Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Aug 1921, p. 1

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Poles Must lie Movof Ce i for New Pavement )dlu ad Opticien te 184 m it Cord, Dellyered4 OQD SLABS MO per Cord.' ass moahania, who exten~sive expeni- have charge of the. ýok. CArs taken 1 Qverhauled* Rate than usual. A LARSI UOVINC VAN. iON! TO AMY DI&TA#CE. lui & 888 4aU, 14 or 74- Toma. and Charle S ts..TcOlo la notedvthroui grade wor%. V' arrane 4Ã" eut -openlngAuguu positidua recei and $2,700 per ROOJ SHEET 1 AU kinds of gusvelp sMate a -siMl prIUB. Phone 248 Ihv Rdge LOI, ~ atm"damd Ram Soranto W. have tho 80 STOVJ - O&AU o %p4bm 'n<u un11Plions9 phm u.pkmB OtL »ICT -MuIOT giout Catnada for higi niessurcinets lu the malter. Two of Vnto for catalogue and lie residents, afected, Messrs. C. A. ont ah aur Fail Tenm, McClellan sud Robent Noble, did ual it 2th.Wé avefiled vant the walk, wvile,_lie aIliers did. t 20h. W hav f he i praperties of thase gentlemen itly i $150 a Mntuh bcing situstcd a.i1 -tle souti and annum. nati ends of tic block lu question, CLLIAoaT9 PinipMn. Burns sùggeslled tint a, walk be laid from the southh cxtrex»iy of Mn. Noble's prapenly la tic sa'ýtih extreni- - lity of -Penny Joh.nstou's prapcnty, sud M G AND, hiat a -enssing be laid aI Mn. John- UITAL WORK stn'sproperty. This would satisfy ro fn oefi ni1wauld save -tic towu $158 aven tie . oft d1ï6-ý1tandcast of canstructhîg' tic full .block. Md tilt- biSPut POO-- Hee put ils suggestion imb tic fanm -. of au amndment ta lie repart. s. z.GASOOGNE, Mayor Harper conlendcd tint il port Whihby wss wrong lu principle ta lay ouly sections of walk as suggcsted by Mn. <- Burns. Lu othen places lu lown wienc, certain residents iad appcal'ed a- gainsl a wvalk, il xvas laid nevertie- No. Mliless, as long as a majority of tie ownens wanted il. LHc coulended liai Wh ~vtalay tic walk as fan norti. as Mn. ý y Nobl's pnapcrty, wllhout giviug an j k ý 1 outlct ta MAry Street on acnoss Pine r Lodg. Boom ove lb. street, excêpl down at lie souti end k secod Wednesdy of- of tie section pnaposcd ta be laid, Vidag bretbua ÏWe- was uuwise, sud would give a venî pon appearante ta lic block. The F. W. Normu, Rea. Sée.. - saving effecbed by uot layiug lie walk y. . wit~y1past Mn. McClella's propcrty wouic be only $83. Mn., Noble, lie said, was quite williig ta lhave lie walk laid jpast his pnopcrty if Il is laid lie full il " alne t legihof the block. 0C alD P î Chaima Maw, of tic Streels Cm bes coul MINED . Ul miltec, said luis block of walk was advcrtised ta be laid .oaly this year. Tien lie pnaperty owners appealed a SIZE O TNUTP againsl it and il was. cul off. Later, AND PEA witi lie exception of Messns. MeClel. 9G COAL &lWay&In lau sud Noble, thiy askcd for it agai]i S wmnal cul undroer su ad so he instnucted Conînaclon IR. MA Ob ,weth.rsa1180d Id Devenoîl lasI week bo go aicad wl Mou WeIU ummed &t lhe wark. Mn. McClellan had abject. ________ d sa streuuisly, liaI he decided ti ~yhave lie malter finally sellled by th( U, igiIli WHM Council. Pcrsoually lic favoned cour lfyplcting lie block. ~,. wP~eU'aph Mn.