R6v. 1Mr. 8hertt of Vancouve, i i.-_' ,oplel ollege, wSII preach in $t.! j 2i hi" honSundays October' 'On Octobei, 9th sevice wIU ho held Iu St. Paul'Church,4 one mle west of< Coi'umbusg. i ischr&h as alway8v been soerved by tii Brookhin mimater, burt for'some tUie bas--been cloaed. To observe tRe amvat Thanksgving 7 season, Rev. Irr. Wright, of Wbityp will preach a-3 o'clock. Movng e~rs b hogenerlher at presept. . e. ýWard wMllmove in the lieuse, vacated «by 1Mr., Mm. Smith; Mr. C.. Cross in Mrt.' Peer's house; Mr. John Pringle in the. Brown, l'Ouse on tii. avenue. The -suppty of lieuses ia vew mucli lower tban the demand, and ithis locality 'would be ani excellent -field for a builder.; 1 M"., Lilian Lowe bas gone te New1 -York city for a-vist. Mr. aud Mrs. Arthur Staff, of To- B8I9OOKLIN FLOUR; MILLS 'We ke.P the BEST BIREÂD FLOUR on hand Five Roses, PUrlty,>Relndeeri -ALSO-- MIARVEL PASTRY -FLOIJR- ONTARIO BRAN AND MIDOULNO. OAT CHOP AND CRUSHED OATS. Got'your supply uoww-hile the price is low. CEREALS 0F AIL KUNDS. Fail Whoat Wantede Hlghest Pirice'PaUde Brook! in Somo Interesting Bargaîns Mnl THIS WEEK' Men's Work Boots, Special, $3943 Men's Negligee Shirts, Sale Price, 1.19 Men'"s Sugpe'ders, Spc',29e Menls Colored H1andkerchiefs, 2 for 25e Men's Leather Work Gloves> on Sale, 35e MeW"s White Handkerchiefs, 2 for 25e W. M.- Lawrenice & Son GEPNERÂL MERCHANTS BROOKLUN, ONT. s:e Redemed Here Your K. &1 S. Coupon iii as good as cash to you, here, on the purchase of a K. & S. Tire. Take acivantage of this oppor- tunity to get K. & S.-Canada's leading quality tire-wel recomn- mend -them. 'Complete. Our -9ocki WJiýtby, Ont oùfl fora onf2anrneaLc pu], Swol bMwasPrincpalf Assistart Principal at- North Bay.- The congreggation ot Brookliluanud Columbnus Churdhes, held communion service he-re on Sunday morning last. Rtev. JL R. Fraser" paid a tpuching tribut. to the late Wnx Purves, et Columbhus, who was Cleit et the Ses- sion, aud whose Ùeatli took-plaee thel previeus Saturday.,1 The reguglar monthly xheetin cot-the Women'slustqtte will be heldin the CommuutY Hall on Wedueaday af- terneon, September 28th, at 3. o'clock. Subject taken hy Misas Dariîugton.- Music, Mrs. Wm. Hoiliday. Cemmu- nitY Siuging, Mrs. Huater. Roll Cal -Melps in the Laundry. Everybody> The annual Hsrvest Home of Brook- lin Methodist Chureli, held ou Sunday a"I Tuesday, ceuld net have been fav- eiped wlth mere fortultous circuinstan- ces. Tihe weather was neyer botter, despite threatenlng foreesV, the crewds were large sud the preceedinga most enjoyable, resulting in oon. o! the IuQst succesaful, harveet home occas- ions ever held by the churdli. On Suip- à ,daY, special services were held both mnoruIug sud- eveuing, when -the pastor Rkev. E. W. Rowland, preaehed. i sermons were particularly sulted te the occasioný, sud were much appreciated. Special music wss reudered by the choir at beth services. A pleasing feature lu the eveuing waa% a solo by Miss Stacey, ef Oshawa. very large congregatiens were present at both sr Ou Tuesday eveulug, a chlckeu sup. Der, served by the ladies in tIe base- ment of the church, drew snunuusuliy large crowd. The tables were laden with cold rosat clÃœckou, salads, cakes, Pies, sud'innumerable goed things, %nd th cerewd enJoyed them'te the. fullest Possible extent. The ladies were kept busy f rom 5 until nearly à o'clock be. fore ahl were served. Then the concert Iu the auditorium et the -churcb