Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Aug 1917, p. 3

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4. j J--, Pushed luito WesÏtern Part o CoolCitY-TOta Prisomers Cap- tured ýAlmost 900. Ten Counter-Attacbs Repuuse. A despatch from the British Front- Ten timnes the enemy came on, but ln France and Belgium says. After aj theY seldoma got close enough for brilliant advance in which the Cana-, fightmng with the bayonet or bonib. dians eaptured H411i 70 ,and tenIHÃ"ur -after hour these attacking swep on ort-whseoftroops-mncluding the Fourth Pruasian swep onnorh-wst f Lns, the at- Guards, one of the eUt. divisions of tackerfi are in close gripswmith the tthe German army-were uubjoeted to Gerinans in the western part of Lens. a -fightfui concentrated ire from A despatch froni Canadian ,Head- our artillery and machine guns. Thefri quartters irn France says: The takingj lossees were frigbtfuL of Hili 70 stirred the German bigher A despatch froin London says: The conmand âs nothing else has done on British made further progress east of this f ront this year. Prince Rupprevht Loo2, ini the Lens area Friday morn- has made frRntic efforts t.o recapture iing, Sir Douglas Haig announces in the iost positions and a grim battiebis offilcial report, and the total of was waged throughout the day, par-Iprisoners captured there has now TO LOOK MMI~ RRITKJIl FPaan i I z THE PIRATES W@RK ON NEUTRAL .SHI'PS. Piograph shows avesse!which hboom cutoe .doeG by Gern»a ubmaiine# bean; Lwed into 'part% Dgr OD)SCO1WD NOTES 0F INTEREST FROM RER BANKS AND BRIAES. t What le coing On ln the. Highlands RUSSIANS RETIRE- TO e NEW LUNE Rumanuans Forced t W-ithdraw Aloin Face of Superior Nuambers ANCLOFREcH1 W l INFANDERS Langemarck Caplured and More Than 1,800 Primoers-The tein,' Meed tibboe oieal,' per und- sor, aýtil-' iber.- the 'in ur a, -opa vsu. tae age i-e-: i ofl.ý for, As lia- îm-t t~rn~ Ws~ Creen lsi WEWSS-»Ait nIom * la& Rappen h;, 'arib.he merali lait or Interest .-te' Irih- lTe Lord Lieutenant cf Irelaad bas appoited Thomas Bodiate bo a Govenor -and GuardIan cf (ho National Gallery' cf Ireland. The Westmeath Rural Couneil bas Informed (he Departrnent of Agricul- ture tbat (ho>' have all (ho laber and mahinery eceesary to take off te harvest. The HIgh SherlIf presided at a meet- In.g held la Bailina Tow-n Yhala-bsn 600 Certificatea of f lonor a-sre pro- sented te relatives cf men a-be are on veUlvc service., Mr. Poster, oet(he War Office, bas promIsed Mr. Field, M.P., (bat the Geverament a-ould soon begln tbe Mrketsof Mathe- WoiéàI NO. . 1 Nort $, 2.40: No. 2 Northerà. $340 No.3 Nortbern, $2.38; No.- 4 WhÙl te, 83.32, Dominai, store Fort WU-' Manltoba oats--No. 2 C. W., 76c. tracc Baianrs corn-No. 3 yellew. nominal. tracc Toronte Ontario oats--No officiai quotaton. Ontario wheat-No. 2 Winter. per car lot 81.65 te $2.60; No. 3. 