Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Jul 1917, p. 8

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I i s. t * me w. Newsy Letters froa oCour epa at BROOKLIN. Mr. a.nd Mrs. C. W. Ellott are hoi- Idaying at Pi ne Point. Mr. N. W. Coiwili spent the week- end with frienda ln Toronto. Hlm iiiece, Mise Vera Maynard. returued wlth hlm. Mr. W. A. Holliday. of Toronto, wau ln town one day last week. Orbe annuai meeting of the Bible Soeiety wlll be lîeld In the Preebyter. lan Church on Tuenday evenipg, July 31st. Mr. Leonard Binith wilI have charge of the meeting. ,Mr. Wm. Foley loat a Most vluable eow lat. week.- The animal broke ite Jeg and had. to be kilted. COL-LI NS, iAt a meettig ofte Presbytery held lait week, it vas announced that thte Rey. Win. Haig would remnala pastor ai te Preabyterian churcit until the end of AuguBL. Mr. Wm. Ormiaton. vite has been under te doctors cane for y me ime, la Improvlng. Mr. R. Wa.iker and Miss Béatrice Humphrey, of 'roronto, visited at Mr-. Arnold's on Sunday. Mrs. (Dr.) James Moore spent te week-end witb friendu la Uxbridge. Miss Jessie Smith bas been visiting with Dr. ead Mi-.. Lau 3. Sebert, ln London. Mi-. Archie Bight sand Mr. and Mis. Cordan Andersona motored fromn To- ronto aud apent the week-end wlth Mr. and M"-. Wm. Bil1ght. Miss Gertie Tomtilson. of Toronto, ila viaiting tt ber motter bei-e. Wili t eroison ,who tk thte nev scantling fi-cm te aide ot the roati, near Mra. 1aycraft'S, please retura saine e-t once ead save fui-ter trouble. Pte. Barnsiey, vite bas been la To- roato Hospital suffering f rom Borne mental trouble, has been removedti t te Wbltby Hospital. Mrs. Lattimore and,- famlly bave corne 10 their sum.mer homo for a We are glad to report limaI Mr., Wm. Howden, vite bas been s0 vei-y i1i, 15 steadily improvlng la health. Mms.Thos. Be-iley ead chiltirca let on Tuesday for a visit vitit frienda la Peterboro. Miss Byrelle Bannister and Um Jessie Colll are upendiug a weet with Lb. taLers parents, Mn. ead M J, Colii, Mr. Datoe, efTcoronto,. vitedt bei-e for nome imue, bas been lu lova for a few de-y. The 8Soldiera' 5*11 llcampd meeting. wviicitas at firiL planned for Saturdgy, July 21mt, has iteen post- Dolaed until te endi of Auguat ion ne. count oethLie lateness cf te seasouane-d te buay rush now on. It is expeeted te-t by that ime lte Ooreranewnt Di- plomaas of recognition Le ch S. 0. 8 I - -i Mollis r -t t' p Pue Gaallon of Gzazoline ha. don* it. WHITBYI Inember who bas datte bis two montbs'ý service on Lb. land, viil e ave-hable1 for distribution. The dlre-ctè*MMn the local churches are asked ta get ail their boys enrolîrd at once and secure té official batigès from Zone Director. D. F, Poole, 120 Bay St., Toronto. Tihis la nieceaary la oider 10 quialif y for the Goverumeut diplomna. Pastor PoleY.' et te Metitodist Chorcit, anaouaeed lu.t Sunday taI if the weather la as bot on Sunday as It wualuiatsummer, thte churcit ser- vices in te evenIng wyul be held Ila Lhe open air ou the. clurch Iawa. A moaI htappy suggestion. MIssu LAna Barrett, of Toronto, sepnt te week-end vith ber e-unan -d uucle bufore icavin forlber aew boule in Alberta- 