Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Nov 1917, p. 3

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tnt the advlOO au coumfl.I, 'ae- conplt peeks of the Sgood resUlts.'- Ils bts carteful eeplY.- Beau l0 not cut Off cthe beafi wethere je a kease at this harvesters do inion wht la i bfor Market- cda six-acre plrinlg. What ? .j. la it ft ront or b.- sksecd drill? I. r o 1Wt viirieky , grieultural ~n thte sunjeet reports in bis ha. t f or table Fosc's Newv In- Yorker No. 2, ray Ikauty are nie first four jutlged on the t.t table pota- ,ecavy yielders. Stray 13cauty, arly Qbîjo rank 'al rule (Grimm ~eedingly good ('St. Thee are ~ilg introduced i:uported from d ffaY be sown ~e disks, or the 1rass seed box tt the seEd laS seed, falling a sandy loarn i-own too deep- îually will give legrain is be- however, it low the grass in front of the .its being thor- tchain drags attac'hment, attached, they tisfactorily. ]ïTID M E, lIEATH ERS. irticulars. CO.. I CE md ReRip Prices MTanadaI~ 1, 4 ý011- 00. U.S.A. st Prices FUR 3" p aymp by ex. 11In to u(. m durs a mi Jet 110. 3Co., haute. U. a.. w 'because et ed that a cow Sproduco well, 3 .strong and t) qew milk1 it; thon tae s&nd work thi thd Ucbutter.. Msting areas- unpýbdiict lys agriculturlste. ace to thé. dis- iml ths-effecto'- des. Iii mat>' f t;eestrom a .4 I French officer examlnlng the G TOCAPITULA Workmen's and Soldiers' Delegali -Peace With Teu A despateh f rom Petrograd anys: Another revolution has broken eut. Extremi.sts, led b>' Lenine, have vrest- ed the reins of paver froua Premier Kerensky and -the latter is reported ta be fleeing to Moscow. A Conigress of the W orkmen's and Soldiers' Delegates of aIl Russa has convened in Petrograd andi will dis- cusq the questions of organization of power, peace and war, and the. for- mat ion of a Constituent Assembly. A delegation has been nameti b> the ..Congress ta confer with other revolu- tionary and democratie organizations j q -s Y .4. ( ~ I l -.5' 4-f witb a i'iew ta initiating peace negO- tiations for the purpose of "taking steps ta stop the bloodshed." Government forces holding the Winter Palace vere compelledti t capitulate carl>' Thursda>' moraing under the fire cf the cruiser- Aurora and the cannon of the St. Peter and St. .Paul Fortress across the Neya. At 2 o'clock Thursda.y merning, the Wo-1 ITALIAN -.TROOPS STILL RETREAT Conifiderable Eighting iniHUS et Vittorio and at Northern Points. A despatcb froni New York says: The Associated Press issued the fol- Iowing on Thurstiay aight: There has been ne cessation in the retreat of the Italians across the Venetian Plains tovards the. nev lin. of defense, on vhlch 'it is purposeti to stand and face the invading Germas and Austro-Hungarians. The larger Units of the Italiens are falling back vithout mlestation. according to the. Rome official commiunication, but coasiderable flghting has taken place in the his of Vittorio and at other points In the north. The Berlin War Office -says that'on *e middle Taglamento River Italian troops who vere still standing out againat the. invaders vere captureti. A General anti 