82.63 to $2.68. accord!1 to frel bhts outaide; ecrp No.2.3,.30, nominal. Peasi-Nlo. 2. nominal. according to freights outaide. Bariey-Maltin. nominal. according to freigbts outaide. Rye-No. 2. ý nominal. according to trelirhts outaide. Manitoba flour-First patents, ln jute baga. $12-90; second patents. ln Jute baga. $12.40; etrong bakera'. ln jute bags. $1.2.00. O)ntarlo flour-Wlnter, according to sample. $11.20, ln baga. track TQrento,_ prompt shlpment. ?dllfeed--Car, lots, delivered Montreal f feights. bagra Included-Bran. per ton. SU.; shorts. peor ton. $46; middlings. per ton. Ç47 to $48; good feed flour Per ffay-Extra No. 2. per ton. $11.50 to 112.00: raixed. Per ton. $9 to $10. track Toronto. Straw--Car lots. per ton. $7 to $7.50, track Toronto. IJut ter--Creamery. solide. per lb., 37 o 376c. pims. per lb.. 37& te 38e; ialry. per lb., 80 teo31C. Eggs-Per doz., 38 (o 39c. Whoiesa.lers are aseiling to (ho rotail Li-ade at the following pictes : Clîeese-New, large. 22b te 23e; ta-ins. 2 te 23ic. triplets. 23 to 23ic-. cld. large. 30c; (s-tus, 304c; triplets, 501c. l3utter-Freab dairy, eboica. 36 to 37c. crearnery prints. 40 te 41c-. solids. 38à te 390. Eugo-Nea--lald. ln cartons. 49 te 60c: out ef cartons. 44 te 45c. Dressed poutry-S-pring ehickens, 25 te 30c; <os-I 20c- equaba. per doz.. 84.00 te $4.60, turk 4si 25 to 30c; dueka. Sprin«. 20c. Live poultry---Sprtng chickens. lb. 20 te !2c;; bns, 16 te 18e; dueka, Sprtng. 17le. Hon.y-Cob---Ex ira fine and heavy wel ht per dos..82.76: select. 32.50 to $2.1;'N. 2, 82 to $J236 Beans-Prime a-hite, $8.50 per bush.; lrnported. hand- pickad 49 35 per bush.; Limas. per lb. 16(oeVDe. ' Potatoos. on track-Red Star.- bbl.. $5.60: North Carolina bbi .5.0; seconds. bbi.. 33.60teo$à37.75;Ontario. ba«. 82.10 te $2.61L PoVlmione-Wbolo.ale Smoked insat-Hama. medium. 30 to 3 1c;* do., heavy. 26 to 27c. eooked.4 1- tu 43c; i-cils, 27 ta 28c; breakfast ýbcon. 33 te Sec; bocks. plain. 86 to 37c, bone- legs. 39 to 400. Cured meatè-Long cloar bacon. 36 (o 26lieper lb; .clear bellies. 26 to 26e. Lrd-Pure lard, tierces. 261 te 26c; tubs, 25t te Zitc; p als. 2.6 to 26 le; coin- eunnd. tierces. 201c; tubs. 202c; pola, MonLtra! Markets Montres]. Aug. 21l-Oat&---anadian Western. No. 2. 80c; do.. Ne. 3. 78c; extra No. 1 f eed. 78e. Barley-Manttoba Weed. 136. Flour-Manitoba Spring wb.a'atente. nfi-ts. $1 $; do.. seconds. $12.60; atrcng baker'. 112.30; Wlnter p alenti, eholce, $13: stratiht i-llers, 812.40 te $1165, do., ln bags. 86.0.0 to 86.15. Rclled cats-Ba-relv. 89 tu 88.36; bag o! 90 Ibn, $4,40 to $4.60. Milad- Bran, $36 tc $57: abortif. 840 toe 843; mlddlings. 848 ( te M.mouillie. $60 tu 161..,lRay-No. 2. par ton, car lots.' 9.60 to $10. Cheee-Finentiv-esters. 311; do.. essterna. Site. Butter-cicest creamery. 411 1fe; seoon*s. 40 to 40tc. Etc&-Presih. 60c, eelected. 41û; No. 1 stock. 43c. Ne. 3. do. 55.to: 40e. ouesed hogn-Abattoir-ldlle<L $54 ta 834.50. Pork-He&vy Caniada s'hort mens, barraIs. sa te4,6 5pleces, $M1te 61, Canada short eut batik, berrels, 45 l 5 pleces $48te 91b r4-.Ccm- pu& wccà pal!., s . net. lié tc Cuj; do., pure, wooccDpale. $0 [bs. net. 1,49 i te25c Whsat-qo. iNOW fc*., e. 81.40; o. S ru ,0 i.W.8 No4; e . 4.38; No.4<'-~ o. , 1.4:No 1. - '85.24i No.