Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Nov 1921, p. 5

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We Regul ar $15 for Regular 20 for 14 Regular 1"23 LI1 $160-7 -A Il otlier Mantie Clocks "educed In -pro portion, and alilguarante de If you-would like one of these for Chrlstmas"i - a small deposit wil11 hold one for you. 1-j e WHITBIV ~-M. HIicks Jeweler and Opticl&n ONTdARIO ScOuccessor to- Re Ne Bassett LOCAL HAPPENINGS"' The regular monithly meeting of the South Ward Raepayeras' Association was heid at Brbek Street Sehool last Thursday evening. 40-im. ail wood navy blue serge only 98c. a yaYd at Walters'. On Friday afternoor, of this week the regular monthly 'meeting of the Wonien's Missionary $eciety of St. Andrew's Chwrch, will, be held at 4 o&clock. -An interesting programi on "The Women ofî the Orient" is te be given. Ail women are very cordially invited to attend. W. H. Kennedy, Barnister, etc., Of- fice ene door west ef Poît Office, Dundas Street, Whitby. -tf. Boys' Tweed. Suite, 4.95 to'$14.90, Mr. F. G. Erskine has been confined Mrs. Urlah Joues, formeriy of Pick- to the lieuse fer over ýa week with, a erin<c l-ery ii at the home of lier severe attack of lumnbago. bohrJ.EDinyDundas Street- East. Ladies' Serge -and Silk Diesses, -haIt pnice, Saturday, November l2th, Mrs. W.l*< Kennedy was-taken te a at Walters'. Toronto Hospital on Mouday where t n'a nmi'vçnt n oueration. Her A meeting efthte Whitby Brandih ,in .-t; Geoe FOR SALE Replenish your supply oL-apron8 at the male of wêrk at Ail Saints'.Scbool Room on Wednesday"Noveinber l4th, at M3.30 ..AIl-prke. Mr. and Mrs._Walter ronto, were with Mr. si ,,here over Thaiiksgivi9 Pninces Ma y Lod"e has amnae to held a -socia eveming for members LIBERAL MgETING AT OSHAWA of -the above Lodge on Thursday "ven" The Liberala of Oýshawa are hold- ing,_November 2th. at 7.30 sharp, at ina big meeting in the Armnouries on which cards will 1>e played from 7.380 M day night next4 Jtme Murdoch, te, 9.30, when . a- musical pro- , of the Board of Commerce,, gram -of songs, piano duets, readige, andj. C. Elliott, ex.-M.I>. of, Lon- etc., ivili be givien, ie hCa-oadýtec d'8e-wl.b h danylunch prvid whî, eh a n, and &ýThe dvomlýo ý will be served. A dance.wl hnâi-jh regarding' the Bloard o members of Sussex Lode are asked nmrehv rw gmeig to coineeand brmigSa friend and apend veryihere. a pleasant evening with us. Sîlver4.- collection at the door. Don't forget NATIONAL SANITARIUM CAN.. the time and date. VASS NOW GOING ON Ladies'- ail wool Spencers, black, The çanvas1 in Whi tby in connec- bin an wbte nly 98. a Water'.tion with the National Sanitarium As- The regular monthly'meeting of thel North Ward Ratepayers' Association' was heid last Thursday eveninglii the panish hall of Al-ýSaints' church.. Rou- tin e business occupied the main- por-. tion of the evening, and thé méeetng then resolved itself into a discussion of civic affairs. -, LITLE, GIL LOSES TWO FINGERS. An unfortunate -accident ,occurredt to th\e littie daughter of Mn. and Mns. W. X. Inglis, Brock Street, last-Mon- day, when she wao*piaying around a machine for cutting eave-trough, at the back of Mclntyre'o hardware store, Ina some'manner her le-fi band became caughit in the. machine, wblch caught the first and second fingers ln such a way as to necessitate- ampu- tation at the first joints. The other ingers were also bruised. Although the Injuries are very painful, -the lit- tI. girl ih progressing satisfactorily. jDr. McGllivray attended the. case, and perforined the operatioh. Seethe display of useful and fancy articles at thp sale eto work at AUl Saints' SéhooRBom, N'vember l6th, at 9.30p.n seciation's Milion Dollar Campaign for fiaids with 'which te rebuild the Muskçoka Hospital for Consumptives at,.Gravenhurst-a.nd to carry on -and enlarge the work championed by the late Sir William- Gagg.