Oai 0OF AN AGE LONG PAt.' British, Archaelogits Fxploa%. m ig This Most Intereltb* ofa AUl Relics of. Antiquity. Explorera backed.liy Brltîstmoney ge dlgglng Up the ruine-et King Solo-1 m»Ous ancleat eita4el launtt Afica, the centre'o!t the minlug district !romn whlcIt bis bugqotores of goid were de- rtved. They art, th ue mos-t eu.lu, asweil as the moat luterestlng o! ail -memorlals o! antlnqùlty, 'and ai-g known to-day, Ia tho native lanuage, as lte Great Zmbabw-meanînt. -9lere ta the Great Kraal2' The #eat Zimbabwe *&Ire l Sol- mon'a tlie a large aund populous cliy,1 a.s im-ay ho judged by the tact that its recogaîz-able ruine cuver au aresa o!f inore tItan three square miles. Doubi- leesa Its mtent was Much greate-r, Inas- unuch as outalde of!'titis are-a are scat- tered remaîns o! mauy important stimutres, 'und- mounds hundreds of! yards la circuaifereaca mmiclihave - licouround te contain conicaJ towers, tracc3 o! mails, etc. Tho city mas formidably fortified, -au-1 its have been garris-ed by re- giiùwntts o! troopa. Ini the midle o! lu rose an isolated granite "kopie$p two tudedand fifty feet hig-h, wihch was crc.%v-ud by ;fortress. The latter was probab]y la its day the migittiesu strr-'4'old lu the worid, au unassail- -- aL c citadel, Its s-outh aide being de-, fen'c-d by ninety feet o! sheer preci- picé, e, hile massive labyriiithine walls reoeîed approacli b the summit pos- sit'lu cnly titrougli narrow passage& ThIe mines o!, King SoIfon weré wrrIby a- nlulit'ude of çaptivç -Ný,rù slaves, and al of the gold ont- rut wi' brought te the Great Zimbab- wc - t- be convertéd mb ngcts or Èii-îieiit. It wao then-ce that -ara-1 vais i! p ,rired - e-astward for the s-a-1 pcert : cle Sofala, ajduftncy o! t-- In ielmile3 carrying, under a-vi,-<giad. gold, lvory, .sad other, wi iu-nv'chaiidise desbined for lal ti*ýno and Arabia. Jewellery cf Olden Days. uwe aW m 'e yýmeW y -UYU it )5- - TMwus I wae «g.4la tiny, wlMte, ;;à erg. My mother bld me 'wi £abua- Mre. -1f* W" u*.*.wpuht thn "Sio hnI ur avrued abouIla. goo dsi.Myilem hffve a' fie Ittle fuzz oS tem; yon e râzose it wFLh- Sti - nepui ia - We - te juet, spisdid a achég6gke t e l ticd& T4y *Wtimgto mV waV "e wii&IneUoL tu.nObe(I s=n M stual) ,bt 1 reulilyean- carry 6,000,006 eera om body ýet oicé! "Wbat kiaudu M«,uictera? AR Iwîdde but Specially typhold lever Mid ezi-l me-r conmk%,iaut lc IImrm youn.g chaldren enid adwita Ye>u net hear of ommer eomplainut At wizter; I sun nt flylug amowd lieut lea'vin«tte geme oSlte liby'0bbeio or li-gitthfg on ils lipa, o f.fig lit. te Ixuilk, or feig iit.e sugar bowl', or crawling o-er te dash toveul hanging la tho .kitdten, or oun te- fed Viere aad in the. pautry. "4I mse earty tbere%-ubogerm; -lu f set, I pick uçu a good metny kinudas oi germ, for I' love te lilt about,, lightln« eon fibi of any kmil I .mn1 fnd. 0f course, havtg lathid out1 in it an~d live-d ou it tAxe first part of my -life,. you co-uld nut expect me lu do otherwl.e. But I also love te o a, on camdy, cake, swcets, meait, daeese and every kind of foo&- *'I amn rea-l-1y quite ancient, being on>e f ite very :fcw flics liýat lïvcd over lust -winter. Il hid myuef, in Senîebody's kitcea. "I cannot te,1l yen ýanything aboumt my descendante, but a very learnc4 s,,-icxtiost saïi -I, mig-ht have. 195,312,- 500,000,000,000 i-n one suminmer. g iihere- is no danger of the fiy crop faiing, even though only a vcry few -,of us ive tii-roug- the whuter. "If people cleaned us eut of tiheir Iho-uzies, Ètones., markets and stables, whi:ie it is stil ce-Id, -When we are etiff and inactive, -nud burned us up and 1heu kepit evcryt'hing dlean, so tiere was n-o fil-L, stable litter or ýdeeay .- io u tr v u r eLrL., , -s in.e evey sumer. oeiy e. to yrevui in rn ail- utable refee ced, or &ak #vorlituproghiy ar itt i t i Mmeaito la oý e i. seet e 4480Ms. .,nd soie udpl ti mét s&ud rcoeris, .ngfoun tii.'CM=, lhyl il 'ewt' utawi lybderc coi aksd bread, tf-tilt e'- ie âw4 Md 9.Ue eut oee- e, i misV".u The. znlgbtm uontaitdisss, eoeaqu ny, '«o t ioje a f~câ kl' 1e 1 bave *a bsemiymk tecas f iitr May, scake n bea fly.oee.tey bey I& they esu crnawl ig o-verat,. Y "they e finkwi edbred ktc Bay 'Otte aunuie , ut ablyà peeai wi t« ço t bekw' o aswre mt teir,. Sue an tlxemrkethd abuthefou e imf lees tl i-i.wrpped oi. So peopile coitine Smlo bu it unwappd ieiM. If they lied watd"ed us eooig frou humait ecreta anci tale fifth verd- 'ia.ps they wouihd net be no wiElng to have us cmie a door-inat oi theitr iood. But tihey nover mo-t!iS, su we s w=r over te f'od in tse na-rket amà gro- ceries amd Iitve aSuceste mMa higbly respectable kidteui 4I camne- near lotng my iffe thus mqSnlug bathiag lu sounibody>o mNIc pUither. I was afrsuid I waa godngtg o drown, but a kinr-hearted -lady 111 ted me eut and poured te creain, witit al thofa hundreils of bacterla I lied lefi tiere, oun her -litte girl's oatmeal. lif she bas typlioid f ev-ar I ouppose lier mother wiil wexider where eue coulid have gaften it! "it wao a eadd4ay for us wben it was establ-lshed tb4t we -were carriers uf ty!phoi& H1ow w. crawled -ovar ex-créta li the o-peu dSxoet (privy) vantTeand then qtarbedfor the k1%tà e~n table to w4pc our f£eet laderi with fi-tit an-d bateria on the beefsteak, or to take a axorxilg bath M ite millcpi- chex, leavlng hundreda of hacerta I fiera in tie niJain4luwJhieh thev -'v Iii t-4u- Great Zimubabwe are fokund ex- -b b toîivewo-kso-p fr be hndingo!we woul-d te - starved eut aird, v4s and nmatipTy tOriaPid t tan Uny- g4d, icNvokhkobes, or t4ehat mtinofalppear. where ase. gQ'J, n wich obect oftha meal "If s-table refuse ara!sire-et sweep.. "We canunot live lu a 9pefectly cean (as d(lrcovere(l by excavaton) meie- ingg thet we, have kIrd our aggs -in la ]lcaitY,'where there- la1ne fil-tor atrewn .'over the cement floors "as -~ :'krine ls u 1irpnîe's ~h-p.'aa-ted away ara* psied up to -docvi--ruibbldt-eif uy'k.dfr- t¶lé were ýk s aisenafurne s rmeînIp."-ose, we mili haté-h eut there, e ilin, s9Dire ebaE &dLiapper froun thei tc-nnen-t te farmcr's atte-, se tihe scUWU.M5Jy cleaii places.» -tlhe goli, soupstono m-nids into wlticb __________________ At ývas puure-d te mùake Ingots, burnish-- -___ _iwtoo18, etc. Thé manufacture o! were lndluded lni the consIgnrnents hy Ship is 4"Sme" - goid jewellery seems te have been pur- bound for Palestine. 