of0 sf W ram *hotr f_» A very pleasalit evftdIrg *as,.spent a~ih~areit& Ts-ahu où St. Patiicls night I the Townslllp Mr._Bbbbs" was prsentèd by Myrtiet Hall,.when the Wonien's, Institut. held Dramatie Club. BROOKLMN cougce ssi ath rougli golng. The a social evening and a 'weinr roast. Messma.Lorne Duif and Tom c tocsiosh csxnbeOenxsi o rOTm was given. irst the Brookes _have been -pressing hay with, Mrt. H. Hunter was in Toronto last Misa Alice Moore, of! aw, > _ AgergagIr"sh snga and Bey. their tracter. outfit at Mr. Wm. week securing f armn laboxr for the cern- ited ber parents for- a short tiels XDle gave an informativ ad- Brent's.J ln~ seasen. week. dress on "St: Patrick" He said -h.wus Mr., C. Hood, of Scugog, visited at %rs. R. White, of Chatham, spent A very pleasant evenin was spent somewbat of a man ofmytery, yet W. Hodgson's recently. a few days at the home of her mother, by ail tiiose from here w0 tene asalisO!fa atandbin.H Mis. A. Johr.stofl, this wex. the WVhitby High School open Liter- gave aï i interesting- -story. of bis 1fr MNI. Geor-ge Pringle left this week ary Socieýy hithe Music htall, Wit-as, a shepherd,- miister and mission- THORNTON'S CORN RS te attendl the weddng of-bis niece in by, ou Friday evening tast. Thie age- ary. He wapbighly educateci and t t atiks a asclbrtdb St. Mary's. old motte of the school *as much te ented and was foreordainedteb. the aSt Pytr lsuppr gvenuneerteaus- Mr. Ernest Breoking has been con- - the frontý duing the eveninç, "Per deliverer of the Irish people, who w'cre re fined te bis bornme quit. iii for -the past aspera ad alta-through dificulty before his time an uneducated race. pices of the Farmers' Club. A larg week. te distÃŽnction--and distinction was Hie in forty years transformed the number were there te partake of this1l pain in ntr, bîlt 65 hurces)240dainty .luxury, and enjey the music TheWXS. o! the P ebyterian j 1laul"iterpreted as attained by giv- COUnty ul 6 hrhs 4adatrdne pehsgvnb h Church iheld an open meeting on Tues- ng al oeecan te theotd, ot tt -an' ser.Heo adieon he 1msyther mn-Imembers of the Club.- day1 evening last, wheu lantern lidîngalel angtethoi n ses.H ido telt fMarch $Skating is net altegether over for' o! th-e WMS school homes in West- jelaim nor for doiiig se. and was greatly mourned and respect- this season, as a large number of crsCaad wee hon.This was ac-tMse Dorothy Vipond ,and Mar- cd by both Protestant and Roman conipanied b a vrinomte akjrle Allems, of Toronto, spent the Catholic Christians. Mrs. E. C. Cros on epewn eWib ikls b'Miss A. - Olver. -Misses Miiarn ièee -i ir respctve homes.- and Mr. K. Webber sang a pleasing 1vnn !saig etMna i by~ ~~~~ by eryinormtie tof Saur a ng a e ned ano Spenicer and Mary Grigg sang a very Mr. Selomnon, ef Brighton, visited duett, and were heartily encored. Mr, 1 Mr. E. Lick's pond was well dotted enjcîy-aile duet. An interesting part of bis son iGerald of the Standard Bank C. S. Thompson sang a solo and gave satr nm hsnigbrod the. .ývving as te fist-had irform thiý;wek. ian Irish monologue.- Misses Laura and wthMktrs fomtG. H.hbrho theevnig asth frs-had nfrm tis~ek.Hilda Mackey saug a duet, and Mr. N. MsG.H Robinsen is dofing nice- ation given by Mrs. Jas. Lambert on The dcath occurred suddenly on Whité a solo. Irish jokes were given l fe e operation inOshawa Hes- the Si fton Homne, as she kuew it, be- Monday eveniug, March l7th, of Vie- b ay n r.F.Lk ane f pital this week. ingonetim apupl ter. lt My libetvedwie o Elerthe pnize for the best ene. Mis. PL : The large majority of the people of Mn. R. M. Tipper, District Repre- Dellart, in her 34th y car.