of fie show. Try Marvel Pastry P¶out niadi Broqkllu Mill. If you are saMltei your, neighbor, if yen are not satis tell 'us. It zakes fine flaky pi Chas. Wilson, )Prop. i Basot'siw Store I JiiwmIer and Optiia, WIk M L-HAPPERNINBS The Publie library wlll be closed every Wednesday afternoon* and, eveli- iug during the summer. "Sbe Stoops to Conquer" will be preseuted by the Whitb 'A.Y.P.A. of Ail Saints' Church In the. Town Hall, on Thursday, May th. Don't fail to Ie it. M r. R. F. Sonley 'has moved from Uxbridge and has opened up a- but- cher shop ini the Bassett Black, just n orth of R. N. BassettVs store. Mr. E. E. Vanstipno and tamiily hAc moved into the flouse just vacated by Mr. ulcKenzie. Hl. and 3. Gazuion, gardners and handy m;ên, Whltby.- Persons wishing ;work clone should drop un a card at once.-4 Mr..W. L. lanson has purchased à a 8ummer lioel toI Stoey..Lake, and e~l au1 ÈII ùauction sale -e! ies house- hold furnituro on Saturday, MaY 71h, at 3 4*clock. Èiem~mber lhe bazaar at tue'Tewn Hall or) Friday atterneen,, April 29th, givon by the. Ladies' Aid O! St. An- drew's Chiurch. Supper 40o ,sorved frQxn f5.o'cleck te 8 o'lock. Groery Speeals--2 Ibo.- Dulci Set on ions, 25e; Hoernga, 16e tin:# 3 tins Classie Cleaner 25e;ý 2 pkgs. -Maccar- eut or Spaghetti 25c. A. P. Wrighit. ]P. J. suilivan, licons.d p1,uib. sd d- n& tlaitBroc .LN.,9'Wtb.-t. Several Whitby peoDle were lu Tor- onto lust Saturday alteuiding Iii, con- cert given by the Quarringlen -Society, compoaed o! pupils o! Dr. Quarringten. Aloi ellson, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alex. --W1lson, o! Whitby, was on. o! thome who partielpated' Iaking. the part o! thiesmuggler luntle Quintette Iu "Car- men., Arthur W. Lynde, teacher o1 ing- ing, teaches in Wbitby each MondaY. Phone 118. -t!. Ms.- J. I. Ferry has douated to the. PublietLIbrary e. number of!-booka from the library of her late husbaud, which will prove vailuble as reference. The glft is mucli appreciated. 1The .Y.P.A. of AUl Saints', Churefi, Whitby, are presenting - Oliver Gold Bmith'a cemedy In Five Acta, entÃtled "She -Steope to Conquer.", Get your ticket nt Odlum's. - Don'tnmiss seelng W. H. Kennedy, bà rrister, etc. Of- fice one door west of Post Office, Uu»das Street, Whitby. -t!. 4Any team ,wtshing to enter in the Town Leà gU&bas ebali must maie en- tries te tthe secretary, J. D. FluIkex', on or Meore May 5th. A fee of $5.00 miuet acconDlaflY eaeh eutry, samne te, be reitunded at the end of the season, pr6vldiug the team plays out the sciiedule. Guon's 'Shertening 3 lb. plil, 45c. PURE .orange -Marmalado 4 lb. pail, 9,5c. Pink Salmon lardetiUn, 20c. mus FrFl se., r,ý 1O. Red,1 try. The M"bers of Keyst»ioeChaptr, Royal Arch Mpsous; wIll entertain Beechea Chapter, of Toronto, at au. em.ergent- meeting to be iield ou -Fri- day evenlng. It la erpeted that a large number of Toronto Ms*ons wifl corn dovu by M4otor tor the occason.. Mr. Wrn Mawf, auctioneer, la engag- ed mn Oshawa every afrernoon and eveu- ,ing tu eek except Saturday, con- de tig nauction mie or!the, furnish- tngaud fitttlng of thé Queen'a Hotol. Tiie W.A.A.A. Minstreis have twe more efagments to MIl betore tiieY dlsband for tiie season. Tii. performi- ano will b, givèn for,,tii benefit'o! the. Oddfellowd at fie Stii anxiveraarY ô! iEaateru Star Lodg. on Ma.y lilh; and at Brookliluon thei, eening o! May 24i, !ollowing the