17,000 atiditionai Ital- ian treepa are reporteti te bave heen cajitred, bringîng the total prîsoners mnce 'the. retreat from the Itonzo W. gan te more than 250,000, aceor'ding te, Berlin. It la aIse saidt tat.ln.cx- coesof 2,300 guns have telles laqte the banda etftth. Teutonie allies. AeG the lino la France anti Bel- gium cal>' artiller>' duels ant.iing operations by the French andti 3ltish- forces are taking place. SEOUL BE NO BISE a IN PRICES 0F SUGAJL A -despatch from - Ottawa mays: Dealers Who bave advanced thi e 01t ugar to their cuatomers dumlng Uic past moath are taking an impro- per. ativantage efthlii preut tempor- ary ahortage anti exactlnig»an uWtar profit. Buck la tb. offert et a tate. ment. issueti bjvthe, Foodi Centroiler. r. anna atideti that tiiere waa»ne diefer retail prices to-day b.îng1 higiier than they were a month- ori six veeka ago. He pointed eut 'thst, for the. n'>ntii of September thé. pricesa et sugar ln ail parts o! Canada W«»me betveen 10 ant-i ilcents per pount. i EXEMPTION CLAIES -Clais for ekemption Bled tWcogh. cet U*c DomIniontobàW Ucd and 16A38 reports for service Taklng the. "Oit Penledm*I he "MeauC« fthe rcamtoVao~ for serIce.Ibo VanOevrpeut -sIecl Is 7; Emmca lA, e v A despatch traM London, aa-es qIU n fo~ o 'rhe British bave!cIptUred the. clty d no d<itaâb m * t 7t llàabe Gaza, in Puiestine, ti .War Oeic , d.l>ý 15ranLo-Rvnda jais- nouncos. ptmilo~inr~âetBé. The British bave made au advance dad, w ccpied by the. &iUahon nime mies, crrying tii. viole November 6, the War Of fice an-. Turkish system, dnounces nti 0nd on Thursday. Turis sate eOfen i The. text cf the statement reatd1: region and capturing t*0 toWns M "point thie uesful action addition 60 Gaza. fougiit fleïk Dup m Novmber 2, our A later despatch says:-Tbere are treope advanced further up the. Tigrii Wi9 indications ot a general retirement, and on November Stb mttacked the. northward by the Turkish force in Turks, who wer. holding aastrongly- ~ Paestne.entrenched positi9'n coverinr; Tekrit. Palesine.Under the fire ot car artWelry env *v The. British puzhcd beyone Gaza, on" troops with gre4t gallanty crossed the right and left, the. advance pene- ,26yardso ,e onz n h le trating as fa.r as the mouth cf the. Indian Sikh a nrfe, regimients Wadi-Hest, elght miles north of the pressing home the. attacit, captureti erman Unes in re-wou Flauderu. original British line. The British esp- the first two lies cof the enemny turcs of prisoners, guns and stores trenches, inflictiiig hea.vy casualties are congidiable 'n volume. These trenches were conseldated, Geseral Allenby reports that there and a Turkish ote-takpvd NEU ruRwere censiderable captures ef Prison- unsuccesaful. TE UNDER UN FIREMarets ofthe World From Thile MIdJieWest tes Are in Control of Petrograd itona Demanded. Toronto, Nov. i 3-Nanitoba wheat- - BTWEEN oNTAmTo AN!)Bu- No. i Northern.$2.23à; No, 2 do. 82-20b: mans Bttlio, hic ha ben c-No. 3. do.. $1.17: No. 4 wheat. 