Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Apr 1927, p. 1

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lE $GAZETTE WHITBY, ONTARIO, CANADA, THUI i APIRIL28th, 1927. WHITBY UNITED 'UNVEIL PHIOTOGRAFIIS AT SJVRAMAD WiTBYWOAL CHURCILREPORTS' COURT -BOUSE.,ON JUNEfihLADRE V EN EUETTO S YERY FINE> YEAII - ,According»,to present pas the fédération jubilée have the w6rk COUNTY ARE By the will of the late* Mrs . . eerernonn photo-and -at the cre-1 Wlcowell known -Whitbyý ~ncurain~Reott a ~ ~ahs f mn ho aveseved ntny, which wili no doubt be ub*satP 4jbib adwoma hdied.a few weeks ago, as nembes orticoaddtie meherswork of teSalvation AnulMein at Dminî'in Parliamùent at Ottawa Gounty Council, addresses will be Elsewher iljm in- Canada for boys and girls ben- since1867 Conedertionyear made by promiflert dtizens of the efits to the extent of over one Evening wiltk lc tteCoiV cut n lehre.- The pie- a Big G g thousanci dollars, to be'; adminis- --House on Thursday,, June* 9th, tures will adorn the walls of the tered for this purpose with the Co wh1 ilethe Cun Cuncîlis, i Couty Comeil haftier aong Bcconsent laand 1dcosectionA of. the ex- ex gregation of Whitby United Churcli, session.Wre ..W acsn wtbhs f h adnwoJis boyhood days, an&here lie lived - ic1dng the churçh at Alnionds, the andý the commiittee appointed by rendered, service for over bal£a 1 for many years -afte tei ng n-ing , .Cmans Wllox dri. second sice the consummation of un- the Council in January to secure century, and wil .costtueai hood, came Albert reekon ve heliemewsuhins- ion, vr norgng- reports> were 'these pfictures in honor of the con- lasting memorial. of Wliltby and War'dën of Opahnwththewrkbenicr _________________________________________County on Frdy e ngto recev presented froni ail departments of ______________________________________________ chureh work, and these-were unani- onrtulations and trihut ei fromi rooto niously adopted. Partiularly gratify- Given Iligh.,Post . I1DWUTV mainy 6f thé old bov - ý, IVcs lthProotio ing were lhe financial reports, show IV1LMR flhHIPiY and many 10>ca4 and ýj f ieinds, on E ing tlrst that ail expenses for. the hiI luseection ehrlv hk year. tathe churcli year- had' been fully met, and IIeV ' 111 wai:cen's, chair, an. t t her ar - Secndthteh departmnent. reported - BOY UJVEN LIGH pJ ice things said aboi his i la<ny Years a aaceo hergtside of the led- ftCTN seninWtb'-ar$ia service, ge. eorswéeprsnted from the ra A 1fU and huiself persona1Y., minister, Rev. A. Mansell.Ii, th'___ The gathering, widad ot Officiai Board, embodying the session,cedtbycrie Z' th Sot conuitte of tewads ad deart-Dr. C. C. Goldring Appoint-r Ward Ratepayers' ýssociatoto -ment representatives: the Ladies' Aid, edInpetr fii. the form of an 'Re-union and moke, te . .Q eing well Sunday School, Woman's Missionary e Society, Mission Circle, Missioh Bnd P.ublic Schools lershude.i~~egahrn Men's Bible Class, Young Peo's___ were those who iad clydo the ILeague, Choir, Maintenance and Ex- stetwthteges f.no tPr tension Fund, and. from 'the Various