cern. menced, under the'* chairmaushlp o! Rcv. Mr. ' Rowland. The pregran was most enjoyable frem first te last. The Harmeny Maaonic Maie Quartet, ef Toronto, were lu fine fettlc, aud with their solos, duettsansd quartettes, pro- vided au evening of first-class whole- some entertaiumeut. Mr. J. B. Taylor, eue of the members 'o! the quart:ette, made a. hit lu his character sketches, aud. was geuerously sud deser,ý;edly en- cored. Miss Jackson, elecutiouist, who assisted lu the progran, rendereai 5ev. cral excellent readings, and wou yod.- ferous applause. The entire eveuiug's performance was unusually enjoyable, and greatly pleased the large crewd. The proceeds oethte Harvest Home un- dertakiug- were quite substau 'tial, and vcry gratifyiug te these who worked soe eergetically. 1, WANTED Young lady as telephone operator and to assist in store. W. M. Lawrence, Brooklin. SAfter an ilIness of many weeks the deatli occurred on Friday, at lier home, 146 Sirncoe Street North, Osh- awa, of Ethel May lDurrant, wife of Councilior George T. Morris, ut the age of 44 years. About 12 weeks ago deceased underwent qa serious opera- tion, from which, however, shé neyer recovered, and lier condition graduai- Iy grew worse until Friduy afiernoon at three o'chock, wlien she passed peacefully away. 8Bronoklin Farniers' Club MEETS FIRSTand TIIIRD WEDNESDÀY 0F EACH MONTH.,ý -KEEP UT IN MINDI1 SC.HGOL FAIRS will be concluded in Ontario County as follows: Greenbank . .. .. .Monday, Sept. 26 Scugog ......... Tuesday, Sept. 27 Manchester .... Wednesday, Sept. 28 Claremont ...... Tursday, Sept. 29 Brougham .... .. ..Friday, Sept. 30 Pickering..... .. ..Monday, Oct. 2 Whitby..... ...... Tuesday, Oct. 4 i. noIzwLAJIuoi Brooklil Uxbridge .. The Disney (St oi Phono 1082. "OrttÀo=ncati eat t tule patrons' aMd ie Llbrery are aaked to- tins of iriportauce on eptember 22iÃŽd. at 8 e'- Louij Chaniber. 'y ef Qnhabaang very riSunday evening un, the urch era et the LEpwortli Les- Sa cnceýL en Friday lay wlU be RaUy Day mu it Churcli. The is iau um- Ln the Sunday Schoel, and lanc* ià expected. ;the Principal, lias nov-, m'ers vi'eanesaiay Oct. 5 CLAREMONT ...Thursday, Oct. 6 Monday, October 10o Miss Lits Schnurr, Of Kitchener, la spending lier vacation with lier sister, Miss Adel Schnurr' sud Mra. Joshua Il . am. g~ Bundy.Mrs. Bundy- la 111, but is ui- umdulhimuflg oScproving. bud Di.,,) Mr. sud, Mrs. G. Widmcer Miller at- SHAWAtendeoà the tuneral of the late John SHAWAMurisen at Goodwoed on Sunday at- terneen. Deceased succurnbcd te pneu- -Nv soP EqUIpNt moula Friday moruiug the 16th. Pringle'S -Brooklln For Everything ln Patent -MNedicines, Drug -Sundries and Rubber Goodst DEVELOPING and PRINTINOG done to your utmost satisfaction. For C hronic Constipation, Indigestion, ILiver Trouble and Removing Poison from -thé Bt1ood, Tonic-" Guaranteed." FRESH CHOCOLATES Both ln BuIk and Package, always lni stock. 'Pr' Ingue's Bi»klIIý "Everythi ln I Patent Medicine,," Peupie WR: i e ieyreci y cev. CU. W. King aud ethers. - A service hyuu aheet with select respongiv rea¶lings wiIb"used. Àl old uxêmbers et the achol, pr~nt ' d'trendÉ bave a1 cordial invita;tion te attend. Seheel session with the usual leson at 9M3 ~and the serviçes ut 10-30 a.m. snd 7' p.M. Çome and encourage the yeung- foik i the good work. Lyman Plkey and We returned on Mcuiday frein a week-end trip te- StratbrY. T e Claren rinka visite'd the Uxbridge bowling green- on