Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Sep 1917, p. 5

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Making. Old Jewelry New 1)în uinypur strong h.x iliere are prubabty severnI pieceq of oId je-drIy tlat. are doiuîg nu uoue any tgout. For a sîîîail cost wve iijg lt he abli.Lu mod- ernize tiiet into desqir- al P shapes andt stylem, or ifliu1elessly l)rokCt "ve wuill îîîke . 'AS I AI.i.INNVA NCE for For hei n.-.,tt. wiaîc1. Voîilyoiî n..t ~re fer at oer wriît %atelî like the above euit1 it.atii done.tuht The Store wth the Balcony W. C.T. U. lTe -reultar itB (Iiii i of I lit, \V C. T. U. m-i 1 ho h, id n i l ii SAgricultituura oins tmi \V itisd.ui- St -te -r I 2li, ai .1.301 o'couk h I s Shopetithuere w1i behia good i iidaîie. ~We r lipitg tu tlose- t te fîid Fi-ari- ed for te Bt'ian IRel j f. so a n xcîîtî ~vis1ihg ta catît ill l (Iot&',o i ;Iln ti ~js meeting. Friday, Septe-toer 5 ;;arsa4 Q.7Ri f*nn.ral tooti -,on WBEATW '14ou' t Thoese dnceandBiai-ai 1Efflonnsfor HiAlleool, by i pAaUre At bb ot 3,al co. 1,Piucke n, e ueth . e o n a n to e rngct helteJoR i chads,'Com eral s oc nite idenhoe yAa l rduer, Mmr. Wletwsay ten. at .30 t oc ofNI. RICE, W'rdb I nkerinent, by-g maernUnonCeo veythbgInHadwre a aowest Prices. 111y -o-i--TW .b ibos i. - -ty boThe P r dxtsu i l he o mens ngotatoBulfetk-nh. ow t sway. Ptik pca hw rscn At garizt 3,on.1. ickritnyaethse d toh ad tecnpn scnielg strc ocrewt er-oRud 0% eurind ontu cM n te(~uciooiion to gofuMBanyfad. Mr 'Flu hin ardestlsock o h at (flaic on eSaîurdaJoh nihardsepter- Sît.M.(r'ia u r anrdyi ot h rc famsin bt8' >ar .30 o' ckhd hm eeng swoweei1rei11n thtb r-Abv hearpaes ldwlil h so- fCî 3d e teanspie t eraat ono sitinIatatm. eesena hoey oau s ec ha te a l .e of'ea ithrureshom mt, e r gte r - Xihiini Trno M..mthr- Tbe r udmngmethv cartn LeenThe objecalum,"îteldCon acî-î !ioa-wl ok tusdte i- tuiit4. I -oartevite thete2.patrons k eu petroizetAiefar - I NOtbin ae nUio ec- E ee thindInHam ao tee aï o st euoPbr t aes. ife Pre ieno s cof d uthpe 'o la's eoitosfi ho-.N w Oý,-a4za1on in Whtbyarease Io akte nouc. tat is cnlno i e - a .t tudt e ay snd Wedns.-- -n ohf' Cd ue Ehibte on tront pu-ehton in T oronteb o.r ctebi t emb rThé r ad maagmet av dtIriîu~Iho asu ek lh it- A n v ife *da Shields, or any 0 rpr aud d a tîrday trains n Iat5sing through ý0 \liiI4v b oToroiito acre e8pc-ciaiiy RORot~T Strî criçwdèd, and many of them verc latc. Dateti at Toronto, August 24. 1917. Satturctav attertoouuanti Monday nuorn - ittet ttfre muis havie bevu 150 or 20t) DEATH 0F IlS. SUGARMAN. i iebîle tv altlng at tbe lIT. Jtmntion sttioib for the wesî-bound train. rîev The dti1h occr-i oed#n Vt-nesday, ail goi aboard, but not ail oblained August 29futMi-s. Caspar Sugairmsn. Fî41s. Lai. trains from Torontou havi, of Toronto, atI li(- home ut her dauigit tn i-t- cow-bda#lIt er. Mrs. Jos. King, Wbitby. For sey- -en rowded a lims, irai nuonitis MnIr. Sugarman lîad been Po %oui irv .tu sac mone-y for %ounr- %- Iil ih hearu itrouble, andi bat se;f b4-r-aig o tveiiconstanîiv liet-it grun-ng m-aker. ltere- t i bis îtu r i ou do. )-ou %vil, s.