Dr. Cecil C. -Goldring, a native of stetWitan ha p wst 4ccopnr t Prim .tepartnientÈ fAlodsCuport Whity, and teps fiftýeenon many an occasi -n othe old swim-ç whucfl is part ofthtis pastoralchre years on the staff of Toronto Publicein oe n o~b& maiy happ Every report was received wltb keen - Schools, basý been appointed school in- bunting grounds of blildhood along satisfaction and pleasure. -s pector for the city,, news of bis ap- the harbor., The-ewère also. thosef Fiaca ttma Poinetaengreeveawt pleas- who hd at with hfin tie town and> t The inacia sttextentshoed hature by a:large number Qf friends iicuny oixcils, ýsereed \ith hini in 'teewa asd o Ilproes.teWhitbv who knew bhim as- a boy and political ca mpaigni - 1a(î4 atched his su-fw,7.~ ndta.atre-îho have followed, his career in, re progréss from, boŽ W,, , to nianhood ; penses had been met, there Was a bal- cent years. Bis ability was recog- and.-bis election to f yarious civic ance on band as at Mardi 31st, 1927, nzdb h oot or fEua bodies of the o. the close of tbe cburch year, ofjltion when the applications for the in- Promi Oshawa ofDr. T.. E. Kai- FRANK T., MATIISON $61.6. Te hnndsoogreatonspectorsip wre being, considered. *a- $aised6a.tThal o 880.06, . i loRn.C.G L RN h n'~ isetris thé sonl of the (otne g )Who wasRecentlv Appo ited Pose-- the, endofth yar Pblcbahll-nsecThfo died last metrnda epewo Mantnacee~,4Exe S ai '1e.~.E-Cti t R char ad FanGoldri ig a atofnea to oue , 276e.2dollrais An _____________ BoY*,___________ of Port Wbitby. Be as bora her fh dorf c hciexpntue s, Pubihere was anér r. d aed ed pbi sbo9eras s ie n the c hurcl-E t re theon Edbwin nt itutio ns Fasn very rigbt IT YP ýL ýl suni~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o of$, porTe ici cei OR suet . As a young maxi ebooka ýforAll lurIheIpTdiAursVteL' aa t enlleibe- Ihenst ofngaxidiM . John- sipSa h ~~~~l odge insWtitbyios, asraynteb d emes of the uphatorlasrge- I0Rh&IINIli ex eacbnghbo tofiftenr sediontprnte eotdStiu BLasa' ixiFO TorntAa oublcscpl-fu yasman Rco ehsSecia09EVE l' tedatthemetin, eviwsthewok1 ati earl reyin htl a r s a Bltn A abe-eiediody tàb of th2, ear00. fo1ows Aveue an fth as ofhrEe y asa oegniso dnTrot fj S r o so n ln The lJnited Cburh of Canada, 3uge Thompso in odreing hldsb*A isr. dg roiet1. MGur1o . : asrac .T e eacelofthe end o thes peod- - g cbortof F 'nie-hsT iédte *AX O <tudyhs year, n pcilsî setd tear oritry, ti abuant - Cort JRldafil. ~Torono Pubie or- r nto ieti~ - ~v~. x hi o t acir S wc i e wotk' Gtey, the cablrs ixi BiltSaints' Churcliiv Whotby, ontSun- grod forhproeongrtiStude. n lxi4ounS ar0 evey âricla te ea ba sow Bs onr ude honpsxireeredj ssci tionand astni e ear aestatre isser , a 0'e in Tit oft, witb 'day, April 24tl advnc, one >f hih . y e< a-à dmet 'xi A cnetio g s n. Leaby f O.. r.l dreaittS he auD.th egt e United Chur cit- folk fýr-om the ong Sricet . tG TateDoesadAdéet fItr nald C. GrantToai, ro-a bo niteeatelgnýoa.h_.Xwigtto a i origsb l ud observ d in the e1ellentifiiahocialbwichB.A. teeabov 'U niel's B.csionlurrecoite,î lx Th C ni t ed u ho f nap a , b o gli a to - a a ns9Fx nigK a'tst"The .nes t 4È aînS 'G o g'dd y A rl 2 r( el o torsofi tmn Q ,oth ndesiy,-ad is af-ndri1dwDlan 1w_________te ater'fa rwo orso e an SIy t lieand lis ythr? oansial s e- A§Q(JORaShtheedo e I wyrinevetli ornan ears 0_______ îe1ie o eytenihyBblna ADDIINhv enq rxos-'bu hiPmir n epo' wîdly kxowi y CE- sfet, n itas noh tit4oAl Saits"This chnoble decisi on s unte Wero, u'iT rY, e.