'Her r oeasest h u su d o a 'inldeabi scle;juding The people la the crowd were dress- eraesoea'ws olequ- fruin l 1- er of bangles and otier cd lu short, arailess tunics, and w<hre Iou "Why id h'yt steer one YO 0riru& Covere-d f roin the ruins. en their arme~, legsr, wrists and ankies ynoertldV sro- e il eedscle a o massive *gold bangles, exquifittely wouidn't ast.- the eredese-ibd isnowBecause lb takes go long to gsi thent lllVedt e L -Hviio!Snp madle-an'd chased ln Zimbabwe de- - yt oa belýpved o, e U Halla ofS igna, itit chaîna o!fitcavy gold beads r eady ogoaymbere. turé, whioit s'eaks o! "bte mole landu- T bey need aimes-t as much doiling of avlah weret-oreisgol.St e around their necirs. Some o! the me-n. -seaport o! Sofala (on the FEast Afri brel tei ana rdao ofce mbi padpituga u mm e beaten g<uid sun Images at the topm vrsm crin toast, célose te the uetietit paral- wueohr bl atl-ueuo idd A e.hps get to have its omu way or ltel of,--sentItlatitude) is almoat, un- copper andi spears miii iseada thlctly lu wont go. -doubtadly the Tarsitîsito! the Bible. paegwt god iDO 5IvmYS com eoff lbhe mays Wbenus helatter mentions Selomon'Elk asalao eylngao Btusbackwards -lite the- members of- a cor- 's-lps e! Tari-bis-b," it refera te bis - tain aex alilghting !rom street cars. licl o saliu vesai miici - oyae: story is alwnya et gold. Ia the temples 4. 80muhtkepeel ftet e silig essls hihvya et o the Gréai Zimbabwe have be-en ,I ft oSc o epoel scubhward througli thte Red Se- ansd -!udcxsdrbequittc !gl ratiei dow thlie engmneeso reanît ut ars. ut uta bcaefe h le.-Why, they are aiways callng st Mýluing nneraa eutocre Also erucibles, la which thé pre-cloîts pac oter fui study of the anclent workingastufwsadtd edck n a Because ahiDbuilders cant live mith- 1 suffwa mete, gldcak ad br oi eutin. bave estimabed that ai least $4e0,000,-!- gold. Among the most curions objecta mortit e! gold must bave been taken rccovered from the ruina are large Who ever'won, an argument front eut etf them befeDre- rather suddenly, numbers of tlny gold tacks', wmiîcI them ? - l would appear- thcy mure abandon- were used for fastciug a thin gold Tbhere's plenty o! scanai conne-cted cd. Sclomen's shau e mas daubtless: slenblxing upon sheets o! Lmîîr. iti teir building. ia-~,jdln ruxbt petfuus îÎ loi- ~té copr Because they more boit! together larejugig ro te letiulnsa1 hegloriei C te Great Zimbabwd -t tel eof tlt precions matalinl Jenîisalea, as -the wonderful city . ô! Soloman and wtbbe. desc-rIbed ln the Bible, where, as wc thé Arabian- kings-bave long paseed Docauso tey mers fore-ver blowing are told, -"s ilver mas notbîng acccunt- aa.Isrisacltrlytehii off steant. ed o lntheday ofSolomoù," and o! the snakneand tbe oml. The Rliode-ý Because they !requently toesed theïr was "maxde to, be as atonies." Vcry alan natives o! te-day believe tbe-m te oe ntear likely h-le obtalned anch addltlonal hé Itntestet! hy ghost-'. But enougli o! gold titrough - rade wibh te 1Himyari- theai remain te furnish for many ye'&rs Himmn Targetsfor Shds.' tes'nnd Sabacus. -te corne au Invitation