ÇrPia3id ln, thé Wfhllb ;luge or bmWoek -e >a. good play and, Entetanient -on Lýefch occasion, but-th1 ne'dne a e are OwIng to counter attrastions, I arti 1cularly Oshawa Pair and concert. - WARNM N~ - WIIthe person who was seen takingj aJ' rnall artlllery express Wagon trom -t ]Everybo<iy lias aa good word for it. Cooking with this stove is a ~ Jtent-'For SaleE ÈALE. Frie bouse for safle, Byron Street Shouild be EquippdfrMs EfcetWr forth. O SALEtoCo.'ooa t Flh e OcR SAtn L E. Lgt . mow actneryn. toANED W1aautoer Penu Angle-lit wooi aideitare I1osit-1 young ladies wh- liavt- corne back te fotr men, vomen and3 !»ldren ln black. continue courses taken haut ye&r. Tht- £I14 OI#1~t lu-spects were for -au attendance o! i oit-r 100, and an incre#sc o1 about 15 ku4,»ý tit-u o! grain la sf111 out lu~-- atyasreîr-îon il.l dmabeut Wbtby, ont- fit-Id of ilt-w o! ar'scontiTa la xeedtnglyl F *b wtllthe towuî beîng cut i oîy -à _ iînani a8niatter t1hat ,~ Sturdy an Meday asi. I ,peaku volumes. for the, energy And -The; reaidentu o! licydiaore ParkemenytPrnIaFsrwlad i -- --."1 staff. closed tmefr suniner cottagesanud returneti to tbëlriowt bornes. lw atoýk--o! i tm and Cltdren's 3.atUW. 0. Wt'r. te MAie.. Powell are now open for inilinery season, and vîli bold a ai display, open tote tpublic, en r4 eit;, September'.gnd.- -4*frAN' rCHUUCH-,- BventI.W.ryer on f>inday next, tuiler 16tliý, or *11'1e a ient [-ewvics Ior.Pte. Juin.. Harilses ý,tfce Mwýlu*hy bas boni III l ii ai re «*tacXet nbheun&ttem, for tt.' w we-jal a-dla tm sua4ble te WILL BE ROM) ?QO EM42N. James Potter, of Plekeffixg To n- ahlP, hba een appoiuted by tht, Pro> vhluw Qovernuent es* rmd -torua on the Kînguton 'Road , o» .tbta pa"n lylug .betWeuthe Scar6oro TâiriIhw mà d Eut-WhItby Tow»Ule.,nd a- I éï~ faire 'are te be bt-Id duritg the faiX throughout the County. Pris. lIstai1 have already bt-en Iaued for Ove üti tureraas folloe»s:-Brooktî,m os e-1 day, SePtember 17; Ptekering, Tues.ý day. September 18. Broughamu, WC*- ndaseptember 19; ClaremSot Thursday, September 20; smot Tovu.] ahlp at Santiford, F'rlday. SepteaIber] M1. Tbcruiare eckweu~n esepcnflb Mcerpitton. vîtil a toMo but 76 s.cloni. lu addition tot. eqXbu)ugh tht-re are S«mîtst upublie psig Stocki judging,.-etc., asnd aprqmiu s>orta. The scil l cildren bi iave tan aiqWle fel t te <Ie evldeuce of their xbi w a M.IL. U. Tmppe.,la >Iamaer. kotees, ptiene toelb. .ts Por onle mass.*s< es mtteqbon& and It$ chare.f r iemia, ~W IF »" & - lardes. Thiem» mmile* hé à & t"PP ~nd 1*lai *A" &e-. .i-Ingk»"w a ua As ruwi a=. eoalftsisnluety actes.umore or les, FiUt on eSutln aide OC Kbzauhl no#&' about ndwai btwoeA Pickering N» iffag And îIb Towu of'Whltby. ' ITW. busa W1th- aone ellasm andua 4I 4wCs bon». la n.4 -rpuz. two veu, ad a ckâteesi. m tun t - mt.