Spring Fair. The iistrels have aise been invlted to go to Port Perry iu -fie near future,, but fil has not yet bqendeid upon. 0"&fltaý. % vi 1 qu Everythingin Hardware 4 GO.Iwo Rice_ The monthly meeting o! the. V. O N. will b. held at the Homie on Mouý- daiy, May 2ud, -à t 3 o'clock. WANTED. Every memiber of Eastern Star Lodge, ýNo. 72, I.O.O.F'., te bé. on hand toecelebrate tue, Soh, Anmvçrary of 'lhe iedge " Wednesda.y, lvaY lti, ai- ternoon and eveêna. Tiiink It pver. If yen have net doue anyfig,_do it Mrs. Fred S. Allun was caied te Casa unow. Come aleng and give Riveraul 1 Citýý, Mici., on Sundaýy, April lTth- o- I»dge, -Noe. 360, -Torouto, a g1a'd recep-, Ing te the sudden death o!fiier m.otier, ten ilO.F.u on adeel Mrs. A.- Osborne.* Mra. Osberne 'iiad. cOIKIe.GeoMwat, Sec. been lu 111 health foi a year and a hImf but her -death iiad net been expected whenher ondiion eek suden , The steam barge Louis Palhow arriv* change fer fie worse. Mrs. Allun re- ed thie week wlth a cargo of D. L.& turned to Whitby on Monday o!filhs W. Scranton Coal, from Oswego, N.Y., week, accompanied 1w her sister, Mr.ý for R. Goldring & Son. We understand Ada Miller, o! Casa- City, who will other dealers are quoting - prices of sp wdatime here on a visît. - Scranton Ceai,- but te our knowIedge spend Ithe. onl'y Scranton Ceai that has corne te Whitby tuis season has- been that NOTICE. controlled by us. This ceai is costing We will ,diver ice. three& timnes a us 25 or .30e per ton more tiaii we could purchase other kinds. o! coal for, diuary houa. refrigerater. Apply at a strictîy first class fuel at rlght lvoore's Livery. erî-e4. I.O.O.F. SERVICE. Tii. annual divine service o!f Oddfel- Iowa e! Whitby wil be, lield* on' Sun- day evening next,, May let, In the Bap- tist Chureh, aI 7 dclock, wheu Mr. E. W. Armstrong- will preach. -Membera o! EMasteru Star - Lodge are aaked te meet at thé lodge room a t 6.30 p.P., for the. piirpose e! proceeding, to the churchin l a body. MILLINERY. 'S Hats trimmed and reniodelled from your own mnaterial. Terme moderato. Apply le Miss Mabel'Symons, in the evening, at Euciid St., former appren- tic. o! Miss Clark. -44 GETS M.R.C.P. DEGREE. A cablegralu from London, Eng., wua received this week by Mr. W. A. Broughton, from hie son Dr. E. A. Broughtofl, stating that he had been succeseful lu hie exo3iiations for the degree M. R. C. P.,, (Member e! Royal College o! Physicians).'- Dr. Brougi-- tou'a succes is very gratlfying te hie friends, as hie studies were lui addition te hie regular work aI the Royal Iu- llrimary Hoespital, Manchester. HOUSE PAINTING Wanted a good painter, apply P. R. Bradbury, Byron St. N., Whitby. ANOTHER CARGO. Tii. Steamer Hiuckley. has arrlved- 1and diècarged another boat load '(steve size) 'ceai, direct !rom the mines, for E. R. Blow. Buy your ceai now, and have.deliverles made at your conveulence. WEDNESDAY CLOSING 0F STORES. We, -the underaxgxed do iiereby give notice that our stores will be elosed every Wedn.sday afterueen cenunenc- ing May 4th, 1921, during the slnu- mer motha:.--G., M. Hice, Rosa Bros., F. D. Maundreil, J. MeIntyre, A. M. Roa, A. H. Allun, E. L. Odlum, T. G. Whitfield, H. A. LeBar. Mr. Norman MacCarl, of Toronto, vlsited at hîs home hero duriug last week. CHINESE RELIEF. Further donations for th. Chinese Faxme Relief Fund have been re- ceived during tiie past week, whlch are h'ereby greatly acknowledged: Previeusly acknowledged .