Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Aug 1917, p. 3

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f i moi i r - _ _ :i T i i .1 ttendedta be made at 'easoruable. Y oîthe~WorIdfi WinI AISO Make a Cash AdVaLee- of $740,000 to Grand Trunkr Paciflc. A despatch from Ottawa say-_ determ 'ne the value of the 'stock sc- The Canadian bMorthern Railway Sy"- quired, subjeet toaua appeal ta the tem, including its branch linos, ter- Supreme Court by either the Govern- nînals, telegraph and express ser- ment or the owners or pledgees of vices, grain elevators, steamship lunes stock in thie event o!fuilure by the 0n the Great Lakes and other sub- arbitrators to reach an unan4mous sidiary undertakings, wiII b. acquir- determination. ed by the Governmec. on behalf of the Canadian Northern to retain its Canadlan people. Furtiier, the Gov- corporaté identit;y with operation2 and ernment wilI lend ta the G. T. P>. Rail- administration under a board of WnY CêmpanY $7,500,O0 repayable on directors named by the. Government. demand with in£erest 6 per cent, and At least five-aiths of the outstand- secured by a mortgage en the corpor- ing shares ta b. transferred by agree-' ation'sase»ets. ment. Governmen't ta, take the rightý The railway proposais in brie!: to compel the transfer of the remain-, Purehase of the. outstanding $60- ing shares.1 E0000 stock of the Canadian North- Demand loan of $7,M0,000 at 6 pet ern Railway, giving the Governmnent cent., secured by mortgage, to b. complete ownership of the. C.N.R.! made to the G.T.P. Railway. Govera- system and ail subsidiary enterprisea. ment ta take power to constitut.. a Appointaient of three arbitrators ta i board of directors. 1 ___________~'r-ùnto 'AUE. ?-Mmn5tt3,awheat- No. 1Notl.r~. 3.I;No. 2 Northera ____________$LIS2.15.nominal. .rtoreFort William Brilait uccese. ~à&anuob*' osisNo. .2C.W.. Sft, tract; liab I dei . ne . erIZ,,,nr corni-No. 3 yeUow.noi 8.3? nal. tracit Toronto. _____________Ontario aats-No officiai quotationa. Ontario wbeat-No. 2 Winter. per car lot.I5355 ta 3.60: No. 3. $3.63 ta $2.58. A despatch fmoïm London aya:- y, 'the British and French troopa ad- nominal. accordlnt ta frelgrhts outulde. torr(Àntiai rainfali and the restultant vanced their ines. feaht u. .noinl codgt tUrning of the -battlefield-alrea "The. oU shella referred to by cor- in Fgreght otaide. nmnl codn bard of negotiation at man-j points--rsodnsattefotar h aetfreloteautsîde- new weapon,11 Baya an ordniance mani Manitoba floui'-Flrst patents. In Jute toto a veritable quagm ie retarded. in the Evenig Stadard. "They are basa. 312.90: second piatents. in i uts C but failed Wo hait, duing Wednesday the necessary reprisai forc.d by the. basa. $12.0; oi bkr' l ue; the great afied offensive against the diabobical inventions of the. werman ilOtaoùf bteaga.ar12ing.ta;e Germans in- Flanders. drums or canisters. Thoy are con- x&£ . 