one-ý Voli VO-No 0' WHITJ3Y9 ONTARIQ, CANADAÉ THUitSDAYI AUGUS 11 beltF 1 nKIUXAUVA FRCIVIC IUA EERTO A7 MUI~ER ANNUXL GRANTIjA EU~1R AK__ Town Buys Pive Carso!Ca.- 'AD Y SoradRerti . __ g . *~mrni -- A deputatton rep e'tlng the Wb It. committee ta Purchase c0ai, cOMPOsed The 11eydnâ1ÃWý> Park Co., the soi- PhysilDretrSafrothT- uqby ire Brigade -watt odh the Town of himmeif.'Reeve Downey and 3Mr. 4lers ot the Mill Eespftal and the ronto VetEdY .C . h a Council on Tuesday 'èvntng, wîtt a Conin. hail ordered ftve cars-aRoe of Weather Man o.s ert. n Monday been a!pitddr oro qot o r Ki'lîa fte Lèf j ing ,<, requefit fer a larger annual grant to peu coaI, two, 0f mit coal and tWO Ofte Mmalte the. Ctvtce 9U*y Celebratton (l'e Rositt wlasbeondtfr IS dii ~~~ the Brigade.,1Mr.. George Hunt.ley, j r.. stove coa--d that Involees were Ila Whluy one , étlb. 'best of Its kinil several vee cela mie Iii Ineswihoeapica spokeftiret. He lald befgre téCatili aiready to handl for tw0oftthese. Afr jever lielilbr.48hU1 bmrl& 'n10 e treofwlhb ci h ac htth-mtreêvdby knowledgetflbft of the order for the dawned with i jomy sky, the winâ tea on g tog.a te1or a dion. No mixing. Ready the FIre DriWe t ee t , when lot had aise been recelved.- 1 cleared away tU1.ÇthPSBteaiflS clouds. an eve, - tteedo i br for oe dr. A ertilizer dlvided amozxg theo 25 nmbers,1 lo t ln reply te Mr. Whitney's question and the sun re ut ln tOrce to warm ni nng i. fo s r.Aisumfclent to cover Cven a- uit t-fcIthes as to where the coal wôuld be stored, the air and fUSILthe- thoughte andl de ened Up gia h oa os n asw1l s pisn.tat may be damaged ata Am .He sub- the 'Mayor sald negotlations were ln siTeSoOf thie tOWWW~eOi1e tu thie coûtontnu terO'batg.tue- as WVU as a jJtJt~ mltted ta the Couneti the figures pald progress for the use of the shieds of breeze of LakeOi$tarto. The soldiers fectlvelypeetnfutercoig- - ~~~~$135 to. the Captain, $110 to a lieùjten. Mr. Conlin reporteil Ibat the new putting the. Park lItg au attractive ap- five mori oterof rdt h -ant. $100 to the fireula:n and $g0 eaciî coal shedls of Mr. W. E. Vanstone could pearance. - -gaine thu ne - aterfvr tu the 15 fîremen, as well as $10 extra be secureti for a reasonable sùm. A large. r Wdto e"JC'Y Oieten 0f the flthInig ta four men who 'jeep ut the hall. The coal comnittee will deal 'with the day of, me g.Theear P~rs raris ~ree. making a. toualot $1785. The Whltby the, matter of storage. neyer looked b 1~e Midway ap- Tw hIb ?litr HlntiBai Brigade, of course, admnit tbai their A telegramn was lread tram Premier pele t t-Ub sltlt 0f thiews u pcertOepvlo aia- in Y ., Y2 b-,i1lb. pk dutitiez are nflt oa oaeroue -cor no. re- f~tasigtecoprtotre- crowd. and Sf~attietions did a ternoonadudJa'datrRee lb., lb., pg sPonsible as those ot the Oshawa"Fîre leffle ns many oflits employees as Poe. bis business,' them were the ipeedfrtca5mîcTrebd *05 ~~~~t ~Company. but they toeet that the, grant suIbe for farte work. laasmuch as African bodge ut Shy, For- was abou wnyfv tog en . 