Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Aug 1917, p. 5

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I :.-:t - n Making Old- Jewelry New I)awn in yopr strong- box there are probabiy several pieces of old jewelry thai are doing DtO One any g00d. For a eniall coul sve Ilight be able to mod. ernize theni into deuir- able shapes and styles, or if hopelessly broken we wili niake CASPh ALLOWVANCE for t'hemn. l'or instance, that old watch. . Vould yon not prefer a .amodern wrist watch like the above eut ? Let us show yon bow it can ie done. r'BASSETT Javeler and Optîian The stow'e with the Balcony WIIY, ONT. - ~W. C. T. U. The regular meeting of the WVomen'is Christian Temperance Union will be held ait 1he home of the Misses Mitehèll on Wednesday, August 8th, ai 3.*301 o'clock. I1, la IloPed that its many as ucan possibly attend wtll be present. reroto te 1the wedang, tQ. 4wtb> wniD5)l Ai AIn S9uniday Scheolhelg i eir aIulual Dienie.at Cories ' Piton WedntIe.gia. et wre a mest delight. fui îme~ spnt.The, weather con- ditions durîng the day were ail that icouid l>e deaired, consequentîy there was a large crowd prgsont. Ladies -50 plain Colored voile waists ta green, Pink, rose .and Paria Elhades, reduced u 18at W.G. IVal. The Executive of the United Sunday Sehool Plcnic 4taire-îo exprebs their appreciatUon to Mr- J. 0. Giroux for the use of bis lalfe lent at the re en -t pienie, also to Mr. D. mathison Mo facilîttes In condUvîîng lte refresit. ment booth. I PROLONGING THE W'AR. woîtnd havIî-g aiready tealed it was Ilte im Ore tthe'shole nation kne.w apparenti]y fot se-nous. Two cable- '(bat an enemy unthemr midst bas pro. grans had bt-en receu'-ed by bis parents longed tht- war. If tht- îewspalo-rs froni Capi. Meuîzes, ont- from France 'Were Io tellftic Inut 10 lite nationln l and anolter on his arriva]iIn Engiand. tht- nsoniug tht-y stili nsight save tht- Word wnsalsoreceivt-d fromnhisbmo-th- State from a dishionored page ln bis- t-r. Bot messages lndicated that Capt. tory. Wt- hutont our spies; we ind Nenzies' wounds were flot tenions. a litlde-tailor hemc or a lttle waiter Titis Is a malter o! nejoicing Io aIl bis there, and wc hock hum itît. we stmW !fmends, îepeciaily tb Iiemembers of the gorgeouts colors off otur imaitor St. Andmew's Cîitu met. princes; we dissolve a Gtrman part ---- .zership and wlnd up a German bank: i(-n's Palm i esu'cî Suits. sire-s 39 to but Ibis euemny i-ade goes onitlu ro- 44 1rt-dties-d to -54.5t, ai. W. G. Walîers». pering way, and It dot-s morte damaý ý 0 to Bmitaiu and the - ar than if ~s.r PORT HOPE WOMEN HELP. Iltie Germai t ailor and evî-ry Atuue f h ileti omnc German waiter and ûvi-ry lth,. Ger- , r Hoerhaoeftise att -a-o mani banli w-trt- let rre- bIo 0Ilîtir Pr oehs nise bNi work. If evemy Gi-man isl is uis - tonal Set-vice Corps, and are nos- In tmy waked about otur streets. If tise camp ai Grimsby, belping te gatiser -gat"~ of ohm îusî-mniuîent caunps i-me ftle coiîntr. 's fruit crop. Descrîitn iflung ssidt- open,. tisa-twould ele es th11Plife, n-wie."cCs bu harmfuîl 10 uis and le" tselpfil Iltohie 5.30. lsivfig breakfast ai 6.15, &fi Kaiser thibaustut lib.