Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Sep 1921, p. 2

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P -p , t ot?" & 44 à»e not in£8«r,» leo?*for 7x *I*or b.t ai but a litt$1.3, &"W, ueant uAStte4 #'bý Trng irai go very W41 < "ath-'» l yo' s the' coti#i> m( &»wesp.' ri ahntheui r» ;t'MteWm a 1( Msw th io -t<ali ti oo*dly sen d-w - 'hn P? amWhuiy Rfl "Huh (ert a mosin -a pr 1fmu i- i en get-tnQranetmi i crs ah b ier. yêu cai ripod 9I ýainw days ei -a yd tkowr tan. Lraetd Re rose ' bi lier, m 'àk 'about a home y k av.illved ~T.et away.a mo"n,Thein h bini fredny, 'vard toail s Misa d Ion'- tblge thrigo sun't gel. mort d et tt about aptai, dosng nothIig lmofa. ky. rLt mught, wlIIIl'nne duil« e titsetf ew rnonttis.' t XhM, ,ilalr!à ou, miusu*tjl11kar thisApae, 441 4*à e4sted~i *i thatenaithoryou - nor, LoMUtu=u 41 elWorth cos 1 ÃŽÃŽ7eu bocs on EngIanti lust nQw and -te bth a alsexplaation of 1-m. - sme at BurlmHa I RHe opened hb. lips totx0eak but stepped qhort; It was us 'trat [AWfl$xxv. -she wpu dfelt j ~g, ' 4vèéoýd hï uexpcte IMMd ,. or - 16 ".Othdr hn.g ylm ~o.ed hSw u 4xp cçd1 npo0fý _I u leMseweb't ýfternoen cordiall enoug yen do as-,& be usdnV rfuL i1r~ly1 itagain feu tié ro usent? Perhaps,'f *%at y'eu were golng to e h. , "eh -the ver in aveu vs leaster for a week," sire May speak of i!, but just lou' eveey- tirey sheok hasidai 'tiig-usle oconfuléec. 1, too, sezrn to t te -stay longer," rnt' ut thÃŽng wen't alt have lest xny b*%rgs.. Ynkw aaittihiat I amrngoing ont to BoWoge in, iL t Of th~uei-ithis f#eér ayaà with Lady ead'eyshespi- i. Then M~ y R did'f't tgl?2 on't l,00k se frigirtened. I amrnont 1. Altogether -our,,little an amateur nurée, - van 'assure yon. gled eoutan-Jd >1carne bock I., hSye -&lRY; , ertif1teaé2 "To Boul e?" b-a rnuttered. "You- ee anything of 'the.raid?" aeI g e09ne.Lo 0d1n? lireci eagerly. Sre oec - ' -veLodoi eure tiran I wantad," ire "Major -T:ûonrson -.armnged it for irnIy. 'II wa.s. moteringi me, a few days ýago0. W. May meet id at tire time, and I iradj tirr.at-atly-time,,,he ad&le,siillg. ýerfect court mart1àll neît itl" a&4ipr.fecýtl ertain tiret tire Wa ar friand Tironuon iin the (fiýe ii flind .you -,imething atbtuMd n teil me, Miss Colnyarai-4 v,soon tt G-WatGliii< ber -ee Y, Fr--a amarnent' that queer o e lut a' iliedicai -major who ho isir tregh whià,h4artattr0f ruï hpthe loe -ehould - bZer, reas"rted, ltsell. Hia teeth 0htri?' tane togetirer. i realy there?" se ask- 'Y«a," ie agreed, "'there's work for l mu nner. >1me smwea ~1fn t nl~ ru very offlclaliy »" Gran- "nCek u IWIdY If~~~ _- oe' ti.