Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Dec 1917, p. 1

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Y [Lv J 25WHITIBY, ONTARIO, CANADA& TH-1 SDA-Ye DEGEMBER 20,-1917 C .GOJELW oPbihr "t ~18 t $5,100 8IsotbsuSnB hwhisks £tosti'p and GIIItt's Eyolassosi spectacles, VR8 OCI O IPES u J. E.WILLIS Oralggst and Opticlan MEDICAL HALL stockc &t. Wlty ScîsofoCai DEPOT -g Stove and" Nit Coa&1 Soft CoiS for Thresiêig. Lillie Smithisg Cobu. E, R. SLOW, "Il phone 9. Home1 Whiiby phone 14. ce,-Clât record for succeuuiW"a A lraulins lan hi'.' cttool paves the ay 'ta> ang ètd htater -r ponseofreaipoasbility gAraange nec tu enter at an early: date Tttousandîjill a-oon Ite reqtîred for Offacei pibtÎOno - 1-I u.â train you and we weau do s t i. ýWrite to-day f(au r t.rcstalOc Cor. Vosge sad j W. à. mlt 25, -t 50 Acre Farni WANTIEDý T O URCHASEI Box 13 *&ze"tte and ClwonçU4 Liis.,Uuisi 8y the MEIIRY Cand4DecI&îes for UnÀion ( XàAthilliatârin i T -O- A 1LL MARY CALDERONES DEATU. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Calderone. of iove nia~ i - Brock Street, suffered the losa of their fi t daughter. -Mary. at week. The young gli ha.d been 111 for several mo Lhs. ~and was taken te Oshawa a few wneeks; ago, where sht- died on Mednesday %JV Vbà 5I&M AV JWV%0%3 idliMl v W &U oatat. rÙM tufercllesLq. The funeral Mael the R. C. eemuetery. west of I itb"' nPrdy.itote Mr. Smilh's Môjority Over One Thousandé I ~CANDIDATESIJL MEETINGS IN if IIUY %\'Pi ila 'taîs'4't!.tilith. hwor-, W. Uroxier. of Port l'l'rry. opents the loi Son tg iib ), t ro Mulldat ) bal lot boxes and tak s liât-officiai re- releetors hado te ar o WodýMhitîby eetr an opportunity givinlg 1rpratninl h ae Th-[ord. ii urh.Tonc of heariniz boîli sides of the case con- the rettuxned SoUliers, for flot paying j irsaioîuîîou tho (;tîÎotî .;tI rimn efute i:, f1'rt--l,>rtt'(Tow llîilng the' election canpalgn last the soldier8 weli enlotgh, and aiso for ivas e. avot f !Wa >aai (sA t art aplbroxi- week. wben on Wed.neasday evenlng a beng a government of the big inter- 1qr a tly fo me ll oi iî;. u l -s . 1 (c r Im eeting was belli in the tusc hall i esis. &%bout twontY-fve returnald soi- .c.artIn titpat î.tiic lav" WI '1'(t)\%N. th,' interivsts of Wm. SmIth. and on dirg sfa-m the Whitby Miitaay Hospi- LOI againat ~~~~~~~~Satur-la> evenlua. W. It. N. Sinclair't!wr rsn itefotsoac lxeii riItitt'd Iii" It#ý ackgrountoi 'aata s,îlirMaiIaced bis argiuneats bel*"e Ihi e '-.thhal e fled utlng thesfrHndeats of th- urtitiutib 'Na ', t< ' otat-,s-îeIbXotiekerî. faddtmu they put nmany questions 10 Thpr. W;,, inu douh.t a'alit.Ii ~o2" ~ > .%t fthe Wednesda&y cemug meetiag hrbolganerrnrk.i tt1 ..diiit ut WtilidiaiSt. Stoiti-"taîn-" .i *. 21 17 ~a alarge atn~ ts~ hough ait llans the questioning wasso a-apIi *-gruaia'tocund l i bcid- sooi;. a 'r, , IIL ho iusir hall iwas iatit fttrtqr lytltd. and ireçt that Mrs. Hetîderson was b-gar 10 levnaiirt-s.