- Deceased Besse won the prize for flic best lad [this omut r eypodo h sentative, iu a report of hogs shipped had been in ber usual health up te the t1 hall built just necently. It bas been f rom' here for twýo months, te packers heur o! her deatb, which was caused iecestume, and Mr. C. S. Thompson their wish te have a building wbere- j , tegentleman's.in. difLferene only, gives the number at 479, of y hcart failune. She leaves besides, n's.a cai Man. C.e L. Mrsandkey ffrt orgenizations could mec.. which 212 were selects. - The farmers ber husband a famiîy o! smaîî chila- bhet "dawgs" wcne then servd n ItefA hebnue r aofte d tbl Sun diâ not neceiveany select price wbich ren te mouru bler loss. The funerali gatherng cngaged in a rved ncn Alreumr tndd the large rathèr ruiris the effect of grading. I t6ok place on Wednesday, March l9tb,'ts.-gei cn day sebeel at three o'clock Sunday Mn. H. L. Barton suffcred- a relapse tot Groveside ccmeteY2îes. afternoon. at wcek and was very ilI ail week. Mr. and Mmw. J. Vickery attended The U. F. 0. Club meet every Tues- He i,, on the niend again. Mis. Bar- tha wcddiug o! a relative in ToronteoMO D day eveuiug; the Siuging School and ton has also been ill. last week- atnhv is L D Young Pe .ople's Club meet on Thurs- A number fromn here wcnt te To- tMn. and Mrs. H. L. Bro hae MsMary Higgs spent the wel day evcning o! aach week, and tihe Boy onto on Sturday eveniug te sece e e laid aside with influenza end!,end witb ber fathen, Rev. Mn. Higgs, Scouts hold their meetings on Fniday Allan cup hockey gaine betwceen Hum- 9quiusy. Mns. George Joncs is teach-! o! Port Penny. nights. Aise the Ladies' Aid meets iltoii and Sault Ste. Marie. ing this week in the -principal's room. Mr ennRw pn h ek salyoc oih te rai Miss Doris Batty has' bees coufine<T Sunday services in , the Methedist end witb frieuds lu Peterboro. zations will.lu lime be added ;te the te her homne with infiammatory rircu- Cbunch were well attended cousidering1 Miss Marion Richa7rdsou spent sev- .atreadV large list. Johnrn the stormy -weather. Iu thre mornnng eral days with Mn. and Mrs. J. Craw- Three acres o! land lias been pur- Master Jh Dryden was successfui pester Delve preacircd on "The King ' forth, Base Line, neccntly. 1 chased for an athietic field for the iln obtaining his fuît intro(lUCtoiy Highway,» and et night on ««Nauman. -Mn. Lewis Cbapmau, o! Toronte, benefit o! tire young people. Wc are piano di loma witb- firs.t class houons. tire Leper."1 The choir furnisbcd good, speut the week-end at the home o! sure now that ail that is needed i8 the Mn. Éluennimore Cooper bas becu music, and the solo, "Face te Face," 1Mn. and Mrs. E. McGnegor.i co-eperation o! the people in this le- very iii durng the past weck witb iu- by Mn. F. Second,, was much eppre- ] .Mn. Lorne Kemp was lu Toronto on ceiity te make this eue'e! tire bcst flammatory rheumnatism. cieted. Tuesday. - Community Halls iu Outario. Miss Marion 'Reutley spent a week Mrs. Hanbren, Kinsele, visited witb A number of the Farmens' Club en- Mrs. Stoueiro-se's mother, Mrs. in Tyrono- receutly. fniende bere isst weck. joycd the .oysten suppen given by tire Lambent, living in Brookilu, passed a- Last Saturday tire drovers and. Mr. T. H. Mills1 sheemaker, is away Tbornten's Corners Club on Monday way et lber home this »week aftcn a farmersç botir shippedcattle. Semne of. this wveek on a visit te old fniends at eveuiug. long illuess. The !amily have our each 1oad. This is hcalthy comnpeti- Mn. C. Wilson, our populan millenr for a good figure. Mn. Halltt is hold- tien whicb is good for thre producer. 