Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Dec 1917, p. 2

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1 9v 4 q 71 t-maike yourself want - ' A laut wffhail -wotsid abot Mis 'i SppOse9v.." Mrs. Crate m dd D.Iae llaS. i la ibi Dparm.t l fr Agronomist - . ClirsWumMW the flhds. bard for ber thsof ber savinn aBd At the turn of the road Mms Crane Ad... Dr.JoiB u..CretW *f n Wftt Ot.snyquetin r~adIgo~ intoe ii. e. but the. .llme',s mflkauietta Khtg. The girl noddedi It- Toronto u , fton n uUnrgrnssollJseed, crebs, etc. -If yeur UM,40,best eout of Cbr1Mtaiàa, don' egt o1 pleanti andsbe bas a bigrroorna uwtisle rw. Ms rn tp 5 fsffbdî*e.a itra. twUb. aâswered through Ibis CMIGlUM'If e. eefrj fl:.L i Ys -i ' ndiù Ped-A un £tafit-d aa adrai Id enesot . eclae wtI 4dlàlttrOf th ~e lu <herseif'; am lw.anarelwsya Adgd oyi acid sue 004 and ib. allremd teno. Adr.le genemlaith. carere o W la Pb0Ih9tle songsters eut in th.e eld and_ snow, brtig tinvlting ber round ta, 'What's the matter, Lauretta?" she log Cnbe.,Lt.,i' Abe ald to81. w.. Toee. - jar f ilo Pbls" and be a real Santa te tbem. tes -te showthat she isn't left out, asked. THE (HLSUE Co.Ld,7 glieSLWTrno fcour»e you wIf have a bfrds'yet site goes reûnd with a face as "Matter? 1 watt Miss Eustacia, Fenlt hr e h it er The problem is to produce more!1 the best of titern tiis procems 'of cdean-,'hitas i.Afeegen ya og sryan? n e oo tr hcr. ne tet's w at's hematwer. hi useto Select f romi rogtes rils with le'a men tu it. Nof yothe, igsheavesô o!nswheatmplc inulowi 1 tinte foi action. housanda f aturif ng out th chaifof wscree in eut 1kBu R ',lIy m Pm a tleos of patiece.patiernherd1ateorne.aandsnt home. manmealhominy, otrneal (ech cooke Caiansforractrion hon for t i mot the csee d I srater aoutand evergreen branches al «ver it to, svouldn't have believed it of Miss through, but now-"2 orthd make It dense. tlantiitgoforlthe Eusbacia.&ornaeeoyotheldher so?" Mr r Crime a "houes he day bef ore they areCrene They are Iear-nitig the 'var gante; not t'ery careful cleanîng and ree.leani' 1I e tdne Pati ee l nEstca"1aslced i ky 0Lur aeserved with ml n ugr rbt thae~i wa s fouht in 12 , neihrot hre s idicre n aaa là, ît wire baskets filled with guet,boxes,! yard. 5h. wgs a plump little %vo-YOu ?94:ft boiled or rabe g.lri even t wa fuii tin 1900. No, t um-of te ms isct,dedan,à plmrp ard witfronts removed, containing nut man with tender, luntinous brown eyes "Told hier? 1 haven been up there. n utr rnbici n utr mei, bt Uc wy i mefoghtnow to hevy ernlsarekep fo sed. hemeats, millet, unflower-seeds, wheat., titat had a way of teeing far ilo the She'll be too husy ith al] those peo- glass of ni!k. day, in France. Antiquated ntetht-ds discarded portionis as good for feed cracked cern, breaci-crumba, rolled heart at tintes, pie.' Dinner: P1i oprr oa have no place irii he face of -oertnan as it is before passing through the oats, etc. Cocoanut shela eut lru haIff *What pretty hittle tes pertieýs Miss Mrs. Crane et-en gai.e lier a push., beef, beefstea.p(ty ih'Ioa sht nl era, hel Aitqatd 'l.Th ratieoftrain and filled with daînties cani be hug 'Stacia u«ed ta giv.," she said musiniz.