Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Aug 1917, p. 2

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Conducted by. Profesuèr Reiuy G. B1elL Trhe object et IbIs departmvent ls to place at the Service bl our farm readers the advlce of an aclknOwl- edged authorlîY On- ail sUbjectS perIalnln9 to s0lle sudIý erops.1 Addrea&Isil questions te Professer Henry 0. Bell, 111 cal-e of! The Wilson Publishing Company, lLmlted. To.- rent0, and ineotiwers. Wlll 5in,thiis columni the erder In whloh they are 'recelved AS spacw la IflSted It la advlsable Whsre Imm*duate -reptY le nossary thal' a tamped and adôressed envetepe b. enctosed jeih th@i question, wtsan thei anawer wtII be malled direet' (éuýstioa-B.S.S.:--Can 1 sow scid the land is plowed, ta top-dress it with phosphate witb a force feed grain 1mari at the rate of about two tons to drIp? It has no fertilizer Lttachmeflt the acre. If yau itave a lime spread- but 1 thought posslbly it migbt worli. er and the marligi dry, ai terÉ It has Answer :-You can sow acid phos- been pilverized it can be sPresd with phate with a force feed seed drill. if the the lime spreader to 'beit ,dvantage. acid 'phosphate is dry and fineiy 'You can spread it fairly weâ' with a groud. ucha mtho ofappica shovel but ytu will net get it suffici- tien would not .4low you ta 50W but ai ently vnydsrbt; ieth very light application. Be very care- lime has been spread work it into then fui to thoroughl.y cean out and oil the ground by thorougly disking at least dril after use for acid phosphate sow- a week before the wheat 'is planted. ing, otherwise, the metal part wili At the tirie of s9wing wheat I *rust.'If You have a lime apreader I wouid advise adding 200 te U00 pounds would advise your spreading the -acid of fertilizer to the acre in order to Phosphate with this implement and give the Young crop a vigforous start. thon tboroughly work it into the soul The fertilizer should côntain from 2 ta byv disking and harrowing. This will 18 per cent. ammonia, 8 ta 12 per cent. *gîVe a botter application than apply-'1 phoiybaric acid and from 1 te 2 per lng acid phosphate through the seed- 'cent. potash wouid be valuable if it Ing attachment of the seed drill. can 'be obtained. Tht'# fertilizer can Question-J.B.S. :- have eighteen i be applied at the time the wheat is acres of cats. I intend to bow wheat sown or spread in the same way as ih after oats. The field in somewhat run. advised for lime and warked. inta, the 1 have. pieaty *of mari near the river. soil thoroughly justO<i>efore the wheat Wouid lk pay me te top-dress the is sown. If the grain is seede4 teaa *wheat wÎth mari? If où, how much mixture of clover and grass seed the to, the acre? Wobld it be ail rlght to addition of the n.arI will make the oi %pread wlth a shovel? Soi] lsa't sweet in reajtion and' the fertilizer heïvy nor light. %viii have a very beneficiai effect in Answer:-Would advise you, alter insurng a good stand of grass. Kp THE POTATOES r0 WINC Notes on the Cultivatiý,n of This Valuable Crop and How to Protect It From Its Enosnies. Mfany are growing potate in or 3%, ounces paste arsenate of iead Canada this year, for the first titne or hall that quantity of dry ta 3 gai- and, as a resuit of the greatly increas- Ions of wator. An cxperiment con- ed 'nuniber of growcrs the crop wvill'ducted for. six years at the Ontario proôbaby bc greatly increased. But Agricultui4/l College, Guelph, showed ta Insure a gond crop there muet be anx that, 'on the average, where the tops abunclajce aofzuisture in the soil and were sprayed ta kill "bugs", the yieid the tops must