Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jan 1928, p. 2

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Mît" teren, nd-topurchase cep- Tu Reducton ieà of the Muncipal World for ec 1 - 1memiber and the clerk. (Continued from page 1) ;o be taken care of; we wil! have ï for the grader out of the cur- Yeu Odiiyie Concert evenue uliess we decide o-s bentures for this small amount, (Continued from-page 1) ere will be other large items te audience was most delighted with the îen care of. We will also have- humorous ppar and clasa4 num-; ue debentures' this year for the bers of the present day or the mem- ddition te the High Scheôl, ai- ory-stirring old airs of other genera- hi we wiii not bave to pay on tions.- It was a rarely happy and in- sue until next year. I -"m hop- formaI evening of song.- at the revenVes frein the policeF The numbers incîuded "The Birth- tmnent, licenses, rentali, scales,ý day of Confederation" se popular at idi dog taxes, Town Hall, and the the recent Jubilee and Toronto- Ex-j s other sources,, wiil be well hibition; "Comne te the Fair," "Come aineld this year. If se, the Coun- Where the Liliies Bloom," "Rose of Il have more nioney te spend anýd My Heart", "The World is Waiting e na be-tteýr position te avoid an -o h urs, ede odcous raft at thie close of the year. 1 for;the Suie," edBleyk(oid chorus- thit - -ach comimittee, in se far, tucky Home," etc. ; 'Oid King Cole," pOSIIwill endeavor te iceep "lSouthern Melodies"', "Watëereof n its etinaters. I aiso trust that - chairmian wiîî cal lus committeeSog""onr"fen11Tio- hor ufoe an wok, î uner-tore"; "When Ye Gang 'Awa, Jamie"; herbefre ny ork isundr-and many others. The individual ~umber,. by the artists were very-fine New Induhtry StoOfl and their swee1f, clear and ricli voices t.h reference to the new factory appealed te ail. hich nevotiationîs are nlow under The work of Miss Carter was'very 1 havie eve(ry hop e that it wiIllie fine and she chose numbers that were p!d lwir thiî suminer, givîng em-, popular. She bias a -keen sense of ient te a numIber of men and.1 humer, and is a very able interpreter. n, a111i bringing new families te She rnerited hearty appltiuse after ev- own. I f(eel sure- hat every mcm- ery number. )f CouLncil will do bis share in On the-whele, it was a programme ing this factery here, anid will worth while, something eut of-the or- ghout the year give best care dinary and onf that merited another co fiidoratiofl te any other indus- -vîsit of the artists should they again pralbosai that may arise.. decide te visit Whitby. The United jope that .-eme opportuiiity may Church Choir deserves credit for nt itself in order. that- we may bringing the Quartette te Whitby.* e people -te locate in Whitby and ittcrplace.of residence. I1elhW that wvith the, very fineé facilities HelhW rkin mWhtby ave Whitby is'an, ideai tewn in - h te live, 'and its adanas (Cçntinue-d from page 1) Id le mde kown Las yer 'anitary conveniences founid defect- Swere nmore tou ests visited our ie D.rinking water samples were r camip at the 'T4wn Park than. ve befoe, ndaccrdln tethepar taken, sent by the Public Utility Coin- be:inae, dalwrdiig hted net mission te Toronto and reported te, with the camp facilitiles, but wititeLclBadc eith. je aity and courtesy of the people -Ctimplaints Deait With - Ie town. I believe that te main- Under. the heading of "Nuisances"~ this camnp is good business, aise the M.O.H. reports about twenty coin- other niove we can mnake te get -plaints received and action taken in le te corne here, i'f oniy for a ail cases except one. Some complaints .One can never tell what im-j were regarding outsidc closets in pro- ,ions wili lead te. hibite(I areas, but most cf thein werc ntIemIen cfr the Council, I again -about ciosets, septic tanks and the c nie you to your labors, and trust 'same overfiowing frein being- filled or \V wil ail have a very pleasant heing impropeiily made. Yal *o that \whlat