Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Aug 1917, p. 5

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'~1 - r Making OId' Jewelry New Down in your strang box tisere areprobably severai piece. of aId jewelry tisat are doiag nso «e any good. For a siailatIa we iiigbt b. ablo ta mod. epize tisemsinto dei- able ehapes and styles, or if isopelessly brakea we wil i niake CASH. ALL0OVANCE for t h ema. For instance, that aId waîch. Wouid you not prefer a muodern wrist tvatch like te above cut ? Let us show you i1l it caua be d one. *BASSETI r iean sd Optîlas Th. Stor with the Batoouy . Wtt IY, ONT, We WC Te u THE WILL 0F GOD. The Aincthyst, publlshed by the reo!lyterlan Board of Temperance, .S., has this to say in regard to Imdi- dalresponsibiiity for the Ilquor It la certalnly the wilI of God that Ithe beverage liquor traffic shouid per- ý-,eh from the face-ofthUe earth. It must. '«therefore, be Hios will titat every man d woman should belp to kilt 11, and t thi0 shall be accom pllsh ed as fly as possible. But how can it 'dune? Do flot use alcoholic beverages, discourage ansd discountenance ruse--by others. .Taik and work and pray and vote inst the liquot traffic, and cncour- e others to do so. 3. Give liberally of votsr means ta re-, ~;odo M - Mr$ for th 1Mr. ton S Cleti -7 * -o-- Tise defective sidewalk on l3iock Si. In trani Ã"! tihe port office and tise Mc- Intyre store and oldtWrimndsor Hat-i lr0ApertY lird be#r-ieplaced wlîb a nets 'ceme-it w-alk.- To cure btlliînrss ini a Iigliti take * Elle Bo-ans fur billons people. 25c. per box. J. E. W'illis, di-uggit and op- Iclan. Tise Saldiers' Comintt Club acknowl- 91*8 Willi tisanki; biese donations fon te Hospital- Cumhisons ad gaines Iras tise Wamen's Institute, AytMer. ,Orst.; ganses and magazines y rom Miss 5clifofieid, New Marîboro, MaMo Order your next ladies' or gente' itit at Roberts'. -7 -Mn. Tisas. Hogg, niso la relteriag1 2Mr. GuIlInger ber. as CP.R. seetion --iôrealans. las rentei tise cply vacant h-ouse o! tise Gi-caler CaÃœada Laand Cv.,i ý,jpUýthieý towm, and wiltl ove bis Mo!amnly here onMonday acxt. T'ise Youiis- People'am Union o! tise Baptist Chancis heîd'n most enjayable plcalc ai Corbettra Point on Salîsrday 'alternonlst. A bout Wall taken ta rithe polit.and boatlng tormed a large part of tise çnjomeîît attIsle OCCasion. *Mm, -Ar!tl;r-W. Lynde teaches Vocalf la Whltby overy Monday and Tuesday tisrougbout the sumuner siiontis as ilsuaXl, Phone 118. * -1 *PIylng maéhines ln tihe air are be- OQSPriiSg Liiisst as commosi au wagons en~ the rods, A famier drIN Inlintem 'lBrrie lat Satarday saId: le met anîy 4oneo borse-drmnVebitcle, and son six .1I.yrs. Whîby>-Is tavoredwrus fi-- l*qiptIvlsitsfronthtisa"bin'd-men." ô 1yqurpuial ian lMed ai <2iss. P Davs, S cretry, s1 car.: ..ALL SAINTs' CHtJRCuj'- On Sunday evenin --Auut1,teg wll h amoraîel. ènce n AU Saints',eisurth for tbd late Corpî, -Gor. don Vansitane.