<11 te 09 Wtt <> . .1,>1uor Whhtb. ob J,. Ã"k faI »L'ýt, Leave your order for Piano Tonin~ with us. - ---- __- - ut rie reîaene cfWiia I-Il evelngs V.sAllen, retor'iif on Tuesday of last jeek. j>îeise retuliri We also have a few goed TWO HOUSES F ' US--vnnz OR RENT. OId Secondd svebauthdrstoflees -At.o Ie oner nd avefurter rotbleConventeny situatied on Brock and M~zntW. G. Augustus Do d a dstv suda Streets. llght, water, etc., n i lnll6-o-.N stock with plenty of good ground for gar- The registration at the Whiwiby High dening -and an ample assomtment of J ewelry New School bas 110w reached 102, of! ihch Choose yours before the.cold weather. fruit. F. Howard Annes, Phone'91.f number 41 are County , p4uIls. Il > TOLET n î~ r trngllkely f bat sevtral more pupfis wl) be F'Jp~4t ARedon t E IT.nesi o ifiymr trngenrolled tin the near future. 'Last year G E ItuatTV Io n ear D oncearion,.lt' fi. x ie are ijl ahlly at this trne the nuînber on the roll PlckeM e Rng Tp.,b On Monday eryehing ofl>sn n Hardware at Lowest Pricëe. "Gernon Farm," containing 50 acres, fet3lit are tdoîîg week the nlght classes opened,- wth _________________10__acres______________ Ii n Me n y .ood. ail fh classes w ell filed. IL l01' a suil coefst we ---- sumed charge of bis dutes the flrst of SALE REGISTER. ngs and plenty o! water. Immediale lnzýthelinio lest id- i NwsokSete ot tW G eîrb Saturday, Septeinher 15.-Auctlon'Possesslon to plow. Apply to Mrs. iapteni in tt reir. Wsalre of-household furniture, the Prop- Rat fie Falconer, Dunbartoji. -13 lîrke '~ r~ dstibtin f Pede ara, Twa omîrlete setts sample un4er- et-tv of Mm. E. J. Taylor, Dundas St.. WANTED. tors'.csh m a.acine r L A V N o ftePovince of Ontario by itw -Food ( adi m a utone.A r exprcdad mnan ron a rnad.h~ 1~fl W. . Hanaivil ho <> I1'rlaySepteniber 14-Stock sale.re mx for general farn work o Cot Vhirloynxi wek. T ri - rlbû I)G WIlORRIED SHEEP. f resh cw, oses ougc- i a.ifarm of 50 acres. Seitarate cnrnfort-ý WStt'it VîundentsOof ail tie îvarin*s socleties off Magistrate J. E. Wills held his first sheefp. the- praperty of H. A. Jifkins, 1able house and good wages. Duties toi Yio 1,efe a lla)Clrtthe town, with thcir helpers. w-IIl Police C'ourt Sitting sinco lits apitof be sold at Myrtle Station C. P.R. commence o11 Octobf r 6. A ppl y ta M.1 (vlit jrevaitt>ikeri maçe dts distributiou, and asp efo nient on Friday evening last, when Sale ait 1.30 sharp. Seecils.Win.C. uoswell. Wbltby, R. R' 11 on Bs Wflt t:ttl lkeLit e ' question is ont- of hee'liai sîues Ill John Rogers of East Witb. 'as the l NRwattctont-tr. bi. inner icerng Ulti hi yu ov iiwinning the war. w-e bespî-ak the <1,fendant ini a char-go brouglit by Mr. Tuesday, September 18.- Auctian FAMT RE .- itLi e dunle. hearly co-opt-rationîof cverv '.oinan. i Emur Lick, m ho comfflaied fiai RoK ale O!f ee-omd las.dtlg t-rs' dog had worri<-d bis sheep. ont- elshed. harn, anid good gardon w-irAi frui 112 acres. 3 miles front Whltby, part Mr. . J Luo roîard ot- ay aid f .r. ick bos toolu a shoi at the trees, tie property of! Miss Darlingtoni. 