- Go, Lauretta; gto thie minute. She's' ttoùnikut ake. ec shtan erin ie1. Anîuae m). h patieofteaig front the branches. Have aevera11',. "She made a different 'feel, heen. eat.ing her heart bect.use tironiesrn en' taie.see o farnîing met hotishave no 1place in the' grain for nmut is becoring quite gti LL eeedMr.InitestertatU in ee face 'of tewrdspresew. food needs. eral and should ho adopt.ed by al hees, cOit W adv. plaelettuc, 1a- a out ife"t .somehow. ed- oig '-orNv -n hrjn!toest. twed rrtqus. ltt WVith the rs o 'f the war depcnding growers of grain. It is a cheap, easy cag n egtbe. 1ko'i. r. e'paged 1 oiI t-toro. Iwtn e- uat' ibo! .'> .......... .i ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,,~,p In ail cold districts have deep boxes'dont' know exactîyy, unlMsberause lier-to help me do a dozen ît. îir>pS .îiigms.4.î ~~~î - - ,dý,tv i>h f içurn n -4 .--1 . -. .. f - -r l<c'.r. suiih ,s tr~ itp .bc uponiian tin144>4l'iL: 14,440 suppli .i >1441>, lesë important that we he as ilmisitent und alert in agrk(ulture as in tightinig. Ltus il)je(t* our.selves to a >earch- ing investiga4tion to determine wheth- er we are eftficiuent or whether we are hindeî'ed 1»' -orne oli d th which %ve ding to, siniply bccause it le casier thon to besli r orevsto make ia (hangýe. arderrctIe MLnfl 0 inurig atu-aImant filled with cotton.wbere the',.he iras so happy over then heTr-,elf ilurzry, t.xuretta:, îr.<reasing yield. And incsdentally iL balf -frozen burds can find shelter kad, that she made evervone else l'en the Bu,t 1Laurettai was aircady tr-one. wil reli>e te fre asads. Twowarnth. Birds often sufer froin rame way." d(,untstoue fa flstte ccucd f inn thirst in winter. 1lieut a brick or "And how maîîy summers wiu it Iane (tid Gooti Heaith. r.ut: ti -Seson athre uIt of at large atone and place a pan of waterl t-at sh. took int.o ber honte a lit-le, Noir that ire hae e herunie 'o alcrt gralin Th use bytre..hing sfrmt on it. Ever bird you keep from fresh-air girl?'- asked Im. Crane. on the subject of gt-rmnt. ire crito gran. helo~essur.aiedfroa tart'ing will repay you by destroying, with an air of innocent reminiscence. afford t-o neglect our hands. lm- thee tro irs wuldhae prc _,e hundreds of beeties, mosquitoos bor 'Last tine te ni-%' a mother anîd a sirk propesrly tared l'or linger nails. chap- the forunaldehyde Lu treat alI the see< ae>ls rbecta eIbb.wanti! dpe.ruhndîra-s u ad grains in 'h:>t rotînty for twn years. erctrilm rbs t. ta e ay ' i t"rd ruhtelqrae.adhni stroy your fruit, foliage andth ie fieldi "I guess iL must bu full as ntuch ne înut thorougzhiy cleanrecd st-, cra' limps aliI bautter. l'or desserIc: RPare tid ding. pIiý t beud uund butter 10>1l ig.nir rustard. tapioca pudding. etowed prunes -*ew c apîle haked apil el ra "' apjple. parsn'i chcrric-3. rend and butter.l1 Suipper: lariiw,. rtii f ' 4' be.ît t rath e.'oked l'our 2 hoursit roni 2 to 3i tabl.espcx)n-fuI wîh Wmi nd ,otar. or but ter andi sugar. or butter andi 4 . '~'*m"~- ~ - - rEnure rsirty %Sowlngc pe tfteýen. 