Why not hiave pour precio-us stones reset in inountings of the latest fctyle and fashion. Make Your, Diamonds, Look Worth While. Vie are showing lu' our 'ýroCk a select aissortmen t ;)f the new, and beautiful white gold as well as the fine yellow gold and rare platinum. nome are handsomely oarved oT pierded and others are set -with fine blue- white BASSETT'S New Store Jewlr asd Optisian Whltby 'Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Fraser left last wuck for OttELwa, where they will me- monve in. Ini,,UIe meantimte, 'Dr,. and Mrs. Beston are at the-'h~ome of MrL. and Mrs. R A. Rosa. .Mm. Samuel Harris, of Whitbjr, was taken to Oshawa Hoap}tal this 'week. where "hoe waa o1erated upon to relieve hlim froixi seriouà - oorpltcatlons whieli -developed frein a cambuncle on hita neek. Mr.- Harmis caine through th'oû operation -wel, and, hIs brother, Mr. Thos. EHa.rms, reports that lits céidi- tion ta now muclIebtter. The poison had spmead througli his systemn 80 rap- tdly, howevor, that very .seil-ous trouble had resulted before theo opera- tion was performed. A. We Crawfomtli, wlio bas been mangerof hePickering brandi of teStandard 'Ban for tle past yesr snd a baif, bas been transferred to the Markliam brandi.' The news of his removal from Pickering was re- ceived. witl deep regret by the rosi. dents off the. village aud surrouuding country! iunliis business relations witli the people h. lias won their highest osteem.' In lis removal to Markliatn, lielias eaznod a well de.- served promôtion, iu whicl iis many Pickering frionde cougratulate -hum. 1% s uccesor will be W.,.F. Law, at peotmanager at Woodville, ' aud fmery of Whittby brauch.-Picker- ing News, PAT'S JITNEY PRICES REASONABLE SAFETY AND, SATISFACTION COMFORT AND COURTESY, LICENSED DRIVER-. J. PARKER, PERRY ST. CHINESE FAMINE' RELIEF.- Another donation lias been recei-ved' for'the Chinese 'Famine' Relief Fund,- $1.00 froin"À -Fried' This raises the total acknowledked tlirougli these Tiïere ha not bei sueeh a liberal1 in 1917,> Briug your Qld oleotrio ir( EVeryýttang- in kardwi Geo. M. Rm ice!?l PRESENTATION 'TO REV« HELe. ABRAHAM. Rev. Herbert E. Abrahamn, .Of Guelpli, son of Dr. John ýAbrahain, forme rly of WblMtby. was the. rocip- lent of a b4udBome gift froi the mon of lits éongregation laà t week. Iu or- der to slow tleir appreciation of bis services lu the ~trate of St~ An- drew's Clicl,G3epiwbilie bas oecupi'ed for mune ears, the mon pro- sented Mr. Abraham witl a sedans two. rugs sud $12b. Tua la uhot the first mark of appreciat!on conferred uLpon their pastor by the. con ega- tion, aud ludicates the succeasIth wliicl is umeeting linlits ministry- at Guelphi. À MUSICAL TREAT. The-oolo quartette au d choir of Sher- boumne Street Methodt-st Chumch, Tor- onto, have been secured to give a con- cert lu the Ontario ILadies' College on Friday eveulliig, May 2th, anld this i6 bound to -be one of the musical features of the season. The choir is under'the direction of Mr. G. -D. Atklnsou, aud its- solbists include Mrs. Esther Puga- ley-Walker, soprano; Miss Domotliy Shaver, contralto; Mm. K B . Dodingtou, teonr Mr. Emnest Cà ldweU, baritono. MigssVivýian Acock and Miss Dorotly Morden,'of the College, willl also take par-t as -sololets. ,Tlie