Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Jan 1928, p. 1

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4. El WHITBY, ONTARIO# CANADA, THURSDAY. JANTTARY 12.19 X REDUCTION -fIMPROVEMENT M INYT" ON )R TRIS YEAR -I1 1 11 E POSITION 0F RARLYPOSSIBLE flOUSEARREARS. s Mayor J. W. Bateman Housing Commission in 1927 n Inaugural Address Accomplished Some Tr> The Council Good Work SI> EXPENSES DOWN TW OD2HISS Majority of Houses Now In es Effort To Bring New- H nso Ctzn IE~epIeTo Rsid ~"Who Are Paying Whitby The financial position of the Whit- his naugraladdress to the -by Housi;ng Commission was greatly Ç'ouril Monday inorriing when improve during the year 1927, aéé- edyasernledfor the Statutory1 cording to the financial statement, of glsWors.hip Mayor J. W. the Town Clerk and Treàsurer, John in r-evih'woj ,-;vel-al matters R. Frost. The memberý3 of the Com- lit corne before the Co)uncîl dur- mission were W. H. Kennedy, chair- e ve. Dalingr with finances,! man; Thos. G. Devereli, M.-M. Gibson orhi hcld out no hope for a and J. H. Ormistoin, and their deci- ion of the tas rate thtls yearJ sion early in the year to relieve the eV Of thv heavy expenditures to town of as inuch responsibility as pos- . Hev fýNpressed1 the hope,- how.- sible in the matter of paymênts of hat cornrittfes wvould endeavor arrears on several houses Vo the Pro- p1 Atliirtli-ieýitirriates as far Ivincial Ifousing Commission has ~i1~also that expenditures in borne f ruit. - il %wgulcl ho kept down to a mini- At the close of 1926 it was shown It wva: aise suggested that some by the report of the town- auditors 1 Back Row (standing) left to right- ho taken to induce ýpeopfle Vo that the town was responsible for 'Pringle, Coun. Frank Threadgold, Co ô0 Whitb%, and live, afiso that ac- $4,404.75 arrears on houses, while - Front Row (sitting) left to right- Zý aken to point out the own's there was also quite a sum owing for Reeve R. J. Underwood. ages. The addre,;s -in full was taxes te the town by purchasers of owýýs: theseh î; At the end of Decem- r.s of th(- Town Council ber, 1.1)27, the amount owing in ar- hv year 1928. rears had been reduced to $4,208.63, YE JfLD TYNE imn-taffords'me a great with the prospect of further reduc- p!e,(asu*rftoteoccupy the mayor's tions being made this year. There are GAVET'T r~IY or a third terp, thanks Vo the fifteen bouses under the Commission's '1U11R1 Lf jIL ssofth rtoayrs ad o-hejuîsiciobut the payments, ex- FINE nee they have seen fit Vo place cept-in twocases, are being taken care AER of by responsible parties, and the pay- __FNECONCER aise a plea.eure for me-to wel- ments have'been fairly regular. ýacic to Counicil five of the mem- During the year two .houses were Prga me IVas Unique. ' ast vear's Ceuncil. . 1 take it soid by Reeve Jack-son,-acting on the rga ewit election eîther by acclama- Council's instructions, for-$3.500 each, and Recalled Past and . at the poils by means of a Vo responsible citizens, and it is boped Present Days 1vote is a tribute Vo the service to dispose of two more this year on ave ndrdt thâ town in which there are corisideraWJe amounts ~ar. Jof arrears and taxes. Bringing back to many old memor- ice( thrce new faces on the -IV is well to point eout that in the j ies, and singing with great harmony 1this morning, and Vu, these matter of tax arrears on houses un-1 and feeling many of the old and more e.stendl the hearti elcome der the Commission scheme quite an modem songs_ and melodies, as weIl as Aiten Vo hemi congndi.. a.uons on «amount was ý ,d off during the year, furnishinig one of the best entertain- ection, couplTed with the hope -se that thctw is financially hetter, ments given in Whitby in a long time,. v.y will find' their work pleasant- off on this