Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Dec 1917, p. 2

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Thî Depatm*mt -sl for the, us of our tarin readers who w8flt i.,Y .f an exprt on any question.roegar-di1i9 80111 aeed, crops, tc. If yourque11 Io-o, OfOttUfoei eteral Intereut, It * ho banswer.dr@ugh tht lWSl Il- ýj*ýpe4,_an4 addressed onvelope la *noo8Sr wMthyour*lutteir acM' aw.wIlî b. maited te you. AddrOSS Agronomiet. are o? WllsOfblsh A.D.-..-Whlch 'wouldbe better for a well prepared seed-bed. Consldel'- M~ndy -loam ,,e preed Weil aUe ble care mtut be giron te the euItiva- manure on this fali or itie gpriuî ft4n of 4hWcropk When the. planta- WçlIt b. advliahle to use fertlze turn yellow, harvest the whole plant: jeui uc l and i the spring? 'Thils 1laudloing the beans i tb« podi If they la level'sud we'.1i drained, intended for are threshed eut, the lentils do not -ptaoo. toreso welL'8. Tojet rid of twitCb Answer-J weuld advise putting on grasa or quack. grass,. it requires per.: ~the manute -In the. spding. Be -aure talutent acre. VariOU#ý motbods ane re- *to store it protected trenÎ the rai and coÎnmeni4ed.' Some get geod resuits "'312w; othierwise you wiIl lose a lot et by givlng the sou good preparation thie avsilable plantfood by leacing and then seeding it te a very heavy 'In order te got largety Qlse itseeding ef rape, millet o ogu ,'quality eext spring, you will do weIl te The ide s late amother out the grase add'fertilizer tothis soil. e ¶ests at Others get good resulta by aummer Fredericton, New Brunswick, last fallow-ig, tuking Up the piees Of year, the Exporimental- Farm . got an roots, dryixig and burning thiem, as increase of, 69 bushels end 33 pounds otten as the materlal can lie gathered. of canrots pexf acrrb3y dding 650 Sub=ciber-.--urould lIse your oprn- pounds of tertilizer te the acre aiong ion df alfafa soWed on &Wake he with30 t6ns of manure W acre. Thtis ground in the spring. Do you thial Increase was in addition to thst obtain- land should b. Plowed? ed by.the.manure alone. In thetarne Answr-I thtle land where your test, the addition ef fertilizer te ma, beana wero growe > Imt year la et a ciure returned a gain of 124 bushelg clay type, it ahould lie plowed inithe and 44 peundu of- turnips te the acre. eprftug in preperation for a seed-be iPotatoos require largely the samie type for alflia., It lanairnost impossible Mf fertilizersaàs the foregoing crope. to give too mucli care in preparation The addition of sufficlent fertilisera s-ef the soil when altalta la te b.grown. ýWlll undgubtedly give you geod results. It right be of tuterest te you te know H. B.L-1. What would you advise that on the Cornf alfa Farma, Wauke- uowlng on lew muck land to gir. pet- sa, Wisconsin, whore approzimately unaneat pasture? 2. tdold 700 gir. 300 acres ç)f alflia are grown ona xxe culture dlrecdlp for leutil? & 1500-cre farm, greateat care us givu What wIll rid a field of twitch grams? te ptowingi disking and harrowing the Answer:-l. For iow land grass for soil. Swartz Bothera, the operaters, permanent pasture, I would adriseyou report that at seeding Urne tbey aisc te 60w a mixture ef- apply from 400 te 00) pounda p«penc of a fertilixer carrying 2 pur cent Rsd top.......10 Ibo. ammonsa, 8 per cent. arailable ples. TlmoluY......4 ba.phoric acld, ed under normal condL Alsike clorer .. 4 1Ibo. tions 2 per cent. potash. This addi. Whit cloer .. 