> Rev. 1. A. McIntyi- BS.D., of St. Aiden's C hsrcis, Toronto, wil preacis Lt tls erviCe. BORDOF--CTIN Not enougis riembers of thse Board~ of Education were Present on Wed- nesday evenlng last ta torm a quorum, sud tise meeting had taebS clied off. Tise Secretary, isowever, read a letter f rom'tise Ce. M. Ilendry Co., promis. lng to put thse tops ofthtie desite ln the Science Roam oattse igli Scisool in good condition, lis dealfng with tise matter ta tise satisfaction aftie Board. MILITAJRY HOSPITÂL RAFFLE. The winniusg nOmber mn-tise raffe for the box-af ehocolates was 133. Winnen wil kiadly apply ta Major Weld at Mil- tary Ilôspital, Whmîby. Tise wianer a! thse watch w"a Mios Helen Williams, o! Whitby, who bas dectiied te accept sarne, sud has Insisted tisat tise watcb sha] again ho rafflei for tise benefit af lise soldiers. f C. P. 1 R. SPECIAL TRAIN. Frtise Faam -m borers' Excursion 1917. Tise Canadiman Pacific Raiiway iwilî rua a epeciai train, teaving Wbitby at 11-21' a-.n, Audîey at 11.32 sud CiserrYwaod at 11.44 a.m. Througis cOaches 10 Winnipeg rithout change. Speciai accommodation for worifln sd escorte. For full particulars aad Infor- mation aPPIY',ta E.* R.*Blow, C.P.R. ticket agent, Wlhitby. Ont. Bell phone .9, Home Telepisone 14. A FEW -MINUTES AT THE FRONT. Contederatian Year flrewarks a( tise Canadian National Exhibition wilI be on an unrssuaîîy magnificeal scale, la keeping wlîh thse ciaborate nature of lise iemainder of tise programnme, la- ciuded ln tise brilliant 'dtsplay wIll be a represelltatmoi a! tihe great fare risicis are sucis a menace.ta tise boys -Oi'er Tisere" on their nilgb t forays, war bombs. star setîs and many otiser spectacutar iSeliods o! IighîIng tisej battiefield, giving ene a vlvid Idea o!f wisat nighr la aloasg tise tar-trin front HARVESTERS READ TRIS. Tise best. way IQîthe Harvest Fields of Wèstern Canada-is by tise (anadman Nartiscra Raiiway. Special through trains will be aperated !rom Toronto ta Winnipeg on excursion dates. Tise equipsent. wlll'caasstîOf eiecta-ic Hti- cd colonial cars ansd lunch counter cars speciliy dcsigned ta cater 10 tthe needs o! large bodies o! mea at moderate rates. Weat of Winnipeg tise demand for labor -la great aiossg th ise tco f tise Canadian Northern Rnls-ay sud tise ragea are correspandmagly bigis. Ail Particulars tram W. J. H. Richard- son, Town Agent, or Generai Passen- ger Depts., Mont real., Que., an# Toron. ta, Ont. -t!. oficen acacis itl i- tyîg AN'KLE 13ADLY SMASHED. what you wait done. Walter Hulaîr, elîlaYed at tise - Grange tarin, sustlned a badly frac- tured ltailkde on Saturdai-. Ho was burlg ayangiorse lta awagon or bugg,- and the- animai etarte4 ta LOCAL HAPPENINGS awat5L tlr ulugotUw wfut, Ctight ln wween lise spokea of! hel Sevea-al hanses wee broken, and tisean- ble Joint dlsiocaîed. Doctors McGillil- vray andi Warren attended tise tnjured îFred Rogers lias been qui te 11t man. Tise damnage %,as a!f so sertaus te past weck or two, a char acter tisatitil as thaugisa sel --c- ta rend the.tiatJent tca a bosPItai ln To- Georgv e tst, of Asîmburi accu. ronia. Ai-. H'lat lsa a >-aung inarried tise r'taIpit oai le Bamts. itrclsinman witb one cisild. unay <vusisg. ---- 0 THE HERBERT RASPBERRY. aning and pressing hy expert Amaongst those sh 'o teHr rien rît Roherts'.