00 .rt ouglit tur be at leaitoao-thlrd of whiii there are se few employed by the town. tune Telling. et Chance. the inforcedyafeplerfoaWh- GO ~~~ ' bheeOQaan Company Ils Pald, wlilcl there does fnot seete any likellhood et Handouif Ktng,aed other equal'y ln- by. Teprga wsmchnjet LJ . L WILLIS wud ea>qi $0 doing anythlng in this way. but RetrstnÈete*,cliicel ~ btecroditi ncueueea ito ai spoke brlefiy. s~~pciantatiik-tbat Wbltby mil uf thie emPloYeea of labor ln Whitby, ýanil were kept -ê'drn iatr emkn aefrIslyrao r-outu Druggust SDi 0ptIcIBfl a botter Aire chief thain most towns, and would furîlier endeavor te secure noe 1 1.eve '4 plf tReqaîyo t a ionCALHAL but lie get Tny$0a er lhe Whit- the releage of mena to work on faMr Durtng the ý6r»r art of the after- pae nvrosocsosl oo by Brigade. saiti -Mr. Wllklneon, had during thre harvest. noun a prograin 9, -ce wa p t o yandHmitn Tehitselv Btock Sth a Wbltby. ihe record of being the iqst efficient Thie Public Utîlity Commnission »kelà hlçh luclutied., ufr ode rs.yar-iol oocrtL saadea- llI. n thua district., ml-Oie men toit tbat aire council- for $500 on seurer ol suc- as a sa« 4 i, hopplng race, e eea eetoswt nc kl som Icr anwud l py~~ aera an i dpie eattn# c anci open levents d e _________________________ Mayor Warren raplieil that WhitbY $2000 ou water and uîght capital rie- for the ladia eblidren. '1'ese aTihe arl ppadd cîttzentt alPprecil t V eY .hIghW Yhe et- countl, This request will ire dealt -w1th prvI a geOil,t6e t f r4lx snd en- Tehoiacrwdsoeltsef P o s flclecy oftRielIreBrigade, but tRie rt thie next meetlng.tertanedtueLi1, 4 1W»out 4 o»- groupa ntegenlau o upr -Ia nquestion of increaslng lte gant Juat Witnybogb eae h ock. whén a Lt match was play. and ii h vnn h £mD..L WAUTI~ fl noti woud ho a serions 0one, cueCulthe need- &'a eCèfUlt crogss a team frei , hY. The. soldiers wascarIdoletepvloadti FI M S UE WUUUUUE Mu the rate 1l9 already, very hîgb, bauste Cuci d Fw-e (* B osia nioeeiwthrnwdvg acn Coueilboi #i' jablm o - iftcîiglng over the Basé LirPe at thre foot et' have a gooti teitr(,ýand bave been prac- en rn.Mr Uouncil oots Ut~ problm 0f ftnancîngByron street, loadIng. à oUth front the Itlsîng together-,,»~r a considerable UP (I titeCnoclk.- ________ no easy mattieS. G.T.R. Junction station; also. thre tact trne. They 4#eI la neat white The akC.adtieSliesaet Smnali farmne wa.nted for huyert aeeve Dow-ney ankeil Mr. Wilkinson that a crosatag should be conattrtieted and biaikt ui1 >iinIere -as gen- ,e:,gailae n iittaWib bewen ii LihlndÇrokan f ir It atinofthtie Bri e was to acrom the, Base i, aco-tî frontnofiOiehe nanlynt4 -Aïlt of atù1etes Mns poi n fteme noeI--oi V [f ave eai a requélit another grant for tlii yer O.r rresidence of Mr. Wm. Scott, At h -one could - -, see. days i a vrhd labswn.M0U Ci bave a lhîglier &ranititk eftect mier Of thie Base LUne and Brocsret to oilletus vedescription and startng next year. He aiso pointeti Cinders have been peut her. for ,theetise ê' bý.0 .M prczflj hi lat tie apprepTIAtlOi1 fur tire Fire t fpernotta crosuIii teto r. sçottes 5 l 3iaile for this year hmd already been bouse, 'but a praper erosi ai IÈII. 11Girlsrc,16yiraiune- madle. Tg this Mr. Wilkinson replIed afneee~,~peclanu tea tin g Z and W.Dorotli taGot.K Cno.Ev uîxoF, o, tat ho was not Aure juit what the aun..