Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Aug 1917, p. 7

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Putothe d"- -PnWdù I the liot dffl. ittt i ~ ~ M~1 ~~ysica57 lbj Ae valu' f$M,50,a tilla e f fod~1 -of - 6 -h $ 5,612l,630f lb -" 2r4,*5j 8 .-S75 l b ., et .To. --that 4ply te e te .es the -lea. luproduoUIs-MtOka 4mount ,of real I î 'ý1 tliOntario *>'hl *iththeý et 1191 of126,016,870 IL, of the, vlue eot wihtelea* t tex Upfl the $28,312,936, Quebec beint second wthh distive orgns. Cut <> '61,9QO 750 lb. et the. value- eor i~4, mneat ýand potatoes and St i14. Ths toprovinces togetilêr * Sheddd W eatBisuitduction of factorycheese. The. pro- with eliced bananas or other i duction and value df factory cheeee in fruilts9 and green vegetables the other Dto$ne* lu 19186vwae al! folbows: -Rýrince Edward Island, 2,- StrenXth&cng andC1 fOUflSh- 121,736 lb., value $409,495, Nev Bruns- ing. wlck, 1,185,664 lb., value $210,692; Manitoba, 880,728 lb,. value $168.931; Alberta, 745,122 lb., value $164,454; - Nova Scotia. 94,727, value $16.959; and Brtish Columbia, 18,000 lb., value ,~ ~~"' ~, * $3,960. The average price per lb. of factory cheese for ail Canada works A out to 21 cents In 1916, as compared Made in Canada. WESTERN CROP MUST BE Insistent Cal for Men Frein Wheat Fields. The crop io Western C-anad pidly apprpaching the hàrvest In somne places, indeed, cutti commenced already. But thý ent caîl for harvest help will1 eral throughout Manitoba, Sa wan and Alberta withio the r dn'ys. Bave the crop!"is the urgen f ram the leaders in aIl the ceuntries. In Canada, the yoi of adventurous tendencies --towns and villages of Ontari have been unable ta go trenehes, will be contributing reai service te the cause by grain growers of lhe Prair vinces gather the iheat upc s0 much of the success of w, 4 tiens depends. The rates ta, the west are1 the wages, because of the higi lb. price of wheat, are certail gond, if not high. Moreever, always the possibility liaIt t * vester, "doing his bit," May I fria in the n'est and seltie ently there. we- i;To man>' yaung men and tic mature, in every pmaîl town tarie, including aur own, Ibis as a great opportnnily la sei country' in a praclical way. ant, long-distance train jourr a visit te lb. invigorating wf added attractions. But tlb. c be saved 1 A MARKED CONTRAS Between British and Germai quarfér. lu France. An A mertcan arrnlvnpin Loc ter a vilt toBrltis4 h!eadqua Franceo poke oett écoutrat1 .tiie latter and Gdrman boniS viiero, durlng th. earlier stage wur, ho happeaed le lInd hlmîl BOnd for fluatrated Calendar -1UT YOU CANNOT DIE A FAIL- URE IF-"P "dGo live the. wide world over-but when yen corne te die, A quiet English churchyard is the onIY place te lie!"- 1 held it half a lifetime, until through war's mischance il saw the wooden crosses that fret A Ïh- *$sýmpt aien mIu~i- éivrhlessm It la the',midakea d yEng- expropa themevsp.~taeyl aild fSor 1,,igea. One eau, there- tur, readlly imdottnd how the fol- lcwlng c veruto&milght have iiRy tairen.place. AÂIa4y wentintb a~ pocoy store im, Porte 'Rico to buy Ag5 Th onestiotntslatéd ln- ioEngla ;: vas as ollovi:. 