> was opened this week. 1, Several niembers of. -the local cemmittee are inow engaged in calling on the, business men and other citizens Who areconeidered to be like- ly te have an interestIn the niatter. Several large subscriptions have al- ready been repxirted, -and with the hearty suppott the citizens in gen- eral it ii hop'ed' to reach or- surpass the Qobjective of -$150&> flxed for Whlt- by. it is too soon - yet to announce the. resuit, but by next, week figures should be available 'as -te,- what the town'ýhasý contributed toward. this worthy cause. MISSIONARY PAGENT AND LAN- TERN VIEWS 0F THE ORIENT. On Thursday evening, November 17th, a publie missionary meeting un- der thýe auspices of the W.M.S. and Girls' Awiiaryp le te be helcL lu St. Andrew'es Seheol rooni at 8 p.m. A niissionary1 pagent entitied "Hanging a Sign" le te, be given, alse beautiful lantera views ef the 111e -and customs by. The Young manhad been in iII! brick thus maé Ihealth for several years, and' for alstruction of tt long time it- was -kni>wn tÉat 'is re-jýv'hich it ïa exi covery wýys impossibie. jging for the £( The la1te Walter Smilth was very menced nextN well knc"wn SWh4itby and vicinity, The -brick bg t.having' been a poular .young man> is of a quality JJVand being very ac tive -in fsport -and In the managem-E Sthe -life of,ýthe coin.unity, in general, ready seller. before- taking ill. He ie, survived by quality, as al three brothers- and. thre.e sisters., the, Gilmore p The fuhtral, which. will be private, eration of the will -be- held to-day aÏt -2.30 p.xn.,, in- be carried' on of To- terment being in Union Cemetery. mother - - ,i-SLIGHTLI POLICE COURT. Spe* al'l1 Ti~~.i~~ ~~ * coata.. In my J V'5 et - istrte Wîiiisn To a ai ot iogang. left oQY on coots, which would total $5Q.50, or t6o three months' impnisonmeait, for as-- saultiug a fellow Galaciaâ, by the namie of Tetmnar, on Sunday night,' October 8th, whenhe was coming from 4 party et Isaac. Levine's.* Wo- zuk, who &faimed that the injured mian owed liim monoy, iay in wait for1j him in %he dark. outside the )ioipe, and then assauited hlm-. Tetmar was not, however, badly injured, and la! now at work. The prisoner at first claimed that'another ffan whom M hs wife knew,'biut whom he didn't know, was the guilty party. lie later ad-! mitted, however, that he binself had' struck the blow. Wozuk stated that, he himself le a -Greek Roman Cath-1 Window Plants For Sale Chsap Must be cleaned out to make room for growingý Winter Lettuce. -W. have Xmas Chorriols, Witor loWmr- log Bogonlas, Cyslimn. feans, Asparagus. Fem:s, Oracsnasi <Etc.. Etc. Hundreda te, Choose Frein. R. HEMSTOCK Cedar St., Whltby bleck soutb of Grange Farni or the Grange GrmeenhOusO. CRI ROPRACTICI have for the Caîl at -J. .Rz 'the Royal H<R No obligation -be a ii'r fine Clay on I. Op-t int willi winter.c Y7 WO RN CLOTHES ladies' and gents' over- r previous business I had me a few ladies' and >ati, which anyone mýy charges due. on thern. udney's tailor'shop ýnear :tel and examine them. ito buy. . t DEATES P SMITH-At Muskoka Cottage Hoap ita?, on- Monday, Novçmbr 7t1, Walter Franklin, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Snmith, Bayalde, Whbitby. WANTED. A Junior Clerk for Stanidard Bank. Apply to C. A. MeClellan, Manager. FOR SALE. Crown Huron range also Quebec heatera=d, furniture. B. Williams, Kingston Ro;d EÂst, one. mile frein f6ur cornr.