account. The general sit-;Ye Olde Tyme Village Quartette,> of the yevar, as-.well as profitable uation with respect to Commission;,Toronto, who are known to -radio hit- tihti.selves and the people bouses at the present time is very sat- eners thé continent ever, delighted a heivy hiave been chosen Vo repre- isfactôry, more so, in fact, than for; large and appreciative audience in the some 4ime past. Town Hall on Monday night. The pro- rn express the hope that bar- During the year the efficient Secre-,'gramme was presented under the nus- and goediwill will prevail tary, M. M. -Gibson, left for Toront '.pices of Whitby United Church choir, imut the yei', iny connection etatanwon il aeV b p nd the vaieus artista more- than lived ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lc d1àause~Ci'i.Ip.XLa :i~~J .&ni..î e p~~I Ciut1ce. .,ir-1t herej full well that important. and -signed some tihfie ago to seek 'a seati-concerning them. Individually and ontenticus matters may come on- the Town Council. collectively the Quartette have excel- Council during the year, and lent voices, ,and their blending in the hey will require' care and,. quartette numbers was as perfect aa I L, but 1 trust that while there WAS AN- A UTHR could be desired. Incidentally, it mayJ differences of opinion there - be noted that the Quartette gave Vo' the goodl feeling, that should ANl fII tA I T their Whitby audience what they can- in a cenci s f te mni- U~U JULI~L tI L)Isider their first class and most popu- lar programme. In this task which net knlow ta I have very W. H. Talro W iby they accomplished well they were very osai, te y-ou this* morning with TyoO.vIh abl y assisted by Miss Pearl- Carter, a to'the wvork of the year, as I Had Interesting Long very clever elocutionist wbo bas made ,rte forev prier -ta andi' after the Life a name for herself in Canada, and who i. mevntioned some cf the mat- ___ has for somé time beeAn ascae Englandthat he did net conie up for bis mail. very courtly in soft grey amid blue The greater part of his time in the with all the frilîs cf the past age summer was spent in the garden whihtb Mrer~nted. The e rs cf Prinicess May Lodge hiheloeengaarntevranst cf the evefiing was Ms ad ors mi uid cfEngand jof fiewers. He was ilI only a few iW. Cbapman, wife cf the Quartette' for the year Ws were in-,-days when death claimed hiim. direcVor, aIse booped and frilled in: on Friday tevening by Past Born in Cornwall, Englnnd, 81 years palest blue, and te bier was pàid mucb. * eptySîte Banoninaago, the laVe -Mr. Taylor emigrated V ao ole eka h piano. apable an.0d efficient mannet.ý Canada* with his parents while Stijlia: As the leader,,Mr. Cbapman, wbo rs f Epr.s f Idi Lege young child. Thé -family teck up rés împressed and delighted ail with bis , eaii over by bu~ for the oc 'idence in Whitby, within a stone's geziial personality, se aptly expressed tbro f the ~pot where he dîed, his it, the programme was a "pot pourri" easiiig feature uf the evening'father practi ing bis stonemasones of ancient and modern sangs and the! 0 prt s>ntation cf Past Presi- trade for -some\ years, until the fam- bearty reception accorded each num-1 ewcüls < rtiring president Sis- ily mcved. te a farm -in Reach Town- Aber left it still in doubt wbether the- A. E. Sanlick and te Sister 'ship, near Port' Ferry. WNhen ie, had (Continued on pa.ge 2) %%nhwo. liavîngi served as renched young manbood, youig \Wil-M ri for ive ytears, is now hon-i liam entered the office of the old "On-, par pr'.dert.The new of- > tarie Observer," cf Prince Albe]V inn nstalkd were: [-wbere hie leirned'bis trade, that c 8VF (Continued. an page 2), C.