be protected from in- 'vas 186.9 husheis per acre, while sodas and diseu se. wher the tops were not sprayed and CUITIVATON-The soiI should 'aliowed ta be' eaten, the yieid was be kept, ciltivated with the tuitivatar anly 98.2 bushels per acre. It is or hae until the tops rneet suff iciefliy 1dcsirable not ta stop with one spray- tea ihade the ground. As most of the ing whieh usually does not kilt ail the tubers deveiop in the three ,~r four bugs but ta spray several times, if nches ri! soi nearest the surface, and necessary, so that as'littie foliage as as the tubers will.not develap well in possible is eaten. dry isoil, quite shallow cuitivatiar. is PROTECTION 0P THE POTATO de nai t this season of the year. 'PLANTS FROM LATE BLIGHT In seil whieh is dry there may be gond AND ROT:-,-in some years the crop tevelbpment o! tops but there will be of potatoes is much lessened by the few tubers. The roots in such cases Late Blight disease and when rot' fol- haVe gone down, deep into the soi taelows littie I o! the crop may be- left. Mbain Mâ~ture but the tuber-bearing It is, therefore, very desirable ta pro- sterna, which are quite different-from vent this disease from spreading. the'root system, do flot develop well. This is done by keeplng the plants Where the o is a loase, sandy lo'am, covered with Bordeaux mixture from billing ha flot neeessary and May bo about'tbe first week of July, or -before 1,'jditous, as the oi dries -out mare there ls any sign of the disease, until * tap ili left on the level. In heavy September. Sometimes the first ap-, solsâ it ilq desirable ta bill the peta-i plitation of Bordeaux mixture in made toes as It whil loosen the sol and the before the potato béeaU., are..ail killed 1 ýbers wilI be shapelier than when the when the poison for them may- be miîxe Sund is left Ievejl. Whent thora isjlad with the BordeauX. Whlle the dis. iffiieint rainf ail and muisture ini the ease in-flot very bad -every year it in 11.0l lIing is likely to give beat va-J Well te be p'repared. h wsa suit.in uailt-lnds oofsson as the safli average; increase per year of, 94 wiiV b. baoser and tbetubers can pugh '.bushels of potatees tam spraying through #t readily. As a greut de- with Bordeaux mnixture. ini three ye ams -velopmeist o! -tubers takes place dur- The formula for Bordeaux-mixture Îng the cooder -and usually moister f Qr potatoos ha 6 pounds copper nul- weaâther bf the latter part ai summer, phate or bluestane, 4 pounds freably it là yeryimpoirtantXtkeep the plants slaked lime te 40 gallons of water. growing wè1j until then. in one ex- While the, lu"a~newil1 dissolve mior* * porimoe.iitIt *as shown that during the qukIeuy lu bot Water; If it la nQt con. montlî o! Septembe.ý there was an in- Jvenient ta get this, it may b. sus- - ereeseocf 119 bugh1ac potatoos per pended over *iht lu' a Cotton bag ln a4 PROTECTION 0 OAOTP or' orflIye or Mortelons cf w'ter. *FROMý INSeCTS:-It ta very import- The lime should ha slacked in anather aânt te ,,Prevqnýt the tops of pôtatoes vesa and before mîxiing wlth the ccp- fo >eng eaten by insecte, particu- par sulphate solution should bc atrain- ly iyythe- colorado i>otato Beetlé; ed throug;h coarse sacking, or a fi"i Théie Qd"bgs do net do much harm Pieve. ThOefcoper siilphate solution tothe foliageo as a rule, ard uauallyils aDow put into a barrel,'if-it-bas not to iiit --ýi -a vantage cf bots l sous. Ibas boUlU5 ud a"ther. 18o aUup U tmoy b. that 1 a ov2l.t bnn1 '%0foIIAp, lot a drop et' gpês'l~sault nv~in>uuc.s f Il 1 ptaSiu ge o! hr1spixén- 8 en dý12o, p omm&bch~ueb bi4va*du UnyG.BeIl De SÙI.Bch threats are found in 20-28. Full oetuan d terror, the king juakes laquiry o!f eavi through the epiete" 1 Huldah. Shel Zeports tbitth e c éontalns the iaw of Jahov&h, and that the people must suifer tise couequenees of their si& INTERNATIONAL LESSON 8Sh. Promises, however, that thse AUGUST 19. ceamities wW l ot fail during tise lifetipe cf JoguaI, - 29-32. ..Tie assembly and. tue cov. ~ ~ ~ ihe i'.i~ asaut -On ra_ ppf thc rcply cf tipropisetesatithe kdS,,ealled a re- TiseLaw- Ciron. 