Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 23 Aug 1917, p. 2

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-MthslAd daughtie sif i s o*c rordtalty lnvIted to Wrli to IbIS d*àctdment. Initial$ only wil be pubilh.d- with "ouh question land 1 Snhswer sineans 0f Identifloatlont bUt fulitname a d dr*S8 folWt Bliven ln *ach setter.. Write -on *e aide of pae only. Aiit*fw !tt lib* 1iaiIer direct If stampd and eddressed enveioé Is*nçIoud, 'Addres ail orrespendance for thls departmont toMmLi-eaHlen lw. 2tu W..çabin. ^V34 _ TorontpO. KÇnitter :-Bright coibred cretonne la honey,, jams, thick preserves, dried perjiapa the mnoat popular materia1 for friM sweet cilicesnd desserts.- ë_B knitting.bag, though goods of alu 5. Fooda depended upon for fat, sueh sorts froin khaki to :siik ean be used. as butter.' creani, %laled 'oil -and -other Cut a seven.inch circle* of cardboard tal fats, lard, suet and othercoOlDg for -tii bottom and cuver on both aides fats and cils, sait pork and bacon. with Plain sateen. Cut cretonne a In order that the meals mlaY supplY yard and a quarter by 16 inches, seam Ill thie needed nutritive elemieflts, oneO Up and icin to the 'ircle. Cover four muet niake sure that ail groupa are or five-inch embroidery heop with rib- well represented; net necessarÎiY at bon and te this âttach a baud c.ue and every meal, but when the familY diet one-halt ijches wide by eîght long, 1 ccnsidered day by day and week in *ewing the. lower end cf the band and week out Quantities should acrosa the. seam cf the bag near thelvary, particularly cf the. energy-yield- bottom. This bag is'\roomy and can ing feecis, for persona enpAged in dif- b. easily closed by gathering up the ferent pursuits necessitating different ainounta o.f exercise. The heavier the. top anid slipping throuth the ring, and, wcrk the more food la needed. In conveniently carried by slipping the pann el nacracwt h band Mvr the arm. It may be Iined planning ealsus a cone with th with plain sateen lil-e the bcttom. ethdhesuggae sre hoste only Khaki colored -iner makies a service-fediesad aesueha i.d- able bag. ferent groupe are represented in the B.ý.:-t j vey dffiultto enivedaily fare. B.J¶ :-t i ver dificit t reove Foods in groupa 1 aud 8 are less ex- paint, but you might try turpentine pensive, as a rulç, than those in group or benzine. 2, and for this1 and other rossons S B.B.-:-The only safe and perman- ahould be used.freely as the bâas of ent cure for superfluous hair la troat- the diet, with -sufficient amounts ef ment by eloctrolysis. This can be fooda frein gro upa 2, 4 and 5 te round £ivoy oniy by an expert. eut the. meals. Rememnber that the. ffouse'wife :-As ycu will notice in materiala used li eooking or served the splendid course in Demestie with fooda <fleur, egg, milk, fat, Science now appearing in the Housw augar, etc.), add 'heir food value to hold Departnient, there are five types the diet. Remember, aise, that It is or grovips of food&: flot bocossary te supply ail the type 1. Fooda depeuded upon for miný,al ef food at every meal, prcviding en- matteý, vegetable acide and body. ou9h Of each is supplied in the course regulating substances, such as fruits eOftii,.dny.- Fer example, fi the and succulent vegetables. foode whicli are deperided upon for 2. Fooda depend1ed tipon ifer proteinultrogen (moeat, oggs, milk, etc.) are siucb as milk, eggs, meat and dried found in abundance Bt breakfast and legumea. dinner, it is net necessary te luclude I hem ah aupper or lunch, or if a per- F.eedad depended uj>on fer starch, son prefers a llght breakfast h. may such.as cereal breakfast foods, fleurs, leave eut the nihrogen-rich food and meala and fooda rmade from them. penbaps aieeoe the other fooda in 4. Feode depended rtpon for s-ugar, the. moribng and make up for it at thei sucii as augar, molasses, syrups, noon and evening meals. SONSHIPINGOqD AUl DowR the Centuriçs'Individuals Have Proven Their Sonshlp; When Nations Aiso Realize it, The Peace _We Long For WiII Be Ours. «Now are we the sens ef Qed, and up of the trueat manhood. A.nd yet ln It doth net, yet appear what we shall such reasoning are *e nt In danger be."