prograni as dmawnu ut promises, an evenlng of rare miusical enjoyuent, both lu the way of choral and -solo work. iidIL lu future. columus to $62.48. TRAFALGAR DAUGUTERS. Gian sugr bet fr fediu, esiîy-*-The annual iundleou of the Toron- îavsgd. bc.lb.f2orafor 90ge.A. lRIEFERENDU1'M COMMITTEE WILL to Chapter Trafalgar Daugliters AM- l. W righ~ ET filiated Alumni of Ontario Ladies' A meeting t idu hebsns College, on Tuesday, 19th May, at ,A nuinber.of the members of'tiie Aof tWingty fnd umCombusntees King Edward Hotel, promises to ho f r. Auxiiary of AU Saints' Churdli, following the. mceut, campaigu, wjll beabilanfnco.Dr rPi- notored to Toronto ou Weduesdyto edinterangrosfth.Cl cipal Emeritus, is to ho the guest of attend the)!Çnual Convention in ses- lege on Tuesday eyening next, May 17, honor, comng especillyfrth c sîîua there. ,t8ocok i ebr fteCn casion. There will ho a recoption at Mrs. Lionel Barks, wlioudowe t mittee, k.And hoembwh of he omnany11.30,- an hour prior to the lunèheon, an- operation- in Osli.awa Hospital a waY during the campaign, as well as whidli bogins at 12.30 sharp.' Miss ew weeks 'ago,.is uow recoveriug the boys who assisted on voting day, Margaret Masser, formerly of Hamn- oiely. are asked to be present.. There will be fiton, will be a- wolcome guest, con- a social hour, following the business. tributiug to the vocal numbers. Miss Our first llhipment of white fish is meeting. Masser is a former pupil of O.L.C., f,.pected next w eek. Prices saine as and lias liad mucli sueeess in Califor- l'ast season, W. B. Pringle & Co. 4 'zla under Chas. Wakefield Cadman SMr'. J.' Menear, of Toronto, who pur NO TICE. and Carnie Jacobs Bond. Miss Masser chi.use [lite 'property of m. W. A. Fras- Ay person wishing any cemetery also sang lu Hamilton lait *eek at'a, eî'~sceml wvî~ ao, ovei o twnwork done. such as fixing up graves, luncheon given in honor of the Dukce el h s ally week . mye ot cleaning repairing, e-lettering old. of DYevonshire. It is hoped there will stonos, and engraving, etc., please no- be a good represeutation of class- P. J. Sullivan, llcenn.d pluinber sud tify G. Gillis, Pine St., Whitby.44 mates and fiends frein Whitby tO tina§ith, .Brockç St. N., Witby.-tf. m>.ieet these distinguished "guests." Mi, Wmi. Calverlïy, of Toronto,' a YER LDB Y E. J. Ross, Pros. Gen. Board Trafal- v 'Il known :f, -* citizen of tliis B OD AY DIES. gar Daugliters. tov~u, as ~ wit a praltie Mr. and Mrs. Frank Underwood are- stoeas t e iPwih. aago u slu t iourning the loss of their little yeam-- sereusconiton t bs inelu heold sou, Douglas Camupbell, who died city.uý codto . oe-ntelast 'Satumday, after abrie! illuess C itu.yd eahrofuu-with ifluenza, which de~Véloped luto ArLur . Lnde teche ofsin- pueumonia. The funeril took place' iii-, teaches lu Whitby escli Monday., ou Mondaýr afternoon 'te Groveside N Em W 1>11011e 118. --tf. Ceinetery. Mm. sud'Mme. Underwood 'Ie p- ictures 'o!the Whitby 1in-] lave the sinceme sympatly o! their -M A 1, e 1 ' have aried, an& auy o4ie wisli- friends in tbeim bereaveinent. M A ilig 'o purchase eue may do so st F. 1). Ylaundrell's. 