üI.A NO aT t iri oubottheCouty.o HUholibý,te. âl orplt'udligatitprovn -nceirnofchthe a y werTe. sate d.Iro f i YnelsmrWlosahee JALI> have beeonor padgeto m ponsh sso atU Iin ad . mein T Presb, w y ,f t - ad ta ccutsfAG*' onr acure i- anpate nte r t , co caesso 1 9L eI I - rfunta ra bde ' * n h atr C ris .T' o G. M ny Se ék Jobtheexellnt M anaer tw h ci f oraai, wh i - l i g et ." i ee stn yat ie nin te akoe e tKinDmahe AngcisGabrel .who is-, (Contiued onpageý) R oah. andFred . K-n tomeaf.ures fmeitate theuk tharryingleOWilited (Danchelne s notf "D n ard, ofai agthe xiettil -John tacey ot Ye over roni is broher, he- lae Joh Grnfaiuo wihh a < me vrHnrNri Chin ufaciô >te -mn ablevsit e hriasfathj'ý1 er fJoh Consltedail las wiladestamcedit o #aent ý-bisefa d s ht itb Po-ofChitinuthix onnÃ"roine tih roe rs sae.Pa nti entm fieNorinior ence of the andinM r e lr . teBpitorLr' oeunr n atnMt c asunhRcablee r or " nO ha a- fa la-ct-dcsont hxo Gdu There s stii consderabehspeuaa-termdMf Bosh for, ousaicnchque L' see ixita ie l's - ife, a ln i an t wi ll have a govrneIn IqutecosesaiigtaW. w udb Ã"fgetiitrs h'ty c a ve beseli * l,\bufý i n the m i r o a r 'der te g t store. S "it ensmpror Diocltian. Wie Swm DD TI Nins rul, did obed éco n l cieatfe t enu htthq estion . Thilt n ue- waistarat.unencntth tHenr-aano Wd, Ior B xY HSelon O ana e ncouid bae fr b een asunidb iMooso aaa iiewlprseto a g1'.aistmahŽiosiaiySt P;àîtffG n t o HE';pAprvneinehnt Madee tonm eore eads fcnsqec 1~ennad itogl tcnae o cv pantfine usual wy but;adced embrknipire.diatey upon furtie nio lx cicultiohtatvaplae p n- clainid taMr. Roach d o s aa Tiandywl m nouc - -- ite did he d ri ti wn s e BE N CO S D REDP S t buicil1'12* node e would be ôn orhmnedas i u , troughou * 1-quorcK dceasd sre la'ibe ccc nBoktn t etanthefsadlt,cnentsashion m en a ae oca l MT R. .S.ifunilminybde nCia norLianbuthtunaturesconfirmation. Itm-ng lie askdfri ue ad gi adM Luhi, rsdnan r o- m e rimg* y a-BidenLtài . t icBrtii m irvicm stpwr inoriailigie Mtat nars gbyte irvd uîn se ra nots Cop -Thrsd a e gwcth T e éa r c- emben i ouh gld be aoped eYen i ~ti' s o elontdhee twil o ~ detbin rtifsi ith ddfrigprto i xasonsim iy tconbigthcir thi d Dnire s s t badeof a th Bcd tic ohrnr s giving itateto ve'o g t Ce r.Bh l abt 1etic wl eectdo iiio tetm-aivray i n, ddc. Loa Crs nu es nti bttfel. comis on pse at cnt.ms-m e bsu edtcaon fdaeyorrtioftiainewasemiyoanecY eti pteTronChnt j -. Eveaîng SLrvi eru - -a&' belif i tit tcrewitibe wo tors, cheue nd ntecsttejateofplan îtws addd iasar Ts by busofndheiaiva woerctend- alu hi the rs -sae litf DMary u~ltr odS o ln t teied cltyaoflacarsèdea-deti Lodg L.R.Lue frmr iene nse thaldt er e alings wiet h wio lad asnInbershrsaic ieto,hfter thaking tic tionhad l nopbéenlobaind litf60 tcn'un 116sur t bledin lare - 'i i Dn ti es encto i nPSt.. ,-s a M .rah a e u . B c f lorspc. twii zon toey n ter1d n.