-- !fire liq ea a oiuexctd For about t wo inonths prior ta, her ruuph4r chance te save by r(-ferrliug lto i ~ ~ vsîngwî e .\14inlt'r's advt. Ilui tis issu- on pag etdý.l .ehdb-t iiigwt e ti p ïr4-ai chance tu unuvt- i'per cent.daitî'ler'T-r-uinwe o- tit, tî'i.iîîirr îîrloe bs homîneIutlitai ýo wsus teld 'I'orontîo. wh.-reithe tîueral hat.r-id ht s ;i herein- Il lk . hldo Fl a aternoon, trami uhaîssid ue family ul rida(, 6lEttelld Ave.. ifltit, <-U. ittt~infirint T. ltItberau -d îuçbauîd andi famîly' inîriîîus ifiii'ru nba io aiiali i ittisincerest syni- \aitk irouiilite culttsts out tiis lia- liee. - ; t e our home ruereltan s lte Te~ Mir.41 ogodr? t i iNof itacîng i ut-jr gootis (.1"elgirs <of the' tris Armusementi bellrc ,oi. 11. mho av.e hi-en working under the b.-lirî- (lU klntlî atronage of lte Soldlers' Com- NIGIIT ýSC'1]OOi. CLASSES, fort luth durtnthe sumîner. desire iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i (io ijh \gî Siul ii~l thatîk ever>une alto in auy way iwhaiîboever cottribtîtedto thue enter- lii- bc iîtîh iii-seasoni mi it energy îajnment oflte bo%-s**anti thus made iiîd uiihusja-sim-111l le conductud lin-te woe-k a succe-as. ____ MONDAI --fliookkeelng. WjtNg. il- i lifry .Tî jowwrlîng. 'fitr i)-ti. -Oressmaking. Type-writ NINGS tii.~v.-Shîrtliaud, -Typewrit j l'ît ri-ii Arîhnetc.Typewritig. ___________ tiliei- classes m'ulli open during the lîmttt h -. Anîîuncé-nin as'Lu tes. i t bu r I %tilil it' umatde. in titis paper. Cete as igliSchtool Fît-id lay.0 as Hglu -~ ~ + JOHN*S (HURCH, PORT Ilu trlin ýlerteat î ii tii rii)tiIit.WH1iT-J3Y. Methodit l Tahçi-tnt i. <on Fît ir isdtîY ' h.' l-3icalHar-est HMe Ber-vices willl SPIt(ýibr 2. ), lei Ii ý1.John's Cu nStkit- titi ~uîtî'rtherIfi, at Il a. 3 p.m. 'l'ite Coilleî3'of Lii tlu titi Giris w Il]l ii l d -ti i's service), -andti7- pm. Har- [ itul it ieir i-igilai' tutu rit nt tuý-r i tg on t i îs fh uita andi anthumaby Lit' choir, Wediesdry.Sopl'mbr i2th. l Inte AîhimniaI. I Lanu-t '4lobe a 1u audtrinuu ft he -lÀibrar: ait -4pin. NowI~e"".utpt ______________ - i A i art 7 pn-~h'uCrojwîuesi 11li. 1-eguîtn 1t- (11t11dt r it vltet hua Of Ilh l te ,1Vu-lr.'.0e p WVîr ielu, ou ju-î WoI bc hi lld lInte 14'îac'ler-V. . wis, ai udtutIin a tuumîcil t tulia er (ou igriiay a3 "1uritooticliarýge., ilies I. Suep.tlt 1(r 1u, iM 3 tclock - Ail Ai cordilInlîl attoîtli ii xendedti l ludits outhi tNi i it ru- iii'. îted, 1 ail. - i M r ýja mnv.