'COMING. St., Tom î g iii Toronto for sorne time past, onte's optoiuetrist and eycsight.speclal hareturned tu towu, sud wiil reside lut, will be 'at A. H. Allin's dmug-store, Qu_-]'L_ __ xg"uihT1 - lrl-v441 av 1'7+h 'nher;. -iiL inî lUt uure. bUe and lnem son, ir. itdWaî'd, are occupying the apèrt-' F n~cn 'verthe Roval Theatre. lié cau ho consulted about your. eyes for glasses. -46 fî' ii .ýeo wet.f os ffice NOTED MISSIONARY, MRS. J. S. fieu1 duoSr ct of Peu. t f. McKAYp 0F INDI-A, TO SPEAK Dunds Stuet Whiby.HERE FRIDAY. TlUe month]y meeting o! the Wo-_ On Fiday afterxioon of this week, ncNIiistitute wilf bho held lu the t,3o1lk MsJ.SMca f M icHall on Friday afteruoont May Ind oc iock, Mmes,J.eS. MKay ofi 20th, coininencing at 3 o'clock. As, ameiigadoeft e gularS.,n t- tJitis is the annual m'eeting, it ia boped iy metingo h W. Mr. MS, lu St. thî'e(, wirl be a-large attendance, netAdewsCuciMr. cKywh oni cftU tumuers bu al iteeat las served lu India for over twentyil dI Il, 1nstitute work. Misg Axuies, r- luoeo tebr keums- 1'i'c~~~~~~~ .;M- .V cllaSc. siouary educationahusts- sud authors and is aise a very fine speaker.A i (;i cery Specials.-Best rice, -lOc. a very cordial invitation is exteuded toi î.; calnncd corn, 15c.; 1 lb.'tîn choice al the women sud Young. girls o! te simn,32.; soap chips, 15c. lb. Wlvty t crne1uheeurMc 1. - \Vright. Kay, and aise to eujey the socialbu tV 1h te illines of Dr, J.. H. at the close o! the meeting. LC11b-1* Dean in Theologyof -MeMas- ' ttî Unîeisity,- wbo was to have -te- FAMOUS AUTIIOR AT-O. L. C. upa he pulpit or the B:'hsat church L. M. Meutgem 1emy (Mrs. Eweu- i Suday, his place was taken bY MacDonald), the well-knewn Cauad- lii. on, Cari V. Fammer,wiB.Ai, a third ian authoress, whose home is at rtî student'at Osgoode Hall. -W_ýle Leaskdale, near Ukbridge, was at the - ±-Ontario -Ladies' College hast Friday - evenlug and gave a group of readings frein lier books, "Aune o! Green - Gables"I and other novels o! the sanie series. It was an occasion of more Blzngte rB e than usual nterebt, audth uine Ipeople, were greatly pleased aud en- lia n - _ _ temtain'ed by Vhe readiugs given. Pure Sulk Cocoa, 15C laet year, 40ce Cholce Prunes,-lOc lb. last year, 30e. Eêsllrst Shortenlnd, 13 M. pal, 45c lamt yeri, 90e. Flnest Bulk Datesp 150 lb. lastyear, 25c. Your Bti.nesa Frend Wm. eeo Whltby, Ont DEA TH 0F MRS. WM. GAMMON. At lier bine ou Perry Street, the death occurmed on Thursday hast- o!f Lillie Lintfieid, wife of William T.I Gaminon, lu bei 30Vh year. Mms Gammon had been lu rll healtl for a considerabie lime,. and bad ouly me- cently retumned îroin Oshawa Hosp- ital,. wheme she liad undergone an op- eralion. Hem condition did net offer aRiy. encourageftîeut for. reoovery, and hem deatl was not unexpected. She ta survived by a husbaud sud five small cliildren.- Theo funoraL was hehd on Saturdsy afternoon te Groveside - emetery, service being conducted by Rev. T. G.- A. Wrighit, rector o! Alh WILL CONDUCT MISSION AT CLARKSBURG. Re.T. G. A.0'riglit, o!, Ah Saints, Cliuréli, Wbitby, begins a six days p ission i Clarksbumg, Grey.County, next Simday,.May >15t1, asud continues- it for the. uext five, days.' The rector of Clarksburg Io Rev W. A. Earp, r*-' turùed m!bà ionary frein ]India. The, mission wil be con2tÎnued on SindaY, ,May 22, by Rev. Prôfessior Anderson, Mr. Wriglits successor at Huron 1,Col1- loge, London, 'ho aIse dd mOniu wo'k inlu iia. N 50 Men's Boots- for Fine and - fleavy Wear. A bargainý $2,98 -Pr.