te furtiér, ex- The mosi dtngérona job lu the W- i,- h- thougitt entlrely possible that- ploration by arcitoologiats. About woTMlb la elalmed, Is that- et a group aorne of teborIt birbt o es, ktoa tteailingera an atxiosphere .o! mys'-e!UteStts-arembogUpe period befoire tebr fMoe;ad tex-y, end oftem it may hé said taha fsnited Smates.barpnl hilalupore lb may he that te Great Zimbabwe it- noune other ofte- important; reliea o! es4pdwt hanlsel node s 1elf ila&amucit as 4,000 years old. -autiquiy, not even the Gréai PY-ramld ata thé gunera aybae enin Trading Forty Centuries Ago. posstsses for us modemns an itt-st Tearamtntesn- tr b4J Theuairmt, wtthuneivsunet mural One may -eaily pictura to himselif the"scene when a crowd was assomb- led on VIte hlltop, or oit the lower alopes o! the kopje, te watch the de- partum'ôf a earavan eastward for the ea coast-a. long train of Negroes carrylng gold, lvory, and other export products of the reglon._The Bible tels us that Solomoni obtained f romn Tar- *hisit apes, pârrot.s and- quantîties of ipîces. Thence also came slaves in large numbers. Doubtiesa eztrich feathers and. the pl umes of other birds- fil Mi Liht. Like molte n ire the dawn welis up And fills the eartit as a green jade cup. Then, overflowing in gold dew brighit, It showers' the earth with. qiiivering light. The cool, dark niglit 10W flows away, For eartb. la a cup briox filled with da.,y. jr- - eresaLasonWh GrapoNut mace a heIpfi.I bre8kraan i-d a m profi'able lhidé~h LOTt:he .wOrker Who mstbe awake and alert duing the dal. 1 GrapeFWutt8 s tbeerfècted II goodnes Sowh,-e±t ai-id mle al ind is excep.tionaii iii ou It Feeds body an4 braixi witho ut ta upo iïg£sîo of iron, but as you might say, o! chili- ed' steel, goes, up tii! ho readites 10,000 fi. or 15A>0>0 ft. Then lie wirelesses to the, gunners, glytng them'his exact heiglit. Adjustting ite fuses of their- sheila accordIngly the guirnersa blaze away. They arçe oblig.ing, enougli not to atm, exaetly at hie machine, but lu ordai, that he cen tell them the preclue- heilit at which the sheIls are buret- tng, it la necessary for the shelas to be as near te aeroplane as peaiÜe-, sud -well, shrapnel la net at anl pleasaut stuif to have bursting and flying about Yeu. Of course, the guners are reasonably careful. Besi1des, putting the m- atterS lu the crudest possible way, it la net. to their tnterest to brîng the- bird down. Su long as the machine lW intact, they get their messages saying whèth- er their fuslng is accurate. Tuttek lb". 1Uncle Sam'a possessions lu the tar western Pacific are very near, gos- graphlcaily, te Britioli terrltory. Thua $t cornes about, oddIy ënough, that thie southemumoM t o! tle Philip- pine Iilands- le the property e! Great Britain. - tu l called'Trutle Isla.nd, anà Its s-oie lnhabttant là a Chutaman whoý miakes a busi.nes et catchlhg tthe hu&e- sea turtio which frequenithtiut amatil place e! termafirme., Ti it led, States Vroduced -$6?,. ~0O-i rùbber pod i ii ,u aeu t s.he a.iPtt tu IOCfiJenfieki,. »rMfd en S 9 004 i1 w11 kqpmoat peoplte taamd blIl .. Nvbo PinkpluIe ea A".tonte tbhfr aettoni wbkh-la . b"4,up the bl.d sMd reStOO vftl&fty- t»-the rua- dç" fflte. F5ûr VOý IÊb WIWhi ar, thft ndpi. for pie, tlred wo- men?, «Ad fôu' Cidl-e@i1.p"0 WLIf111 prent, .WI-llaù'ku'Pin.k PIlla -are1 an½ïdoeltomlc., !Uouumd. laya test-. Ste the boeit&dêived ftrom tiIe mm mis ~e41cge. A"Osethe i i MiL WuiRMn EHMlll i HeaspoitN.B., Ir'Ife. PefiIbegan the ni et 1Dr-WUUmanÎw' r.PluPUs I we&go ail--nm4owatbiM-i oUid hardly d'nyo~wu ùrok. Iofsiafftreul houmdacho.