-V 11 iim s t:1 T 1Iiesd aY Hq!R'î'1-ULl'~UIAL SOCIETYv FALI. Sa onti il as lItit e :\atuti-rt îi eçor 1h. SHO 'itovt ut NVlti11y rîntl ltu ' Toatahn i ti'rv'tithe' declaratiuu. Accurdlng ta the' daily li)rese, the- in-i jury ststaineti hy LIeut. Dotîgias Tod W4 inu Inbs heati. His parents have re- celt-ed no ativice as ta boa he a-as In- jureti. Don't atlas te greai feattîre of tise Royal Theatre oun Wuineeday uext. '.Septemben 12. Il fl; <Mothier ' XMine." atraîghit tram Shea's Hippodrome.This l ls irai rua outtide ot Toi-ento. Don't MI ta sec IL Watch for bills. CAMERA r o- fziÂE. Nearly nec Ne. 2 BulhsEye Kodak Eastman) for sale. Takes pictures 31/2x3I,.Beautiful Pictti-es Made 1»' bhis kodak may b. seen. Wtll sell at il bréan. Aplyat azette-Cbronlcle ciolice. - Thei followlug books lunlte Public Lâbrijy have a beartnaou ihequesîlaît et how eue mar help tei wiWs the war: Tih. 1fouwtr touiiry Bok, by Parirng. -'e;Sow te Keep Heas taor Profit. by Vaientiue; Thingis- Motter Used te ---Make. hy Gaî-uey: Gaod Hpusekeeping Ho fis-w Harveat HOlP Excursion -te .Manltoba, Saikatchewan, Alberta, Tiek- ets ,geed going Septemnher Ilut, '$12 te 'Wnnipég. Aise Tqronto Exhtbtilon .Mkets-ali proeurabie ai Stephenaso's - up-towui telegrapli sud ticket office. 'Phonïç 6. Bur bis ticket& betore h-av. Sevrans hundueti soldiers o! thse Whilt- ty Vçn'seeut SOspltal, lucludins the 13«pit*l BrasaBud, cenethLie guetts -on!Teoday- o!-te Çaiadiau National S5shibiUon DineeonTh'FesoldIens *terg gielte -freedOm of tht ground L_1ýLJMrI tbeaubows thereon. Tltey bed bgtyand reacbed b'oine about tuti- 5brëobpit, te ,emmer monthe as An 4îlýl#yi1e iuouerat im ne cas -bldmtbe 'Pavllon lu ii*dntbort -Tuk'C -TU« avent,. iiWt i us les lalti1before tisa _1tM WtUlaodàsiusi aeut Wb bu b4à 15 clbit Iliei titi lu (ail slitu of fruit, flowers. andi vegelabtes, under th4- auspices of te W1jltby Horttcîtltural Society- a-ii betPe1o in the- Council Cîtamber on Sat rdày aftemnoon. September Sth. Aht xhlbits muai be-la Place by 1 'clèick p.m. 11achl exhibît must bear s tag show- ingl naoue ut exhib1tor. sud in classes forlýlidreîî, age mnust alste le showa. 'h ii) lIwill b. open ta thie public ai 4,30 p.m. Admission fi-ee. Sým1 ih Wilinsoî. vite bas been cm- pi. 'cd ta the tactory et Samunel Tr-ea & o- Limi~ted, met. wlth a Bei-loua ac- etit at week, when me ele Ia laeerated l ~1 el Wh 'Chtlt was accd0êntalïy U44à. n IlIt e 4ager vas e "Yi>t=r ltauitl hatta! ho mtplutSte& -and the. ludvas npînUfuly toms. iMltb wclU. du ty tpr 8iune tint » a restit EXI{IITÃ"NOP TRAMPS.~ A tfrat nany WhlIby people sere lintre4ted In the exhibition et tractera au the' Canadian National ExI> biton îTII+ N veratip Cater4llljar Trcetras 0 0f ipe4, lalInlaerest biiouJI la tise ma- Ch1i e tihith. Ilut fali. Il vas Proeaed to a ut madSe IluWtbZ. 