- - Asagrow tise Her- -9- netras poerry in Whitby la Mr. H.W. I iciwho this week tavored a mem- ber of theGAzF-rrM. AYD g)CssoyçcLF.;of. Aice staff with a box o-f these fine ber. ries. One of the largest berrnes mu,. There are qulte a number of people In town who have these berriea. and ln every case they have been eecialiy, large thls spason. Raspberrîe.s are an excellent crop hisa.ansd are "Ili- ing ln whltby at two boisa for a qusar-1 ter. Mr. WiIIcox uiso plaeed on the ediîor'a desk sémplea of extra large blaek currants and rod CUrr&nts. WAR RELIEF SOCIETY. Sock Convenera' Report: -Mn. Ueo. Mowat, 125 pairs; Misa Smith. 144 pairs. Uri. Tods report:-MooPaire aoeks sent to Capt. Mary Plummer. 200 paires ocks. 12 pillows, 12 plllow casea to Qucen Mary's Needlework Guiid. Secours N'aionaie-1îoc paireswaokg. 22 women*s dresse.made ad returu- ed. 1 womann'coat. 266 paires ocks given to Wtby wo- mens sers*Ing boxes overseu», ACCIDENiT TO J. Hf. JAME&. A gash threeInches long las hiscalip and a bagly tinjured tia are. the ne- suita. of a fali Stistalped eou Moada morning by Mr. J. 4., James, çarPeter, of this town. Mr. lslmes w»us nged upoit the ereetipi oÇ a« a ntag nthe premises of the YMIita Ry iopitai. Tie p -71 ellêfet Rita thse T HUU ISD Â , U G S ? 16,1917 - A E T V r ~-]iss 'Evelyn HuMphrIeu, -of. Buffalo,- L w u ~ ~ ~ m ~ dM&-,.. Rose. MW iss Da-Iaones, of Toronto, 15 hol-TiPrp Cnptoef id yng'ttsher Parents here. p - .. .. TIr *Mr. and Mrs. o ai t. Mrea o prieio P a c k l n g s , L a c e L e a t h e r , r ached f Tro on tose m b dsareurey e r Babbitt -thai, Baril. M r. aBd r- HrbToms. an xprîne. Bfoo a un dpesrp@ o OeerMISS rese, , RoesBleBn, Of ! KtSt. iea,asd Men is. yu souidreaizethatie s im ortnt hat achdru Mr. aE. J . om 0fTrn9 pn hc neait t hudb fteeatptny~ic Goggues, Gauze lasses, is week-nend wth Mr.ad Mrs. E h otritnld eha e tc., Etst c . fflo in : j A. rdofn. SM . G. M. Goadeilowli Tec m ondn utalob rpel oe Rigy ian aylst tforIsanslntheUse Ca. precription to usand get e fn yruata m ny l ad an W st he w l v s t în i b y a d1a e b m o p O un ded bOu y ican y oer en ,c Lac.n914LaS éa eg, gnay, Ssathfom oint ooeAuw, f p uertnajst. i moie h rslsofyso Un ard are a bt o et Pre s. a r u. Da i s n d ohr points. -anfe el o r ie n cibiity to o avn yo r es ri tin Mr. - M aeelfr, of ohTo ron moo h ud elz t a t18i p ran h teahd u roof ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O le 0a1engpto,1n9n9Jm sII o n fins ~er pr ea t. A lr to, POd w ith Browntof Kines toa W l reciton srie stepped upoMr.nE.eJ. o a board pro-oraoshorttnp tise happy couple îîî laite an SuadOf thespxatctise day at tis ms.. ~ ~ ~ 6 99 « AsS apeetebor nWhtyTwshp hr M;a. Oubl the1week-n itisMi. agtere bin s oîE.n, otr nedd end ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A Biwu u tukM.Jms fS eron. co rs e eu nd alg te w ts isI __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ J J jT h co p>irn J7ust I I5e ro er y J n. [ ) Shouldors sud head uMr.l aidLMoiGboxM.EW PAPBfeMERGER.fl D US nd TATONE S OR 1 W111 as o tiseesrounhbcneath.ilsTh Barrie_ buyUcaad tisee tdlad TomRenieor Sala, Et. WJ'IITBY tise~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~b Poxwaaa sRegidna.,a Saskatoornae o b megedint anwi head ~~~~~~ato s stru k tse ack ofatedsw. taler eptobints.nex. A eryf f e N A RI gaa thelltchlo n s adeistxong s tock comhy epaneasbenfrmdto beaentfr Slas e e o eposiient o yUer1 atteyornpyana r e q i r d t c o s ti e o u n . is ii - h a e t s e p l a t. p r m i s s n d o a c n h e leM r . a y aze T o t ofi e. I h v ee a ve u p M eeyo r o r e a r y o n i Viîls a s . jryo ta tiseinback m a nd rcaue mor e tou- i and0 f he ndrc Pre . tseplnt a!tiser oe I 1l'ry lfred oW ily Pec;tinsrie bicpe tha n o e nul, fs a . as Po-a s hsortetrpea pyadano teplel ak nt FOR and SAE . Jed tlubgo, witheicnda tolothebise , Do e Gaettngnte, o! Barie. Ts ea o tH0mif is.. endcîrico. A pl i - wrnA h a pptis e bordck. t ise tree Tplnshiplbe retMrstae and .Gaz tte Mr.fice, w eriîby.obe, -g-- e o h afes a d t e ine t a i be r moelcled builing . Tnd M T. S bQ.be Frrrqaszdeo o se vere b l onnhd enHlwuaRVB STNG I Mr.PJLL s-N.o aSu.e byth PrerPrsa coure tin e a in a r e lit îl his . Fed Wlcs tis1ari 1fv-oo 1fa. Baho m1wtr a e s.W He daeI s T , aI-ei w n o d r swnghi e cao tse s riou n sd eab I e Barr. iea e le ns d tbus iln s-d eiectricanttacismenîs. App ta E thr x ain ul. A f a n Mrom Janmel- . age 8ar e .G.Oo rge hae chne TR. wWtb, Font.aBelpono , W I vill trkte a î ald me o faîr the sa A te Ihe m e is te nî ofA Ue' H mepon 1.-.A IE is retn ascs ngrs e alog m urosiss. Mr. J. F. asoodefo ro- 0efln O utrikPten bisd disrictUs an it a pere d tta bes ere pIetrots rcrà etrs tamF R ST O RI ENT.1 tised itricsethenound arr e inretaoserth Pnt resta.an god crne resc iPY, laete î Ofie ev ou o! o PaoTtngwtlna neary ev teryîhag bîa oauseisoculrsud iso tFeso c r essthe Usu t for he ! loet Osaa. Fr -c s s be.ten th-ua Mr ae o!u Obrn rsMilnad t se tioF O Sio ApwaLEr.rs senc te ba k.:t e repants wi ul be eta n of uidofingc e, tattcliv-lAyE S u s W N E pes ulin îb f edaa d a a i g th Us be ts-, uin t as Jas. Playabir lding t ca. ii oseso pil 1 t procg e fa b u tng la between erandb ite , . S. fl dtt Ca bu es.m an- a p l tr a t D.c onant, s isA wa, Ont. Bra i e. iet i c a ve t f i d o t fel ea E . rst n G . O b son l a vd e hare R . Baled, A ugusî , 1 7. -BellP usHphoa Cetep r9, vilea I a ton ameoney tuas ht of the emca coaroa l e argenvoum e o ph ne T O ta a rrie was oas tise t er ao!a r.n-In business, Mrnd J.tise n el o a w iU __________Pro-_____bynd t n tain Es nis neatrct r u.ha i pe re ti e ks ere sîtr off the bnigi st rspects fW I N I JFARai alg ry, EdaEN T . o -h a ctue taypleasea ny eof ha tisln e sn r preson d of th e Barre bis ct e Ts li e y ud c ta e b sn sf - ohep-pr ic uny aounvere s B ar erl y u g m n fken n w ppe aere t t rIn rss.T y one e d by Mrf.100 J15() n dG m lt oain Pr ii