1120 I bags. track. Toronto. trutdi ii oar!shia h llfeIÇrlots. deiivered Montreal e Ti. ot ar f ii aywa petcasings of wich are se0 tha that they _ frelothts. baga lncluded-Tlran. Per tan. bY the British and French troops in burst easly after explosion, the amalm'~.. $6 rs per ton. $4 1. m45lxodfedlis.e consolidating positions won in Tues- charge within scattering the flaing bpert. $4t 4: od1ed or a dn8Y'S spectacular driva or in putting contents. Th.y are fired from trench $ 12.00: mIxed. P>er ton. $9 to 510. track j down strong Gerxnan counter-attacka, m6rtars. They are an effective reply Straw--Car lots. per tan. $8.00. track maade in endeavors ta wrest from their ta the. flamenwerfer o! the. Gemmans, -oono antagoniats t.heir former positions,! which are memeby tanks carried on At two points near Ypres the Gem-j soldiers' backs and worked by a hand 2.?fute- roerv. oud.plb.. 4* mens, using. great masses o! men, lpump vith fim. nozi. attachaient" f t 6c: ç er . ol e. ptaerj: d.. were succesaful in their caunter-at.i The newest tanks have heavier lb.. 9 ta s-Oc. a 8 tacks against the British, compelling, guns, Baya the Standard, and the me-. wolcaa1,rs are seiling ta the retait the evacuation of Haig's troops of the. j coil often tosses the. huge machines trnde at the toilowinc Prices :-- Village of st.* Julien, but this adv-ant- ibfteralby about. Tii. cr.wa are now la t ic re. 223ta'22c tids. 22 a ee.trip.lres. *3<o 922<- tdI. age wttS uff set in the Zillebeke and!trained ta avoid tank sicknesa, and it Oie; t1ecuda ry.hiplé%-, ta 3. Yser Canal sectors, wheme, respective- is nnec.ssary ta get '"tank legsa.." creaery pnintuar. 3 tcc. St 11d3. 1 *scr MtIe.mr rns.3 a3c oie 7 nggw.Nw.al.In <airtons. 44 ta 4&c». oui or cartons, 42c. >ONTARIO RURAL NEW RUSSIAN Desdputylpiicikn.1 fowl. 30c . aqunas. per doiL. $4 to $4-50-. turkeya. 25 ta 30c; ducks. s ring. 20c. UFE IOYE «LIve poultry-S pring chlckens, lb,. O M SIVE30e hens. 16 to l8c. dueks. Spning. 13c-. Hioney-Coamb--Extra fine and heavy A VEAR 0F IBRITISH AOVAt4CE. wetght. per dos.,.$2.76; select. $2,60 to SChOJFor,...18tp ~ Prtm TBad blck ashowa tezriory conquered by Britsarnir om juiy. 11%i, $2î6;No. 2. 82 ta 3$235. cO.A.For.RHal Succersul GaPatiliîctfl o. . iofl eJ uty.19 17. A amai portion ne&r Uthe Somme vas taken by the *rench Imported. band-picked. 810.60 per busht. O.A.C Has uccesfui uring the Battle af the Somme. The arrow pointe ta the gaýin rëcently LImas. per-lb.. 15 ta 19c. SSioIn. ade by the GermXans at the moutb of the Yabr. whbch la aloo IndLosted la Patatac. an t sck-urNortarolines. Adespatch from Petrograd »ys:- a L The thli. back frlino aihows prnnt btte à.nebbi. $5.00 t 1.2. seatbctns. b. A espatch fmGep aBys: Th beginning of a partial offensive - -- 8.0 The debegates who are sttending the by tii.Russians inGabicia iiithe direc- ,j< f h r IIIE~ O C S mkdmasHji.mdrm 0t for rral eaderah ý tien of Trembowla is announeeci by theFr ,_War 'Office. A hostile position wuSr o, as.: l 7;cokd 1t ta bfare uîslihede tpergrtey nave;carrieci in tuis movernent. 42c; ralN'. 