-hrewa m s --e re.--.'S'-ll coni ilu aime,:biciil n ~ ,wil stccnrlPam o i there. - io'ienrut transaction was the pairient te lii Of brick and, steel.',- .wstcp taton Vimy Bidge (numbering.120 to.134 inlusve).,are Tcpaces e ---~~ i'y>$1166655 by chequle to eteiatail daims CAil anMaterial gcalled "the Pilgriî *Psalms.Ps. 127, iceording to tic Commission, anetobe eh*ý i Lodgc of siver gavels as n sou-,tccnr ftcgop stcSn Tooto ailo, odnWndoagainst - lis déceasdboerwci-TcW H. Yates Construction Coi- vnir of t sit. -Thc presentation th ete-fteg-op steSn, TorotoHamlto, 1ondnî indoriwas.used up for that purpose so far as, pany, of BHamilten, lias been aWardcd fteC veW.h dd aie ot Ottwt anwa igaaandl. NThiagatriaknw.Wincs srescdtiTfat ie enra cotrct.TumCadey s emdeli Mate ofIno gity- f tc hud. hydidDai0, ayoty -gopwfbeKitcener,, Lodge.'kew .W an asstesedthaccepheThstomand1by, Past .of 15 or 16, risk bis life in'defying tic. Peterboro, Welland, Sarnia Satod , itplasuadcesn cf ucidd osderable.WOïk for Gencral Mo- ony r .Bi sdT .Bblnan.Empire? Why did St. Oabu htsz.te Mn. Roshinl I a of businesstosît year, haxidling sanie in averyGrea tio omudc>. George, a young maxi under. 25,, lose- of bot in sze ates.Uni r. Roaci's.deati he srd sfsctory manner and imarecor In tic first groupseepesigape tc vendors wiil ratr. bclicethle oud et ti lme c elaera conrwle esscprsin ppe is life'at tint eariy age in. dcfying fr beis ad s ha d benpr m e hCl. tic plulflblug tw ciationro t tat would long be tic Rorman Emçdrc? Why are bloth reccive greater remuxiciation ,tIasip o'i lnpropnatcPrl-Jtto hs.B f-hes i ual oèrdi h tiose of 'tic smaller pinces. Ticptnt . tepub L - cëise hi- ode mninmumn for vendors intcbre sd. Miller & * Lb4,î adti c ig e- In rme of music, dax4c-i Churci of - Godtdy rave ionien- mor, asd n ieFenorf e evice-wsttil steni wil beof staldbhecupe a cvdadtus seasar -,have some ade- c it e s w i l b e $ 2 ,50 0 , w h il c it a y b e F r e r i c sseeer v e(1 e G r r r d a l f s l a w . i ci mue - ben aroenlocale' party re turnacd cîsion was duc. to tictraining of pious patiulnY ure x pacs ie in-chècque for $544.97 wns in -piymxent Limited, tihe tiaf ortuis installa- limfbàngi. aet x i hilliod. - No -douit ara Fals, Wn'hdsor, Sernln, Brkkrviii e sc v i at'n' in questin, s. it tin being madc une esliaws.. Tic - Prncîl aidpssibly Weland. lad beexi establ sc itpani a structural steel,* brick. and lu fact al sanie cause;, tic unanswering loyaity - ~ O hn a toe uiabe otier deallfgs witi Mn., Rouc, par-tic building -materiall wiil be- ftil m-P IV ff of bis pious parents foGôd ndBis NoOhwaSoeSdtbe tieularly with respect té bis- brotlcr'5 isied througli Çanadiaii sources, s501LU L 1. A VAchurci. For this reason, tic* lilgrimn lI an iterviw with tic Oshawa estate. It was peinted out tint whilc that several other - comnmunities -will TPO0F lîms (tic hynin book of tic Jew' JonStaccy, 'wio-iolds tetie îcheaveecd beçn paidi s tTbuiî4FIinAgad &cc12,îenra i l~0f flfdIiJOb I ~thc hequ aligebenefit by ti pid n - is pilgrinim a e P . 