$61.48 Mrs. Bascom'e Clase o! Jun- ior Boys, St. Andrewse S. S .......... .... 3.00 Mies Wi'n4fred Scott. . 5.00 Total te date...... .. $69.48 MISSION AT ALL SAINTS'. On Sunday last, Rev. W. E. V. Mc- Milieu, rodor -o! St. James' Ciiurch, Ingersoli, commeuced a series o! spe- cial mission services at AlL Saints' Churcii. The sere has been continu- ed during tiie week and will conclude ou Friday. Bach day two services are held, at 4.15 and aI 8 p.m., and Mr. McMllen's mission 'la being fouud very helpful and iuepiriug by tiiose whe ,have attended.. The Sunday aud- iences whicii' greeted tii. commence- ment-of tiie mission filled the. ciurch BOWLING. CLUB GETfING BUS'!. A metiug o! tie mombere o! the WiIby Bowling Club 'was ieid ilut Tiursday evoulug, 'wheu plans for fie actlvtlos o!fieh comiug aummer were discuseed. An effort willl bo made te enrol a largo memberaip. The. Bowl- ing Club fias a splendid green, on- Centre sîreet, norli o! Ail Saints' Ciiurcii, aud il la expected liat liere will be »me partlculariy geod sport 1,h15 year lu the. way o! touruamnus. The Iuembershlp fee la 85.00. The. Club held itls anniia.lMeeting amre lime. go. Geo. Anderson le lie president and F. D. Maufr11la inSec- retery-Treaourer. TENDERS FOR, SIDEWALKS AND GRADING. Tenders will ho received by the. un- dersigned for: grading tii. 8&0oo groibd and. building cernent aide- wal hei new 'Fang St. Schooi, the town o! Whitby. Plana and apeeca-C8 lions may . seen-a; M ;%aix end. 1. BASCOM, ChairnianBuilding Cern. TENDERS W ANTED.- '- n o! Whitby Batli itCiurch. Info t4ou sud Espeelfi caionsiMay b.eOb ed from U Lw. Dudbey-or G. M. Good f eUow,WhtY SUCCES$FUL BAZAK. Tic Hom e and Behoèol 'Cluýb o! tie .separate ehol lield a sale' o! home- nmade coking lu the, ToWn Rail on Sat- urday aftet .noo , which 'w~slargelY patronized. -The 'tabfes- o! delilus cooking weè ùicÃly cleared off, long before customere' demande wore eup- plied. Afternoon tea was aise served. The sale was an unequalized suces and enabled tho ladies e!t the- Home and Sehool Club te, add materially te thelr funde. PAGE'AN,T ON INDIA. The mexbers or tue. Girls' Auxlliary of St.Andrew's Church gave a very iu- teresting pageant, illu$strating the life' and cuetome of India ' last Thursday, evening. Street scenes o! India parti- cipated in by young peop)le costumed as Hindoos gave a realistic stor$ of what lt. lu India ile k, and proved to be a very instructive and helpful way o! promoting intereet lu 'missions. The pageant was under lh. direction o!. Mr. Coxon, a returned missionary fro'm In- dia, who aise spoke lu St. Andrew's church un Sunda.y evonlng. NOTICE. work done, such as fixing up graves, cleaning repairing, re-lettiering old stones, and engravmng, etc., please no- tify G. GillisPine St., Whitby. -46 APPLICATIONS WANTED. Applications will bê received by the undersigned up to Friday, April 29th, for the position of Chef Constable, for the Town of WMhitby, duties to. commence Jupe lst; also for the posi- tions of Assessor and Tax Colector, either sepgrately or, together, duties te commence June 1st. Particulars as to duties May be had ou application. State experience and salary.- Con- stable'a fees to go to the town. Jos. White, TownClerk. --44 Je Es E- IISNEY Real Estats Il lieuses and Farms For -Sais e e. Lâawn. momi or rebtult."Al tw<b "B1leM repaired McKwuey, e hurchi.