Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jan 1925, p. 5

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Tins sleep, ip and y;Mr. !Port OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT 'and we Guaranteo Satisfaction and Prompt Service. J.a M. Hicks, JEWELER First Clasa Wqtch Repalrlng. BIROCK STREET WHUTBY Local HappeningsI IWe haàve aways made 8 SpeClalty of -FINE WATCH REPAIRINO, end p Ide -ourselves on havlng One of the besi equlpped workshops. Be sure you brlng your watch to us. -hundned -pieuse enoti-fy Miss B. J. An- derson, Byron St. South. W. IL Kennedy, Bariser, etc. Of- fice one dcci west of PotOffice, Mrs. Hayes, of Toronto, vlsited ut Mrs. C. E. Harper was hostess at the Whitby House ever thie week-end.; an afternoon tes given in aid of the ,W.C.T.U. on Tuesday afternoon lat. Be sure te hear Duncan Cowan, the'A goodly rruniber attended and a sub- linmaculate Entertainer, in the. Town stantial surs was realized for the work Hall, Feb. 6th. ocf the soeiety. During tue afternoon Mms. J. T. Priest sang a solo very Miss Edun Johnsteh has returnedi sweetly and Miss Ida Jones rendered home after spending a week InaCo- jsaplcusing piano solo. bourg attendig the Bay cf Quinte Winter Sehool. o Miss laleen Robinson, cf Toronto, REPORT ON CRURCH UNION spent the week-end with her grane- The resuit cf tb.e vote on Church parents,- Mr. and Mis. Jas. H. Nichol- Union, acw la prognesa at St. An- son. drew'jý Churdli, wM !be made knowa at a "meeting of the congregatioxu te Menas Ready-to-wear Suits $10.00 >b.d eeigJa- te $290 a Waltrs'.uary, 27t1, visa ie repot oethbe Mr. B. D. Huggsrd, of Port Ar- 'Deputy Returnlng Olficer will b. thur, la lu town this week,. cou lng preaeted.Se tar quite a number et frein the city -ut the head cf the Inkes mnembers bave vote&. The votlag te attend the ftineral cf his mether.1 closes st 4 p.m. nexz! Tuesday. Mr. F. C. Palmer, Town Englacer, of Bowmanvllle, aud tormerly Sanltary Inspecter ut Oshawa, was a visiter in to*~n Thursdacligo utG.W É. ver, o -he Public Utilities Com- mission. Remnants of dress goods, Finunel- ettes, Ginghams, Silka, ut reduced prices during January Sale at Wal- ters'. Dr. E. J.' Shirley, lVeterinary sur- geon, wishes te annouace hMs new ad- dress will be 448 SimooeSe.t N.,POah- awa. Telephone 629. -40 Professon Lealce, Provincial In- specter cf Manual Training'; valt0d Whitby High Schoel- on Tuesdsy Ia connection wlth Fana Mechanica 111 the Agricultunal Departaietit.j We arç clearing eut oui corruspontd- ence cards. Boxes, ef t wo dsejl, wlth envelopes te match, la varI0ous tbs andI styles. 50e a box. C.. Gê'odfl- low &,Son. Arthur W. Lynde, .el t*m o bie hug. Studio at rWadSioseiX KusCL M. Wallace,- GiesSt»-94pb 284 or wrlteP.0. BOX15W. Mr. AX.T. Lawler las bee onfiêd te his homem for the, put two v*&S as the nesuit cf n pa i dlet WbICJi he sustalned whai kt1N au11 *UW steppîng off the udw4kWto OMM fl -th*è street. He bas bon i*1>1* *' , à few visita te bis store and *M sos b. f ully recovered, EASTER ON AFRIL 12th Lent will commence ci the 25th day et Fcbruaiy. and £aster Sunday wlU. f811 on April l2th. This brings Easter eigbt days carier than lat year, wben lb feU at a partieularly lat. cjate. CARD 0F, TRANKS i. aid M fra., Geo. Miovat, si., aid tarnhIy, 'wlsh butl theiUxr maay very ldnd treads foon heïr kindmes and ==ny expressions et sympatuy la their recet bereavament, and for bue iaany kUnd messages and wisbss dur- lag thé perlod of siekmu sa lu tir home. Slirnuolu. cm, ~Al.ai UWI rulu--%. zffaUA5. 