1 hadn't titougltftat ttbe- a day. eh:pecially 1hefore oee.'mcal. sait, Sa":r'dndIu.". raic ti eain 1lowîî -men t or.lox of thimporta Another point of great importance 17n Deceîaber, in ail thbe coid cliét- fore, but 1 suppose she does micq- offer an exctfleYt rcarrier for d4i-,eae nI Xliîî c'-bcdHeaH I iis- t mntbn fe tine i'iat t get crope in, on tinte. This re- ates. only lte permanent residente andi thatl!" germ-. egKq (eawck otr o oo nitemîe make for eficieney on thé' farmn. Firsti quires that the aoil.be well drained. thbe winter visitant. are -found. Close-;lItrs. Cane's soft eesashone wilh It us mu, h 1w-t'en to lu ou-ct thceù.-nrch. raiat uîr Buut hyh. lthe have t~ work planneti aheati; it is a A careful inve"tigation along titis lin. ly study their actions. Birds that sudden passion. 11n.;i UL0 ihj la veynrcal ac httebs arricd out on a hundreti farte in te are usuaily ver>' shy will soon responti 1 i-Iiss them ? Thinge,. like that--gi% -w'auh gloves th.an tA. go har-,huindeti.coo.'uedsaliten farmora kwow months andi ofteiu yeurs S.IZinaw Valley indicates titat crops' to your loving rare anti beroine quite ing things ---rere ber life. Ellen Jes- To Izrasp tht' rail on the. car r :-ta> put Whn h- 'îtbabl'r frUcaea.Foa ûb ery fwhieti thefar m. Tat r ae own drie t o bt-en das'eearlier tante. That iii une of t-he ays of the sup! Do ýyou suppose chat being in- one'ýz luIre han.lq on the ssce: or-uiinbekadttsfoduhuIto ' x- a h'ms i erfilontefr.T t so iedandlandi than on land nut inter scason. vit-ed to tes andi haîing flowers car- .iov. util ig to î4îne i nta t ih a cartianl'mfi'up-r Rith lgttom>c une of the parlicujar rc-asone for a tiled. This-le a great .dvant-age for --' rieti to ber are going to'tnake up to gootideui t>l' mieiact ter. :inî it meat iunti.'i obtîretLit3hila erinoi relation of' crupa3. Il syt-entatizes frhviandhn o snt nsa oats adbarley. Nor dues this tecl Top dresaing for irbeat wililihelp Miss 'Stacia frh'n oigl o nuulto fini the'-etujnc \V erk hnteciIhnac'plii~.IaniIe the work so Iliat the l'armer knows in the witole Ftr>, for et'en though pre- bring ib througbh the winter. Wheat give?" "t icky niid very mni i qlvul ~ irafs.h hut o, ..tyt-l, ieietat Salvance, what hclp. seeti, fertlizers,, pared earier, ti"e4land ije generally in 'will ho needeti next year more t-han 'But- th~se hasn't àanyth in z hie In a feni'rn r-toe may tunci- rfs 'r.îuur a-fuî'et yfi and maachiner>' hz will need. There mucit btter condition ta i'eceive the ever.1 Want!" Mrs. Jeseap esiti hew'îlderedl)y. s. îou'lv. place the linr.sr in theinouth ecd frns u hst.'ppenp.ror :nwr-sypt îî_tver was a tinte rben it wa.s st im- seed titan is untileti land at a la ter -i- .rub- the cyn .or upc tite fingers on ~palra eg' na î, .n r!miig3Oii portant La know one's neeis it adi- date. As a furtiter assistance it geL' . e vate as iL le to-dây. troe in(oiia nd~te hnkürclii,f. ain.tng germu upe.n . ieuto .v rb ýsugun o Teee upyting cos-ilo e and ite best SAI f 'IY %%h.er,' t-bey ., 11 1 L ebrilshedl 14tht e leadintcetîr fnt' fud tdin' tbwfv TeSe PPYshape as mucit plowing as possiblea1 teltr Tewni qo 1c o tt Gel %eedis ready for use. Naîvt' l a dbatti udone in Lbe fal. Tisis 1%________ v.' rontriei >- many disenscu. lii.lit.',v'unrmtljbti ieacae thé- time to get good 9ee corn and deeidetil> the best (hing La do for oas, B.El .Rcwo.uhrta e(onthv oe tce seed beants. GeL