-îï I arn quita sure," -ire inter- ,idenee te p'rove wbat , rupted, "that ien you are yourself re, ire seemed ratirerset again yen will agle witir me. Thée ,Le iute trouble." are- net the-Itipies fou us te, have ýgny way's very tair," shl! aaîidselfish- thongh.tiivare hy' 4Until * 14wweeks4u,a" ho told Soveby er !Ihu4oet utlrubut tire War ale puzzle for me, raistedi and iiùy work in it-until yen came,- le?"thet I3#', aîrsp'ector . f hespitals Sheî lrùd out ber bhanda te, check Il nUirv upon a Zeppelin -mm e ee eebquent. Pleas rnembar," ashe-begged, fcannot,' ghe admittaci "th'at-Iit,,isstee inoon.i 1can't beair, te Liyeeenfis to irjve-Isocome have.yen :Vtalk te -me like that. Alter-.i Prions person, but- thon, ward-" I 1 haven'it sean quita so, Thore will 1re no aîterwards for atl.Yur change, Cap- m!"-ir e mlhudbitterly. oeen't seem ta have clone A aade of surprise became mingled, R.Las -hPahr rcouud been with her agitt4n. -- qPpp &'Yeu, mustn'1 talk '1k. tIrt," a7 h. 1;uPly nd too beoreProtested, -"yen w ýitlr - yur _splendid rurly ~id soodbe ore~~our. an ezu0iis hntw re whetreurnMy *wound la yen--tare deun i rry. England vanti or ,nobt":hie asked "'Do Vthe hast- ef heusons -to-day, C.ntwu thng &t el about -me"' becontent t i ht» a n1t -Ée a nrament'a silence. -We have se mucir gratitude lu 'ut, Y auêh,"- sh eonfesseci. hoarta.ý,-we aJý u'nmoo whoeuho suddenlr a ciranged per-ar gtiger-btl. .1 wbk. h4-etaiiy IIr~ 's a t4eti4oinpirc lm Hal ,iis face during tire ISet- tooli ier -haud 1iuti iîfted ber flugers unfe mare' naticeable. Ha deliberately to hie lips.- ýs ber eagerîy.. I, *as tollar,ha egroaned, "te ers," ire wenton, "G--think irat Yen;<O ud ee as I-d, igo te aTe-enough-r (k~ eI' as'nevr ýO. * interruptom 'iihiuae aoehn fier !n0Vh, n te wiratl I have ta, say. rr camne into the room a, feu' minutesi tirer, th. enrd b-as gene later. Lady Gon ïsas lookingt ai s late --- They--ýwon>î "tte flii £e,4x, V -,i mY place-iras beau filled W-as tirat 4a1tain Granet?" sire1 't any flghtiug. They've asked^ tire WarOfîce; tbey talk Girai-dine nOdde& LILady Conyers' adjutaLrxyî Icnt~ikanxîety -depau.- - arnangst tire wgtlings 'Welf'- isiek- of,'waftila-g about, "-1 have sent hlm. away," Geraldine -asick te deatir. I want said- quietly, "1untul tire end of- êhe There's sanie,- u'rk - I.,J . Arnetica. You unciar- G'auet brouirt iris car ta a stand- - ,- stift .ontSidw; tire peàalsaof that very eleait," Geraîdjue tolci august' club in. Pull Mail. Tire hall-- porter took ii naine and in a feu' uît," ha daelared. "Tire minutes iris ur cle Joined hlm lu-ie k te ha tum-bling ont auy- strangers'i nth 't knew hou' te put tirem "Back agaLant eauo, onie?", 'der'. - Can't youse tiret Gtiauatr.odded-. mldine?1 I want you to "Araetca i off," ie anueuned Lad I w-.unt te gat rigirî ahortly. "I tirdugirt L'd better let ou 1 ar'sever I. ani- lWiy know. It ýn1ÉrkA bê the #lbe th*ug a".I;. or n ID 1 -1 - - - "Y ou nee inot be atraid oet tirat'any ~ rJk fLL~i more, Rounie," iris nucle t-eîd him, 4 cal-mly.-t - - Ozuet turnecl quicllyarounti. Vo g-me auti , d>- il" .d,t maiided ,auxiously.- --j flÉy years SirAifreti aook iisheati. - tenuhav Dre - "You as-e toi im-ptuous. Ronnia. Ybibdt C"«e luhid ttmhu ~totom up 4.Royal ams on- 8 m for' 'tyonfrae.