6th Guide-J. SymQns. Iflalde Guard-Il. Rays. Outside Guard-J. Bedding. Secretary-E. LomaX. The Advisory Board of ten members from the adult lodge, Sussex No. 5, comprises Bros E. R. Bradbury, N. Corner, E. M. Lomax, W. Roberts, J. Cowx, R. Bradley, G. Rogers,. F. W. Mattbews, W. Wilinson, A.. Noble. Bro. Drinkrow presented for yearly competition a siliver cup -to b. award- ed to the member securlng the most new members each year, it belng won this year by Bro. Eldridge. After business was concluded, ar pet bail was played and a social dîne ALMONDS lits. T. C. Osborne la spending two weekx visîttag lber uster lu Sellas Misses Loilliani Rwe and Gertifzde Kerp spent the week end wîth Mrt. and Mm. John Draper, Pickering. Mr. and 1Mrm Daniela, et Toronto, visited over the week-end wth 1Mr. and Mmra J. Adams. Miss M"be lackey, of Toroîtc, speat the week-end wtli liermother hem~s 1fr. Joln Hallett, of Toronto, la visiting frie" ndal tianegiono inu V. Marna bad tii. mlsfortume GREAT INCREASE I TUA CONSUXMfON Tb* couaumption et *îes, k la et!-' inelcreas.d la 1024 tty-nb. =ay go to $QO pst poande bt«M Ih theitas the emupuat oea tii. »otd--aal* fren tr IANEUI'T SAL Bought at a Low Rate on the Dollar from the Trusts & Gueaete Co* Ltde, the assets of the Estats oflý.os -Smith Higi Clan Crocor & Tiaccoslt 'Cor. Biiasui dHickory Sts. * Sas slusTkh sê at 9 WoI'clka*iM EVERY#TIIINOl LESS TIIAN WIIOLESALE PRICE W. arrfle4 eretoo late la or der te put luàpiés., Corne sud Look Aroua n& udSive ,Moo BUT.TE OF ROSS IUITI, PEELS $HOESTORE Ni~ Alkns o f ddt. b. ="deup at onea and 'brwarded, t. U W dfrçY U~ aa a. ~ hO~iii~ h Ù"ftSo, lt o the.SbeIte,thu Brown dMRSdE eW 9 éRawy lertd'ar prre~ goum fli.I IIOt IChIt ,te~~ iiibt0~1 !ria or ? ent. Apply ILR.N.Baet The Oit f a Oes ôfiii, ek mskdthe Institute to lend a liand UI vng.4 rotago Iyenli wIIbeled an 1ueda~in provldlag eobngadbedaor tinSe O éL eveiiln the. Cou haibr, un- 1.fok nerhs< ag A Reemertbe concert on Tuesd, Breeding duoba, Toulouis ese der the 1ausp11ices Ofthti aae fusture of the meeting wua the.but- VeDig nez! i tehe !1 l n u of BArred Rock Coelas, Bla& Jersey simi.1- M&V F* r 800 priffl for the m_ tr- ble cntest, the prise e ng won M. wok.Good malCa1 progb. Gliut GClkemel md Yorkshire swine les, &Iso.p.e al Tayeel~~ylr.JonP.,wtilr.J ...... for sale.Grasmere Faim, leeng Euchm* ta e b olwd a dance. WMIlansd lirm Levi Dudley jiidges. CuIÂDIAIPCI OVni IOSPcern 88 8 Admisson 2k, TIntiUtute contemplâtes putting on MN SIVICE "BION"c TO FOR SALE The IDugtut a dplaay e EIn ~the -near future. Miss Annea RtT? leiltSuelrcr ..md! iadatWodnesday eelghl a Tiaveilera -wWllgreaty apprmejate looks and Mus m enew. Wm »U veY SUccesaeful eucliueid whist drive *- Itecaglurne a 0n.4 whicl cheap. Phone 211, Wbltby. -f lati. ede eoa alarge namber b. -4RV .A~ EJEADISTING- J Iqavea Toronto, conifludii JanuaZY FRSL lng Pre8ent t0 speud a'v«ry-peasant UISHED MSSJONARY RERE f12, st 6.15 p.L, artvlng a t it A number of herses, severalcoI evelag Fo eclir Mi, adby ad NXT UNDY. at "-q ~PJ' "Ydafliv und>ydue to freshen;and two young bulia. * Mms R. Flîdhiy wonibe lies'Prime, On January 25th, I, 120tive yearu uiakig ai sBtosTeton#a, vn Ao1Deering Blider, good as new. 9 whlle P. Sheridan uiudp. Noblecar ago, a diStinguiabed misalonary of la TMmi t 10 Pin. mRêturb ried -off the gentlemen'a heacra.ID Nortb.era Canada, Rev. Herbert Gi- tVi63lavsTet at __ S.C. Eunloer, Phone a"04Pickeringr, tâe whist drive MM iWaey and MW is g uee IMAUgdSaps Churth, aamvbig Bt WhUty &M50a.M., anlving iwettWhby -4 P.-lMcAdam captured the. ladies' prizes WhtbÎy, and died a few days later in in Toronto at 10.00-r .FO RET aud the lucky.