- -N. Henry Becomes Manager Affais in G ear Shape ThisYar A. L. -Hudson and Comipany, Toron- I At the annual meeting cf the Sep- to, one of the Dorninies leadiug arate School supporters cf WItby brokrag ho 1es is opening a braneh held on January 3rd, reports were in Oshawa in the near future. Prem- presented shcwing the school affaira ises for thW branchs offices and board',te be i splendid shape, aIse, that the room have been Ieased iu The Os*- '-past year wn.s a very successful eue. awa Daily Times Building, SÎMceSt. iThe. new echool new bas 80 pupils, seutb. C. N. Henry, who has been two good teachers and good work is manager of the.Dominion Ba* nk iben acplished. Oshawa for the panst telve y'oes3. o. Giroux was re-elected chair- bas resigned te 'accept the manger'- man for the Year 1928 and Francis ship eftheii.company's <Oshawa j. Melntyre, sereta.ry-treasre, r.- brandi. IV la underatood that T. W.: placing the. Rev. Fatiier Ryan who Joyce, at prescrit manager 'oe.thte bas acted in that capacity -for nome Deer Park braandif et .-I)oniruon time. Bank, Toronto bau been appointed te lThe otiir truste« arn William 0'- succeed Mr. Henry. ReB pe d Erlen, Anthoy Bandel and J. J. to arrv in Oshawa socs te take Hny mvr the. duties of bis newo 5ce. A. John Larbinvas re-appointed rep- IL-Ruio anue dComipany are mm- rsetative Om the.Board of Educa- bers of the. Nov York Stock Ex- tým ' Mm esmo d dChas. cbaup andoth« e"SIDg.xhmage,' Barto ethe Lua" Boszd iCIL FOR 19n8,WHICH TOOK OFFICE. ON MONDAYI'COMMITfTEES 0F TOWN ONI 1928 ARE NA -Coun.' D. Mowat,. Coi n. Ed. Bowinan, 7oun. J. H. Ormiiston. -Reeve Albert W. JaciLaon, His. Worshi c s I Invite Distinguishied -Visitors Io Whitby To invite te W'hitby- for a civie reception the Right Honor- able Leopeld Chpres Maurice Stennett Amery, Secretary "of State for Dominion Affairs in the British Cabinct, who is now touring Canada, and whose wife is a Whitby girl and sister of Sir Harnar Greenw~ood, was the decision of the Town Council of 1928 at its inaugural meeting on MIondny morning. The Council was unanimous that every effort should be -made to fnring the dis- tinguished party tc Whitby, par- ticularly when a dnsire to corne here had been eixa essed. Mayor Bateman reporteo te Council that the Ontario Ladies' Coîlege hnd very kîndly off:'red Vo assist in entertaining ti- visitorz on their arrival here.t C-"i-icil ap- miston a co,,.mitiee ta get in touch with Col. Ainery at once and extend Vo him the Council's invitation, also Vo -ascertain when it wouîd be most cenven- ient for, them teo conehere. .01 I 1 1 1 WEEK0F PA >SERVICES WERE iliu ilY à vrw a m' 1% v Tiu The Town Council cf 1928 got -inVo action an Monday morning at the Sqtatutory meeting. Following the -mayor's w'elcome t$ aid anà-new meni- bers, bailoting fbr the strikin.g of committees teck place, with the re-1 suit that- Reeve Jackson, Deputy- Reeve R. J. Underwood, and Couns. Bovtman, Pringle and Mowat were elected. The committee, after an ad- jeurnment cf Von- minutes, braugbit in the following r'eport, wbich was adopt- ed witbout discussion, although it vas Inter referred Va in speeches follawing Mayor Bateman's inaugural address. Coun, C. . Broughton, Coun. -W., M. The first named in eacb committee is chairman. ip Mayor I W. Baternan, I»puty-- Finance-W. M. Pringie, C. E. Bow- -Photo by Campbell, Oshawa. man, J. H. OimisVon. 1 _______________________ Town Property-D. Mawat, C. E. Bowman, W. M. Pringle. e pin n - Streets-Frank Tbireadgold, C. E ùtV RAL NAMEIL Brougbton, J-. H. ritn Fire and Light-Ed. Bowman, - D. MENTIO E FOR Mowat, C. E. Broughton.