1took bis truck eut.-on Mouday sud ing a sale shortly and wili moe into The Farmers' Club is ordering more reuched Oshawa with a leed o! fleur. tire City.'-i Y T SA D *sait soon as the car scarcety -wcent bal! Miss Kello-%vay speut the week-end Mn. -and Mrs. G. Reeson sud daugh-' MLarence ST TONnj.ofBa way round. lun Torouto. ter Lulu, o! Oshawa, Mn. C. Reeson JM.Lwec onj !Bak Mrs JhnLamen psse aayon W. B. Robson mad a carload o! ceai and son Ralph, o! - Brooklin, visitcd oun stock, visited witb Mn. Chas. Tondiff MsundyJoniLambet passhort tuen am is e. Tucsday with Mn. and *Mis. W. Bais- lest week. N J Wh'te jsta hottie aridon. Mrs. J. E. Bcacock spent lest Mon - a!ter fier busband, the late John Lam-N . 1 rWhie asscssing our village kday with Lindsay friends. ber, hoprdeeaedbi w!ea ttie bi wcek. Mrs. Wm. Kcmp,-Sr., cclcbnatcd ber metwonth FunenalBubises andaautos re eut ain, 86th bintbday on Monday et the home Lest Monday eveniugthé" Myntle over' a ion ago . Fn iwas hcld ttesa'mndc Clbtgav thee doaatua on Tuesday and interment was et a1Ucbrsacwrio.o erduheMs onDaef titled "Basirful Mr. Bebbs." The base- Groveside cemetery. Tire, sympatby Mrs. Jeffncy, Toronto, îi'visting hr ickering, with a number o! relative s ment o! tire cirurchivaws 'well filled, orth cmunty-s xtnddtoth roheMn. Barton. ýnd !nieuds. A vcry pleasant even- b1oMrJ. Shoeneu is busy with paint- ing was spent. Congratulations aniladth audience was kept iaugbiug bereaved amly. ibetwsesfrmn for two heurs and a bai!. The scene -An interesting debate will ire heid îng and papening coutracts. etws1sfr eymore happy pndithpalroacutyh- at tlie inext meeting o! the Methodistî Mn. and Mns. J. Routiey attended Yeans were extcnded te Mis. Kemp oen"e n tire parler o!a cou trh- 1 e a g il on Tuesday èvenîng next tire funrai o! an oid frieud ,et Button- 1 wbo, for oee avanced in years, en- jtl TeByiwbs, pltr ville ntueda.jo splendid leaitb, readiug and sew- ville, Delaware. The iandlady, Mrs. Miss Stilimun and Miss W tartiev onTedy -t ithu tr adO! glasses. t Wiggins (Mrs. Levi Tordiff), hadj leaders. Mns. A. Lawrence bas returned nromi charge o! the hotel.' Obadiair (Jas. . The chbanged weathen iately bas, a visit o! several weeks witb ber- Cooper) bier servant, w-b e kpt the caused a considerable amount of sick- daughtcr iu Toronto. COLUMBUSI audience iu laughter by his humon- nesq in this vicînity. 11 W. M. S. met et.Mrs. J. Pcugelly's I us savings. toîd ef heiping Robent The Whitby road bas bees opcned home on Thunsday, and werc weil en- Quite a number o! tire ratepayens Bobbs, a irilionaire (George Painter) f or whceel t raff ic neeetntlv and cars arei tertained. o! S. 97. No. 6 met.lu tire schooi bouse who had bis auto stailed in the creek. running tirrougi tire village egain, ai-L________________ last Thursday night te discuss plans Ms Katherina Heudenson' (Vera - for repaining it. It was decîded to Cook.hmhsad rdnc ed some -repamCok), gr anusaTogeadernc toue -Graduiate Rctai.olleIîge*of D)ental Surgeons Oul Univer-sity of Tordit o wlll be in' Brookli' every Wednesday and rhursd-ay mornlng office Ov,%er Ortiston 's Store RESULVED tThatt;h cost of distribution, anld -4 -ri, i n d e 0 ?1'- '"'YrOth&a~ thà hig1h -)Ost e ,I1Anufactured impio, --uientsbi' pi duction and neceesi- tien of life. Get the Spring Price List. Seed Corn $1.75 per bushel. Brookilh Frer'Club wm. Arksey, Wm. Cooper, President Sec.-Treas. puits For Beyuse About the ltÃ"us For wà mhi.g 0 e Mid lia.> I.uu-wwh woodwork Md wI.iow-hfr *0 uy mn. &bout ibe bou»«« with outside sections as regards Con- ýerson (Mr. .1D»Qs), and Jean Graham,A seicI~in.