> ethting lu your nutnd, 'd -out ce tire windo- Thoe laid hieiband ý" s hMe. ý - , ,pxrme you, onie," ý>ft6at ireforeiunu ymd ynshallaê i *"Pjbman reelet for "Ot cr e,"sie began, - 1"if -yout ueallUthlak tiret-idolistka.v thedit- ~ee betu'eui the, e or s ci toi -HO, iuterrupteti ber. tdIv iwucng,ire -heontlessed. "F'cu- give me. _You %"é, 1«deti wolea lIttle turned.- ,Som e . dcl deliber- latelY flue at me, and I helieve iV was freIn a grey Tmeing car. I eouldn't 5e t-vio -wat driviug lt and ti Iva out o-ihalnoetxÀt once. -' But [neveu -heard et aucira tiing!"' ah. xcllinet, WIry on- eàutir ahold they- IlIIe. at >Ycun?, ýYou haven't- any enernies,have-po? her. Sire stepped fror tire car anti came ligirtiy,,aveu t lis aide.- "IT ake your-iand-keuchlef su'ay,"sire or-dlred. "Dau'tbifoglkh.. yoü-for- get tit Iui a-.erti;geê- irie."- >H. raiged i is ed:kérchie anti ale Ipolceïd. fourn»mnet,-ut tihe long seau. He aegrew seulous., -- , - ' "Anotirer hsl4nchl," ah. mrnuured 1A déliîierate tternptut merder liteue, st Rnê-ecIock luntie -inotung1 tVs ParkUy' I canPt undersand ti l.) "WelbrI'v en udr lbAefore," ire ramauked., wsmilg. -- ý"G-eV lumt.my-,. eauet onceï,» simeci ýrecteci. !'Il rive you Vog.# eems'ýs IRD Pu 86ethnigon- that. You oýIenPt goa eut as ySu ara,, an&i it wil have hea.led, uP titmAn ua day or tvo.-* *H. 04Y"d at -once and sire drove off. "0fcouse- I' a lltbebewildered about Il atli' sire vent ou. "I su&'pe e yen ought to go te tire police sation. It was reall-y a daliberata attenmt at aesassiiratlen, vasu't itIf yo lad bec-".9 Sire piused and h. complated heu sentence vitir a -irnorous twinbdo in iris'eyes.- "If I hud been a person of import- ance, eh? Weil, _you- Se, aven I m-uat have bau u eohdy's way." (Te conitiuued.) Bircl CronLâ aie on. Land birds for frein land bori n u e!f thre -Ightstoe- b -'witneeaed, bypas- sengere - onboard thre -steanibcata eroesin Laire Iltgan, eayu 'the De- troit- Ne*& tThIs, W. saci te '%-6 es- pWialy 'tire CaWa th' ètaûbà%.s o! aUbne pyug'a'*e -Mhg n d, ChIcaga, à distanes' et 1060-tubae. Tire s teamboats salII obf,rdark. -- - A t *undowu the -sptas sd rlgg!ng o! the vesebs U' ÃŽthe'dock TÃ"fr-m 'good restlng- places - fou tire land- -birdu. Wiren danesa eomes snd tire bas begîn te -mo6ve - it lae- tee bat. for -tiren te- -go ashere. ---_ - t--le aaid 40 be no uncommon thmne !or- the --paseirger --te see astrangé s~it iat etwendaybreak- and uMm- rue.; Tire bti ae akngUpsd. find tirémîùetelvsbratà d ie frern Igud. -' Theydereeabout tire-bôat aùutîl thiy arel cornpélid ta -ret on, thea rigging, smre -e! -thein aaamlng mueir Pengèxed,,*hubê divmls. kothe, ient Oon-tnpv tu' e lbouhemrerg, or fiekêr'*Wg~l thé'hômpany, a welb as a.-sibeUtlIfttla a5pauc]Ker tiat Weked au'sy at ropesa nd. apars, a« ib -: ' *re >-Wré.kaïtrt hiraty -'ÃŽ9 iruba. .There u À'a-t !rieod breui".' Mistake Worth Money. of tire Bible reoentiy caeine nder tire auctIoueer's hammer. lu- London. One - Of!- tire -met remarkable is knevu as the "Bu]ýg-Bible.", 1n Ibis, tha context Oatie 9lst Psalrn rune! 