Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Sep 1917, p. 3

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- t V rG, Benl. taPlace et, hî of an cn%* ng to soit$ uni emry G. Bel611# columfl in the ~puce le limniti inece-sary t ~closed wlth the thAn N'U oU e Srther jfl,,tr,, 1 dritling in 0 r per aýcre, a F. gave a field that the north haif, corn this year. il. field for COW aten 1I ,Ow on ill inake good cot*i 111heVtIIît~ j'j you ta fait- the spring, sow4 :- m e btisiel Sbarlev. F or not make any l1jice fullNI what îpring seeding. pasturé 5houl T tanise t1 lin t , 'rn' to- 4s giveiii 900(1 ili Oi nrioand ricultI I ('o!II- îve tibre acres hip lits( pring te Julie grass. Could 1IMark part o it Io rpnstture next i iss clay loarn VouId ua- yl> lesi îorl ,iturîlfor ne%( for i:ý StIli agf> I;anýlrntaj thîM Euatvrii halt ulion nvmi - iL'd offe:t 1 WoLlId Ic S 'tt OU 1 A.,5un lj' a pring i odpas- [pre\,tnt the tad. b 'gins taý go 1oirrntn red nIlid %vht gthaws and, ecd intothe 'er itili cone itr aipaces I lntking Lo týiiiti t a in coio'i-, anîd '-ap. d itions Ittan leI, M. ights icra;tcheý, hit £tjuy e e. nian 'ne and t ' tbeir lot t 'hârge 1V e t"(riet. icha did le latter lie case, mnr over. ime on a"(1, and ýt hdra%"~ Uhtarîl n. icharge PuIse tfoui in thtîught fit Itlity, g- But- .'ssed afl )p'recîa. Daniel re lip. uf ti e with Ion '.of lloüwed l ~* far bt"-and i 74,orM b, M_ ;FaS 'Tbrçw Fourtemu Rdges Aèreg th(e la êe frIl twflog Nr No. 4I hm -Tobmuo lme Thr-eateued. entobi --t-NO, ~ iiI A depatc fro, Wth ke E'orrt ilia. 3 yeîîow. nominal. dep.c ri aiugton uaYa: "admltted Onrail handa thaýt ts offen <;7-~ Ontario Wheaî-New crop . <.2. 82.15 r-Te, £tla Esas'aofca'a-ave las vastly lncreased the. powerOnaoot-o otin D ~iesrgadnt the prOgremis Of the.and Influence, o! Italy in Xxitente war Bne-stlgnD 1201 L el Itallan Offensive againât the. Austrians counci.Is. B fyMlour-Pirat $1.2te.22.teOf Indîcate that the, sucea of the forces Tiie officia despateli reeeived by thee"-~< ~ bg.829;scndptna 1.0 of Generats Cadorna and Capelle, in. Italian Embass, 'desczbing the prOr. 40 bu". $12-90 stecond patentc. captuing ti. Bansi a teau, is an gress of the offensive, and parti..lâdnaf tor-lne.te-.tak:T-m mPortant mlitary gain tiiat is tiireat-..ly the battie o! Bainsizza, was ns foi- rent sme, . m0. whns.acodut tecs The advices indicate that in "Tii. Bainsîzzas Plateau is 6M0 me- fegt:Sot.$3 nîngtheentre goup ot olmîo d-1 owu - ",~dig a. 45 1te 46;good (ed flour, per bon Ù-19 offensive, the. Italian Command- tre-s beween the. Isonzeand Chiapo- ba ¶t k Tr$to3exr26o. er- în chie!, General Cadorra, in his§ vako 'Valleys. The plateau mensures $11.k4oSI!: le. orot, o.. tor] efforts to baffle and confuse the Aus- i 10 by 15 talles. It vas attacked by l Jra-Car lts. S?.$9te $0. uni -trians, has neot only routed t7aeir forces i the second Italian army, which crus-Oosy oue- olsssr as the talians have advanced, but left1 sed tii. Isonzo River, using fourteen p Buter-reamry ol, e l.,39Th the Austrianss-in great.eat doubt as to1 bridgea duning the battle. On the to3e, rna, erl.39f 4; the I'talian objective, whether Trieste' wootgrn side o! the plateau the. Ital- dairir. per lb.. sa to 34c. ,gsPrrdos. 