Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jan 1925, p. 3

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4sas addi I-a~lu5oiiptio% la psld 1~iudica~ a ~a'ru 'm'............~ ~ -- - ayminsertion. ý gts o onatspc aàr-Aeetsmd 1d sQe terted tUA ifo nd -udcbarged- ccordinegy. lienber of Canadian Weckly Nevafpere soito C. . ODM »W& 81% PublWusm WRITBY, TRURSDAYJ JANIARY 22, 1928 NB»D 0F MORE R1GH -SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION- -in the report of the Board of Education for 199À, pie- sented to the ratepayers on nomination nigli4t lere l5aa clause wortiiy of- very serlous consideration if the. ever incrensalg attendance at thie RIgh Sehool la to be taken care 01, ad t the elYciency af the. teBchLIg staff and pro- gress of the pupils msain.dý or increased. Tue clauge in question emphatically tates tbalt tbe âchool la overcrowded, and that t.he ebuidren are cramped iu and are posuibly'mfferint from Iaek of aceommoda- ltion. It Jo furtiier polnted out that the question-o! me accommodation, that ia to say, the question oflan addi- tional wing to the'achool, becomes yearly mone sente and cannot mucli longer b. ignored, esp.claly if the. atted- ance continuez as it lias af recent years la support of the dcaime that more rOore 1s need, fl is pointed eut tiret agriculture lu taughtt 'at tii aclicl, sud that Whitby sand Port Perry are two of the. sixOr seven HIgh ?choois in the province that t"ahei subject. To thua t miglit b. added that the. building at present used tor agricultural training bas benýpractcaly coa- demned by Inspectors as being unsuitable for the purpose, and a low trading la slwaya gifon. From the report of the Board af Education ase quoted,j and from reporte made from time to timie by inapsectrs dealing witii the need of rmor'e roore and bette equlp- m~ent, and the advlsabulity ai havtng al&U ar enaun- âon. roof, it -wouId appear as if the, Sehool Trustee« this year bave a serious problem to couider and deal wlti While it la the. gonerldenire aof al ta keep d eduesticual as well as other Expendfitures a mua M - possile, it s a queston if a rosi oconomy in bulng offocted1 by allowing conditions ta romain as theY are in Wbitby1 High Sehool, when they could possibly b. remieded by the addition of a two-room wing. _The0 ratepayers asat year in salaries alone spont $12,740t in the High School. This la a lot of money, sud if the 1 maximum af satisfactory resulte la ta b. abtalned, candi-t tie6n, inithe. school shou)d b. such au will enable t.heC teachers ta carry on efficiently, and the sciiolars ta ben- efit ta the fullest extent from the training they receive. And there is probably nothing that wiII detract more' frvmn that efficiency and proper training than crowded clasa- roames. ý V. 0. N. HOME PASSES-THE ORDER CONTINUES While t is with reluctance that t-he membena ai the Victorian Order of Nurses have been forced t-o close the Home, which for a number ai , year.s bas been lu aper- at-ion, thie citizens wll be pleased t-o kuow t-bat t-he work of t-he district nurse is t-o b. coutinued, sud t-bat t-be peo- pie of t-ho town wiIl stili be abt-e ta secure t-he assistane aif t-ho V. 0. N. Nurso for calls vhen requirod at theirj homes. Thée Victorian Order iias bogu - lu exstec u -Wift-by for-,éieven yeas, - .dwlîng tusè _t-Ã"t1,~f vbih a àRame bas been malutalned. lsiug testeanmd at-hon unfavorable circumstances have nov made it- né- oessary t-o discontinue t-be Homne, but tue most valuabie1 vork o! thbe Or-don, tue district nursing sud-thie acutitkW o! t-h. Samanit-an Commit-tee, vili b. carrled on as hofore Only t-home who bavo had occasion t-o caîl in the -district nurse eau !ully appreciate thbe great boneit a t-hi, dis trAct work e! tue Victorian Order. Mdany homes lu WU>t