34 14-&, ious asserdbly. Elders-The Iead- GoldenTet.--PsL 119. 16. ing m«u, heada cf familles am l Verez 4-1 IPndig e th la inlevites-Aecording to thse Chronicler. Veres 4-1. Fndlg c thlaw!~no important fuction eould b. hel4 the course cf the. repaira deserib.d sin wthout nte. ý - ean-h the preedicg vers sý iook of theO 18w basis was the aewly found book, -DEýuterohaomy, thoughin lasomewhat hoeS it, ls flcf the têk cf e cove- briée tortfuimthan -we 150w have IL. nant. -The. ageement inehzded-tis* muet.chlar flave thatit coutatu- promiseto ob.erv. th0 w. Befor 26f peus bapter 2Z& (For *a{Mer theb t ot cfJéhovs 'Itand to t dIsusIo. s. . . I1e"w B. tctobserve tise aw. ooI !the. ?.utatoucb, Chapter a&eeTu XII. sertbed la verses-S-?. iaas-iroslsh I. Bl n lco*os-A symbol e! etended ts eom aletr 1 cd or barrer. Vers 21 shous whists had foruselybdoedagi4te a b . bookcoculai u r t !Rit daysý-Tbe Chronicité kneqr tiat terible pulabkmt -fotr â" dablaeftar . Tosthls deth,uder Jlo*IIi W" ebMid" aprooumd impsson -asthe *Id abumerturuid.. i -- Il. Vota Cwop. Ou~ day a fax thatisa vu7 lu héi bUs. herfords lau t ,uai , -ÛM ia ,l wooIddq p* lu good t. bogt ii.o=wt tugb. -Iosr, grad« tbm. eWd be tg t laiehees e êr. oa tboogbthu ad a&W ooke« l iPuUpY up -akyi ito be i;i. ls. ou '"»~rMr.Crw~,-uIdtiI. fox at !rofl kut nw» my j@hitg Wh« 1 pck. t bât bdf or Ia=.your besêfnleed.ounfrpoqmd yqstevday li" a liuns-bo4b lb. wou VI »Car a"i tisa l»in Issw ,mà I4. aslze. To provide poult<rymeu feed for rearng their youag without unnecessarily lowenlng supplies o! milbing ndseat. tue al Departmaeat of Agriculture bas sted miloers tisrougisout Canada t on tue market the cracked sud ken wheat removed fromn grain eit la mecL, additiou «o umabi and broken tishese dleenings cousist chiefly seeda of wild buckwheat; a near ve of> the cuitivated bsPckhieat. >oubtry *Divisicu of thse Centra rimontal Fanas lbas used wibd -heat in feedlug experimeut. mand su It to le a hugbly satisfaetory ry feed sud bas ordered twa cars ckwleat sereenluga fer tise Cen- td Branch lExpen*mentat F*msa the Canadian Gov«eruet éleva-, tt Fort Winlia. Poils UMe te grain do -net talc, ta ît et irat heu they-,comlt #cueomod ta ey est it readly sud do weil om nul aieiasags r«p local fleur aime com-Wulatraces- 'o! -mauy woat sea, niadlng seeral o! umatards.- 'Tbe., iovor,, Sle asa8i a Mo Un ti Mm twb or tht.. per oait,141 tise Wes jin *1 cm18<i 5 m W l.sa d loi* plafio of'rnutrition (mintM e riè it" ~ eaitn lot' a cofisiderable time mLe -morel êunrdonswha rn w~i etonoxnsical »is iez jput u-9 Ieed-ration iÏ Ssteeiswihichhave-1. punp or Mfit feed -fer soute thÜs groundoets. Mhxectwlieat feedMay-L FrtAdt é itm. Howe .er, steens receivirag more tissa ha used an Placecf wheat bran. More FraAiteHtVim. m a ntenance -but bss t ais a fu llfee d gluten xug t w l a a d d t i e o - N r e a giv e p rp n a d ta p an- ratin mke n moe eonomcalgaï bination when' cows are carefnlly. sons overcome by the. heat, it i first namoeecnoialgins essentiel ta distinguisis between sua- wheul put tapon fuli feèd tisaisateem stroke and heat exhaustion, whieh are whÎh av aredybeon on fuilfed whic