seeti cornnow, ho- barley and api-ng wheat. The right B. ll E Rekoo. l th iI i .o îlot eor mre Theme think O a mathetee 'r Afmrdmeirth --om--un-a-.tel)lad-- cause chances of getting lb in tekinti of a seed beti for tes. crops j i. bv iod mo hee' a iitl art Woinen ast> liad. tuttheir friende a petî titmie manictur-t*t aicret spring are prctty slira. Oni>' a frac- a moist; icompact soit.. Titis cuit most the bebolder at every tara tese days dem wu&hiitg Windows oor-reacitedti ao at on CMeî.ietpartae .?* - ma~ nivoec tion of the corn in Ontario le fit for easily anti cetainly bu obtaineti b>'and probabl>' have soea.degre. of in- getach itever>lto of -be las, tnrwneetir-.. ','- . - h perneo te ladder out of balance antirame sr upisnemi seed. Thousands of acres did flil plowing. fluence in preventing accidents. X'et,'daim ith a crah, breaking ber right bals those people -who sconti to take tt epewuda not hve athear o e crnaI lguu ore rasa>'i'OsPto b i5i in!' î.g.doaitd, imng wêht- ferîareprose wou sine .mltriythetfcotrpt feelingsth kee Rsut eos fldf Ioee, hr aeago ythou.- conrieclivé wît our r osbity asi gedloges ils force, ad eig eiganti aprbablestiff enet mem - iwho hefore long ulillho calleti upon 'toa __ ~ uc sand busheis of cora (bat will makie "soldiers of te commigsr>'," but let 1 ntlttletu eaec i d ipy mediral, ho.4pital ant nuîrsing Pûl -seeti if- hantleti properly. There is us sunt up t-h. above andi give lt-aUr seeînt Inthet u sese f te tord. br, lasay noth ng of t-be expense blis as a resîîult s-eriouis ilînes n- rm ~RSAlS'I ES -aterln-h te pin,. Not nearly enougit wuIl be itunet-consideratton. Aswas fore- a eapociarlraicosnmnraht o h i~pnhniginfe-.'iun or contagion uhirit nigit )L3IEI2.b.îaie. Srb ta go eut after bis see<l anti save lbt arin efficient>' for th. season of 1918. 1 deal ef nerve st-raîn if w. diti no, or! wrista. about il and you wilIsce the' impor- f,îitmsLso)Mtt lfe-r TeM To'otngage ntW. the met edu ithebe wargumen Th>'bnt east- gave hima asignal to relier. j Sucitan innoc<ent hig sia shoe tgrof-is atofitispreuîl >i.'zLt aoa.doe Toa ot-en grainguesanto ,be ummet up n lits. wrds: ii. is fear titat te approucing train Îs st-ring May becorne a trap for te un- gOfUi.Lk bcjxecoiat ground just as lb came frein the farmer'a part in te great world war asnt ebsMervd war>', if mot properly fustemedi .... tre. Thepie threuhing machine, weeds, dirt. la treenendoual>' important andto a By exercising even a reasenable ideutit of a young woman, anti a broken A Molherui ('arex. Verse .2tl fttarvIo i.~>ise -.dsrt ebrune ers us a ad ag il T r heter esr pt ie mrec euraamount- o! caution mua>'serieus acri- itip for an eider on. resul.t.edrecentyA t hei yr% Magi, seqje umem t-rtebr- i~~petqoe - ___________~~~~~4~4~44 - ---- and wili b. Ieft eut of te armgumrent . sent granda tastily down stairs for ment as ra>'b. riecesar> t-o prepeni> t-ho presenb tint.. But- ever>y day we a simple remedy for a chil. Slipping Or tiarnitir hole-. or miending tear%. Sai.1.12;aotsxmlsouh-eu cfh ngn accommodate both pulleta and biens. reand af horrible auffering anti oft-times on a pair of!abes witich were loi t un Or h-iesingZ hurti, or >outhing rares of