i ks If loèM-aflMuXvi>e fiUie lu adition tÇl d.UrqIto .oû. ilu pw~~pe ti iOs W~bOflW13phtogra sdemfng wfth be "Q1MMoII- P1~B lh) ,i3&tien,-*Training anid Departure of Troff- 1Wiib flU t aWý tiPr oglWpti' y viii1 plcture$, flitzîitng1 1~ebein'< vepor -W srda aos eiv ora r.ntto~, e we muet not, forgett ual Ift "à thït au- h. P rapv b e. tis ntr arearded' et f ieze.starvîng eilidren, the bus-.a onn f~stre~Ipgac. bands of thea., tamshed vomers, vhe o tris boped that thie, O Mo tblecktd theit n lheir firtstterrible ail sucix Phiego~is vrn Sud«. t their dlrivte 'Fr1on GrSgt 1 italiin duyt sn ,ihr i oithino Canda.cxit-awhleh 'miii tiltlmately b. plMe A «sttement -by Baron Moncheur, cin the Permanent Publie Arehiveo et Mnui' et.,,.te Belgian Relief Commis- Lh omnin Mon n latii0 ltates, says tixat Belglum, Ail photograuhs whtch viiib. se- »abeome for ifs, inhabftants mteyknowledge. ,should b. addressed te > écage, whose bate are fort-ed of Ger- Offcer ti comnmand Canadlan War Re- *Go Itie ichommen Checommeio pelan-d era tto the homes q tho hithérto moderately rich. If you *oujd Iid tIse t-al ser-evoetElarope,4e-day. poor ltile Deiglini. If eue person rs-f enetîgli toeat 'n-ome other 'ersen la bout-d lo starve. at-Id thOe aerrow et tht e rd uerrms to e o fcusedwltbdreadful stre.sý-pn anUfsy a baby, hgs diedti Ileiglau t cillesfr0 miac i t i k wblch used to eoine freinfthe eoustry nearby. '*Wbat cari yow do as a Chrstmas effert agite Bcilu?*' iPH'OTOS OF SOLDIERS WA.NTED. Tbe f fl<er 1Haecommand of Can.adian Vaor Rrcords bast asked the press to nmale kxomn tixat tefi deslred t compile a eomplete bistory In plîotograph ef the 4>Onadiaiiir' ehare linlth' war. in the sajfle way th:xt ail othrr beiligerent eUlantrt-es are comiiintr similar r-c- It Io particularly desired to ebtain photographs of ai] efflers. N.C.,s and imen, wbo have served or art now .terv- 1 nghi the Overseas Military Forea of ,Canada, and it lx re.quested that an a~%ppea1 sbould -bw made te this en-d. threagbth the e linue. Ait oflieefe and other ranks serving çverseas may find lt ditieuit t6 tend in their. photograpli., and their relatives ae'therefore espvdally appeaied te, to, &end l- in rir photograjphe for them. B * ~ JY'preterîXice fixe puot2"aha ahould itu e*ùmouh". and Pri_1ed on. bromide -papr er de .c r emnne ROYAL.THEATRE JEVERY NICHTr t"Tii.Vôv1--b ha iîé Wire,', fetaring liu WIson. every Mondeéy aigLe. WVecnes 'day nlgbt, Broadway fjeatare. A4.xaeafflî-AduIte .10c, cildren !5C. j.ca sow ICe to ai'. le war tax. nomS.PUIUIN, Manager Oêt VYouë*CORl Whtere you are sure Witlwil b. i"non 'and Brighl Our cool k weI screened. -Juêgu*rantft prompt<- Tt.ph Ne N. 182 jusW$Mon Ù4r4 A SBt Ma wla Osmat Upw.WiS$h~ E. 4~MI8 VIAN ' k k k k' k k k k k k k k remceet1lma 2mmber. JWeley, warT.s-l'W. XD. TW,& nÉetsea-et