-rty se gis-e ii whicli work begiîîs ai. 7. Sometimes ht drink.trade, mwjihius sliutiitels ln every lis un lise, s-merles tying Up grapes -town and hamîcut. ils lieadquartems' ,sOmetimes lis the fields boelng toma- sotaff enlmenched behind good rampants, ltots. Most o! iaet s-eA- 'was, ln the and IÉ hiefiii-! i iii îarîîament. IntervaWs.of 5-tt paased tn pucking cherries, for whiýb we are paid 15 and 6 0 cents a basket. A qîiick pleker canl make as much as $3 a day; sème of Jlegrshv aea uha 27. tu grl bv mdeasmui a $.0. Men's straw batis, regular $2 to $3, reduced to 98c. during W.lterr'sum- mer sale. - . rMILITARY PUNERAL. "Jiin7 Uithe ascet dog of the Whi(by Military Hospital, met a &ad and sud. dea death lat week, when be was run over by a train near Whttby Junctlon station. Hie reinains were discovered sorne Urne later, and a militairy tuner. ai was arranged for bito. and carriegi out on Sunday aflernoon. The scelle of intermnent waz near the plae of bis death, beside tee truck. Fuil mU itary bonora were done hlm. ih mufned drums and -Thse Laat Pool" Over bis grave a cross bu. been placed beartng teereon an inscription of bis naine and the particulars of bis death. "*Jlin." waa weil-known in Wbitby, wbere lie occaonally created consid- erabie excitement by bis fightIng prowess. J Ntew stock sport Sgirts In white and colors ai W. (Q. Waltfrs. A RECORD SPELL 0F HOT WEATHER. St rong contrasta In atmospherte (cm. Peratures have bêen prevalent dullaS the Past week of very bot veather. For example, on Sunday, many poopi# spent the day at the lakeshorep Hey. dn.shore Park or Corbet*aPolit and were entlrely unaware 'ihat the dai Sbred4.d Wbeatý, 1 We bas-t a ut-s point for yonm foun- tain pen. Jasets. Mn,. Neil Yellowleels will be ha Whit- by shonbiy 10 lune pianos. Ot-ders may be lefI at A. H. Allin'e dmwg stoe.-îf. -e- The regular nionthly meeting of the iSoldiers Ceniforta Club wlil be Iield Ia the, auditorium cf the UAbrary oni 'Tueeday, Aujusi 7ih, ai 3.30 p.mn. Mr. 4thtur W. Lynde teaches vocal A Whitby every Mioîday and Tueiday -throughbut theseuuxnner monibsaza musal. Phono 118. -10 -The Solduens' . Ceinotent Clubac lcnowledges-witb tisanks magazines for -tihe MosPhal f romn A. Schofild, New - ariboro, Mass, -CAMERA FOR SALE. .-Neairiy new No. 2 Buils.lE:-e Kodak -(Ppasman) for sale. Takes pictures tt3fix84%. Beautiful pictures nsade by tlite kedak may bo seen. W*ilsciael at aj ttaa'a.i. APpy at Gautte-Cliron1cle -Cinle. - -- , aturday4 Auguat 4ti lasI day of W.y 4WaIteru' big mddettmer sale. 71'7 717pûpils whons principal Gilles. 1Vhot leavil Port Hopse for Toonto. boas ent up -te..tise zance Exansàin- lu hnsl bs onçiren f service ,iýre, .ily five have failed te pass. tCleaning alt pressing hi expert w ske t ReberWu. 1Prompt service. The roajilar meut.hiy umetinof the l1adien Oonihttee-cf thé e O.X'ihî Ibe llulêd 'n hi te louit on Tlr4a atter- 110oou uus t.at3pm - -o- . -A h*s reilaOd THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1917. - THE kicuI<xN SPECIAL R ii U- Y M- N OConvat nîght tPai for Detroit: 'We éCan save-you mnney on following articles; 4Parlv iapnt attention f cald e h cov ne 1 git train>-Operated via Pari (IrenArseateof Ladtral route to Detroit and Chicago. Leave Toronto 11.30 p.m.., daly. a> Blue Stone@ rive Detroit 7.50 a.m. and-Chicago Si P-M-EletritlAgted tanardSleep- We have large quantities of er s operated to Detroit. Further