________ Brigade intendeil, andi woulti have toe <Btma hima.0Rbf , oysraeIGyrs ndtdr-t Loode Build N conulat wîth the ieners. saîesCmmte.»d that lie feit Ifr1Il Lyail BokUo hrtn O Mollde Est, - TONTO M i. Downey was qu 111in agmeent e a i omfing wer. laid to,- 1fr.Youn aîa c-octy Mc u tc 111tIl-F8luSr Dairi sad Fruit FOSniti " é'*witlithie statement that -tAe Brigade Sootts house. itwould b. e Inembeïrt '. e ia GrI 4 ieenloes o on eierc, << ars-e - ~~teneut paîti. emonglifor i».services, but ~uetown t. la adzn pellti hlloùSnriyrcRutxele'RtiArtr ais before state, the Ãi ÃŽ Couac had n i beacr ssnigu riulte as urgetlr qu, j atx> term q n -a~ iêtai I E > u ru-i - surplus funds (rom 'whîCbth tIk aa tt. eregard ta thestroet Cros- whaiig'ýeeyeePr~Bacrri ai ail. Ce ~~grant for 015 ~yeir. He suggbeted that mg st Oie foot of lByron. itwutd prob- F!çne!ay, :'QM Mensrac,6 er m vr-c UU riance for tire remaindp tier f risyear. nwweffnobtrotonnxt -Ib-ardwlth Mgnsc, 4 eu n vr-o ~~~u~~uuuae wam.ontîatporion extYea îet tOiI jé,tiok, ev-Conno.3s nesn aie lt E PO T c~f nert yuéar before Oie tas Jate in more cireaply. AB thetdw s.corpq1l- -vans rce 80yersad vek.-eo M-.Conlin alec> admtttoe-dthat the i wise ta doter the coestrtictlil n 'c: of t. - arige aILmbr of F~filde aeM-.B ir iJ1 jfire compsany la ptild -a -ery ,m iaîl these crossings. lHoweYer, lie -- grqpuldoouiveyan esfieu 4ero lw1r.A BahrdMr.kBter e... c~ . Il. f.~U suai, but lie t%', e t - jnaw act a» instructeti by 2the CointiL - hl-.auwere Ià y4eaakng erowd. frrowu aeal il.-Xe 145, ~~.o-ve 6Bs Lui. 14Vads poult b à r4,. - r. lHe - Mi, ,Wbitee pe seitrongly .for1 r*ei-SWt ~Sinr lI freEv atik mydthat the tluS bé r<eèrre t UMIMetedeclion.on the guMTo- -- bllat bWngbsbal arldl1ts4 -' ~ c~1 f~ tRie Firoand i glit Cpainttee to le. but "thete-was. no ggutdet onI th, - wl* arr>enTb à iO iS ÇlîtlM1m , Wt ih toiiterelice ,witii -tliè - - -Q 8 lsmotion was seconieil by 1fr. sbt l oui"e i. yolSf*t TêUriO Fmfltae h io ~~flh'. utS. Gofelîow, whoa nId tRiE he felt tie recOuSiig reeplvet are f- z4rOi .Mti AtirE townspeople appreciateil very highly sideratioftlandi Mr. Batema&n,, rov. bee 5 e fpoenltiug j ther egofe" then ok ati tIîecy t ti, rigde togetaà -ie.onOie w~rkanti reportiý 2 -a.- ---nR-à - . T -, -me waa f iJ.Rtn,.Haow C seazI r-rMclap&t attendauerit the Wimthe-War Con- I ins.ior wotsi>a. - Mis ullos tià a-:-MIs5s M.Alt usroony: - i'ention ln Toronto lait week, The IliY A eUr.R mu rd .I iwsM rlJ,~ ___________________________ ontetlt wns une cf ie pMostg< nsîtîr.Corpi. Gordon A. Vanbtone, Wbitby HerMa, VIolet lïenfan,, C. éBosmau, BlIBl~K» rl hnr Cor Vag sd . J Bilit Anu nsb epewr uhip. R.OLi, SOt. usui 'ono, 1n&F lesa fti uoesa s-t4 - ~~~~ing outbîtrste of popuIlt, feeling atndTwsrp .HU ahenOanoXs a-a .B~e iM~t la sbeen snle ie IonylE.1(1. (AI 1 AA .