'ýTiroiy'miait neot be' ufrayde for -eny big s -byr nigirt"'--"buggas,". lu ruediavaîlitmes, ' meuiing -algitmareai anai other terrera. - --- SAnetlrer curions example ln tira cal. lec tIn le tire "Treacle Bible."-lu viricir the passage, Jeremitair VIII. 22, reacis: 'Tirera 'le ne more triace-ut byleàd." Tireý !*Mulrderers! Bible. takes -1te titi. frm San -errer lu tir te transàlation o!, lmd. 'ersoe-XVL,- whtnai -uk tire e Autir- n?~re~, Cfl~laten;*bule a, curions MUflult -a't4Matltudia, "Ble Due sat-of BiMêc#W-baligkËo*u M'the Pace-maers"e- drtthnt an ~feù"edLias tte reeat bok, Sme1, a? , w «ov 4t, t~-a* quite mibdeuihfêtbiLtCleat it rellnrlary od.fhe ibbIdy- -oatwa the -'muh-tIoiî. f uimgUlet.t s ffre twludhesre ' vcIi ean pli' y-Mji ua4le a- o«napats Lnoruit -teti*'u'hté'àh1jétWoo. 7i L a ea has -failedà wi e a espj no.-' hifug buttat .t 1 th bWMW,,.W,,Ite cea"ty- ' ruie eqîep acojding tW -aeronautisets, Ilon ofmthe Oub and Orange rt-vers to ~ ~aA.$*hY e m~ jet~dg"~dg ~eethe monster If osbe ~n sntvdto atýh )'LU inà ts*te. .fft-*lt1:" têreâ of- the natives i- vq ,oueïè.ada mpt- d '" Yeý'fro th,- raw somethlng bla.ck, huge and sin, abet.h ete aW,- - Pme lvîýtatfofr 'I ai3t XIdbS wImmlng rapidly agalnýst thîe cur- t hé the i~yj IRaId e t. êLtà Iti ê rutre-fW wjéae9hr# na> Te on ite~r T!ohd -- The. Él17ester -ke 1 taetîbrnius o ne re Uiit*itbW d So&î-a Câkwk*f n*m ye-* iih4fa1 àj:Ëýrý0ntOknus1i-e bd n 4s& uoe q< il ~I h1 . É, of * t < tý et. Ã" P t 4o hir è wl.Water,1-)îW th'iéneèk-was PlinlY visible. ~* r~ % . ~ À ~ ~ ts iM U' s ? , e Mt < 0 5I ast10w T by t e aagle,," "The nionster rnay have been a very o un eé > t * a er c zi e t i é ia , f lkt ' Om m m ude r L a roW'Y', "at'-a d-1 - gi gantie p th o ;' it ! t as i wa ~ ~ t&t àsada f ooo n e~tb e d~ 1, aiê L 4tu'i O bi. u tu f uf n Incredible s1ze. This 1onster A ~ e & n e i h ~ d b w m e n u e w - l a d - o t h e r f- a t ) , o i hé - a & p Z i 4 W m a k n ,g 4 d r t 19,e a y ,h a v e l i v e d f o rûi d e s o e r * lio~ W ~ k~> ~ they' p 82f~IBd tab lesp o o n fu l cd sat,, a n d., on~e 1eapj b-g 1 a tlta Y #te siin ho r.- I i-ûCï mj ai1k on ~ y h n ~ o c i g i l i e h f w è ve ta le -< n * ~ ~ & ~ m ir $i fl le pô h T l jf Ii a .' ý1T -Ë en nx in w 4thk' u8 tk e b i d 'ge m ed sùb een sa Iâ 4ë hev-e- lted "that lo n g.- the ~ 'and deco~ated eari ~ ~~ b~t'three po'û don r-t ~(q~ttof âta ,stà dà t fl i ta t<! -wv és : 4-a *-e * tearhfnd hat àtsd1éU"-èi'tiO I the *'< d e'e ~ e l l> '; (e'wlthi~ <sl~e6 ïî One naturaliet considýer3sthat ihi miYtxBl t)ôtt sreeit d Te uiu -As- ona&îhis niitUrý6la col Jëedidas--thé sky an'lh dam t ~pretty eeftatn t-tiStat least ri nin ary, tal e, for exam pl, ýwas g twt , h enough (that il, when4 tin o loigu V t té '~ ~ an a b lt eltjIy iL at epro,- b r t h r w ti è p s ~ m a L ht.c i a l i s a i s i v r v r i , f e a h t - h a d a d t e Y è a t d u c ti o ù . u r e o f r e a à o n n g p o w e r , a ýýd 11(] -e .