'Iave'you any sono?" "6Yeu" replied the storekeePer, "White oneaT" "Very weil; 1 wfll take one Pound, il 1'011 plone. "1 l'o that the storekeeper replied that [bà sons- were flot for sale, -and cer- tnant by the pound. bonmion rrssMuy Odr lune Only la advMang l itn vios hAs .lag.ttings eoter, viiose bloed iSme, vhose brali quloke, vios sl frevea nt a n Jutelitting apeof' woodpus t u nal fmt td Eyddsa caeo Mar op ilght swlgat home. Who16 or a~iee~iages~jL ond a ort Na Maa Lnutacturing and externaL, UrId wtMM oit Dai b ndour o remt. dWite- LiiecoUggwoFo& Ont' PIANO-AOTIQN Vloou8iý lion, Mon and Deauff nI HealtbyRosy .lbeeked WomanO i mlin i ens i i'o. lu el te fields af rrance. averge picela higheat In BritiSh0 Columbia, 25 cents. In Quebec and A thrush singe in on oak tree,'and ANY CORN LUIS OUT. rim r i~ u e n Ontario tlxe average price la 18 cents fomte I suaetoe EHJR ABT!Sw**A *w r and I Albrta t la21 cnts.A chimne as aveet and mellow salutesI m SVDthe. idle bour; Nofoolishuesa! I4ft UNïru SAVlEEFI RTUNE OFDE FE NSE Soecrosses take no notice-but the. n Ulae f it igesO ER-llANOS little vooden onea Il. ie age Prairie Puebo lth oysf li f Are thriliing every minute te the mu- -IoIk ailt Puebo<~îtl<>a.leî Bco i of the guns!total oIltW IUtgh.Oea i l sr-deferise aigaboat diseaise. Strong. heal1 Borecorna, bard corns, soit corne or 0 tstage. thY blood neutMai1zes the. poisons aofIlu- Upstanding at attention they face the any kind of a corn, can harrnle sly be, Ae. &Sal by Lydia -L 1 ng has vadlng germa, or destroy the germa cannonade, lifted right out with the. fingers if yen f2.L..... . ....L enst-thernselvés. That ia why maoy peoplei In apple-pie alinement like Guardsmen apply upon the. corn & few drap,& of lpà'ws êt'" '"l"""" ieiss-expose to dîsease do net contract IL reoo ssaCîcnaiateiy bsac e y and Thos eoeo lackeak n deva-' But Tombstones are Civilians wiio loil For little coul one can get a sinlll This voman now rases chiekensarad sktce- tieypadoereore ms labkin a in dee-1 or sprawl or sway o bottle ef freezone at any drug store, &-ea mgnunl laoer. Rend ber stury: few sve poer ae mes habl 10 i At every crazy angle and stage o which wîlI positively rid one's feet ozf1RcmedId-Fo toyarI sloihmoddedcay.o tI ywrs s ppeaîl- ion. Everyb'ody may observe that, lwdea.eery cern or callus without pain- a a sick antd weak with troubles Alid elty rdbooe poleae esThis simple drug dries the moment from xny age tint Alheden Hable to colda and the, grippe. than For them the Broken Column-in its it is applIed and dees net eveli Irri-, when o i ng up inth m 1e boodesapeople. t te plot of unkempt grass; tate the surrounding akin while-ap-! ta f hd ogo tI, ho bloodless people who tire easlly. who' The tawdry tinsel garland safeguard-- plying it or afterwards. vemy abods on h. to who are short o! breath at slght exertion, dune laa hi ni-uvrnn il nrrs y slolyowth oetewohv oraptts n h gas ' o<tn~eîwî neet stops, tien ait dowu aver>' o vke po .apeits ad h And the Squirc's emblazoned virtues, many of our readers. If your drug- waeup In the morning as tireu as ta a-. IThe detorpaaidMt haepin whn tey entto ed.Whie ionen tatwould overweight s Saint, fgist hasn't an>' ireezone tell,, h t Tedoto 10dh relPinroe- hy et ebd.W1 On the. vauît empaled in iron--scaling 1surely get a smail bottie for you frerntwht1shw ePr-and girls chiefly sufer from bloodleas- r< o ato an.bswoeaedu hue have on oeerton n which ness the trouble also affect both beys * *o at fpit bswoeeaedu-oue ain Lr opera- snd men. It sixnply affects girls and 1 0ti*io-ughtlwfreldso i The tenants etftthe churchyard where TUKE'SSHNNGSTNE Uetlumov It ow, and womnen ta a