par. ticulars froto any Canadian Pacifie Et@ Ticket Agent, or W. B. Howard, Dis-i Itay Fork, Rope, PulleysEtribct Passengeî' Agent, Tmonto, Ont.1 in stock at Lowest Pk'ices. 6 r4an ~,~K ~'~vJI Doors and Windows ion Ail ýSizes§ GEO. M. RICE, Whitby lEverytaiang ln Hardware at Lowest Pr'ives@ BIG BARN RAISING NEAR UXBRI uGE. Fromth ie U'xbridge Tiinte:- Thtis Place was well represented at the barnt ratsing on the far-n of Robt. Ashen- hurst iast wek. The crowd assenb- led like unto a big faim, but for the rnost'Part they made theniselves use- f ul., Thse two captains were John Mil1- lier-and ohn - -s-% -and e omer iwas one of record ternperaîure tintil I Wbttby, Canada, Nov. 3, 1919. iw cb use y g sowo f ibin ( rea artival ln îown ln the evening. Tbt JDear Soldi-ers: - - wc hd e ouI ibeali Alle r- -ater of Lake Ontario bas been very Titis la my daily prayer for ail ourlweemained outn wenîa utwuba teth ecold, and campent say that thse evening allies: and ttnished everyting ta splendid air bas been even «'chlly.' No so ln .'God blets our noble men. shatpe. At one lime ut was feared the WVhiirby town, however. Citizens have Send theni sale home again. beavy plates wouid be too much for1 been sweiierlng ta a temperature 01 God bless our men.-the men. se Judge McGillivs-a' and 95 to 100 during the day, and tht I rom an Oid L.ady. 84 years. tey tsrcruen e ri bt nights bave been ioo warm for even JTs lpigwssn elt aet by, who were In the localtty, were bs jmoderate cemfort. The farmers how- and4 Chronicle for publication talte ted otesn.buwr o a.E .ser*. âre rejolcing in that baying is1 hope that if lt came under thse notice tndt iesee u eenlcle heled ondrfuly he nlyanxeîyof itelad wio snt tc t's cn-upon. John Ashenhurst, et Goodwood, i hepedwonerflly Th onl aniet ofthelad whosen th a ks on-la the con iractor for tbe modern new ls that an untiînely sbower wlil corne iaining tee note,she ight Ilke 10, know1 barn, whîch ls about 100<,>feet long. aiong to wet and spoil the bountiful lte name of the boy who received %hncntutdtesrcuewl hay crop. that bas aiready had what tem. and tbat te spolie of tbemcn n hncosute tiesrcrewl wouid seem Io be, an tîndue amount of bis letter homne. * be one of lte flnest In the township. wEt;ting. m. V. M. Smith, Port Wbitby, bas TheOhaw TY idCOUNCI 0F 1867. Men*s pure siik underwear, reguflar purchased a, new Ford car. TeObw 'îuafrbspbib vaoi $150$a 1V. G gVaret. rdcded an interesing list o! the ht-ads of t o ý .5 Q a t N " . . 'W l i e -5 %O n t a r o C o u n t y r n î n i c i p a l i t i e s d u r i n g -o0-- Persona] .Mention the year of Confederation. 1867. NOE AFT HEY$IISHR OMS Brock Tp.-Recve Maicoini Gilles-' AT HYDNSORE.Mrs. J. E. W~illis visited hfber bter pie. Deputy Reeve. - George Brabazon. The extrt-m< teat of the city etopha- ln Perth last week. M1at-a sud Rama Tps.-Reeve. Aiex. siz-s lte need of the f resh air womk at Mr, and Mmc. J. D. P'ltker are in Kennedy, Depîîry Reeve, Pilip Mc- the- camp. Our fourtis part>, consîsi- Montreai ibis wcek.1 Rae. ing of cighty five chiidren. under tht Miss Ford, of Oshawa, la vising Pickerlng Tp.-Reeve James Mc- leadershilp of Miss Ida Jotnsîone, an- witb ber aunt. Miss Ormision. i Creigh-t, Deputy Reeves. John Weir, rived last Fidav evt-ning. Mrs. A. C. Macpberson and daugitter Sr., Thsomas C. Hubbard. Alttouîgh sorne are mere babies, Dorotity vlsited ln toivn last week. Reacit Tp.