39 teo 49eMa or Laibach, or botb these importantj ian troops overcome the. irst lineofo ~v oeaesae eU ati eato pona.teAustrian advance, and tiien, while z c tradeuthe foiown Ies îîslt Italian mniitary experts boe assert a part of the. Italian-army was figlit- New. '*r e. 22oà2tee23criplets. .5e ld. t that, with sufficient ýguns and mnuni- inir on t6e second Austrian line, an-3 Ian eOc.e; wlns, 304e; triplets, Soie. tions, the Italîan forces under Cador- other part was advancing around thei. 43erFeq aycoe.9te4, - resznery prints. ï3 te 44c'. sonds. 4s 10 nas will win a complete vicery over rnoth àide to make a fiank attack.i. ' Eo--wlilacros 5 a5e the Austrians on that front. The result was the. fali of the. 'aoie Lys- - 4e."ot fcrtn.4 < 6' Italian offensive bas won the. admira- ïtem o! defense o! the. plateau and Dressed outr>-Sprlnx rclkea25 Mion of mnlitàry efficers in Washing-'quick withdrnwal of the enemy, fol- te8.0 uky.2 t erc ds..3 ton, tb3se of the foreign war missione! lowed by the Italian army, crossing piv. onr-trnglikn.1..2 tu welI as American off icers, and it is the ChiaPovano Valley. t 2; 17e8 e2c;dce srnr d~ii~uewavw~welight. per dos. . .ô: site< .ao 50te ULJ, I lii AM I' ', 9175; No. 2. $: to 32.15. tins. 2's and M O O D VK fl S'a. 15c per lb; lo*a. 14&e; 6o05. 136 te Beans-'o Ctanadian beans on market NOTE OFINTEESTFROMHERunfl l tnt of October. Importe<J bond- NOTE 0F NTERST ROM ER - piced. $8.60 per bush; Limas. per lb.. BANKS AND BRAES. ~ ,'Moye .Sauaw..,tr "Praso" yimg Over MaeRa Wooâ.' - oeon rck--Ontario. bu. 82l. TE machine lakits amie-(rom the tact tRiat telb. vgare well ýOv4 the fuselage or body, giving unobstructed vltew..of th«.ground. Smoked mehta-Harns. mnedium 20 ho What le Going On In lte Highlands ___________ rl; do., lieaiY. 36 t 37v; cookïd. 41 t0 - 43e: rolla. 2ô te 28c: breakfast bacon. and Lowlands of Auld vassal States-that ia what las bop-' " t 4010e--k. pan 3.f 8c oe MUST SAYPened witli the. viile welbt of tue - Cured mea-Lonir elt.ar bacon. 27. to Sceia » British Empire thrown in on tue otuer 24c lb.; <lear belîtea. 261 te 27c. Lieut.-Col. J. Kennedy, Black, fde-1at Io Ietm,- ,waM 6yad I f e254 to t î Watch, Hawick, who bas reeeived - awa Ra N N y b~ ave happened if ouçyast Na'y b î<ompound. tierres. 21)rto iie, tube. t30 the D.S.Ohsbe mnind itnet been keeping thé. sens; if we lied rj.PIR.21 i. diapatebes anid bas also received the' not been tuer. te keep- the -rin d se- MItoaw.ea le~i D.C.M. and ?4.EITRAICT-S FROMf BRILLIANT cure i certain me&sure od febearnce àMontreal. 8eýt. 4--Oats. Catiadien i etern .1No. 2. 14 te, 7e; do.. No. 3. '73 The Military Cross lias been award- - SPEECH OF -LLOYD GEORGE. and fair play; if w. bad net ralaed a ta74e; extra NO. 1 feed. '72 14 74eý cd to Rev. J. Kirk, o! Dunbar Parish buge nov Army toewsromt tM .Pmu-,Fl1ur, Man. Sprl wleat patents. lIraIs. cmi churcI , 1a.00; seconds. ILS0; strong bakera'. sa ebrlwho bas been aI tb. front for Sal egrions? 1 e1.t80: Winter patintareelice, 811.50. Onle year and nine months. ~î5B eea IbtE "Ruisa would havi "bea U awfled taIright rolr .Où18.0 teSU3 :do fol, RvDrJ.L taup-Russa la deMorsed for ti. mo-I b 5101 595 oIdot.br aisa Re.Dr .LSurt, a member o! il>e».00, do.. bf1, 30 Ibo.. 84,30 le the Haddington Pari Council, i"a - lated War Fr. tii.Tragedes ment and ,disintecratlon bas render- .4. Br»a. 5. shorts. 