Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Nov 1921, p. 4

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IAZTTEAIDCHRUIGE b inufresand *tien »gis. some action inthis direction ywIl '- WJITBY"NSTRELS AAN rbidadeup hsdsrydbid:Rey. R M raser, of the PakS1e r'po ardtu BAET N HOIL term à Council Ghamber prèbably ThbWe ta:.Mistel wllopn neda' Chiurch,, Peterboro, who hadrahderefsii n' S i'-. ,or ut W.,J.;He Richardson's office.sonIfn* ê . **l One.Million, Dollars is neeï! the anniversary serinons of teetoo h atrit Wh&" arm r oie'bas any doubt at al! about beithera Beso l Whitbsdy candidate, M. Hicks, passna thor- appinted Moder' ,~~ ~ ~, ~ on- the Ilitis better to nmake Ce«- Start boostingright now feir Whit. neonWd esday an $1Whtb.00. harenod idchate revHisSuay;Te-RrsJ .Pis taini, .at oZie for af ter Satüirday 'of by Christinas Fir to l'held on Sat- day eveaixigs of nîxt w emte 1s000'ogi xaintin fnerleto ný e10P B i~is I* ~~thisa. .week ne ur, h Àegstrations urday, Deceniber 24th. There' isMusic Hall- The. show .has been en- Is it needeWi of 94M T" t4 te whkha ub il ' acped lny ftrn oprpr àfrtetirely, cha4nged, d il b ~tOo olurnthfuryrsfw.hos'enteeangatrug-Crk evet, utthel'st up or ut er atya' tnad nwt hi nearly hall a-million- boys died for s. s e l'e given l'y businieÈs me ahd other previous experiençe tebyshp I~>Cnadaawhe rmiuwo "2118- Ttud" à"citiziens is te enïd practical aid te heacthherrptténlypttn p l he sane pro yas bu MiW lwuqmi1.l& I U. iS~~ h aigo t Kingston' Road comxittee iplanninigte make thisan even, better-show than îlast year.thsainubromnofikag £d. rom, Pickering -to a point west ýof theél'est of its klnd everheId i the The latest songs axd.mnu-sic willb l' agedio pTB-errie!g fte flc - ...hDunbarton, las now l'een-completed, town. 1renderedi, and h i ndmnhv that aesn'ninteerystg fH R elibul dIo &udhe. and metriats have nowdaoftraightthat will keep everyone aesai h al tg bcbrdtl*w&w uMt- -stretch of nearly :four -miles of pavie- ~*laughing. cotagonhreinatether hme Bor.t.TheVillage of ýPickeig b.L It i§ not the intention - o the Ga- The seçond. part of tl.îedrfrmanlce cr~ farter advanced are cared M R t P B R TBLUE@ON ialready a bitalithic pavement, -and zette and Clironicle to take. any- part hasrsome new fmatures that will pron Inde" I4i. work hasbeen conhmenced and is now editorially in the- pres ent political enjoyable. The Jazz Boiys, Peel1's Ha- orad.1e a e ore barable pabngthDIadeat a , waian troupe, Gibson's.tuniblers, W.th tyig ou s ntto r. ,niPickering to the »Greèen:w'ood 'belief that a weekiy newspaper can evdith-oeaýofmUty road.- Thie wîll -add another mile te do littie or. no igood l'y participatiig itanMs1.4.Rw adMs Ksre9l*h1om n omui this. splendid section'of thl' Provincial i politics, unless under- exceptfbal ,Nicholson, sopranosy- together witl ShaHl we catch the spirit and nobly 1 B rs AsoredSo Hlighlway. circuinstances, forthiever simple but. other numbers, will make a complete cay o. thsàgea wrb JBRStAY, NVME 3, 1921*** adequate iteason that it-cannot give- programn of unusual menit. .-The O- Shr e ayly our generous gir-CmorSrrieGonilt P I ~~OVEMBE~R sufficient space editorially to make its chestra . has, been eplarged, and this' ins Wasever awuls o to God,14Basfo!