-Reeve James Grahami, itteir hsappy. confenîteij faces show that Mliss Honey, of Hastings, Ont., bas1 Deputv Reeves, James B. Campbell, the m-ork is flotiln -ain, and greai re- bten the gutesi o! Miss Jean Jobnston. IJobn W. Allison. suits are~ looked for. Mr. and Nfrq. C. A. Goodfellow arel Scott Tp.-Re-ve George Smith,! W,.* grateftilly acknom-ledge tht- foi- ai Honey Harbor on the Georgian Bay. ID elst Reve m. Sinclair. Io% ing donations: -vegetables froni Rt-v. and Mrs. Harvey MNerritt left Scugog Tp.-1c--ev W'm. S. 1;exton. Mrs. Edwards. Wh»Iitby-: Mm,. Hewis, lhi.%meek for a moîstt*s vacation near Thorait Tp.-Ree-e Chas. H. David- Sm., WVtitby; Mmc. Lalamw, -Thc Ottawa. son. Grangle; Mmc. Keane, . Whiîby: sand- Mrs. Jos. Kinîg etsîmued te town last Uxbridge Tp.-Reeve Geor7e Wheei- mi-tes and cake from tte Almonds week froni the Wa-ai HOtel, Lake oif er. Deptity Reeve Ira Chapman. ('hurch l'h-nIc: cauned fruit fmom Mrs 3a3-s, Muskoka. Whitby Tp.-Reeve J. B. Bic-ell, Pellow, Whitby: ,jelly. from a fiend Mm. and Mmc. Eugene Nicholson, « Dflpîîy Reeve John Drydeni. lut Wýhltby: ice creas f rom Mm. Owens, Detroit. are vislting la town with Mm. East Wtitby Tp.- Rtes-c James O. Oshawa: ciothing,from M.%rs. F. L. Robin Nicholson.GuDpt ev Rb.Sih Farewell. Wititb>-. and cash from Mr. Mm. George Waterlsouse, of King- G3,Dpt te-,Rb.Sih Goldring. Port Wtitby, $?; Miss Rut.h ston, pald a fiying viit t 0lis home il______Mil _________ Shaw, WNhitby-, $2.00. tostn one day ibis week. E V C -0-%Irs. Arthur Ellis, Jr.. and bwo sons. AUTOU SERVICE Men's Blue Stripe Bibb Oseralls of New York. are visiting witb Mm. and- stripe nsoieskin pants reiluced t10and Mrs. Artur Ellis, Sr. Parties wising services et auto forI 98c. ai W. G. Walters'. Mm. and Mme.. Halpin and daugbicr. afiemneon or es-ening should communi- -e.--o! Toronto, spent the week-end with catti 511h HONOR ROLI. Mm. and Mrs. Herit. Wilson. A. B. EDWARDS Mrt. James Loweas and Miss Katie Bell phone 57r3 NWhibby. mîmen 0F sOUNS. Lowens, of Toronto, are sliting with Lt. T. W. Huttehison, Uxbridge. Mn. and Mrs. James Smuth. Moi NDE AN Mi.ý4NG.Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dudley lefi for [arma of Ail ULesUI te E. J. Snih, Oahama. Coîbenne on Monday, wbere they wilil Ia at '~l \t; spend a few weeks ai fise lake. y h Li. C. S. Lennox, Toronto, Missel Veda agnd Pcarla Lîîke are ln e w-o wONbEt. Detroit 'visiting with their unce. Mr. lainmon Iarm BhIlage.. Oshawa J. Panrinder. Brooklin. Theodore Davenport, fer iwo weî-ks. T. R. Mitchell, Oshawa- Mn. James Nicholson akd famiîy lkit e malte a specialy o! land seiling. Lt. T. W. Huiebison, 0f Uxbrldge, hast week for *"Que Eye Pnoint," near List your place with us for- goed ne- wbo lias dled of wounds. went everseas Coldwater,, Ont. wbere thcy wifl sulia. Office. 8 Bond St. West, Oshawa. wtb lise 1161h Battalion. He was spcnd several weeks. Phone 559. wounded on July 23rd, and died'on Mn. Jack J. King. 61 Uic Gazette- li> 25thb Chroniclf staff. motored--ts'Aliston on Lt. C. S. Lennox, of Torno. repent- Moaday iast, where hc will vstit bis cd missing. s-as ln '*C" Company of mether for two weeka. te 1l6tb Rattalion under Major G. W. Mn. V. G. Lewis, studenb-in-charge r P. Evemy. He ls a cousin of Lt.