'Th. tracter, on ie» ithoîia u"dé by 1th on- 'x] tracter Co.. of Watertow»u, Wa., et ,he V"Co. 3A1r. satilï, cite w#» bern theç4onarcb Travion Co, of !Cap*4a, but h*s not IsestOti *ywhe" Uasyeoi Soi le Itinueago lit wM repos-td ltai the- 4-ont seing -4o Cobourg. but lte HONOR ROLL. %Viol *NI)FEt>.1 Jeftrey Gimblett, 'litby.1 L.-Corpl. C. R. Harper, Port Perry. J. P. Knox, Pickering. A. V. Ernus. Brooklin. Sergt. T. E. fiaxutan, Bownianville. T. LeigIt, Oshawa, ont. SergL P. Pitillips, PickerIng. J. B. Hay-s. Uxbrtdge. A. C. Maimîing, East Whitby. L Caibear, Whiîby <gassed>. Thos. Evans, fleavertan. V. 1- June-, fou san ville. J,~ Tbr4Pwmanvtlle&- F0. ler. Bauvmanviiie. R. E. Kullow, Oshawa. 1-i. (tilt, Wilîî. DuI-2> OF 'M101 NOS. S. }{Mr<-t, Oshava. Ju'ffre3- Giaubleti, rêortAedwouaded, is a Whitby boy. Word a-as received ou Titesday by bis mother, Mrs. IL. Ginubiett, that lie 1usd been wounded in1 the neck. 'Jeff.' ta une of Whltby's hest known yoauug men. He is a gi-ad. uate ut Whitby High Schoel and the Ontario College et Pharmacy. H. serv- ed bis druggist's spprentlceshtp with Mr. A. H. Alla bhere,, aud allter gi-ad- tatlon rettirned te town and *as a- gain lu Mr. .Aitn's dru; store. Hie en-t Ilisîed witi the 16th Baîtalion, and was appointed assistant te t-he Medical Othcer, Dr. James Moore, who has a&s beeti wainde<. PersoniMention Miis. %V. D. Bmoks bus retgrned "ome suter a tntp 1te .t.lg SMr,AIbeII- - àMa<àl «t Tu.tI «"U ap L"«Ib fly vit blé pans ho",ra Mr. WUr& Zparp,"o!eNm -t»a, hJa brother. Cs.Pt. Jobs aevEdward route on Meud" W t aakeh uiasi Course tn Sitavu Butine«. soool, 34mnt.Chas. Bush. ith helie bfidren.ý of Lâondon, bas ben en a ti laî ci lier parets. Ur. sud Mms.Jaunes a! MM, 1. 1. TOMS. of Peterboro. Who hb" licououn aift wlth ber so, M-.ý Hferb. Tntlott ter ber home «o Mr. sud MAI« noliier lMd as len DeImar spat SUnDaysud Aiouia vitit Mr.andi Mm s. -ocar Micel, o Mmn T. J. I[oWday, cite bu b#mi Wtt ber danabter la SamaIt Oan ter su» tinsl..ba« erusIM Ote u Dmq» Rol Z6IIIIù01ýuul.,is 1#911 tun w" Ib4er t a Uu., bargains IMi wonk: flKZST Sanie of the High Sehool students are tlnding diftlcity ia securfng a baardiug place In town. Those who have accommodation might communi- cate with Mfr. johnsdn. BIRTHS. AUGUSTL'S.-At Winnipeg. IMan., an Saturday, Atugust 251h, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. Retîben Augustus (nee Mae Webb), a daughter. Çatarrh Quagiet bc Curd Ivith LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as they .- not --h th ucec"ai ofthe dises,.. Catarrh b' a local disemie. irreally lufluencegtby emn- .titUtinnai re.mditireo.. nd in, or.ter tx> cure it YOU rMust take an Internai seedy. alls Catarrh Cure ii; taken internatly andI actag throug-, the . biood and muCUS sturfaces of th 'ytrm. lHlJFï Cat-rri Ctre .wu, prescribed bYune of the best PhYsîlns in "hicoeuntry for ycarsi. St te cornPozrcd of sorne of thie beat tOnte., kno-n. combined witAi sorne of the best blood ptsrifiere. Tht i.erifeetconbination ail the inrdient» in Halls* Catarrh Cure is what Peoduce.9 such wonder-fui resuits in atarrhal rndlitions. Send for testimuonisia. tfree. F. J. CHENEY & (èo.. Propsý.. Toledo. 