~ ~ Lte 4u rc!déntý7iithis reaticn t,:ît, 1 tede rmthe eCeiling,,hung iuèls- ami -thetLe-nouûgh Mûre flèur!-(proha1Ay "For, two minutes the bird practical-, occurred in bis owzifhcusrholcl.î toNs et imitatf< cilsam nWblh ae 1 &r~trecup) mléaI 1-i) oet-lg;au-emd A- crow. had been reap)turr- ,ivyt1he Th May tajblie w" deortd-with àla&eki'alsi1y'morkèd c4oughj --- to glide, except -evory tel» or -Iwelve - a~ ifl ial ~ uli ~ d fo d s ' nd g een ery - he te m eri t re of -th e;d ou gh , W h en s e n ds, wh en i 1 1-niad e a , v ery' s i1ght- o l d e u ! b o g t ~ l Riedii asd-gld-per heat-and--eeàt. temxn efrsesoI-eao~tadcie~~sr t-aij ô~>-~ They were rery- fond of -i.- thetble given -aveu t», FdobtzaY. Set -iný a waum place. (about 80 te 85 rvl etee-aýato ,ptc;t .Mlveür.pax>eu w-eddingheuh andi -les- or-moue, knockinig-the doughido"-and O -.ed mi-cvr nda an*w wre fralldI 1tecbns of, Wiiite -ibbo n *d of white tunnt the surfaceinde,, eVet, Itîm n uh oeta l , - e, È Oe< i ~ ~ ~ -c hour ýsooii dlisapp eared.4" -s ývntTbb.T t a b e " * t h * , , o u è ; ý - ê a é h e - . w i è i t ý n i t à l o t o u i - y l o o k e d a t w i t h e ;1 ~ y gywth - a~utuinn .f61iage,-sýunlâC, viume. 'he, d6augh shôuld be lcnoëked- * * *btmaeevaltt)- t- maplieà" ioak,-and ther r 'r 8 *fxfi wehofve timea Ùýaerdlg P. C. Corndl!, Pello orheRylTabbati acatn--py- iMde froni nots a sd fuito the ksnd of flewu sed :,nc1 ýthekend«Geographical Societ'y, Who reéeit yre-é dteco hdt eoi -lu the cenIre of eaehl table was a of býread desired. M lou-Id and-put lnto1turned té- ngland after spendt gem.- blrthdey cake, « dl yelk'w, pink, pans, anti allow te riseè for ab ý oe twenty yeaLrs îni -1ractically ufknowîif DLisappearing throug-_h tte orxn ~ ~r gxeeiv-tr wu#» n e of h 0f until -it h"n doubled It#-volume. fpar~ts o! Sîouth> Afrilca, is author of a be returned ina few inxntes '~a tW'kiôionth -ttemci on w t in'omelted Thia maltes 'approxlmately 5:ý pounds184tory about, an unknýowamoitter- tha'! long, htring that bad hec:] rt;-e.!ed ohnoIte.a device - te enablo -the of: breati. - - ----- had beenseen n-rthe-Greaýt Fallàa offrom niaiod î&weater. Ph c-i!1- - This ; rU- eet --ýo in -- * esec tables Al-night -pnewith &ry yeast.- the ~ b'r t-ia ine ei the floor, sonne littie distance in :- f réaMly. - - Soak a eake of -dry yeast i-ii, a Q aid feck ten feet bpng like-a bend- 1Cf the cat, he proceced w ----W - A pac ord'adesign cl-e-uinpýof--.ukéwarm (lt ô) matèu fert gteeInsezsth aiv te! as lie 'ad ee:à tt-becU1~"r'>-: ratge coiorby' un arthst e mber of !a4outtwenttminutes i-k ne quarû mida -hmuuder-wateèr. - Thre na- plavlng with Tabby. The '-,--t-- the b-a lald at ea*h pkwcé the (40 ounceSà) of water quite b6t to the tives cWtlI1t- "Kymian,"ý or tr ra updt ac h ~r - carde >f each table teins doooated and. To--this add two'roun4é& table. Th ing. tewGr a s o! cd ore ct y - thec diferently. 'For, example- for- April spoonfuls of lard or, othersfatj,:One LaÈ tMay Mr. Corneli, arecornpanied wantedl, and- hc, wii-ic.