- IIENTIOM D F I)heief- J. H. ritn.Fak 1.111111Y WAKlIUIU Applications-C. E. Broughton, W. M. Pringie, FakTragl JAfter the mnyor's address, wbichi Reeves of Pickering, Scott, appears elsewbere in tbis issue, the Broc andRamaAre custamary brief addresses were made In The Running b i Wanits No Domination 'Rev Jacksan congratulated Mayor. Who wili be- warden cf -the 1928 IBate man on bis re-electio'n, and said Ontario County Cauncil ? This ià the! that it was a pleasure fer him ta have subject cf an înteresting controversyi served under him in the past and it aniong those well informed nîong lines! wauid continue so to be in the future. pertaining ta Caunty matters. It - To the n.rew membescfteConi noV; cusiomary Vo alIlow a warden thatj the_ reeve offered the bcinefit of bis honor Vwo years in succession, in fact years cf municipal experience. Hie iV bas neyer been done in-the history had ne idea, in making Vhisp offer, cf cf Ontario county and oniy once has dominnting Vhem, bis. only Vbought, be- the wardenship been bestewed upon 'ing ane cf giving whntever service the same man twice.- That bonar feil lieé-wns- capable cf ta, the municipal- Vo Ralph Mowbrny, aithough bis erms ity. No persan should 'attemp tot o f office were noV in su'ccessive years.j dominate members of the -Council Therefore, it is a for(. gene conclusion1 either îndividually or collectively. On tA~a A. W jet;&ui- w;",il îot 1îec;ive 'the eza-r jut e4'red hby couldses ro the chair this year, as under ordinary renron for' unf4endly feelinrs, - rules cf Council lie is not entitled te tween members. He was no bel/ever it. inilove feasts, men were entiVled Vo Several names bave been mentioned their awn opinions, but Vbey shouid but the choice cf Vhe country council-1 nevertheless be friendly witb each lors, wbo elect their own warden from other if possible., Reeve Jacksonj amog m reeves representing the' various municipalities on .the council, is uncertain. The customn is usuaily Va pass it from nortb Vo south,'%and vice versa. Several new men are promin- entîy mentioned in this connectian.ý Roy Park, wbo bas been Deputy-reeve cf Breck for the past Vwo years, is one cf the %weli d cnn.- -]M ,on.th W LL AIIII1UJU isVed iody. e isnowreevef teonce.-- Township. Reeve G. . Forsythe, o Deputy-reeve R. J. Undervcod con-j Pickering, onie cf the eider representa- grntul-ated the mayor and 'members of Fine Discourses Delivered Vtives, is another man beîd bigh in Vbe Council on their re-election. He, in huche b LoaL estimation cf some of those with n agreed with the mayor that it would vote. Reeve Byron Stiver, wbo repre- hé' a good thing for every chairman'ý -Pastors - sents the Township of Scott, wh-o bas to caîllbis committee Vogether bef ore, ____acadiaeora cbe f any important matters were under-1, year,,is again i the -field far office. taken. This practice, he said, bad not PRAYER MAIN THEME It is stated in- sme centres that hé been carried out in' the past. It was stands mare than an exen chance cf gaod buýýiness and should be clo'sely, Mus Prval i Liesof llbeing elected. Tbe fourth naine is adhered Vo. Hie tbougbt that thiq Chr rvalistLians ofA that Qf J. J, Mbfris, <of Rama, wbaba ea' ûci as -,l.,1 Earnest Cr*tiaSI been on the council for-two Vear. Iun . .P.satdthth Message (Continued on page 6) il bnd nothing more Vo add Vo whnt had - aIready been saîd. Ho cengratulated,. The services in cannection with the Uh ao n onclo hi ic annual Week cf Prayer, held last wee A L I tien and expre.ssed a desire for pence, in local churches under the auspices cf tindhroys'Cuni. eiea the Whitby Ministerial Association, »-?llA T H N Ves were well nttended and mest beipful. a- L INT NA ' (Ccntinued on page 2) The idea behind such services is te ___ __ emphasize the fnct tint although dividîd Vstr hty ed into varicus denominations the ExpectdVstrto -ht U D Y S H O people of the churches are ail one in Has Hgad a Wonderfu spirit. -Its ailier -abject is Vo, provîde Career n n v n' 't U U a fitting beginning ta a new and un'-,W IL U~Y I~ tried