Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Sep 1917, p. 6

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7r A DEC!.. R TO'~ -F WAR CITAPTER vL-<Cent'dj ception te ber aornewho12at r n duty is .clear te you. your cuoný a peraon aq Lady"Atterton',came to tote roscu, cf twe ferloru weJn, was a myatery whlcb only the. Iawa eto -duimped down upoQx a braud-nowv il natural reactionà could exrplain. sd nt knowing thý difference e- l Jut Dw as, te-pot in ad, ah.é tw#en a facter* ÏM À gillie. vo beld- forth te Donald upon- hiù future novr mintine t1a~You3.re u<lties, hier mother could net belp keep- but brougbt up t6,the buainess, as îug an apprehenaie eye upon the. fyoulve been, I can#t- sec how you'mn heaviy-wrougit eaiver article, with help baving some -crumba et wis moi which Mabel found it convonient te iver upou wbich I may feed. ay>,1 empbasise lier points. One amali Ronnie, did you ever expoct te sece e'aplasb had-a1ready alighted upon'tii. reiguing as a Highland chieftaiueis? embrcidered tea-eieth, clee4r shavingi I guese net, cisc you'd have treate;d e the pale-brown gown ever whese im- witb more respect lu the days et y 'Ur macuiacy Lady Atterton, froue the un- visits te Nettieton, when you acully dying force et habit, watched astend- expected me te carry your wormt1g erly as lu the day. when elhe had pos- - for you, and sometimes even your r sessed ouiy oee "b.st." l'm awful-iy sorry et course, fer p or (To b. coutinued.) Henry Gordon, ente whose shoes I1 Onr1 sthe bat 0f detvimy Rldge the captôra gath ere, h ean tbre !fre ohit éneoralstothem. The inscription ou thia eue readz. "]E. L P. [n memery ef uuknowu French cemrades. Ere,:- hlmn is really tee taint te make a BUYING COAL BY IIEAT UNITS. ted by 55th Bn., Canadlans." The s8th in the.fainous Traabtalne h n iiin plausible pretext for heart-bre àk. batH-o h n iîin And now I've a bird te piuck witb y)u-, 4 the U. S oeaetDtr my cousin! Wliat on eartb de 3 oufowS GvenetDer- moan, sir, by being se badly suppl edj mines the True Value of Goal. ,JIJg hC WA wltb imagination? Whenever I ve -The plan uow adopted by some M A asked you for a description et your na-1 cities sud man>' manufacturera of the tive land, you've nover fouud a y- UntdSae fbyn olb etwA â U tbing more satisfactory te sy than-UntdSat1e uyn ei1yha that there's a lot et beather aud itor es il units sud net by weight was originat- sud water, sud that . the cottages i re ed by the Federal Goverument. smaller and dirtier than in Englaljd!i If, on analysis, a samplo proves to ON JULY 5, 1914, MA'1TERS WERE It this mate blindness, or male p r- Icoutain more than a certain number of DEFINITELY ARRANGED. versity?7 O ne or the other it must ê. heat units te, the pouud, a proportion- l'in just drunk with it aIl: the pa, a. ate premium is paid iu addition te ,, the glens, the rocks, the gulla, tpe coutract price.. Y it taits beîow th At th.e ,ý t , A uthUD- URSE MN HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE COMPLETE IN tunibling waters, the long, serioki'i mark in this respect, correspondingly a e faces, the red-haired chiidren--ever - 11esi ad cso a aeWihPugdT E T -IE L M thing, everythingl Mamma eyidently ' The pait-teronWaf adealici Piugod WENT -FIV LESONS fears for xny head, fer she watcbcs ce Th; mther etash s ais couidor wlth a sligbtly scandalised anxiel y. 'fd. If thé samnple containa legs than ti.Wrl no a.Lssou VIIL .(Centiuied). Proteina. 