Jeruae. Lke24tiliow vsnli W ii Ovrrwi. utb aod . s of death brougiitabout b>'a purely>' ied la ber itur-y. çtue foot caugit îin Alttati ht ioogdyMa ryraetablaft-iha - thkgt.etLemx neititer pullets mer itens 'will do tir preventable occurrence induced solely thbe ianging string anti ahe plungetiBtI niatue alnsa.frm .t'374 es asbra Aîa'omg tannera generaîl>lb il iste best. b>' thoughtiesaess on t-be part cf down t-le st-airs, wibh te aboe. recuit-.Bt1admte otnsy o comnpructice te seil the. bene Lhutf in aelectiiýg.boas t-o keep over, pre.. someone.- Peritapi al 'he people la An obstinaLe top on a fruit can ne- Though tiring dluiei. heap >'eario w eueee' et.Teu ttmL t O are pat a year olti for uItry wbem ference should bo given to t-boa. t-be worlM ulil never conete Lefuli>' fuset t-o'budge anti a maan's stmengîh Tht nioret duly of a the laltmy. ret pn iclclto. tersop gie tbey stop layiag lu tiie fali. Urider titLmoult In September or lutecr, for utidenstand bow tiangerous it je te use, was caliedtiteasaisl it rtemoving f 'e w'eptte osa ena.wiboiia-tit -.sxi iomwudase i the. usuel conditions thl.s la good jt-bey are au a ruie te mont por. ceai oh or kereisene for kin<tlimg a fire. Thte modernSason in bis effort 0 e wAnd wck ut- lit, lye ay Bohuld-ai leîntosac-tgten-nth uf ofd ytrh e c . profial e, anithe&-e ioct. ii."0th* éat iîkely nthefortunate enough t-o escape at Icatwhole upper part oif t.e glass, resaIt---BrsJhtotO,"u; ie>wr srlors iere9-lpt ondtii. flo* a prwial ean thi e ct titi res kl t eog nc nehorrible exemple t-o demontratetmg t-n a badiy lacerateiad . Scit * -: hot-uht-byad-bpoe ahjhliani -e- fariner who bas pulleta enoiîgh to re- plumage, Viti) somewhat "sbnlid lte fact. Usuaily il la3t-h. mother of. an accident wouid set bave ben oi> ;un h' elOie kîn. edtchnusi Lt k.Te aetig. h h nt place al bis- oid bhonsscsno- adit- combe and paie Mored lgs its. j amail ichltirci wit-it br lhule ostos, one sibie wit-h t-ho up-to-dateOclamp faut. If yau bave a suspicion that sieme niaoi hr un ud-mii nitb tni arec In '4r*png uny eofLit-m Oever. t-butg, however, afe mcrel iy nallor more ai t-hem, Who beemes t-be vic-' enere. Poaublytcessmon t-augbt, if member eoftt. fantiiy,l inte moleet 'lt-infrtci,~n -a-te'wr nitu ioLt Tiiis year, bhowover, tes. patrietie ito tenon-iaying ami mouitiag perled.j tan result-ig tramn ber owa caroesum-'ther. b. one, ja,.trow awny tiie ag. et Santa Claus, IlCoing te giv.o you 4iii~,tte aameiae apr -e euto arc peultry keepers wbo dosiro te do their Hon. t-bat appoaer It prime condition i oss grvaing 'old-time jars andi bu>' new- la pair o! akutst-bhis Christ-mas, wbyM1hoat otau.Ti u-fuec ei' part te Increase t-he pouîtry ami egg uat-t-hlimeaeUo. -a ol Té a lhe open tub or puilluf bol wu±er. fahionctandi boteroses. Mea are mot hintt-bat you wauld Ott ha par ber tre aa nlec rr i.m~ iv nbr supplies will <lad it dosirable te ne- t.esummer because t-bey atoppeti lay-te ixnperfect-Iy coveret i ctern andti ttcmguilty ef gros cureleens in o!fifat hockey skates? Thohave' triple felg(rs 1>. S r-tq saetiaIb tain a eonsideruble proportion et the; lng early. 