Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Jul 1921, p. 1

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s.. N.,3., 1.1 eTUE GAZETTE AND CMNIC WIIITBY, ONTÂRLO, OÂKAJYÂ%rHURSDAY JULY 21, 1~21 C. Â. Gooi 'i Re'M >eO1g& o4 -There was a guifl attedneu qBi oard cf EdÙpation.meeting last n['fnsdy evenmg,.,. owing, pro bl: th deextrenie hea$ý Those iu att auýçe -ere Chairma-A4. T. *Lawler, Dr EL. Bafcom, W. M. Valebrh A BIçr Wu-'~sn W,.J~H The ChapnuuipdJ, u ueraEn t Ricaan an ~t~, anwTeh*ma ve'Ç Q~~i dr I t~ha m- eq2.jp .-.pe re rsome adrice- on the remodet- ~.~-'~-'-.~d' hg~thoDXlid- StreaL-School, sud heh d -ôlepra~tc el]ù- very. shortly.% Roughly, ho li Otumroc for new lavatories n nwC BeU~~( Bard would tAk.iyato il ic curger,*nucBertain, but this fi -~ý . .o udcaetb*t. tue wqrk contea- ma 0pat f 1 -lntme,Is at leastua- o OS~* 4 O U~ Uabout teo _given serieus coidder- ai ont Misa J. Wright, cf Wliitby, who la was ou 1;h. ýpublicsol-ae aftlst ~. year, and whe was tg h givea hagec ibhcýf the rôomourmerly taughtbMeî - Mennili, wrote te, the Bomaîd that, ahe di would accept - thisappointient ut fa $7 50 per annuai, .oi- Would take. - Meiab ni~E 1udWOLqug's,-omin uDundasSt. Schiool tb Miss. Pearl Sonley, alec cof Whitby« tb F or Sale 'reoently appoliited _o the starf, asked cc te > be -given a aus lu the.*Heury St. 1.00 Cord, Dellvered scuol. - - f ~RD OO SAB M. frelaud, brincipal o ,the igh'T $11.00 per Corde aatndnthesum, mer coo1lui Ag nicrehcomndimmg the ap- - ~~~oin.tent cof a- Mr. Mitchell as tah or in tue HihSchoôi, te take A4ri- 'W ~RITB lIA AGE. clture and Farin 1lecanks. The - - The, Fnance Conmnittée passed sev- P: rir.t clans mechanic, who oral acceunta: for payment.* Amngst - s~ had extensive rpéri- t.ese ýwereaccounts for -cal for. the ri ne will have charge cf the Hig1 rlicoel, $556.93e, nd for Dundus air ork. Car takn.'Street, $297.2.A sqaccounts -for )airwork Car taknljpresiding u t lexaMnutions recently jp~and ovrhuto. hldhere.Te Pro ding Examiner W.wer )Rate ttin umual. at- Departinenta l Exarbinations la byP Sp MVait LARE MOINU AN. statinte allowed $12 a day' and assit *.~. e.~TOANTDITANE. auts $9 a day; ut the 1 ntrarce Exain-ý ___________________ mations, the: Presiding Examiner gets $9, a day, -and asstâi'ts $7. *-,Au account 'was- r1eceived freni 1~ m I n i Chapuiau, Oxhey & 1lshop, aàrchitects - se of the new -public'schç,ol, for the bah- -ance cf fees due them.' This was hehd u Fb«.m W, 14 or 74 ver until a lateri meking, as it was i f'Nt that the - architeets, were net oen- e ~ 5~EItbahi titied te tue usual 5 pen cent; ou thleý M.à. iSItiUt lai. -war tax, or on anotl-er accourt cf o ver $100 paià fer_- water'used,.ami 41 . . ejeaywaisfftructed -f According te the ffigures cf-thie Ar- chitecta thie uew achojil ceat $53,189.- m ~~1. This la exclusive' f their .focs,.a-.ý Èï6unting te 3$2,600, sud cf the ceat cf the site, $1 00 'om. tiis, how- a" had am. «fo vemay be deducted oven $3,000 re-, lu edininsurance uud.savaàge frein, ted t=boulout Canadafo high the eld Hennyý Streo.t Scool. work. Write forcatalogue sud The . Secretar>', Dr.