greater extent bocause the singing thrushes bild TRE SSIIGSO&lv qMy no there la a greater demand upan their 1dao nge r asedM n ta be To reneW and build up the blood promise weil fulfilled: to et Victorm'a there is there la no remedy can equal Dr. *11- ome tailed-thrfidenLove, or LiquoCoians &à ahe bail tken lt w .ag he har- Ia1Pn Pla hy oeu , -while the. parîsh looked askanc.e. IPerhups the niost remarkable et ail p>earenigiu My l a stenat is-e locate a entire systern, make tic blood rlcii"Bu cnnot die a Failure if you the Constantinople "prophecles*' re- intoor new home, d lkinda of perman- and red, feed and strengthen starving wÃŽi a rasein France! jcenlty dîacussed, la connected wîth uren work, ishoveled * didd baud- os 1aenrenras hapttucl The brightest gerna ot Valor in the! the -ShWnng Stane- In the Masque of [zg and cernent work, and ralseti un n nO-and drive away that unnatural tirodi Are the. V.C. and the D.S.O., M.C., and lucent marbie. brongt from Perala, fnet Bay eseughinluFr-se fo LycliaEL sappearsfeelIng. Plenty et sunlight and whole- D.C.M. 1 whlch bas beau. fixed lantthe neat sIil. Piakbarn'u Vegetabie Cornpound ud Butthse holiv t Wer hemwiif these tacts are uaefal rou niay u .re heme faod will do the reet. BuRasbwolv Wva he iIetteglir' them for the benelt of other A pleas- 1Yu cao get Dr. Williams' PInk Pilla tell you they are dross It eitaraye cf dazzllng brillane>' women te-MMs M. 0. JOIIlSSTOIROUto -ney, and! tbro>ugb any dealer lInuedîcine, or by 'Beaide the Final Honor et a simple durlng limes o! national prosperit>' or lp,, BÃ"x 190. Riehuond Imd. est, are'mI i5 et bxo i oe o Wooden Cross. religleus triumpht, ef Islam, but be. rop muet 82.60 train The Dr. Wllliama Medicine -.WHo nun thenlb London cornes black and opaque, however p v CaBrockvIile, Ont.- Times. cloudlesa lhe skies, when disaster ~ u~ failli. sT. AIR PPLEPARÉDNESS. CH LR NA T MIl hanover Udtherto been seen, I I R I O ST. Befre-he-ar roteu n Aiaton HOLRA NFA TUM darkened, though the Sultan'. ai-mies n Head- or.h.a rgea aAito have tWquentlyý beau doteated and Made by Europeaa Nationa. Choera Infantum is,-one et the fatal the. power et islam seemed te suifer ondan a! I Rlght tram thé- beglnuing the acria ailments of chlldhood. It is a trouble eclipse. Tins thla prophie atone !r s ci tst : pcelve:th value otflthe that cames on sddenly, especially proves te blievtng Meelera that. artrs n arpaneas arsas. e. i've yeurs during the summer menthes ad unleshowever. fate DMa frown luthepi'es- between ago, wîen the nations were not dreum- prompt action in laken the hlle on. eut war, lhe real victory remalins with__ ýe fteIng et the proxlimit>' o< the World MaY B"On b. beyond aid. BabY'a (hm them. U~S soheWàr-wîth the exception ot Germany Tablete are au ideal me4ficine inwmard-1 il. -lie nations began equlpplug tisem- iugof h tube TeyrgW ~«~ ~If stGmach ItlurtS beyond description. At th. Germansevs itth rca fr iltrt frotvi~nI ws beeit aseu ia-purposes. In 1918 the. nations o! Europe and hAla were stoeklng up,a cessant business et heel-clicks and heli Untd tasboedu. swerd-clanka 1, No relaxation af anyFrne adoeb.glie 00a- klnd, rumrod stiffrWas everywhere and.Fnebdsmtnglk 180ar planes and two dosen dirlgîbles. It slwayu a sense -o! restriction, as g o dw V teui ya wream u l a Ie-rang n on thiehUe to Jalan,c thogh ,yo wre hutupln n ie-wit fityairplanes and hall doaen1 ebest 1dIigible. "A hor Une goI hd ti.pIos. Cross-country I*ylngnas tbaispopu-1 ure ot vsitng the British general lrudji eoelevrboeoI headquarters. 