$ .0 t ' a~~~rguments; convincing. Daily papers, year a new fauel h hpeo h od onvea 5 tet6he? it CO ME T A correspondent sugstat there -which devote sevenal coluins,- six W...~ba illêawrhwievery persn s akedt ep.i' ~'aa'Ie'ought te l'e -a milk inspec«ter for-,the tinies a week, te -thé 'discussion oi-f addition. Tow a Wit'y weedt t*ud u'i farslymno og exper- The boys have been practicing hard Th So'IittforWb' l'e,,te thonoughly ispe't the supply lence, cart and do present the many and tliere. should l'e a fulli house« on Whitbe UteEmrgnyus *e entire Dominion 'rets te efmilkl'eing .distril'uted l'y milk sîdes, of a political -campaiga 'in a l'otlvaîghts. The general admission iSaeosh megnyFn.K t s l i s n. of the death of Lady Laurier, deslers. The Sanitary Inspecter -15 comiplété way. That is their palrtic-, 50c for adults anýd 3tc for childnen. w s o passed awy at Ottawa on Tues- e]npowcned te niaké sucli inspection, uùlar sphere of usefu-Iness. But te at- AUI the seats downstains with thé ex-TETBRAL Mtoit on order of theBodaIeahlu tempt te pnoperly présent arguments.cptoa of the hast tw'o rows are being -rshEey a.- - it is net one of his ondinary duties. fraaginst afl. one party, in a nesenved, as wehl as the fnt hele nows evF.HHoadPso. Once Tried lasUe.Qai veron wh i etitedta vteDeaiers who distnibute dlean, wbele7-campaign, the issues of wbich aeo nte alr. Tee is 'no extra -Sunday, Nov.-6th, 1921. .'vhéon appo is n ele te-ahvoutdsome milk - should have neoqbjection Dmho ieipot svi'o cag o eevd ettepie il ar.rpan osi,-Price T1 a easOhrB thé sur acing éeon th ve t' t an inspection Oniy. those whose wveehdjy newýspàper. The.spheneof the l'eing 50c. The seat-rale opens at Qd: Sacramienft of the.Lord's Supper. ie Vueot ea ist o the ToýWns preduct la net u te -the standard are wel is, decidedly local news and, lums dnug store on Friday monning, 3 p.m.-.SunidaySchoe<d. Tya~ d e aon t TeVtr'Lsfo h.oplikely te hâve any ojcin.One Ito ,niah attens of -local- iitei'estNvmer 4th.7 .-EengwrhppUI or Whitl'y, issued i etmbr fcorrespondent states that l'e l'as geed chicfly4.- A political campaigai, while TheMintrel, we8gae apenfnin* th Ve try. ___-_Board______________________ yer steoewmcn .,.. l'e go eno ms -conention th Lat.. ilkof great local intercat' hinges on is- anceinsicesing TowaveHa lasonightme eting la______thé___________________ ' as a basis. On this liat are ait 'cing soldl'y st least, one: 8mialh sues oI 'such importancethat ane a-hv lobe aae eapa x Epworth League la S. 9~R. .- prty ownens, as well as the naines local dealer should - '. e inspected. net hope -te deal fainhy or fiily with PotPnyo ensa vn, Thunsday evening (o-night)servie.-'- <US S S V< persans entitled te vote muni- The lBoard of 1eslth t its last meet-< them n the himited saeaffonded the Novemberltaditi xetd htiuti celebrat andia il élections only. People who ing, teok up the quE f1niilk la- editer -of a wely.Thrfoewee& arageetswllb mdetiswekeun ~don'te -Rfredu ii prlspcton adthe 1ryA. W. lierait is mue' better..to witbholfrnproracdaUl'ig tangmn) oatms t shoidnot e àedby the fact Jacksoi, wa authe'ized te wirite ta éditoralcommnt for or -against any n ae auào Ms. aDonald (LmM.Mon- -OC1 téramswr nthiat list, a'the Bard Hath e. party' ai, ,la odevete space o Folhowng are theofias appoitd.....EUIt'&OdSa , N ar poi onet the liat to beuaed. Every- cure iînformÀation'as to, the necessai'y what is l'ound te l'e an inconspletincneio with the management of ,ESy RINCHIURCH Sedyeurmnyweeih Who is net a property owxer qipiuent, and meUiod of procedure. and thereore a usclesa argument, thxecshow: PREBYTRIA Spnd 7 aild make sure of l'ein uti iLA h z et*o h er eiia isaearng andthnot. eskt Pnesident-,,-et.iMaufdrhli - Sunday services ateil a.ng . and 7 _________________________ il boe, ec e-blt-h heanpêM' a&W-Thanksgiving addresses «and___ __________________ ýpoitial-e&ùriIsof.the-ae-rge Musical Directer and Manager-G. g poelcan-eitonals averr . a ge PLyn -music at Ilîoth.services. yoü are, cor- any rate it ia thé intention of this pa'. Assistant 'Miisical. ietr-. jjynieýo_,epe per te give te the public the n5ws o15,É hort. ýThe Thursday-eveaing prayer ser-B A E the campaiga in tilis rîulîng-as accUr- Maüa 'r-F. Mcle. as l'eau can.celled _(this week), -CA- -M aeyapossible in.teAi may have an' pnuiyo atesand teavee argument.t ng Mrs. McDonald (L. M. Mont- Iif l tepeh ny) at the Methodist Tabernacl. W U hoehohave more saete hande ) ___ ePIN T R L : itýpoel adi l £ii - rk meeting f the. Mission, and- lU **ee- sday afternoon at415oclc.Trobi. the warmt *IISI cl lit-.athMteadw nofBoria WIHY V HA L ~.*.. <.coit Weih oer 4lbh Khaki Shilrts $2.00 te 82.75. per garment. Great Coats $1 t$3.Ço0pair. Soaks 30e pai 823.50éach. Single B.d S1 HaveTaaoks, Medal Rib' - *ALL GENIJINE F. E.tDIfltIEUI 21 Prini WEDWES"AY osus TUWDAVO NOVEMBER SU, and 1lOth. Show atartg"gt 8.15 p.m. NEW JOKES. LATÉiST SON9«3s AND .JSIc. GIBSON'S TUMBLERS' THE BYNG BOYS. PEEL'S HAWMIAN TrROUPE. ,THE-JAZZ BOYS.- MINSTREL BAND ELA OGROHE8TRA, W. D. DYKES and!C.- F. BIJSHENf, tenor sol.Oiste MRS. T. L. -ROWE. end MISS K. -NICHOLSON,9 sopra.no sololsts. AflMISSION-Adult s, 50c; Chlldren*, 25qb. % RESERVED SEATS, 50c.' Sale~ opens at Odfim 'a. drug, store Friday, Novemb er 4th. Don't MNi 8.'t. ýýBetter Than Éver. C>UPONS Coip'on is as, -.good as cash to yolu, eeo the pùrchase of, a K. & S. Tire. Take. -advantage of-,this ..oppor- tunity to get K. & S.-_.Canada's, 1edding quality tire---we recom- mend -them. 1,Ouùrlýstock ý.isý comaplete. - sas acen a fxed'as UanaidinAutho'à M Wftek, ïwben aa;t*cnpt willbe in.ad4 led l'y tbe Pub-ic-Libranieé * aI the Province, .te increase the interest cf theý readjiigý public i-n literatuý reo due ' anadian - writers. UnfIe tunately, Canadians Are- tee littlein E or don the wnZiters of their own .countrY., leing usuallyo more conver- B sant with writers cf the United o States and evenGreat Britain. Pas- sibly -this la *due, ta same extent, ta the prev;aience of Amnenican mga- zincs on aur n'ews gtandslu it is-net*LFO TE as it should l'be, and tihé racement CONSUMPTIVE SANITARIUM AI which, finds, its expression in Cana- diàn: Authers' Weck is-1 ?î culated t o1riewti give- Canadians. a -botte;- even an in.