by owe a debt o! gratitude t-o tue'nurse sud t-o t-ho.. who make ber vork bore possible, sud viien t-h. annual eau- vasa for funds le once more made, in aider te pro-vide meane t-o continue t-be vork, wg believe i Order wll cecelve tue smre support as t lbas lan past yesrs, nsô ta lt-s beneficent vork may go on and the. burden b. rado as ligbt au possible for t-base vho bave vorkted umuselil in it-s intereuts for years. - WHIERE IS THE TROUBLE? A 909d deal la belug sud thiese daysa about t sua Uanest4"sbaonspl a te aaoumetlclsllty, ud I quantlty af goada being sold la Canada labefl e «Ot<Suke el &Umt Wld IpittM in GermnauY," "Made in U.S.A." "Ilade lu EXglaad," vhllU ec a eatu Dmd.Issai tbmres.vs>. ivUiisatio o thousasaof Canadian workmeu reuemloe. 'SrlyVUst se mUbteamw - &8l t-bere As sometblng-wrong ut t-hermoto! ' lac- t-ho Bleuhelm Neva-Tribune, "vhe ou mey bs te 1 Tb*Qaava l garxagm mgr.gwlb»b.Gatte s»d peured eut- o!t-bis country lu the, pWrchseof! I blg ue-bromIol. t4sa non* R of MWhitb7 boud ha Costy I sç manufacture o! vhlch relght gir. eMPlovmatteou arsafeu& 55Il saes: <Rove Mie W Jde.,ut peoplo, keeP t-hem at home sud give us grostue piesper. WkItby, lea n am'lmatM b.W«huul t leewt. It- Asa àfact-, o! courset-bat theusa- e NUait wbeen f mutrrmiew- b.uuty Ce«Pum Md ' bols lafe -,sud Brtislh goodo are muclichesperhe bM MCanadIen 0£Whbhy baâ»sot blsW@Ibishmos- ulaIy27 u ant k =ade g-coda af tue"mne kind eau be ma" d M Mu oi or«MuWI i in«&eb pa m Iirvy. la that vages Iu Gernf&Ctorlesare aboutoaa-qwuter Jacie o d lmaie a unsetrâ« . Pal _1111 - Femir odent et WbAhby 'hpo pamed awy ut filaboni Victoria, B. . 5.1, Wiulla NloeR, tirreany slvI r hnut int peublic ne wu lvsboria t GumbaakOtir idu.tihWi I Durlugisis~u XL Boueli *as 4~rmIs Gn.wemp i îfalimuabsaltlius -I aItu~g -1 'I ~. Izag isre Up 1IlU qW ÃŽ__c At1ueonldetlÏ 11ndred and ilnety,-tbro-(198),sd 4 ',ràn bàhafteCMi= o , expectéd. iii prve a a % coveni- On. undred and unmty-lour (Il4 ,o!course, in-obvions. As lor AmêîieSa miin .~e Stotravellers to Gzeezt airi.-West- e! Brock Streetbeiug parM@ Vate S atte t i reable to prý ~o ini P< )COUUiuSed tO a.1 4.-asubdivin o! lot furbrtwsuiy 'm.quantities thaet tiley eunaegret isaviflin rpotindealt W& clSwelinsut2a rest ai thie gane rTe mid is mi ptloen (27)., -tii.second eueui I oeka~d .unoisi ii andinma «atureru.Thie isue -u oweer soodin t MMOi SALI 0F VLUABLIo! the. Township uow Town of wh- rsui ~ ~ W~it tatueremdysanction Sewft Extmenin Stiluger, wb.o has otliar cases pnd.TQWN PEO#'RTY by. 1%t àm iO is-»erlawersto tbls, of couue,1 &fu extension of the- se" we s ug u d cniu uestAga) U ndsdby vhitue if tile powft Upon-tii, promises reentioned, î 1 depmling "Upotii.political party ta wiiich ane owes aI- orly on St. o oft Cnet1Gn Auy Àmdgà l& ii .pr<ucaat- tl~fae hu Sao d t.by2foot. legiauce, but tii. situation Ass amingtlint it la te hot with thec hous:O! f lao sd onoass so s bs'fatnd ue f aete r wf offer ttý:med o T h ot en btinedit la tat22 ar jboped serlous cnidrtinyl b. given to thie question Ge. Drydenl waSsaùctiond by h, oertos ii ti asCounte--! Pol, t e t t11 pfireis he r éfeina or' e- l ot bildin lot s sncltcat- jat tue ferthcomirg session -of Parliainent. If S2ytlifgCh i lte1%U cmna uaiosdYrayst flh, u çueanStraLie isatt de- o! d bidn os n iyl cen b.do ersudturear ma y boboier tatth r.BU LOm, onbeIWX f bi sel! sd Mr1 O .aoAsatn t o11 ion ta tue ,fa :9rtua ndtuei Ja ay 25 tte h r a h e ersodae Tw ny pr .o ia remecdy--tbis ought, ta b. one ai the big questionsttis cta d e dontha i' ork bbers stole a Toronto- auto lu emvoriitok l in > afiernoon, ti olwtu uca.mnyo u a- engage tue seglotiS attention o! tue lHanne af Carexons. ts o teunld .du o gv onkyegi te t ufli SlSbetiPrOPfty situste msu slebalam ncelthurty days tUùe ____t i.CoDCl lelg idow. scene o! tue crime. "Tiiey were always le Town Of WbitbY, luin the Céuuty 1atter. DO TOW BY-LAS NERDBEVISIN? ~ .arreed, too,» says Zuspector Stringer. o! Onrlol, aunly: For furtier termeasdcodtouf Do TWN;BY.AWSMRDREVUONIlh fre ue QftheCoucil Umm aborder ta enforcethoir lawless de».