> t .. there, were. crociuse; for July, <Ian- heaping- teaspoSnfu1 of,-salt and Gue by-. twc>-'white, companiona, W. H. pounïced upon the CYt- - adian, flagwa; for Auguet, butteirflies; heaping teaspoonful oft ougaFr. Brown, andý N. B. Way OU capetown, tiew awaY -witIr it, hx~ T~c-,t for- November, chy'anthemums; for,*;Thon mix' in furle-vel- cpî et flur.] and three Hottentots, wentto the jUflO the euJyment cf t1ic Ù) December, ho-lly. - W'hen the mixture no lànger feels - The-waîàtresses-two a-tca-ch table- lot to the baud, add the yeast, -beatI woira costumes in keepiug wibh the tliorough-ly and set in a weirn place f rend or Two. [ Wben1. An Elepà'ia-;ý-th tibles -ut whièh they served.- For the overnight. The temperatur&-éhou1d be Tireres ail 1of pleasure and . al of peace) - c Tooth'ze spoing tables'-the costumes weregreeu bet*een 70 and 80 degrees F4hrenheit.j In a trienci ortwo: -- --a ýpale sa& -d fôr March, a darker * <Tire uext, morniug, (afterjaibout ten, And ail eour traubes, may find roilease FCW cv f us think eXcfeB.i s&ade for Apu1lai ýa deep-green trim- hots) mix in oee -level tablps'POCnful i-Wt a friend or-two; tetoi ce btte fc med Wi1th white for May. The aummer of saIt, oee level -tablespoonful et lt's In the grip of thée cIasping haird, caiJtivitv, and sarci let t wiairesees wore, blue, and white. Those sugar and sufficient fJout - m le a-O n tv ' rin ai n ln! ants know .it by litte rn aa1: t: who,-had ciaTge 1t tie autumn tal$es lkesy-wtcd dough %jproba-blY But tire. warld is made-do you under- toàeingne o! the heaci. were drewA d ,lu shatdes of y i w a -l a o t2W r 3- 'Imn d). -- ta d? N w co res- tie dîitf u!ty cf cv x ruset yUig-ircn plebuff to'a Mter knead.ing the mass sufflciently of a fr1enrd or two. thre bad tooth, extracted. The -: g»" b~ rown., 1UheWixtoe staff, woe te secura uniferrnt 1f shuidbeté- -creature iras ta ýbe thrown or tiît ,iite1 âM-$bose .tUie-Decembeî table inu-a- warm place (about 80 o 86~ de- A sang te sin .g a.nd a crust to ehare groird, andi he must be sLhackiB,-I té w~iiuon~m~-~~uI rangree t i. o e ~r'.I lhafin r~ - -four" stakes driven sa deeply irta tthe oce ~aer,~Lrtt~à ~?oi --verr 1itbt fad-ia desired, ' il ifthe 1 A èminhet_'ie t rift ba round that there .wifiIbe iro ch2acce W-~ he le aitrëàss ad'ýti rvd a-fibur ee-pl(eYed-be -zitalerfor muking 'Wltii -a friencb d>rtwo; fIerbig nbardb-sr~e suppr4fc1ceope fsalid- Po- uuch bren-cl, the dough;sh<uld 4e aikw- A. r'oad te -w-lk amfi aâýgoal to wln, during tire operation. tatae., hiittered relis , fit »ala, cake 0* to rise three or foùir-tiu*ôs te'double An' iflglàook t6 a i-eomtCrt Tie"jb i ffndoewith ahuge audi--cffea, tire cnteotainment commit-. its 'volume, being îzniocked, diowLn-aud Apipe te glce and a yarn tspin pair a! blackcnuith's pincers.. Atter tee divided thre guestitintêfossr grupa, thre surtfae te d ~i'ejecir tue. W1tAu a friand or two. theoperatlon mare tiare is tilcea up aecordng t. the eenon-apirq"gsur- - Lt mytircu be niouMedd- iaudil Ût into --by ýnshbk1ing- tireanimal andir-::~ mer, autumu or winter--Ùrivhieh tbey the 'pans.' - Hère it shêiuld 'ib- àlld*ýed A littie laug,,hter, perhaps cerne tears, Ingý the ~ae~~ -P weia boW'i-' Fach igroup waa asked t to t- rita ta double its-'vëoume 4l suaily Witfi a--frieud or two; - 'thre teeth ir feletants dj ler con- do smre etunt-'ta ueta tie o-about 'one h-aur).