-aud. waw very netr-. ui. Iheu bogan theu111o! Dr. Wil-. fiamkWltPhi U and 1-caa. truthfully 4ay I hav" !ounid tem thé boot medi- elns I have evertaken. ,YOu mnay de- penup , 1t, 14 IwilI -adviseother aut- taree -te.thoe pi'lla? Ym una gt Dr. Wiliam.' Plat PlI. tfrougli auy dealerla medicine or by m& at ai 5'cet, a box or cix boxes for $8.60 from Th" Dr. WlltaMSP Meditlne Co., Brockviile, Ont. duE at I Mneicap oula tL~o~tb tbe fïLet that a ,n hé. t be out coipart. lie. - The auËcio te mêzoreW resee' xnUMple furnluke& bxtirght*axi 1t Venticoletha, rtghtom smdtng iDPU-1,btoed te te tuigo, - -and thé' le! t m-e forClnt the prled bkood 1H14> day enbugh enai-gy to raisè cite tofl niuesty éteet Ali the-, btoodpuimpefr by - orw -eart etngln.e h ci.y-ér * dýmufce te o a tak IXtty-oflrtet -ong, ulxty-oce, If theétt- 0-ser eyiùlel- and- ntw. test lu diamtl-0 14 would- IWvê tô b1* 115 ifot igt ln order- iii hold, th*é 11,700,000 gaius umped ly aa siglt heartilia thé coursée o! a twelvemoub., Tlu. mn l»hQ"i.._- Thi T'it To Th Ar N( 'TI Tl Youd Bc Ugly iu Japgn. IU -hu happoaed more titan once thae a Japanesebabyba lia owled and ebrieked lu, terrer at thé a-lght of a beautIlful, !air-lired, blue-yed Eng- lsh girl. -This may atrike you as ceaie or tragie, but ht la a !act Japanese -standards of feminine beauty are dif- féent freai ours.. A, Japanese beau±y muai have etraight black hair wili the sIighbest tendeucy te 'wave, A-ia will taire end- le-s, trouble te -stralghiten It oui-as mucli trouble, lu !act, as, au Englisit girl would taire to produce lte oppo- site affect. Her. fa-ce sitould, be narrow and long; lier forelicad hlgit aud narrow at the middle, but wider and lomer ai the sidea, mo that it corresponds as nearly as* possible toithe -outlua o!f uji, thc mountain beloved by Japanese artistis. Her eyes, o! course, must be long and narreir, ;lantîng upwards ai the orners;- the eyebrows more shad- ows., and igh aboya uthe eyea; lier complexion Ivir-y white -witb lifîle or n'O coloir. ýThe Japanese girl' carrnes ter bond and shoulders slightiy forward,-ad In- clines lier bo-dy torward trom the waist. Site malkg wlth short, qulcir stcpa,, er tee turned li ad hber tet liardly Il!ted f rom the ground. To -walk otherwitie wtML. Iu- Home of Two Apostie -Discovered. - Exoa.vatIonaý made under thie churcl uto SaM Sebastiano ont the App1an- Wal evabrougbit te liglt the motamcent Chriattan monament yett disevered, says a despateli from Rome. 14- con~- aisté or the remaime O! a honte.lu which. judglnm« frou m tOiptiOIe ont the. wall, St. Peter and 13t. Pauil lved wheu they were in Home. The exvavat<>rs sirw hope tu &>ive t:i veme4l question of tbe 1ocality of the tempooeey tomb in whlch the