-20. son, ' Art SouvE Apply M., uho1ne 257. Tot;i POP. SALfl. Babysý,pquh sleigh, white enamel finish, good4 as new. Abply at Gazette Young pîgs, a cutter and a Phone 146r2l. Whitbv.' -buggy. APPLES WANTED. er0 1 iht u or this week or et some plesBaldwins, ,Greenrags, Rusett, lte..i apples or auy oth- 97. WANTED. TO RENT A farnn of 100 acres or mor, near Brooklla. Give full particulars. RL- C. Tindail, R.R.I, Goodwood, Ont. -tf LOST.. On Dundas3 Street east, a large key tached te, chain. Finder pie&se no- iy Gazette-Chroniele. ANNUJAL' MEETING' of the CNILOIREN'S AID SOCIETY 0F THECOUNTV 0F ONTAMIO,- will be held on Wsdnssday Evening, NOv.[11921 in the SIMGOE ST. METH00I81 SHURCH SURDAY SOHOOL 10018 Oshawa Reports'of work done du ring the year will be read, and an a -reàhr oeShema MR fthIay ege. r Wl .J.r wo q nteO.- ornrvsmstb n efc nyfneaheeop be held in the auditorium et the Li- toria Mmnial H1ospftal, Toronto, la Cljeilytnaa a oee a aa. e brary at 4 o'clocpm., Monday, No- -ovi after a very serious oper- dition and free troni Pressure oryu 5 drs Chsme s is gi tftair wa. evemiber l4&th, when important business ation. c anot eciueal. eseu )m fyour g sat* lSinas' ill be transacted. A ful attendance 15Î. U...flYo cnntscue.aTdisasuiss chool Room on Wednesday,- Novem- of the meniters heietd.w.uD r1nua ~yen removeit-cue.Tbslwt Pr 16th.-- -s-rqese.C chiropractie does, and it le thiswhh RE.JN Do t&£ilhear e.i.W ircy ,. iswuntat .- P. J. Sullivau, licensed plumber andla"nl in" W.Pet-unvuua aL.- accounts for its remerkable remuts at the aptis jif you are sick, ne matter wa in "umrc lIftfh'Iait th Baelistyour ailm ent (acute or c r n c mmth, Brock St. N., Whtby«-ef* Church on Tuesday evening next, No- JLE The business ifeetag la' cennection vember lSth. Admission, silver col- I hrpatc"pnl dutet n ïith thcf Christmias Fair, whieh wasl lection. eII J.7.8U la EU * get wel ohave been hield onà Tuesday evening 1CIflo n eaiato r a the Couincil Chamber, was post, The woren of the lational Liberal Leading Vocal Teacher, H a ï t s Cn ýoned1 until TWext Tuéâday evening. andl Conservative Assin. will be glad Soloist and Conductor. IS EEVD Phone 191 Whitby, for appointinnt 48-in. a' wool serge, sp ecial for wish information on thie matter of the Prfsialpis now touriwg. irn iiîin .W ATN .C. fatrdy t $49pe yad.W.G.coming election. Their Comnmittee ornoSdo-eitnalBDg.i DRECT F UlIVUU'IL L AN 0 Graduate Palmer School of Chiropra-f4 Roorn, in the roorn recently occupied ti f I rges hsca l',1 ad eo M Rceby the Warren Pavng Co.,- Dundas Conductor Toronto University Glee A consîgnment of choice Hya- 1 otic Memberda.e Pyiia s (4 lst rs. ohn for the rich eet ilb ieec feinClub;.Whitby Choral Society; Beechiclnths for-pot culture for Xmassi-ataficen of Canada. St S if .ntTusa o ohe rio lve hd, tee Avnu MtIdt Chi; atu V.wrt ir uie ~e4n two weeks io ,o~<' vtxadnx we)1eu eos or mu bloom, pnd for outdoor planting 1 Phone 710.Pesn Wfg cor~ ~ ~ ~~~~i thte Ae ews RP, <'-i- il-o îrom n7.30 o'clock., Sherlock Maie Quartette, etc.foSpnglwes- bpaigae .1r- ~~~- ~î-îjnr "m-ee iv-\l '-i--oîs'. Schooi Room f Mr. Sherlock, will accept a limited ________ rîoia h r; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a 1n' i.j~e eraiohî nWf v\î.me 6thÏ at nunIber of pupils in Whitby on Wed- Usuat Price- $10OO to $2.OO0 1 %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~je Nvî1' fofi ctn~i h oni ' t- iibe suvedl to nesday afiernoons. pc ru 'n ' ufavNov lii,~t "' <" - - -' niden 5e. I -- --_* . - -Speî i60C per doz i ii-iI AflP I tohaW OnA , ,1 ii, riay Nv.1 A few Tulipe and Narcissua Ièfti Ona )ciaFrvicet3c e d No.1,organist, rMethodist TabernacteA 'n Iibif an,' 1,(,-ur on Fr1- for i arttb' Ilr p'1' '"ram of the reou- For Dn" er i<er 2'ird.1U Vie r \Vt . M. S. ta t 4 oclock 1 Wood PuFosrecSaleFu h~ý0 4 RS.Miie eoo. Alai et , W HITE FISH -i -fc P fc fot o-of the towil cvidiallv invited Dr ad idSotWo PIAANO anu ORGAN ET 1t 1~ W ( ' alteront or-join iii tii f % C praise ad r ad andForSl.Wodcee, 18c a Ib.o~ad~v1 ~r Mc -îîîfDiN, who ibas beon, Aiso Plowingand Team- iD D M~~.APoe12o 0 ycsoe~ deigfion l e!O'odÎoning in his laiir;' a\-îIo "o r ather cashmere ing Don ie. wiuBel hIhINGLE_____________CO____ ha l air aotwrfwrknasyooe oeOti Walters'. PHONE34 II h sîa.Iorial1u.'lrsa N.a" warsn h a Cordon $mith f-Headquart ~r ATTENTION, FARMIER t11, Oxi n e x of hs fingers «Il î1i M .