42.1. in TISE COLUMBLA. ma' ation Wic Paacesen - store Fort William. includins -2 cta%_ fending teWne aae urn Manitoact&--No. 2 C.W., 698c. No. dcre. acw..66 Ic; extra No. 1 feed. uiC; No. dered. feed. 84ic, In store Fort Wllitam. The Workmen's and Soldiers'Dele- American corn-No. s yeuiow. nominal. Items Fromt Province Where ManY Ontario et-No. 32'white. 65 toef66c. gates are in complete control cf the nominal. No. s. do.. 64 to 66e. nominal. Ontario Boys ond Girls Are City. accordinc to frechts outalde. Ontario wlsat-New. No. 2 winter. vhg Pemi.~er fterensky vas reort 8 2.22; basf q. In store. Blontreal. Wednesday night at Luga, 85 miles P'eso-No. 3, $3.6o to $3.70. according The. Saskatehewan Legisiature bas .3outhwest of Petrograd. ilarley-Malting. $1 20 te 81.21,.se- been called to meet November 15. Late Wednesday evening, after the cordin" te f reights ou talde. vrste crlninCgay n drvn Rye -No. 2, $1.75. eccordins tate ersretcrlminCgryi Governmnt forces had beenien f relghtaoutzide. enoprtdwhoe-ac& into the Winter Palace, the. palace Mani toba flour-First patents. In Jute ligoeae ihoemncA ba«gi. 811.60; Znd. do.. $11.00; 1atrong By tagging the public Calgary was besieged and a lively fire of ma- b)akero'. do.. $10,60. Toronlto. elzd$,0fo th BrisRd chine guns and rifles began. The Ontario flour-winter. accordinir .te elzd$,0 orteBiihR gampie. 19.80, In baK5.. Montrcai; 89.GO. Cross cruiser Aurora,.which was moored at Ta,.rante; .60. bulk. seaboard. PromXPt Southern Alberta bas been dividcd the Niclai Brige, movd Up wihin nh d-nt.4< lots. dellvered Montreai into 13 districts for a VcoyLa ranige, firing shrapnel. Mcanwhile. freîgbhts. bags lncluded-Tiran. per ton. cimpalgn. the. guns cf tic St. Peter and St. Paul 136; shorts, do.. $42; mLddlings. do.. $46 Forrea opnei fre.Ti. plac ~ te $46; sood f eed fleur. per bag, $3.26. Seuth&rn Alberta furnishes 13ore Forteu oenedlire Th palce so 1e a-_o. 1, new. per ton. 814 5Ã" 1tO mùothy seed than any other part of eut under the glare cf the. search- 816 &Ã". track Toronto. lights cf the cruiser and offereda Straw--Car lots. per ton. #7 tO $7-50- the Canian vest atruck -Toronto. Out cf 2»,85 registrationis in Cal- good target for the gens. The de- gay47wr eot-o evc n fenders held eut for four heurs, re- Couatry 2ýr.4UO-Who1laao 24g ary 67 eremrptor erie. plying asi best thcy could with ma- tButter---Crea1ferYib solide vper It. 42à D2.428Raimetempion. o 0 er 43c. prints. per l. 43 te 43e dalry. DrRortClinfr 0yar chine genssnd rifles per lb4. 6tte41c..medical practitioner in Edmonton, died NOVELTIES IN FIREWORKS. Play an Impbrtant Part ia Modern -dWarfare. la a battle, under modern condi- tions, firevorko play a very important part' inasmuch as the flghting goes on at night as velI as by day, anti the combathnts must se. vbat the enemy is dig W>st cf Uic pyrotechnie contrivances used take the form cf bombs and rociets--nere modificationa eft ire- vorka cf the kinti long familiar at Victoria D'ay celebrations. On.etftthe neveat devices in this Uino is a bomb which vhen It burats high in the air threvs eut a number of "cantile" that llght up the sur- rounding country with a vivit glare, reveal ing the movemeata et the en- Each candle is provideti witb a para. chute, by which it is upheld