2F c nt lii keyto teatongebo,.stlted ithtb itf oMr Ac o euBuilding Ready July , st t CclecirLTeNg1Ivctreso 80fr he bas not be Cntic patent was for $544.97, it iad beexin fit i tc oldrxay a arue be respect te n store,-in Oshanwa- es trtn tcaontrqaed1 ostuto wrdil ecmcn-j back t1iccul.Mss - tastit is lanet a store ii Osi-tcDea --tl Trnofor this e4 mndnt 1n icbidngps:iborn under tic ban of ticeniigity ausutbl frtint prps nd 3£ purpose wau over $800. No 're dt opcil nacodiC il omi nMOnday er E;,gypian, empire against baby boys,ý tiec opmlsslo1i decided teo Pen u"i>ment was prodjiced to 81wtint Mn. (oxtnud g ng6 nin e apita ncw chef -ytbi u mother fougit a brave the"e it 'will be forced t4S1uild.* Rouch lhad undà4entke for tuis'moncy of_ - wl not -b."for lack of fight te 'save b is life, and when ,sic bithe opinion of seve lpopet ecure the ptet.'f plainti's.getxsi jd apit Y uilnnonW - bore, there la not a sultable ~'evidence, 1h was contended, sneY adean110eit rsrc, i ugeapia UpuI1nono ed ol o n h movr ec utand c in tic WK7LAL. suflcifltly orroborhed~ - uggèstng,, liwevcrtint tiefloach nesday CIerki cJhé L ZFrost lasako leRvrNen omte 1.P o h peaXt e ~sufceerlycases wera ~e y~n te tcm:neof God, who could ~eiih ut ferhie alise-,evçra lase titedefenc. Ftatcb sould b lowdsnelil ee ce 1 f tie hten setic xigity possibilities luntic benseilt utfo te ignhkin of cuslt taihta conroboration for srPe cuc'&t lpntl- i nd-thi first-bc conildered by tic lif of thit icpîcas: cbild. Beverend the.lUeen einspectors inl OntitTo. C- of viçe gmJinst anmani who w» by Mr. -Rouch durnig bis ifehimfe and -~ fjoh e'y inl es Wi ie. as a AX Kawo f Oshaa, 18 the nsec rdeeeaSed must b. ver>? cleur. for ýwbch, 1V was aîLcWtted >?y v - <oxthiUed on page 2) -Arguments werè presented by -epnmefhiaunost befl5WtcWl A CS1KI Cotxuc npae2 EAVES. FINE SALVATION ARMY thc Armny's, xork, iii géýnerak at home and. abroad. The wili of dei- ceased, now h.efore the- Courts for probate, di s'poses, of hier property anid houseiold effects Vto -relative,, and fricnds. -Tic. ré-idue Cf thce estaté, wii -M r. -Brownving thinks miay reacli close to -twý,o thousaxid dollars, go btic Sal- vatio-n Arnîy. Thie local, brancliz- niay share ini thc bcqucst. fil SPROGRAM FOR CITIZENS' BAND ~ IS AFPROVED OF~ of bir Citizens Will Jicar Some --Scu Very fine concerts - This Summer 1, -- nahi As intima-ted iýn an earýliêir isszue of e -e Gazette and Civonicle, a Gîtîzens" ,onmttee ivas ,rec(-ntli' formced for -hc purpose of asîstîng, the WbitbY kow Band lin their -efforts- to ra-ise f unds atn i for th e puchase of unifonritis, and also la i]- I Lo lend advice and aid un 1planniing forIO Lhe.,ycar's activitics. Th)is comimittee ,14 i îeldafuither meeting last week at i ý of Wale wiich plans were mdc, and a su- - gested prograni waýs submnittc-d b -o the]xO Band