27 ta 2Sc; bre-akfast baron. that befre dspesin the hae' 33 ta 36c: h'u'ks. plaIn., 36 ta 37c; bone- 1Southwst of Kimpolung, towards BITS OF PEWS flOM TUB LEAVE GR E "S", mata-.ag "0'.3<t oraie ata h okcnb.a-tesouthrn end of the fighting lin., CFR0yeas-ono c tbacon.24t rled on between the yearly gatherýngs. - the Russians were forced back some- 1 o dPound te lres. Sic: 9 2tbs26 c; It was felt that only by the effortis of wihat in tue region of Negrey. They French and British Trooiin Have, tubs%. 26J ta 36je; iPfthI s20 ta le C:. an arganjzat.ion cauld the problenis of were also compelleci ta retire ta some11copud tire,â;tb. lc rural leadership be eff ectiveiy deait extent ta thc cast of Gerement, b-*1*1 !itre.'st Po lcsLa>. 1 ~ Wtdan.~ ~ i~.51e with and in an interview with Corn- tween the Dnî.ster and Pruth reginpD Br Wmves of the 1 A despateh from Athens says:- *oufss lXAWs mifsioner C. 0. Creelman, h. gave this Tesaeet ~ teRsin latr lidaa !tealeifre rmMontreal Aug -7-Ot-C.f&it The tatenentBayatheRussans ttanic Obd Greeceg Thessaly and Epimus in W%,estern. No. 2. 86c. do., No. 3. 84c!. ex- eVery encouragement and promise of 1suff ered gret16ises when they vere Th' st, brrycrop was.exeption- aocordanoe witu te decisian of the tPjO re.8 o 8c.% tarbeý. assistance. The abject of the aasocia-'torced ta retire acroas the Zbarcz. al large on Prince Edwamd Island* Balkan conference et Paris is being hat tents12. firlis;ado., secons tion j5 the promotion of the highest &h aet. ias 1; o.scns interests a! rural cammunity hf e, re- 1VRENCH BUILD 29 I.yar iplb .et twtdrwl eflt.-q.chnIco. $13. straght raflera. ut has been announced t;hat P. W. i from Cointh and ailier occupled .'t.40 ta 812,65. do.. ln baga. $6 to ligiaus, cducat.ional, social, physicali RDE NE IE6 . Raled oata-itireB. 39.16 tai I RDGSUDE IEThibeau, B.A., eà Thibeauville, River points vas previausly executeu. iiThe - ao0I 3_ 4.4 tg) $4,S& Oifîerseleted~vee:-resdent A esptrhfro LodQn~ ABourgeoise, C.B., has been awarded IItalians are similarby preparing ta Nillilfeed -lîran. $36. shorts. $40: raid- G. N. Simmons, Springfield; Vice-.1 Reuter, uespat&. from British Hd- a nght.s of Columbus schoiamship et;, leave Janina andi ather sections of dlNs.6: rtn.a lots. 360 t 3 ïlla60. the athlicUnivemsity- of Amerlos, i Piraeus, retaining only a aîal tri- eheee-r'nesèt wepterns. 311c; dm. Presiîlent, H. W. Foley, Brooklin; quartera in France, after describingi ahntn ..Iage erAbni lai. easlerns. Il. lutter-Chice-at ereain- Secretary Treasurer, A. MacLaren,, the vîctariaus advance of the. British, Wsigou..agenanAiiyoa ic lalidaction b 39c- econd. it, 2bc-E98f-s Gulp; xeutveUomite, . .says that tue Yser was crosseci in Ooe o!iof hsatisftaitiont 'Peh.4 0. . ado-<3tetô . e: a Carpenter, Hornings Mills; N. S. many places. strawberries that ever camne dawn the ; les. aureo stsaci as the,~ stack. 40c: a2d..3t 8eloa Caniphel, 1Inwaod Ms tvr Ti ng< ar a rîî St- John River arrived on Wed nedaY Itlien aspirati 1on cesired a wider field,'i tocs- Per bagz. cer lots. Si ta 52. Queenstan; Mrs. W. J. Booth, Hornby. o iin -wr rdgosandi a cnservative estimate placed ah., but yielde. in the interest of the Gr.I A pocket library, for furnishig'i numhr of boxces close to, 60,000. Uitdatntowhdiw allnpe,7C h pl'a- mraterial and ather facts, -nrs higd ng single day, succeecied. uncer fine in ( Sad f hrt as ffs er ev rec ateGres . t.'