'Tho exceptioua whkb lt-t-be tukettlo pullbict b in>' tingra te cure etlanimais, ubict, witen un, flet runners, andi ar n eant te 1, Some nsaphonnoint.syI - hmoewhb Yearling liens.Farminra'wll fintiIL mu>' be dosireble te-rebta narn bons (from 11 srcsting place, kilis or 'es- nul>', maint ant i h l. The geable bull in: screwed pemmanentl>' La a pair of itadiatatt b teto iUctr~'-fme te te thir latermeit te bolt ail tbc good, wblcb reard broods nlady uri> . figures for lite scores Of Innocenîts an exaiple etfte danger Oft Lkiag sOhOeï. IHockey>' sut put orepie"-' was ojnte t uie nibejsrs" Fatk yeln bute hvmaigschjad ole wievunn it-bthb. e ry yrar. Et-en t-hote& anti coffe. chances uith anîmais oettt-kinti. uneItLesk-ting titan you wit)ever Str, lib okpac tabuW&&igsin bu addition te -titir peulbry bouse euip- 1 lcks. Ipet andi the. kettlefh oti aioup pre- ' The viclous on. Is vatchit estti mesttt ni o r -e. hy ia tir la tinto r monpraede tfory lt-h es a e t-o. yangt o w icets nga e m tiwcg i. & u'nee geoff. te>'are match laiten Peauac t8ru vic oer gme amnrats obyaYugbKu esua contribut:ag 1to-oa MdaccLoidentiL t- ist-h. ose suppoe t lie kîd., anti Yeu a twist and tutrn a& et ii. u;s-U~tÎn -a ~t~~h gapesn theei er sI hl w ers andI seU)hlM m t-bu O'tnd t-hedanger 110 f=niîiar, and, beronfet vimt. tna n- tà h w$ tmu4 ne ot#" i atnauectio l~ L.,~a bau produceti, Aftsr ho baî been1%0ieawfui reait. wlîuc>' folletvtact altsstat 'rM sou te mipmdg >t-&# "a ic do quter,40et"fjom wide.yMdt 'a oa' Dair bot@r.sholti aveailbe' seld for beet, IL ls oft« dmao'd tlt--beq le»« oflb nlcnaref>' temotlty rouglage bbêy wtt) consumedung' t-bat- bis daugLters bave . i$=,m i iesoet.eacfla.st-o Lb.par. ant ri ffct reaâ So cordiag to hbisas t-be rockers are IlWy t tdo. ,The u oti-$e*f-.eanlte-trbuw the wiater, preferabi> aflaia, clover' i Ltla lunger to en, ~ 1tibbut teltot- aesufclgmi oaJIII& buibbnt t irIdyo e hyu- toteu.5 -e. v be unllrwU i. 2nnao son'uoc*a m ent lve. svO'aiu W 0ni graso& ti daittabis ltheai 4 bit-t d-&Yelse t' *eime 58011O t-OSS tt IN ge -toJva aS Wrei or e"e a ý'P«bu,, wltb a su-al aMeunt cow aileat once amidttink 9»bsInapro- î *M ittb rvetb.acii b aatu iti tg la Uban, W hIle utttt fb t-l-at >Oti ttb OVOt O the Ultt e i. Nlit- o! grain la addfitIon. fThe lilieral- useperi>' dnietoff. Skip om emiii ot-u at- le..wtli dm <lîh*iren au as a gnti oasl-tii sfiga - atte unit ester kiuê aWtl u e.tu e ip p v. u ae O! rougbage la citoaper t-muatsingsudMbt-en partiy dry b.it" a t e r v*iethOf 01maoset wç WMCU se b Ma i U t-><>,j i f a .s frti#bt îysbcoae y w uhesa tbhtl = a*i moegraln, ansdut theie tinte lb t-ue. Aft-r a bib let a ww" dyw d neoeyto Uerut te L ieadmn eaîn utsti. taeamut'Wi-xsppr o go ~-'ta*U151efti g deroopa Use digestive organe tote ii. 3,atimt-wa rsdeafly coMn le i ou caalesemtS. u et g l Ita e b to m«ri 1> u t-jat b tk for fasflu, . ÏmaImumwillèhla desirlble , wbu peut s a., a nMerof ea.. th e 14it sa ewipn10001, tw bêanrset4, aln thu* e *, th- oewcer neslao mllk. 0n biglt da», in wlater, est thse has of tp~ ~bSock *»" tew~tu are ptmuait ts <ntr !uhs 1"*t I. *LOK8(l 2Neat ,te Uv, stest, sunlight vil) ceva et lIe a-lot o ha"suayske m m .