1 keep Itelling ber that a pertectl>' c e- Whe porcentage et ssii meutioncd lu On the, eve of the fourtii annivera- The remaiuing protéins, milk, fish, Figh corouB behavieur, such , suitis t le ýhe specifications, the prise paid ia ary et the outbreak et the war thore cercals, pase, beau. sud lont.iis are The protoin of meat and etflfsb are itately lawns et Nettleten, wouid le jroportionately bigiier. But if the was publiahed lu the London Tmes a 'deait with in this lesson. similar lu character. Fish may be. utterly out et keeping with these hil- - aeb conteut -is greater, just go mucii statomeut etftth. iret importance as The. proein of mWc ije in the ternicoeked by beiling, broiling, bakingi idea-artistically incompatible-b , lîs subtracted.' - teii.egin et hest.iiities. From this Of casoin which Precipitat..a when acid 1 sautolug or f rying. Use a steady alle doeen't seem te sec it, poor deak! - The U. S. Govermnet, ot course, it appeara that the war was delibor-1l added te the milk, as ini the com-f even heat sud ailow twcnty minutes te I'm soetusysainowingerloalcler huy ita cealinlugreat quautities. Be- ately arrangcd ou Juiy 6, 1914, at a51bination et tozuatoeaiýand ,nilk. Whcu the pound after cooking starts. Be- upen ItL Tbat's another reangn wl y ýore paying tbe bill, a samnplo (200 Council at Potsdam, at which the milk becoinea sour, the. sugar content cause etftii. delicato texture et tish, yeur presence la nceded;- you've rot p ounds) le taken, cruaiied te fine pow- Kaiser was present. of tiie mill changes te acid. r TMB alwaye wrap it lu a piece et cheese- rub it dewu for me a bit, sud then ail-, der, passed threugh a sieve and thor- In a report et a recent speech lu acid will aisl as ic ikt r-cioth whcu broiiing. Use a double- minjster it iu apoontuis. Sec? Ptn 4ghly mixed. Thon a weighed quan- the Reichatag by Herr Haase, an Iu- cipitato. 30case thae l oeb fold wirc breller; wbeu baking, iay takÎug tu> position very serlous, y<4u tity (an ounce or -sel le put inte s bot, dépendent Socialist, printed lu the,>ferments or digestiejuices, which are theflsh on a fiue wire rack. Thia perceive, sud doing ney bout te live L¶P en for oee oum. At the end et that Leipzigcr Volkzeitung ef Juiy 20, Sp- preseut lu tbe stemacb. permits greator case iu remnoving te te the chieftaines. 1 -mean toe rme , e re fmitr, tl esarfrne o"h eting of tepatr a piper te walk up sud dowu eîe be infreetmitre tUneaaarteec e ti e a double beiler te heat mîilc. theî>later tii, dining-room windows (by-the b>r ied again. The. difféence ropre- July 6, 1914," as oeef ett. matteme Slow ceeling at a temperature juetCeal penbapeyou ea procue me tee? tii.h wator that was eniginaliy in which would have te b.e explained be-1 b.ew the boiling peint wiU give beet AIl ceraseuielnlo sd M uet b. at légat six teet, mlud, a ih o fore tbeo engin etftthe war la tuUly un- resulte wbeu cooigfosta o-cniuu okn.Teetmto red bain de rigueur)-aud IMnetryl Another amalweighed portion et dorsteed. "This," says the Tmes cor- tami eis ~thtco- etoil ors cein tes he n le to screw up my courage to buy a ta he sme sample la. put- inte a littie respondent, %l the firet public refer- n > aid fruits o ve getlein fireles cocker ove-r night, then tanvec, ntht n tredeneouaing l, yum cuansd exposcd te highbéhat once te a date wbicb will probabi>' be- quarter teaspeontul of bakin.g soda ilat bruhyf:bekat lk haveiu gseaoit cnaking ae -ni-ithe, mont taMpous eoftthe ateful added to the fruit or vegetable o te '<' ta rciuire about three-quarters1 whieh et thé pattern5 i ueast u1.