-Beecnoft seconded Mn. Burne SOM Pk 4amncdment. lHe liougi thie savinu Hom Plons14 o be made- was word' while, thoug] fromithie slandpoiul of appcarauc oq i. GON thie walk should probably, be laid tIl ~ounuiog~ suyqor Messrs. Keuuy sud Goodfellow bot] thougitthlaI if Mn. Noble is agree to 184 W. IL sm ld able ho having thie walk laid, tie:i [8iurvuetcfP<,1Pa" could be no fnithcr obJechion te con b dm7 or algb.2U8 . plehting the- block wiile tic worki iIîby ,bemg donc, as thieather plan suggest ed by lie ameudment would be n better d'au if *a cnossing wene put:i front of ecd houas sud d'e walk no fflV BONDS laid at an. wstacu i am! am, »W ýWhen avt utknte mn ip, uuusm ui of th. Streets Cmit * MI 108SUL- passed. 1181LIAI £UâMD. Early CboglugBY.Làw Amended., &gî g amnending thie "Early Clesing B] 1. ob* la"1,aslikiug outthe words "l have -sîgued lie said petilionY»1 -,ornltUy passed iu 1918, lie by-là *<>RWjqq e.9 . -So. oiglng merchauts ,la closeth *~* SUMON. Places of business "ah 8 p.m. dally e RINARY ceptSaturdays, suad On days befc: hoday, appied only teretalme u.ait ~g ~chants.,Who had - algned thé peli .. N.d..ldTiere lhave been mauy changes ilu t te ps prsonnel etthie business men, du f» îe lIngte past *tiree yeanu, sud Il w Md biepm"P» Cniudo ae in Beaverloi Villag WARDBN'S PICNIC ON SHORES OF LARE-SIMCOE, Eighteen of thc twcnty-ftve nfeumbers of the Ontario Couuty Council attend- ed the special session held at Bcavertozu last. Thursday, when business and pleasur e were- comblned to au extkeît that made the- occasion a maost enjoy- able ane. Ingidcntaily d'e Councillors from the sond' had the opportunity of tlsflng_-d'e good, roads dit the. County, au ail neotored t te 'Iortheru town, and. the verdict seemed to be d'at Supt. D. J. Rean had brougit the County Good Roade System te a high degree ef perfection. By-laws were ýpassed authorl4ng, d'e Wardon, and County Treasurer to berrow. #$120,000 for the construction ,o! hig-hways, and» $100,O0 for ordinary, county expenditurea until the receipt o! the 1921 tàxes. Reeve John Ross, of d'e Township of Thorah, asked d'e Council tô eonsider d'e taking over as a caunty road a por- tion 0 f a raad in d'e Township o! Thorah ta connect uip with Victoria CountVy. The malter, wblch has beeui up befone, and has been consldered'by the Adviisory Baard, wa.s laid. over for further cansideration. Reeve F. H. Richa.rdson, of-Pickering ~ownship, was- unsuccessful In having quashed a by-law passed at tic June Fsessions grautlng te d'e Town o! Osh- utIawa P,500, the equlvalent of a lhait minn fth i4 it vI, +0V ,'o+nfévp h 4n. Re-Opening Y, AUGUST 4,1U2 AWordiironi Studeut i al, Sumumer Sehool- WERE LARGlELY .J Before ieaving Wliitby ýit seems - I eetthat the stujdents of l the sum- the h mer sehool should thank the citizens .After being in t'0 a thde dec- of the town for h ecm ie orators fortthree w 1 e baptitj them, when we came hereiasstran-1 Church, newly renova redecor- Fers.'ý Thouli we met only a smal ated, wa.s opened again $,4 Ume on Sun- percentage of the people, wç know day laat, when the eo1~igtions t that the courtesy théy have l shown us both morhing and emtng se=v~é expresses the sentiment of' al, and i were quite large. we. heartily .