2 l,,.tioenai available plantoodgires ti Totl '0' bs pé~ are Young cropa vigorous start. Tii Téti ,2-.prar Swartz Brothers have bes gro'*,i If possible, provide suitable drainageý alflta for the. Isat twenty years ant 2. elative te culture ot lentila, French have made an extensive crop et il advlses a liglit and dry soil. Grow thi. during the lisat tee yeas.S.it is n( lentils in rewa a*boýu t 18 inches apart., uncommon thing for them toecut trour - - Plant4nt them 8 iiimches spart. The six te moen tons et excellent altalfi eed las planted about an inch deep on: hay per acre. 4 old straw stack, or behind a bars serne place. Many tUmes, the old herse doeesni receive the kinds et feed that are bl The old horse, if given proper car. for hie particular case and, if the teel sud. treatinont will in almeat every are a littie long and this is often t) case stand as m'uch hard work as the case witii the old herse, he canuc young animal and, cousidering theIgrid the teed'as ho did> tfew yeai Pricoof hQursa tthe 'rsent time the pust When the old herse lbas reaci éld herse le worth'just as mucli te th e cd tuîs stage ho cannot masticato hl farmer as the yeung -horee, as tfar as1 tood as it should be, éosequeetly' weorl la cencerned. portion et it does him ne particulî 0fcourse if the old Eforse la offered'good. for sale he will net bring as much; Thon agnin it must b. rememberi as the.young on.,, bqcause th mont et he wlU require aý longer tirne toele bis lit lies'Initii. eathoweOrcon- lis'food tlàan *ic young. Uniel sidering everything if ho be givon the nmre ground feed is given hlm and 1 proper cars ho will psy his way aed b. In giren suf ieient Urtne toeaet it whî a profitable and faithful servant te the being worked, ho will 'Tal' te get ti farmer. 'full benefit ôfvkis'-neal, ano inl a ma With many, ansosen as a herse bie- ter ot a very short time he will beg gins te grow -old, eay trom 12 te 14 to loso fleali snd will ne longer pu yeara ho le eeg'lectod and does net re- sentbthe fat, sleek appearance et tonr cire the care le .bould have, nor the; er day.. tare that lie was given when young. It ia obrieus therefoe uthat if t Re la no Ionger groonued as repIlarly, borsus are- te bo srvIcuable üntIl asid diorolutbly 'as tormerty. - go4 eld âge. tley'mut rcer net~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~P muelei tterej epa-god ïcansd :tiestmeit, if bot ture durig a l ieds et weather, sud ,little botter, We their decllnieg yea il a little crowded for stable room ho. tllan when tiey were young. Thq -es many Urnes l.ft eut for the wlnter must not be neglected whether atwoi to find a place of sholter sreund the, or bet. The uniformity of markigg, coc - ~ I shape and! site maIes thix nattractiv Wbhat msieas wôumld th* broil planta have If mongrels sud net pu No rélisne can -be placed upona broda were employ.d? Unlfooei fowl that innot purein blood. Theru lot aise ami eoSdtion Es Uf uzMt Io a douwuard -tondency la- the haphas- value in ahipphug carcasses te magi*4 ard mIxture et bre.ds. Thepummred& and se t ii wlth eggu; *sud surelyq ci to-dy ft ly pou'seas h #>on: oKen bt expect uuitooety if, lm coqnstitution of ti crossbreds, but th«~ stecke that wtll produce i &Uaorte -cmbine -VUitWénderlul PIowe r de au, colors aiMdondilou. the. Production cie eggand! the grow ieg of m.aty carcaases, qualitios tiat ,pg aemors. o loisua »stlsfactory infe *suu l bec tht - edth AU hor hindiet faruirgauI. Morgril uns are net fouudin tii. îlst o e.u amlbttam etploonl laers, nuithur- are they. âIV#is<fM75 M factor la sstablsohlnt poultrtant&fai(rr Mterafor.bis *-M .d0$a 1Thepe la ne oi.wyo o lulewis hah " .wsta cow Is aal Meop iab4sabWtiei aud elaractuwlstl praetteafy.the sume. ThiemahieS us la n cMduetuuie 0 tbe 1mai to fusd *id care for them orme int-- s c d im etu. beIm Dgqall. -. t » an "d ai oui a,-.