in the air, falling very slowly tevard thc earth anti burningr for a long ie before it reaches the grounti. Anotiter contnivance la a moeailet "parachute rociet," firedt rom a short~ riué m. It basa range etf1500 yards Wheui It burats in, he aky it Ulbrateal a parachute that carres a cartritige Bled with a chemicil whlch burnai slovl>' but with great brilliascy. Thé. cartrldge, whlch hara, for forty sectonds, la suspentied clous bencatb the. parachute, iii. latt.. smrvng as a ralector te throw tise llgut dovaa in O frmsof a cone. By this means & h-itenatyfth'et tii. Ililamucii at-l menteti, ne that movlag objecta on the. greunti are amde plaini> visible. BRAZIL WILL CONTROL ALL GERMAN BANK& A despatéhh rom lIe I*aelr aaya: Tii. Cbanber ot Dopat.. bas aopWe aul the. mesaures . -- eà.d te tise Congrùsa b>'PrcaldcutBrai«a m- #pdRais aantGra gns aw s iplmg 1-a-47Mua8csuel- cludingýa atate of sie. 'Tisnos-, «re hilude i.ammsuot cft<m. tracts for publie yensl epteet1«W Iand'coneeneloa t. cn" nMbjopi and Oft tie frauder C« sepsrb4p et Germas-pmcpet*w; e.stmcd Q«- mms buasa ad O.nu omm~ Biami n be livtneramof 0 Oumu Ttlw vas e dme atéd tlt tisoe vu.slin Reliat aIteam %i t j" Wn.b ne oacly oWb" wma to e »air> M $. 2sUl arc O mut er Umar'g~- o bat- -bi Pridw b»a Potatoes-Firm; abolesàders are pay- lng g revers and country sihippars.81.76 fer firet-cas stock. L.ob. Toronto. Wboiesalers are selling te the retail trade at the followliig prices : CheeseNew. large. 21 te 211e: twin». 23à te 23t; old. large. 30c; twins. 3oie. Butter-Fresh da.lry. ebolce. 40 te 41c; creamery printa. 45 to 46v; zoids. 44 te 4rèc. Egtes-New Ila n cartons. 60 ta &Sc; No. 1 storaça. 44c. select etorage. 47 te 48C_ Dressed poultry-Sprtns chickens. 24 te 26ic; fowl. 20 ta S3c; bq uaba. per do%_. St te $4.50; turkeys. 38 te 32c. ducks, Sprtng. 23 te 26c;-s. 21 te 22c. Liste poultry-Turkeys. 2Sc; spring cbickens. lb. 16 te 15c; boas. 17 te 1We ducks, Spring. 18 te 19c; geese. 16. te Honeyz.-Cemb-E-xtra fine. 16 OZ.. $3.60; i2 o&..93-; No. 2. $2.40 to82.&0.1 Straine-Tinu. 23's anid Va. 19 te19be per lb; 1%IOu. te 18e; 0*w. 28 to 18ie. Btans-4&aa mnominal; Imported hand-pfcked, 34.40 te 6o per bush; Lirmas. perlb.. 17c. l>tatoes. en track--Onts.io. bag . p-Wbosaal Amoked meata-Rams. unedium .10 te SIc: do.. beavy 26 te 27c. cooked. 41 te 42c; rolle. 27 to Ser; breakfast bacon. 38 to 42c; back». plain, 40 te tIc;* bont- lama. 43 te 44-- - Z1 Cured meas-L-ormg ciear hbae,,. 271 to 38e lb: cigar beles. 263 te 27c. L.rd--Pur4 lard. tierces. 27 to 2411c; tUbs.271 o 274c; mls. 27à tq 28C. '06m und.tâe 23à Io 2SC; tuba. 22k to Mc; ls,221to 23. )Mentreel. Nov., 13 Q.d--astlac W.stsra. No. 1. W;e do.. No. tI.e- extM INo. 1 feed..773e; -o2 loca whte. 141 te 768-c. Sarley-Ma8tlna.4$3U. Fleur-Van. 8prles wheai patents. a"ta B«»d*. 11.10; strong bakru'. 810."0; .trs.igb helie lL 14.10 te 16.1115.e- L. $&4510 4 4.55. B n4 . bot --440 t-149. KI4Il 2gs-48te 860. .Voulue-88le 40.IUt i-S0. 3Xpar ton. oSr lots,$12 ûte iV 8.Cbyte ftaest weste". a. lite;114t. 8utt.r-Cbote.5t #rey'. 41à te 44c; l iis oeetï&44 te 4e; No. 1 atock-i,42 4to tte; Ne. a stoce. 