[ TIME, TABLE- CHAN9ES., A change Iii the. G.T.R. train ,isei ,r- -vice, f un al ounceWjeut e! wii i î b, =xade _net week, wili go6 into effect ou 1 Ouday, MoY I. -By thischange, the. mornhll&tr&iii golng west, stepplng at Wltby -junetie" at 7.35,>a.m., wil» b. put onuthe . servie»O again. LIn th evenug -fier.Win- b. two traîna lu- steqado! the on. uQoW l1eVngToronto at, 6.30 p.m. -These wIU ave Toronto at 5.10 and 6 p.m. These changes are în accerdance, witii the. umxuer eched- ule 'uaUaly folIOod by the. G.T.R., PRINCIPAL EMITUS DR. RARE Risj many- friends. will .be glad 'te learuth-at rn he Principal Emeritus, 'Dr. Rare, is retutning te, Canada for a short visit next month, wheu he wil b. the. guest of henor at the annuai lunecheon of thie Toronto Chapter of_ the Trafalgar Daughters aItih. King Edward, Toronto, on Thursdà y, May l9th..iiese who _wisii to meet him mydo se frosn il a.m. te 12.30,noon. D1er. Hiae wil glso,. deliver the ad- dreseý at ~the--May Court exorcises at tii. College on May 24th. T.:D. MUSICAL. Th& Traflalgar Daughters' Musicale, held lu the. drawing rooms o! tho On- tarioLaes Coilege, Monday after- neon, ,at wiiich the. President, Miss Maudê,Annes presldQd, was very much enjoyed by thoso present. Tii. exhibit"of paintinge by, Ontario Artias hung on the. wallS added an ad- ditional t .ouch te hile very artistie a!- fair. Tii. program was given by the graduates: Sibellus, Romance iun1-Norma Moore Rubinstein, Morning Sone- Gwendoline Kiombies Blissful -Readingr -Elva Haskett Guonod-RoWo and' Juliette- Bernice Breese 1. A Portrait te, a Lady 2. Cookies 3. When Pa le Slek Wheu Ma le Slek - -Holene Allwerth Chopiu-Sciièrzo ln B-Norma Moore. NOBLE-At V.O.N. Home, on Tuesday, April 26th, to Mr. and Mr s. 'Alfred Noble, Port Whitby, a son. MCeINTYR-At Brockvile, on, Sunday AprîllOU.tet Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc- Intyre, a son. (John Jacob.) SEEO POTAIQESI FinatIrish Cobblers Grown, from fiew Brunswick sesd $192 5 bag (90 Ibo) 25C peck Fu.Ili as.ôértm@flt of Garden Seeda ln- bulk W.a Be.PRIMGLE & CG PHONS 84 H.madquarterl for choie@ Grecerien WHlITBY, ONTARIO MUJST BESOLD NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Eleven building lots on Green and Athol.Streets, - the property of je H. LAVIN will'be-offéred for sale by auction on Satrdy, prl.3Oth SALE AT 6.30 P.m., IINT AFTER SIJPPER to give contractors and buildors a chance. TERMS-Arranged on-:day of sale. Further particulars from. owner, or - FOR, BAT Bowker's frmtllizer. Aise oe a Oak desk, oue aafe onue glam cupbo; Âpply te J. -B. Disuey, Whltby., :191R SALE by. Fiat to ret.~ CouvenienS et ed. ApplyJoiiistones Geutie Fwrnih- Ixig store.' TO RENT Aýn eglit romed house with acread, haf of lad, Situated about a mile uorth east e! Corporation-4r Ofaiiawa.- Âpply tcQ G. Linday north Union Cer-. etery, or R. R. No. 3;' Oshawa. TO RENT SmalI Cottage on Centre st-reet, op- posie Methodit Tabernacle. Apply at Gazette office. Bookkeeper, for retail buiiness-- muet have had previeus expelIence. Apply Gazette. POR BALE McLaughlin car, C25*, 5-Dassenger$ l excellent condition, tires il practical- ly new, willsoul cheap. Here le au o~> portunity te secure a car at a 10w fig- ure. S. B. Pimmer,ý Oshawa, Piione 941w. .4 FOR SALE 6 room, rougi cast flouse, lu geed condition, two lots, e.il klnds fruit