-i. John, litil1. et talllng btinto .,wlth that superfi- Gathered up lu thele few wcrds et cial gbservatiou which finda the hope> One of tth. wor1d's truly great philoso- oftheii, iviilzed world restlng upon et- phèes and seera and teachera lies one llciency, upon natural iieredity upon ot the. deeDeat lestons ef human ex. kingu and empires and war lods ? In perienco. Firat we have here a pesi- the face eft-tiie uncertaînty and dis- tire atateMent as te our sonship In trois and terrer eoftthe prement world Qed, impiyng present glory and honor.j cris ai.s It not pertinent te question And thon there le a halting, hesitatlng whetlier the ions Prt mon generaliy e»pfession, apparently indicating St. have given heneat vital evaluations te John'n doubt, or un-wllilngnes fer the. their onshlo In Qed?1 mennient, te prophesy what our tutuffl True, ait dôwn. the centuries lmdivi. airai! be. That, by implica.tlen, de- du4ts have warched forth troi tihe pends upoD. ourseivos, ujpen oui- rating ranitaof etno and'proven their sou. et the privileges and apportunittes amlp; proven hliat ne external cein. and tests et trué snshlp. 'rhen.theo!pulsion could conflue thei; proves lesson hav.ing been taught by Impica. thuat they could beÇ~OIemasters (not tien, tiie cleud et doubt seema to rol Weltims) etftthe terces et nature; away, and thie apoutle concludes dlfli.proven that tliey coutil rsa abovoe ultely and tniumDlhantiy, "But we every infirmity sud tondency and luat know that when Ti. (Christ, or the etftthe animal self; proven "ht tii.? Chriat-SpIrit) shahl appear, we shaU ceuld rise abovfç unfri.udly environ- b li.Hm"ment and en! -heredlty and stop forth iWhon L.astlng Ponce Wili Corne among their tellows ln raimeut whlter -. etween thelineo the pycireogi- th= an7 beacher On math eould tnlliapgle tormed b t nsdet aeI othowq$Vexr, -uutiI Men, itenesasand deubtuineas and trium.i gathered late communltiea, slalom and phuat prephocy tirere lies the, lesson nations, reass.ho sonsblp of Qed, 1 weuld draw togay: There are an Iaathrg poace beo reaehd; it ca» reaonabie- and wholeaome Joys Ia son.-oe .ipad yttse ra * hlp te hlie ttiaed oaly by recognition Ijnpreoedeated aagreaatous on et the, htgh and tmpeliing dutios at. humait righta, the. mohalrous cruoltjea 'taohÙlp4to tiraI soashlp. Initire iuman cf a pitileosa mMitatain tiat wouid -en- COppéiteOf.Ot épionUuqtJrat ust JOY#ousont o 1., ntasses.- 0t kinte or e1 laoage wh iras, Wroug, sU Iii. hars flor o14overlourija etmmut - sges, ý*yvn the sPtr te the buUuilin n .CuanLea 8lunh. il ~ ¶Ç0I»BftJin,,87. 21; 88.9. eset an-hetort a ta u Ga--? Judâb.- matnmlaslori cou- »9. . 1'. ?Siuaps va a;"i le tbo tint am sot van eaýu , ie>La r tiseo îito lv. isil th 4ïR., .Arababi-Tb4i -J*;7 I*ho-gduveuy1 wi mh 2eas bnc ~ t~iridaaa A rima bocs. Soatiesthiask ti impatienitof, bok inowledgé., - But --the bock fareh asha atared b a fouanegg ti4ie " -privilege te avl hiself-cfthere J Topreei4 Hae dn nls; eepren tehuial ttaluments 'Of hie n" d cesir, savoafid-fýeedhrg 0eggtrade. s & Chanige et .peu vin sme -_____ DietFer ot Dys. imes stop the. habit' Many heat- prontrations.wouid jmore Mark the puliets titis tsM seo - hat MOTrHER, I'VE ENL.IBTED. Preperly be termed "food prostra- yeu viifi know justlýtr old yonr lions tions." are, &~ leg b*nd on thre rjgirt leg_ Mother, rve enlisted! MeAt, la"heatig" Proteixi fooda ln!.oee year'and e to Ift-- gti.next lnai gang away lo*Frace- general-meat, fiali, fown, eggs, ètc- 'nul assist in cullig.