aCn200ie a W nie tt o'iaer31, 97 teram w ly er n bu aîed sec iose (.a d Til st ckcîs s d wll ea ble t a d, o excelenta s been uc hascd y, o r .A is h o spoke ~~~~~~n taloraei atOnOsho'shaa.si. workiiia ton somac alie6as0 0d Tise srospectls ae oft ar eno uragOne ia nd is It ise e, n lig me r Wet hs a d u ln s G OO R tae puof1.0 tculnatSaiva.loit Ts autlooi fo ahe dsand pato crthp ses mn tis G orga asB ay wna r tght- do.wi so w i on te l aft e ain e c- S peia pras nee or o r a l n i e elen t, fund '%hte,. Pand t..ie hoba es Bar rie V.Al o . Dunas t s hawargstris i av ornonnonS.to an sa %-.el o nan d tu rnip a ar e s a k t g a s- l re gren t, l e ab l a ges M ldan d1pro m .Ail o d e s f r a t g e o 19 17.9 0 a m A f s 2 s ? fo are hapenstie Oar lo ar en.si ne an d tis e one Com any ta. AUTO@00 FOR litRE. Phontaton E5 Mxepiss ll Ol i e ror a ndt, f W iy ,la e- r.F re W lk s. f r.ea sSutodalAN AccE IN I P G O mod aiog fr, EW non or ca i ue tise brid e nody ee a d t an d ! T is e t oe Brrle u i e mess oZ tis. eParie wsiang ster ui esstoforB ba k t MPPr. ui Joh conBersO~ e il, o fUxrlde. r t i ng man fur n er ha int- alterno ondor ed ein r. sisnuld cmmunS- Fr et andre LafàCet pM le t O W nbe iPiwrs rs o e ni achpoit apply t ft i e y ere any ratsecto.anm d &IlRev. c c a d i er' ablo d otiexocelenasion ete wi h asdb R.p.o l le rs, o abl o tise rec o Ts e brie o tie sn a l pen, n gaged h li as âA. . E DWA MO R ES W .u&.1. 18100 aro o n as a t)geVnt hl luTe Prospest augimst eorao! n. oh n lr bot on FresP ida e. Mr.n last sBel ho 7r ha tl ok o ss r eev t. Ms at rt- secsltie orr ocaionay tise marrled w l cn in efta te s ttbyoc. - althou r awite GnsW l era s e To tUnge e i on.Rsta raon e, O . i k as a ver y e t imableCor n l adyce ont. ut re. endv wIctors mn a sao! 16 e on, D-. - - - t.- - - . and ha n s r yad r is-n a rte ah r in g h rti e H TE S 1, le Cle Es MD lA nRD A É . -A li orders for cartage or team ing 9.00 a 4__ ___________1« . Baptsoi ng undayScsolot hi cun.iseOs bSaîurd t mn n a bsebaîl rmtyadstsfcoiyatn cae te brmeieron Modytern ogn ofT e r ried and. single -.Fmen* orTrthea.p Itlly gowrd Jn bue wh white bat. Thse groom -haa been empioyed for some tise ln Oshawa, and tise yassag couple -*Il feside $U lýthat, bowa aftçr7:tir rx»., taris froin" a sisoi trip ta Uxbridgo and Toronto. An Iaterestlag tcaîurc af tise mai-- rmage ccemelonY ras tise fact that tise Younag couple niso 'elood up" rus M'p. O'Dell and Miss Hartrick were tisei- selves mmmediateîy a.fterwards maried by lthesame clergyman. Tise young couple rere Mr. Ernest Alexander Kirk and Miss Veima Orace Cornisis, bath of Oshsawa. FARM LABORERS' ITARVESTERS' EXCURSIONS. Canadian Paclfic Railway Co. vii rua tisrougis trains te Winnipeg on Auguit 21ît and 3th for Harveters, at $12.00, plus 14 centbepr mile-beyead. See lange dispîay advertiseuent. For tickets, Iltergture aunI nformation a:- ply te E. R. Blow. C. P. Ry. Agent, WitlUy, Ont.Bell phsone 9; Honte phono 14. SOLDIERS APPRECIATE 05F? 0F PIANO. Thse !eflowlasg latter was reeaved by Miss