- M~ 0bl1i.tW l~U1fl ' iti 4 71 oli i UUO, M e - df o olà U n eb.t llleffe c p naa 'IflSw1 j1 1 1t 1sfgunorai Interea It ilL 'bà anewer,*d tIiroju:4CbwseCo UnI Tlie U d ow 1 ot cruelty, thde' yhum ~' tbàt e " 9.prpalytrtme.~dO5 gueoel Of onu Uithaconspire. Ti lOtipotn ate l EIlkely to e entcc!Iitl yl l nîeedt. HMb ner l ed presn bel If tnmd 1U5l se rrnk Of hAdest tOil welU nt tCOMPlaÎ14 u, " tà,vît îtiteeî. It even when tht- bre)tcornes: viithe? Bt.. Toronuto. Bo we a competence rnay gain- ýisfondin tosubst ncent rery it seemns tO 110due tda, ceetagioU da-s. '1heir daily ceci! supply; well icnewn, wicii uiet speciaiata sîi ort ooe col!, the real cause Cut outworii it helpsdisesso te d#elop. AnI! f o ac ohe teyca cr Ugroy4h gettere beiueae tàey lieget may nerer be thought et-tnit the --W O i<> . COUGcH. TheI w caillth er dyioe gpowth. 'Thes. two ubnce ae hi asnot bai! enougli O f n ttue kEngland whoeping coigh i er- prtsis incubation or hatelling per>df Tin ewilesir isfd amiimore plentîfufly thaW nn Iw'< n achii! nod J an \~th r fo L On et hem . i WttIÏ6at milii children cannt tbrive, tussis--occasiens more deatha an (the Ure betw e x ouO t h e Who itie nettue eelie laba eiutin intue iquid portion efthte an even though they may lie getting -dors mesies or diphtheria or scafio ectio u hnee hw h is T o e'sm on bereay ed of th eir dam s, s m m c aedin t he o h la ii tu a . I 5titil e t tiiter food sub sta ne Cs fever or t >'h oid fever. 800 ef ou r vm . nizt o. )i f ro a wd ys aee a sfort- That miss tue rote'sdwnewn'- the cresntake to tuoe .whe have studied, the problems ichildren dies annually of iL Neit la since the oxposiOiehere.i- ne occasion milk rs down wi the is e t rthe etrdntiin oxteU htsow t ncig it ccutteda eae OT~ of aýienulto r oit ut beat sulw Wiuat weuld wee cil akiiredo ot el;ad uttr miaîal m tarainrsls o t s u which May ho Complkcating or se nel QUESTIONS- AND ANSWERS. Ah, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sutd tie iiu oescmetn acnwt -;sdbte aefenta u hl a~ pertussisemphysema, he or- Subaormal Temperature. " u hnti efnstatum re , tuoe .tint the. reaim contained. Skim- tne!Prns . adt i ca.ignalrhages into the braie, hernia, lironc$io- ilyukel diem fay "AM! Desth ces us, then we will go Med milI las the otier hait et these Paentsareaits ine hrd4it ue pneumonia, mastoid abscess tuWr-, l o idyadiem fay little oe may haveuilis . theyperatuire of one and one-half degrees. Tho way tuaint aiuatumnge n'made reus usance, un ti d hsbeese avecoik uatthoy Whooping cough is oven more ser- I arn 55, weigh about 160, work in- And th old eo;.4 Icitalone onlya por on ftitis s iri m .ee ins I liorasls I od pe pl a neod eagr thaO niZiIk forala ohslforutadood p.ejndicdsareoplengttheamostside, do not d ink, use vei'y little Tb hee pr s te A utun m ge wn .. 