>tit iloa iIt (h ,1 , 'tf2 -Dlr J J_ Hare, chatrrixa' ofthe Whitby, tiabie te continue anad the chal-ma.n I ce. ti (leactt -ha t t is Il ttC>' I tttComanitte. prelidt*l. the had te appeal te tht' men tufor der. a l 333nt>b. e 'aPi')aî l SPt-iktn'r,ï(if the t'Yt-iting béinx Ma-s. A.; Wiaen Mrs. Hendersos made the, is llo ilto w w-'. Ovl lilo ald 'j1Pl î)rmalby, of Tor-onto; Senator Bla. statenient thai thé- aetua-ned men werej itrobabi>' reacIai 1 1 1A, 'W X of Tuorur; Nr. G. G. 18. Ln4sayr, etflot beng îreuted as they ahouid be, \VIt Jr vi amih in larges: of ,' . fi), S-lu ih Il -\1NaJ . 1Toranto. Ma-. F. L.Fowke. Oshawa, ther e re cries oft We*-e alrlght; tWa canididat.' in tliii' îo,*:a <slas'a gui' >' to7 i .9 and the candidate, Wm. bmalth. ,the boys everseas who nee'l help' " Mm-a Iiîmisa najority of oser SOI). all h,,N 170 Seilator mlain and Mr. Lindsay made Ifenderson continued. hovever. te em-l tovrl o Pot Perv on.as aeiodid\o 11 % 94thte principal sPfecei. Sentier Bhum hisze titis point taitil the meni show- towuut 1uztPerr 100 asa1 odtd é -4 - S tS conflned hls rt-marks larWy tol ans- ered har - whb replios and questions and 4 120b 7(4T 4 7 wering critici.-uns made by tlàe Laurier. she ftnaily toob.. ber t El-ci iotada)-y eratllier-t Nt on- 1- Il Isat it>i No 2-- 76,t lx-af ÂhattheGerernart* « nth iat shemae * sderirag the' iiaPoriaaice oft ho occras .i*-asa.Sl.Ae oternen argumjesnat' ion. Both Uaioîli.sis alld !jtrîà'î- t;2i 711 doing enough for te returnsed sodiers, mucit of wa& tuut the Union Govern- work'4 i->' diigeuîl>. on i'..-r No . .overa-ais and their dependentst. Ne pie- laiet repnbt itte big unte-eta.5h. to elnu îh ioI. nd taren-, N 2........ .. 10 74 28 st4ntîd statisticsansd exaimples te show repMWIIdlpointed out tii her audiene '.î-ry 1w vote-r$ lb ttli' utaV.11hi>lu o 'fl 45 jutIStwhat ls hein&g doue fdr reltua-amiltat*We are the comtien people. Shahl t'> arkîh.-r tallo. I".< ' . . .oi 102 soldiers. sud how they are assisttd teo VO show the big Intereeato tmrie un?" TIht.- L jioailsts n ei.' gt.-.tiy add.- IPaZti a taade or a profeus"o or te "e.Upon tiis Point site hung until the sol 0 flot ui>' ontceclon tty. but thruugh 83a Ianiversity course, and, gut QeE7 dt.ia broke intit more queotions and outtil- ritre amiaiiibytheladesInducenient to fit ibeausefres to ho in- & uduotiona te -tlk about lte -cal rouix4ii»' -tire alalan-hom tht- ld i ' >cEiN ONII> depeaident. He ftUrther peseaatoidthe e-ectlon Isue.concrlptlon and the *t iratîgiy and with dêv.otien in thil Inter. Stuith Sinclair , igureaas tib the pensions psid te dia- wai.