- McGilivray, g oent.er at our Fall TITSrsmta an applicationt hé madet tihle thfor c nates Council be ave the foc ng Âugust 29th. W. have uWdfr add t Ena ,cm reently ut $150 a moath tiens- ralsed toi aAmount sufficieut, 2,700per anum-t»psy the costa. Hoe polted eut that POT aunin.the total cost te the Wity Board cf W. i. UlwOT r incipaL Educatiou,, for examinerasupis o-wauabout f250 for Ekntrue x- aminatieus, whereas only about $75 EOM FMNG A»D ad been meived lu focs. IRThe report- cf the -&Shol >pey EJMETAL WOE -Gommlfttewaas eed .It authorize 1 kbl"e Of frons forseatslu Mis K&M a. dae maW& a puà uedy'a rSýn - at Broe kStreet séhooi, .1, ~ ~ ~ ~ PO In.ma ii.oemmm 05 uorder te provide accommodation, for pupils lu S'eptemuber' u e ok EL o àsooxoeoe !for the -front deors 'f, Brock' Street ~ Shoo 'th* igh-oo î. -ewcupbard la te b.b built :for stcrmng - chemicals sud equlpinent. .Thé imapa used 1lu the public achoolBare tý be repaired and VA. a h net use. îedte p rotect thora wheu Ilj Te thafrmasu cf 4.e Echool Pro- perty Committee repcntdý that the Çimmittee had decided te redeccrate te at tbï hd m « tho auditorium cf thre Publie Llbrary uldr Ti" »mnd W.nda.dy if and have the -flecr cleaned, il rder ..,ntir. vwtog ibuii-. *M- te put the roora li- ocdcondition after having nsed it for -school pr *b XIII., F. W. Ner.., né. ~poses, durng the ',past .yoar.-,pu SIlS,. W1TbWtt e tochers aïae jatihill.red .a for ______________ the Publie School staff, eue for Dun- dau Street and oeel for Brock Stroet. The Secretary vas tnstruted te, ad- Presden .1Oi.A.Ç.Deivers- F ine.A rssý 'NationalD 'M~ejfe .~ A'cul- of natural selectioaastumng- üre wa sub aoPuud&reéade.' ectin. 'Me -wu intsf, r, Lirqd- by Prot j. 1.R'eyuoW7tPres-niatodureott eutd* he ut&io.Agicu115st Col., wsnts, Th br ege,- Guelph, ast JY-idaY>,eoun e a qeosl ore the-,ýoung ladies- lnauteao at,:priiecf afety asud he Suimmer Sohool In Agriculture. be- Te lnterdeponÎde.' L5 held -ut Ontario Ladies' Cdiegoeoutywe le ere. Presldent Reyuolds had much cf. the speakÉer. ihe twüe!e M1in _ mia iuetJf'é --.ty ~~ dirs'pendent- vas heard à tbp1éasui'e, 'ncfonly by' i- "We ,cannot thrii~en thdxdefeat Am ~l thrapbrc t a-nsd destrudtiok cloWèTli-érS7aWidXProf. efle f»1%'bi tEeà portuniW Y of i leyuoôls,- but -up)ôun tieir suceee& _'80 eprtg t4,oýbm1llaaSw of tho G.Â-. théto and the cotmtry are mutuaily, Prof. Reynolds -be3gMWhu4(fW~ by ueCCesàsfùl-r mutualy, retÜrded."' cith-out i .fu~ii14fer- mlhe Canadien fariner ii, both-. aà >née' '-leauutulgIds apitalint sud a-worktlW n.He has- xy sud t .îe nduktii ôo! agrlculturý. 1Its$iearned-that_"preperty la the-reward of oes 1a tbis, ho sald,- that the, proesses undustry( thrift and tinence and se t m au-ure Meau ho spoeded. up,IUo aprevared t0:1 tthe iews of rhereaa, tiô .processeâ of agriculture'teeteaacslt uthe oher =not; the. manufacturer. deals w1th 1 bhnd, hlUai a wen al4iLË and se la esd 'muaer, auud , 'wirks with sud! -abie te ;understan t eaonable âe- UnOng tbitgs that hO RDY=e7tip;t e man da cof labor. 