year. by a definite recognition The expected visit cf the Rigbt Han. ___ thtntig9 ah dn pr mL C. S. Amery and bis wife, a former - God, but that all things can be-done local girl, Vo Wbitby this month, wiîî 'At Ashburn on Friday, through- Hlm. Menngh unique lu that it is the first visit; Janua-ry 13-Program Prnyer's of- anyone bearing the title cf secre-IsArne On Moday nght n- Ai Saits' ary of state for dominion affairs. Tbe Cburch Rev. A. M. Irwin spoke on niei oprtvl edtn "The Meaning cý f Prayer in the f-rom 1925, the titîe formerly being A very fine programme bas -been Christian Life." lHe first cf ah point- secretary cf stato for the colonies. p.repnred for the annual convention cf ji ed ut that thé mission cf Jesus Net enly the naine but the nature of, the W-hitby Township Sundny -School Christ was Vo bring in God's Kingdcm, the office bas been cbanged..AsoitnwbccnoesnBin' nndreval is athrhcd; hatthe Despatches from the dominions are Presbyterian Cburch,' Ashburn, on -Kingdom was first seén in ChnistVs now attended te by a separate depart-lF.riday, January 13th. own life. Ho srioke cf the means ment, and no longer are- accorded the. Sessions wîll, te beld f-romi 10 a.m. inrugwhen ch. Ptrwades e t on-h same Vreatment as is given those f-rom te 4.30 p.m The complote programme luwhn t.Peermae isgratco-dependoncies. is as follows: femsson H said h t hristine Thus, the Canadian premier may 10.00- 10.15-Devotional services, led, commssinedHis hurli a cotine uw cnfer directly with. fli premier by Rev. W. B. Mitchell, Ashburn. the ~orkHo eganrn Pi'SiL Tiof Great Britain-with ne necessity cf 10.15-10.25--P'resident's remarks. tremudos tsk hon ace ustody -proceeding by way cf the colonial cf- 1O.25-10.30-Roi Call. as we contempiate the awful power cf fice. 10.30-10.45- Report of Secretary- evi in the world we realizo our own ]Rt!!o.L .SAeyhsade rau utter innhulity Vo cope witb it and are e n .C . zer a epTostr. , knowledge et Canadian a1kairs having 10.4511.00- Hyma. and Offering. frsd te ldu oe Gpd's ati. cr'tvisited the country many times before Appointing of Cojmmttee.. Finance, Chrit tld U VOasktha 's e ~ j is appoitruent as colonial, secretary Nemihating ani Resoluton. eut etth eto c the slere ul;t ilu1924. His first experionce ln Cani- - 1.OO-Conferonce on local Sunday tha late cerb ii.wiladal was lu 1906 when he teured the Scbool prebleins, led by Rev. Mr. Mer-1 we fndand te knock. vith the. p er- .. e broke a Ieg i the Rocky rill, Toronte. th ssrance o f th alar. e gies* iMoufifains te which can b. attrubuted: Superîntendents of Departments te tbe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~' asuac fti ise iou" the slîglit lump he bears to-day. Re- lutreduce the problems of their Dept. own lives.j turning lu 1910 with the. p.rty of bis Closing prayer and benediction. Prye I>1!aYEl!enU Iexcellency Earl Grey- b. made an ex- Mtern..>uS"«lo On Tuesday evening Ber. Johni Gal, tenswve study eft,'nortiiern Manitoba i 130-1.5--Devotional exercises. etftii, Baptiat Chiub, Oshava, xe ad the. possublties ci the. Hudsonj 1.45-2.00--Reports ot Coriittees.i insSt. Andrfes Churcâin hi lc Of'Bay aIway.- It was on bis return,12.00-2.30--Re. P. L.~ Juil,1 Brooklin.1 Bey. j.' T. Priest Who Wad Ift forA=-, from ths Canadian tour that ho mar-! 2.30-3.00-Traiig for leadership.j prier. Rî4âk*ct . W"ied Miss florence Gre.nvood, dangh- Bey. C. W. DeMille, Oshawa. ment te 811P aM doIbtff ter eOftth. late J. HEL Gr.nvood, of 3.0-3.8-Time wll b. aliowed for coprue bemphasid the voeru Whitby. At this tUme MÈr. Amry vas dîscusidon on problems. -<Contbrued on p«p 8),' (ConnSd on page 2) (Continued on page 6) DEPT. 0 But l3th Bi] Paid - Meel The, inaugural JL JL"p vvU

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