes the n6w Rd engine a* regui1ar equipns tlhe Illustricus New Chry5le Roaditer. Thus engine fite to take fÙli advantage of big] pression gai. It is alec> av for ail other "7Z"' body mc siihc extra colt. IUlustrious New, Chvysler "72 Roadster (with iumblc seat), $1 sengev Coupue <u4i 'thrumbkest Coupe (4.Passenger), $2060-, Se£ (cL â-u.eipLd), $2 060; Royal Sed Con.*veible Coupe (WithTu 1$2265; -Croswn Sedan, $2270. f.o.b. Windso, Ontar-io, încludiu factovy equipnsens(trcighi and ui Th7le Iflustriou s NXçw Performiance and RidingRe That Ou*tdistance -Ail Rt* pendability and long ife that only ChryslerStandardized Quality can give. You can!t imagine sucli a car, for there neyer was such a car, in its class as the llustrious New "7 2»-onger, ToomteT, f aster, handsomer than the "70" and rubber in.sulated throughout-giving you featuies and qualities heretofore limited only to the most expensive -cars,. at remarkablIy low prices Onlygy seeing it and'then -by 'riding and driving it c-an you fuliy appreciate just how- far Chrysier lias widened the pap. between dhe ."72" and ail others'iii tbis dass. You* are cordially invited to test th.e Canadîian-builtChrysler"72"-toiearn for yourself why Canadians are rating kt beyond comparison ini new features andi in every ekenm that determines real motor car value. Saesad Service TEDAVIDSON MOTOR CO., Limited WHMrY, ONTARIO THE CANADUAN-DUILT CHNRYSLIER FOR WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE ') ANUARY 12th, 1-928 lei#

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