8U te 4fe. FPotatees -Per bu. car lots. 81.80 to 8#126. wI»IM taft e-' o.se. a t fOc: Nor.No, PL,-e 1 N -W . X 2181 eZoe recently, ageti 73 years. The thirty-flrst annual Congress cf Uic Salvation AmY of Western Can- ada is now being helt inl Edmonton. '«AI]lsl unfettled; the Goverament provisional" «Yes, oaly the war is permnent.' N.EWS FROM ENGLAI NEWS BY MAIL ABOUIT JOHN jBULL ANOD BIS PEÃ"PLB Occurrences la the. LaniThat ReignE Supreme ln thi. Commer- cil*orLd la Winnipeg anti eut of these cal>' 13, te have -granted atiditienal war bon- were jutigeti absolutely unfit for sér- useis te ail the county constabulary. vice. Totwihn rmfv ofv Oaly one man in eight is wiviîg teoi u eghn rm iv etr enliat in Winnipeg te date. out of, anti a balU pountis have been caught 6,129 vho have repertei 5,360 daim1 recently in.Blagdon Lakte, Somerset. exemption. TwI'o Gefman war pnisoners who es- Canrati P. Watson, Saskateen, vas capeti front Hantiforth interamçnt arrestet inl an Etimonton Hetel, viiere 1 camp three veeks ago, are still at he hati a truak filet with bettle of, larg. whiskey fer vhiéb he wvasgetting The. importation cf grapos fro fromn between $6ý andi $6 a botte. He Spain bas been authorizeti thisyer vas ficd 4100 anti coats. Up te one-hait the amouat impott Bunglars teéTt '?00'brtii ofgoodsis in 1916.. .1. 1 frqP stores at, Qu'Ap-pelle, ludian Two G;erman prisoners-ef-war 'Who Reati anti Grenfel, Saak., in a thre« eapeti tram -Kuocitloe Detentlon nigbi' raid. No /,trace of tthibysCaMp1 Jbl. orMant, bave bom ro- bas bee» nd L. aete.i i 1The,78tlsBatt.yg Vile epetito A, colllery workcr uaned Readman -roma in lu eiihige, Alta, wh:é1.1 vas sent.nceti.ooedeni' mns 1traiulng, have been mevedto C '*4z7. nnta Nlftg» frçurelt t Edmonton bas on]>'Wathree Snpît ont t>'. rïbm «îelyt t aetc s o j c e a t. a t v e il A n open-air p eacem eetin g w h ch te dae. b. .bh e arraged for Sît"mmso ___________ suam , mnciester, vas preibiy, POWER 0FtRBB-GROWTH 1.cosaItte. of iansaernnt O! the, Royal NationalLieo. utt- ExpamareFére. et tii. he fi a ten :ba"Veota- Mwar4siisym tiseSpita leoA »m r. for teUic neofRI 822 Pt l. growtb tga sho in-lM»The Guie te < p ini aa ii -by 14Z. ewoeY edthe W. A I. tac.,s Mr. aE ZmemaLnaval dbaplain. Wnites ixumermn;«0«8»103Ïeu Day" et Wimbledon rue.- "At ur ttWliabut ba e Mdon's Bigad Ilng plants. It bas been found O.*At~8 .,C'IePrapaatlcl dilleate palabave,1 P atsoog. seu we , Ump.4 lu~~met their grow-h onttdw.lgbttotaI.lump" j Unt hudxre"'a .1 ida. Borne IerS aa4mî, Im e dm n 90,8apklb v ll a Pb5M8t is*, e cf fet. Pawo a*ê Magaabeshcvig 1eva Plant b14 offlt ,'t e "U « bh 1pubed Itaelfop *imea bord 1 ~~& ~s f i mentco.smuced 0 asiMml grveijo îegmm Vo .spelll sfsr18basattahuÈIeoa. st. jinmm Resaer.Cenrar t.wba~ w tê&430,Mt. is provisional, laws provisd1na1, eail '-Novy Satirikon, Petrogr4. anniversary cf Uie indepenidence of Br£. . Notyrithstandlng increases lisal- aries anti var hefuses, 0 eRich-1 menti Gas Company have ilen able te declare the usual tiivitieid of five p r cent.,1 T«E PALACE IOUIÃŽEK INO. Staff of Bucklagbam.