-t-e., i el etO it. to ,w or"y0«cne atssMt*lWine kit beut as mWnygerma as mny ettw «et tisbarn, for - ee ea la 1-s au i bMduMta eb, uaetu mi Sw letrmli-s«« -, It-I bfor* boula cUl et <o 4 @ff thaingtit" ei eabemptoyeti uoujt-dabr, ami t--_vlie a,,opnto ar pum a ie rw t ý 4W p the dais,'. lu Testnat s atioah)e.eW 0 tss ue fdestpmmtW1806 in et. osuv reh we oj aulài>lhek .Ode ..44 ~ h p t - A big Io" ameng aairymnnlx te*dons more e&4i,'vhs.t-b.a <ovs « rrlirI«Y Wtud *cie be ___ - - *w conobst.aciWift e l-vls wht-u uta' pet. as mire twle s - r 9 Wbe led au t bits 1 Wbi - ~ 4~~ I - t-shiabotur aji ot.iemw . ytuai'Wola edt-~t tep.#a* v e ~ L. A ~ Io~,vu)mmb a,' ls e .,' »Oi U U bêb. mt ita irwiei th» t bons. Ci ehsrwUpSmgu es iss mi la ft paeeybeme unedo v" n*t-batghtfond wus«'r gtm amiu thve inamosrerte, 4 A~httuboprto.rsu Pt besing m àse«f qs.jspsk"Whrin * i I à Mid fwun a Aýi..J....L - L - lies. 7Of 3 ch Idren; as Ztriigus we ,nseqlueiî;ly hav'a )ore alXîî-ty tiian long timo 1 hala ýfui teadca.bs u r exerbion. Aleo re 1-am igniwiiig i-ry iorning, ut- at times bormid- L'tize w'itit you. Xformaition whkbh winl flnd heliul, crybotiy's ehiltiroi le nûet'aixiety troîieteIraugli Mht mcii dreati rivfal. Thougi sa b. agitated be of n differea 9 was af raidth ie aven te prospect shed hopès would .The officialinl- wisb seniptures. sts would surely '-bora king..Tto esesith;" that 13 rhose eomaimg bad promleed for cen- sts anti scribes infermation, and h'. anr.tuacciet 'ideul king o! Ihe S1lnD leheta. howevcr, that ie iexact repr-oduc-, al Hebrew; t-e tmratietiinlte, icI words. al Heroti as a' rklng in secret,lu rer t-p bis cre te-Titis in!onxafr lm un taking fur- tce Herod'e inter- alsncere> re the ftid'ing et 'adoration o! t-ho -.Sec -on verse $, siders the moyê- gR etilft e 3 s-r iing o!fte chi4d iloue, divine- inters Vbenever te chil4 (Luke 2. 7). Mat e Magi found i hm lte mrl~ ave been ils bitlb Trou. canWr4ng theu iaeense--sweet- miie et baisa=t, odon. Thb. gilta table ,-ý%r a royal- lic intrpnetaLîoA ,old riolntiag .th e t-o . vit -,, nà te 'roturn !ft-he ont lîesrowderoua ce h 4is4h*Me - ý44.-. e - ..-t - 1L atmi28 hear lth. e1fiee;y and neryous at t.mes, when 1 at',p :nd<%e up e1uiekly. Thtis makes rny heart fIutter. My doctur say-s I am nemie but that 1 have no Qrganie disease.I am n feet and 6 inches tall nd weigh onlt~ 111. pounds. Do you 'hiidc that I-cet wou,!d help Io agg-rav:.te those diz* yspeils? Ainsw,.er- People get dizzy 1*4 r var- iouq. reasons; in vach ca2se t1k cause rmuslt be ascertaire2d and if 1>,Sible remioved. The trouble may )e in eye Strý,lnor in errons of -efractio)i'need- ing 1glasýes. The ear mnay be affected ,witb Meniere',> t)ise;'se. Ti'cmay he stornauh or intestinal dysjx .(ý,ia, a cogge-A liver or constipation. The rea$ýn mry lie in the liTu:~e use of à-Icohol], tobacco. tea, o'-r beeii. 'In yuur ra-o the anerni., would seerb I o be the causc. You should îvci&:h t least 20 peurds more. Your doctor siem9 a gcod man; -.-t him to hiidVou up. 'Mailing ycý! furth- mei pbel 4- toi .Pi 'VA- 4Land lot a 1,2 expia;11ti lef t:î:a drur nIi, hall-r inch.-, I and .)h, till yoq. Zandi 1 had !,o usst l. mile finaLe thavo Cbrit n-v m the I ili 'iw f, bha r- asl il pi-ci hei

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