-lfe flock. îudI .aso tYer have vint is called a 'specific dy- If ýyaur chidka are not d&>lug ÂxrAd dierogard thre chance namie action"; that is, they stimulate something àa wrong'. Look out -for Te prove 1, tee, am wertiry ire. production of ireat, aside frtom lice, sud forwom-trir intestines. To stand there iu the -ranlisI? their regular-fluel vàliu, , In geerU, Two.year-oldý hensjiad boer be Methner, Unve enlisted- therefore, tire quantity of meat estçn sent te 'thre zarket.2v' TireY eldom Together les give tiranka. C should lie sonièwhat lesin summer pay for their feed if kept over a third -ohr e rs ohr than in vinter. A moderato amount season. -oinReCrsMth, of lean '.meat is permissiblo, or it Supplement the regular feeds et thre l'a goiag away te flght! equivaient in eggs, cheose, miliior, h&s With a wet nmash-fed crumnbly. Y an111 tira tl, rossh er fe ether ment substitute. jFeed ail the. chicks wil dean up b... You sy8 ! ho ilrlh The need cf reductioji in suéerfr gigte roost, -but Pne should Just keep the workps busy time aise applies te tthe total quan- be left in tire trougir, for 1h will sour. To sond supplies te France- tityet eod ntae. Terele nt ~ Chickeiia viii do better if net cour- Motirer, soldier-mother great a heat io'ns frou the. body iu pelled te pick their living vitir the d (Iee'rbouscaeI ,hot weather sud, tirerefore, Jeus fuel fevi. Tire, W iais b e b. ba trouble1 Mother, write me oftt&, la reqirired. Enougi feod should b. frein lice. * 1l'I!lhue "Sornewhere In France." haken, however, te brnaiutaiu normal A grewing chick wiilnot thrive on' h uiyo uha o weight, endurance and a generai teed- shon rations. If the riùt kiud <of HT he puri tsuh ats chanc lag cf vell being. food ir, fe, lier. in ittle danger etý To send the. finest army Pastries, cakes, sauces and gravies eredgsecayifienpey The world has ever knewn- are good things te cut out, when tireIcf range. Mother, Gen'ral Mother, hot days.come. Ilet breadâ, particu- 1%Ti Quality Always uns. That army lo your owfl I ~larly witir syrups, are esp.cially hiable Tharr snedthohtm t te ca ri trouble. arenot only slowv a aiaetofai! mon. - ite must Fýresit or Rotted Manure. cf digestion liemmilves but retard theï put evcrything o thi. test. There are Prsp euofhemsreak digestion ef otirer tonds taken after few fixed vle ntefr.Sm ehp n ftems eak thein. They are high lu fuel values Jerseys give thin miik, sud some Roi-, able results obtained lu our experi-1 and therefore liable te furn"s more steins give smail quantities. One ton niènts with f ertilisera bas been tho hea-podciu e~mnta ~ ofe silage may net be half as good as discevery liat, as fan as ordinary1 ueetpde ing ir et s th d aee.ancthier ton. One pure bred- heu viii' tarin crepsare coucerued, f resh sud1 neede in he ht wetherdiet lay Iwice as maay eggs as anelier retted manure, applied ah the saine1 Foods easy of digestion aheuld b. e be ene.ir aneam rate have given practically equal chosea, as thre muscular relaxation re- There le ofton as much as llfty per yieids. Tht explanirtien for tis la acta ou tire'digestive tract, reudeiug cent differeuce lu tire- producrng net easy te find, -since rotted manure, 1h uecesaatry te lighhen its task. 011Y qualities eftwhi lots et seed corn of veigbt ton weight, i3 very cousider- a éews!impe articles should ho talten tir ae variety. ae nyhunyfr icher in plant focod than fresh Wlrou lier. in suy doubt about the. granted, but mue atehadwih ter inoculation of the scii vitir desir-1 ripenoas et fruit, ih aheuld be . ooked and uneasure and he4$. 