airady SCORE 'OF BANDS AT -EX- tise two ferina o! aysnptom groupa Wlsnaver bee advaneIn a prie. presented by excessive heat and higli a demeand goes out. for action that imuestisa Ilandusan, te Head IJumual. huMidlty, wii stOP t.he slaughter o! young ani- 1îY ÙGod Msical -Pragra!mme. In- the case e! sunstroke the patient mals. ince.tise reason alwaes gien -rt complaina af a tired feeling, ac- fon bigis-priced meats is thse decreas- -* uneitise Band Man," wwis& Wlli ampne yssaoo prsin igum ofo beef animaIs, if would isead the musical programme thIs e Yrtise hàa. Dzinsfooedyu- seen tise - w Ë m tig ta hnring more et thse Canadien ýNittoual Exhibition, cof-cieuuesamaysoo follew. Then beeves ta matnrity. And 50 legisla- with hie fanions banda! solois, is s anccioussepy sed, tise breThe tures and congresa debate tise adviz'. Engihln)an, a graduate o! the London facoed ad ieplskia hd h r an ot abiity of prohibiting tise killing of Conservatary o! Mugi, and the- Bandad Teued nde irr i ry ando. cabves under a given age ofethtie Life Guards. Teplei rguaanwak Wouid snch action bring the desired Later ho went ta Paris, wisere ho at. The symptoms o! lest exheustion retbta Wuldth pasig o vel b'Eedtis xteniou~ iseise ~s±resembbe very much those o! sun- from t? ou tab e masse moft ilmaceurthe geatet o! aI hel Amenicetstroke et-tise auget. Tise skia in this fromourtabes ake éatanyGilourthe grateý o!aU mercancase is cold and clammy and tise body ciseeper? 'Wauld an orden ta tise leaders. He 'accomnp=eý ilmour temeauei elwnra. Ts fermner ta mature his calves stimiz- America, and bisa.pravecl e wortisypain ysucm qiklifro lete hua ta raise boa! an woubd it ne- succseor ta tb. aid master, Innes'paenmyscc bqicyifro suIt la bis selling off bis dairy or band was acclaimo&tise finest o!ftepetnmethntadiser. feeding fewer animnais tisais ever? many fine bandi s Êd nt tise Panama The finît-aid tneatment rndered ta a heat victini shoulbd ata remove him In ail pnobability tise' latter is ex- Pacific Exposition. toacol hdpaeant osn actly what would happea. The milk Rieht waa, algo. whaplaaned and his a oolhadyplae hun t asn business and neiaîng calves are lu- cared to silcessa tise remanlcable. (iesodnxta- compatible. The mulk that calves use series o! festivals. 'which made tueceti whethar tise surface o!fihc akin ie also needed by miik consumecrs, Alasa Yukon Exposition notable as hot or coid. If tise former, the many of whom are hables. And so among al otiter exhibitions for ita patient should b. spouged iiismediate- tise calves - must go.- There is an- musical programmes. Innes wilî give 1l1y with ice water. Whaen romoved to other' reason why tise fariner knows two free concerta da.iiy, and, in addi- a more favorable place indoors. a better what ta do whth bis youn - tion, tbere wiii be concerta b>' a score plunge in a tub o! coid water sisould animais than thse public, or even tise of other bauds day aud nigat. ho given. Ice cold clatIs or an ice begislator. patuendcap can ho applied ta tise isesc. As soon It ae atran f eed ta me- Gardeýaet the Front.. as consciausaess is regained, coid ture beef. Every successful dary- A Canadien soidien connected with drnks may be givon freely. Tise ma is ushug all hua land ta feed bis tise Sanftary Departint o! tise patient sisould ha kept in a quiet and caws. If ho were compelled ta feedj Canadien army in France, writes cool rooni. celves he cauld Hepfwr osad.oetat hebsavr luihn etexiseustion, on tise otiser bsand, beef woubd be kep fwn ttecowstnd hoe tale a e erye flurhing caIls for repid stimulation. By touch- grown et tie costto! vgetaboe