- ëstat of ltocause. indeed, the irst No. 1 uuavaliabl- lbid soliers m »i te teratives et j Mr. O'Contxeillthouth alao continu- Domlinion el-ctiuui at Wblch lte roaen Pickering..... ...... .... loi 10i9rtl1ose Who lose titelr lvu Inilte Mer- aily hAckled by th It odtuu-, made bt- tkuv., had a vol.,, pavred that titeir abil- Liv.erpooli.. .dc..aI; i4vcof the oountry. FPurthert. by cme- ter progreiis. for ho apoke for an heur ity and i allingness te sppoôrt the soi- IRouge 11111...... .... .... 47 33 Da-taon vlth other counttli. Senator and a hait. At the outWe lte soldiers dit-ra ores-astas wais not suapasacti by Cb.-rrywoo .... .... ......47 Z3 BlaIi showefi that Canada lPa"ulier sel- demanded a hearing. and atter soons the men Who have had tit.- exp-f rec.-Klngaio........ .... .... 54 _" dicta botter than any other flattesln a prl.yin t W«&l aa a d that ontor ot mata y campaigffl. Broughain ........... ...109 g3 the wrd. wfth thet-exePtion0 et US "twr number, QOr.J, Dflut«t,. hould At oach thé lie olliag buetis a lady Whittrale ......... .....'îuu a3.ta-alla. 'He 414 net affue littht. s hAea Mopprtonsty te reply tethe aca-îtlîî.er was sa¶flu-d, rite made fOrange 11.11.... ........49 iws10Iigbttttt"o-c-t ekems.in zptîe of thte, ».W«-er, thte théi. r retianid ut thi.- enale voters (et i taremuat ........... ...76 80 arry on wara- nd avold attional bsk- uses were 96 caeer on the soat of &Ut Ittas embarrassedtiha n rnghî otherwîse Altona .... ...................45 raptey lh was hupoaible to psy msoldien iageitUMta &ttbey eentiuued te brek -have bten te oamr.Rtru ru alu'tep in u any more Ln vie ofthéue emparsRttvei: in wit.quiotkiotasd alis during Mn.j There. w-ers predlctioîîs by the. skep- Rtrsf-n huttepli SR-liberal separallon allowaniea peal tael.aes tlcâlth.a t the newly entranchîseti voters divi sioi have net beeti secured, but lù,.. 1 ~lt hagsMr-. IOCinn'.UudteppMed b.chiet woldspilmay alotbutthre t aller ing atajorit les acre register- 1As otecare hï te0 r-elect«Ionbuue, oouiuplptlon. but hbe- spo eN,,lia c n balloths tthere e<i:- ent wu teratîng food proflteexrn..'ed tie UnIon G*vpmum.n for- au the- wert- nonf.-4, Majorities for Sinithi: - esnpectaliyoneS.tetu r m aisrlmigary «WBrel The evenltxg wal& stpent b>' lte Men- jOshawa 813. Whltby. 2=1. Seagaie . extaets trou the 1w aeMbftlY pasiêd ndl strmt" imS 1*e I11. Ha wmtated4 be-rs ofethticwo ptarties -n recelviltg ,-t-. 21, Port Perry 123. Raglan 50. Colum-j as te war Msx onp.fi ritang thatm 1 turnai. The Lauilertes ai.-t Sin -ebus ~26. Brooklln 122, tion al profitasuexoa inen metb.iga comblnatlài etlte M toiTtilt tee -roinsiii,%hile tlw. Uplonit ai hlajorities for Sinclai-(lGreenbank UP tu 14pet- cect., Oie Gove'inment Intereffu, and Ih sas hers tRst, tlieo- used the- Coliacil Cluamxber. tlerae the 15. ConlitVs 36, LUver-pool 3. takes one lhait and tties ail ovil- 15 diei-s began le êverwheim hu Witit a-coin was filled wîit ladies and getu- Il iîil titis be st-en fluai %Ir. Smîth pea- centt. questions. tlenien, wh t-ectirt'd willicagerness wîîî hiave a majorîty o l <j 10150j' To Mr. Lindsay was lefttthet-uter î lu