1h ne a tortu.i able micro-organismas for the assimil- and esten in moderation. Soeoripent hu htual i aues areale ternis b> the fresh manure sud fruit ta a valuable element in. hie daily unconscieus scientista. They have thie the grester vannith set up by its'( doet, lu hot or lu cold veather, as 1h gift et "siziug tiringa up " 'ne> fermentation ia the. soi affectiug t centalus materials neceasar>. te the mev b>. instinct and juàgment mauy beneficially the trop lu ita eanly' body velfare. thinga that man> neh acquired instages. Celd desserts et gelahin, cornstarch 1________________________________ sud tapioca are geueraliy easy et di-' Ivelve square teet of floor spat. la the1 gestion. Even frozen milk or fruit fn shed.1 juices mas>. taken, if used lu mod- Skim milk snd grain eau ho led tei eratjon sud cul>. once or twice a veek.muhbteadnaoteogtin Intense!>. coid beverages should ne t Dst fedn foos r lepig te nn r dan avea. hg t b. gulped -down wvile a person la t edn lor rsepn omoge ar avs ovenheated. Cool hoverages, hoir- quartera cause lie pige te cough much Rap. aeeded ah tho lait cultivation aven, hake body heat te varm. themin of etl ihme. Tire f icone aiorld be. et cern viii furnish abuadant nitre- lie stom i u rteeoe seflwept or flusied off wIt water evory gonous feed for hoga in fil lu iovening tire temperature, as tiiey day. The only vay te improve tho hpg carry cff lie heat vien -the water la Take ne chances with a sick hog. on lie tarin at lie loveatt oi la by excreted. Adc quickiy. Get a veheinanian or a using pure-bned malea ou onwl! select- Hot drinks are sometimea useful la hain.d man immediatel>.. Use thre ed- seva. cooliug off a porion, because th e. teIephene or send to hein at once. A pig that has been stunted in the duce a perspiration, vriiiucr*ses n-Oni>. prompt action vili stop hog iesniy stages ef lIa lits ahould nover nee' cholera loases. Ever>. hog saved vili have a place lu the. breeding h-il. the heat losis freintire body>. TM&is ieip vin the van. jThe hog makea a mature product device for losing heat viii net vork Feedngunpasteurized vie>. frein quicker lisu any four-legged animal, on a humld day, hovever, as thre per- tàe factry te calves or piga lna an lu.inteîe streuuous #iMes -siiould spiration vill net evaporate, and la excellent va>. te apresd tubercuiosis. ho hie nrainstay l uxurefforts te iu- that cafe the dlacointort frotein heiat Breedlng eves require ah aleasE creaae meat supplies. la iucreaaed ratier thisudecreaseil. ______ _________________ Eating habita in cold weather aiould net- ho chaugeil abruptly vien 4 in p, f" ~la iaoilou the ieft Me. We have a hot day tomes. Changea siroulil b. "<1fÇ J ff ,~ tiecois that irold up tiroir mili, but made. graduail>., if a digestive upset\i., & U J < Z they do the saine with a baud mtWler. la te b. aveided A penses accustoin- Intirs manageqbhr*et theiedai>. Since vs haro been using the machine ed te hott fod, sieulil no* hoadden- eova it la very :-iàjqptant. that tii. have net 1usd sinugie aore test or 1>. put on cold disiezsioe. mùiidbeh doüé, ah reoeuar uer-ioda.j udder-. On. man -tan mili frein 80 'S" 4 Thah is at heaneheur nitsu nrorning as nea#ni possible. The ,uwa ànnmfl,, tmtenvnu irabou Sinco istai.eggs coutain substances amd vdedi' "'hemlkngl deleterlous te the, bealtir, il la 'ad-~ done tulce, there ore unultrin viii be vsutageous te tesnt tieir ondition be-tire quanhity sud t>ie qualit> ef tire' fore servng hier as food. milk produceil.