> NIEN9S FINE RAIlm COATS New Patterns. This Week On Sale $10350 MEN'S FlN4EP. FELT HATS Regular-$5.OO. 9n Sale $33,95 MEN'S SOX Navy, Black, Brown, Grey, 125ec E' A Dn since Hotpoint Wek, t a brand uew one fo'r it-. Lowest PrJces, Whilt yy w.I 'las been theedenecf mu¶h e during the pà st teii dasag4 lias the work pr;gmrsaed tbat ii ticipated Satuirday of -tbié * Bee the entii-e section of rpad 1.pleted and a first'elisas sur.face for use. Scores of loads of Êtoi been hauled 'and placed., on ti and the surface for most of t tance nortli to "Rice's Hall"» sniooth and liard ""nd weil. r4uni 2L good r6ad sliould be. lInLthe time tbis road bas been ceWse< nothbomid traffic lias had to, on oads haif a mile east~ or wi til the S-rd concession is reauhe county steain roUier, l being and is miaking a job tbat s4ýIio for aà long- time, eyen on ti tmavelled road. TOWN. LEAGUE'SCfiEDULE. )jay 17-Irisli vs.]Red "Sox. May 19-Leafs vs. Irishi. Mayý 24-Red -Sox'vs. Leafs.' May 26-]Red Sox vs. Irish. May 81..-Irisli vs. Lea.fs' June 2ý-Leà fs vs. ;Red Sox.* Team 'Managers-Irish, S. Bragg; Leoat s,.'Pellow; Red Soel Geo.O- Conuor. Gainés will be played at 6.30 p.m. at tihe Town Parkç SAIIE REGISTER. Saturday, tkay 14-Bailiff1Bsasle of Gas Englue,ý cimcuJtar saw and swing table, cutter, creain separator, cross- eut -saw, wime gate, 1 set ton scales. These articles -ail uearly uew. Sale at- W. J. H. Richardson's office at 7 o'clock sharp, alter supper. Terns, cash. F. G. Rogers,Wm Maw, Bailiff.Auctioneer. DEA TH 0F 'UGH McýBRIEN. Early Tuesday morning, the death occurred of Hugli McBrlen,^ a well. known resident of Whitby, at his home ou Centre Streéet-north. The late Mr. McBrieu had been lu faillng health for some turne, aud for a weok or more the end was kuown to ho near. Deceased 7was bomu near Kinsale elghty-oue yeams aigo, ou the farin oc- cupied until a short time7 ago by -his brother, W. W. Mcflrieu. He has been a ýresldeipt of Whitby for upwards of tweuty-five yoars. I»eaides. his widow, formerly Miss Margarqt Joues, ho Is. survived by one daughter, Mms. C. E. Harper, of Whit- by, and two sons, Rev. E. W. McBrlen, Chapleau, Ont., and W. H. McBrien, Mayfaim. Mail. Another son, Davý,id, lost his life overseas while serving with the Canadian Expeditionary Forces. W.W.- McBrien and Miss J. Mc. Brien, of Brookli, are brother and sis- ter of deceased. Tho funeral will bt held this after- noon, service at the 'house being at 2 o'clock. Interment will be, made ini Salemn Cemetery. ANNIVERSARY AT ST.- JOHN'S CHURCH. Plans for the celebration of- the- ISth anniversary oe. this, the oldegt churcli in Wbitby, aâe well unde" ,y They incelude a big celebxation ii te Towu Park on Dominion Day, of sports, etc. The ladies of the church are planning a monster sale of goods that will require the ereetion of 12 booths -at least. Out of town people should plan 'tO coin. to Whitby that day, and Whitby- people wiIl find plenty of entertain- TALJI in- the sed,l last ïnlrii To Rent For Sale;. Ete.