-Pala COnst An Wnportant, tbough l1t4 of, peison ai Buockingham Mn.'Clerk, the housekeepi been for over fitteen year employ anti stands hlgh lInt9 of Queen Mary. Mm .ClerId has nowv staff ef maliseunrats ulndev the places of several o men-servante Who bave cous army have been temporarl women. Mm. Clerk ge id.semnats but non. can missed i wthout the coisent Queen. As a raiatter cf tact,1 la rarely or neyer dîismisset royal service.Ail te=Iiadl employ ar e daugbters or latives of people Who bave Uic royal eniploy for M& Tiier. bave been CIrbe ant Chanters la thef ro for generatin, wbonba the. roya së regard ry &lt the b. dis- of >the il. royal1 near Te- *i years aI servies Iwala ,Goiemol ana ýtwlad Lieu tenantJ 3:s s D.Robertson Gordon tHigIQanders, ozMerly assist- ant nunister of Strathbogie, bas beg avarde theii Military Cross. Mrs, IRudolph ,Polack,, Glamnis House, Dundee, -bas, given. £500 ec te the DnndL"e Day Nursenies,ânýd_ Dundee Orphan Institution.' -Mrs.. Lennox -Beattie, commandant of the Edinburgh V4.D.'s, bas sent a furter sum cf £11o0 te Edinburgh Lord Prevost's Fund. Miss Mclntosh's free gift sale at the Gatty marine laboratory realized £157 for the blindeti anti crippled\sol- diers and sailors. ,The Ministry cf Pensions have -ap- pointcd Lady Baxter, cf Dundee, re- riresentative\ for Seetland en the joint disablement committee. There are nov eighty-seven associa- tiens in connection vith the. City et Aberdeen War Savinga Cemmitte with- a total membership of 8,518. Lieut A. Hope Kinnear, of the Camerons, reeently killetinl action, vas a son cf W. Kinnear, formeriy sciiooîmaster at Kilbuddo, Forfar. Sir Alexander MeRobert, of Cawn- pore, bas matie over te the Smith's Convalescent Home, Nevhills, scuri- ties which vill produce £280 yearly. The Dundee Town Council bave requested Lord Provest Don to-ac- eept the cice -for aother three yea.rsi anti he has accepteti. Rev. John Mansie, Tay Square U.F. Church, Dundee, who vent te the front with the Y.M.C.A., is how. in a base hospital suffering f"o A memorial vlndov bas been erect- cfd la St. Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh,. by the. Highland Society to. Lord Archibalti Campbell, father.- of the Duked -tArgyll. As a resuit of the sports,, pageant, ind fiag day. helti by 'th$< Glasgow -wholesale meat trade, 11,050 as col- lecteti for the Princesa Louis. Scot- tubh Hospital. Sergeant James Essiemount, Royal Scots, son -of James Esalemount Buei, bas'been'aÃŽvardsê4hte MIitarY Medal. Allan Garrett Anton, *ho bas been appeluteti Controller o ettavy- lacamain of -e.flrst Lord of the. lieutenant Vlam ak-iWB -Whose moUler residesatO edl avenue, Glaaowl bas beeon avmrud- the Milltïry Cross.w on a gali dayý belti at Pètenbeati, the. mm et -atm00 as ràed to provde cemtorta for the. GonHighliars and Bueban seldiers. now men came te Shake Bnat la the days cf véry long ago,'WbeM ail men wer. prepaireti to figlit at any andi al Urnes because one- could 1,ent knOW wlitMOrý aï* Otbetr aPPro"blingf vaafrind . r an enkemy, au Men w~nt rmd.This was bforetiiay~ rveapoi of <efeiae ýl

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