Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Oct 1917, p. 5

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W G'tTt t'. M,, ic fhOitt~ aa tit.-COIî <te-r tbc- r and a t' l% utii -. aI 011 J illi- t iM11MP * x. 's * À .yg' - '-y ubmiî ted. )NT@ a abillet, rpen(- i T? t- l19 A Neverwve êWàoable or more V4pý1e than to-day. Diame'ids which I soldten yoars ago f or $40.00 and over, I will buy back to-day at an advance of 30%,/,any way- Diamnonds purchased to- day will advance m ore in 'value. A-SMALL DEPOSIT wiI1 Secure a selection f rom our lai-go stock, foi- Xmas cielivery. ôeweisr and Optician b." 1h. Store With thesloony, rock St. a-u 'lu iv çae'- caurgeu aêw:R5ru - OR# le s;tkior aquitted thÈde Sunday. October 28. Rev. iHarvey Merrlnu, B.A, B.Th., b MrUing.-"C4onventiaon Echaes." Evening.-"Martln Lutte; and the Protestant ReformatIon.- On Sunday. November 4tb, lte anni. veruary sgerviceu ot the churcit will ho belti. The sbeaker of lte day wlll be Rev. Prof. J.. L. Gihmour, DD., of Mc- Matter Ujniversity. Capt. Chaplain Gilmour ;%ill also lecture on tc Mon- day evening folowlng on hie werk "a- niongst -our- soldiers lnt training ln Canada and England. Further an- nauncements neixt--week. METIIODIST TABIERNACLE. Sunday. October 29. 11ev. A. H. Fouler, pastor. Special anini lThautkoffering ser- vices, Sermons marîîlng and evening by Rein, R. H. Bell, B.A., B.D., pastor of 111gb Park Ave. Churcit, Toronto. Morninge.- Authent, "Hafk, Hark, My Soul."ý Solo, Miss Helen Millay. O. L.C. Evening.- Antbem. -, 'e M agnlfy ITiy Gloriotîs Naine." Solo, Mr. Tites. L. Rowe. Duet. "Tarry Witb Me* Miss ýNicholson and Mr. Dyke. Solo, Miss utO.L.C. ST. AND)REWS SONG SERVICE. A splendid iervice of song was rend- PrPd by te choir of St. Andrcw's Pres- Tbîaie the Mostl economicaloôn- fue'l -nd nicat durïble range on "the maàrket. We have cuiitomerà who bave had thèm iii eteady ue for 28 year s and are- stili giving 0 " good service. OEO. MOI RICE, -WhItby lEver»thing ln Hardware at LoWest Prices. The construction antd equipplng of new buildings at tbe Mlitary Hospital ia rapidly progressing, andti iere wil te 1500 convalescent soltiiers' lu rosi- dence there early lnt 1918. Misa Cormack wiatea 10 acknowledge tîtese donations for te boxes fer Whit- by bdys oversea: Mrs. George Robit. $2; Mliss H. M. Eastwood, $3. Ttc lime le gcîîing short lit wbicli 10 make do- nations, sud people of ttc bown are asked ta sendtihei nli as soon as pos- sible te enable the commilîce te make bbc necessary arrangements for pack- Ing n utifcient nuinher 0f boxes. Tite atbeub.len 0f te lwnspeapie le called to tbe tact thal the War Relief Society canvuass lias broughtî it re- turns. as far as ny be determittet, of an average' Incoma- 0f 134 a mout. As the objective set was $160 a month. titis Incotue, thougit of great assistance, will not adequaia-iy provide% for" tte monbhly expense of tvool. etc. Hence tbe people of bbc iown areakedti bear thîs ln miuttiantdipabronize ail THE DEAI Mr. W. E. Rie f roin Sergit. J. E, lu Whithy as a Battalion. Who-t lion ôt Arleigit sayat: .It ta witb tRi titat 1 acquainl tragic news of ask you te ac patty lI your d( "'Arleigt, altoi tlme witi t1hi1 respect anti adi anti establisitet favorite with th, machîie gtun ci (bis section belr sîtoîl lantietichc trench, bbe conc stanly, 50 tîtat free f rom sufferi marketi. "1l was taîkin htouis bt-fore. re Ibyterian Church on Sunday eventng conerts and entertainments given il made Our miliii W HITBY last. Th(, choir rendered several an.' tie îowil which advertise their pro. plr'asant. Ithems lit a very meritortous maniner. ceeds ln aid oft he Society. While the -1 inow the chlef of these being -Seek Ye thte ladies themseives are thus relleved of lence on learntn -lord." hy Mendelssohn. ln wltich the thIe necessity of raislng tunds by teas. can fully unders solo was taken by Mr. W. D. Dykes. gai-den parties, etc., ibis does flot pro- 1 can only bope W'. C. T. U.