&ppreciate their kindness. The auditorium of tf uc r- Aithougli the Agrcultural Summeri sents a greatly iumproY ea ce. Sehool has, almost completed its third The oeîlllgý and w13 r* e . terni here, there may be àome who dee orated lu11 ereani Town, > tbOe are net very, fai!iar witli its aiu and floors have teen Pantre course of study. For d'e benellt of varntihed, and the asur vered with those, thon, and that the stu4ents may new matting aud tlie Iýt platform have -a meinorial te look baq* fô when. with, new,_carpet. Ir, àition the atuûent days an edôue, we là îôud like lrgbti ng, syste Mhas b entlrlre-te brièily outllue the histoki-j'If-the newed. The buildlig.w* rewlred, and term. . the -auditorium Is not,ýhted by four *OuT motive iu comIng here is te iu- large white globes of, ÃŽeSome deslign. Crease Our knowledge 8a that when Jas. Brooks, the decoratbi, and F. Lau- we transfer it ta the children whom it don, the eélectrician, l»ivo bath doue is Our privilege to teach, we may mn-, their work well, and die members or culcate in them a love of agricultural the Baptist- ChurchnOWbhave an audit- Pursuits tbiat will ýmake theni able ta orium of which they Ma.y be iustly resist d'e lure of city llfé-The course proud 15 divided into several subjects ecd Mr. B. W. Armstron~g, the pastor, of which is of real practical value on preaéhed at bath servie0s an Sunday. t he fanm. Mr. -Davies, of Renfrew The choir was assisted-b~y several slng- Callegiate;Institute, is aur Principal, ,ers tram other choirm in town, and Hie deals with the subjects of ?poujtry, speclal music was rend6itd at each ser- Agricutlural Physics lu the Second vice. The congregatiens were very ap- Year, anvd Gardening. Mn. Short, of preclative of the efforts ýo! the church Swansea, Public Sehoal, Toronta, lu redecorating ansu ,xch favorable teaches Floriculture, Horticulture, comment waa heard. Bee-Kceping, aud Dairying.. Mr. Ad- Splendid- Concert. anis, of Beamsville Higflx Scio-ol, is Our instriirt<r in AL oe,ulturl v,volm COIJNCIL CONSIDERS WRAT IS TO.BE DONE. An important rmalter lun'connection wîth the laying of the new ýpavementf on Dundas Stre'et was before d'eq Tow* Council at its n egular- meeting I oýa,"uesday evcniug. The engineer ini charge of the -work te be doue by the Warren Paving Co. had subnitted a listf of the pales carrying- electrîcj po1wer wircs that would havet e hoi imoved back if the uew pavement isi vto be laid exactly lu d'e centre of-the1 street and free from pales. If -no poles -are moved. back,- it wil ho ne-i cessany te lay the pavement uearly1 two feet out.of centre. Mn. Burns thouglit4it would be un- 1 Wise to lay d'epa've'etout of Su-j tro for the sake of saviug the $100 or4 $200'it would cost ta move back tcer-1 tain paies. Re suggested that a de- 1 cisien be made at once as te wlat should b. done, sud d'e wark starbed - at once. 1 f Mayor Harper also thougit it -would' be-best ta have tiepavemnent Iu d'e centre af the roae, if il- were humanly - possible, but some of the pales carry high tenswion wires, u these are now as close te, the trees as. they should be. Re asked- Supt. G. W. P. Eveny of the, Public Utilhty Commission ta explain matters ta the Council. Mr. Every said that the entire sup-- ly of power for d'o towu cames into Whty from theeca.st over this pole line. Two, years ago the -trees had been trimmneito-give good'clearance, and since tien littie trouble had ben experienced. Hie was very muci op- p5sed ta movlug the wires any nearer ta- the