ýel frth(, pa-4 l'"ears, is now study- P-hone 310, vvitY,On-hi G ae esW Mdd to ,H r s a n', -r w mrytu vr-ppu g ia,îh'-1 riCzTorsiofthWHUTBY, ONTARIO Ih open for repairs ot al kindsn e i cv. wil . h a ie r ' lth 3a epti C ulrh u n oi wiI .t'C h s fat er 's T r esinto>___ __ arness, Boots and Shoes r, nttý,BpitCuc n iltýzh at hsfahrl es--------Brock Street NorthWbty eni-t T11esday evening, Novoruber 15, dc'nce, Byr on Street north, Whitby, _______________________________ whc' ho w-HIgiv o a pres entation of 'pb oh " 8O('. oH e is B r s Ewoch riI~n.A silver coi lection Mwill TeCut fQtroOd il'iCRY RCR 'hi taken at the door. l uome o f Mrs. J. H. Prs",Ty IR The'Boar of ducaion eetig, will hold a progrîessive euclhre at th-e S U TSOENCOSN&8L~ ng om fMr.J=H ery C A IS STOE-ICHOPECIA whî -h n'i as to have been held last i next., Nov. l3th, at 8 p.rn. There will I evenig, wen i*1i1 be held in the1 lowtd by ref reshments. Amsin Council Chanher at eight o'clock. U50 cents. 12 lb. Yello-W Sugar for $11,00in 3 HIB ceieda houefor$5 fon te Qakr at, e package, 30e appreciation ut their services la "ex- 1 pouiid of regniar 35e Tea for 39)cu~"è, al h of Oçtober l4th. At a meeting. of the- 2 Botties Vanilla or Lemon Flavoring fordojoN. IJ I'LII fBrigade last week the SeCretary was Fresh Jamaica Cocoanuti, 2 for 20c instructed to torwand à letter of Freeli Oysters, per pint,- 60C 4 thanks to the' Hatch Manufactunflf Ao ýomsocla, ah45 1 We -are prouder of the Company. - Afwgo ~omt en ah&5 highi quality than the low Scotch Fingeing Yarn in kheklPhione price. hg1ht addakgrey, blac andIhixeLL: Jes-Corne) tog ous. Just, opened a. sipment 1$.5 i. at W. G. Waters'. U ~ ~ , N.i of those delicions Major Alex LeWis, M.P.P., Toronto, -PETITS ÈOIS ~iwil address the electo'-s of the toWnE îlso owh -PETITS POIS !of Whitby in the interests oft Hon.EwilsoyuwatenFE Wm. Smnith, at the.Council Chamnber, need in the way etf eecî i ýPEAS Whitby, Friday evening, Nov. ilth. --tre fyo i dan di B lfun Our assortment is a pleaslng eeo WCper Tinl. ftr*M ars. dos. i Bandel tne fae E D T I S1 "0 and we wlll be able te acviseye _______________ house at thé corntrof Brock and St.- st htyune o John.- streets, until recently occupied -om n upss e DEELISIIS BRAND by-Fred Wilson anid family. Mn. lin- Mikjâh ie tutral food in the wonld, and tght roaadproe.Ltu u-IO DEELISderwoodNDiilMoccppy thousenuntilnnish you wlth estimates. RICE next ~spting,,when he will remodel it. here in our town we havre the large&t îtd~etdiyi ac -RIC 1!Mn. Wilson bas rented the house- va- thia district. The Finest Grown cated by Thos ca-sn nBok~ sTeCepe nTi on lhs i 15C i b. acket. Mr. J. M. Sherlck, of Toronto, oe 15c Each.oe the leading vocal teachens et To- nonto, who is conducton oft the W]ht f Porit w4htuy Feir 'LCorle ty4., 1has ---1d teacÉ- cCarmthy, of Toronto, Ont. Seata Fee. H. W LITTI Inspcter. f )TICE me acconnts wonlId greatly oblige iat the office of MTE. L. F. liich- earIiest I)ossibIe date. I1-desire L ACCOUNTS, LED AT ONCE, - ciate promptness on the part; of As Le*BAR a t SOOKES OROCERY SIGRE L for CASH Thu sey.Novs3 e Quality and not Pries 6 F'RESH GROUND COFPFEE It Býçats Them Al. U WANT GO E Prices range from 175c to 75e. MIS fis the season for )H PORK SAUSAGES Price 22c lb,'-. D-M n han Dur W son 81 E ATS AND BACON d at, a rlg ht prilce. lindow for The Holidàj Paid foi' Butter and Eggts. ileadquarters faim op, 80 8< ~th wN il - e i. 1 amwa- add M&R promi

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