- gentlemen- vexe Mr. Ottawa,, viere lie waa called by the_______________ Waini apartient over Bell Tel. Maden sud Hr.u$B.9ollins.Dominion Goverament to ve evi- Phono Office. Boit vith water $16 Mena Oeroat $4.9 t zs~odense on conditions cf lite la the.. To Rent, For Sale, Etc. Per monti. APPly . N. Baett-4t drn anuary Sale at Walters'. Northi. Every -year alace thnt date,!'O RN dci he id - a ummilal service bas been held in FOR SALE FOR x. U"resxrea A uhr ndWit atyu-AIl Saints Churth onthe 26th day DnSie Krohler Chairs, oaenlon eis. Street, sixe poss drte*auspice of tue ladiles et January wfth somenery pr hiteeftelO O1I1to ale, alt oei 5 e me ApBolmSt OfteSeparate Schcol. w» bhld on ent clergymen aM preachers. his wtable alntfed resser. Repags- taMur mnh p.yBloe Tusa vIn nteCuciCa-ya on next Sunday, January 25ttbl, wfor pik sale. Adress . -tf.1esauan ber. Ten tables were 'arraLng'ed, the 1MRev. W. A. Geddea, wbo&was r, DundasHS ladies' prizes going te Mrs. Bert Smnt so~< i itW A. Glrlig, wl a sTaylo una t. E.,Pboe 2.-.& - FOR RENT and Mm .John Connors, and the gen- mssoaary liehr. ai hlîgihiasn.WANTEW Prme boue, corne ry ad vin.e tlemea's prizes te P. O'Connor and hereic misslenary service liAn i eea okb ero a b t;as rc eno ra ~u, G. t. iere.regfions, will b. at AIl Saints' Churcli. welI domesticated worman. Apply te all convenleucea. Âpply to King' Kate A. Wright, organist o et tl- Be will apeak in the Sunday School1 box 167, Whitby. Bros., Wblty-tt fodist Tabernacle, teacher of Piano, room next Suiday at 3 pan.-, with FOR SALE. FOR RB"' Ora and128 Tlueory. Phone 149.P. lantcrn alides, and in thc cvening at Gypsum lc ctaeternBy-f Bo 28 --àAil Saints' Church ut 7 p.nu.. The A collie dog, friendly dispositckcotagnt, nt The Kinug St. Nome and Schc>ol Club gencral public are cordially la'vited te good watdli and cattle dog. Apply to, en St. seuu. Five roins, ailcon- will hold à-sale of Homne Cooking on tlis meetings in thc afternoon' and W- W.-.PatR .NO. 1, Pick tnecs mmdnepaesin1Pk Friday, Jain.. 3Oth, at 4 p.m. in the evenlng next Sunday. 1ering. lad. Phone Ne. 2309. 1 ply Threadgsold Bres.-f Councîl Chamber. Atternoon teëa 20c. l FARM FOR SALE O)N £ASY TERMS1 - FOR SALE OR RElIT IDonations of cooking from parents and JUVEN îLE LODGE OFFICERS One hundred acrs. Go ira, '1wo bouses in Whltby. Appli W. friends will b. weleomeSd. INSTALLED plowlng donc, good stone house, large H. Ken nedy, Barrister, Whltby. -f Reserve Mardi l7th for Bazaur, Af- The. tollowing wene installed in of- Ibvik bains, complete. School, 40 rodat, FRR ternoon tea, and Home Cokling Sale, fice on January l4th by District Dep.. station 60 rods. close te Oshawa. Fo- Pa O Ren REith oencne- urider the auspices -of Ladies' Aid of uty Bte. E. &. Bradbury, for 192,' sessui April lat, 1926. APpPI o 11 ut es, et, wAplt odJ eIn- Methedist Tabernacle. the second yenr of the lodge's exist- Box -,Dl", Oshawa Reformer.jonehae. plytJ.icty. New stock ladies' white sweaters ence.______________________________ an tqesatWltrs.Paat Presldet-D. Maundreli.- - and oque at altes'.Pesdet-E. Eldridge The County cf Ontario OId Girls' Vice-pyesident-S. Ward.I Asocato W.ill hold a card party ut Chapila-K. Lomax. tho me of Mrs. Geo. MK Rice, on l.st Guide-A. Fawdon Monday evening, ,Jan*ay 26th, ut 8 2nd Guide-A. Moore. o'lc. Euchre, Five Hundred and ard Guide--G. Bradley. H on sst To G oodnss Bridge wiIL be played. Those wishîng 4th Guide-E. Norman. te arrange tables for bridge or five ,~ ..t.. U ~ m- _ Retallors ut Sood shoes. Phone 181 -W Brock St. South January O1srano of- Ail-Wintor is BOYS,' SUITS BOYS' OVERCOATS MEN9S OVERCOATS MErI'S ODD) PANTS Ail LUnes iuciuded la- This Cleagi U p of Ouar Wlnter Stocke SWEATERS, MUFFLERS, ETC. Quality Merchaudise. Rock Bottom prices CamE! LAVEHY et oofôu.qtià FOOT wEAýRe Fory To aS w"e wlll sel ail Winter Footwear, Hock eyt e Boudoir, Sippers, Spats, Club Rails. Trruks,Etc. At 10 to 5a1por sont. Disout. We al'so have many Broken LUnes of Leather Foot. wear that we wili offer at very attractive reductions. PEEL'S SIHOE STORE ê s-~w~ wLv.u Whitby M BOOTH E98 CLOTHING FURNISHIJIGS j 1-I I. mmmu,_ tu JAýNIlU - 1 A. ýRY CLOTHING FVRNISHINGS

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