340. Mid-. grp ed ber brave Army impotent for te 8tii Ni er tn. car lots 9.60 to 0. ia been awarded the Military Cross for of HEtin, i ~fe.- o;btî~wudbv bpoc i . Ch2s. fnPe s tcrnlos. s~1o .te service la the field. poe' u i o lbv hpI ne t eteas le. Bter.lt: o.& Coonl i RbetNel apbell, - On.e!ftue Most telling passages la sooner. France veUli have fouiglit creamery. 411 f0 tic: seconds. 41 hol41e. Unil whoha be*nmae aK..MG.,ina'the.Prime Minuster', speech in Lon- witii. aitue traditional valor uof Ne. fresh. 563hoe6sac; ael.eted, 480; hall sonof teb a t e oert a CmpGbellofdon recently vas vien b. referred te race, a valor vhicb linhstory and Ina.'ot tes. "r a«. car lots. $2.18ta o f Esn ! i. laIe oabe.rtCmptho! ie German attitude towarda retora. tue diapatcheso! ta.dy bus tiinlld83. ESesheltD, L havi en.f h C n -tien. - the.worM witii wond<e; but Wîths sue- I tmNO? dasrgeantofDa.iM.Rid, o Ib aa- "Tbey talit gIlbly of peac.," ho said, cor and supplies by Mau<lt off and ldt Wlnnl or. SePL 4--Cash rices elosed: i ul)4..b-b-but tuey s's-teauetbey bwoalci on land, eV . ber gellant Wheat. I..I Nortberit. 8340; 2No. .been awarded the. Mlitary Medal st-s5t-st-stutter wben tbey talk about armites inlgbt bave bin overwbeled., No. 4. 8. 3.3;ii.S 87 Noý ote. 3, 31.; A fo bavryo te ied.fr-r-r-restoratlon." Wbatkind o! a peat% would you have feed $1.60. OsteNo. 2 C%. site; No.s»y$ Tii. remains o! Lieut. C. . Ti oc fIr 8u edtebdi urp h& t ol zt1cW4Ilt. 3 extra No. 1 fi;. #o; N&Of a Brown, K.O.S.B., who died from Tà oc o r lum-dtfoodlsEuoetesI oldnt ed. M7. larleY. No. 8. 81.19: No. 4. viiele sentence wonderfully. Ttjehave beei a Pettt; iti"wOUId bave 'bnu11.1t; r#erted $110; fffl, $ 1.10. "'q vounds received 'in actionî, have been -1rm mue olY u sniensac8441 sbtgaia<f ix No. 1 N.VXC.. 13. 31; NO.' 2 ('W.. tue lntrred with military honore la o!rimeMllise. andicîed ath e a guroent vol« ulibW Ien at tofe Me'qi j t Eastlands Cemetery, Ggashielsi.ofteAleaddlvr acuhn uP ud *be tte C ot The Arbroath Watehîng Comiitte. King Gerge retort te tue German craving for a of One Vtd<iilit*gpve;ys Ia-ainate. an941utate. J*î malte-believe pence. Tise wWl hi& aud at tue Mercy e!t the wurst ce- . Min 14--ep. . IieI..e t ir havp decided to grant an increase o! A receat phetograpli o! His Ma- pit:mente o! tâttpovar. .berolz.1; o.a oe r =te M itt3.5e1 Y fivis shillings a week te the actiag jesty when. .viewing infantry rg- ~ y 'bgt eettema Thr .tB oNt1m. ea~~. R:ro 3 t"*. Ot-di ceand inspecter, aMd three shil- mente leaving for France. danger<>us asud ainistmr conapiracy hDo n9%'b Nod, oànt Wdi t e. 1 to sal 53e.Four i4cnc fl l1i4gete t>t"iu o! tise police force. jvrpote9gla ts ueti !ega.& b aincil, o t Ile ds- a r sMn- 1e,sia.t>o. aNetieu Capt. AieaIteld'Pffliice, o! Green- ETAPESF*"4SMII. ain."-=~aj~t<.t eta tctf 3< l Mi Lused * EIT PPESFO MOMIA ntin& t Du-îa et -1he -o 1No là va ocii, vbo beh n Awalrded th . D.S.O., ' " h eta tc av a eelek btv ave ab.cbed fb. sial in et-74 be, 8 0 embe r 84 88m % .4 5 saked . O t ob r 8 p k p o 15L eliiowi~gyplyr n'Are Far Fr.. "Ldeaden" fer 11110*j Oh Iomo Grmn e wsvice-captain o! the Greenocli-kdb abtin ! .inn."