.1Nrten 2M No . theO.AC. u-toriiesandthelea- Ihroingsevnteil rides n ià,taken en board carset North Sydney IPreparatiôns are undar way tae au l Ne:. 5,sî.,u; No. 6. $1.63; feed, $1.$ 8. thont the.cAasses.ofuth1ritnes191dthg IDis cantract «Àusrusî (Aret hait). ers went on record as decring that a 1 during the. past week and shippeci to ' ut t ca0so 11 n 97 g-i&~ saN. 2 C.iV.. 75c; No. 3. do. more permanent linking UP a! theO rnc1Chica go andi other Amewican points. "4cg6000me. Th mek extra No. 1 îeed, 4;N ed troopa,' continues thecor. ode Thets i cm rmNefuda Goverahient is highby grs.tified at the -'2c. Batley-No. 3. $1.20; Nu. 4. $ 1.16; rural community leaders with the col - "<evokede greates t admiration. They jTe s i an o efudad euta hwn h lisaero.lected. $1.09- f eed. $1.09. Flax-No. 1 lege, as by an annual è,nvention, will trwaet-ln.bd coste Mm. and Mrn. John Murray, 401 . ,l s hwn heale r«09e- N.-W... 3-M';No 2 C.- .3.2 : N. atili further cxt.cnd the. influenceo he wnynn rde oste Agricola Street, Halifax, have eceiv- nitn the territorial integrity a! do. $3.09. the cobege and result ini gre;îter g ood.Ysrpuseon, adrepestedly made dac ga rm taaifrigGreec. varfffl s Xte Th naraGvrnoîwreugddeep acivances et. ',ra ttv mi1 . Th nai oeumn eeuga hC31q hat their sonPrivate Russel;Minnea Ils. Auîr. 7I'htTset 4THE MSTAIRUL DUEL ber close58.8. (aah-No. i NoIthumi, ta follow the exemple of -the Saskat- 3ury u- ldi cino ueNe. 2. do_. $2.90 te 4I3-M chewan Govemnment inth te engage- A ROYAL FURNITIYRE THIEFN .ss tale aacin nJueUCr- O. yeo.524ta825Ost maet 4am en ati a a tiprincPrnr lel htKlsrs s, lv ap.Tis. Mewe a n iattiveof Pie-' Fout in a~jsla 18"8 "d Witaemm- No. White. '76 te 77C. Vlaur -un- Pronce Ettea, the Kaisrn$à%apleo milat ta chang«4. tg 838-00- eP S<JO with a~ iiewo! increainfthe proice, pCata .~ton toWDdied recently in Cardiff , id -kthi l )UuttAug. 7-Lihneid-m8.888.hp9w 0f thea sehoofl csys heèfcin; U tei. j3eWaI.ate. He vas the. yeung.st offour &tus.dy vin sri&, duels iember. Ociober and Nbveuîber. $1. At te ateroonaeiaio e!tue Andra Chevalier, special correspond- 1 brethe&S, thieldeat ofwhom vas the aneof almost houtrbly ocurrenc«, it ,M ees uite At heol forrural ieeshionMof the nt of th. Intransigeant at the. Frech! lte Capt. Richard Meike. - of Newv ayb. lnterestiag te recaîl the cir- Toronto. Aug. -Mxtra eoice heavY linson gave a practical demanstratian front, gîves a few sîdellghts on te"Glasgow. clttauccatch. ra cailof! us ateerg. Si 1.90 te 811.0: uhers'ce t.U a!teifstnafe hchM of Prince Eitel Friedrich. Probably telretto au scbtii , ,which vas» te e. 81. s0 la 811.01dmutcens'8- .During lits sejourn et Avricaurt.,lx in theaa0!l was madet bY James Hector result of a quarrel between tvo Paris- 40 89.5d. elî. 85 o5;d. H. MacLennan, lecturer in. vegetabbe 1 comfloti. 