~*Teem> ersottoe o o t 11. read nothing but Scott and EBu Oe et !iattlwih.T neultralize the. scid, the milà iwîli nto!ahericeeinadulbe- idow-a-ays, ad-thisin the ý 0 pr cent of ite totalweiget ThetTh. Tusp ameunseplra(oThisue unr;s for oe eal a sudacand .mealme ncededau now- a-days, sudt psrigte frcrwn--- irie th eqt bitdo-la a butthe > At the meeting ie question tlsere, plut cet mmc. Or înstead yen mayheur or more. Wheat ehould net be fast! Sc far, my impressiketi.qatleEasl u I'v telnste tet preide fer brea ethodthe "rm de-were pe .-Te asr ervon b euoe tabîesponfu butter, oe ue d at titite cf food siortagýe. it elegate hese-cahiod. acquIr n e.B tamebd h eat e Bethimann-Hollweg (Chancellor), Ad- tablmspoonful fleur snd two cupeful eu s tastes . No matter! 1 juat moan t ai. iia o ipt M Ltro a fk ettboln n lwy Rv a e oiin orco aqieit. Wbeuevor the. idea lusiuu et anether woighed portion is put Vi ipt Mnse tM-iel ett eigsdsol lv ae ohn e ekn ate ieoi tat tlk-tstpase au'~Wùt a miniature furnace, wiiere et taringu), Gosiers! von Falkenhayn (Mini- add the. fruit or vegetable. Bring te treab peas and boans. Bail genti>' in b.s tsl mu h tiffnt lu lla eIcrfcpm'teybu d oi' u s e st f War), Herr von Stumuni(head saadiag rpoint aud use. Whon cook- barely 'eneugb water te cover. Driec dewn the suggestion, and'nobiy go o4 of Tî ediywlhd the Opoliticai department et the Gir- iiig puddings and custard a aways pes , boes sud lentl abohuld be aoak- Iadling lu the. spoonfule. . Thiws icw sg e dcty whe mute ce 1 man. Foreign Ofic), the. Archduke sta.nd tue dlah coutaining tue Mixture cd iret in pleut>' et coid water for 1ýilt if mammna weuld let me, eveï4 tiblematr-ieeaunt.ca. Fredaei (cousin of the late Emparril a larger eue coutainiug hot water, tweîve bours. They are beat steamed tbougb J.iavon't ceeu one since 1 Cam mtelhr nteca. Francis Joseph, who teok command of then bake.in asmoijerate oves . but ma>' -aise be boiled geutly. here--the one' blet of d"sppointmen 1 StiU another weighod-portl 1t the, us tere t-ofubrke _____ upon thse pltre. io.ialtl taisd o 'bombe»,ra ocsa eotrs "Yes; Iî'm going te ait down here % chlattieday i aertt eceprwar), Coant Berchtold (Austro>-Hun..aadl Mas eiae hnmto, ol eur Th- trp f-Scotch lod n r en ichlapaed uansr-ig t n ~Foreign Secretar>'), Count A cemmon aense mcthcd iL tue dts- Jpeas, temlatesansd a délicate mint demande t teo led l ob us ed ofie p~latoning wi stoAarrngi ( ria -~nPremie) u en- tribuine hevreskîisaoffood -sauce. Witu wild dock serve sweetb ieulyteb. etse1 ofie lainn wrela e r 1z e ral Conrad von Hoetr.eudorf (Cli.! wh.u planning a menu wil onable an Potatessud temnateies. With gamea soliciteresBay it will let welI. t al nd ite pa t he atiter>'he an f u nteHnaln Gnea nelgn eswt efeed ber tom- Serveioininlucroquettes or squares "And uow, ]itiheuext sg tfro eteeaie ud itu later wien tan staff). Iiy well, if bot wholjy scieutillcaîîy. sud asparagua. Opossums, aweet f o ea- wine. Thcre's a etndcrcut a cosd. ho th appeara tiiat îerr voie .îagow sand fiurial Island visible from the win-jf 4ntnlvaue la abut aud oxygen lai1-Cont Moltke wcee t presont. In our daily dietary we ahould have petatees sud t-omatoea. Vensien ne- ij dows, which l'ut dying te visit; bu t lIl xoducod luto tihe bomb et a pressure Tii.correspoecent gees ou: oePr e h b and cneg odvto, four qiy. teWae i eit apeurce, put it eff tili yeu're here te row m, 870 pounds tota h esquare tinh-ho eetndiaua1 uddci parts fha ndetrygvifon e r it -oogeesserve a t esauce oeas I'm sure the exeicie is go Whten the circuit i l ose,jthe ceaul ets rods,.oue part lean meat or iiiiaed petatoet- sud watercreas. 