wve mày lie per- The cost of public health adminis- éd te d1c shiaj prove af beriefit te tration in town is shown te lie $34 1 .90, town anti bring happinesS and but inciudcd ila this is an item cf 1,îyt h ctznhp $172.25 for mediîcal- attention -te in- Yours faithfully,- digents in -hospitais, which the M.. JnW.Bateman, H.' thouglit shouid be shown ln the Joh W.M~ayor' hcalth accounit, although chargeable te imittees of Town Council (Contîflued fin pagel1) un. David 'Mowat statç,d that it, been a lasr te serve, under r Batemian. Ile fwvored the idea en, chairm)an getting bis commit-' ogethei: vfore work was under- un. .B w-ni,i w as lirief and te lofiht. 11l agreed with what had ay been aid andi stated that lie- ieN uewMber lie woud.try and iail he couid and give te the. the -best service lie was capable A V air Play Poiicy Ceun. J. Il. Oriston congratulated e mýýyor on lis return to,-lie chef agistrate's chair for a third terni,1 [ding that during the past'-yeai lie ireceived frein hum in' discliarge bis d1uties as press representative Ile Valuable co-operâtien and assist- ce.' H-e assured lis ceileagues that e f act that lie would1 be -at the-meet- gs net eniy as a Councillor, but as press representative wouid make ne Iterence as far as fairness and ac- r-aey in reports cf Council prccecd- qftalxm.il he The saiary cf the M.* O.H. was $100, and cf- the inspecter, $25.00. Heaith Insruction During the year under review the héalth programme -included confer- ences for expectant môthers conduct- cd by the V.O.N. nurse.- A total cf 155 home visits wcrc made by the nurse. Ia the mnatte?; of infant and pre-ýChoI age licaitYsupervision ,34 conf4ý'rences werc heid., with a total at- tendance cf 174. Hcaith supervision cf the school age child is aise main- tained, ail schols liaving medicai in- spect.ion.' - Programme for 1928 The recommendations for the 1928 programme are as folicws: Consideration cf ail cemplaints, es- pecialiy as te sewage, cesspools, and septic tanks. Centiniucd pressure on owners and tennants te co nect up with the sew- age systein. -A more ceniplete supervision cf the miik suppL-y. Careful supervision cf the parking quarters ln the park. ý,Week of Prajer dlparture frein flhe poiicy cf fair (Continucd froni page 1) te ail which had prevaiied la the Thehop wa exresed hatprayer expérience cf such mea as V&ainct, 1.1aîud differences of opinion George Miller and Hudson Taylor, and dd nt b taen aay romthepoiated eut that tliesc men wcre spcc- idi net ber te wameins bte ally dhosen by- God for their great nL Chainleandtereto etingbu îork, and- that theirs was net a uor- harouyam th bet f felig1mai- experieuce. We cannot fprcc id pevai btwee meber. - God's liand or dictate te hlm what He cmi. Broughtoî< stated -that it had shi o vntegetaote t n a leasure to serve in and leara Phalro.eived atenil rein Gpotlet ni laist ý,ear' Coujucil. is- experi- Pahi, reuiest tat teia"thrmoralathe e' tf the past ,elir wuId better fit hsrqetýhtte1toni h for ervIe d1ficsh" might lic rcmoved, but a great- i fr :ervcethis %year. Mie hoped er aaswer was given la the words, t t'le Coýun1ci %\Ou'(' have a good M Grace is sufficient for tliee." r. - ays Committees ('ut aud Die The Hearer of Praver ouri. Frank Threadgold stated that îAt the United Churchi -on Wednes- Revve Jackson and Ieputy-reeve day evening the speaker w-as Rcv. D. dlerwýood, thte towcn. lad two - good B. Laagford, and his subject was resel ýtaive a tu C nt Coni ."Prayer, and the Hearer-cf Prayer." wv u ýi r frein him, however. He pointed cuf that this was thc cen- aîtdthunm te do sornething for tral subject cf the week, net until man,- i~ us much miojiey uould lie requir- J getýs a vis-ion ef the Que te wliom lie and his cmM*ewaýs eut te, get J prays wl l is prayers be effectuai andt it could. Froi-the standpoint cf fervent. He based bis rermarks on theî th, this yeýar'.s Council w-as the! words "Qur Father,"1 and- outlined' înge:t ln