garonpntirntisnbattie hue s scarcity ia milk. and that tise cabbages, beets, anions,,igtesi its ain n idn More celves shouid ha grown ta etc., are caming along splendidly igît i- athco nclmutnwescan readily corne maturity. There is no doubt o! thet. witisin sound o! tle battie's roar. t iecnlso st ramn.Ts But legislation prohibiting the killing 1 patient ehouid be covercd immediately o! young animais is nat the way to A new vacuum cleaaer ha spechaîl>' witl biankets and hot weter bottles increase tise suppiy of beef enimals. designed ta remove duat from books on'applied ta tise foot. Hot drinks, such During the summer whibe cows are library shelves. als te coffee or lemonade, Bhauld bei ____________________________ dministerod if tise patient is con- fo hsscious. Aromatic spirits of ammonia jby ton ifoot is large- enataghftis placed on a bit of cotton mny be held - nuunbcr. WIen kept ha flocks of near the nostrils of the patient. ltsirtor arhsenomai houbd eai- Ev ery effort shouid be made ta have j otd a ac sve ~reli e ma's.tise patient sent ta a hospital at post- Market Caleudan.I It is neyer adrisable ta keep ducks lhaste speed, where-the facilities for In August ail surplus Leghsornsud chickens ia tise same isouse or rua, -tneetmnent are tise best. Outdoor lab- coakerels and Sckerels of other lijght for tue reason tInt tise ducks wili keep orera shouîd wear proper headgear Wa weight breedassould ho nserketed ~s tise drinkiug waten la sucis a constant poetteha o h u' ae * a flti tat is heits ad IeA small fliacheon is preferred on tise The ae o lttl vlu of the ciickeas are eaddngered. lhot days. Alcoisolic beverages ia- Greer, dueks are ycuug ducks freas Ducks requîre a miucis more!ces u ieilo !sntoe 8 ta 12 weeks aid. They should he bulky ration than hoe. A good1 raetelkihdofssrk. sold -before they moult. ration is as followî: Two pri Persans who oxperience a sonse ai bran ancpar escs o midiins severe exhaustion duriag tise lot bran oneparteac of iddln -sspelis sisould moderate their work, Ducka on the Feria. and corn meai, one-hlf part af beef wssh tiseir hands and face with cald scrap and five parts of green food. 1 The keeping ai ducks ceils for ittle This green food may ho màost aaything1 water et frequent intervais and lie outiay in tise aatter ai building -c-hopped turnips, beets, pumpkins,1 down in a cool room fram time ta hanses. Any kiad o! a bsouse, s0 it cnt claver, etc. *4s tue breeding ses-, tiane durng tise afteraoou when tise has a good roof, and dry faonr, wfil do. son approaches it would ha advisable1 temperature as et ats Mhiest ,ievel. It A plein shed witu dirt faonr, and lxv- to increase the beef scrap ta one fulli s lardly aecessary ta emplasize tIc ing thése suth aide entirely open nkes pinrt, Little whale grain sisould be1 use a! ligît, baose ciot.hing. Dark an excellent ducis-honse. m fed. If on range duriag tise spnîng clatIes are 'actualiy warmer tIen Theboao! oftise duck-isouae muet b.ead summ ér nionthi ducke requins uit-'light-colored germeats. kept dry and should ho weil littered tic feeding. witl dlean, dry straw. Strange àtd-it Any o! thée larger breeds of dueki' Cheaper Poultry Feed. mnay seas, while ducka wili thnive if WM lyîeld quite à greet -dealinlatIe Ou account o! tue scarcity and bigis tIey have accesa toa e treain o! -water way of featuena lu a years tue. pnice of feedtise pauitry iadnstry o! or pend, they must have dry quartera PosatIersasould net ,?plucked dur- thÎi- country is tbreaeaned by tise et' nigît. 