1k <~ rjdce r a oi he notbeen fatal in itself or it bas led te ?the to ce, sep ail wl. 1 ha a nettnetlythe mgr_______ dffthut utusehoId d~ eaeto uh~meiaînnervous breakdown 16 years agio frein 1 Mentie-or tankseac mon sallmade as wben whle emilkisla ed. Yet .hmtsth ellogwuset ue hou o a ents" as pneumonia.'Pertussis Co es oS ewrwryado rcue muat 11e self-forgebutteeneugh te adCpt- ottentimes in epîdenuics, whîch ry t emseves tea agsi teru-Answer--Subnforma1/ temperature rireur ankscad mor siU mik, rea, buter___ heee aioco- ing te je iien imj aYncotgosfeS nt uy may be occasional and not serious. W>Wou dontf l teavtusend t i lkin a Poo hav b seir oingth hidrf m and nuortality. The apecific ger 15l'a, persistent t he reasen is it is due - wOr illtThn bat ndru tn II a em! h1 tui ml.spread. just as in diphtberia, in jUelfe~schlsn alnhla nutiin O gr 6n tllo-hnlyadly Milkis a ot dand net allëveragec Inlemsey familles te-day ' hch'ecretions f rom thc meuth and itue ting dhiseas os landcho nti pion, k The tull-Trw plants will needs d an ud childruan whe are drinking tes amd iilioth milk and meat have been abun-1iwsngdeasad hocpio- E~Yes, eau themaclves deedi effee je lieu et milk are beieg de- idsetly usci! the prolilein arises as ite OOtIUIt are - sfleezed (and <hua . Yn'indaxugerous trades. A pei-sist- r-Alexander Loi Fraser, pnived et their most impot fod which oen ua eue d.Pro icatemized or sprayed out) c uhed jsdi~~sbomltmeàuee n u a .0 tofviw f te ocetoo ad spat out, or carried about in ha ter on e-iagt degrees is a more momaentous Ca ofRmi .-.--- with -the possible ceesequeces et boss ~pIntetvi;etti pcetoo e s ntydikigcprfi ofthu toag normai grewth,,with liones tintI trom tuat oetritism-the groeatcft;n y~,drkngcpr ir~mater thae.. the same above the nor- ad : eedogrokd. Nt oely d tu te future ofthte county-let¶ toweis and the like, which pe>oplie Wo mal. You- siuuld have your famuily t ~~~ ~ ~ ~ V - .l ei otc wt h a~ doctor give yen a good overhauling.1 e A great msey tOns Of mangels, tur- does tue milk urniali the *rtalm*mng ~milk bc retained, or ecroc iecreased i ndme. xetfrtedolt e r odn e u reilse u lu aps snd carrets are lest annMly by substances tint promoe th e fuanttontth arniiy diet. Witueut question hfeo whcet fth ro see4îin-gamygin LII. theadiie htshui i- neglect after beieg placed in storagp- et growth but it supplies tue materials milkis a schesper ail round f od thansduhn g d.lic a l ng te ecnidorae. LAlmo tat aldo 9 EverYthieg rnay bc done te mnaure a 1frein Wbich the growixg body in form- ment, and. although ithe chidren must e obviated by the handkerchiee r h~elpsosifer frl& Ack ot aexerdse. Slièhis te cm ith he foma-a other cioth held before the pati4nt'a y per time in good condition, yet, if net Ition etflione, made up largeiy et lime. : upplenient te a decreasci! meat diet . eiutiu and nose during these 1ct) BodPeue a proerly looked atter i!uneg tue win- No other feod contaies go mucl lime j pertussis is net an air-borne Infecton. Do yeu think a llood pressure of, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __0 l 'T h e in fe c tio n is g e L ith e r d ire c tly (b y , 1 2 5 s e r io u s ? crpmybecome a total loss. Suéh elow a cost as in furnished by milk. The b1elting of the Belle. contagion) in kissing and the liki ; or Answer-No. -But it le licloW Par, n, ls monthaa hire ee ntag et tit sI ai e uy f o s nbyt eey se a o, at ue.pento ote etaüd oflyli omp Ti.muçis rig e ceppeirdirectly. as f rom oysansd the like. , alightly. It sheuli! be about 140. Tu. ,l att'eentsetedtia. se er-~wttoioghnn ee ed te y have taken the belis et Fiandera It 15 a person to person infection *1sudLroflditions yeur docter mentieeed (1&' e qurorent. n urnshe by ue urdet mlk, An eietedthen