1 O! lot 35, Mn. 1, Tp. o! Wlîitbv. and Nik roni WhJ.Lukby ta orludon ay Hi' o wMr. i- sovee u aia.Brooklin. Ont. Sale ai tw-o o'clock part af lot 1, con. 1, Tp. of Piikeýdng. îf'ntnded going 10 Nt iv Liskeard- v% lih the buttet grqýzing tiie dog and leaving sap m aacine.Go ulig;go it !clia a arfo m '.M t 11x î a mark. Mr -..1.tck asked Rogers ta d- Wednosdav- September 19. -Auction! tion. Possession Octobtr ist, 1917. ForI tound there w~as no r11ond rrn North sîroý (lie dog, but ihue muan refuised (o sale of bousebold furniture,ime-ftriapl a rsMriaARi-i nAss rirBay Iotaliar SNe- Ontario to%%n. (I o so.\N1a?,Zislrat1e Wtllit, after bear- tnt-uts, coal. Wood. etc.. the- preperty of ardson.. or la A. W. Richardson, W~hit- l! ad thi-refore, to shil)i the car bv I-tuiin ing tihe argumn'ts pro and con. order- mrs. R. Bliiebr Myrtît-. Sale at 1.30 by, on t-t!.* Jeweier and Op.ican Tht-*distance from W hutbv ta o ri h t i l(.ut dog i() bh lied. ild Nlr. Rogers o&clo k- sharp. WVn. M aw. atîct toner. S R V D The Store with the BAlcon1Y fl 211 f miles, k) thI- rouît, takîni. re î'av costuu of tht' court. -No damag4»s Thursday. Septerr-ber 20.- Atiction WHITBY. ON r. and mtas cuored b(-« 'n ut<- çt allowtd Nr,. lÀck, as tht- do, lîmU Ksale Or chOice blîiidîng lots, barnî, poi A red steer straycd onto lot 5, con. Il. and 10 o'clock 1).1 tte yse'. trv bouse and lumber. tht- prapert:- of i1. Pickering Town.qliip. on Ags Nr.Levi Fairbanks, Brock St., South, The owner can bave tht- came by pay- ST. J O H N' (Il1 I W H, P O R TTO A D IN D A I) S H A P E . W h lb v-. Sale nt tw o o'c ock. sharp.,Ing for this ad it. W . L d c t h t f .JlN" OTWm. Niaw, auctlonel-r. by, Ont. Wl-i Tl 3Y. lh larîtor rujad lendtng fromn Broch-k -y uiit2, 97 S~lu-c aI hrt s! Ij et L nii 'llstre-st southi over ta Heydnshore ParkAgs 7 97 bu' ti-I-I t!i ,t. Jotiris Cuur-îoi Stu. -is iui a borr' condlihan. and the witrst 1 Tie opexîlng meeting o! the- Wonîn's f - TO RENT. day '-ul'li-- Vt h. ai 11.t. of' t i. tlu is tliai tht-rt-is litilo prospect 1I hos i ute. will be held in the A gricul-j Fan ta rt-ut cantainlng 50 acres. ~V C T h (ltîrils onl-t),sd 7 1).m. Hlar- tif iillu-me relpsirt-d. At niglit It is i traI Roonis, on Frtday, September 21,f narth half o! souti hli of lot No. 6. W.____________________r.Ufs i %i lu and aitîn u. îîus lîth iuot*. diffictittfor a ît'icle tt't be drjien a-lIat 2 o'clock. Pickering brandi nit-in-Pickertng. Possession ta louigliati ýnilIj alIl î.,1.".Nà k-- aJofut i jog luis road wmlvaith a Ut-dgrec oef - ht-s arc expecîed ta be present and once. Appiy ta WVm. Okt«<R. R. Na. 1L THI: SIELWOTN TLK. \nîu " u t.sa ert-%. Tlh- uîîkt'ep does tno( corne un- j îra'ide the prograni. The- ladies aofjW'ltby. Ont. Full possessitn April 1, Chicago, MI., 8 S)eienbt-r j j t, ',riti u t-iu it 7 Iluti.--'i'hoîî <'row-îesî t rt' m u otohu sIed te t0w-n are cardlally invlted. 1918. their barlt-bs no llvall and cuIrti-d l-' r 'i' .