-Col. of St. John.s Churcis, Port Whitby. me-VA i Samn Sharpe. turned last'Friday froin a two-weeks' c tvo rC a J. Panrinder, of Broolilin, le report- holiday near Coldwaîcn. ed wounded. He was a member o!flte Where you are mure ll6th liattalion. Hie mother lives in EXECUTORS' SALE 0F FARM it wilI ho Brookiin; bis fater le dead. LNS .Major H. P. Cooke, efthlie ll6tli, le .NS eporîcd ill wîb trench fever. There wil b. soid by public auctien CenadBih -o--- ~~ai Gi-cen River, on lot No. 32, CMn. 5. la n lh New stock ladies' laccil fronTt con- Pickering Township. ou Wednesday, sets ai W. G. Waitere'. prices elî5q Augusi 29th. 1917, at 2 p.M., thelot- Our cei li wel scre.ned. to $2.50. -~- lowins land&: i LT.CO ltel 1, &0acres, More or es, ln eguaaut onipl deO. iY8AV.fl ON <.15 teIUT.?1t.1)ÂV Pareei No. 2, 50 aeres. more or or i"rV'5 ~ Si'YC Par'eel . 4 ces mr j tu lot Ne. 32. Joined these wouid make a splendfid stock eor gairy tarai:aeparate. excel. lent fruit or veuetable location. Thse we.t hràneh ef tduffn'a Crcck erosea panDeis .1an Z.F Petl, iee- Fer Inspection apply te W. A. Pallér or EH Wilson, Execttora, Green Ier, Ont. -. OFg f5.1.,.ieI hulr a " puht ts vua~unk.kà MOmLwmi7.To lui NwatiioNAL *EOUC Telega o* ~.182 iaSwd Soie Agent for Bautterici. Patterns -Soie Agent for NyaE Preparatiogi. L ~Leave 7o ur otder for Pin Tutaing with ne. 1Whitby Tou-n.-Reeve John Hanm FPerry, Deputy Reeve, N. W. Brown. Oshawa.-Reeve Silas B. Fairbanks, DePUIy Reetwc W. H. Gibbs. Treazur,-r. Wm. Paxton, Ir. Civrk, H. J. MacDoncil. A CHANCE FOR THOSE COING WEST. IIONIESEEKF.s' EeUtlOs A C. P. Rt. Homneseekers' Excursions te West.I ern Canada ai attractive, fares each Tilesday matil October 318't, via Cia.- adian Pacifie. the pioneer route to the West. Particulare frein any Canadlan Pacifie Agent or W. B. Howard. Dis. trict Passenger Agent, Torento, -Ot. A IaundressN eue day a lweek, AppIy te Mrs.,,LaldÎaw, 1%e Graige, -Wlhtby. C Oal Deiers Phone 70 WHITBV, ONTARIO Trut r' r et hCk fgr 5amm.r Ut * @IN#V'S IiV~l@<If ~Toronto. A n y w h e~ hi W Ii. f I Â large s o k o e k t u S h O à -'f n.e. pp1is lw A abipinent of wasîe paper will be made bY the Viciorian Ordem of Nurses on Tuesday neXt. hIt s destred to bave as9 much waste paPer as possIble tura- cd ln on or beforethat dlay. If any cannot leave ht at the Home. a tele- iPhone message te te Treasurer, Mrs. G. S. Johnson, 'viii ensure tisai it-will be cajlcd for, Ladies WVhite Pique Sklrts, sizes 24 to 34 waist measuire, egular value. $2, reduced 10 98c. Satut-day, August ith at W. G. Walters'. Mr. S. A. Clinçe Who lias been niigbt operator at the C. P. R. i4cre tor some turne, bas receive<i a promotion to thse Position of sitation agent at Moose jaw. Sask. Mt. Clige bas been an obiiging and fauîhful servant of the C. P. R. and will undôubtedly be su'ccessfill in bsnwsituation ln the west. M rs. Cne will not leave Whitby for about a month. Mven's ail vool white cashmere sox reduced to 49c. 1per pair at W%%. G. WVal- Monday next Is Civic Holiday, wben business place wiil be closed for the day. WOUDS NT ANERUS NVOUND O- AGEO Lasi weck lie name of ('apt. (Acîlg. Mlajor) A. P. Itetizie-,. jastor of St. i &ndrew 's t'hurch, Whithy. appeared in thte lists of wou.pided. and mnaîss anx- lotis il(litiinles have bverilladelas to0 the- nature of bis wounds. Mrs. T. I- i Rowe received a letter thlis week from Capît. %M(-zies' moîhier, stating that he had been wotindetl by shrapnelI ln lte 1u-Au.so~e n up n ia Disney Dm:. SFIINERAL DIREOTORS ati EMBALMERS - Finest Hease *-aud Fanerai 41k ___ litif 1111 ?fLU~UOPJ- 1111 Isd.