(Blanche Cook), b r, waiting et tire ho- tc -Mr. -,.,T. Guy is holding a*n exten tel for Jean's finbnce, Marston Bobbirs siv sae -.ýIYetoc an imlefie (T. R. Pnice), m-ho is te mueet tiremn soen l&o~lictc and mmp4«mnt- jthere, andI n~ irm te their ou afr thGD. PMn.GyC vatn-countr-V h; ho.< Lie meantime M-ri ~~ R. M~~Lauglrln, cv- jRobert1ýo..-i vê,adstaefr Mrs. A. Muison bas been ceufinca a- burglar, a 1-j' locked up. Alter a te tire house with an attack of ra lively time ae is neleasçd. Marston gppe anumberBobirs is !eund te b. lu love aise with grittnddreduef a -novie star Celenta Vunderpool in Ragl a-nulast F nd dgthednc,(Evelyn Massey, wbo arrives in searcir in RglanlastFridy niht.o! hlm. Celesta is accompauied by 'ber* Franchiad Julie (Mabel Tord-j GREENWOOD - jiff). A bot tinie ensues betweeu Jean itirToientefneds.Grahram and Marston Bobbs. Jean -fin- Mrs. Bert Harvey spent last ekalwi hvnoii more te do wvitir withTornto rieds.-1 hm, aud ire gees back te Celesta. Miss Flett, o! Kinsale, visited over Frances Whittaker (huez Savage) and tire week-end with Miss Derotiry' Rosalie OtIs (Mrs. L. Ross) are guests LMgh. A rmlei -iin oot at tire sanieirotel, and meke love te Mns A.Tribieis isiiugTorntoRobent Bohbs, but Jean Grahams wins 1 friends for a couple o! wceks. Rbr n are i f ohrss Everet Tindal spent over tire wcek- R' ot drnoehote berwsis- end with Grant Widdifietd, o! Sana- )e esr es.Tepa a success and aIl carried eut their parts fond. weil. Mrs. Tondiff gave a soie, and Messrs. Pnice, Jones, Painter and Coo- ASHBIJRNt per gave several quartettes during. the acts. comfortably fiiled wîth. many member antd- (Therentlofthe cogregation. fr. John Haliett-has sold iris farm Tire occasion w'as a social evening o! tea Teronto buyen and iutduds hoid- the Com-rhunity Club. Membens !rom înig an auctios sale tire first of tire Myrtie,, Raglan and Prospect Epworth 1 eintir. Leagues werc aIse present,. haviug!, Mrs. Geo. Tripp visîted in Toronto -accepted an invitation fer tirat even-last week. ing. After the opening hyxnn and " Mrs. T. Le-wi *, of Torosto, -,isitedt prayer by Rev. A. McD.- Haig, Mn. teiatives here dt ing the wcek. Walter Kerr was choses as cirairman, Bentiey Bros. p)ursirased a fine car in thre absence of tire president, Mn. iead of cattie- laý t week on the Toron- Fred Hicks. Vocal selectiorîs w ~te market. given by Miss Haines. Balsam; Nir ]n nhu e, fBokin, is- Terdiff, Myrtie; Miss -Florence Luk~ ited atRoetTig last .veek. tr ideby Mn. Walter Kerr and Mrs. Miss aor-Lunsptth Héres; guitan soies by Mn. Armstror<: week end at irer home ln Orono. o! Prospect; reading, by M1isses Rut ___ Studdaf ord, Dorothy Fisher, o! deti, -and Miss Armstrong, o! Pos MYRTLE. "Tiranksgiviug Aur"' by request, w agnain enacted by four members e01ne Mn. and Mrs. Robent Heron return- i C Community Club. At tire close o! te ed home on Monday evening iast wveek proramlunh 'as envd ad n5.after speuding the week-end with Mn. cial heur enjoyed by ail present- 's Irs. At. ihr, of Toronte. t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ n Mn ereMlsw~l bty~Gideon Verrni1c ias becs visit- Tuesday. mg!mnsl iec#y Misî,s Gladys Pannent, e! Tononi Judging by tire "boisterous biow"'I ,spent 'Sunday in Oshawa visiting *1 oven the week end Marcir is net tee I1 broher Loue u Ohaw Hepit tanne a mentir yet, although it did We are glad te report he 18 recovenx come lu with the ciraractenistics o! a f romr his recent serions iliness a1 laur;i;lt cvidently became suddenly hope to e ec mm soon home egain enfuriatcd as it grew eIder. irealtir and