trees, ,hard and, se! t water, good cellar4, AP- ply te J. R. Smitii, Eucid Street, ~ht by. iÀnd Keep DRIJOAND STATIONERV 8TOBRE WHITB-ONTARIO Sole Agents for Butteriek Patterns. Leave your order Piano uni wth us.We deStri n a g na 2O. MicSeA, nR aumwr Apply te Wm. Pile, Brooklu. FOR SALE A quiet bay peny; baby' chicks;' a quantlty of goed cookiug apples'a.ud potatees. ýAppiy Box 125,,- Gazeftte Office.. A. tuantîty o! potate enieus, suitable for seed, to clear. fhi out, wi ll - u6 iba. fer 25c. Aise two or thrge .bags, o! emal i ckling oulons for sale cheap. 4pply l. Brown, Kilng -St., Whitbyý, orl Výpiione 240. FA RMERS!00HE! Haviug purohased the Implexient and Hiard- ware business of J. E. Disn'ey, I wish to aunounce thvit I wautyouto Mako This Your. Hoadq.artsrs whon you are in lown. 'You are à -lwaye w. wloome to Corne in and makeyçurséèlf at home. L.ADIES-"Whefl you are in town, we will be pleà sed if you will leave your parcèlIs'hereuiintil you are rudy Vo leave for-home.' It will saâve you amy trouble of oarrying them &round, and we will- be glad to take car@ of them for you. Dundas Street, Whltby, nt a hand at -low id fittinga .-always o veat possile p4ces J.. ,ggo, gobdlaying sIrain, #1.0-Per sett- Lug o! 15 eggs. -Appiy Herb Elliott, Centre St. N., WhltbY..--; Ilght, on iuo . rudeveleon Brook tlziglumair ft oudI tur goii garde; ~oeeuso my eb.i fl er1ifueary. Racoditon;,astera to um-it purcba y te *DOM SFOR SALE. Tfimothy hsy, 8180 a bull 16 mouths old. Apply to W.'F. Battyp Brooklin ATTENTION, FAmMNIRS - W. Uldileto.. Uarues Matie. Io open for r»Pairn of aUi. kdisln Ramnes., Boots and Shoot. Brock Street North.- WhtbY, (Nextý doôr to Howls Bros-') j *John Noble & Son *ainbfatirs!S ed Dulidors' --Woodwork Estimates GiOven. SASH, DOORS AND FRAMES SUPPLIED ON SHORT NQTICE& Duindos St. East, at Perry Stroet, WiU[TBYO CLOBIN 1$DOWN§ SUliTS MADE TO MEASURE TWEEDS, SERGES, ETC. $29,,00 AND LPWARD)SO GUARANTEED GOOD _FIT ANO GOOD WORIK. nIIiIIIIEI TallêrDum@dao et. ppassing.n.je H e LL Rsf lic __T We no* have our new prices ou ail Chevrolet modela: CARS Baby Grand Regular) Chevrolet 490 TRUCKSà Model T, l 1 ton, Chesà s Model G, I1 ton Chassie Light Dcllvcry, complete 17 25100' 1025.00 W&¶1 Test Your BatterY" A test levery two weeks t uiecessary cveu if you have a Wiflard-Threded Rubber Bat- tery. You waut ta, know that it is failiy ehargd-that it in, able to provide a quick start and bright light whýeu wauted., Drive aroumd taday. YouPll know our place by the rcd Willardagu Youll m a fulll Une'of Wil.ý lard Bqtteres here, andmWilhard Service-4he kind you'd expect from the, builder of a battery like the ùWiad. Ask about Thrèadcd Rubbcr Insulgti=u. SERVICE STATION 17 5000 l025eO00 102500 The factory iîs 110w runlug lunfullBswing sbud we osu mako immediate deli'ory ou sîl modekt except ti B. Specoial- Thin ana exceptiouslly flue car of'special featurea, ,dirk bine body.- apecial' top, aval -plate glà as ight in' rear, mahogany j11gtrumntbogrd, handi o ut -ide of doors, aew othervalua1ble..festurea;, cord -tires.a a arouud. -Gtyour ordoers il.unearly asudi liuer.youraolf of- "Cnalüemrh>ae lUes o! tii, Ffoions.wThe GriOtY" may th b aise, instructe4 lu inte close tà uch o! "Floral Culture" sud Christian Livinge, and Good Citizensbip. IIale garden19and, the culture o!floWwors yontr hobby. Attention r>ï 1 -1 lý osbawâ chunh Street Phone