bis experlence, and lie somne cf the wonderfui depths cf Ouri ped that during the year. it would Lord's Prayer, and showcd that thec zhead, and that Wh*litby wouilsihavte supreine need cf prayer is God lm- ianner yeuar. Hielioped thlat il dif- slftîreugli the Hoiy Spirit. -eces weu1dld e left in the Council J Fervent Prayer ýaber after mieetings. Court. On Thursday aiglit at the Baptist readgeld sadle 'as- diss;atisfied jChurch Rev. T. G. A. Wrght toek thce, .1 he treti comiteestrckthi ichair in place cf Rev. Mr. Priest and;- ar, wvhich lie said lad been eut and briefiy revicwed the addrcsses cf pre- i cd for the past m-eek. lHe lad ne vicus speakers. Rev. John Léiadsay, cf alt te fiud with Couns. Ormls;ton and St. Andrcw's spoke on "Effective Fer-r ýoughton, but hie theuglit that it was vent Prayer.". Effective prayer, le! (aIrnette ut omeeidr maubr sid, la meost difficuit because it in- the-Council wlo knew the werk on, cludes se mauch, but la needed now' i, ommittee with himn. 'However, lie more than ever by the moricL. Our uid endeavor te carry on uqder the need 'brîngs the sense cf weakness. It Tumistanice't. was théc disiples' sense of weakness Reev Jakso, reiyig t Con.- that led thein te ask Jesus te teacli rrewigoid, remiaded lini that lic lSd thesi how te pray. What was nieeded rgovn that he had four eid mcmr- was net a listless or indîfferent prayer rs cf the Council on theC Stea like the boy'ringing a door bell and mmlnittfee, as Couni. Brougliton lad runningr away; net a eld or lifeles rvcd ln Councili I t ycar, aud thc prayer witliout reidl desire; and net sa or, Reerve and puty-reeve who a prayer contrary to God's wiD. God. di aise served inl 1927, wrere ex-cf- at times ,,.ithhokds lu order te test ,e mezabers Of iii cOiytifttoes And the rightrous, and at ohrtne >uid be entitled te le called when a grants thé prayers of sinful mnen and ,rets Comnmtteeê meeting was te 6e over ruIes thenu te Bis giory. Recit- Id. Thetue three were just " muc ing sosie thiags which fervent prayer ernhera of the Compittee as tjiose eau do, the minister sttèd that the w appointeil. Town of Wlitby would be the. richer After Mayor Bateman haI thanked if we i4l take the"e two points: a c<>leagues for Uic kinil references (1) Drig othérs te Christ through d tO liiC ouncil d.clded te 11014 prayer. W. have Goda promise for guia se n«et hea s i.flt am d tbuthird Wh laDo 1 o ,ody o ah=04&»t aeby wo kinot bnnt ptayer. (2) e ~A p$ntd with the diffèrent cois- cmbrga blsaing t.o ou churchos. maider of bis career- is current bis- tory.1 Desides bis genius for, .organiztin lie is the author of 1 eyerai weil known works on political economy and the Times history ofý the Boer war in sev-j ea volumes. The Orai'Jg Pekoýe- le etragoodi 12 In plan, brght .1luinum God expects us te do what we can do I reader, up te the time cf bis retire- and He supplements this by doing ment about fiftccn years ago. what we cannot. Hews~mnier of No. 91 Toron- Prevailing Prayer to Typographical Union and proudly boastcd that while he had net set type On Frîday evening Rev. . G.A for many long ycars lie had always Wright, in St. John's Churcli at Port paid his Union duee,,anid was a past Whltby, s-poke on "Prevailing Prayer," member cf Prince Albert Lodge, A. taking Jacob's experience in wrestling F. and A. M.- ¶with the angel as bis subject. After Survivingý Mr. Taylor are one sister, givlng the background cf Jaceb's ex- Mrs. Lakcy, cf Toronto-, and twVo sis- perience in deceiving bis father and ters-in-lâw,* Mrs. James Taylor,, cf brother, his fight te Pedan-Araim, New York City; and Mrs. Josephi TaY-' hew he in bis turn was deceivcd by ler, cf Toronto.