- Eggs purcirasel it tire average City Done nt expo'se calmste beat and grocersore ÙMare lu VarYla;degreos fIles, but, durnug extreme ieat keep eftfreain.s, frein tiose guaraulotee ilasàdarn, co'plaçe uMtWlJour te have bien laid vithin tweuty-fourrmentit. ouI. heours totehose uhicir hare bain lu p'" aflite witer sud sai is-s the hauds u« farions and mwents emtl.i or the. boit resuits la datr-yng. fer veekiansd perbapsla colstor- A boet oftreeu adjoiulu the pas- s;* for menthe. Mlill hel ate paistune la 1h lsa asimple matten te test there rositnto tehe animaislu h ot agioetanu og by holding il lin fr-ont vuah«o.11 of- sa lgrtid canailleluin ank roin.Sprayiag mihsome preparaticu te Tii. eye sioul beshioldei frein the 1keep fles off cois lIbho pricethat fiais b>. s cardbear-Il or thier mate-J mut b. paid fer a normâd miii fiai niai Iu thua a ldo onl h cul frei o on.91 Unchecied aata aligihi>. analler thisutir e ou,against Jby Ifils ina>.eau!>. redues production icirirooe hie e;; sioul h. piseod tveuty-five per- cent. miee. thi glit me>.penetrate and ne.- j'W. fil hat couls 11k.e ur miUdxug veai the peaition ofet i.yolk sud etf machine botter tiairani miiixg, tir. 11111e air tiauuber whicl exista at uepeclaly youug cois,says a inte the langer exil. Il an olectni it in'aNo'-West Fari*er. -Soe-farwvo ta available, or a bight gas flamne, irave found oui>. tuecousthiat oh35itý hies. are, e ourse, Minci more det o il srlousl>,'sud tiat ouly ubon 1* tectivo lu shewila;up the condition of ____________ thue en Whou au e«ula fr-es the air cirais- ý berlIosa andhe yokeiavsiMln uthetbidde e te sbeiloWba au utg 18 -avauced lu age, lie sfr space le ineneamd el [n'ai, sud thé. yolk a o u t de c pla c . o m e tium s tik - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the meg bua een îybug. -tr f *deboaue.-w& Ata s atiatcn stage in Its loterIe- Se7tn SIe~tt. ida , raton, tua ouen hws oitet Mreon dis oeled untBabw t1uctty dark spots, due ho thre groith "Ob. AuntBarber*." r!aad.4 Bobby. oftaxhumrsinau ddtion te a breas- Yn" *ls tu' t vr.dn$o asMe 4 iuE .4 air *Pace-- sudthie outliueet tire h-alt vrt-dat4*.41k lii, sýr Vyi a ne longea degialto. A doca>.- ~- Id en àsm sa <remt> uy crusod ulv t ie air space, &0 t. hlt, îrg e "Waudàiueld itaveu u teb oft li ùie mcotenta, s asgera qsd 8elt rumnlug togetir fietthre viie al MÀ" 3,o1k, .cnrlanuees ewl aln s Âahsme. aUb *ie yokbein vsile "But uberre 's-la4 1 h Ii Anotirmr matited of$Uu#ss egg hoI'< 't to AM. egout i If se s it tst probsil>. s-27 pr">làeê l b«1 #10, ikAtu ï Il lOween. saI at -nu"' te 35 cows lnuoeeasd a hait heurs, do tire stripping. -teol iis alves, a=l talc. the. skIn mimk from the. separa- tor, IM'h îaiig and -cae cf tire j utfit wouid flot'average more than tlrirty minut« es ,onday1 Indlvidual ,records et oaci da>.'s mili andthe amount cf butter pro- Inted vil!show up th.queatlonabie animas. Whea± bran asid -groua cats.irav. usualt been 1censidered te have ap- proximatel>. equal velues In the. dalry eov','vatieu,> butthectst etsa tcompare o theti.manliet value of bran iras usa>. beon prohibitite, se tiat es have beonnu& uciIawldely ule J Slage helps tire Iairymraupl r is ter-I vitr succulente linsuinterse i voll u ilu surier, It helpo le keep 'tre eows, iealthy aud productive1- the. f iatea v"miugreen fond, Is iaekng sna rdairy pnice are uigirest. j Inerion cous lever herd prefits, but rithey çaa ho detectol by individuel emik, and -butter records. Low ileids tmean âasi!profits or more cfhou se- ttuai lon«s. oi>."Il v iii have Io sla>. Onthie pcruud ai! nihI, sud a est or s v«iw-! "LhaeuAuut- UrbsralrIpaosetd '%eei, "#'»Put I1h to a basket, sdtaxe fIt latithoe,,bouss hen Il vIl ho ate." jy br"leV ts açbr ta mn* t." long.od uokint" ibis perel Bluebeil "Jwonder'Ifth's sé Alaaw thr wý ln t. h& Isiih, ihj DAR OWS' SUMMER RATION.,,, - By,,Eari