Monday atternoon, returning with a score in. their taver of thirteen Ehets.,, Ira Beyer visited Teronto trienda for. s fewdays. Some mnucli needed telepho ne cable and other repairs with impzovements at central are, under way lu and a- round Clarement. Win. Gourly, et South Clareniont, lias been 'under thé,weather for seme Jovial Young peeple, fifty strong, et the Whitby B.Y.P.U. visitedstii. local Union Iasf Monday eèvening, gave au excellent-,progran et muisic, readings, theevnig cesngwih an informal social- thio and'-reteshmlleuts servedt by the Olarement.youn g peple There was a good gà ùe etfpîailor basebfl ê' whcite~ilors proved te b.e clevr pety batters, the à seôre, ho*- 'Prorsutigluy tet lree li.-tà ventge oa~ There we re a nuru- ber et clever-lits on both'i sdes and seme geod "iead werk," 'a teature pe- culiar te this indoor game.' Iu a mus- ical ýchair contest twe et tI*thevisitora hÃeld the winýnng seats. Everybody prenueed it a tlieroughly enjoyable and successtul eng Mira. Clous'on aud sen, ef Rochester," have been vlaiting the tormer'a. daugliter, Mirs. John Quinn. Mir. and Mrs. Earl Batty have mev- ed ente wliat was formerly Mr. John Duff's farin. They are being welcom- e othe neighbonhood. Mr.~ Henry Derby, who las beeu In- disposed for ceme time, la able te be around agaiu. Mr. Henry Wilson bas returned af- ter spending a week with lis brother, Mr. C. Wilson, of London., Miss Jean Fisher left hast week for New York. Special preparations -are being made in the Sunday Sdliooi for the annual ]Ralhy-service next Suuday. ALMONDS. Rally -Sunday is being observed in the Sunday Sdliool session on udy SÈpternber 25th. Sudy Miss Marion Richiardson is -attend- ing the. O.L.C. at Whitby. Miss Li-ly Willis is- spending, a c6uüph.e of weeks -with relativés in To- ronte. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ashby and Mr. and Mrs.-W. Dinginan, of Oshawa, vis- ited on Sunday with friends in Bal- sain. Mr. and Mrs. F. Draper and family visited on Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs. W. Draper, of Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, of Sohina, Mts. P. Mathison, of Wbitby, and Mir. aitd Mrs. T. Osborne, rnotored te Cher- rywood à ýnd visited with Mr. and Mrs. Summerville recenthy. Mr. and Mrs. Gale and farnily vis- ited with the latter's parents in Dar- lington. Nzv1~OKLADP.Q. sein 1919, Iwu. t&okeiwith Bronchja, daslsm and no;OnO :knows what I muffered with t ,during the winter. Iq beahavin8 CIkinÊ Spels-gasping for breath and coiild flot speak. i would have one7cf these bad spelia ln the oveu'ing, orne during the niglits andone ln-the mrlg The dootor nigd ho oould do.nçthlnýg for mue.' '«]n the spring of 192,, I qar~ted gauing -Fnt-_a-ýs and in a few days, the ehokig Spelia Stopped, and 1 ýhave had aonp 4ýce May 7th, 192. 1 have no wagted- to tell other sufferers who hAYP th6 sa"me trouble about "Frut-a-tÂTeS" for I know how they Must suifer. Somne thought the Aithina would core back on me pa winter came ong bi9t it lias notthanka to <'Frruita Me. a box, 6 for $25, trial size,2. At 'dealers or sent postpaid by, Pruit-a-tives Llzrnted, Ottawa. The deoeased was a daughter of the late Wililam Durrant, for many years well known in Brooklin, and to not a few in Oshawa. The farnily came to Oshawa over 25 years ago, and de- ceased had resided here ever since. She was a member of Simcoe Street Methodist Churcli, and before lier marriage s~ang in the choir of the old Metcalfe St. Church. Deceased was well known and'he-id in the highest esteem by lier wide circle of friends, to wliom the news of her death has corne with sincere regret. 