- Ailanu inular thM efttain par- saie apply te, At tue Town Counci meetin g on Monday eveung Coun., ber was grsnt a lra. Bruton aud mands on lubabitants o! these coua- sels or tracts01!land and premises, w .Kney Mm ra.RlchardSoIi for aasocialevening tien whom they niglitchiance ta pueet Wt.tIy EsdbLn lKueTwne endySlo, Henr Wulus Chirinn a tu SteetsCai»iit~ ur-to b. iield JaiiuarY 21et for the ben-' in their exploita, tue gang made an Witl ut u n e CountY Of zOntario, sud Wity Ot iiig the discussion on the suow b3-law, montionedl that e& o! a widow 1sud hor buidren. Initial robbery o! four rilles sud abicnpa edo os ubr 01 rt M.We ls, utioe, tbiaciro odinncevaspased l 181, r 3 yers go, l tie CsI« UU-72 juantity o! ammunition ta fit, te rein- Huadted sud uinetr-two (192), Ou.ne ityOt and tiret itu provisions wers penbaps net gonersfly known- t !tie h~ ~ farce otuer amailarma tuey already It Ua appaVnt from tlii ncidenit, sud finoma& statemeiit had in their possesion."_____________ made emé weeks ago to. tue Councîl by thie Town Clerkf te was 5of tbe eof $230.72 tl-a ngy ap o t sgu bpoS md~g ____________ ta thie effeet tbat reany by-Iaws could not be onforced tio. gang vas item pusuedby1poile;or Anoiie im Ws $1352 orcutismnsun soveral occasion, butoh becauze for years tey iad not bee revised lu keeping relief, tue towu having t<> 5ipl7 fodmanaged t. escape but only for aiB os wtb tue growtlansd needu of tue municipality, tiret a sud fuel for s"eal fainlle at thOe ugmjngdjdflotPke joungiII(4U g-enerai revlslon ci by-Iaws la in order. presflit tio tr cnfn tmoeaiost te lu'connectionwitiitheshowellng o! auow frore ade- An item ifor ongineea srvies, tue alone, but exteuded its aetivltie eDnasS.Ws walks it ina mat possible tiret many citisens, inciu<ing na u nd 1 of tiine ~ amdhI-p tpae ictzu ofrn Ti'iio..Wst mc=bm o th Omm, d no Imo wht te M w -os notgea n mmùN u thaeso ii.settig lare to a lame store iun Ntdoor te Wbltby flonse ma eumbes !the Cou do t"a btte nuh- ~ ~ tit O~51mue X- wbh UsWUa pstoflice wth fIlMaj- lsw roquros tuer ta do.peuded tucee hoiild ho a certifict.esty'î mails, the blowlng eofasies ltwM f-m orne civie officiai gsving 1ufl thoe o!cinîtro-glyeerlue, -sad theii. arné-ramo d T i i. e eedld net dispute bl«r ntt.au offiesud G ra eFodpaenedrs o EMr NOM te eginer aclout bt £h àattheeft bc V&UM#&tlnj Ga age an bright future for their chi- thie ConIncs ou nt ufi that ne "tlad feut o sayàtis timedren. Of the time when Edil rla IIC s t e Counci siutd 1 ev u atfoor.Itl dfic i e a-a Its S u p erlê rthey viii com plote their A Scobr ecat a U d«" wahu bc g Th e ut for. virg were ti» sgant woffl hg»ave e had muscaleduflot an sd of mas Speclalo" lu the Boston World on Janm uuay L~ The QeS t uis, tbey net been brought te a audden M 1.hgi oiin uia chances are Aie la mum of tuoe feleus uho says tuat ad- Mir. Burns brougit up the question stop by the activities oft tie police o!tf a.t viice the irenosionuid"~ty ri cluneps BaieEmnro! the town Si stating thst tue the Provloe, CIty o! Toronto sud on- hl» cuyi 0ýt 0 0 0auditors here t - ý t ountfie tumtarie Couuity»continues 1Inspecter W au helpyou to bring booksw."