- Other anthems; were: -Ye shall Dweil hibit outalde or local entertainers giv- tion ln the kno __________________________in the Land," by Stainer. "Seek Ye îng concerts under the patronage of the gamne, shtow Mr.N. '.ilo <Illeaeror 1wOfrbb Lord.- by Butler, and "-Corne Unto th," Society, and as ail available funds &nd. and waso MositiN, says: aIl, par ofteOP Me," îrom Schubert. solos were rend* will be needed to meet the ever In- -have given thet -l"I l e Ito le ioretPeople Thai Do Dwtll," by Llddele; by townspeople are asked to patronlz(' ail was buried wiil testimony trom alprso the Pro%"- NIrs.' T. I_ Rowe, who gave a beautiful sucit entertaiuments as mucit as pos- true British go Ince, of the greatest practIcal benefits selection f rom "Elijab." and by Miss sible. ciosesi. pais, 1i whichi have resulted front the oper- Kathleen StoreY. "A Dream of Para- - sorrowîng tamil ation of the Ontario Temperance Act dise," by Gray. A beautiftil duet from Cp-Ncosn h a ena h yptyo i during t(,past 'ear. Stainers "Crucifixion" w'as aiso sung MCiaU Noictlso, ho bsneenat lesypth "'The resilits have been go satisfaC- by Messrs. Wm. Ayres antd T. B. Jones. MterY Horspnitlhere si. n d c M.Rce lasiwin tory that large numbers of those whO I The pastor. 11ev. S. G. McCormack. cr, reprlsenting ithey.ofC.A. aind hat' MronRiceGard -were opposed to the adoption of the adâed bo'the service a very brief but len nsliercapactyofoChntoaind. bas eek lnthmGat ineasure, are no* its warm supporters. suitable sermon on the place of songbei anfrdtoTotoadlftbninteB Thiousands of wives and children are and music ln religion. The service was last week. Capt. and Mrs. Nicholson England and ln beter loted beterfe. ad kowa mort enjoyable one tbrougboub have made many f riends white ln ail along until J mobtr othedrtt eanig fed,'h o'ut. Whitby, and their departure It; greatly when their duî daryothîey e enew beof'oe me o-r'grett<'d. Gordon says tha ba as beî'n substantiahi reCrd ime VANDALI-SM SHOULD BE 0a shell that lit bas cicny and lite ealrnipoer o the PREVENTED. A rittior lias lt<en persistent ln Whit- trench, wiping workers have beien muteriaiiy increas l'liîe apîtroach of Haliowe'efl, on Wed. by for over a week tbat Sergt. SM îln kilied and w( ed: business bas heeil stlmuliab.ed~ rath- nesday of next week, recalis tb mid Waiker bas been kilied in action, but by concussion. or titan depressed; nnd te 'hoie te facti ibat te destructiont of prop' no definite Information ta available. ntghts before cotuttry ls enjoying frecdorn from îiw, erty last year should not ho allowéd Although Sid was a resident of Whitby I trench, but only cônstatit menace of the open bar. Ilbto be repeated ib1is year, No one ob' for some yvara. hé had no relatives lnt greetIng. ts evident tbat the bar now, closed will jqcts to teboys of the town playing1 this country,- hence the uncertainty as1 sieyer be re-oîîened uibii-hs Province,." Innocent practical jokes. but there le to otaining news about hlm. Mis; Capt. 11ev. - - a decided objection to sucb acîs of van« friends are hopiîtg that there tg no Whitby old boy, -aisiapulllng down feucea, desîroy- truth la bhe report. 