trees, because a heavy noti wi-dor an. ice stan liu tic winter- would- bring. the trees into. contact witi the wires sud cause -no end of trouble. Tic only other suggestion liecould make was to put hi a new line of pales that would carry tic wures hîgi over tic- top of thé trees, or else sacrifice tic trees whene ne- cessary. The Cauncil were unanimous in the opinion that the pavement ougit ta bc laid cxactly iu tic centre of tic street, but tiat tic fine trees whici line tie street siauld be prescrved as muci as passible. It was finally de- cicied that a conférence be arrang- cd between -tie Town Engincer iu charge of thc paviug work for tic town, and Supt. Every, aud tiat ti'ey report- t le-Council as soon as pos- sible as ta ways and means of aver- coming tic difficulty preseutec2. t is desired iat tic pavement shall be uuabtnuoed y any pales on posta aI aiiy kind. Tic Streets Committee repart had a conteutiaus clause, which elicited saine argumeut~. Thte recomîmend- atian was, ta the effect tiat a cepnt sidewalk bc laid an -tie west sid.e of Pine street frani Dundas ta Mary Streets, as advertiscd. Mn. urussak lie 'd1Akeýn san y-e APvle!lan»w. xede aMoInlyre, o! Toronto, sud lins. James, Neely liaisccuned tho pnopertY îateîY ly oeo hnswsetne oport Hope. occuipled by Mr. T. G. Valeher, Who la ,ho Rleeve Walle, of Beaverton, for arraIZ- _____ _me-ving 10 New york, sud deslred ne- AsB lng tQn d'e accommodatioOf. thle base. Dr.- Neoly Willdevelep is sur- 1W Council lu Beaventon, sud aise ta d'e Mn. C. Treliving wile engaged ge n l de two . westerly nooma trfrm eir ladies of Beavorton wiOr helPed te .Pro- do'mg somne painting ah tice double enly used by Mn. TIPPer ton offies while ex- vide the 03111 iauso nati cf lie C.P.R. on Brook d'e Ontario Governmeutioccupied this )re - Warden .T omPn psot 81WUthais e ti '-Street, owued by Messrs. Vanstone historie residence for"tbe nepresenta- er- clilent o!iliberal. praise ;ôon ikld- sund R r sustained. bad- bruises live of th. DepI. of Agriculture. 011. nu lu lende ring thd'e ie. o~ne day la=tweek .wien, tie iadder on An entrance ta 'e Surgery wM Ibe 10 Adjournment Wa8 33154 until Tt"'e- whiciho was standing broke. Mr. made tirougi the soulhienly 4dor at ur- day, November 22nd, wlien the -«0eg Tnelivlug was painfully brulsed about the West end. Dr. and lUrn.Noely and MO lar s>eea1 NovembeGr OinnVUI t he headaud was laid up for a ew Master WaIlace are s"7ylÃœ9gat lie ROY- Open.day."-Ho la now xecvernsugrapidly. ai until hem ftunniture arrives C G.OODYKlww & Box, Ptiblshers Maun drs0ll H ardw ar e Ofleuu1110theaopeat. Always 111e Bout. COOK STOVES ANO REPAIRS, Now is a gond time to look over your Cook. Stovo or Heater aiid let un order a- reairewisii either may ueed. that, Q uick service is what has made our store 80o popular. -Tihe next time you wÃŽaut anything in the lino of hardware, phono 25. Fred D.. Maundrel. PlOns 38 -(Sucessor to W. a. Priam> P. 0. Box 4M0 Gooda dellvered to ail parts or the~ towa. Unlte.d' Grocers ofOntarlo SPECýIALS -for FR'IDAY'and-- SATIJRDAY onFy il lbs* Grauulatod on Yeiiow Sugar, Aspanagus Tips, par lin,- Tiger Salmon, tails, 35o a tin -or 3 for Tiger Calsujp, quart boIlles,- 1l oz. package Seodicus Raisins,' $100 32c $100 28c - 25c E. M. DEVERELL Phorno 199 A4 -T. Lawler, WHITBV, ONT. - rocer FRESH FRUlITS and -VEGETABLES The Best - Line of FREIIGROCERIES Always on Iiand. A. - T. LAWLER Phone 47 GROCER WH#TBV ýroveenet o aportion ofSineoe St usa.eeigde hrh alisîry, Physies lu lie "First Year, sud Noti, under the Higiways Imprave- filcd la capaclty for the doncert given Weather. Mr. Anderson, of Brock- ment Act. by the chair, assistcd byr members o! ville Collegiate Institute, teacies Bat- - Iu support o! a resolulion ta quash the chairs o! tic other tawn churches. auy sud Trees. Mr. Haiferd, of Lau- d'e,,by-law Reeve Richardsan contend- About torty voices comprlscd- lhe en- dan Normnal School, takes Eutomnolagy - cd liaI whcn a !ew years ago the re was larged chair, and Iha concert given dur- sud Bacterialogy.' Mr. Tipper, Dis- an agitation lu Oshawa ta separate ing the evenlng was o! an exception- trict Represcutative lu Ontario Ca un- ally enjayabie character,. Thc prograni ty-, has n is share of tic wqrk, tram tie counly thc town, under r*pec- was. a! a vanicd nature, canslstlng of Field aud Animal Husbaudry.Isi lal leglslation of. lhe provincial legis- is eti n oa useadrad ate, ut as alaut lature, Oshawa was grantcd a fixed as- 1Isrmna n-oa ut n eâ oteqiea akt er h scssmcnt for five years, and liaI il was onu i hi edrdacou Onie f tie subjects tiat make up undrstod I tdtlim liI l vîw , Canada" as tic first number, sud con- tie course lu Agriculture witiout this specil concessionf, Oshawa would cludcd the concert with an antheni, going marc dceply jut a ccionc? not participate lu county road grauts. "Send Out Thy Ligi.t." The prograrn, In Tic course cammenced on July 5, Ho eaonlended Ihat athen places lu th order of sequence of n unbers, was as wien we werc velcomed icre by 11ev. I coüywr py -wcesmc sfollows: - Mn. Farewell, Principal of tic Ladies' cOshaywe fr e aglwcunts mmci es Chorus. "0 Canada"-Tie Chair. Collegc; Dr. McGillivray, sud Col. ans haa for geucrl oftiht purposs Pi-ano Solo, "Nanwc gian Bridal Song" Farewcll. We were aise introduced ual enlitled ta any special grant. Reeve -Miss Hazel Keuny.- - ta tic members of tic staff, wio, in Richardson admitted d'e grsut was-Vocal Solo, "Ill Sing ta You"-Miss brief speeches;,rnentioncdý their ne- pertectîy legal. -Fcrni Henderson. spective hunes of work. The first im- Reee icery o Ohaa, îgras- Reading, "Sanders MeLachan's pressions wcre pleasant aud lasting, Iy replled te Ticeve Richardson by stat- Courlsiip,"ý-Miss M. Slecp. sud wc Soon leanned tiat, thougi tic ingtit shwaha rell sffre a Corn et Solo, "I Eleard tic Valce of said staff iad s vcry disagreeable iardship ratier han a benefit tram the Jesus Say'-Mr. E. W. Evans. habit of mnaking examinations ratier fixd aseemen. hev Vîker pont.t'Piano Duel, "'Neati tic Siadows"- far-rcaching, lhey were good s'ports ed ouIt hat tic by-law.lu question-wa Miss Chanice, Jeffnies aud Master Claude lu work sud pîay. passed under no veil o! sccrecy, but Jeffnies. rTic visits made us by those inter- nigl. >it 'u oencoucilsu Il~ii IVialin Sala, "Legend"y-Mr. Ewart ested iu aur work were au important- -passcd unsnimousiY'< ounhlanda las er arruthers. , art of aur education here. Presi- passe&,00 lnnmu lalie cOuhwaly for od ocal Sio, l'<AveMaa'Rr W. D. dent Reyuolds, of tic Ontario Agri- roads and reéeived uothiig