8.10ta7.; butchers' bals, garenig, resntci hatsubectinthe. Oise, the Kaiser'asmon resideci et : of Fredericton, who took in 1S dosen (ans, M. De Grandpre and M. Le î-çhoîee. 8125 to 9.o0; do.. 'dbulle. axceient sere, o nte n t.sidec nthdîgu t i~~dst,,novvertchers' ca . , $ediu0 o. -4. A 'v.iln ne an tomtheNmswm&rii, over a lvsadyoagedat ted ho1 . te 7-16;578 o.mi an 5 vîw reidntCmolaninreern e cgreudof iaComteau y adaOltYaaOUtb o.4-a 7e dua> di@ id tatlIR t à M40 te 60t Uit annDytparns» sg n t v1p 0doobt r1 om-d th bu la tntii, min iii us gluimm N. u uD. crtit» eae *o Tbe1y <rua la&«VýUn in the officiai sumsnary juat Issu wumm.d. n dubh o s nbae ou ismminthe1 n atWUev o D OSMM a ripen mn.Bu t* on o, hw Eighte.n British vessels of more thaii mayhsp a precauUonary manaurmarMebooh wltb Davld, rad.iof luct- i sot a bail tbuoqgb LA pkouV 'bml tto falaito G"By to pmornte 'Spt.l Ag a umm,'bc..t 1,600 tonm were sunk by subinarines or for »mrnemothsafmter, when theé <inc" Amnon tw "mon the rog i Whki lOsd WItà la frgbitfut l *oa ainthe lait favame to bayela hiifr lsantha Its mines lait week. Three veaiels under1 priacely furalture gmovr ldî th*t t ii..ofý QobdemuBrlght s&mtbrm >tapld*y.thiAt 14 PIqqe*Md bu s5coed tiom lâ eImutrniïideb7 t.eImtiv1wbês nâ ro b 1,M0 tos were 'aunk, whill neofIahing cliateu, it blew up, Uil fby tmijpria. M jsied Russe, Lordf vu. ssiiWt. pImc.LDe ai", dr,ê buinbasiid urwavacea. *Pb*t ttie "!t(#on eti*izlgb f esea ls.chaneswlth what wu alowd t. me- ..RorysMd Mr. sffour; sMd1bo*vercmullam.d la4 StMito -am>uid ,,k qwuarrof a cma qgrmu I.o ofapleid.husl iresset werelestmain there. ,Mong Uthe ignaturet an a.........of' t.rmiuats M8isVOyagM&e t MM spote jlagkol b Ieht thi 8pvbocuumti ,oopylt e Drivé Germa»u Prom Af ries. "Ma w as thes Prlnce!. gateful twu Anwlcsu Âmahsdor-Day&M t »tXOS Uliih fr05 UllS i Sia ..m«s.ta m pawthe fu à tt auataaê l metbod of pay$ii bis i. XýMi WbutuIaw a" id.fb yéwofC4=ww bIn*" Moiecou '"ly grenytuya à*oe' British troopt have driven the. Ger-.,6- ' . i. in.ods sdta Ma diSchfomLndn bIs h le -wma f aCiatn, mpHypreau m-. Gr..st <> i. .ut -*t. ri.noe.M totoo oa eu !8~. manfrn their positions on the Lut. lu ienegbonwu Comuplegme,<>< gyj*CM Ma«"* *$W'kmepM«aa OM seat d MUM e1 >u m o*% OUhyïtIo'eg ungu flUer, in German-East Arwa hkla us m.ti ohj«rtyofkalythea.dh .omnt, aha<onbeuaIll i jpida snb iar ppln ora~ fr~ah Kier.so, ad orai AÀdempatch fromI&htms m f OtpirdootousPut cru& au «dby bot sud . thMr a 1&e.v r tiesaa i ise a met Îoed b ia ry t beQ Blsrte siat iee 151" as t'5 etm S-a m a * 6 ti* 0 ktm *bod iy A4 demte tiafrm ame sayv-Ibo msUd ,aplb15a a tii. *4odNu NSlOAMW1i W àmS o of" ~~tê~d~o ~ mlform type amnd martng 8,0 &Mdw-oumrnn ui atu..Or, uiâS eA"Ma~lS ~ <i ~t tous ba bin oamened la Il,. Il a itm ttg.a -li bi ( ut.lu ivuult.ti kg *aj* iat.s shipyawd&. 'hft rtlaimebbxg viii----eà-lue> vth ù"u mew l "** W mt take plae e "0"d o! lits . 4" ,sud mes. vlalulg( ' rtl a is »M glitg).