- uickly iibe liewti timate aequainiance,, w*th, w iesa srsod ete elch fdistreesMC their own lanid. -The public libraries Orneed! will feature bookseo£fCaniadianwrt- The'sailor phunges inte -the tassing S- cers. and wÎhl endeà-,var te have their waters te saýVe his drowaing mate. Patrons read these. Book stores are The fireman forgets the Mdangers, te m2akedispiaysa£ý* hesebok-s-ard waXICe into fhe --ne's, bringseut tuie -11 the sehacî ps are te l'e asked: te do theýi wee babe and 'Places it at the* feet of share. Wèý of'Canlada do net reahize the fraatic, parents. St, what a volume af fine li1terature l'as Sir William1i Gage some ycars ago ýbeen tun'edout l'y-the pens af Oaa- looked into the home, saw the father adian, wrnitersTÎ,'o-nght, in Whitby, sinitten, dying of T.B. (ensunptlon), one' of the* foremost of. theëse, Mrs. the mother bravely struggling to care '.MaDonad, btterknoforthe husl'and and childrea.. Not MaDoadbetr nwn a "L, M. lohy was there financial. distrcss, but Se. Mentgeomery,",' author, of "Anne of fluddlcd la that. sinah home, the White Su Green Gables" pa .nd .other euaMy~an's Plaguc vas îikely'te vipceout. S well-known boeoks, is te appe ar ia th the entine familyl and perhaps,,infect. t C Ioher homes. n Methodist Tabernacle. We prcdict The need was seen, and the, great that anyene who hears her, wili cex- I ide arose. te the .occ.asion,- saylag--"It Qu perienea an -increa.4ed intensi a-muist net l'e!"M adian literature that 'will netblesat- . Under his wise direction. and large isfcd nt te erk efniny an- givlags, hospitals have been erectcd at. a isfed ntil he.,wrksof an Caa-Gnavýenhurst. and« Weston, nearf Toron- dinWrtens have been rend One te, one. la Weston'-fer childrn. W bas, enly ýte recall sue' aoted writers About a year ago, as we -ail kaow, as Ralph! Canner, Mrs. Mcçlung, Mar- the fine destroyed one of thé Gravea- ,ion Kéith, Charles'G. ýD. Roers Se hurst b-Uings. Sir Wilhiam's heart *R phe Leeoe, ad mst f te .was net daunted. Hlesaid, "ell, the phe Lecoè; nd ostof heca-aedi- won ùust go onp" tors of the Makers of -Canadai se ies,I But his -part was fi-nisheid--death w. as. weli as a l'est aIof thers, te give called.le testnuon tethe net hatne fn .' The executors, feeling that the -doors 2( of these hespitals are.opened te the T. .a litenature is. wnitten-than someof that-,B distr'essed-anywhere la the- pror- produced. l'y our ownCanadians. iacc,-nightly -appealed for all. te help ci] W, fo SWEET ced was'given the -distîiguished visitonsc,. tm.Fillion, a soprano ýwithi an euengly wide ranige, wasat lier sue' as Debussy's_ "1l pleure dans- mon coeur" and "Le coeur de-ima Mie"'y Dalenoze. \erdi's "Ah, fors' i" '(Trabiata) nrv'led her -wonderfuhj t lion whose violin playing a exceeclëingly interesting, added .greatly te * the enjoymeat of..his.' hearers - l'y bnief commeats' oa thc various selec- fions, belons being played. Laho's dif- Slcuit "Symphony, Espagnele", nd. Chopin's famous melodý,r in E fiat, "INocturne," oiginlly -for the-piano, l'ut arranged for the viella -l' Span-- ish. composer, were ver -y aepýtablIe. Perhaps the'-most beautiful selection on 'the - prograrn was Knhn's "Arcý Mania," suig l'y Mme. Fihlion anidne- compaaicd l'y ongan, viella and piano, the wVhohe pro icn articùIarlý' aI- fective wrk. The'-excellent* .necompanimentsfur- nished l'y Harvey. Robb a t the piano, and,,--G. D. Aticinson at the organ,, as- sisted materlwhly la' the success -of -the conce]rt. M. and Mme., Fillion, who arc ,Amer.