lun eturu,lDyYkes. cultural College, àt Guelph, was aur whilé ail other municipalities wcrc ne- Piano Solo, "Prelude Îà 0 Sharp firat vi-qitèr, In hus address hie gave- ceiving thein hait miii rate. -Wiiy minor"-Mr. Julian Beecrafl. us s broader and more euligilencd siould Oshawa be disenimiualedý Vocal Sala, "Roses"-Mýiss Kathleen vision of lhe field of labor liat is agaus? eev Vckrysai tatti Nicholson. - ours. Dr. Daudeno, Inspector of Ag- roan t? beereaicred wlth th county Reading "Fniday Bargalu Day"- iculure Classes in tiec'Province, I gan ws ppovd f y iciiiwysMiss M. Sleep. spent part of a- day with us. His as- g-nt asaprueery h hgwa Vocal Duett, "Barcarol&'-Mýis5 E vaI surauce of sympatietie understanding eniner sidthtBell amd Mr. W. D. Dykes. of aur ciiff iculti es sud kind, proff er of Deputy Ileeve McBrady,sadla Antieni, "Send Out Thy Ligt"- assistance -at any lime w ere ,nasî en- Oshawa was lie main coRtributor ta Choir. couragiug. Miss Dixon, a represeut- tie couuly. The grant iu question was Mr. Armstrong, Nyho aýcted as chair- alive of lie Columbia Grafanola la add ta a piece of road sud prolect -manngaeu niteetn n whatwas iera Mn.McBrdy sld l a n, bricfly thauked thase lu lie sud- orpygvusaiîestgsd wha wa thre.Mr Merad sad tatience for ticir atteudanCe, and said1 instructive tlk on lie many uses of he would be ashamed ta ask anyliing liaI lie people of tic churci appreciat- tie Grafanola in sch8ol. This, per- for Osiawa If lie town was ual cntiled cd tic interest siown iu Iheir work by iaps, was a 11111e aside frorn aur. sub- la il. This grant lie lawn was enîxîl- thase o! other denominatiolls. He also jecl, but was, ncvertielcss, of great Tat osîw wspaîg n svnl k occasion te express lie.apprecia- value sud pleasure ta us. Tic Second o!a liehtoal tas o! liconeysau- lion of tic churci o! lie work of lie Year students were- deligited liaI oflte potantaxbrof he ou y eeve Vnc choir leader, who was respousible for Mn. Joinston, of Monteith, former r ter pint added utbay o! îluînajoni prcparng lie splendid prograinio! tie Principal here, fouud, or made lune, erywhoaddd b wayof llutraionevcnîug, and whosc work aI al l imes ha- visit us, sud ta remain long enougi liat a propei'ly wiici was asscssed lut nug na aeo aeal Plcenig fr $OOO wuldbe sscsscd meets with muci success.taidgelagaefbsba. Pickrin- fr $0,00 wold e aTic proceeds o! tic concert amounl- On Wednesday, July 27, lion. Dr. for 30,OO u Ohaw. Tc twn ad d ta quite a substantial suni, wiici R. H. Grant, Minîster of Education, a huge debl, its taxes wene higi, sud It was devated ta tie decaralion fuud. sudis commitlce, cousistlug of Mn. wssurely enliîled ta lic same consid- _________ Marshall, Libenal member for Lin- W55io as otier lowns lu tic countY. coln; Mn. Cook, Couservalive mcm- Depuly-Reeve Gea. A. McMillan O Michael Grittin Dead ber for Hastings; Mn. Sîninger, U.F. Reaci, coutendcd liaI wien lie by- O . memben fan Haldimand;- n r was passed-tW make tic granttlaOs8-'Swazey, Labour member for Niagara awasomthig hd liped hrogh ai Advanced Age ol 88 Fafls spenl s fcw hours witi us. e 3litaI the Couneil dld ual undersla.nd, of us eve xpeniencea personal vîsit tsud itliooked as If Oshawa was gctting from 'tic Ministen of Education sund somethiug il was ual eutltl'ed lo. lHe