- ~tat isti Na*Ss' t 1" Maiis,Âu," *1* '.p. IK~) %F 1%F &P~EX 310u £aV'Vu an Lolads f I dA despatcb from London ays: 'The a ades a"I &U) J vU. uituiesuta orI4 & gUlr jlY Seeia IRussian War Office announces a stra- A . epatch froni London says: erument stores STÙCKLS ~~~~~~~tegic. withdrawàl by the Rumanians to Again the great Anglo-French war Teporeo f rvligpc CA iw MT f 'R M M Corparal Tom8 GorLng. of Smeaton. th Soveia-Monastirik-Voloshkani lins. . machine bas struck the Germna n ture show was ie 6 a b ai bas been awarded the French Croix de n Petty Sesls or vdnnpyetc Guerre. ithdfrew ondathesuMr aFlanders, and again lithbas been suc- t.he amusementai front.ce fl.thevilagwcfLagenlrk Te prreossurehe leer an Inauguration of Association in No Fear That England WW Be The sum of £168 was reailed at ,Muncheliaahe vilaage ofnd Ruman-,. bae decdtocoerteagcyt London to Promote This Starved Out by U-&.t a gardon fete given at Springfieldd-in ians to Movilitna, in thb Fokahani sLand other important positions výr etnait Country's Welfare. Canupngn. aid ef Edentleld Red Cross Hospital. are&. captured. tetnaItn out rigit A "Rose Day' held at Coupar re- RsinadRmainfreu.hc oetn ,0 rsnr , inlaprann A dcspatch from London says: Ar- A despatch froni London says: cenitly realized nearly £100 for the . 1an permnfres bch Mr ta ,80pisnr, nl a nenbo t a3,«ea~ a sl rannmgnem hvets enhavotecbn- remer LoydGeoge, peainginsb eftlod thee weasotsennsoibaasheoft twesernbangcf8he ng 8 oficesi lresy hveheave! wrkset at, eidin Dblofi ai tpleted for the inauguration cf the the House cf Commons saici that (bis diers. RvrSrt nti ualnfot counted by the Anglo-Frerich fortes.of the Irish WaV optlSpl o CanaianAssoiatonAhreocieax-iimenaatyea theThet inthi cer- fMr.Mensesicholmatertihe rivrerrivnbacosatiP.rivr bytrops ome ermn gus aso wre aken f ot nd l. lospoat !aStdJtnhe ecut~c o (honewonraizaton il astounthwe (648i00n atea c bor. Ms ens cooer tetan - lo ><i cfField Marsh.1 von Mackensen, a- Telts00o nti pe ae euaei bcte ofsd the Hiogaitomsion-. adcht-owiTih8e0,00qurtatehnloatcmpnye Vluter. orinno hetatmet nThYparessn fot f in ilsad nl Arprauîalo t b.Dpatmn er, Sir George Perley, the Agent.5-iT lc fot n areh e ayCalot , oga oeoi the. German general staff. More1 on the extreme rigbt wbere the allied of Agriculturebatanpossinc General of the severai provinces, and'clared, also was higher. ef Bonkyl Lýodge. Duns, bas lett an un-ttn350pioeswr ae and forces unable ta make progreas. The, 1.000 acres cfinon ocmo bankers, with a few other Dominion'Teehdbe esdeal ete sae auda 2.6. -j16 guns captured. Germans. resisted stubbornly, suifer- County under (oCmusr il; leaer. homai ojet f he ewin i bradcesuptenth Pemer The late John A. Harvey Brown. a lng heavy losses, but on thé greater , Regula.tions. leaders. The main nbjet of the ilpartncfitib.adfrontutheyowreheorceierte paie ofioteSfcrtetary cfrerelanddbas association will ho to watch and 00-,said-aýnd owing te the cdoser mlling iweii.known niuraflsî, cf Stirling. bas U I.Lau~bv aubepstosi h ass ie i prvl( .eohm o moto Canadian commercial and finan- and food economy there had been an' bequeatied £ 200 to thbe Denny Hospi- II siNG B US en cflaèpsiinsi the allies, tenbisaD ciai legisiaùion and the social intofl¶ts addition te the wheat stock o! 70,000 sitai.healie.(he buildi ngcf8coagsl h which have the welfare of the Eff- quarters per week. (A quarter is Dr. George Gardner. for tweive SO~ N (~l' Q Befere the flghting between Lens Bcyne street ar1 o uln pire at henrt. 