Warren,. &nmtmr>r ot the Soidiens' Comfort Club, froin Major George H. Wahd, o! thse MtilWay Hospital, thaak* lag tise Society for a bati.faî plano douated by tem. tebe aaed forer on ert purpous, Miss Warren, Soldien' Coinfort Caub, Whl;by. Duar adam:-l haye tise honor b s.clnowledge throgs tise membema of thse Soldiers Com!ort Club, Whltby. Oit, grteful thanks and appreciation for a piano that ws shipped fri tise Nordheiauer Piano Co, and arrired t:- day. Mr& VaalCougisne t ttoM.d»m tisati wtua your Id.. that this l. b. used for eonert parpossa la thse HIospital. The piano hpbeau ttiruc oser te 3M ia.[iox, Who -bas chargeet our Indoos-eitertaigwsnte, ssWdIMUs &murwe yomrthat tis'en wO rli dat-tv matis pk*usre fnt i ssvtugt tle gOo piano.On bebaf o! the =en I1asic s.. ta accept Our sinurethIbus, 1 bave Mhaoor toise om 3. LWu*. WU.QN,îrlofluî= ro t Our 4!B!u!! IMt ,Who bu" aWs& uM Le-uu romumcue. visîtea wniwby and pla>ed tie Wiste Bx boys of ha touls, The score stood 14-6 ln favor oX tise home teain at tise-close 0t&* Ite.L A[ise Wite -Box boys fli ëUp tfWNay: b ., C . Q u lason ; 2 b., O a y; T' r. Alli; s&a., George OConnr; IlJ, Smithli Wlkinson; r±,. Jubis: C., A. Mayae; pitcher, Will Cosiors; catcer Personal Mention mis& Edith Newport, o! Toronto, la tie gueat o! miss Fothergli. Miss Ratel Mgulre, o! Neepa**, la vlsitlng ber sister, Mr*.- W.J, Mreèhityme Mr. and Mia. Percer Masou and son, spýt u tiday ntis relatives ta Osawa. MIU lam aaoy., et Toronto, viaited st tise Witiby Rloute for a fév' days tbis week. Mir, W. o. Walters ahi 011 fred ware on a mater-trip le Brifaida rin2»g tise peat veek. Mr. Jans Smiths (nortis yard., Ieft on Mionday raIng for Maultobq. to is it h iu d a u h u rs. - -. 1 Ji-, and àMsC, A, Goofejow te- turned frein I3eey Ifrbas- n Thurs- d a y o f tia W 'vkei COL . R ,Q welha 40" 14 Ut C fle iueas, Mlcts. f or - r.pars," î as ha tarins a needirut. Umss eien (ld, o! Torot,, isù been the peu oetMiss Haelft5soi durlag- tise tisatvee Thse MissesSheebau, et Detmitbasve beau la tarfor 1«he past e*k auýt1stic arraingemmegs for tisar 551. Mm. MeGlosiy, o! NwYorI%, lion i vlait %o bar fahher, ML r Ye Roger& isbe bna.beryouug sp vl b bd Ur. "sd laMm aïry )Meok*U at ed -te Wbitby ce, Mnday t=siand apei lte*day .lookint'up .Id fiioada Me. s4 Mm B utler. Ot -.seus FWI% 034O .,retlrned bS»M 18* SaUt- day t4tr £*short riat wh i bir sea,-f Aa , r,. Jt* =rg voau w mvu ImuonsU Foi Business ln one of Shaw'us ehoola, 4tli. Fr~Çtlgs explallis.ý Write for St -W. -M. Shaw, Prfti dent Y'Onge aud Gerard Stz. Wce youae oCRI it wiube 84leandilSu4gt Our MI, t il OUreeneld. W. paateprorspt de. lia7 u oc oei. OM TWBENTY . YIARS. a- t,---.--- - ,'ROY Awywta*r lu To~vui i -- hîîm'm~*amwi j CORI Douera WHITSVe ONTARIO Nat Cokèe OeIIv.u~d FIJIEfAl BETRS WHl1V, *ONTe of Igorainto. i o fu0rl up l Iay --t.n lin. à, To-daV Nw arda tey ffl Etc.. ýN taler. I.Day ONT. DentaW taking be ais- irvi ce. 'dware go or ersity that eand ne as îd.- Il 1 1 71 il - ý

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