- of th*-Dotîîinlon Goemnt n wvî tacts and figurt-s fmni doï(n > of t rucli r--V. G. - . stuidit tlu tuticntapi lias bt-en made to bring tie at- OS AN LTFRSLE Tenders ivill be receivt-d by flie un- tieon Is brlngitîg nnparaleled trost).i-nr y -Xcord i-ut lu vit aulotiis i xi î-xded ta thle d-rutorabît- stuie ufthis road 'and esgelutoOobr1197frth wher-ever fie salootus havi' tut-tît batuil t -11 a he rt-pairs made, hut ta date lit- Airs. Allait Butler spent a day lnt purchaseofo a suxali <ramne bouse and tshed, the liquor iiterests ofi t'itago i -a-lit satisfaction has bu-en obtalned. Lindsay last mt-tk wlth Mrs. John T. lot, Kingston Road t-ast. Lot 14 acre. are spendtug maney lavistily flu a uis METIIOI)IST TABJERNACLiE. --0- Hornsby. Barnt la good rt-pair. SmalI orchard. pt-rate at tempita stema tht- tide tif IihliSiinday, Seluîî-mnbt r 16. C'Pl. IIERBUILJINU IBRItDGE. Miss R. Toms. after holidaylng for WiII be sold on easy ternis. Low-est or 'lie sentiment agalnsn liquor tuf i tri tiiv . il. -osî-.r, tuustur. The' o'î-rlead bridge on C'ochrane the- past tu-o manths, lt-lt last wt-ek ahy tender not necessarily acct-pted. lie past<t-w- da>s the- Chicago Brt(%~N l Norii-iig serv-ice-- Aulttm, "('ami-. St., more famntliarly knaw-n as the Or- for Oimet-e. Apply to A. E. Wlnter, Oshaw-a P.O. erF' Association lias lîad t'xtiiiu' iisustae utuossdea-Mmrsigri .P R d5 A. Harding, and, .%r' Harry 3w . r3are-liead adv'emnlsemiît5 lu the'datlY Eu t-uing service. -- .Xtillemi,"Thet- rack îîortli-î-t-st o! thet- own,4îas bt-en Harding. o! Toronto. vlsitd at the- ineîî-spapers a!oftht--,clty. lt le)rtira t raithii stlue Lord«s.' Antliii. *"t-ttakutidoîva 1),,thi' railîiay conîpany, home of Ars. J. Toms. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. show thut l'prohibitiotn dru-s itn i)ro cf t li- e -r)'Iand mork is praceeding an tht- length- Mir. Clifford Hlckie, of! Wtnnlpeg, of 125,acres, 3 miles tram Brooklil: lot Ilillutl." WtId trgilîeii-s and garbi. d i-a îiu' is conipost-d by Miss I cing offthie su-lîci ariVWitluy to ac- the- Canadian Northern Ratlway, was 34. con. 6, Wilîby T iunshtp. Good figures are given itu tht- ads - r' fuhuli at-l-' ili i..lamhîyu, frnt'rly aif Whi- canimodate au tie side-track a gmtatt-r i1slttng relatives lni Whlîby lasi weekbuildings: barns wlf stone fouutda- , tenibt ta'lrovi' Ithat Seailîliuas titi lino- i, Ont. iuîînibt-n of cars. Tht- lengnieîuing o!f AMr. J. P. GoodfelIow, latO o! the- Mfi ins. Good stalle ot cultivatlan. Poe- firîd byîîroilbllaî - s ninrs inrtîi-îhg anîd everiing b)nits second îrack huas necessitaît-d the ln rt r', n r-mn vr eson thîs tail. For ternis apply te, TheloChitcago hutt-iiursitv'rîîs-îtit iiut aso.wîeiigosierade n hspenetn, of Canalngton, were-in no-wn 1-Oitigofterabdaitl en George Jones, Pickering, or ta Airs. J. say that "Prohibitionr faits -au.-O and const-qu(ently nie bridge willli ai-e Tuesday nigit. the gueuts o! C. A. and J, Fothergill, Whlnby. -! roosi Ipeopîr are nct Iii sýrmtuutlî îut h Wu sai (onuhhitî:tlont'i L'ndi'war ta he lonigerrinrdu-r ta spanttht- gap. irs. Goodfellow. a laW thint trotlost's UIlc -rtautiu f 'I o'furir îîuu i. wonu-t> and ticildrî-n,..att sues jPlans of! ii.