1îC ale âl on f - t- ~~Ing property, and commitigat f ~O~2dweîh wanton destruction tbat cause loss of TI-e Christmas entertaimuent of bbcxprece v limne and mone>' to clUizens. Last year Me'thodist Sutnday Scitool wili he heid chaplaîn ai tl y'ounlg men wbo sbould have known on the evening of F'rlday, December months, untUlt L LOCAL HAPPENINGS better paraded the îown doing mucb 21sf. Keep ibis date. ortn ic damnage 10 liroperir. This year lb would OI ,m. A progro speem bo be advlsable t0 emPloy extra Owen Smilvy, Canada's famous rend- given by local t police for the nlght ln order te afford er and entertainer. wlll give an even-lFurther annou Mr.Wnî Ok reuess lts usimer soe poteto1 citîzens. and-eape- Ing of readings at te Ontario Ladies'i week. Mi.Wni Ok rcuets itsclitomrscially10 bbusinss mne". Persons appre- Colilege. on Wednesday, Octoher 318t, to stilie accouiits for bindertli-le aitenyd u.doiug harmifti nlachief tb at 9 o'clock ln tite concert bail. ,Ad-. r.C .G soon as possible, or intere st will be property. public or private. may ttc mission 35c. tesnaTc added. punlshed severtiy, aad thte law should -1 tvsna I -o-be none too leniant witb any who may Mr.. Maurice Murphy bas secured. the' Thet Libritrlan wiles to thank ail be convlcted. services of bis brother Jamée,,01 ot l ..DQIV foiget llîose who ltav(' belped make the Pub- --caigo. to matage bis taltorluS busin. nc theUàtId er lic L!brary TBuiding attractive durtng OPENING 0F NEWTHEÀATR1D.,AT IIItiI l bllOWRbeal4 I th Iffl.~y, iiIbelube thesu~merbyglis 0 fowes. OSITAL. Murphy -lias .had 25 yeara' emWerientcé1e .gtktltttit the crowd ofeo ver sf bs ofedloeesonsau a&pTltiçal cutter andti tUor. Ail Look out for the annuat bazaar ot autended the new thomatëe at the Witi-odr ll eev h ea teto. St. John's R. C. Church on Thursday. hy Mlfary convalescent Hîoupiti Ont01 Mr. F. . Gi November 29th, li the Music Hall, Friday evening last, Th1swas lte 1eWieh5nstuewlm tIDmleese 'turther pa rticulars i.ater. teis ocsobo hc a publiecon- the Agntlbttiul Racina on Çriday af- îôi>er 21, iiId crt occabin oe n the h noe teruoon at three o'clock. Topie. "Ns- crowd& Mr- fre .1~ Friday of Ibis - week thte fnl! îww building, ani it wus therefOre the losa a, ae yMs uct rpryt e meethig of the Mland Press Associa- opening occasion. Unfortunately lte Ion. Mit. TIppor and Mns,.Hudson. eia.sssitae. tlon willl'4o hel i Lindsay. Il ia ex- webather Wall n'ot disagrerable and thte Ali the ladies of the town a"e cordial- auctioneer. i p)ected Ihatqilte a fa-w of the pubiish- ronds were exceedingli' bad, whicb pre- ly ittvltd. Mrs. Gea. X .Rosg, Pt-es.: bis. fOne berd, .ro ant prlntçrs of lte lake-front î'eitbed a»much larger attenclance. lI Miss 1. MçCliatt, Sec.. w ear, towns wili attend. fact, lad weather conditions been Pro- -0- 0plîlouis, the seating capacitY Of 1200 The regulîtr meeting oftte W. C. T. Order engraved or printed callng wouid probably have been t.Azed. U. wil ho heMluiln te Agriculture* Tosac E cards aIt the Gazette and Chrouicle Tht- prograin was put on hy a troupe Roomis ont Wedneuday next, October 31. i ng> 'Office. of fhIrty lady minut-ce f rom Port at -3 o'cIodL Misa Sproule, thie mission,-~ In 0Hope. The concert took lte tarin of 5a aT whoae work ilà'vliting thie-men In Diuti-'ict Superintendelit Cotton, of mirutrel show. and the- prograin w«atiie lumber camnps., ine«pedW, it. lle Peterbora, made an officiai visit 'ta repiete with Jokeli, 1m0n191, sketches, linPCftsdwUfuc brepreea J~je~ WhIthy to attend the meeting of Key- strumental mtic, etc The youna it conitection with ti i Wk. The-tl Uauet-erSoo atone Chapter, Royal At-ch u açs, on ladies pertormeti thelr parts wihmwiH al»o be a sihort proégram o o usid enUly cencee Frlday -evenIts of Isat *eek. mach abiliiy, aitd were -deaervediy Including