Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jan 1925, p. 1

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«141.61Ï-No. 3o IIAVY J>OClFOR CUELAT $55WSRII APPointmens Made to Varjous Cîvie Bodies -E Ma-- ÇOnuuunieatio Ms Deait With-Action Taken to Pro-- vide Work for'l-Jnemployed Men WhIo are luts Rffort of Treasuier Of PUb of Whitby-QUestjon of TOWn Auditors Dlscu ed- 1liéljtility 1*à i Street CoMinittee Chairinan Favors Policy of -Glvlng ovü &Btt4etThan *t ail Local TeaimjOwners a Chance to "et Teami to M at.d at Dec. 15$ 1924, Town-Hgrmony Pirevailed at Fit Regular Session À ujIso 8558in*i h lt Of 1925 and Buoiness was Handled f«eitosl. -depetiDOtion, àndA1ôý* g $129&O4l ___________________Of $, in 5luti, wmerdep*rtmeei Quit. a Iengthy docket of routine AMt fOwig eor depreélmloe o business was disposed of ini quick and ~yptTUà, teolis ad foPutwur 5ly' efficient order by the new 'towuj Coun- >ATHu~ 4I the ôuttndIig featurem of *1* ht- cil of 1925 at the firut regùlar sesson sS1StSSfUt oru24prItqdl' 01 the year held on Mond4y eeng. thePt& Jjfly iDrmr cubNg t MaYor Burns took tii heah promptly aVI £IVR5DLRnom GorgeW» P at elbt o'clock, and thi. ony absete. rf" eei« w«a Councillor R. M. Dev4éreUl. The Èasaeeaii ol reading and passlng of toür by4laws, 3tesmlmetm a four making appointmnenti ta the. Ipr ote Board of Heatli, Publii Library j "uoi 1'&,,- ie Iigt wlc Un Board af Managers, Board etEdum- ilaIHliue.VêeOln Sae -tue ersbua mbie st coplted tion, and Houslng oa nd, MÊ lwr ektne t fsd ouly aWo_1110t, f1,x1s1.-u penitre uti te ixt re coiiect- Toronto jà ur lgu Dpited. tut ed, took, up considerable Une whule m M there were qulte a few cmunica- sjmn teB ~ tions, uteat of them asklngorrat William 11141, wss on Monday 454.Epnitzsi us and mexnbershlp fees to výrious or- mornllgembtenoed te U-uzhee years là# count dra 91 wr 13 ganizations, Kluigstm i t>UteaUary webe l wbicii, of couse, wer *ou Council tok ~ ~ ~ ed gWity efor-Mr. Justice Lennox profits.& started foriei nem ~'as reter- sitting inftension, luinTor«otot a The Wate q 4àû q red 'te elsewherIn e l sloue, and diuuge Oetfteuptag te brea ud eu- ceipta of $A$%Ïd«é requested the. Finance Committe. t -NJard,~iehrwaeam~ 1,0.Olcudlng $3.2-e tahe 'up wlth the town auditors now of Soper Oroa. f etOoovI& preciauou on ruk, -t4ôkaÂd at wark various matters In qonftection E1%u Waa defended by K -L Grear, ulturo, wbh ge---1 o l, with their duties and theîr *«ok wih who made a piea. fer leêi.ncy on bW 75&.5 ort i Ude uat XM the asseosor on the. assearnnent roll Ihafof c- ha client;- telling of huaIli' appliedfor coxstructlon su which in being prepared ln secor<Iunce alth snd advaned years, txpnlt~s wlththenew sseamet m~ shw-tJustice Lenuox In pasan sentence j ~ i p h a b e ti a l i n nu i - ke d t ha o i e a dth e r n ln» e d e t i T W r S cd supreme at the meeting. lw I e et erl , bu t delngdishre T ii. ris ii udItereut Requests froni the Sick Çhildrens 1len flient- butjwu d .. cf ii. debetres fall nduedrn Hospital for a donation; an~d from vtned ye"rs sd-ýtii.piea o f the yOt. 1re the Ontario Municipal Elettic As- 1 . Ugtdb«su *snt alu sociation, asklng Council t4,4, nd EI dlf uiaW99 affeted by Cimstable duê lu 1924, amnouued. l'o, 14.90 egatesta the annual convention ta be Taylor of !Wh ltInspecterSrgr ' AU «was8 t yth1mh i held in Taronte, Ja»iuary 28th andlof the . cu. auýd Detéctlve sunert ebtet.Wtx*a 4 *0 29th, and from the. Union of "Canada jLeavitt; of thé toronto, city Depsrt.. sud ntereat dliargî' durlu t" i W municipalities, asking for the, annusli ment on December 28th. iYe5' totallad $90.8 i mernbersiiip foc of $10.00, wecre re- Charles Laing,'ÙiSe firet cf tIi, gang 'eu8 id té tW- t"n feratu ferred ta the Finance Commltttee. arrestcd te bue sentenced 7in Wbll'b y thie vater deparfluest, A letter ýfrotn the Ontario Goéd Judge Ruddy, was ini<ODurt Mouday Tii usualiy 90à od he .