<nmwy. Tne. ati<ns o!fb.h Wanderers. W8ho Cauel S leep. "The Gerumis War LordS taUt lb- bave beau paWlnfly cflmln ie elum Nafl1889% Fri teproceeda of a concert giv.. The apple la sucli a common fruit obbltp.. u tm e oe u ia ast aina oot.S<t -x~cole.sheavy T en by the Stonefield Parisi Chwrch liaI very few persona are famllesr word treatiation."&M u n-rispet Gnext!Bntu adsteera 310.64 te l; buttetas' caille choir, thé suin o! £30 vas given Ite tue with i is remarkably efilcaclous medi- "hefore vm entera Peace conter- Framc. rs«&"dt*0eplateau lo0gageobole*,, 10 t 8M.0 6; LimblesasSoîdiers' and Sailoitiii-ons F nd.caI prperta. Everybody eugbt 6. nce tb.y Must learmt ta t0er ýtwrd(lber ntios caà*mm.& laSer. It ýte 1.; o.bdLo UAEWS WWAS IVICMMOR, srice Fleht Of Fitte DaysS ev" issy sdAIM 1dva-r Face of Much SuiieriOr Forceff. A «ePateh, from London "aYs nortbk of Focahani %Ma the niostglori0 etails have been receved by th oui *deed of arma ever accompjishedl by' )ndon Times from its correspondient the'Xumanian aermy. -The. heroic fi)t. . o f these pea it soIdier& w o had to - the. Rumanian front of the magnu- face much supeïior German forcçs,, ,nt fight of the reconstructed Ru-' has been unexcelled by either the. Bel., aiafirm 8zfigainit Gen. Mackensen, gians or Serbians. The main objec-, hich saved Jassy, the. capital, and all tive o! the en=in had been to reh' oldavia. Foreign Minister Cam- 'the bridge of Costestia, acoss the nPof France, declared that the vie. Riverb Sereth, The intenti1on of the. ry reminded him in a mensure of enemny was deçar fron- the letter I maw it of the. Marne. Since August 19'found on the corps. of a Pruusian of- til Thuraday the Germans made nolficer, datcd August 6th, as follows: Houa effort 'to resume the offensive. 'W. are going to give a decisive- blow le atory follows: bere -very soon. If w. cross the9 4'With the Rumnanian Army Oni Seretb, which à hope will not b. dif- areseebti Front, Aug 21.-The story ficuit, Jassy and the ýwhele of Moldavia' the paît 15 idays wiIl remain golden will be ours. If we succeed I be- lers in the. iistory of this country.1Hieve we are going to be sent to Fland- te 41efence Of the. Maresechti front' ers, where things seem hot again."'» ~~ I NEWS FROM NGLND Geead IVH L .Scott f mmunder.lur.Chid o! tue United ktes amy, bas beeu la lbe service 41 years, and durlng tba i laie sb.d a moi varied cçareer. Re bas red in ainlost overy brandi oi itarir life. Upen bis shoulders taîlst Simmense tank o! gettlng the.' ted States apay ready foir the! ipeungs ttare glîmmernln lheb b4NÂ4GENARIANHES A CRBW 0F BOY& despatchfrein an Atlantie pr sA Brillis schooner, luiomm= rw compose Ot yougtlem Imer militar> draft aga, la on boer va&f this, port., :Tiesekipper, Captai id tom actve se srvice soms ma agobut umeuse o! tii, pressing tend for adr1ners, ho rcenot u l-the Ovunet oftue'vessatub arend>' i. taise bar ui. A captais- im a : d à d -'eu t ".u gaa babl lI olesti mstr di a bp acive duS>' to.day.'