'equivaient ta 480 pounds.) lyears a practîsîing pb>sîcian In Fai. Imrrto3om II. O8 and Loos had died eut the French and fThe AtbloneRrlonclbv A careful lookout wiil aiso be kept Mr. Lloyd George said the. aci-.agct kirk. bas diod at a nursing home In _1_ British moved forward north cf (he taken over tb.i lyodbost uo for whoever may at any time Feek to -under cultivation showed an increase (;1"9'0w. Ypres-Menin rond. Througheut Thurs- vide fuel at a inlcaetele exploit Canada nt the exponse of th. of one million acres. I h hrt PrIvate H. Norman McKenzie, Ses-; Food Controller Makes Impor-. day bitter tlghting tontinud. On the laborers a.ndaalfrea good rcputtion of the Dominion. weiflher was good the condition et foi-lb Ht;blande,s a native of Peebles, tant Auinouncement. lft Lb. French eccupicd the.ground iThe failingcf(nL.oîretad Apni-i from war organizations, the food supplier, was very satisfactory. bas been awarded tbe Millitnry Medal.- A despatch fi-cm Washington says- ewe.h srcnlan ate1 utn iÂtliahsya edet cniy body whic-h in any wny approxi- The Premier added, that there had Miss Helen Wilson. ef South Ban- The Food minsrto made (ho vaart and thon dreve the eermanii,(h. farmers reungo llterpo mates to (ho new. one is the Canada been an increase in the sugar reserv.tke. . akk l nnitee men nprtant ruling on Thursday thst fon(.imotn rdgha fdu.u oeamn rcs Clu.b which foi-meriy met fer social -The Gvrmn a oet h!toe& nSrDuh ag- eetpose ntepouto fdsi-Degrctn orvla urpomes, but whosc gatheringa have ç Gusov-emin a ernoy eoe thestioe. in Su spiritss Hfors rcent i (h. ruto cf r.i agrcena.illgeinPour vm aniluabwerct .L. rprye Ceen suspended dui-ing the continua- said, "(hat with ressonable et-onorny Major Lord Douglas Graham. wbo ld;pri. eou&eae.uroYprin Lnema s a village ath n g- I slnilofer, lyok de s co~~iciusiej~top Premier LloydonGeorgeghdeofaSot-,road and railway frein Ypres te been pftb&m orsoo-ipi; tion cf the war. (ber. la ne chance of .qtarNing Eng- bas been awarded te D 8'.0., la the rd stopt ocloc . ony effori~t taesYrsslinbtnahgh utc rntg itr hc a seonse o h.fithDueof Mtont- , . Thourout. ht was a peacef4l village eolisriefr(oomm land out. !eod o f h ithDkecurdy etembw ermit Anyeuofforî taemoia FARMERS PROSPEROUÉ "mhe Admiralty plans for dealingroe K. T. h const ye dohrue ateriause i situated in the dulI, monctonous plains: bers ef Tr(nitylle uln h INTH _NRH OUT Y wthsuc îes haeul." 'rpsig.the officiai guides at Stiring Ce.stewhich had been hoarded, after (bat'firat braIre over it lu the. falcf 1914. i held ta thi le. C hae ee wbo did r.cetly, ws bure l. te, ft was made plain, wouid be met drn h ia atee.Yrs nAsrie nmioyc h .r A de,..pat:ch fromi ('obait says . Thîe --e-__ - -- eetl.ws uid --- hfrmaton uinth isbaleoYr.On Aevl1 buish flnt-s whlch for the past number MUNITIONS BOARD mililtary honor f ato. that fateful Aprul evening ef two officers and, se h e drn h years ugo Langemarck was dlrectly thrd yeaîo h ar, oafhldl of ypars have bi-oni more or bss of a BARS ELIGIBLES RIS n nu11 MAJE$TY'S TENANTS. cait cf the left wing cf (he Canadian DerrY Catbedra narcn udy meonace la tlhe developinent of the e I .15.II 11. ine, and lanlt were bulk.d several bat- The. DungannnRrlDsrclon Northî counti-y have been conspicueus A despatcb froni Ottawa says. The UMuwEaN vU Y Qqeer Renta Whieh -the. Holders Of tallons i reserve. cil bave adopte iretlbrehm by their absence during the pi-sent Imperlal Munitions Board on Thurs. t rSuHOWS ee rtshwawa«P toKn. ote mze aadesInti wiooile ane fire of aîîy Importance bas been noce of (base