%,ork were recently at- Ar. and Mrs. Steer andi tht-Misses FARMS TO RENT. ther rig-brs and libe-ries fl ord ýr 10uand. 1juictus at W. C. \VaItcrî3s. proi-t- hy tht- Conîncils o! Whuîby Edna and Luchla Steer hâve refurned usnisfy '- t. ,dliandl(s of cas- or -a0 Town and Whlnby Township. pt-cumin- te their home ln Hamlit naft-r a Three farms o! 100, 150 a.nd 200) cliues îvlio niaY des--Io t al'sîu ii-ît-:RmUNK-PAXlD FLeNZ;AND anr- te econimençeîment o 0 stc vsi a Qlrue. o are epȍUvey, W&tre. soIi ~,uîrseia'ritîsfor tîîernsel'e.et»cs'y-- tloôn. the nuiýt- rack crosslng thi, houni- Mr. and Airs. Tihomas C_ýIin. and close te Oshawa. First-class soli - trite utîm'hi-nt iîif 1'u fie 11h0s. t osgra-e anîd Tics. Murphy, darY lineorut(the-twa miltiicip&aitîes. Air. Wm. Meeker, jr., Who hbas 8 een tandibuildings. Good Mate of cultiva-1 sor lal îbtrs uuîucîuuuut lcaî-mad o iihut 0a iî(ho}Iusî'îîtnt, ut-no an- -1 gang of abotut fartyunen are o it-eengaged inluAý H. Allln'a drug store ion. Possession 10 pioi aller jures- eitior el-yv g et ualgu uac or n-su d o ilt' groutuds lu iani Iltoxt- JO -. frthet- four y 18 .tgattendingetnicrap, fu possession Ajurîl 1, 1918. Uti-il(hc- -t l a iglt i1acý Plic 0the- Ontarfo College of Pharmacy, App1'v to G. D. Conat.t Oshawa, Ont. proihtiuu dRslirItIluu s îuefacf u'~ Fraser, on .Snînday. Tht- twO tutn .NIONARCQII TRACTOR CO. NOT YET whicb opt-aed tht- fail term lust week. Dated Auguat 8. 1917. -t!. pribtt-it-a n sI)r-lers .issoth ait,'a -luir' Mgsrt ilsonMn OAE.r. and Mrs. I_ T. Barclay, of Ed -__________________ thattheChicgo ali nirnIn Ioexplin hefrlitle onton, Alla.. tormerly wel-known re. Is Iflet dttg a la% i clu atîlouitlof mo 4',%. s iree ltdîeg u let iî Ie "The rflmbersof- tht- Whitby Bo-ard sidents o! Whlthy, have bt-en tuta ownM s aeW I lu> an t tu lu ii ice ilii imllti hùt of t.rndb-ngualet iv !Trade ut-eesunîmoneld to met t(onrenewîng acquaintances, andi vlitiwng ms Kt pg1 it <oi, flot. îuîtî<land stîffictont reasoui for îlîus "v<> îVednesday evenlng last ta consider fie wîfb' tht- Misses Donalditon. '%In-.Bar- TIACU O F PIANO&BD PMPImuU f ____________________________ li tg t he'Onîtario TempertInce Act, question o! endeavorlng te st-cure tht- day went te Ottiwa on Sunday t-yen. - - - - - i l~~~~~tuy 'Wero t-adi assesscd $30 auîd 110ts. location o! the- Monarcli Tmncnor Ce. of lIng. ne Ils htua !tt umci MISHIK-' ROEt-ýLD ver, net a suffi1ctently large attend.nce 1se PolIce Maglatrate of the cRty. vatory or~ Unjveraity Emmui*tatlola. Tht- purchaser o! the lots and two ta warrant holding the- meeting, whichi1- I ý l Raldene ai Mrs. Ârthur, Ilu IffA rame hoitsea -owned bY 11188Hicklet, wuaS lled off. The- Monareli Tracter Cataerh CUIa" etbe careul wa - »ybuSt, Nwi>iuy.. Phoue 201. OG HPEI S ««on Byron Street. Just north o! St. A.n- Ce_..wtiehi has bt-en lneou-poratcd r.>- lh OCLA J&TQ4aati s- drews Cburch, whilh We9re alictionedcently te manufacture the- Neveralip orait.metiti.d...