'Dueke compelled te spend iug tue- cold W"~tis f.When ready prseto1ta 1lslesagse their saijitiaon damp floors ,or on for _pickinîg, tisefeathers vhLIlpull of laylug istock and a seriena falliusg damp itter, v1ll suraly contruct rheu- easily' vithont 'evn ba a ieofi ue 1bro ault ab a mahm.-end e! lis. quili. If oct picked vben tUred. Ducka are conveniently Sept ina «ripers tis e feathers uili fui out and h ieneest orrtiii o li flace o!abou thity. boue flteanwast4~ X ' î every possible bushel of wheat Wheu Maus PlaceS mHmeif a in 1t tRda- H. Regina têS"e. .Phm n ofthiet UAitsnawerk tagether for çood." o!, liA aovi -Msvii., 28.ltrees lu visaI *goe vas tutrutis -d ffi- me hds cuIt sano? Whso la <hors io bai1l on q tua coUrage teé»Y tisat al ,tiinés ar e d nt vomrkinS .togethor for, g«Wo.-t4-dayt J ede ato i Sbow usAn uy s , 1_t* j4 Of e,"Wbs itiotit gros h. -Mothées ntidaughtera cf auitps are CorditlIy ln'wted tg iffte tut departmeat Initiefs onty wISI-b*epubllshed with saab' questiol id 1 isflweas 55a means cf IdentIfication,'but fit Inamo end addressM mjià* b tiven ln each tetter. Write on one side of 'paper only. Anawers lt> 81al1.d direct If stamp.d end adoIre ssed envetope gs enctosed. Addrens ait correspondance for -this dapartuasat tg Mrs. Helen Law# 3 Woocibine Av*., Toronto. E.L. :-l. A wrist-match with a il-j wrung, but folded down in cioths for- luininated face! a pechet t1ashl -taj three hours, then pregsed On the %Vrong9 pocket drinking cup or a sobidified s ide. alcohol burner are useful gifts for aj1 ineader:-1. Bavaria i the IdTgest man -Wholhas left for a miitary traia-J state in 'the German Empire after ing camp. 2. To disinfect a rOOlfl1 Prussia. 2. _"Sinu Fein" 18 Gaelic tharoughiy praceedj as follows: If pOS- for "Fer Ourselves"1. S. Inflamed eye- sibie, inattreases and com!orts Shoulilida shouid be bathed severai times a ha burnede Wet everything elsè wefl day with a solution af hall a teaspoon- With a bichioride solution, boi and sua ý,fuI of borachc acid -in a cup of hôt wa- the blankets. Scxrape the walls and!ter. 4. To test nutmnegs, prick them cehl ingp wash with bichloride; also thisewhth a needie; if they are goad, the floar and woodwark, then scour with * ait wiil spread araund the puncture. carbolic soapsuda. F111 cracks with J 5. "Neither he nor I were there" fresh putty, shut the doars and win- shauld be "neither hie nor I was there.", dows tight and paste strips o! paper 6. The 400th anniversary of thc Re- around them. Closet doors shouid be'formation will ho celebrated October taken off thse hinges, but léft înside. 31. Place three.bricks ha the middle ai tise' Cook:-Perhaps the following notes floar, Put an iran pan on thent, into, may ha o! assistance: - Salads and which a pound o! flowers ai suiphur vegetables neutralize usual tendency lias beenr plac4ed, wet thse sulphur with af the body teward acidity, faciitate alcohol, stick ia a short length of fuse, the elimination of waste products and light it, tho-n go out 'quickiy. being pios n hsicdnnl at careful ta see that -the door is also po thens, in g e! anid ae.Saladiost made tight. Leave undisturbed for col nd phuroinf bood ande._shen twe nyo ori. the fumes WIlI f complexion, give jaws and teeth ex- bnbeis n cr te ra om Dashes 5ercise -necessary ta development witii- mayb. isi!eced y bilig fr ~out which -latter decay, facilitate minutes, digestion by encauraging mastication, H.R. :-1. Bureau drawers which promote oral hygiene* by leaviag stick can b. made ta ilide eash-ly by mui n etspyilgciyda first rubbing aver the edges with ' ue nd f el, cioounteacttenden sandpaper, then soaping them. 2.1aama cry ot huaim A garment that hgs had an overdose. are rich ini lime, s0 necessary ta bone-, of bluing uiay be whitened by boiliig. bidn;as aual aaie rc 3. Brown sugar cen be substituted for buiegetalsoaepria val mabllxaie.Ge white in pickllng. 