streugtir. We ngret te report tirat Mi-. H.J. Mn. and Mis. Lou Hlicks and littfbatimer bas becs unden tire Dector'sI t dugiterspet unday wtb ninds1 are, but trust shersay seon b. ne-j j Clanment. tored te, good ircaiti again. Owing1 Mn armnd . Cale ikyan oer ilînestire.Mission Rand iras daugirten Piryllis, spent tire wee-uen in charge o! Mrs. Clanrcce r-t witb Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Heron. nson d Mis. AI. Carmiehael. The Womnen's Guild met in tire base- Mn. linge Bradley, wbo bas been nment o! tire Chuncb on Weduesday gou tire DeHart !arrn nortb o! aftermoon; Mancb 12- lI, bas bougbt wirat was !orm-t Miss Marjony Haig, o! Toronte, was jMr. Jamnes Stepirens' property, home over tire week-end.tbo! tire village. from Mirs. Mat- and Mnr. Vernon and is rnoving RAGLAN They are welconed te, our neigir- " Lood. Rani estnte denier Mn. W. J. Mrn. Harold Piatteno! Toronto, la .0! Myrtie Statio,-Put tirnugir visînmg iris parets, Mn. and Mmn J. rere htx.I o MisL VrnaBiha sent b u asbougft Mrn. Saa~es arr MiȔVemaBin"m % t th a Station. This vas former- week-end an the guest of ber paret y by the late John Bnight in Clarernot. 'ý W* are piesed t. reprStrt at 1. 5 tiB5t@l Norma Knapp.who bas bom W"erM. w» ~lemOd tth yl 18levru lemed -tii. Brlght !arm Miss Erie Notin1 Bo<, it o- <~fthe vile for aiother tc-rm day at b«r sstWas L K.BL4pP, sud wend SMih!ramun ber. oet rbts ut tbmd merof IyIHI mN M Mofon on Friday O!flimt voeklmofB " P'î, the7 ent-ds rhm Cluba boebther, Bew. A. leD. whï en ioekfrterftue1n~si e ~ .f -y. Mr"am bM Or ade. evmt gs la k orâava.th " tv)T. au Mr. and lira.Jabez Hallett, 'fIsl iltk lcenWhudy27 Pickering, visited-- their daughter, inât. Wm.. Maw wili b. in chargie. ia. W. A. Heron, -on Friday laat. ,Owing to, the windy weather last Miss Ruth Stuttaford was a con- Sabbath our congregation at church testant in the Tamblyn Prize at the was smiler than usual. S. S. was held Whitby Higli Schooi, an( won the sen- after presided over by the Pastor in ior pize.. Cogrtafions. the, absence of Superintendent. Mir. and lirs. Edward Ashton spent Mr. and Mrs. Bentley have been Monday with their daughter, Mrs., wxth their sons at Audley for a week Walter Rodgers. of Epsom.j or more. Next week, Mgarch 25th, Messrs. R. A. Hutchison, Public school In- Fred and Lou Hicks are selling theirt spector, paid a visit te, the sehool on stock and implements prior te dissolv- Monday last. He found everything iug :partnership. Both families will beI runin smoothly and gave our teach- moving away and will be greatly miss- er, Missi Flett, well-deserved credit for e#, ini Burns' Church, where they have her interest in her pupils' and her gen- been, since comnig te our neighbor- t eral ',efficiency in conducting the hood, active and willing workers. Our sehool.- best wishes go with them and their in- Mr. Cook, of Myrtie, paid a visit to fluence for good ini our neighborhood Mr. E. W. Redman a few days ago. will still go on wherever they may be. The splendid sleilzhing bas about Mr. Win. Hopkins and farnily, of disappeared and soon the car's will be Balsam, have leased their faen for a running again. numbe of ears - tSome of our f armers have been loos- - I ing several head of their cattie this; *twinter. Mr. In-in MeBrien lost three KISALE or. four of- his herd. Some seein to A pleasant lime was spent at the think that feëding sweet clover is te Hall ait Monday when the Institut. blame for at lèast a sinali percentagre held a scia eenn . MrpR R w- of these losses, but we do net thlink bray occupied the chair. He #ave an1 address on St. Patrick, which