'G. H> #Q. Io absolutely lrsi utbfr h a rleot a Jolly piacp. No fiafl * noelde4, ne heel- soma cf the . liglts la 1913 lneluded * trips between Peirograd and Paris, clicks, and nover a sign of a retrlg. mn UbîbtenPrsadLn ertr*cIet b enayhr don, a doten Wlgbta ucroas the Sahara throughout the wiiole show. Sir Doug- «eL aeewucamigmaï by1 las Hulg wus a humais man. and ne airpianea. It n'as estimated that somae more. 20,0 asneswù widt -Genial, triendl>', nith a handahake 200000passujes wre crrid l t lat strikes a glow Imb you, blue eye The. advance from 1908 te 1913-haIt 17- full et goed humer and tua, as keen la see a joke as te, fi up a tadtIcal poit, lie decade ia whlcb the alrslane bas a ready and fluent longue, and a waymaelswnru daee-ogb wlth lm liat, afler Ilve minutes ln out soea t the followlug record-s: hie compuny, maheo yen feel liai yen Speed, 126 miles an heur.& have-kuein hlm as a real trîend for Endurane. fo1rteeune.a-top beurs. - ~~~. yeara.' He Je perfectiy f rauk and as- Altue2100ed -~ t~islngl molesi. - Longeat tours. Paria te Petrograd -9Natu;aIIy. ils 'beys.' as lie staff la and back, md Par% to Calte. ~ ' ~ famllarly knein, love hlm. and weuld Longentatftghts over water. acreas j v~~aits throngi Hades gladly enongi eierna uhatcSm a fer hilm. -They are ull sorts and sises. Loei as-ra <ip Snt <kPri anfd al ages; but <boy ane aIltarred 'riiese-e 6,00lin atoraÊ wili th. mre brusi et good nature. hr ee60 en"ait- goo4 fellewahlp'and bi-otherlinets. 1lns Europe, et wbicb Franc. bad 2.M0 -,viablleted with lieru one nighî. and and Eitsland 700. wi'th 7,000 atudenta Il nus lthe -most glaonos nlgbl's fu l nltryaItOIsb~l-To r hiave ever hadIn -uq pecuîianly iiec Paredeae ainel vaieS -- and varied existence' ye&rs te cone vili be resarded sqiîly an important tu turnlag bwack tise ~~~Rln lthe memotabl On-to.Pails" dasi of 1914 au5thle qulcis moblisation et peench art(Ilery ad i!aatrylm> fore Von K1uchàçw rigtil vlugr.- A FiBH TItAT CAN CLIME - Inabite Duteh Hast lmadis u Ca Trees as aw1b mis TbIny Feet. The'ieis on1Y MW kifa Of 0*mbin the woend liat mau <lib a tm& It la a 'goby," ma s aouad nil umt BMu- bers on tbe Islanid et Ceraam, la tua Asqtbe msu *beaçi or. t1ttIW Iamm, lose t. à*, vutèr', . Ve' buse ureu.wbhî Mr« a busv atart out etgÏwi tru.uk algaht rsf«4t T ouw Grooer aboyae e oouu d mgre, dquiawtm to meet us maashoy "sela th*e fus W ~Tbgob w-bestUssn wil bring a < *- ani lins prevent l lite dr«ed istemaçii complainte. Concernintss Mra. Fred Rose, South Bàyi O-,nt,, aya: "I tee! Baby's Own Tableta mav- ed the liteofoutrbaby wben sbc had1 choiera infantum and 1 voulil net b. vithout them2' The Tabietsanare mldi by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 1 cents a box from thse Dr. Williami Milelama Ce., aockvllle, ount -Keep domw eeds in the ga-den. a.ly cultavations, keep the sou loa.e, friable snd aest and consee moulure. 