0. Ait IDeuggisu.,S 7e. Hiall'a Famlly PUits for constîipation. SALE REGISTER. l"rIday, SePtember 14.-Stock sale.' f reshi cows, horses, young cattle and sheep, the property of H. A. Jifktns, ta b. sold at 3lyrtle Station C. P. R. Suie ut 1.30 Sharp. eebill. Wm. Maw. auctioneer. -il Thursday, September 13.-Anction sale otf lrst-class lot of treah cows. Young cattie and Sprtgers. at lot 12. rear con. 4. (Greenwood Road). 5iv. minutes waik f rom C. ýNy R. station, the propertY Of Oliver Denny. Sale at 1 o1ciocit. W. B. Powell» auctioneer. Saturday, Septeniber 15-Auction sale of househoid turQlxure, te prop- erty of Mrs. JE. J. ýa4w1ýb usadas St.. WhItby.ý Sale at 1,;Wo-ëock. Termes cash- Wrn. Maw, âtoer of t wa Iframae ouseu a", two lots, on Byron Street Southt, the property er Miss Hiekie. The contents ef one bouse wiil aiso be sold, Sale at 1.30 o'clock, Sharp. Win. Maw. auctioneer. To Rent, For Sale, Etc. WANTICD. An experlenced and industrious mur- ried mn for gei 51 ,tarin work on a tarin o! 50 acres Separate confort. abl. housse and good wagea. Duttie to commence on October S. AppIy te M. C. Bosweli. WhItlby. R. R. 1. on Base Une near Pickering. W»NTEO. At oneefor Outarto4ÀMeW Colle&e, Whitby. oeekitelen girt -ad ivo diu- Ing.rootogirl*. al"êthird launadreas A.ppiyUMs.R. W, Woodsworlb ai Vol- FOR SALE, IT*. tam. bmase. leu s10 sud , pWar o!lot 1.oeCL . To. et plekelinft. <10.4 buUupf; g4«ite tê o etlva. tien. Puuessi. <etober lat »117. For t*rms spp)y te NUM ariba A. Riel. ar4aon, or to A. W. lihirdmo, whiSt. by, On-tL 4 'l" 1. Pickering Towz*îhp onM'kugusli . 1be OVST 0cm8 ba"q 1 R;me* br pay. les 5 t bis rdyi. Wo. Lldett Whlî. by.,a ,O, . WhitbyrAus2,1>7 The SV -md*«a TbI -am te ent êéfatrtinüg50atles ixorth hit 1Soutb hait Of lot No', 6i .lçkerbmng. pssession i >ogh a lne. iply to -Wm.Oke, R.,R. NoAý- Whitby Ont. Pull possession April, 1, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SLE -Teûders w!Ul be recetv'ed by the un- dersfgned up te October 1, 1917, for the 'Purchase of a -sinali .tramne hoUse and lot, Kingston ,Road eust Lot Y. acre. Barn -in zoo«; sepafr.siall orthard. WilI bo SoIdI On easy terms. Lowest or any tenider flot nèecesartly sccepted. APPIY to 4A. E.Winter, Oshawa 1>,(.l - 2 es, ms omBoki;lot 34 o.6.Whitby Township. Good bildings; barns Wltti Stone fouada- tienUs. G00d state of cultIvation. Pos- session this fail. For ternis appiy ta' George Jones, Pickering, or te Mrs. .. à~f*Potherglll, Whitby_-f PAR-us TO RENT. Three fa.rms of 100. 