- ican-bora citizeas, are aow eangaged in concert and rècital wonk la Tôronto. - --->'-< 1 BAPTIST MINISTER ýORDAINED. An- eet of -deepest intenest te the- Scotel' bine and Bobcnygeon Baptist --Churches andad nl'st of others, .took placeý- Mondnay hast, October 24th,: when Pastor W. L. YHickcs, late- of Me-, ,Master. Unirersity, ..Toronto, was cx-: amined -as tao hie c*onversion, caîl -.to the miaistry.lnnd beilef as te B ible teacbing and. -ordaýpeçl by the lyn on of .the hands cf his- brother minis- te rs in attendance. at the .,,Couacil, which..was held in ý Bobenygeon- Bnp- tist Church.* There :were sanie forty 'C6 yin atednsat the. afterifon meeting, the Examining.Ceuncil, of whieh conf- sisted aI nineteen',delegats e- seating ton chunehes of*th e Whitby and .Lindsay %Association, ,aise Rey., -Carsoni J. Camcnoù, Secetary aIf the, Homne Mizssie4Rr-edTarante, sud4 The Man oftI In this hour of Canada's most a crisis, the country's greâatest n. -ship-not class- leader.ship,-n Ieadership, but-NATIONAL k Spilot -must be chosen posessir sary courage, foresiglit, brea( -and determi.,nation to lead the ouit of theè existing ecb'nomic ui And one man stands out head ands ail others as-pre-eminently fitted fi Born on a faa'm-near -St. Mary's,. ( MVeighen is a true son of the pefin has fouglit his way tao eminence b, and force af intellect.* Entered -- 1908; appcinted Solicitor-General ister of the Interior in 1917; and, ln 1920. - 'At the Imperial Confferenee le waý the- Presstof Great Britain as a gr as a strang, virile, vigorous perso: mina, keen and far-séeing in judgr a fearless deterfihination ta stand fc Professer 'A. D. Skelton, of Queei -and' biographer.of Sir' Wilfrid Lai -tIre present Prime MinisterJ -given pr oof af high -adminirti'àtive personal integrity is beyond questi 0f -himself, Arthur Meiglien saài tuents the other'day: - "'You -kno on this issue- in 1908, in. 1911,- ai stand ta-day." A Real Force,,«A Reî 'The National LiberaI-and - j'. - --- --'- -"- t - -- TO THE PEOPLE OF THE TOWN-OF WHITBl!1 We. have ne canvassers or agents gon rud tew t attend ta the registrationof, voters this week.- We are resorting -t no political mores to do thinge in 'the dark, but al ou,ürplans are* as'above.board-.as la our pelicy. We want 'all -peop e, menan wmeofteowa register their names. wit cther Mr. W. J. H. Richandson on with She.iff Paxton til weiek, otherwise you cann ot vote -in this election on December 6th. Take the ýtrouble to se-that yau. are onthe list. Evary- weman ahould espeeially attend te this, for this is a-'most important election.--Your deanreft interests dercmand it. Our pelicy is a peopl's policy. We Aek ne party advantages. We want ever*yman'and. -woman ta vote. 'We advecate asquaàre-deal te every d itizenoaIWhitby. Lot me1 again urge ev.ry ancte sec te it ttiat bui or hèr- naine is registered this week. - I amn, uincerelvýy yurs, Nevember 2nd, 1921. F. K. Chapmane, CLEAN, RICHMILK Garage, Delîivereqd te Any Part'of the Town* Port Whitby, Dairy P. S. UNRYNOWICII, froprfetor, Port WhîtbYf o~nt- Your- ý i 4 4 om.

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