W. Gag. -Oeneoft he meat common mistakos Mixture Ne. 1. Ground oasa 100 ir tire teeding et dairy ceWs on -tire Ibs.; vh1eat bran, 100 ibs.; corn mealj tanmin latthe gool cowa arc net 50 ibs.; per cent. of digestible proteiu,, given a liufficient -quantity et feed, 10.3. ahove that required for their ph>lsical Mixture No. 2. Whest bran, 1001 malultenance, ho obtain tire maximum lbed cern aia, 100 iba.; cettonseedj quantity of milk they are capable ef meal, 25 Ibm.; per cent et digestiblet producing. Successful fýeding ef proein, 12,7. dairy cows involves thé provisioni et Mixture No. 'S. Corn-n-d-cob meal,~ an abundance et palatabie,, nutritieus 20is;ctestl ei 0 b. e1 teed ah a inimiumi coat, ajrd feeding 2cent c digesbe pfhea, 150I.5. er this la s'uci a a>.as o receive le cn.o ig sil-foen 65 langeat uik production frein he-tend. Mixturre No. 4. Wheat bran, 1u j- On. successful dairy farmer defines I ba.;« gluten feed, ,50 lbs.; cern mea1, 601 feeding for profit as utheral feeding, lbs.; per cent. digestible protein, 13.4 or- ,feeding ho the full capacity of the To carry tire da iny herd over a-Pc-j cow. - iod et short pasture vititout fslling'i Freintire stanilpoint of economical off lu miii, soiing cropa are growiug milk production, a dairy cow siroul in favor. For this purpose, second-¶ net be ted more tian sire will consume growli rel clover, altaifs, oats or w ithout gr.iuing lu voiglit. But thre. Ipeas are excellent. Cern is aaise avail- are timnes uhen it la desirabue ho make able usually lu Auguat and September. exceptions le this. Praetically al I What nlay be a disadvantag inuthe heavy mnibi produccrs loe weighiu use of soilng crops la tire extra labot the early part et their lactation po- required ho cut and iraul tirese crops1 riod; that is, theyproduoe rmnlk ait te frein day ho day, viren fiel work la expeuse of their body flesir. Wien pressing hard. such cois appronch the end eft tieir ~- Tire sumxner mile is gainiug la favor' milking period he>. normailly regain in inu sections. 'Au acre of cern i tire flitai hey have lest,' and tire dairy- tire-terinet silage wihi provide-succu- man can welI aff ord ho hberahlly feedl lent neugirage for several- cows for à theai, with the assurnce that he vii! season. Duriug perioda et drought, bo repaid lu the. feraicf imilk viien vren boti pashurea and soibiug trope the cois again fresicu. - ai!, a mile filled witir wellUiatured sil- Parituro is lie natural fond ton cois, age groin tie year previous is ineat aud fer average conditions, wili valuable. amnple Pasture et gond grasses, or Iu planning a summier silo, thé legumes in geed succulent cotditien, fariner ehould keep in mind that t good Production eau ho socurod. dimensions should be lu relation te the Experts advise us tint grain sirould number et cois tel daiby. _ - As a1 be ted- to iieavy-pnoduciag cous under usual tiing, under supimer conditions, ail pasture conditions., Variations a cov vii consume about tient>. shouId bho maIe te meet difereat con. pounds et ailago - Thenetere, silage ditiens and individual cois. Grain-ted enough miust be provbded dail>. ho pr-e- cous on Pasture ne o ne outain the vent excessive surface fermentation. Isaine perceutage. et protein 'as for vin- On tis basis, a sunimer silo for ter teeding. Pasture being an ap- t-wènty cows shoulil be elgit teetin preximahol>. balancoil ration, tii. grain diameter; for tburt>. cois, heu feet ration shou!d have about' the saure and for forty côua îdv 1e. A proportion ot protein teo ther nutni- -eight test las about the mninimnum dis-' enta. The fciiowlug mixtures are ineter of a aile for best resuits, as 5 1r Suggested for supplemeutixig Pasture mer sileolin ost applicable for