bodtew of the two sainta were hldden -te fon the atltempts o! Orienta Chris: tians te steal the bodies when the aposties dIed.' Professor Marucdil, ln charge of the excavatIng' expéditin., believes that the tomb will be found acon .if bis fuxidé hold ont,.Archoiogists aee aggesting. that a worid wide subscr1p- tIon be taken. Up to me-ke oompletlon o! the work possible. Boy Scout- Notes. u :t been annutced, from Pro- flXïlBoy Scout headquarters ln TorSonto that Sexttember $rd wll b. th, date e!t tis yoêr's big Ontario Boy Scout ItaIy. It. w*lbe heid in con. nectiai wt the Caaadlau National Exhibition im Toronto and It Je expeet- ed- that tutousandseto!Scomt% from ail part& of the, provlaoe will attend. A specel ifeeture et this year's ralIly wll be a. "Boy Scourt Aebievemant Exhibi- tion- devkted, te a dispiay of the many thinga made and cô)I'O<etO«bY Boy Scut i onnection with their pro. ficiency badge work. Thesa will ln. Sclude* model bridge, bird hlousee, modal aerepiaus, celleciozieof leavee, woods and other na8tur, pecl- mous, paihfinder &ad surveyor maps, t reLmakullg outfitEi, knot berds, etc. -The Torouto Boy Scouts -Association wIli cnduct a.-modeI camp duning the j trst tan days of! iii. exhibition and Aill also operate a camp for the con- rvenience ci vis#ting troopa which ýde> lsire to remaîn tn-.Toroxtto for a longer psriod thau thre Seturday of the raliy. rAu4de f rom the- convOeeeS lpro. vided, however, visitiang scouts wii te tentirely at theiTr oWn exPensÉe. ThrA nw amwnanTtmUnts otf DroYiTI.11 ciai Interest were sactioXlOd t tha May Meeting o! the Provincial execuzz ilve committee. T'hey were the ap. pointaient o! Mr. John G. Kent, Gen. oral Manager o! Toronito Exhibition and !ormerly Presidoxit o!f te Toronto Boy Scouts Au.oClatiot, U Scout Com. missioner for Toronto, and the al). puianetot o!f1Mr. Geô. M. Pboi o Wei- taM -and or Mr. Iîarold Motton ef Brhtmpton mo, HonorarY WIeld Secre- t&Ieatew dte previa.eW 1head- Plotbro and Oaa ilngtDÉ Scouta] *aeplaaned big t"d days for tL4 24th êf Ma. tOrmflVo Scoute are' hoeite gtiieir sprint coiehratioit four daja later -on theF2fth, wltth a clty* wlde' At the en& e!, APT"lByScont- Troops wère orgw3tad lu, i74 ditieg, towns a là ges l xtro pliard. inientReloves GOlda oie ie man who quits boaà a -braluiti hand - 1good as the next; 'but hleik sand iat wouîd make hlm stick witli a ýcourage atout >whatever li tackhie*sand- fights lt CUiL Ma-ta witli - a rusih ,and a soiesun vow iat hell acon ba showlng- the othes ibow; Len sometblng new strikes hie, rov- lng eye, nd h-a tas-k la le!t for the by and by. a man is béaten.tilti h. gîves lu; ard 1-uci caiVt stand 'gainst a -'cheer- fui grin; Le man mite fails ueedç a, butter ex- cuse hanD the, quittar's whining, "Wbat'a the-ùse?" ýFor thé- man who quits lets bis chances slip, Jus-t be-cauze be's t<ôo lazy te keep bis grip. The man who sticke goas, ab-ead with a sbout, While thte mani who quits Joins thbe "down emd out." SPEAKS iHGHYK0F - DABYS 'WNTALT Gnou a mothen lias iiaoê Sahy~a Own. Table-ts for be-r utile- enes ase la a- waya pleased te speat highly o! theai Vo oter mtihere. 