eligible for miltary ser. InIM AV8LdIM l une îh, th date cf Waterîeo.! Iil 22illage, ae p l the voia t £0 a uraetepyo ao repoi-îcd, duo no doubt te the largo vice tould be retained on the staff- the Duke of Wellington paid KhIntmaion2of1915, cam rby he frIt f Inount of rate~ whicbî bas kept the after conscription bas been put inte Almost One. Hundred Min llo[George the rent for StratUelldsaYe,îiimtocfheemyueegsla R VETRRATHS bush green and the underbi-ush more effect. It aise gave notice tht tiiose teett o-h rnDk warffre The. tjdinge were -borne te fî abundant iban Ir usual ln pruictical- 'enlistlng prier te tb, cperaUJon o et DOUIU'SGeater Thau h sati tdThe renCukem - fle.Ig Turmo, panlcatriclen The. beat wy e.thehrvu ly everiyi n stance w he re farin ors were 'obllgatory service rneesrf wouid re- - J.ut,-Yeair. '- ly etre'lot, îsrn - b yaferno aus, hirfce o* t atrn"Cndal >'ti Cnd burned out lut Summer In the big 'Celve'hait etof n@e monsh's saar>' as aJAdsael r taa meaya amimiat -~<aeoulc standard, tort.d bî the -offsets.f et ii au, Noetern a awy Spcu-tho lire. iebuildlng has taken place and bonus, The announcentent, WhIch ACdesa, to taa' s bbW 'itfrayr utescarcel>' ahle. t& gsp eut the. talecof tratua wMfl be prtdfru oo their crops are botter (han over. Ila awaU flot Unexpeeted, affecte a larg adexotadeciclB usive ef ndmof tarIk, Rmest Wfor yo the tanvmrdrb b ln.Tet lnPeg t900a.oAu good many cases tbe cIe»ýrtng cf the number., for s-hile Lb. number o« u xoraebon u alonsdOhutof Welliagtonx. woewrdko»hwteC&aî» isdli land waa made easy by the tire, wlth .eligîbles now lIn(the empboy et th* fmf g*f Tii owaeret-tiib1pou1s estaos, Anmet tii. new devici, aid tii.fatal 2Srd andi81h isgro 1*w the resuit that a large acreage ia un.- *board lisaamali, as cempared wlth a w1 S»&aS dfg-t-a Teonrô-mPui saé,I rahi h n etelt ftol».P der .crop (lise would otberwise have ,year ago, the ieagthy payreîl di - stxternt by Ueon. J. D. Raid, Minster Beotiand, ps -rent toe i.Rng for bali lofte'. linate tii, lt e un ê.3 p.,i ugii 8h.Tiô S ftijlm, Umeluoa oeland*d ti '~byý 1 unai g bitea .&t- e aid o! tii aat, YogdstuglJet e, ongtto-Nnra niJ been the case eludea the narnea o! mny a-ho s-lU fCsos yanotoebnrdfi O m v f sDn"" n h f a - ~corne. hader tho seopeofeth(le compui- million dollars l in , uio sowor ya. sBo Nvs, '> astsa. Yr'cCaasm-te Glg ats AsUs St.ai CHINA18 SIZI N - 5r>'service bil. par"d with l>, 1U.aadb>' w1,' I th 4lht ln<>ntajn la Buta, 'SId i. a frmrttnA a"«$,<rn mndh Nru ALL GRMANASSET #29,000,00 ii 111 tou ~ ~g4 bad>', 114 s Sao hasos l ~ I <>w ailgeiit'e1t lai ban, e ken.n,."enp, ar4 g Sot##( AL GRANASES$M0%MInte m Uu efl nes tiwthélW"year rond aad- 1 Tho unfsh andi blondfouglt achbin. and w a orbeSuuy mdM e AUSTRIANS RAID July 3sut, laeomperlsoa wlth ti ii.wy .l It iuts,aualEkbIC.,erYtO.da>' BrtaIn ju aq04=«.t, out-_ n. at .t eCafasLfe Chinose (loveramenl, a Reuter des. c iâIse aatered for ronupin o t.,.é bn,* enn O oun te tBtwati.On.klcuis,.lcld ofanhs patcb fricmPekin says. lis arrantng A 4.detcb frouî Rom. aya»: Four lI',1V, a 9etisssd a n ti.oterIMtu I. ,b" te nan f . aatdeoomledpratonet ailwy.ftgs for tb. prompt liquidaibôn ofte Ger- Pet»"flmwerekuil ad ti27 woundd îuly, 1910' wu "#M$"7' >ou'nÇ tra t i.