- lis uncle Laban, and liow God as He' The deceasedws active up te lis had promiscd at Bethel was briging eahîaced ogl William Ash, cf hlm back te bis own land, the sPak Toronto, witli Wheîn he spent a por- er related' in detail bis struggle Witli tien of last Christmnas Day, and teck the angel cf Jehovali at Peniel. Be- an active interest in Masenice and un- fore this he thouglit that Esau was bis ion matters. His visit te Toronto last great danger; now he realizcd that bis1 month brouglit hîm in contact witb chef reckoning must lie with God. At scotes cf old friends and notably a few Peniel he was in the grip cf God. The cf the eider mempbers cof the Mail coin- emhplasis ini prevailing prayer must posing roin staff, with whom lie lad lie placed on God'sside both in Ja- worked, as a Vh- rîd emnpî)Yee, years côb's and in al ethers. ae Captain Purdy, cf the Salvation The funeral was held on Friday af- Army, teck for bis subject SaturdaY terneen frein Ail Saints' Churcli niglt atthe my arraks "he hwere Rev. T. G. A. Wright ccnduct- *jeet souglit by Fervent Prayer."'y Cap- cd a service, after which intermeni tain Purdy dcveloped the thouglit that was made in Prince Albert Cemetery. the object cf prayer was te seck* frorn The pall bearers were A. W. Jackson, God the scnding cf labourers inte Bis A. M. 1lo:s, W. J. H. Richiardson, Wm. Vineyard with the one and supreme Ayres andtWo old fricnds frein Tor- object cf bringing about tlie salvatien ente. of ail people, Author and Journalist (Ccatinued frein page 1) compositor. He m ovcd te a Port Hope' paper, but only stayed there fer a short tinie, after whicli le joined a New York Daily. I1t was. during bis ton years' stay in New York City that lie became a meniber cf the Cosmo- politan Lco1ge, A.F. and A.M., cf New York. City, and. aise married. Net long aftcr bis marriage le ieft bis trade for a few years, te run the farin in Reacli township, as a market garden. Aftcr a aumber cf years there, lie went te Toronto, wlere he joined thec old "World" staying with it' as compositor, and lator as pro6f1 Hon. L. C. S. Amery (Ccntinued frein page 1) on the staff cf the London Tirnes, lie- iag colonial editor. At the time cf lis visit in 1920 lie was under-secretai'y cf state. He- lias been in turai reporter, war correspondent, editor, author, barris- ter, member cf parliament, soldier and special intelligence inan during the great war. Foilowing the war his rise lias been rapid.. Assistant sccrctary cf war in 1917 he moved inte thp col- onial office, from thence te tlie adinir- aity in 1921. Ir 1922 liewas first lord cf the admiralityÂ',ia 1924 lie teck ever the reins cf the coioniial office as sec- retary cf state foi colonies. The me- PARK[R'S ODY[ WORK$ WUITBY BRANCH ROSS' -COAL OFFICE Brock St. North*. Telephone,34. SWEATERS KNICKERS SKIRTS COATS CAPS GLOVES Ail these things are essential for skating, and now îs the timetogLet themin shape. Give us a cail and- in-24 h ours you wMl have them back, cleanedand as good as new. $6 to$10V PsUq DAY Lear anad L.r anioeBattery. Weldhlng Vulcamznsd ffeuse WingalsoBrickbwYlqî and Plastering, Barber- Îig sund eauty Cultur Bte Prosperus free instructive book. Hemphill Cbartered Schools 163 King Street West - - ToroMt Free Employment Service-Coast to.Coast Ir C NAIA VINTER CROISES TO'SONSHIEUN r~ifth Annual. Round-the-World Cruise Empress of Australia, from New York, December 2nd,- 1927, 133 days dur-l ation.1 South American Cruise, 104 days,! Empress of France, Jan. 24, I9>Z8. Mediterranean Cruise, 73 days, Em- press of. Scotland, Feb. 4, 1928. WestlIndian Cruise, 29 days,, Steam- ship Montroyal, Jan. 26 and Feb. 29, 1928. Phone, write or cali for for infor- mation and rates. E, R. BLOW, WHITBY, Phone 392. P.O. Box 603 rGeneral Ticket and Te]egraph Agent. Let the us do bard parts! ve ry huscwife has jobs that he detests. The dis- like for the wet part cf famiiy washing is almost-I universal. The disiike fori some parts of the ironing is Just about as common. At a very sinail expense these dis- criminations may be induig- cd by the sciection of one cf our five 'diftcrcnt, klnds cf -laundry service, inciuding our "super-speed" overniglit wasli. Let one of cur yeungi iaie explain te, you the great