0f a briglit and cheerful disposition the late Mr. Morris endeared herseif to ail with whom she came in contact, and in the home particularly she xiil be great- ly missed. Besides her sorrowing husband, de- ceased leaves two daughVers, Lila and Gladys, both at home, and one brotli- eiý, Mr. W. 0. Durrant, also of Osli- awa, to ail of whom the heartfelt sympathy of the commnunity goes out in their hour of'trial-Reformer. Deceased is a sister-in-law of Mrs. A. C. .ElUtt, anda .wëel kuowa inl Brooklih, wliere 'sh ehd.féun visited. hdfeunl THORNTON'S CORNERS We have seen a littie of Jack Frost lately. May lie make lis visits few and far between for a while ut Iéast-. The election of officers for the Sun- day School for the coming year took Place last Monday night. Resuits are as follows:- Supt.-Mr. H. Dearborm. Asst. Supt.-Mr. A. Dean. Sec.-Treas.-Mr. Eli Pascoe. Pianist-wMiss Olive French. Asst. Pianist-Miss Leta Pascoe. Supt. Missionary Dept.-H. Lick. Supt. Home Dept.-Miss M. Reeson. Supt. Cradie Roll Dept.-Miss Ol- ive Frenchi.- Trustees-Mr. I. II-uggins, Mr. R. Lick and Mr. A. Robinson. Auditors-Mr. W. Pierson and Mr. W. McClure. Mr. L. Farewell visited this week- with his sister, Mrs. F. E. French. Dr. and Mrs. Pugh,,Of Boston, vis- ited hast week witli Mr. and Mrs. For- sythe . Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Robinsnvis- NEW GLASS FACTORY FOR. OSHIAWA. Feldspar Giass Ltd., an American ,cornpany, witli headquarters at. To-1 ledo, Ohio, wiii erect a factery ,lu Oshawa, negotiations by -the cern- pany's representative, W. T. Symons, having been practl.cahly completed asat week. It us understeod tîat property bas, been purclased tihrugî Mir. M.C. Rose, nertli of the Sprng sud AxIe Wor'ksa, dtbat work will start soon -,ou the tactory. Mir. Ros e bas been in- strumental lu bringiug the compauy's representatives te Oshawa, carryîug on a- great ùertion ef the negetiatioeus. A special meeting of the Town Councll was called for asat Thursday eveuiug te cousider matters lin- nection wlth thie p?ý*oede induatry, .when, instead'of- passiug a by-law aslug tIe people te approve et a fix- ed assesment fer ton years for the, Tjnexcelled dining car servîce Sleeping c ars on * ¶1t trains anid parlor carson princip Jday-tiýan. FaUJ information from any Grand Trunk Ticket A&nent t oC. E.Horn- 'and Disri a sC ng Ag n, o r e t . - o - Be rational Patroni ze the Caxuilan National J.i). FLUK:ER, Agent Whitby. Phjone 6ý get OIdRag. RbbssSem'p tront tell') M o.imm to get rid of. Lne 2.Whlthy hibm Yodu I r ving IATSN TOUR CAR FOR IAKPOINTS. SERVICIE %onsut us about knocks and grinds,rthe steering and brakes,,the electrie systein and power plant- in genieral. Have Skilled Mechanl!cs repair yu r car.,_ Our accessorieis and parts are the best and are care- fully 1inpected before being assembled ini your car. We have them.~ Cali and se. Guaranteed Tires of the best makis, Rose Tire IPumpe, Johnston Clear Ray - Reflec- tors,-Gasoljne and Oil; Try our Varocity True Grease for Transmission and G.eare. Weil DAVIDUON, v ffIllhIà q 'rop. PR0FES8I0NÂ CÂRD8- Barrister, County Crowu Attorney and County Soic-itor. Office, South Wing Ct-. House, Whitby Barrister, Solicitor, lNotary Public etc. Office, Brock St., Opp. Stanar Bank. Money to Loan.