~ ohtm wu ifoibow vitioso Iuternwup.. stro t . t $ iii et "q' I4 eN'iou , OECUNED $7,600 SALARY TO SERVE PUBUC FREE M R. JO N 0. ,K ENT, s an uOt w.abth ad extensive businessi- terests. Who bas retused tOý accept ay remuneratlon whaýtë,fofr.hlm services as-G.neral Manasger -.f tthe Canadian National »xhIlOu, p-ro-,> terrlns te jerveti.pbefeoo charge. -th la Presideut-o! liii To-.* route Board et Trade sudbalabe a the. *Ilnibttoa Bdiard ialEc,1805, always showlng a doie interest ID the vork. Uceva, Presidentan 1912- 13, I>. tiyo best jears lu fihhilstCrY gt thi,.a nstitution. SUr. Kn uheal of lia. Boy Scouts là Tarante ai44 la Ideat0fel vitha m»yDbliathropIC enterprise. Lotit and. continue& 1hl- os as s-oupelled O.Os aae FronThelddlWest iBETwEBN QNT41uO A»Dm TiisaCOLUMBIA. Happc.dugs ltultheEmerml d m.e O laterft esi rIaw Theý death took place recently et Raganstovu, Castlabelllngham, of 'Ribsten Garatin, F.S.A. Owlng to persistent apraylng the potato. crop in tue Boyle district la moadng great pre». Tue Departuient of Agriculture bas taken possession of Dunnainoat, near Roscommon, under a tillage order. The firsI o! tus year's crop o! strawberries vere solci at Newry at one shilling and f ourpence per pounci. J. Scully vas re-elected as chair- maxi o! ah. South* Dublin Guardians and Miss Buchanan as vio-chairman. The. LondonderM boat and shoe repairera have gene on strike, having been tefuseci a bonus of tan shillings3 a week. At the. fete held at Croatiiwaite Park:, Kingstown, iu aid of tue IKings- town 'W atHospitai, the suai o! £118 was realized. Jas<.cplîO'Neill, J.P., Ca. Carlow, h as 4enunanimnously ebect.ed chair- mairofi the North Dublin Rural Dis- tr ict Council. A floating mine was fuijnd by some I alway men rear Spicd.i and while they were eïapalning it, il exploded,l killing xiii. men.-, A atcsdy stresa o! harvesters ha& been leaving the. port at Dublin te talc. part in, the. harvumtlng op.ral. liens Jin England. Thi Badymahon Union Guardians have -beau unabl.e ta obtain tenders for :utter, wilch la nov seblng at hall tacrovu a pouad. Jobin- enne, a furmer o! Atiabone, Usor.4puIzos .up te £2 for, thé best *tle« sud erèpped plots Wu Teapepat- i nc district. ~A Ir" njoyabi. -gyaaklauà wus h4cd ia Crmstlivalte Park, Kinugi- te vu, lu al eoftthe Irish' War Boa- pitl Supply. Kinmtovn. jJohbs Msguirpo! Beaat$ a--trick *cycllst, kuovu on the stage as Jack lGorala Silvano, vas kIlid Ilath. te- eent Iýohdou air raid. Johin B. TtdesaiwuasOued £6 aI jthe »pblix, Pole. Court loir -iavinag f ep for sale on tioaiwket WMialc wvm uffrlng£romuasab. Th« eiRlfas B.uklagCoapauy p»-. 44-1gins<o w the a.Louâou fCity adMidiamd Bank ,w ! Reglnd MeXenna le a director. T" N 1ew Roasbeysvrewon ond lover- to kep the puace for s"ten a Britisia salusfroua the. Bsrr RamI Club, sud lieu buralIi. flag.Us *rU£ LIFE 0F A LEAF. ir Fror Erin's Green Isle1 NEWS BST MAIL FR011 IRBI 1LANISS SHORES. OntMiWrlpBys d Girls .A Uv.' Saikatcewaan whisky dul pesaitte te s.p lqurs for sudsac'otla t! ieprovim dira -tisa»,a-tgabag e bdil maI» folfilto pvit,té i Abot 8,80pouada 'M foi destroye . by tii. clty lieptla - th, ursa limontý,luiuu Rimais Net K»" afer Coora la tse r4

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