cenvenience cf thei five ufetheds and tell you about the very imederate charges. Or innybe a trial, wash wouid lie more convinc- ing. Any day is a goed dawy te phone. Thompson 's WHITBY TAXI SERVICE' Closed Cars. Licensed Drivers. -Prompt service. Phone HaII's 330 REPAIRS CARS WASHED R. S. Hrall.'S Garage, Dundas St.West Neit door to Whltby Flouse Do You Want to Provide for you dcnd cnt. n casef your death? Establish a fund for yowi child's educatio? GuaranS.oepayaientofai mortgage on your hrui? Provide addifionl smcm- îty for! yoeir business Provide a penuwi for yoeu aid age? h Winl bc a plceu.r 1» sa toiR enable y=a t.do aMy H.J . Rda?"s Phone 177 Stua" UsL&Urmm ce n SCENE-The "Steerage" in Âny Man's House in Wl the past -week.1 DEAMATIS PERSONAE-Coal Shovel (a bit rusty i Snow shovel (clean and di Both' of them "rarin' tog C.S.-"Well, old man, you're about as much use thes, Head Waitex in a -Cafeteria." S.S.-The same~ to you and many f them. 1 baven't msical voice in solo parts very often during1 days."p C.- obut it won't be long now. I've been on tI and boy, for over thirty years, and 1 can't re -winter when I didn't av' erage up pretty well ov S.S.-"You're right, od timer. These nild spell is uary every year, butthey don't last. And w] cury, falis, it falis fast-so does the snow." C.S.-"2Well, I don't mind howv soon it cones. The bc cheerful when he is shovrelling in McCLELLA1 He* feels that hie is getting bis rnoney's worth, and lack of %vaste." S.S.-"2Yes, lie told me last winter that le rather li the walks, because hée had such a nilce. warm Jinto wvhen lie was through." John McCleilan, Cor. Brock & Dunlop, Phones-OfficO 397, Hoiase 396 MacLean's Magazine Ali szes 1 Twice -a month-. 24 issues ý,tyear. $2.00 for 1'- year' 1i $5.00 for 3 years ',fi'P2 In 1927-8 the editorial -plans for MacLean's includes the printing -of. five booklength novels, four -novel- ON M ettes, 108 short stories, 218> major As i. articles of Canadian National, inter- In short, approxixnately, 355 main .features.1 Appruximately 308, that is to Say, 92 per cent. of the editorial contents of MacLean's Magazine ýit is sti,.111 mated will be contributed by Cana- 1uEI dians. H O This is a big buy for onl1y $2.00 for one year. Pmoi Send your orders. te: r WHITBY GAZETTE & CHiIONICLE La Wu DUDLE Genéral Insurance FIRE Whitby, nt DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE The lobail Life Assurance Co'y -0, Il PURELY MUTUAL NO STOCKHC IL Profits Allotil to Policyholders Annui Ail L.iest-Features. Total Pisabt r Double-Face Of POIke if ACCldentaiUy Ki OF INSIJRANCE SEE DIJOLEI Pamnter and Decorator West of Tod's Store. Phone 404 Wallpaper in Stock - L, H. DILLING JPAINTER ANDl DECORATOR Intereior Decorating -a Specialty Opposite Royal Hotel Phone Z94 6EOa KEIL Wall Par unStock Real Estate Appointmer Office, fne W. Estimates free. Phone 31w WHTV WM. MAW Poe LICENSED AIJCTIONE ER AND oe VALUATOR _______ AIl kinds cf sales promptly attended______ teo.Arneet for sales can 6e made at the Gazette Office. Teins ARTHUI reasonable. Plione 288. - Barrister; Se WHITBY.ON'T etc.- Office il ________________________House, Moneý un jeu imu rKiII N. W. STAFFORD GRANITE AND MARBLE DEALER Kingston Rd. West, Whîtby Phone 68 R. 3-2' Cali and see my large stock at reason- -able prices. Ail work first class. NICOLSN &SEL DON UN DERlAKERS Court, Ncý A# G. 1 DR Re S EME Cor. rck ABOUT VOUR EVES __ at A. H. AliIIns Orug Store B. B. B] TUESIIAY, ___Su AV% ANUAY 24Torento. Fe E. LUKEs Qpt. O, Optometrist. 16-67 nge Stet, Toronto (Upsta opp. Simnpson's) PHONE 22 j1 1. F Between MONTREÂL Po TORIONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO - Unexce ldinint car service. sLeeping cars on niglit trains ad parlor carsOn princialdAY trins. U fuil information frois asy Grand Be Trunk Ticket Agent or W. J. Moffatt, DistrictPasaser Aient. Toronto. i out mil icc »n 0 ffice- kx

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