7-e 1M83a*9s Iani PUmes erVal a 0.we Kept Tyamps Away. "DoWt'lyen vent to bure a feller to~ keap ils, trampa away. Mma.Sub- bubs?" aaked th. amalboy. "liow can -z ttlfellow 1ke youi keep th, trampes-way"' danaanded Mma.Subbubs. '"Easy enougth," reptiei thse boy. "I Mun eat up Ail lhe Pie amcaon things wol'a le! I over." TORtONTO COLLE 0F MUS1C- Tbe Toronto Collage et Mulie n> l oeus Tuesda>' Septesber 4h. Tise eveelleut voit dote by Mbi ColWae unséer Ë#i. dIrection or tie dlattnguisis- ed matten allidU, Dr. Torrtostoe. jmaie It t Ipetaut tactor lu tie mamedadon of Cabada. à eoy efthle CMender betug malelaite au adrues seat i. la. s hfaltorusa*to 0f lbe C~llae Curse « luatructios and xmntea Sahtiamsi seaulîbave svi i"e qWualti 1wqisita fleur lUe t. u» in ala aoous ways. M og mfi ta t* othe th l've W eat mwk » M .a e Difnk Rot Watcr vIndorfutlnestmc uldst-Y or sournes. s.0 catarri. iartburn. etc-. would -tale a toe.ionfui o! pure ,hot water lsMM*dtatalv a 1r catinté' the wo ee4noof st th woet ever torsà woild have to Ilokelsehere for -tie. la .xpiauatîon ef thmee or.a WelI inevui 24e York piysi. CIan eated tb*t meu t ter t tm"~b trouble &re due te atomch silAt> and fermentationoret hq fo ecntents et lhe stonsaci eombnlid iltt an tI»disUtt [bloo4 sepi>'te the stoiiach. Hot va- uer liroaiouth* blood siysuPPYad htur- ated unaneea tIYneu<rall5o-1 Uic «eeai'.. sîomsch Aci4 *d tops food qrentsonIOl.tueo btDatiefi or Ute. .themratere1 f 115*V*1051yeuec eauful an=. ]y 4 prferable te the ùse et artîllelai45es=.n5stimulants or msedicinês fer ltdonati. Tise RePeetfl Toey. A veM7 tan. lias ieutenan»trpoe ln Fluders te s Canadien batWalols comzuanded by a bald, elderly colonel. sud sd permssn toi coonlaeenuy " yn»y urgo teern s to me » » a e btao s"d.lu Io de I14* u sUo anet lise uuolh i gêft= MsaaqO* "~at m tao U7 boUe ~B afi aoothendle, ,Jw ' Noilibebtterfe Dôctora Teil4 TAU"5..~ i Manhattan State l4RWital .of New York and formerly Amis- tant PhySidan BrookbyýSttÏW Elospitai, Baye : -Iran ln ebsolutelY nece-ssary taoen- able- your blood to chante food lnto lvinit tissue. Without it. no matter îow misch or what you eat- ;Four food Merely passes tbrough you wilhout do- In you &ny gaod. You don't get the etrencth out of il. and as a consoquenCe r ou become weak, pale and sickly look- n g.0j ust jike a plant trylng to grow ln salidefictent i n iran. A patient of nbino remarked ta me tutter havingt been on a six weeks' course of Nuxated Iron). *Say, Deotor. th" 4there @tn£ se 1k. If you are nat strongor oiX lyan an. t ta yourself ta inake the fallowing test: See how long you can work or how far yau can wai.k withotit becominog tired. Next taJke two fIve-grain tabletz of nuxated Iron three Urnes per day &f ter mnes.) for two weeks. Then test yaur strength again and sce bow much you have gained. Froin ml own ex- >crie,éce wlth Nuxated Iron . I f eel it ta Ih G..horaie. tuPl CNvufin4 ir@n> acte Ii.b Mairie. if orfainiy auto the lgr r ut np m such a valuable remedy that1 It abOu14 b. kept ln every hospital &nd prescrib;el by every physlt~in ib tis country.- Kixatsd lDoM.rieommieêabon iw ]Dr. .lame.tu for sala b> au Wood <druge giat on an absolute- uarats of wm0P oes an tisacUoaor yo=r meyrm FOR101RYE Li pure refined -Parowax. Itkýeepâ, the tumlers absolutely, air-tight-., Keepsa the, jelies fre froni mold and fermentation. gives the best reuits with *one Of the trQuble. 411 you have.toi,.do is pourmelted ParowvaL ,,-overý the tumbler t>san d the peserves wil keep indefinitely. Prowa is bout inuac agaJi4Bt fermentation f .any 8ort.- FOR TEE LkIMNRVý.-S î dlr*tioua u arcr labels for ita use la vauable service in washiug At gromey, depqmt sud g ea soe vibyhee. THIM PgRIAL OEýCOMPANY 1

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