- CONTROL PROkýfflIS N »M RIAIN. k'despatcb>s. from Londbuces d RhoMd4 *tueFootiContrOllor, dsedm te tk.ovor graaI h iti rpovisOn Ide idl. f.T*via 1cn KEKWS BT MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND BIS PEOPLE. Ocurirences In thé Land That RtRelgasSupreine llthe Cm. e erdai -,rl& The. number o! Turkish pnisoners now in tb. banda of the British su- tuorities la 34,000. The Board oif misand Revenue states liai food plots pîtoflta wiil net have te psy an incarne box. The. London Commitîcee! of-the Frencb Red Crosbave received £100 heom Queen Alexandra., Tii. Food Production Departinent are erectlug a station for pulping jam fruit at Maidatoine, I>it.- Tue ralvay- employeeca-o! Leeds are asklng for double th. psy tey were roc.ling beore tue var, AI th, maie o e! b.Hopeheirloomra fai Chrlule'as, Mesns. Dunveen bougbt à poreelalu ewer for £3,7180. .. -- 1 1 The King lias seât. hls annual sub- scriptiou of £10 te tue -Royal lUnited Kingdom- Beneficent Association.' W. Castello, chairman oe! Cheshunt TDribunal, at tue age o! igty-lx haul joined tue Army Ordnanceï Corps. R.d Crocs 0segg« h avi been per* mltted ho viait il Bru"sicap viere Turklsb prisoners are intemed A- broocli beloing te tue RoiPe heinlooma, anta" contaliuig su oblong brlliant, vas ý-m1iiai hnàii';for. £210M0 Dy' a roya proclamation tue peri4 o em svcê o! the offiers aed men of- thse Royal Naval -Volunteer Servicé,l extended,-teo fveyars., Thi.eltime 's-ô!id(liToubnldge ar ralsln lhe MM aO!f-130,000 for lb. - purpose et builing -a ar mémorial Arneentselisve beei# madée'for- testiug up oai 211 ares: tbroughout tm Id 'enr 'hétw.lrilg e of- dis-. ablet colis A »wv aru>' rdersaiaes thaI n- tireti ofiopuare netto e . mplo>'.d miter tue>' have passed lý,e age _ of mlzly-flive es The omSe a rdttâ a &gainlmn Tise s0 the-i ArbroatRi, but 14t.rIa a £q«IetmtPtc f A-a" uI1éatrouft etsA,0f ldt An msua n>'avte taggn er a tons*"VI 'i Uek. .~5 imeraseil th*a ueî ber &tiahv.s- jmÇOmetnt mbaàcevasse, but uR*M Ir>VU., ths ~ tt 0 ent amiof .aueaUTudorg-te p*r«poa su&j e b mines or sui- j la dii. lune be up agais, ilem4y to.~h îm,~u.~ ý,ým.a coe<ifliofeni tml>' ofth# dm..nesla sows b>' t»c voohi>Ad- aÎtr<n>'Of!limlb fi 6M !purpoSit.and e V.lt.W W to BM m Satis p4lalnIaIga al et Llnlttbow, bas beau' mirait>' statemeut issunt Wedasday tofuIbr el » han. ieodtiste sumit ,q INMdtue rMlltary Cross.e. ngk IgiteM *ssMd*t ofM" à» Mary ." hFer? r'»V*id 1Md Scotland Liddell, a weIl known 1,m0 tons ver. sont te tise botte., as what A"re FeOM,- jounlst and vrlt.er e! books ni cMd ae vt fee I rvos "haa boertsaeveayf vas finalS-' ns e m *-ort ' a(i .fermer citizen of Laudkr, la nov auanmi,*u va ve»sceolm t esbaa tb. grest vnieveu d hws<ta ess a ««, enb>y Jame lï t tAvetiu oflcr u ii Rssanir>' - 1,0I ins, a e ls itisa..Isdu e-j wlUsesed,'mm dMr. LIe>'d OWrgtj as'bu ivious w0ek. Neoadalg vemsa vo Wbat ar e oAgltbag fort r d - a pan a osssIa *M"Iýt RUSS DIVISION jsus.frt ù» Mst 4«du""enMe j mPOW &iMîýk QUITS TRBNCES. ~e lteiaanIls lse> ta-Rn FORMERGUR oti OMe-091.sr.)I, sk1tf*. uep.wa .14Mu b btité despatcii front Pptrograd apa: QENAL la DRA& 14 -ade h*1 a-1 1 4e> 4-ar~ ewNppu,4 Rusclan -division on Tusda' la.!tet 4k tiI.* ali iceta m D.l< r.a- .ï_ Mnai vu < i wu AusaM mn~ hI dlaeder, tse - War OU.. as- lie linaoc De.ast ~eht-Qiy1tùtcl a the t R UI" regth*i#sà umn v« -iNn>' wm, Vm'rui Tii. tIeaI te*isP" a s é*l wu bsN la Li a Tieo<ai> erattbu i twons wlt *Vaw 't T-

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