ino ge3,the germ 15 not likeiy te live andi b. pounda under woight and aexl)( t, If a cllarinlate b. used for sterage ! and tue muscles make more rapid h Avmlten ogus - it ahould b. tiereughly cleaeed, tue.', growth when ted on tue pretein froma They haebadd tue belis of Flan- Ifloxi'ous more than severai days eout_ would accout fer the reduced pres-t - ventilaters put into gedwkigml s otutre ehrtooda.Adedrs 1 aide a living body. He who 4~eps sure . Leading the Hygienie Lite, i- rde, nd hooug drin" ad xE ndtrained them on her sons. beyond speaking distance ofeti. should help greatly te your restera,, t ion de ronndthereudrie sud po-ggs, coi! liver eil sud-te a lesser patient la not like te bc aifected. ~The ien. ~ tetienfromfrot auaure sem i e tet-meat nîl contain the ___________________________________ teIfrei a ild.UroinwllggterwihTh e tower of Bruges la silent. ,_________________ g cehiars it in custernary te dump -theo milk. The whoie cereal grains& con- n kdwdsalsesad irouta down through a trap deor ini tue tain tue one foued ln tue waterypr No moeshl tevoice <of Roland trmesws bevdi p-tiij ft leer. abore, or roll thein ovl eer a et milk. Thus it cne b. parti>' sup- So und "Victery in the land" Judaism. (Lev. 23. 23-26; Nutn. 29.1 ab s u te fr ein w indow s a t 'th e g rou n d plied je w h ole g ra in fl u rs, m ea s an d 1-6sd pr)er A lt e l~t e . M d d -T O o O5 i S __________________ mrade continuation impracticablo; tue' eofrcîsci! leraitue em ice et ito meunt, aisd ie d eas ps, eeisThey have humbied tic bells of Fla -~.~~ noon heurs are a time of reat in tue. et hes eeraies, her l honi temea sd egs des-INTERNATIONAL LESSO$ ret. Tereiig wsreied B u t u g i e t h c h i d m i k la b y hr c i o s e ' at d i o n . P u ,l p it T e l be acum ltacceumuklatibonsBu t gv te hld miklabf frbrrtseein. a AteedandE EM ER 9.butor bs e iuid w oen plt ed rocte s d.eartli at the ends et te te surest and simplet way oet eeng AtsepnVnAtvle ihcoetatnin pt-h l es, or eneauthe r ad orsaUnlUte.is u ecsa>'gotl eNow this is tue cendomnatien ~f orm on which a dezee or more mon obossedfroe n tu rakmnxsude, di>' er IThat fellows tuem througi the Lesson X. Ezrsamu!nd4ehemiahTacuculd be accmmoiduitcd.- :t bnvruied ot and bi nosuc s ixtunre, l ur eliha t rseetdy 71Iar Verses 5-8 gir. a moredetaile à et errial> rt sd y s di - gen r çsedy in tuis country if tue chidren yeas0 The Law-Neb. 8. Golden dsrpine teraig ok h ate heat that will help te apread -he re g .nls ii.I u ivssi!'That thèy 'shall ho lind te beuuty Tý du.19.15 ~Berptrio ofthela i pn. iy -ý le nfcton e uesumroifiegsendtue hWath of the chldren are te ho in- ~Adte hhb eft er.Verse,.4 1. 2 viairate tho gathering of ~roliing it. Stootiup-As a mark etl îo q0e t latîcretere obvions tht!,surdoaci cÉild must have mllk and the people. liread place Equitalent i rcspect, they were, about-"te hear, a re a&uniulati. me ef this nature shouldi have îtinle bu.dauce . And tbreugh the cemleg. ages, te *'square" or '"plaza ;" the teirm is divine message (Jndgo 3. 20). Amen b-li tonghy lenc! utasMen as l Whcn wonder and woe are theirs, aPPlied te the open square nei4r the The word menis 'firm' or "estali- for tbcr publd guhcrilgs-mlteanepdoput asprovi. i i u-~ h L, possible atter the iuarvest has ben Do Net Tai Children Forever tie bells et Fîseders City gate used a4 s market pis 'e and 1 lished ;' the respoese expresses tue, acompleted, and tue damaged reuta ted Onu>' tueughtlessiiess or selfishnecs Ring leuder than their proyers. for t-rpubliNe h 2. 