ý PORL SAL.E Grey wicker baby sulky, in goéd con- ditioii, Apply Collins, Shoe store,, Whitby. EGGS FOR HATCHING. Thoroughbred Barred Roâl seting eggs, good laying'strain; - 1.0,0 per sett- ing of 15 egg&. Apply Herb Elliott Centre St. N., Wbitby. --43 FOR SA&LE Ten ;acre, market garden and chickeu -ranch for 'sale or exehange, for town, residence. Beautiful mxodern up-to- date home with al. conveu.ieuces. -Also good chiciten house and outbulldings.J APples, pears, cherries, pluma ad 'Corner lot. '.roou garaeni, stable., Gond. bargain for immediabe sale. Apply XMrs. Win. Kerr, Raiload pt., Brookln-tf. 1 VIOLINS. Strfhanad fttings always ou baud at lowout possible priea . J Peeh'lWhitby - An Excelsior Twln, Motor Cycle. Ap- plyý R. Pa.rrott, Wlditby,- Phone 216., FOR SALE' A cauoe> ini goodcondition. Â1A1 to W. T. Roas? Ontario Hospital, WIiV- by. IMATCNHYOG GAR FOR WEAK ,PQIRTS does not own au ,machine. She doe pemfectly it doesj ixig tlie wriugiug treats thieMost And perliaps she ougbly undemstood t purcbaaed for a uni regular imoutlly paý strawberries sud maspbemmioO sund fimat Consuit'us, aboùf -kuocks fors sollg good ýcondition*' Reason sdgid~ti u frsligparty rotiming. For fumther an.«'dr-hesern n particulars apphy to. -Morýley camp. brakes, -the'. olectrie u ystem, bell, Port Permv. - ,- - -4ô, sud power plant in gonlle Hae Vou -xpia Planted Vour ,SIIrdNhais- .-LADN t sar I'Vo l '.r Elietplclan mmd Plumber, 1iWhitby We"ohave a full' s upply of Garden and Field Seeds ln Bulk >- B 1k Seeds can be bouglit for haif the price of Package Seabds- We guarantee them v,'ur aeoeuorien and parts are: the bout, and 'are Gare- fully inqpectod before boing auu.mbled on your car.ý W. *BIave the m, cali suid se* for yýouruelf.' Hood Covers, Lenses, Batteries, Chains, Anti-fireeze, Rose Tire Pumps Tires, Tubes, etc. - '"to- be ail fresh 1921 Seed. Get our pricea for reboriug cylinders and fittinig pistons lurnip, mangel, corn- aud 1losk proof- rings.- Ail Varleties lresh in,, We-iake the slant out of his, save gas sud oi'bis, gir. the gallon on the guar- wu B. P INGL CO aneed masure, and send PHONE 34 you ou tho road to success. Headquarters for Cintrai ïhrege, M1111 Choioe Greceries e * AISN rp WIIITBY, ONTARIO I il NEW EST SPRING STOCK IEWMAYPRýICES, TENNIS BOOTS. FOR MEN and,'BOYS Colors Tan,'Blue, and White, TWEED PANTS Regular $3.509 On Sale Colors- Plaf iGrcýy, 1Plain Blue* Fancy Tweedso ail tizes Ail New This Week. ILATEST STYLES IN NEW STRAW:HATs Juat Arrlved To-Day. Prises te utYu AlTTENTrION, FARmERS I W. middIaet< mHv.aitaop Io open for repairs, of al l Inds iu Harnesa, Boots- and SiiýOL Brock, Street North (N.xt door t., - Whitby -y. 17Separated' Isulated -:The platesnl. your bat- tery mly be merely sepa-. rated or they Mnay bein- -aulated. if insulated wîth Willardl Throaded Rubber Insula- lion, your old-time wood- separator battery worries are over. It's a -satisfaction to know. that -Threaded Rubber In-. sulation dcoes flot puncture, check, warp, crack or car-." bonize- No bils, for wood-s>epara-. tor replacement with the Willard Threaded Rùbber Battery. Threaded Rub- ber Insulà tion outlaststhe battery plates. ONTARIO BTIR SERVuICE 'STATION il Churdli Street Oshawa Pho-925 Odd Pants,Work -Shirpts*', IJderwear, Gloves. -and Mt Msnswoar R. Ti y - I s 12 I y j -i. 1; Boy' Jrses, les, B racés, Etc. -31 1 ) W- 1-1 lý'ontintlxl