ý4-i.d Roads Asaociation inviting Co4lunc-il te morniugebIaving been brouglit up front water dePaztrnonttil' May b. send delegates te the annual 'conven Kngston Penitentiary tb -#ive evld- ed-48la due t. het - teatilt tW . Mt~ tion' in Taranto on February ý25, 26, ence, and James Q'C6nor r ibo la serv- ProPuiicuts NSi * 15 do A» *ie and 27, and asking for the aniýua1 Iqe lng an 18 montiiê sentence lu Guelph shApe i>f. the, uoei infiltration_ o! $1.0; ias re!erred ta the 'Streets was alse p_'sent',AFDus la tbee--txth havé Mid. -l nc"!! Connittee. me , IN.ÇXU vate Forb-àcrimes In Ontario' York sud Peel viiibegin te » ,beizpbuiua For y4wSnaking appo ýtments Counties. Re aise e ubrc u neet u .r 'nthe ta variaus clvic bodies wère* paoad by other charges that bave been leIt In lncreawed revenue vi .rqidt the.Council in quick order. . the. abeyance for, the Urne belng may meet, this lcreased intpeudlinze, sud For a periad af three yearq Mr-? bu brought up ln Wiiltby Police Court ît can hardly b. expected tbat bece- E<lward B9wlnan wu asmde ai nember before h. commnences Idas Kngstonj forth the. vater deparbtuneua do of the Board ofi Managers, of the sentence. Receivlng bonds stelen: more than break evm e,.Ti.CommIs Public Library Board spicceedijig Mr front the Hogg & Lytie warehouae at aleu expecta that the coot of ti»uW J. rE-ap M. Willis n aea moved Port Perry, arson at Zephyr, blowlng construction work ffl, b. Juet about ta e-apait r. iIlsbut Reeve af the Rallway Station suie lIn Ë,oek- crrled by- thiiluuea rvenue Jackson, who suggestcd Mr. Boman, lin and a long Uiatet etiier charge. SerreApgpdo"puTatl S ma. u said that in three years ta hi& knowl-, In the pait 20- Yesrslmhmba' had aomiepoonus. edge, Mr. Willis iiad only e4ttended nuinerous convictionsfr aIe- ~ . for opeaUoes et tu anc -or two meetings. cims.b se f uddosar iutpe Robwa e-pontdaceb r im . ff&' thél u A letter irom -the.SuperbitdM'dent of the. Publie UtiIty Commission , en- clwsng a comploe statemento u suces lt 1924, wilch, It wu ttd mas subje-to te audit efthBTw Auditorsasd tii. Ught dprnmt tiie municipal audit - d the Ifd ElectricPaver Commissionu* f fi terred te tthe Finance Coimit l (Conl'iuued an page 8)j AU IM E DOD MIhbot y apMbOlla re boss .OW to te i in listaet bth u Departmient of Crliiuu -Outarlo PrvincIalPol Ing inte pexnesMt t the explots of -WIIUs accmplisos lu utarIo, conisduuIug tbi. à as.MinIola by Au «-it gng e aIe. e.Itet5ap Jil pij l fne Tomuù 9 lupused' ,Pubile Utilil L ith ness Dwûrk, for WM Cornu eut ,i , beatut« wM hive tol- numew mm wî et pay: be âoç, the z Cb bave Zwas Wu d . t ÎL4m,#"tý to the' z Wme - imminée. ýýrat*, es -did COU4. Vîm AT IReReprtsat the im~ enta of St. Audr.me Pruytr% bmuuh st the aquïuà busninsmett g o etb li cougragaon " ou mWdy vusn&gsomwed thae ~ 19U24Mb me of P»Ortmse i.meg, prssld. Iover 11-lie Pester, Rov. Edmd ýuuugha,-as wmd aMtede&msd il the. repot et tii e ssion mtm a that uluing thme fr 27 MW wm ue, nmm upre<eslo if bktu 8 b, oetube. Vae *aM i.it! upnems~aa ùPupnswm td fit - savlmas neUt at sd ýat saune thue 4d ansmer te the qou Sase la. c?" th4 out tuaI atudeute ln are "Scursged mou] ratber tomuit Un lie ; tao . s- th not eoêstde i tow«li se*ooi, the. aup. star. - *nA.8~ s F o o o o o o o <o o uOto o) nt il ,c nt i> oitbv into ýn t o tby it'y >nto itby

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