ý' sra tr (e wt "~dN t .ai ~Ri mnac Aulatic bank - Five oMelcais of when Auataanaeroplames raaded en hmdfo ostiito l h ou1bsestataeva> 'st>Otau a , ~~~ i tho Forebgn Office bave been appoint. 1Veniee TuWaay. A hospital vu !Ii. ~ ~ - o.thl tbèveI e » ied upt0 IY wî.5155.WSSguaw.-seti t@ Ie_ -t mute o$800M a t , Iin ao* talwart Mon Wj8o re oto , "-A"Wmi 51, rmalC ad te take ever the acceunt ad cashstruvk by -bomba frein ea macina&M irnnc t gPlI5t 0. Ttin le th» tr.da,1.yav a.au hraaqleakQu6 u bore and tn the Shanghai. -Canton,: ad w t fthe. patiente killeti and 21 $249,867M87 ln the like. ;ira t191& .toUj>'a&&t the quqiaa leok#for-b« tw.>' w.ntda» . t»i. -"", 18%.o tBp'on sd Tien Tin and Hankow branches. Iitured. eports et doasestie goodi reaeii.d iWb= ..a- b« Vaiwt lut* t -be ofthe» Chines. troopa bave selied Ausîrlan., Reverot ei.ralding planes au Ifl864A748 he lu>' laii& ulrd0 h bao tAu",t be a it clî t ad0,-" *iw 1 fis qiiça lx= .,e concesiens la Tiéna Taia. according reported ta have been brougiit dowo. totin ou iiib»e pr oni T e ord t b. 1(110 .tAdical#,telmita b ettt.e a <tes woaat gu to un Exchange Telegrapb despatcb, rtaiiaft seroplanesanad destrofarsTliy were $104,966,27lu July, 1916,1 o t a e e ta <iothe King Mg* e Ibnee gi t eseOua4,Jave1r« t aro and Gerniau and Austrian ahipping te fougist off the raaiders. am ' .M.Sala th nt ourbookedowa bia reuit roil ha niait hlisav~ enti. 1uovÃŽIuaî,su We moitim of the l"ià"aiy. n**. Ottawa .t.aseeal> ' ue. ____ being tselid ai Canton, Amoy. Swa.*.eautfrcg m li e ku !bl uhotw. ' in aeu a tes-. snghai and Nanktng. lThe Tes- E-ZRT i ETbv bv eieitb d o fod*br aes The I st URNtSL la aûtU% iiVuaa sels Includo aeveraI amualli shipa. .rj 6iw l.teA. TMM' Yolurk>'<.iy bo37 sd GERA N(~AUALIES.4dtespatrh fa-eusPetrocrisermaa: I» ieforMenth id$l16, A2O ehe ren le ieWati b -c -.m -- dsir i ~~RE 69.552 VOR JULY The seM~iIcjal ,,, o lOtO, th j lb.14e çif Inithete*&metteol"'" "" WF-- -.92FO UL.annouflese to-night that formner Em ut usî. andea-tal tas epromUe i.ing sw",i> lata imen itiintbof 0<the 'rÀ= mon at a nt. ats WutoIl jepthfonLno a peror Nîcholaî and bis famlly vur -'~>,ifîobe ICI I~te 'i' r .JTrUdoîsbu tlUPule i.aaat o uil ien casuabties repRort.d during JUIY_ Solo ad tuaI lit Was repas-tsed tuey IwR , 5tîS9.P0ttu ie Rdf,1* rt xord. , lat. Aak4f. wasw oe Ia the ;errnan officiailhita, but net, acubigtasetd t bosi, ERMANS OMUIT PAYf eoge *» ld t»064 ro. ti, Oflu oe aâmw&ontis0 teount CMi. necessarily occcuring in July, .aggre- wIN OOLO FOR F000 thTooî*4 Gougil oI W Gor i.vuu ueasa vou '#isb>' Iotiuatoa. Pro < n d ni R alY o gntè ,Il89,803, as febltivs; 1Siberia. IN_____FOR__ 'gladiouten i, ugetobt ik b. du *«W ot ieu Wb. dt b ie aplateaet i. >fot1' .,,Ktrel ê, Killed or died cf wounds or I Cr TW1RL -Adespaoeu stmSLon*pme-:Ate- f1m.It to, h. foiaer 0Iott ave"~altox rere i'a loree alekneatt. ............. 2 ,'389, O1 ifN o fuuinvppr.area t eapte , 1-n rt> si e I#veî ~ ~ 9 Prisner r musing----------i MO Con. ugpDss11aa or Oqrasevé 11 tatre In' tk slavieas o l*-ile « o t n 8evrey wîîîde -- --- --389 A dup tti t-o Bune Ay-e hae eau liU u b' ti. batt,.0<fu.l aslas oii6 >'tii a ltia , ~ v aoe nitita tugors Wouud,..d an slïghtly wcndas;39,'J&8t R 1A R I our the' ted i aut fer und rote te'- ver the, in cuit: ?Tbck 1 1

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