lord! PIURSTOcC'OF PUBLIC SCIOlm IS COMPLIETE. O)o not delay la sccutrlne your WNSi'Sv, 'ONTARIO Ing rald on Satu ,la«la- lii a on JlaikHoliday's à =un sthe ake *box%, abouttwo nrlei vet of Wbit- the. rum ruurswba lied en- beItng-dlcOmred by -the squad of 0. Rer Chas. AJdonis]N a$tn>n One izkn u aarrested, a frWhor olCmad, -i.la veiîowa i ll av is addie.. as 267 aasdititas a fouveer )tetodist pastorî suee4 ,Toronto. Two ma age t I&oklmn and 1M e *s-el i toneq # g t w yî b t y Ud w e U n m t f Id the. oIYleri eooming t w rd twe t o L éag u. , s c b g do nsatibu a t as ., 1 TheY V""lmed l the.dar*nssa nd a"tthe. L«eage uoelug lu .P a rein of bullets froin provinc ia ûI.or' eilaewo*i. cers' #Mi. lb~ury as towhat the Navy L«.a1 -Inthe»elm te oeemfORid year kt ed infomaon tatua sa three hundred à " galion ean. of t t~~II akohol,,or att I teen AMhundld Lost Wftr iln gallons, velod. at $2U a gallon.he ii. icul' iy ard tuU*# V tta two nm m e tWl andi eid wnther. Coidtotiti se g i.otcwayl Atlantic Coast Wftmsrlll. 1d atther voeeeomflu à tbu~ne cbW*l#dt dea iroad froni tbe bars.Tii. offlSnoferes an im f i e m were J> hiding lu sone b ,.,Iport th ' âodIde <""4 bet»" distancte 0.abadeof the bars&antw W rIg, gSemmimu Cai r wated tIl, the car ceme toward tbem on If pauerwUU n m t -o*0 w As t Cm d" te tad he cea# ad our tport and JI«ý , iwigl lm rtem,,oped he oortrae b nt.nfmâ itia. l and fuu tldrt*y. ~i in tu _Ye a.t CA&al, h af eas. Thi emnarr«ed *- ivï cd Mod n farupioducta., The ,motoas li WAY âto:mont timote Immnt méaprts &u14 Ji th*mbi loo bA ua=jut as uhfrotmm* eseu*o b1 niaçthu. Ta tfrd~ar as oun fliGi»85tIIOçlivlug ln uè-Port 1>. aietei ~Wbat 6 Ieleaa .foag~çr Il lnê oto « y~oa a*myqueston for ta lt. a*? T>I oftl.oeawu,' took - la thé P"DSOD hOqus&MS mBt 01o u o rid. aus; .Ibpm 11 w iaI,wl Of tbîA" of the W<~~j 120Mot "Md Ivaaaa e~ mari»e Who l b m tbat Pwi~ ver. Daily, appllca#uas au. w. frotu allors la dla~ fe~ *. Deail o! I on et Wld Ivctgaboiaî ,arwflOf42 Ulnd$l* b' lor sud iia,~ the attenitil h.nomie a d~f<er Nui. *eAl c*l1 oo.IPr. -nieR TAs eu SU. W ALL ITHE