4. Ts'y benzine tai hgabes o!ane aiuarly o! otes remove the tar stains from your silk enscses ficiiaemiaribfd t did- dress. 5. To make oatmeal geMsI ficiendies. sooak one cup oatmeal over night in etboardtroae.y-h' one cup water. In the mcrning sift Vgtbe r etroee y h together one cup fleur and two tes- boss of ýtheir saits in boiling water., spoon! uts baking powder; add a lit No u> opttasbs uhwe Xle SaIt. Mix meal and fl our togeth-- pegtled, but carrots, as -usualy cooked er, wet with sweet milk to' a stiff bat- 1 base nearl>' 30 per cent, o! their total ter, drop in gem pans and baise im- food rrlEterial when cut into smali mediateiy. 6. ît is said that before piecea. Cabbage thus treated loses eating is a goodtime te sieep, but not about ane-third o! its total food ma- lmmediately after e mea!. 7.ý Yes, tnIepcal iseho iea raw tomatoes' are good- for aîrnost matter - On the -average 80 per cent everybody who does not have ulcer o!,tise total salti he extracted when ai the 9tomach se tiiat the use ai thse vegetables are boiled la water for, tamatoes gives him pain. If they da thirty minutes. Whea, on the con-:ý flot ceuse pain one need not be afraid trary, they ane steamcd they laie anly - te eat them., 8. Tise diet of a cld ai 10 Per cent.- Ronce vegetabies two yeârs should consiat a! fruits, should be either steamed or stewect in t grains, a moderato allowance o! pure a casserole or covered eartbeawane cream and cow's milk and vegistable vesset, so popular in France. If bail- purees. Purees of spinacis and; other ed tise water ehouid ha saved for sc>up ~ "greens" are particularly good. or sauces. Eva :-I. It la said that frecklea cen Beetroots,1carrots and paranipa .cori-' lie bleached ouf by applying the foîllow-j tain a large amount Qf- sugar, *and! ing mixture te tise face, being cane-' when served at- a meai- there la -letsq fui ta keep it away tram thse eyea: af--a desine for excessively -êIIetl des Twa aunces o! buttermilk or saurmilkj ents. Cabbage, as usuaily cookied, lus- - two drams grated horseradiih, - i$ix not -digested for some five 1.ours, but'- drems carrmeel. *Spread the mixture eaten' uilcookod ila-aaled it tàkes toua - hatweea thia mualia and allow. ietalie then tisree. On tisa face et alght, 2. The foliow-, Saiads, like vegetabbos and fruita," iag method of cleaniag black satin isn bave littbe lbedy-bui1dintg sud tissu. re- - givea by sonte autharities: Bail three jpairlng mtral-ieînrqie taha pounda o! poeto a sPUlP id oe, ue iuplemeusted, 17 foods rich ln tise- quert of wateri Utian tiaroui Waî zeve and W~ fat, ýiuch ai eggs, meet, cheea. and bruis tieseain witbh iose a ibard (grated by cisoice or. tisecottage.varie- or table. Ts iaellmuset ath. y) andnti. - ElectriePlanta For Tise Feasm. f ic ma-nufac"tur iis t'lm t qup Oue cf tua recogaslzed necessâ*les ian ment, thse operaýtion cf tseplantà,as a connection witis aur incrogaeiagricUl4.been simplîfled and- Coît- lias en tural production la botter and mai,. muais neduted. Tisefes.'mail pipats attractive conditione on thi-farm, and may bo ad'entajeualy nîed f-or mnany among thse many suggestions the luse 1 domestie- purposés ha addition to light- of ebectricity shouid b.e considered.!- iag, sucb as - ronn, wasbig,- tJonat Electrhc power la a' great conversience 1Ing,1>umpingT water, etc.; adR& aIse fôr time&taLtiàe ferm-i-e-p3 Tise imirin -r--sto-_ge»batterie-.' '_ s'--.,

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