0 _1 ed upon aIl the principal pointa in tii, its equivalent te fo>ur parte et bread, Clear soup ilas stimulant soi-yod Ise-a fer you. It'.aal bristliig with grave-4 kes ire aud, lu the presence et the utinutmtmwibws eb utrsdptte 1iugenvg-fr eayma ebigts le atones d hee' smsudgtht utherlimtucw's asteombuteetuingtoi tha gee vge freaunder sobr vth beo loeks like a ruirned chape!lunthe. mid$ r xgn ge D en ditic ~ ogeendYs 1table feeda. Thia does net include te thesestemacis sud cause tue flew oet10 dl.. -fpete combustion, Thé beat deveîop- j luter. It was recegnized tisat Ru",sswater.ii ietv oe. "That's al for te-day; sud pîeaaose4 thereby passes inte tue wster s ur- sdpoai'rfs embl ~ Freape frstl ie Cra op r evdfrti o rmas.s Motofe(r the aMM qare tspoestielet musardt on, "sOn.adis for ptt.,ttnsr ap o ciful t alt sehaIttesapoa-s ultiower wtt 1 chl rckpet sa lsc fetbiacs popper. Mia Q w W Lamnb, boing le"as mature and nir.*m wlati [ET tnev 'xW lad rturnlng btbe bê*t,ýWb.e ' t si. 'patlatu o ts s p t-au LWsIa WIA lOta im asti ha u a#cssrp wu ar NARRO!f-E'o PMERKNGINFTE 0 BAUR B P I R R I N G N T E B L A N E. d isp u teW it u s 'th e iaa ste r ý ' o f - t - seas., So far-rýeaching was the peri Pre-eminence of Great Britain Has to our empire which the saving of BeenThretend Thee Tmes Paris and Fance -argely neutralized. Been Thre tea d Th ee T mes Thrust bàck ftom Paris, the Ger- During Past Tre Yam man cry became 'Worwarts nach If e e er a us to ref eci o n h e C a la is " . T o b rea k th ro u gi h th e th in ;Britis3h lne they had miasses -of- raw naarow margin that bas eparated trooPs who fell in swathes. We were our Empire fromn disaster, is it nt pressed so hard that we had to cal] in true that we are left with a prof ound the assistance of cooks, motor-trans- sense of Prvidential intervention, SO port drivers every man, ini fact, we much do our escapes resemle mira- could muster, and though the Germans cls? says an Engish writr. \1WO nver- sparod their soldiers, the Brit- are, perhaps, too close to te even\ ish line, with litte or nothing.behind to appreciate thir full meahing; bu it, hed,. snd the road to Calais re- in the happier years that .arb0 to corne mained barred. Our sons and daught.rs will ponder. At a later stage, vith the use of the facts in the written page, and -%N1ll poison-gas, the enemy bI'eached the silently offer up a prayer of thanks-'Alied line in front of Ypres; but the giving that in the days of the great Canadians filed the gap, and once peril slvation ws not denied us. more khaki triumphed ovej fed-grey. On many an occasion, since Europe Imagine our plight with German resounded to the tramp of armed mil-,'long-range guns sweeping the Chan- lions, the fate of the British Empire'ne! from the shores of Calais, and bas trozbled in the balance; but on'their submarines using its harbor as a three occasions, in particular, bas the lair ! It is serious enough to have the danger been most acute. They were: Germans at Zeebrugge, b;ut the me Doding Disaster. ace to our Channel communications (1) When the Germans at the very woud have been infinitely greater had gates of Paris were turned back, and Calais fallen to the Gerians as a 'the original war-programme of the base. Kaiser wasoiled. The first escape. What Next? (2) When the sttempts to reach Why we were able to hold the road Calais and the French Channel ports to Calais with such few troops and were baffled by -the contemptible lit- guns as we had in those early days is tle nrmy." The second escape. almnost as much a mystery as the sav- (3) When the "starv-ing us out in ing of Paris four mnontbs" U-boat campaigýn failed Though the attempt to starve. us to corne up to promise, although the out by sinking our shipping was cun- sinking of >pur shipping nt tirst was' ningly conceived, it has failed for a very beavy. The third escape.