tient>. withhut otier, rougiage: or more cois. ~WHEN THE TIIRSI To Assiot, The Ilirsewife in H theHBi [NG MACHINE COMES [er Task of Preparing Meals Fori arvesters. net te serve neecis te ho considerel lu coru-breail, fruit, cake,. tea or milii pnepairiug uleais for thnoshing cees. The boileil dinnerir oulal be started Var-lêt>.mut ho vonked into. ail m"earl al. luhe -morulug-. Thoeaie ratier t", ruto oeemesi Qune eorerpudding aheul be numade sso ate hiat ve vomeu tee otten uake lethe breakfast sud througil>. chilloi. customn et serviug more titan eue kinil For the bollod dinner uvp. caàrefuly1 0t dessert. AnotLer, le thre duplica- a pleeet of el corned beef, [lungo ru-, tion cfthesanme type of food as, pots- te boilmC w .aten' 'ardle Ïiumer forlcw tees, rice andl spaghetti, aietofiroin or lOve heurs until -he meat la tenderAý starciifood& viricir siould h. aub- A pietee0f saitpork trois wiich tiret itituited êue for the chen, sot s4ll srv- rind haibeèn remived may b. added+ ed at oee mes!. an sd li. e " eeked togethen. Ab Tismenus givezi lier. 4n b. mcdi- ent.-and oua-iraXit iurabofore tu=êlor liel te suit iota!ltotditlo= . - aiving prepare carn"etstrulp a' The- use of tire firealescokor in boots, AdI th. turnipÏ apd;cïniOt0 o*trongly recmen ed for cereala snd t te, sok a"td, thremeat in SmCii fodsas need long# albw Cooking, tender remoQvoAntil lueaily tàe - tg - Tie eveniag meal sheulil b. anti- serve. CoLC"-,he beet ta eya±ely cipatail sud erorythiung#ropared In ualng someoet h eat: Stock tooevet the maornlug liet tan b. se propared tireu. -Propane-eons su ad eabbage , tius sarint Strength, tire sud fuel. land parbeoci separâtely1 to talc. -Ceeuies, -cake, aaiad dressing, beet, aîay nomaeofth tir tng favor. ,GCok pMckles sud other it lay be pro-he'onieuua aeipsr-àtely in the mest stock pareil hie day W.the hic t fira u-ls sndater tirecabiage iras bain prî are ienvod. -W ed. put it l iü h, e ttle-with thretur, Bneakdth ]- ruit, ceroal, crhsmed nipusud car rota. About, one-il drisil beet, p" e«on potate heur bdfoe serving ad pared4 pot&- Cakes, het biscuWt, jehleeor mulk. tees. TireMeat ma>. b. retuned'-to Dinnor: Pork, apple auer nce, boil- the.kettle- toe .reiroahodi. er-y. t tad beans, bellel eabbsge, I"esh ules.,onilen sud boots h I -se parate <ïlait., ten breal, bresd, carmol-us&tard ice Placethe meat iu tire conteroet lar cmain, efféeor milIii.Supper Col platter sa rrnen&veesio liceil port, fmiel, potabres, bakoil àttnacively aboutjL- orse-ralii beau,, ottage eheese, cern brea& tsèue la maIe.-b>. olng -emb-Ia bisaI, bakel apples, ultippel creamIn,ptul cf»ift lrçod crumba a in «L les -or miii. IDrain aid-mix with-eue-haitl cupfuI Immiedlatel>. atter breakfast put theilIanl1os sds.WrP,,o-ý beana on te eook snd îiiu parboiled hlait cuplul Ciais sd'tcl& in, once, diideand prhtte nifba- the- Ixturéofet br.enUMbs<amt4 ed- beu sud alloi the rduainder to ire-r-adIsh. iegressiot ceci vitithe ponruntil hdnder. Maie sean sd. thenugiily vasiied ay cottage chois.. ' - 1Ite <ook luthe eveulng. Bel ta Caramel-custanl tee cretun tg made teoes for.-bre&afat'tii foUlowing morii. b>. comWinluin o. ce -ups ~'milk, tivo nlu;. Put' breakfast ceres! -in fireléi ens or four yeiks, oue and eue-hait -ceokor heforo bedtlme'. cuptul augar (eue-irait aramelized) ' Breakfast: FruIt, cerosi, haeeIý, anud 2aklIrgs asteuned cucard.Who 1eïg*gt4ned rite, nunfluu,e"rP,ceff hin l ceedd 4 turc. cuUlarearu or mmli. Dj~r: Baked Yliaisgavy - tl4treize. This inaybeXnad early boiled pott"i#Oi creaw.-ps ln tire meruju; aud packea. applea, riWdfie, bre".,lIironPl The baked -aplet actàld U pr.tes ýor milk, Supnî <3o14,ý- r 't- 't- 1'~

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