7 6ne a nter poatitues t prayerLiftig adoraton crayr te aibalacacet e c mako te children py te firt -Mary' Eleanor Roberts. that tîuis was a te in the e Lsîern (Exod. 17. 11). Woirahipped-Beter - - - - - --u' - ' - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - --r . a l , n e a r t h e t= 11 l e a r e s , A ' c o r d - p r o s t r a t e d t h e m s e l v e ; " ' a p Q s i t o njý .Frequently, drn ti.w eri ng te tue Talmud it derived its naine homage. Vorse 7 continus the rames, at mentius, rotting will sazrt ameer Sp-1 frein tue tact that through it water ofe Levîtea vli assistai! Ezra In Inter-- miparent)>' siund..rota, usuai>M he TVrimiUuI xJII bmUUO.e wns carrici! trom tue virgin spr ng te preting the lsw te tue ' peeoplk. "ne, bcresuit of W unsoun4. roui ecomiag the_____ temple on tue toast et tabert aclea. translation of verse 8 suggested abovo! en urid a"z 4 cher. IfecionEzra-In Ezra 7. 1-5 the go eaaiyo brings eut the thon lit more clearl' me~~~~~~~~~~ cnidsoct4des Ifcinake whlich la madinli Great board, knead thorougil>' until elastie,1 Eara is tracci Lack te Aaron. Ac.ra fe ksitbesc lieapedarapdlyemng roota5 str- 1Britain and sent t te cmen t the ~tien knead ln 4 tablespoona butter, 11 ~cerding toEzra 7.- 7« ho e ot tins, not the whoe book; thrn these' it gand it s" ' i utevted are honld'otnl h eet front la cnlîed tablespoon sugar, uni! 2 teaspoons sal- 1Jacuslm n these enih e rking scineddsinctly, were inter-t luI b. tuoroughly cicaned eut ne1 * ~~~~~Soldiers Cake.Divide thia doughi luto three portions! Artaxerxes, whe Je ecal'to i rtdbyhmo yteLne lo m- Al--lse o otsls cetantect ed. snsuarwih u ad liako le a g lot ovn. t u e h (lrat lin ýarn Ettwere whhlm on the plat rme; as Ailclaseset eet ~ ertin rc5 I "~ brwn uga wiu in me, wlîo ascended le throe in B 1. ~resuit, everyone could get he mese-' amount ef meisture soon atter har- butter; add 2 eggs well hesten, U cupa 11 A cake tint was sold b>' -a Rei! Cross Q .465; whîch wouid make thu date ~lng. bc vent by leaporatin or, s it îscom-! ilIt2 fftue beeneft fleur 1ts tunde lafoteth Ezna'i ofeut faydB.s o. 458.s Therey Verses5. ere2 epses -12 sor m oOeetthtie a Iuonly cafla agutne. if an ado- fleur siftd wlth 4 teaqpoon bakins tue tohlowing: -are serlous diificnltiea l e i.vay et foots produced. -Be ly-fo bis, ervc, as quate cIrclation et air amoeg the, powder, 4 teaspen salt sud 1 tes- Red Cross War Cake I4ptl(ti ew cooqniydcadteJlosanit oncs l (. 414-59; th. -BIa 'tue day t tueh e w i e -h" »t1 4 ý-&- -- - - -- - -- ---- - - 1 ,ki« pw)e -wd 2 hecram wrtepoI'u"." -a gir7" saaw ieaTh Iftu t "iemuertor iair-e b vngt 1e'3 c sonpwuu a. eapo ..~<F ~Yfu b hVi diii * t4eron- t*05 tbe F.1*yiUa*ssok open U- , aOc2eap lorsi'e ~*~d, bealt ropmotfieeaty. eU;oulata wel r.belamy ut abwlsis iop feu, tbe-et Vrs l a u haitue f pr <105th0motWb às lIe admiter wnU. !I, Moedmiasdba is le *0 &y tOp!n3* e no a 000 f, i dey s- avm'ley l- ente d (Zara ' aïttla odn i nsabl e lloui. e" Asc ou4art ha-d 2 cof Ws or obaun pal uïui4Wl -hKvi.' -,a OiP4OD auuoudîL 1 the alm- o t II.h " If roou an to ee SelCeU QUWID 4ft eato gemoo*iround, mn ou «»til bt tboi% ý&-l sat bwlidt7 »ýn« Pd* r n*Ak i4 * «ch m*d 4" oteasion Boxrlàolci Lkete yaw«alianti r rd be bt a o lui i~> ad.treibtea~e an dmgtu on h a so st a d -or y oo L . ft. tw boxte4t8.93,lesoo -J

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