reffly toe of et questfions.Mr. Ille tii-s bulletinlas as tRie> came Ini. îb ( Ho f de-alihu wtth the conacrtptlo utie. I (IConneil satU : -*4Net', Idont' tid jW iîen il becaina- knowlu detilntely IbM jJ -.Lnda->, ho la a pi-ouinent LiI>- beiluhuearttptrd, but wiien ou e i tRe UinGo-ernuient lhad been sus- el vas eete -by a aor of 39 ' 1 j.t-rai, liait tha-ownaside bis polilici for se plesaft uk ;aRttMg*It qtteatl0ia1 , taîîîed, tti-rt> w-att itart>' appiause. ln Northumbtrand . A.munson Ithe di-ratlot> of the w-arand w-as w-ti-;one mn >watt on bis fvet Ilke a fLasb.- The il-lect bio onMonday ts hinique Uffist altl a n1auoriî t 2of'A Qover jing tle uork band lit baud s-Ith auîy and, --Cm enept tligf qlItOs in t-at tht-rt wa.8 nu dî-monstration. a, jsam Ludiey. Laba-feaite. ail who w-eutd back lte boys aI it- efa-cm the *costia"' peuplé'!- hi-aaked, * l ustally the' eaqe. nue lte annouance- j Co.Sharîti. ofIle. itîîln.. 1front. Hlî owei boy ln thet- tJi es lias!aMld laugliter. . c nient. of lte slertloîîofethIe succesaful 1 tt .lected lui Northi Ontariho ever. Fa-t- i tt-n home a short lime ugo. and j Mr-. Q'Cqs¶*J pa-ooffl te doee iast ud. 'For Godg.4*k..4q5 S*}1it- 4 ..b PuUU tét ýt» Ii 1101011 oetà'i tiM *bdê=-te ffl paftie t~ oud tUs ment.M i trztrea- ta lHen. N. W. tMa-,loreemm -teaa-dcseeal Reveil. iwbom à #edoelred te Rue a *g, Mr. Iàqmy ««Td epeely erpeaaleÎlavyc-", viii *a n lrnet là the QueRuco sltalstln. whIe-h was ..M aà Brm "ltIhm reSl"d aargom e«. S la- domuxated by Boeunams~a md-ho jtractfrein=lte MDominion O.viuuet- nurged RnebbmpklitsCausaâus 10 He - chUgd Ifs. RugtGtr*h stand tiY tue dead bei-oe WuFranCe &a14 bettuui et« usse wtt. h"s4 aàte bY the. lyta: herocela h t tq sch 0 10the g C.NAR.dogi etih r t«duo bei t.p toteI,, r&thea-"ha 0 te-a, ir 41wo gart he ta«,,tat * *-.- -~,l ~Io* Cauada te b. e owmd l:Y -anant-maa oetb t1vabaewu «e BritshPrvtnce UA«qldwui rs.e I aih nt-t4t p tI ~ -~--> bave suy tu Db. amt lit tbe sr. Ma. aae ea t 1%gb touli limaille.neuly. be e io "$hall thethGrola i Mewb et oia-aiaI b. Iu, eme th vo v&»e ar deira à«.an ias uÏ& ., . t on m" olb Our uam la is lesbotoe t.IMusmotlaa_ aot ... Cnada uà1*Lti.altla -Yilifz s e. e u. - Qoub.c. si s'ilun beav lai. a'**gag Ciithwaope""* l po-rtaile amIPQ&oçàkrr£o t k h 4 et it «f m us;. hal MattkduA udr w17»- . 0 -M ti pt?. QIJZ4LJTY. ad eafi on Ae.Te La wler The Srocer WI-ITBY Phones :-BeII, 47; IndeeVendent, 47. A doqr7 WU0 mÀfPU imuIrl àl A I'Fl 01IO1tU"] I,%WtAI< 18 A GIFT 0F ECONOMY ANOI GOGO BENSE lke tour ila tsfulThis VTut as villas n 'retty ad SMsal. Cpjw ~ Notlîling couklease aniliy ,iocoebe4 of the failily suore II~iTtjl~ tlîan a atir of stylish alaoeu -MIT or p r nforip--m gn4& to the oY-l f 1f i 'eIl -A furnish ag folud recolletlqps 'th. y~rud E'Very tbing iii Fotworfrt M> ViauI tpi CHRISTEA 1%

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