0ce IYigthsdl tam]er' dealth living thinga-, Plants .position, ils.responsl$uity js ail the a#d anImals, sud. the proceueffl t agi m tore liportant." ulture are, alxqcif etirelY unooncrel1 The ýspeaker Polztft. eut the great able. Wlud, r ou, sua-ad cold , diftrrnce betweed-- tlie -Europeau -fan- nw~4ostailare -eie ntt.atafnter -:r or peanansd tbe essadian f eriner.. Lrgely Into the failure or subcé58 cof The. Europegg-v poasalit hu the -most, te fs.rmer'a pIoduct, yet-hoe cinot primitive trinmethoda 4nd .faring, ontrol themn., only Inuau mail way. His fa rm la s' _,The ma nufacturer may speod-up Pro- riearly sel-ceutuhned -as possible. and lio n.or'the processes -usod, but tehodpnd'o U9ipon'the city..à rarmer -weuld meet with disaster «*re The Canadian farm la lundustrlailized, Le te endeavor to speed up and shorien to the extent that bu&h lnsido:-and, eut- ýho period cf incubation cf Qggs or the aide the home ftuB>' hait f ofthe *0om- perlod -cf grcwth of au animal. -Aýàd tiodlties iu une -are pWducts of manu- [hili. ano.lby holds good, aIl throùgh -00 tacturlug- plants of Cit4eis. Thus, the ompanson. - - fariner buys frein- lie city. aný1d the Yet miuch ingeut has beoxi a cie ~ty buya from thefrm *- to the. tmaking of *tarin -ImRlomeuùts .Prof. - Reyuolds' eoslng romarks 'ho present day binder will ýreap tnd' dealt wlth the preseut siîtuaUtin of the lie as xauch grain lu a day as'tan mon farijir- The farner, ho suld, was the, id lu a day'a century ago. The th!eeh- firisi te bear-t ho weig]ùt oe**deflating ng, machine wiil do es much li >~a prices. Prices cf tarin produce are te- l!ty. mou cculd de a hundred yearsag, day. ho suid' about 10 per cent. higher with their crude limplemeuts*. . than they -were lu 1914, before the -war, Anothen - important - ad iuterestl n g but prîceà cf f arm, »*riigery are 100 point breuight dut.by Prof. Reynolds per cent. highen. thaà. iu 1914. Ho be-, was that ail the solected -and ferfectod lleved that tho only, solution cf the neoduct of- the tanin, such-as igpecial preblem. was fer max]rjiaetuners te take grades cf wheat aud othen grain, or their losses as- the tannmera hail doue rieh, pnize upple,'or. thcrou-ghbred and bring thein prices-dowu toýe e level cattle, - are the nesult'- of years.:of off prices: receiv1, r. -farmin roduce. hoght.aud experim>ent, and that nut- Then all would iva% wi f a ii fre nover producedF thes.e ,cf herseif. high prices al. roud Ail these .selected and, demesticated "The future succes; of Canada," ho plants and grains would, lose ôut if suld, depends. on kcëping on the farms, *eft te battie for theinselves wiîthe the undissnayod 'the tyye e far nr wo wild plants cf nature. 