-bétore tbein tI.gâtd T#ié dlys, the -weeks, suad thre menthe sider#'bIy, tire, nal lon -thc im-ja!rs pany; "thre -wutresseý 1or the diffeÉrnt lu the oven.7 This maikes appr àiat- - -nd ySatra, ofe the, Africati animal being etyt-,, or- seeaaona actirg asoro pleade+.-£ ly 5% pouirds et breàd.Wth- frîen-d or two.-- six;ý--diamocnd-sirnped folds, wi-iie the -Tire'àtuts prové vrtal fund - A îale te' croés., aïd a liii ta climb, fa6rmatPion ý on those of tire anLn,ý 1trcmn et fun. Oua group aete.d out a-;difflcult- '-.Amc tae m era ne- saI oieilkx 'me - ~ charade that required considerable inw Servants iEternity Tire profo1lie-takes tilt of riyme ro-w rîbbouibands. - genuity on tire epa5t of -tir e atora andc Recea '"dikoWériês', igp have With a- friend or- two.-- Unlike aurselves, thr e han as smre elever thinking un tire part àethtie' d1i lose I criou biuiaI cuBt6àof1so!tire - -six or eseven nets of teetir ciurincg a lil- epêctat»rs., AnotbiierM«used-'threugh àbnclènt& aniong teÏos n àst ,- i, new tbobtfrelacn ir âd impromptu, o~aum tnîUtie perirap, belnýg à laige- numbek o! se r- 1ow Englihand * <ie-s e-n s-tw.-r aa- - andrýetaiorINiýMtWgduýg-ve an g-oupý,Merc- many o! us wisir we resembled tL,, and - âo~ - throughout - tiretwelve - mountis; aud a uf ficieut number etf tickets sirouMd bè rirarked with num- bersto' 'corres-pond. - ýAs soofi as a gucat .enrbes the dinin-g hall ire, an- naunces ii -birth mentir, ànd buys -a tickeèt for ýtta-table towhich-the acci- dent iof -birth asâigus him. - -mm Bread iÀke Mother Used te Make. Thél baer -wir6- u Êss-tlfre"ïauâd: "h-ome-made'ý on bis btead "preF.teos t- f-t 4hàt -it li-s eu - dI fficulh- te bt"tebread tiat Môtirervsed t -: make." -AilIu at t-~ is het goo&ti lufact, -heavy, seur bread- la commron te- rnayt-bernes evïen bhur firit rate fers are ueed. One ôfJ l gùUp dffitütiei 'lu nitakitit , inead l ordinary heom. le tiioae4- cf a -wunpué whera tire -dou r aù -b. -kept uta moderato sultable tam- pera*~e Wt~%e, muci '*variation- tirrougkout thetwbole Wperiod' ýof--r" meutkllon. Dr. (3&rlesilSg¶uders, tira Doiuinio> 'Cerealistr---iu Luletiu97, recomunebd ire-dntutif fa to, ie placdIn a vac*Iin *atuS r ute ess 1 ie zcinabl;àwe.t, nby bstu'en rnd~uaemiélitset tnamper-. 1 i ùt oil es comprssed yess Ïii o kmr Experuý&mt.-4ave. show.n that al- =Many dý>ugb can leSaufely ferment- ed 1*. irt, as risen tirre., tiume> o is net ncsry tov~gV Saundars, s~tcu tu MEN who wvork outdoors-ne ST ANUUMS -*Red' End, i - -~'- ~ - -4-'- -t' - - - t 4- it is a - lib,

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