- W. IL Barrister, Solicitor-i the Supreme Court, Notary Conveyancér, etc. WHITBYt ONT. Office-Dundas Street one door west of Post Office DR, R. T. MacLAREl Residence and Office' Cor. Breck sud Mary Streets, Whitby *Dr. D.,B. Neely. IPHYSICL&K and SURGEON Houer Graduate Untversiy ofetTormte PoSt-Graduate Londqfi-Ear, Nom, snd Throat ore nessd nesideuce: Juut- Eat othei 8tandard Bank Téeepone 122. WHITBY, Ont Graduabe of the Royal Cellege of Dental Surgeons sud University ot Toronto. ,-Office over Murdoch's Con- fectionery Store. Office heurs, 9 te" 12; 1- to 5.30. Bell ýPhoge.220.4ad » auf IL .l uuoaD .8, L.8 132 Carlton ýStreet- TORONTO Phone North 5316 a. W. 8 "48.0A>SILDA Bell Phono 294. md. Phione il Office over, Ain's Drug Store. HIours--9 te 12 am.; te 5.30 .= Isser of Marriage licanu Corner Drut Store, Wh#tby No witnesses requlre&' W~lMAW LIONSD AiOIOWE*AND Anl kMnd&of salesom plyatM i te. Aragmnsfor ms ales i =ade at the Gette Q$fce> Term WH 'aITBY. NT. fT-onesand invigorates ttwe pevous system. inakes ew loo Mmiod Veanud &o%"Narvoe '&oreceip01oprkq. New' pampffl apil SEE ME ABGUTlý'YOUR EYES at As H. Ain's Orfil Store Tussiays ,_c.tobar 4 F. -Es Like, 9 A dOtilaiîý 167 Yoege st, (upstaI) ToRoNTo. Th trademr.uapdl . o Jecs n tiie heWflu Read These A BC Ru1s A&bout Batteries Adjustment and oiling mako your bearings last longer- proper inflation and careful driving make your tires last longer-cleaning makes your spark plugs serve longer and better. It is worth re- membering that there are rules just as simple for mak- ing your battery last lon4w and serve more faithfully. Here are threcrulesin AB C foutu: 1-Put li water regularly and keep up the charge. 2--Corne lu every two weekrs for battery service. 3--And wheu your preseut bat- tery wears out, buy.a Willard Threaded Rubbeç Battery- the only battery with Threaded Rubber Insulation between the plates. There la ouly one battery good enougli for us te back by Our unqualificd reconeudation - that's the Willard' Threaded Rubber Battery. Corne iu--and -we'll show you sorne records it bas rnade riglit hem. ONTARIO BATTERY SERVICE, STATION. Phone 925 Whltby RepresentauIveS: CENTRAIL GÀ!t&'E attende4 week after spending seme tirne with bhis brother iu Toronto. Mrs. Annie Emerson, of Toronto, is visiting with lier parents, John and Mirs. Adamson. K. Beelby hus been off work for tlie Iast week, but is able te be around again. Pegg is assisting R. M. Tipper, District Agricultural Representative, at the varieus sdliool fairs for the next few weeks. Re,. Bunner, wife and son, Ewart, aud daughter, Helen, spent hast week on- a motor trip vigiting' frieuda lu the eastern counties. The syrnpatliy of the cernmuuity is exteuded te Mrs. Sylvester Mackey and family iu the deatli et Sylvester Mackey early hast Sunday rnerning. Mr. Mackey was oeeoe the oldest residents of the Townslip, and a rn respected by ail. MYRTLE STATION The dispersion- sale held by Jehunston & Parrott ou Menday was well attend- ed. The crowd arrived quite l -ate,,ew- iug to the busy seasen; aud au'ctioneer, Wm. Maw, ol Whltby, had te sel.i very rapidly in order te, finish up before dark. The sale lasted tour heurs, aud made a totai of about $4,500. Cook'uCotton R94t Compoun. uuiu Uf1 ~1 you May wish etedpa oin oît 0-~rie aMhletre A ,- 4; m nIHE ÇOOK *WCINE col. iGnare aur1 nou.L'SOIj Chà s. Wlson, For Th-e * I. 'tif .. 1 Ili 1 . 1 Church Stre'et osh-awal