'Nature predue- have already deyeloped." es the-wlld oat, ma the selected eut. Mucli cf the address Wus developed Nature nover preduced a Holstein or a .along thehUe of hWas placed before Polled Angus, but the bison andt the einiegBoard_ cf Trade a-menth noose. Iu the. production cf all pure ugo, by Prof. Rejfnol p, duning a trip ared live- stock und 'choice fruits, mani to the west,. andý It proevnded food for is. warriug against nature,. because nat- mauci- thought. by* those wh6 had'the- ure wouid produce the wild things, the priviiege of hoaring t Lhing with muscle and brawn, rather Mr. Normun Davieî, -Principal of the fhan wlth mieut and food. It la a case summer sahool, preghded.. Pavpe'tByLw EntraneFmnto 'i'?assed >by COUnciR [t A epecial meeting of -the Town Theý naines of suè&etssfui càndidates Coigncil-was held, on Mouday even.mg, in the Entrance Exaninfations, receuit- wheu a by-law, authorizing the. puy- ly written, are'appeuýded below, under ing of Dundas Street was given two headings of the varicus centres where readings. Engineer E. A. James, of the pupils- wrote. Whitby- pupils met Toironto, aud Town -:Solicitor A.:E. with a.fair proportion of success, aill Christin were present to advise enu except oue of the papils of Mr. J. B. the techùical and legal phraàeologyof Hough having passed, and seven out IL the by-law. -of ten of Miss,.Margaret Kennedy's According toe terms »aet out inu ýupils beiug successful.' the by-law, a 40 -foot pav;ement willWITY ENTRE. be, laid from Green Street tÀe Byron McviArot s>el BrgaE Street.- From Gru Street east to Mli rot.IAel :iia- Garei~Stret~an frm BronStretStella Bail, Robert Blow, George Bar- Garest teiaethdfrmBSotreeeae- rou, Marjorie Baker, Julian Beecroft, ment wo iabeth8 tfeet,tde.*CurbsMildred Browu,, Grace Coultha:rd gutters and. Stormn sewers will be paid (hon.),Ena CrochEj t Dudas fby the to'wn in geea fte otAdeïDalé,_ JeaiLs Dryden, Elsie of .the actual pavig, a, roorton Ezard, Howard. ruae, Mary' E. will 'be coutributed. by the- Provincial Faircloth (hon.-), Norman Goldring, Gcvernment to the exteat of the Cost1Lwo arrBu~eGlGet of. the centre- 20 feet, or about $19rr,- rab.a- (hon.)' Eyi.- Gurney, Mabel 000.. The remaining cost_ wilL be' - id Harbron, Carnie Iàrris, Myra'Holli- forlu he roprtin c on tbrdayl day, (hon.); Nora Holden (hou.), Jean the property owuers ou the north side I HepburnElIa Hir8t,. Ralph' Jones of thje road -to be paved, one-third byt (hou.),. Vera, Johùaton, Lillian Long, those ou the south 'side, and one-thirdAufe LwerCbrot wl, by- general'assessment of the t>w. Barbara Miller, Bgi McArthur, Thethid sd fnalreaing~;i ~ Margaret. qatbisow. (hou.), Barbara -Th thrdandlial eadng . il - ePowers, -Edgar '"RoUistoz, Madeline given the by-law at a spécial Concil Roberts, Ueleü Richardsou '(hou.), . meeting next Monday eveniug., Hazel Selàlon, .K.énneth. Stuttaford, The coutraciors teWàireu Pay- Mutiel Schwitzer." W.D.