at its regul ar practiceo on Tues-j Lay cveninig,*,mcnting, î th their hearty approval and a promnise of co-o pera I ;iQnA - t ti Thc programi for tie sunimcîr, as to)ok 1)I1 outlincd by tic commnittee and1 adopt-PVat Ne, ëd by -tic Band, 1enibraces - a el-les of tende rfc il leai,-tfive free concerts to 1w -gîven jtî, -igi1 ivthe business section of tice'towxi on lai s(oi Saturelay evenings, atJnixter\1-lsfionictst lune to Septenîber; alszo five -or mnore- concefrt s toi be give il nt t1ýe T o % ii Pa rk on Tucsday cvenings, wiîen i"collec- eti ion îvîi li eý takeni to aid the g (nlerai fond of ýthe> Band, sinllllar to tili( plan followed last sa- n. o mt lb -is also - pl anned to hold a conicert lin theTown Hall during ,thôle f al ici or wint er, as a mns nýof agebigTe thc fund. ,--~ i~t Tic sum rêc1uircd -for uîîîîoris! w ill lieabout O, of w-hich sui -iiticheet and. basý about one blinIf ali,--ad(v- on pn :\nad. The Commiittce-hias undent-ken , 1(re y'îtb the co-operation of ie B- ii o ck r>aise thie necessarv siuîn, Iby means unofs tic a:boje namcd efforts, a nd inad- to-uchlin. Ition by miaking -a cail upon tic, bwii-the- iness mnen for subscnip)tions, and b\g~-f sceeking permissionx-tfbeîcTow.xi Cotïn iona .cil to . lold a tag day. bn t sexpdcct tat tbec- B-,nd wîîic Lse t cure a number of engagemients Iiid ik iflgtic summner, -bicir first appe-aranm c tic foi having already-been arranged foi atIbog the Brooklin Spring Fair on Mav 241.j i 1 teý Tenîporary arrangements lave bPcn iof tic made witli Mr. J. Broadbent, -of Oshi- awa, to acts as conductor. Mr.-Broad- P bent lias lad charge of- tic Band l'on -- severai practiccs alread.\ and cûcoi-- aging progrcs s is being made. f ,Tic Citizens' Conimittee is coin- c posedof :tic followý,ing: Cliairman, F. 'J. Meityre; Vice-Cliairman, -J* M. Short; -SecrctarY', J. F. Bootlie: A-st i - Sec.. E. M.-Brow-n; Tidas., S. A.- Sex - - 'Smith; -Coçmmittee-E, L. Odlum - G. M. Goodfclloiv, A. W. Jackson, H . R. 86 P Peel,. W. A. Dew-laxid, J. M. Hicks,-W. Fun J Hl. Richardson. R. W. Tallin- SEVERAL SALES oQui] LOCALPROPE RTY sona Thc ro' Nva s uT Ilouses Are in Demand And ,ix ci - Agents Report M ch - heavyi ea-ni -Activity. and - - nmentC For tic past fcw-w-eeks tiere lias Robins been a good dcmiand for houses in Col. Si Wbit#y boti Vo rent and i1 urciase, ence -fc .and several property transfers are re-, next yi ported.Ter are few vacant bîouses tensior Ixi' Whitby to-dIayN, and local' agents of the report a.-good deniaxid for the-se, w,-hile pal- several exiquinies have been received. Pickeri Not a feýv from O'haw-a Nould localew-r here if. ticy could secure , hbuses, tic Ph There liasbeexi very littie buiidingroso ç-e- fan, but it is cxpcctcd tînt Several 1A o( nc osswillbe bult. - into tI- Mi.' bcrt Jacksn, mal estaté -.trv ii clude'tIc sale by W. E. Vanstone t.o also 1 IlTarry Ilinkson, of wlat us known as the tic ýHani È,roperty at tbe corner of Grand IBrock anid -Mary streets._-' - refres f. A 62L,-Nn 44 CiI-RO! C7A. G

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