- variety of reasons. We have cut off ~ The Gornian submarines are still at the import of alI unnecessary comme- work, and a second phase of the es- dities, and so established a reserve of say of our destruction is being enter- shipping, we have accelerated the ed upon. But- with relief, we are told building of new ships, reduced the that, given a substantial roductien inbread censumption, and the cultiva.- the bread censumption, and a substan- tion of more grain-iand promises us a tial increase in the home whoat Pro- largrer home-production of wheat. duction, we cannot b. starved out, let Meanwhile, we have developod, with the enemny do bis worst. increasing success, deferisive-offensive Look well ever the thirty-four tactics against' the U-boats. With' months of -war to that Septotuber ln "Save bread and save England'" as 1914, when~the irst stops in the creît- our contiriued metto, we shall definite- - tien of a great national army woroe ly make good our third escape, as wo being taken. We had neit.herreservesq did the other two. of trained men ner reserves ci muni- But w.i must not tempt Providence tions. We were minus heayy guns, unduly. If after t.hese three narrow machine-guns, sheIs5, seropllanes, In eftapea wo feel that ïiething can any degzree approaching war standard. harm us, and are tempted to relax0'o Forevey cou hatwe oul fre the efforts, we uaY, undo all the good Ciermana eould diseharge ten- work of the past. There may net be If We lad Faied. a fourtb narrow esepe. Acrosas the Channel th' ment won- derfuIly-prepared army in thie wèrld, bot on Our destruction-4or wo stood TO WIN SUCCEsS, between It and werld-dominatleu- had flung forward tts utpostgi aa close ulfil Your Duties Prompty la au toê Paris as Chantilly. Fuhd wiéh Excellent Rule of L4fe. victoÏ, that army saw the French nofh mtsucaulfmn c a p ita l w lth în t a r a O ni u t al e eotf th ao t B .h e a tt u b u t1 d lu numbered French and Britiah ainiels sai cetely s .ely frud hi hmd fallon baek ail the way fMernthe. deing.at once what ho sa*w ougt 46 b. Belgian froutier te the Seine ,and b*- done bon te. arn e Thy wereSuuppoaad Whenever a task, blg orift., i - byti. ~e y e e e done up by thi e ?M iaefhpre-ta rn . fa s~ ard aip a eof tthe long r tr at to m ake a t n i U &vetii n t w t U p s ~ I LRy ffetiv reistnce - sible prOmptneas, -and bis splendidl A t that m om ent n t o l a c u e e e t r r o ! h u e s fate of F ance b e n g de terl tied, ut e ' ae i eM n ar e pfr ad of h th gjto that f Britain. Rad Paris allen, 'O t hiMucb o i me n *)t.l w rrn AlIY mlght neyer have beesablhi. to phy3ical iU-being ceines frouepm ig onte ber g"oIou recovryOffre until to-morrow what shoul -b.l >rausehe fitreources;-,the.issue don. to-ay. as, between Fiance aud Ruai#4 on t Ahe popl scupia, e one hand, and Germany aud AustriaV deMs brings wrr or fatigue, on thé. ether haud, migbt ha* e~ben I t i.hedela>' lu gettigg at It tuat isclded belore W, bad b.d Urne tW'worri. and tires u,& b uild up Ou i vast ar nien asud tom Q i e s ar rati u ~ t 1 S irat Britain into one buge Mgr a, ra l dle aoêmrt b = tdroadig Uas . ad long befre ItUdY was ready tutdoseomte wo cku aing ata., OIDO ~ ~ to li. liaa cmmo fa--u gamon w. Usa&rdti.uP~O ýworIcli'getlng at dwer 6f NoltIc sud- aved P4r1a .Moset iurfabJy«Vt o sa> leste$me td&y' lKayb. l'it_ tb tc tstf e ~~-ldr.f4do« d o issare gdet- Amw 4?in# -- -& 1. or tee mucith.on er the growlng.otoutmb'4j oct, iiad aat nrý'5t* doalth with b ladrochit bhah'ïù l re was raUt La tisas. bai Wt.m Thmt A.gt lt.,wagt. a *- .1 ho b t mn aid malm. "limi, m o n 9 a-di . , r' wl I 4 s' -'s ÙUR,

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