soies and i»iuséuntige. -U men<ttat a I -og'eeted w1tb. iueb eppiause, andi Coin- ai« os f thie Iowaare eordlaily Invit- fr ff n4i HORTICULVUAL SOCIETY. mendation- - , e to onte yanti bt'inu o trknit tng, fouav atc The annual oxeetlnt.,o! the h* bby It la-tii. intention o! bbe AMusmn ie*iO OI. lpO f tII.fYt o . Horiçtitrl o~M wt h htId a Cmamtte ofhqlopiuta 10 old a elose of lte meeting. A iaivi roffen& ng. veparti1 lhe AgiteuItut-Si ROoC "$rday, No-' sertes o!oooef ut-it; tRe winter; ' - l -vemboý* 2Ud, tet .a. Ail memnberswheU A furtiier opportbutity wil» b. *t- 'Ph.' anReil«efSorAetY wiahes tôe x- ,_.t Sâa are reqiiSted * IU.forfflt he peOphe of Whitby- 0 ieIlpt-sos lia thanks for the. t1IwianSdo'- 1the btor toi b - .the uew ýtieatfte nation ia ,4.¶ t5'0* t<t'terSaia 'In ui4te 'of fb.,IiuryY downpouir Of -O-801), fOUiIuaie. $2; >lt iL KMeDeui- porter n ai rain TIiandulTbi teauctlop sale o! mms<000.A. lwce£an and eCiIR4.nell*etI.o!pbi4 Oiove>. VuÉI04 of - th$ý - ( Ift tifamI0uIptmI 'o! Mn etofrtlu& -biaiebeeu viithi in ti Mn .thie Yoitàa LadIeWfes' CU= Vi..of thïMcu't-i t the am sock b4A tg n ti* nlsk ' j g lUan<aeW; M., u ým C. IL 7 » Il - -be . Toet $1 -W. for, 4..a9.p th- li"t R out -' fter bg&w. "4r .sor W a* Z Tl nin us$1U;Y: -4 for wool h= tbe Im Mm, Mog. SE iSSELS WRITES 0F ,TH OF ARLEIGH RICE. Ie tas rece(vet a letton E.Casselis, weli known imeinter of bte ll6th telas o! tt<'deatit lit no ýRice. Sert-g. Cassehis be meut profounti regret tyaut with lte sac! and 1your son's deat, andi ,pt my heatfeltsym- Jeep sorrew andi bas. Dugit heing only a short Baîtalion, itatiwon lte Jmiration of aIl ranks Jhiniseif as a general oe boys. Hecvas lu ttc 'ew, sud while ont tuty ng lithttcline-), a largo lose bi-side hlm ln tte ieusston killing bim in- h, is haut moments- were -ing. He was not at ail ug to i tjust a tew recaliing Incidents that Lary lite ln Whitby so Sagony you will exper- Ing the san ews, sud 1 rstand your sorrow. But >eyou wihl finti consola- owledge ltaIt e playeti uing bis metile 1 lte onue of tte many wte ilr life for lte greateat tas" ever kuown. Me ith ailbte itonorsetofn »Idter. As one et hi. will ask yeu and your lly ta accepl tte genuine is many frientis, ere.1" SrRuT. J. E. Csssi4. nreccived ea.lot 1er tbis rdon Whilflelti, wto hati ttalion la Wbiîby, lu Int France, with Arleigi lust a short tino tefore, tilles- .separatedtihein.. kat Arleigitwas killeti by -t on bte front oethle e ut the wtele section -otntiet. Ho was kllt-d Gordon passet i hm bwo la a commWunication ly had lime 10 cali eut a N. H. McGîulimy. a y, willspeak l inte Mu- Ibp3WnlpgL .NoVember wil teli- ef bis work sud erseas. He serv'etiasaia te front for several ram o1 nmusic - wil h talenb. Silver collection. btmcernent imati e tict sodfehlow la vlsiting- rel- date o«!X184 -SPnqqples uak on întsaiouary work r cflpo-Octbpr31, tu REENWOOD. ;ren'ubiga sale of fat-n te., neXt Wednesday. Oe- iauhttattract a lange re-h1 àasplendid lot o! i11, andi Il wili be It Lrt-t Wm, Maw wtt! bc the Lt-, Gree l ntends te mcli oft delecarly lu the ecctors ol Sout of' 0J* -C rnty of- Dntarar-' mued lu -I9i. it w«. tVi- P>upili prepaNèd forT roftto Conter uon', Bym s t., 'wbiby. Phone 201. "To Rent, Fot Sale; Etc-. Clsterit for sale. . lI good condition. Âpply le Jas. Smith, Colborne Street, Whitby. - FOR RENT. Brick house. 