thob 'vlaWh, roli ruc"too heSeIWgtje s Tl -, eï-.Liax S vnos e W. P. Ivéry, A. P. îrcland he lisi la publiaheO boe- hre âetq.A k1In Nnle .B ul s.GlwI, vt from'thie ddrem Ui;touppUl. lxy tLouis Paquettup JaemsGazamon. W. T. PierosWbi:e. Hart-y G. Lu~a. MuneSte luit" C@t-iack r' Cat . oaGClr reen, PF W. J.Kîrblv, R. W.Nà t* .,Mhur K KcNe", ÂA" Kt",AieiW.IaxoA. M ur.T:R p. 1 StIuny. W. G. Bird. John Sb ii iu ire .I~Ms ul o mm" r, n11evWalter F. >*acC'mrt, Js e7rj nbet netPet 1ev, &'. J'smer. Gordrns Whtufeld. Thos CI A. RIWFiIV=ianJ. esIL-.WodIAS3RN Ross, Charles iL Rose, Ernesi Shore.i, tred R«. n. uigh (liehrlst, David IThe extemsive sUrplus aiet1On sale Ruil-si Bailey, Walter- BaiIey, Wi-LMon-aim, H. R. Boomér, W. E. FaUon. on Diefuber bib ot E. E. Puhb. con- Eliot, Herbert EIlctt, John Godîre, i. &A. ata, Jack IL. Smith, J. S. .&u, laistinge 1see-ntY-tue hcos et reg eter- Joseph Gulliver. Wm Roi-n 'Fred' W. D. 4X&g1 Russe»Bath, (1arene 8 . '14 and igh gratecattie, 8 herm sand WB. avin, PsJ. le . Raip Ne. L!rey Ga-ntb- n. ue P harA. . ove» -2 attn nd 10w ,tier etgfat- Wh9. Join rPk. ey. lu. flsomas..R Fo m Rmlrrrif H.rb A.ng . n oI flt he w2 Iam e ra i t aaig . vs port. A. Gates, Rtobert Parker. Doui 1as Gray.. Geerge Clar-ke, Fred e flM. omble. Slidding was active. TI le 1 S. Renirik 0. E. Rf ce. AIfred Bense,1 W. G. Wajtem .Lionel Banz rfed cor- thse largeat surpluti -ale that bas beot Isa Unîted 0Quebec tol>Rule Thnis, the most ý tremendôus- question in Canada's history, is; to be answered, within, .ten-days. Our, answer involves Canadas ho-nour, her freedom and her future.- Old-time party questions issue ever placed - before are a naton, clouds that obscure- her'-vision must be brushed aside grea.t issue stands. forth. clear -and distinct 66IS a Uni*ted Quebec to Rule Ta-day, ini aur national cris4s, QÙebec alant amoangail the. provinces çt.-iids mnore nnited lttiti ever before. She kîîows whaât shc w",,ants: (t-) Witldrawalfrorn the wa r. f2) Bilingtua schools cvvrvwhcre. (3) MWeakeniîîg of thle tics of British conucetion. (4) Political contrai of Canada. Frora the Outawa R~iver ta Labrador anctthc -Gaul, coin- mon purpose actiuates Quebec in- lier deterininauion wq profit by tlw fiactional diîvisioins of Canada -and. t4 impose lier will uipon ailthtç~peal c f L*anada. WÎthin the lazt f ew wccks, Quebçc bas m obilizcd ai lube forces ýtoQ domhîuatétCaîîa-da ùnüSder tht t unîheitd len(kr<4p of ourtissa1 and 1l*aurier. Caniada kîuoivs dluit Ihese turcsmen ini xheir carlier days'mtere pcrsonal fricnds and oiiaasoit. Canada-knuWs ho* iii recent trnmes tbey graflually drvw alart-untîl in 1911 Bouîrass~a opposed Laurer and- luIiedf to bring about bis cfeat1 at the 011IS. ,Canata-knowvs tlmt froin that tinie forward, until _a fcw cks ioago, tltce breaclu bctwecut helm sm idiIv wi<,cddutlev ndi latreit, ecditowa.xd-the allier bee2methé ics' :oi>ncf. bath.