-ýcott, Donald in c. taetattey*il ern- Todâ, Bernice White, Lewis A. Wil- racuce wr within two weeks, and son, Clifoôrd Websir Helena Wat- that the entire conltract wilI be con-, onu, Mancel, Williums,-- Celia Wajg, « plcted, iu three minuths' tino. Ronald Thomas.i A -by-law wais aloo passed appoint- ing .John Thomas as uightwatcbmau SCHOLÀReSHips. aud constable. This was merely to Whitby Town legalizu the apeoiùttment maleby mo CoaHldn .., st tien some timo agO4 Helen Richardson, 2nd. Another by-Iaw. was given three G-raceCouithard- Srd. reudings and passed .appointing. Neff, Ru itict. M Pobu.rtaon &'.C«, of -Toronto, as 8ud- Edith Peters; ont8Lt htors cf the town boksuptedt e ary lNolan,- rIýîýee- Miirieîthed' yeownB Mabel audit of t74. town bcsu~aUdit aB Brys hn) ea Cooper,. Edua tpose -cf the Public -UtlitY Con-w Crawford, -Isabel,,Qgg Albert Hlar- =Bal cf ducatiofl, sud the vey (hon.), Robîù Johnston, Viola ý=ù' e A*rry fée foi'al Joues, Gordon EvelyneMc- ,e eeservices la te e ff.Cloluih. Fred R. éWaïr, Ethel Pet- IrLMr. eny introd da -bylaw onou) tukhrizng te brroing f mne'wardi, MurëiWiddiffl (.hou.), miI- $pt 10,000 te pay- for the.Cost cf lUsuA.Ward. Ilayingcemorànt sidewalks, until dében- tures au be sold to caver this eaeu- ' iur.It. is ýunllkely- that the entire Artfiu= Minis L ), Ernest Baker, ~1aiout il . eqird.thsyear. . me.B et. Coupland,.,Ha- ' The To*n Tteasurer ' wu.author. sel Cumr - o-Q» Chaïrles SIzed, te purchase t.he- neèosmry bookseGiE - î tg and stationery for bis own ue and 'tliat of the <hief Co)ntai - -TheCoinil Win mee iMaud&y ewning neý.t ly b i. kâti n-ArtJmr, Pr, . JoKi e anîà M..XSae- ioeF b er Ijg, «, Toroute, a.phswa I __________TGool(hou.),I Mr. Mxd,e Ofthre fi=mof Nef, i bout P.,-*r----'-----thu 0Wacuata, bas -been lu Wbitby for anngh* «ud the. p&St two wveek4 a, msan u udit raln, vasp tÊag, cof thre teun accoustfoira JaMUZay lenied for a ~ sist eOfht. I&mr- r MLeod, afer -th~e barn ai Ihscompletlng Ms ul iiOP-M UP au struek by lié Iocf ntîire mnov so etbocks,114.iudprovide ezmuda ba tbth Tressure, j. W. Jackson, vithi yErE~ con yàten.Neff, Eobertaon' & C., viii F iNa lai Ee. aloaudit the bocks of tbe n anIsd on Tues pa- ieLIray Bôard c deainand 1 md thle z MarY'. Oh vas to the owàëd ir been' mie - Sale Starte luly2S fr III Nu ndrs ls Haàrdi @Dflýçrthem Oabsmt. Alwave the l e,ï"n K STOVES ANO, RI Now is a good- time to Iook over Stove or Heater and Jet Ès order any re either may need. $Ighiy-Used CookE 1 ha We clave severa1 slightly ueed C thtwe 'are offering at a bargain. - 0000 SEIWCE Quick service -swhat lias mde popular. ..The next tîme pou want anyt - PEEL'S MIBSUMMER Every 1 man and. woman is. ii in saving real -money.- No. one 1 the idea of paying extreme price. Footwear. They have been higi jmit, but thi's is yourýrare cha'n< economize. Corne early for the selections. Below are a few olf ___MANY BARGAINS - WOIEN'S - Kid Oxfords, Kid Strap Slippers, Patent and Giûtmotal Mary Jane Pum.ps. Regular up te 84.50. "SALE PRCE $245 MISSES' ratent and Guumetal Ankie and Inmtep -umpa. Regular up to $3.35 -values. SALE -PRICE $2.35 AILL SANVAS FOOTWEAIR InoludingFleet- Foot Otn he AT- EXRSPECIAL-.REDUCT 1@N Se -BeotTable. cf Footweaz Clearing .at $1,ý00, *1050 and $2.00. From 10 te 20 Dpr enL. off ail T-r& DURI'NO THIS1 BIG TIIIRTI P-EFL'S SHOE'ý Bro wn Plain Solid Leather k White. and -.Reg Box Cali Boots, lu Box Caîf Boots- lu 83.2ý DAYS s -i - -~ --~ i I 4 SATURDAY,ý JULY 23rd, TO SATURDAY9 of -Hig Pa'h oGd BOOTS and Thé 5W.l* -OýNCE A YEAR OPF Phrone 11 Brock St. S., on west side, ni lai edi In uln tyl Ca i FI ha ye be m is :bu Ca si, cQ su hi to di w st le ai 'r ---------- Qstry o m#I. JIm' Cliureh, Port 'Whitby "iýconiuued froin last w-e, - E 01-PENTLAND ,[Ulie fis mftrt ffilt tS. [mei was the Rev. Jebiù- Pentlaùd,-' 1 r1isinan by -blith, ua«soldier b]r e-: ,nonce, sa'.