On Mouday, deali rcmoyed anc o! tie ils words. of appreciation of aur work isecouded Mn. RiciandSau'8 motion, aider residents o! Whitby, in lie Per- wlll undaubtcdly iclp us ta go back Reeve D. W. Walls, Beaventan, said son o! Michael Griffun, wha for 61 ycars ta sciool ýwith a new cnthusiasm sund liaI Mn. Richardson was nîgit lu ils has lived lu lie lawu. Mn. Griffu, wio a -more .ardent desire ta ýgive ta aur contention, but as 1h15 wau lie only was lu uis S8th ycai', was lu excellent,- profession tic best that is lu us. ycar liaI Oshawa could gel auythhlg healti until a Short lime betore uis On July 28ti, we were, given îwo efan roads tram tic couuty lie would dc3.hi, igisuînd remaiuing dlean unlil splendid- addrcsscs by Mr. Elford, of ivote iu favar -of having d'e by-law lie end. Death was dne tais advauc- tic Dominion Expernimental Fanm, astand. cd years. Ottawa, -on Poultry- Raising. His S Reeve E. R.. Blewo! Whltby Town, The late Michael Grifiu wwu a native stress ou tic benefits dcnivcd from dand Reeve H. L. Pascoc, o! Est Whit- o! Llstawel, Irelaud. At d'e age a! 17 raisiug 'a fiock of chitkens in your Jby, bath supported lie susîaiuing of he came la Canada, and Icu y-cas haler own back yard-a safety-valve, lie lite by-law. ho scltled lu Whiby, wiere he has liv- called it, made us wonden if raising on a final vole being- taken, Mn. cd ever since, winning thie respect -and poullny wcrc ual a more paying pro- s Riciardsan's motion was defeatcd by a esleem o! every ane wio iad is ac.- position than teaching sciool. vole o! 12 le 6, and lie graul Vo. Osi- quaintauce, by i'easan of hus quiet, (Contiuued ou. page 8) dawa gatads sas oiglnally miade. industrious ciaraclen. Ho was nian- - -' -After thc moruing session adjaurn- ned lu oarly lite ta Mary Anu McIn- - ment was taken la d'e beauliful grave lyre, who dlcd seven years ago. They P o i~ 'DIJu n aI tic lake, wiceelie ladies o! the were blcsscd wid' à afsmuly o! nine Pr m CinentPIIi3cA aU E. art (f-rsevralo!tic councillors cildron, only oue o! wham, Mrs. D. H. h bat ro envcs'da u fgiters) Mackay, o! Tarante, survives. Locales ln Whltby srved a deig iful lunh lu leoe. Mn. Griffu was a vctera.u o! '66# aud O Long tables, tllad nchîî l ne o!nhisfu nenal was alteiided by several e Logabhles, we n ah umner lie hlb men wio alo 10k up arms for Dr. D. B. Neoly, a distiuguinied mnem- go tracs, d' we o e sReevue o! eae- Canada_ a- d'e lime o! rli FeisuRaid. ber o! d'e medical profession, and aIse Chevrolet Motor Gars A Truait We uow have aur new prices'on ail Chevroiet modela: CAR S Baby Grand (Speclal) Baby Grand Regular) Chevrolet 490 TRUiCKS. Model T,.11 Ion, Chassis Model G, 1 ton Chassis ILlght Delivery, complete $1 725«00 1635*00 915.00 1750,00 12500 The factory is now ruuuing in full swing andwe can make immediate dellvery on ail modela *xcept- the F B. Speciai. This is an exceptionaliy fine car of special features dark bine body, speciai top,- oval plat& glasea liglit in rear, mahogany instrument board, handies, on outulde -of doora, and_-other valuable, foatures; cord, tires .all &round. Get your orders In eariy-,pnd insure yourself of delivery-. ContraiNoter 'salasAt r U W. DUDILEYU. uuWM. DAVIDSON OrkuRIo, CANADA, i 1..~-- I =

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