*Wbl i ~M% get t"f<"f. hefateofo!Umssemen, as Day and Nlgbte your draus TRUE by 'auj> The January Session of tue Ontanlo CoUnty Cau1nCfilbis assensment rol lu in . e, é anded ont ly Toron-to sud VWhîtb plying you with a PIÂNO. openu at the Court Rouse liem neit Tmeday, Vhen tue tboiglit that the Council abould Imki Judges sud magistat.., ulioud b. a 1 WarenWI b eeced Itees i tisWMbekentinto this matter as it miglit b.)e t- warning te ters vu>. relit contera- Clos.d a" Open CamsW. ssiI the oelebrated - asW eare yu b.lethc ane d a tes for tue it'i 1O ng tue towu $10 or $16 pet day for plate carrylng ou as dld the 11111 aston ree lmt hescnddte orte oito- tue ancitores«*StIce linaddtion tgarmtSri IAIéUAAU 1. s s s e viit tuey iiad beSii engaged for by One o! the rmont strhkring signa o! waring wo have sugge<te >n-hat t?» Phui> CANADIAI<PACIFIC liamPay las heard of laoe un a road atth fot f be m:tuee~sgetoud tuathte Fau ce o rit Two te-WeotSt.éb Phone: "Danger, Sharp Cuve- You Might Meet a FPooLM If tm, and go inte tue matlet ansd Tr.- hSleeper Service TIM every motet car driver kelit this lu mid wheui appro"c- port lak to tue OounfL lu- conection wlth tue EastboundPln ing curves or when pasaing other cars ou a narrow road, Coun. Batmm natated tuat b. had sailings o! the Canadian Pacifie S. s. 330 Johns aeStoNe there would befewer accidents. boon told tiret JUbý mAls was paying Montrose on January M anmd the. S. S. «SMme" et. N., OSNAWA * * * * * ,~the auditars feir Irv on the J àMotcalm on Jaumuuy300 a -rough sessmout relis. --standard alser« wiféloperatedby WL L In ifuntavile the. (hbef ef Polie ce in uaddition dm ueCsuadlsn Psclflcfronu Toronto dl- - v vay -0 ,Iario The C)«ktue shipesaneid.«et W Pt9 M. a to his salary af $800per anuinthe. sum aof $W0for en- made at tii. Counthe meetig aide-follWest -t forcng the0. T. A. In theoen!orcemet of thé 0. T. A., eember 15t,byrMayor nasUett the Leave Toronto January 22 and 29, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the. towu, according t-a tuelisat inanciai staten.nt, ne- effect that owing, ta additiçnal WOr 9.00 a.m. arrive Montreal'6.10 pn ceived qulte a sumn in fines secured for local prosecutiens. ini makiug tuis yers amssamt rolileaeMnra .0 PAn. Urrv conform witb the. new assesmentWest St. John (sbip'a aide) 20 p. mnap, the AssessuientComslor Once agnin, witb tue comig af tieavy fails o!fan-av9 b. grnted $100, tAie Couucjî voting aur 2 u 0 advecacy ai a snow plow to clear thie aidewalk a! t-he a furt-bei, m if deemed nocoasay. - ___ town la being heard. This method ai clearing off snov ta IThis recOmmendation, eaud Mn. Dykes, found ta b. eeary in same o! tue northern towns wliere bdnteeated upen au ne roeAiu- the snav la msny foot feep, sud tue ares ta b. cevered te a asd T h eWi b is !slrly limitod. In Witby, havever, tAie tovu insos Réeve Jaekson ssked if theue weet scattered sud cavera such a wide ares, tuat a sAnigle plow an oweegge a maite 1a24motly8 could not clear ail tue valAis ini a viiole day. The ailditAn 1928. Aietauie e amthly mcthod of applyng s st-rang arrn at thbe end of n shovel auprtvine2dt-b tti.oucat:«e l ta tMn tMa k e st-lit appears ta b. the, only pneatleable mctbod here. meeting musta fin- btwIo »ud%*tor,- s e etoaudlitthe beý*vof tise preced- HeIp the Public Ut-it-y Commiissionluin sentieavort-ear u eAIsl a e en'btCAS## and CARR Y keep tue electrie lghing load- do" ete a minimm on *tUe Bturay pmnluw gte effle fW~!1biIg n atute - f& t ML oub>cu 'turniug on any nmore Uita tusum a . Nioveuer or DeSoiner appea t sImOtUOt Do vithout any ligiits if at ailpossible mla tue homs,Ztfl ioru te àM u suoeithWy. audit of &H peM0lS in oi j4IlOiS e .W I wiU save tue town a good deal u ofne»y If thle electrlclty tue town bocks « tue euoceodlng y.Harrrqur--aimreae anu s few Yre n dereand eau b. kept dowunea!ly te tAie ordluay dere and daisethat théienosausditem>If îse tleretuin thereo teme,-uàder at dt bo hur u h . poae d* Wtue <k@ma he the b.penalty ffo fallur.19do 80, .Spe -ahs foçr tth ri «ses sm*o esa i 0,d bcl

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