&n=nister be t hice.: was hé hir so cfGe4rgePet idEqc Gra!hy Row, Rifflaud uare, Dublin Teehenhowas' hem the year 1804, sud baptized at *St. - mry s ,the parish hundh. His early lucation w as « reôeived- at Ki lkenny, rcertain. l-Mï-theblogica- training isrcied ut Trinty College, Dub- a andi -Cambridge,. Englanà. -Ou ptember t, 1824, ho was- commis- meond ad: a 2u éûet. lu Mis' MajeS-ý is Itqiâè uad, 2lst , Regimeutr- Wt erhÊe was voxniated tothée mkeof pÉtaiu, sud t-avalled wlth thée rin MeUg-h -r ce-. Saiu n Itàly. lauy au ýinte:eçsiuitale cculd be re- muted. by M# -P:eutland. - After', a-'tîno the fuxnily removed -to acÉk fall, DM-.gheda, and b.-Ecame aC- aaintoeu :wth the _'Motgçar.fa. 3 Capt oxYnhad e ~s Yànce's Moiwtgomery. #jt--unofirs l. i Dublin, Sè,t 180,sd thoy Il u lve ithcne another and were, iarried. inu. April .cf the' follewlng' ear ut St,- -Jobni'sChurcii, Kilkenny.- Ho. enter;ed the ministry, .following ithe footsteps 'of -bis grandfather, ýv. John Peuétl and? who. died ut Ard- nraccan, Couuty Meath, about '1730.. Ir. Penthand miuistered,-!lu Wales,' iapce and lreland, before uiigratin .g Canadla..-- Ho camé to Cana4a- about 1835, pas-ý Iblyeurlièr, as he-,was the fim'st nmin- ,er of St. Paul's Ciur.ch,, Columbus, uilt that yjear, though some claim. ho àme about 184 '1. .Ho came as a mis-ý ioary - te do pieneen work ln the ew. country. .His char7ge- embraced ôlumibus,,Oshiawa,. Whitby and the Lrrundiug districts; or, as lho said is pa-rish exteuded. te the, shores of ludson. Bay. At différent: times* -ho ývod in Oshawa, Whitby, backagain c Oshawa, tilI 1863. What a -long ive that would, make,- and'.over such ûadal Thoey were net the gootd roads 7e now have, not by any..mfeans. - The tory is told -by- nu elderly member of he church of oe' Sunday moruing, mck in '59, hate -in the spning at that, -lien thoy' wuitçd over .au, heur for he preacher' but lie. canie n.et. They uarued inter that it- waa a case'.of mtuck inu the. mud," thut caùsed.fris Lbsbence. - he mode of travel was iesthy' horseback,-_ aleng.. a path ox rail through - the ýweods, ns the- ronds ue very rough.-- Thoro are a nunîher'ef peeple who aemnber Mn. Pent-land, and th,_1 reak ~ ~ ~ ~~£- efhm l h.h~eterre, (Coutinued on pagetwo.)- Fred DD.Maun Ph... muteuscsou' to W. M PrInoe O00dm dailvorod to ail Parts itI Unfted. Grocers of SPECILS fr'FRi PECI'A' SATIJRI 5 lb.,Pail of Gunn's Pure Lard for. lu Ibs. of Sugar for - - 74 oz. lUottie Libby's Mlayonunaise Sala( 1*-2 lRb. Tins of Drini lk for , i lýb. Tins of Drirnilk for- s Crossed Fish Sardines- - E.M.DEVE! Phone I1tý9

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