9 rooma. furnace. acre et grouant, sinail orcitard. Dundas St. cet. Rent. moderate. Appiy bo C. A. Goodfeliow. TURNIPS FOR SALE. About 3 acres 0f turnips for sale. Apply to King Bros. Co., Ltd., Whitby. POSITION WANTED. Ajlady wishes a situation ln town as bousekeepfer for a gentleman wîttout ctildrea. For furtr part iculars ap- ply aI Gazette office. -8 STRAYED. On 10 lthe premises ef H. Fisher. lot 25, con, 8, Whtty, a ptr.of caIlle. one red antioe roan, about a year olti. Owner roay bave saine by pravlng property and -paying expenses. TO RENT. 60 acre tarin, gaod buildings, an Stit concession Whitby. one-uarler mile tram C. P. R. Station. For partîculars 1 apply 10 'ihos. Pearson, Clarémorut.E HOUND DOU LOST. On'"Monday. October 8. sinal hblackt and white beagle itounti dog. WVita-1 lut seen m'swu ivicl.uily of th tit ces- sien, Pickering andi Audley Rond. Re- ward for Information. Gea. A. White- law, Wbitby. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 100 acres, south aîf lot No. 3. con. 8. Pickering Townsitip. Goodi buildings, banna wtth atone utnbling. gooti stale ot cuitivation. Possession la pleuîgitat once, full possession Aprtil1. 1918. For lerma apply t0 A.W. Richardisont, Whit- by, Ont. -f FÂRMS TO RENT. Three fat-ma of 100, 150 and 200 serrast'espeetively, 10 rent. Ailsolitiaof sund chose taOshswa. Flnt-class 8011 and buildings. Good itate of cultiva- tien. poseesion ho piow aller ptes ent croit, fuIl posa.slon Apnil 1, 1918. Appiy to G. D. Consul, Oshawa, Ont. Dated Alugusl 8. 1917. -t!. STRAYED. Strayeti o te tepreiles ef lhe un- tiersîgneti, lot 9, con. 1. Base -lne, Pickering, on Monday, AUgusI 2Sth, a tbree-year-old filly. Owner May have saine hy proving properly andi paying expenses. Donald Munro, Pickering, Ontario. -18 TO RENT. - Thoe choice firstI Pal (6 rooms) ever Stepitenson'a tank buldoing, now accu- pied hy Mr. anti Mru. Steele,,who are for business rousons movIng ta K-ing- smon. Convenient Possession cati ho ar- rangeti wit Mr. Steele araunti eurly November. Thie fiatIsl equippeti with m-ater, sewerage and bibI caon- lences, eiectric ftxtureus ad lampa, cholce hnnk vatuit, cozy bnck yard, also, ceai anti wood preinises, wIth cemet floar, anti cernent walk for clathes lines; celiar accommodation 'galore,- flooreti etc. Aoply te E. OtePbensîOut Whitby, - E - ;ratioJyvy article made..,,of rueber io iamred tombination ,Waiter DMBa ISrn DuUâib >G!yr nitesRubber *ýîoves, F4 Bags, U0' Dage, Etc., Etc. These goods are of the finest quality anid are guar- anteed by the manufacturers. We beck up this guarantee by offéringr to i:eplace (f ree of charge) any defective rubber articles sqld at-our store. WH ITE E LD'S DRU6 and STATIONERY STORE WHIT13yo CNTARIO Leave ydur order for Piano Tuning wlth nu. DEATHS.1 GI LMOUR-A t Wb itby. on Monday. October 22. 1917, George 'Gilmeur,l aged 58 yeara. MATS' BUSINESS SCHOOLS Toronto, prepare for eyery known Can- adian Commercial Diffloma or Cerbi- fiente. Noue too high for our grade of work. Free catdlogué. Enter auy time. W. 1-. Shaw, Pres*~ P. Mclntosh. Prin:. Heiad Offces,* Yonge & Gerrard S., Toronto. 1MIOHOLSOtI& IEDO cul Chsvrols.t Miter gars 4$750 Fer-Sali t e katral litige Chevroiet Repaira chIRW>é* -services oear n ahi kinds of cars. A lIno of curims sasys on band. Doufilion Tires. - Oasôlfne and 011. W. are iautalling the famous lieinze-Springfieid Eleotrie Starl.. ing and Llghting Syi 1no Fr cars. See one Zo b emo n Fying Bletels vr e onels CetYurCl -Where you are sure. il wi l bo i Gloan and Bright Our coa) jew ell screened. WVe guarantee prampt de- Iivery and good service.' Telephone, Wbé 182 -las. Sawdo. Disoney -Bse and £%BALMER$,. WHITSV9 -- ONTf.1- Finest- Hearse and Fanerai Equipment autaide City of, Toranto. - Alarge tstock,,of, caskotsand- funeraI supplies aiwaysou hand4 TrELEPItONES+-- Bell-No. 99, Day opr Sight. - In.-rDy, N, 52, -t- let.,

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