was I very instructive. The most interest- ing part:ýof the programme was a De- bate, "IResolved it is better to take a pupil out of school after he is 16 years old, and put him to work, than con- tinue his education'" R. V. Mowbray and Mrs. Parkini upheld the affirma- tive while Ralph Mowbray and Mrs. Wagg took the negative. The addres- ses were ail good and the affirmative won out. A luncheon was provided. Mark Brignali is holding an auction sale of boots, shoes, and rubbers and A Deserved Diploma--. Certificateà of Health Miss 31- lived lu the Ottawa Valley, not far from the capital, with ber mother snd voung oater. Work é seemed the, naturel thing when ahe leit uchool. and. aooordingly, ahe *tarted out to j et what she could for ber services. Progress waa fnot fait but at l.ast she did flot stand stili, and her earnlugs were alwaysî In- With such prospeetà It setemed tIret her little a*iter could get the chance that ehe had been deuied---a Univers- lty education. Thre babyo the famlly went to Queen'a. and thia year, ber alma mater gives bier the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Next year uhe'a cong te do bettex'-Maater of Arts. Bu erea where thre aadneaa comes ln. The--eider aliter, brokea la health by overwork, je no longer able to aselet. Oh* tu a patient et the Mua- koka Hoepital for Consumptîvea, but it la hoped tIret ah» too wll hortly fraduate-with eCrtoaetfGood Seventeen thousand patients have been cared for by tIre National .Sanl- tarium Association ln its Irospitaln l Munkoka and &t Weston., Hait of thein have been restored to health and happy homes. Tou can ahare ln this great work it' you wilL. ContrlbutouaM =&yIe-sent to HOU. 'W. A. Charlton, 213 College etreet. Toronto. WM. MAW LICENS9ED AUJtiONEER AND VALLIATOR AlV inds of sales promptly attended toi. Arraingements for sales can be inade et the Gazette Office. Terme1 remsonable. Phones 177 and 288. Cross Eyes can often be cu*red by optical treatment with the proper fNnses. -Consuit me regarding my successful cases. 1Phone. 1137W Grand Trheatre, Oshawa, AluTH IE GRISI Il ha-ve in stock fo)r'the Spring trad Timothy, Red Clover, Alfadfa, an Seeds. S--ý3d Corn, Bran, Shorts~ Bread Flours in 98's and 24's-Pu Crearn of the. West, Five Orow ns, Pastry, GJraham and Whole Wheat or, Blatchiford's Egg Mash, Soratcl WLiole Grains. Tankage and Bee and Salt. We deliver to all parts He FM-a General FIRE. Whitby, DISTRICT REPRES 1h. MutualLALfoAsurai PURELY MUTUAL. N Profits Alloted to Policyli Ail Latest Featu'res. * Double Face of Policy if A, OF INSIJRANCE SE OU'R E IS TO FEXAMI IN. 'TI Supply Glasses That WiII Cor Ié WE DO NOTHINC but we do it Scientificalty a EYZSIGHT SPECIJ O0v#prUitchelsdrug Moars, Osha'wa. at Hic TheNEW andI3E Se The Outstaindiîîgm Leader of' Lig-ht W The»exçlusive Overlaîid Trifflex -Springs riding- comfort. Richly furished anid ul every requ isite of social activity-, 'co econo ,MY and absolute. dependability wit ages of trulv luxurious automobile transj Theicw DAVJ DSý "a ________________________________ "6QUALITV" Do you knew under what circumstances VOUýR FLOIJR US IfADEP Marvel Pastry Floua is mîanu!actured mnder the most sanatany conditions, by thre most uip-to-daite milling process yet invcnted. Not the qystem iwliere your flour i-s beaten around a long chain of mnachmncryas i rrost. o! these country nritts, but where the wlreat îs cerv'ted ilîto Highest Grade Flour in the cou r'. of a few minutes. We. invite you to corne and view our plant any time -Tuesdays, ThunsdayS, Saturdays. CHAS. W-ILSON m B1rookiin, Ont. The irooklinMIWIII, t,. .: - I l