- Wiura ssa and lus followers werc arSaîhemoi, (î)Lauriler., *ShouId n-Mtho pepe of Canada isk therr.Ives, belote It la tocs ta1e, Why theile two men have suddenly agreed to tuury tilpt ,j why tbissuddcn ;nbrace çaïtb of Ilbç othcr? If we wiil but let-thbc scaltes ,d",p (rom dur eyes the answer isbbvious. The al-comp lifi ' sifluentes cof IQuebte have combined to' fore Uh",i nn- f I*uricr and IDo==rassa lte-coramon purpse cof French Canadiait doM- ilW. conoed tw dsigt or M nk<.n -.Maokea tcoal. mon -aceof uvbtthrv thinkk hi-th !à hîtcrears ma tod. lè s i t mte ,>1 Mtrd-f e ~l)N@floJiU cob%1 ieIODIW ron anJ faat h otrud»ei.*az>ld I lbnmvb heicBioeelun tbè nocm O uFf lmx SI"ss Uffl#ay d.,ttrss- the food. utth dkmfle.i, givins the.- timtlen lit buildag UV ftb e Setutitn à nql amsta to ndoinaj ils wowh. The 1iopvittofl Ro mut. 1.11h lu th cuativite iiowel5 ef carrh cune tbxa1ti*y ef ose.v no a Della» ,fer mu as e il il A Wto 106cave for list t et eeni=nWal, Addreee:?,. J. CD3ENEY a <Co..Tkio- Slx, a U drug4n 7ôf56c .NEW WINNIPEG TRAINS. ITak1betw«en Eastenn and Wes Canada in always Leuvy durtxig Al hbrated dEtUy neuven aormee. ana vax- iat as >t-tof 'thé above- apeeal Ètr- vut-~ bes M oeonýtt I be vif aW rente and VreoC'r sals *w.k 1ef -fherpatiulkte eel.time In table tMrn-api E tvt gn t.I W. J. ic lbd<R Uni k k. 4 k k "k. k public riîetitings throughout that Province, The Uusioti'st iiîîioriuy In Qtuelce -ire the victinis of cîrganiiized 4osîructcson. To be successful in her determinaticin ta ruileail Canadla, Qlnebec hbaS but to secture. a fi-sc.ts in Caà cJ i ol îs-ic t~Irîic Qîicbec leaders îîow seck b divide theercstopf Caliada ilt,1nf:cîions9 ly finsidiouslv bringing m iiilitica-l liçcuistion uld-ulII ýp.4rty ques- lions. us divvrt the publlic imiii( fromn u b« er ap-se-nd e ambt-it ions. United Wi her determinatiore to q>ut ithe war, QiLiebec wauld compcJ a dividled'C.,ana-da to du ikt'wi!zc. li union eýnI) cn the En~Ish-scaki-ig pe lprevejît this calMiî flowevcr wcl1-meaninng Laurier candidates in I>ntario. may b"they, wi1 be helpks ;gaînqt a united Quclice. t Apit from the splendid. work osf the snall Engl ish-spea$'mg population, Quebec bas f ailed the R cd Cro5s, ha ile fthe Paf riotie -FunîId, las failcd in recruiting -4nd. las' f Iilcd lithe, Victcsry oasi. 'Daru we trust our soldie14%,thgiu wi Ves, theit' cbIldren, thtir pnksan-d thcir allowances touelkcc, u1ittwil nef *rg~cuiIutrior ua-wcst, tand wil w'lresist the .support t o ur men -and their dependt(lnts? and ci d--cdeý whéth«, she tor figlit to tf cctid f uot bc ddktated by ti ptkmns throughout th t;ixat&aji for' I - The i Ail Canada being advanced to -obscure the gravest Canada -is in real danger'. so that the Canada? 1