-Da~, N £TTU[Eh1liL LotAYS8E~ LEDKIOPsiK et Toreote P.,- Mot, Tls..a TWBNTY Yul y 1~~ IMARRIAGES. FRASER.McPHEDRAN. - TraWst- minster Chtirch. Toronto. on Thurs- day. July 26. 1917, William Kasper Fraser. to Lois. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Alexander MePhedran: To Rent, For Sale, 'Etc. STORE TO RENT. Store to rent on Brock Street north, ail modern conveniifnces. Possessioa August 181. Apply F. N. Burns, Whit- by. -te. TO R"NT. Five-roemed, flat Bathreom, water and electric attachinents. Apply te EL R. Blow, Whitby, Ont. Bell phone 9, hfome phonie 14. -tf. F'OR SALE. Hoee, buggy, cutter and arness, al In good enondiÏtion. Apply to box M#. Wbltby. '4 fIr IS ATHAND' Get Your SUpples from, our High Clas-s Stock. The qualify of 3 oU r preserves and pickles wilI be greatly improved if you use cur kind of They are Al pure, fresh and full strength. The fa ê that our spîces cost no more than the aclulterated kinds, leaves no excuse for contaminating food.with impurities. SEALING WAX We can supply you with ail kinds. PARAFFINE is excellent to use for sealing, as it is odorless and tasteless and protects the contents of your cans and jars frorn mold. JAR RIJBB3ERS Don't use last se.ason's rubbers and take chances on losing your preserves and pickles. We have the New, Live jar rubbers, the best that money can buy. Price 10c donné WIIFI ELD'S, DRIJG and STATIONERY STORE -t. lt, g-tia lut rtsv (h ..tinu ont rfnrtn Aliit Dg'il an i LoI, ry l HOME. A fIer experiencitig rore tban the sal number of Ibnillis whle on fSt vice aI Salonika fer the lait seventeen moniha, UleuL-CoL (Dr-)Donald Me. e! IWofNo. 4 Canadian Gieneram Hospita. a brothej. et Judge T. A. sud Dr. C. F. bicGillivray, and hituseil im old Wbitby boy, .urpturecd te To. rente.'He ta on three montes leave et ab.enee, convaiescing aller a -severe atekiiesa. On the retum ri ep. CoL Me- Gillllvray, together with ixtytbre otellers mzbarked on the boapia hlp Dover Castle. TIte Karapara. anotb«r rhespibal sbipad twe torpedo boat de- stroyers. made up flic complement Aà day A"d a bant eut from malta the Dover ~sCutle wutol'cdod vithout waranag The paaseageu-s vere resets Pd -by a Brittah destroyer. The- crew co tnau nbir voyse, and when &bout. Sfîem minutes run eut er Bona a port on tEiè Afrtoe* cosa, another torpedeommsî he b o. pilai ship, sinkIu.g her la four miute.. Tise Captain and crcw wvee seed tise folowing mornhng. TIse Karavara vas recalhdote . Boisa port by w&«eest. snd udai'ente of dakiieso. and huaitsckioItb sbSe s h. made ber way teolbrie-star and Eugiapd wttb ber owa pauffl as Weili asthose. cfthe ilI4t" Deimr DELIQlITflJ.LT Ol Q<Ty Port md( lI. oasmort, 1*a >Ouur. via C*Dadia aaOEawy Il Ib, Oatway l be borm làke Stesa.sip Ep~laetleot ~oop.s.asitW.bee4ar AMa 1abs*l va~Ia p' *,AsaImoIa* s f c -i J i WHITBY% ONTARIO WURTOY9 of

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