8h. kuom -hs good ihey bave done lier children and realm lesuitber-experience slhouit! ha o! beneflt te others. Concerning thé Table-te Mrs. Fred Murphy, Charlotte- to-wni, 'PE.I.wrltes: "Ihave iaed Babys OmitTable-tif tor the past e&ght mentis for my baby. I caxinot epeat too hIgItly of titei for they have beau o! grem aitestoacé te me ln Myfirsi «pipSu-lnco! motbsrhood." -Babys Oma Tabl are a mild but thorougli -iaative wirlitara: abso"tely barai- le-ms an.d may be givoi t eove-n'Vhs newboru babe mîtItperfect saatty. They are aold by medicins d«eaer or direct .4 25 et.. a box frontTiie Dr. WiltlkemeMedicine - Ce, Broçirville, ont. ' Aie You a Miafit? Tou are tu thevrong Job If yoqir work I8 drudgery<foY0I; If you don>t love It, If your heart We net lu it. If yo'u hate to thlnk you must go te work ln the mornlng, and watch the clock all day and long !Qr the trne tç> leave oGa. It you don'. regard your Job as yonr beut !rend, and see the possibiîties tu it f6r bigger thinge. If yen, are ashame4 oe your JOb,ý and dou% - want people to know 110w yeu get yeurllvhig. If you flnd the best part of your sailary In your pay envelope, and not oKt8ld@ !l*-4u Yoer chaceto make good, lu your opportuniltY- ta learuthe secretso! your cmpio>yer'5 succeese. Ir y@i are aiways thinking o! what yeu mlght bave accompftsed If you had tried- aoiethxgedise. if, your, worlc doffl not caâlInlte play ye'ar- Mghiest facuitues-, Your eteeIY* à Mllty, yogir reso-urcefulfles, jour li- genuuty-the beat that l In yen. lit ~iL~WUU. A~SrT«1 N~ "Bye"is, onIy Genuine i IMEEZONEM ConUftOfLJ ù)rop a, littie "Freezone" eo;n aah- Ing' corn, Instantly that- corn stojia hurtlng, then sghortuy yen Il ft It rWgt o11 with fAngora, k doant hurt a& bit Tour drngglst salis a tîny botus cf. "Preéezoüe for a few cenit, ufficlent to, remoyo every bard cern.,sott corMi or corn betweon the tee,-and ths cal luges, wlthout a particle o! paIn. The ,fOrest3s cd' British Coumbia lu. i92& yieded products to thie value 01 $9Z,628,87j a i 2nrmae of $2?,0OOOý ,'<ver 1919. MONEY ORER0 Whe ereri&jOdaby mt et Oixtvif8M adchols dosroyed "in the. â~~.aearea,,4 have no'w Euud.LûtiW3It for baà truL warships tte tbe xieer of, 638 have been s=paped ýshce the ArmlsÜic.1 lIar'a Liniment for Dur n& etcia -johnuy liked ice-cream, but be drem iie- lineaet turning the freezer. O.ne day wten7 bis mother resuraed homas ohe mas agrccably -surprlsed to find bitmev-rking. away at thé crant as thongli hie iife depcnded on lb. 491! d<>n't See liw y-ou get hlm te turn thej freezer," ah.ýsald te ier bus-baud; "Il offered hlm a- dîme to do lu."' "Von udldn't gost lt lu tue iight may,, my de-ar,' 'replled thsebus-baud. "I be-t him a nickel tehon1ldx'i mm mi tfor hli an heur." Hi. Hearint Retore&i "'The invisible car drum luvented' by A. 0. Leonard, which la a miniature, magaphonie, fitting inaide the ear en- tarely dut of! eItgt, klu reutoring ,ths hearing of hundrede e!f eopie lu N'ew Yoirk City. Mr. Leonard lnvented itis drum to relleve, h4meel! o! dea.nesg and head noMse, -and it daes titis -so uccesefully tlat no une couid tI l e1 la a deatm! mn. t l effective when deafflese lacaused