<aadl _______________________ itsSatut'day atrnÃý.*s W1oN r ce it CALnada, lhan fot yet decided 'L'uset dis....>. ur, tji iAMIQUe" b - eau B urns, wosecured Ithîe. proplert.y for upon a location. iBrantford wassbt-ei t 5ttto@.>I «o*dBIozS, «Ad 15 b -4t 19.f A bg cow' o!peoui îok tlt rai $$900. Tht-rt were sevjerai biddt-rs. Tlle ceîîsldered. but noôthing definitue hua 10 tk. it.uilti'a "- '<-- - at Whlnby Jiioction for Oshîaw- Fuir tfurnitureofo Miss HtckL&*s bouse u-as bte-a decided yt. lit 15 understod brouits lb. blutaiand s.ume~aS- *n*w « .1 on Wednesday mrniig i al." sold. Wm. Maw, - tlip -,.ictloneer. that tittle was being auketi o! thit i cty t iUU. aUo Catarrb Oie, was ba hi onue o! t4bu at phyleestrlu tb*iteq -o--- i ~draw-tng aut gond bids on nearty every- in the- wa> o!et ducements othe f r >n.IllaM odam eso h.b The- heavy frost o! Stindîîy uîlgbtnhîng. There was a fair crow-d lnit a- cempany. and some e! the members istoî«kmown. eootbned witk amu.et thelbens ,slrieledupltais a' ucmbrsta ftendance at nhe sale, o! the- Wil;by Board o! Trade concelv. blOci puwOau'uTb#eprfus aisM u (W< itnatoes, pnîmpklnu and or corni in ione e11thet- dea that tht- company might the !!r*tB l1 PU cxaS.% l wa places.ielît-s',Satra sale il W. G. be iecated bt-rt- tvon yet wtth verbi eedltîmu- naSa Ir. eà à i - -.,ft. CA-IYDIAN- Affluai Exhtbition to ISe ti.lth TIuE ~ QV' ~TROUTYE EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE To and rorn ParkdaJ e Station and Exhibition Froui Pincipal PoiItx en Ce~rtain Date-m. Particuln.; r fonu ny Canadiap Pacifie Titket Agent, or writo W. B. 11iUWARD. DistiitPuengr Agent, Toront. GOe[Your GOal Where you are sure it will be ; Cloan.and Bright, Our coai is well 8creened. We guarantee prom1pt de- livery and good service. Jas. Sawiêe EJNDHKTJIJCBRS -- iiUftAkOIU~I ROALTHEATRE V < p"iual ow tte to a&V. le war taa.- fi" ..PERRmIN#, M*agej Dnoy Bros. FONERAL DIRECTORS and EMBA[MERS WHITBV, - ONT, Finegt Hearssý and Funerake Equipinent outsiJo -City of Toronto. A large dock of casketc; and funerid suIpi1es awy~on hand. TELEPHONiE5- BelN.99, Day or Nilglît. ln.-Dny. -No. 52.ý Nigllts or I1llays, Nu 65 g. FO- E. tUI19 Dot, l. - WE JTMVL BEEN TUE LEAt.NGC OPTICIANS uof Turouto For More Than LTWENTY VAS F. E. Luko ReFICTN 11T Yonge Ste, (upetairs) TORONTO At-the beginning of a new sehool terrn thère are so many itemns needed that it is almost impossible for pupile to strt in with a f ll eqUipment. When your ebiliren find OUt ju8t Wbat they will need, -let themn comae to our store. We carry a very'coruplete line of School Su pplies and our large buying enables u1s to make close prices on Mnost items. Pencdis, Pen Iloiders, Erasers, Inks, Crmayons, WrItIng Paper., Tablets, Rulers, Paste, Drawlng Naterlais, Book -Oags, SMates, etc. WIIITFI ELD'IS DRUG and STATIONERV StORE WHITBYQ eNTARIE) Sole Ageut for Butterick Patterns Sole Agent fo.r Nyal Preparations - -f -s s - -a--- Apply - *-tf , 1 - 11 1 - ý 1 - 1