160 and 200 iacres respectiveiy, to rent. Ail south of and close to Oshawa. Flrst-ciass soli and buildings. Gofod state of cultiva. tion. Possession te plow suter ores- eut- crop, ful Possession April 1. 1918. APDIY ta G. D_ Conant, Oshawa, Ont. Dated Auigust. 8, 1917. -t!. Miss iCate Wrighlt yT(AdII!I m AOau D PIPOhhA Puplis prePared for Toron ta Causer- vatory Or UniversitY Examlnations. Residence at Mms Arthur Richard- son's, Byron St., Whltby. Phone 201. eI' Pte. A. Janaway Wishes to make it known toi the surrounding -publie of IWhitby that lielias opened the old Bowling Âlley on Brock 8L, as a tlrSt Class Fresh Eish Store. AiU eir»puctuaily attend.d to on sh@t.s iaotice. ÂlSO Hot Fried Fîsh and Clip 1 Potatoot served from 11.45 amn. to 2 p.rn., and frorn 5.45 p.n. to 11.30 . ROYAL THEATRE - ý4 »lgfv t4uOw "Tb# Voice on the, Wire,11 bating lBen Wiison., cverp Monday sigat.. Wd.dyngt. Broadwxy .fntare. Admisao~-Adlot10, ebifre* 80. MR*. PEMIIN, X"64« mil xctso Irom ail stations in OnLsrio and -Quebeo." $12-00 TO WINNIPEGI Retura rate bal)tcent per ruile to Win- nipeg, plus $18.00. Pull particular. and ticketÉ from nzy- Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or Q L Heruimg District Passeager Agent, Union Staton. Torqnto, Ont. Fesh NIOIIOLUN I SELMI ONDURTANRUS PNU WHITSY i;~ THÉ1SCJiYOÙ DAUiNe It le always with reluctancé that some pupils start to- sclil, bt ÃŽhen tbey-'ýget- to work tttey--are enthusiastic about it,. The happiest d-ay8 in' one's life are school days-- provided, of course, the necessary things are at luanid to quake good work possible and pleasant. We handie the STAIDARD BOOKS required in al- grade@. Our stock of,- lagean ShooI SuppI)ieq islagan varied, so we ean provije anything that may Pendisl, Pens, Pen Holders, lErasers, Inks, Crayons, composition 1Books, Ruaiers, Pastes, Drawing Iaterfis, etc. WHI ITEJ ELD'SX DRIJO and STATIONERV STORE WHIT-By ' NTfl1IlV Sole Aent ifosr Butterck Pateras Sole Agent frr Nyal Prepairatlone Leave your order for Piano Tunjn.3 wjth us.m. STANDARD -B-ANK, OF CANAIDA This Bank offers every facility in the conduci of amaonts, of manu» facurers, farTmes &MdM gehan2s WHITBY BRAN-CH ESTD 1873 C.A.M~a~na~ to the Amrual £xbitIon, TORONTO (Ausfr25th to sept lUth) FSROUMÂLL POINTS LX CAS &DA -£xi*A TRAIN SERVIO£ Toand tram PoUlale Station aad Kxhiltot FmmoinPiwtpqj olàoina ortatu Date*. it viii b. OIm-~iLght W. garsteoprompt dâ.- livsry =4dgood servie. Terephffle Noë-16 JaL SAw. DisneyRtosi1 FIN AL -DIREBTORSÃŽ Eqiiipment outside- City ot Toronto. &4e tag tock of casketu and', funràY , s pp6les ýalways on hand. s iI,~4i~ 'I TELEPHONES- Bell-No. 99, Dqy or Nigitt. Tnd.-ay, N. 5 06 V'S UÂVE liliU MTIEU LEADIN( 'ýOPTIOIAM,, of etTorento For NooreTihsu TWENTY VEARS.' (omtsttIomo'. rns~ 'Lie 1~ i I 'I -nc.C I -e Min IIL d. % c A. mec ý.- --e- 1

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