by catarrit or by perfém~ted; or wholly destre-yed nau- adlmm& A reQueet for infomation to A. «, Leouald, Sueê 07, 70, Fiti Avenue, New York Clty, will be giveni a prompt reply. advt A- Wfhy 1SeVoted. "1 voted for yo,, siid awerkieg mian, the day atter a& municipal1 electioxi. fdThoxi jeu, MY man!t" and t-he'suc- ceegst.uieandidate beamned.t '"'Twes lie did It-' said theman,,! polnting te a goat g»rzing nearby. "I: Mld nwt lttnd te ai firt, buf the other1 a!ternoou yeou wère passing, and you1 pêted wy goa t I m ndgave- 'lmU: aplan&, se.sI, if uh4ý OutlenAwD'a se ~lab.teau that, le met bv **&I~E1WUE LB THEIE OL AL.T Mlnax 'dw- Lin!meut o,Ltd. Yarmouth, N.S. ÀAVooiLite, attention! Beftore, yen drive «%-sîiter -hnehlng besWâ> lte road, g@»ther, 'op every ~~ i -rubbLqh end ,cither carry it Ueboni. e e iburaed, -or ûdapaetO idepostit , wbere it.will surely rmit bm oe WIth the cemlng of spring.>y will 'b. having wool, bld ias e ad horse hair to aý Bhlp- It tG 'un or write Prices. - We wili usne you rill WiLLIAM STONE-SONS uni, Marchants. PHONE!-VOUR RUSH ORDERS Par anything In F'ancy Goeds, Cut Glass, Toju,"Smai-lwares,- Sporting Godef, Wire, Goeds, Druggisa' Sun- dries, Hardware Specialti'es, etc., te MAIN 6700 - on a Reversed charge. Torcan'Fancy -G"odsCo., -Lid' TORONTO -Major Karry Cameron, Man._Dir.. genre ASK* YR DEALER ITO; Ma"e byFE Canaia-Steel & -Wirc Ce. HAMILjTON, ONT. There's * - -, .5' '-r--' BeautySki 'Wluud for. é,y-day toilet pur- boSes cutiCUra keeps the. complS ion freeli and clear, bande le! t m white .n4jiair iiv.eand iosy. The Soap to deaneas& urify, the Ot 'i fflK )YOV U EA allié, 'l l' 1- Uulessr you ses the Uame- 'Bayer" on, package or on iabieta yOla ,aene getting genuine Aspihiat aIt. Iný eveuy Bayerpackage are dIrectons for Cuide, Headache, Ne-urali, Rheu- mà tisam,'Earaele, To-thacho, LuixbagO> sud, for Pain. EHndy iuboxes o! twelve ia.bietis cot !ew cents. Drug-ý gists aiseo eel largor pâckageew , Made ln, Canada. - AspIrin l-igîte trade mark (retered lu Canada), o!f ae Manuufacture o! Monoaceticacîdester -o! Saliicylicacid. - Musicians Live Long. Usuaily the té1ergy are s'upposed to .ive longer, on an- average, titan the members o! any other profession._ Certain-ly doctors do, not tate. a fore- Most -place. The dangers o! ,tte-Ir work lower, their ave-rage life. Men lu ttce higlier ranks o! the law, judges par- ticularly, are proverblally long-llved-, but -many fail by, the way in the law- yer'o busy cafling. * A dlaim la n-ow being, made- for those who obtaini a comfortable position in the world e!finusi c, and inetances are given.- Sir Walter Parratt, the organi- lIst o! St. Georges» Chapel, Windsor, his been at lia work- for sixtynn -years, 'beglning as a boy o! eleven, a.nd he varies3 music with- thc most itry-! ing of ail games, cber.s. - ' 1 - Sir George Elvey, the organist at Windsor before Sir Walter, h-eld the posi-for forfy-seven-years. Sir Fmrder-- Ick Bridge, late organist atWestmin- star Abbey, retired when lie h.ad held hie post forty-eour years., and lie fol- lowed an organisi, James Turie ,Who had served the Abbey fi!ty-slx years.. 1 lý 1 1 1 1 - U *" 1