~C i Theo Srtef Canada M l im à nthLie outbreak of tire iran d will no lPte. Clarence Forreeter. Wlritby. - od O.K <"rt wuium.50 LadC mtddoîtit ire frultful of great thiinga Iln Serg. E. Caîvert, Pickeriag. we;i s utudg'u o vrfl.a r LadC. UifCanada-. - A w*o WhIt~ - - Ontarlo Thie Convenilon decîdeti for t-on- The nadl news was receiveti on Sun- ' 1. spledid e.ut t o!the. Park 001atoam ,j M sq, acrhatubatifo anatomariothe-day by Mrl. anti lrs. E. E. Vanstone, afforefinBe -opportunt fer 5&U te IÀqp .~.J.Lie ~ 4 - - -- .-~ fInI Etate »eslers,' Elates Manïgeil, %war Gev ernment. mandaacielegautout1 fWitîby Township. tiret tueig .7Ont-ronY theday, in - hatewrmane ~ <~~ ~i uas~ Renta Collecteti. Firet Loane Arrarrged, vas serti lu Ottawa tw interv-iew Sirson, Corpl. GoronnA. VasulaeeUbt bustte&' BporS sqerVesdlntahe M if.J .baklsi ueo Ppeigetibouglit amnd solci. -Rbr odnarStra irig ucmbedto <one srecotroti ie se- usal splendId nutar, u-In the so.aa <#4r, .J For ternis-a lyHead Oflîc, Brook St.> Resûlutioiî No. 1, in wlxîci was a 1110e. On 8AtUrde 1Mr. Vautont1e eyotngtii.crWU .)ee BeIllPhono 18t lad. Pitons 70.-tMessage ai chýeer anti encouragement celveil a telegreuS rom 0"OWta W i#ttl:g wfac!lti" ot the lien "Pli tu .fiuth t4 - for our'salier boys oî'erseas, la Inter- tbtbssnht en.rasywu4 olwl io i.bah -~ - eatIng, mcd wll be of influit. e tianti the followIfl$ day raie .thie - The tianersoe.- ~êso-t er. ve-&uiueI'~ - .'t ~~~~fort muid Inspiration te these *who, ai-- uotificattoa fhmdal. odn-»lt S rT rn restiy -on tRi'e tltiue of. rance. are Won- on.e oflie.,boys Who - teot over*sObS GrIV race-Il4t,"-Ud derig what Cnd ~îîd la Oewt the t ea rl.M Opens Tu Juy 3,la' Bhaw's.bour thon reinfoeenti are sorely dIfted Into tAlé Au Jisatla n = -a U I l 4 Ilpinoa $ isToronto. the. work neede& .The resolutlon folloirs: IflUCe. and &t'tue. fin* i ht is bda ore utuma Term f rom Se>- -. woIipde lie »l the'- W1*tmb> nm1,jý,a tmbSr out any break. Cours" (a) That tus 1coyoauoui aAt te:eut-. ..w-t e* t1ia ne" catalogue. neit "entre*tapa- et tote mb. -mber. 'VIteçr . W. M. Shiaw, Pres., YoZige oy oetu de)i ri b;. tlot fe tA W iGerrard uSi F'reetiem etthOe WOMrlahe hOreat '- __________________ ar. Mlay they rest là pue anti maay ligbt perpetual ebine upon tiieta. - _ ta extenti most stacte. .vmAltlIy 't tose Who bave beon b.ruvela thel n. oua & m ar.- May hY-be omte~rte l tutr- hoMen andt he iromut of Vipl and of (tie AUW sDowC U Os7 galithti toe ant I ao rpWitf«O" UVEI.the AS a" et'tnhimy, BRO K S. EiiSV long as tie war « AU kgds of sh1 td d8b woermg tte wintbea 4, OO au w t#e.bur* C.. A. Gool,]FELLOW & SON, Puthshers- -mmand ~RVIe :'=calI on 17. Lawler The Grocer WHITBY z-Bll,47; Independent, 470 if Summer Footwieir include; t1he very Latest Style' ips en ~ fcr Cid, Patent Lea*thier, Gtw inMetal aaà d Dark Brown CtIL' See our 1ine Of, Iow ifeels,or#blahr(rtbr soles LUTFOT TNS U ;&vbYiip wem.yMU,,Ii'R t-. >70W f -if- A LI,, -o ce ý7, ftw,~. mU wa~~sr w. a------------