5fr. Rein. Qiiroy, of Ulitioif, spemut Sunday Iante village. Mr. WiU 0 11 IL t.Tronto, motored dcvn ead apeat nnday withbt is. t- er bore. Mr. and- Mrs. JA. C. Nuist have re. turaed troua Plixe Point yltere they have beenfo to w6 eeks. 1ev . H.W. FPil*y laattending a course; of lectuMs la a Schoel for Rural Leaders in heldth iis week In te Agricultura Voege. Guelph. Borne outatandlag bears la titis spectal vont iIn Canada ad the Uniîtd-States are on lthe scl sa. Cfamrhal Dulpu Cauot be Cur toi O PplicUeemu cey amase i-oCi, te ceudkio u r a"1a de, andthisa ratichla tTut-4 be. uetutisFi W'laamet ~ebave.a rumbuisàed oritmpeftbeai-g, *dwbeu t l atleyuoet1ef gsl risigatiite limabis c. b.edmcad au i titi.tube rumbd o un l.semai eoditiou, buau "Ill b. d=mledforeveu. bii aayoe. f d are vieu bgoearrh. wk" telu&a damtmd 0 oea « em me... nies. "Iau,# Caiauvh CeC ba gh Liitheblce.i en Lb. um au ace ««»7syste.îii.t t'v 1RaU1*0eteprh ese. Clutas fre. £11 duggim, Vj.egwRyà Co_. Toledo. 0- 1BABFé *NE WEST. (Tao laet *0 lait issue). Mr. A. Z. 8to1ï, 0f Montre«lquot 'te week-end vit bhi* parents. Mr. Jolin « nln, iWindor, la! spendlas ivo veeka'holhtins wIttitMr. Win. EUh. ký 1fr. Wm IUè tatenda putig ax »send gai a&MM te cm"otmouth t'à eateli tb.eaa'b. The, splendid b"y ead ginu rops sa. tebéat toc*eam Utd If tavor. viitt, sooti vea thie country viii haIeressonm orthaakwaviu liais Thite evtrame doruste"Iu t lie B<*pital an, e balpa spu0 ne«h. o»as a»«beu aIOY ~Utd m la, ~ ~ ~ o às«aa~W~w 5 aOrd- ta~t1ta ts bu hsgbuM fem&s megaed ý ig t o 0i ,ONT. FELT LIKE AÀ NEW After Tàkngiy*one ou 0f "<h la wi th greut pbcaauro hhat Iwrite to tell you of the wom&oid .fJbnjù1 have rmcived from taking "Fruit-&. tives". For years, I was'a d.readul sufferer from C<>,uh»liom and Ikad a an sd 1 wus mLerable ln ovMryway. liothiig in L.waouadeieome4 to he)p me. Thea 1 *nlIy tried "Fruit-a-tires"t and the. eftfect as splondid. Aller taklsag one box, 1 bei like a new person, to have relief froma those sickeaing Ileadaches". Xm .MARtTH* DEWOLFE. 506. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At Il dealers osent pontpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limite&. Ottawa. The sympathy oft tiis conimunlty go"s but te Lhé aorrowtng tamiiy Iante loas they bave sustalned. Mr. and Mr*.. Jon. Bryck. of Buffa.lo, are vliiing wllh Lthe tormerus parents ber. MYRTLE. Congratulations to Misses Willa Nickie andtiMlidred 0'Doyie on titeir paaai.gthe rec.-nt Entrance Examin- aticiL Mr.. L Carmichaei. et Sundridge. vis. lted his mother lasi week. Umss Nek. of Peterboro. vas a rt. cent Sue.îoft Mçu. L. To-dt. lits. Dû., of Trno uvstn mms C. Hartde. Mrs. B. Wells vislled>frienda la .To. roaro lait vekà. Broyer Quinn nov drives a fine n.w Chevrolet cear. Fumet ae buay hayinx b.tween Showem r. Ii. cop titi Ssea*=on i,, ge *raly apeaking. a hêaty one. AL0I' - Uasm abel Mackey, of Terout.. vis- lted over 8unayaI lier home bers. . Um is U.i. Coor" ta Vtalt ulh n,. a.Athigén aI ler-a. 'W~ V*UOD a: bar bom emi Baturday. jul la, MIr. 4" d Ms.&.W. lu = & 7om . flait -M'ileage *20 te 25 miles tb a galon of gasoine i8 a fre9uent occurrence wath the Ford car. One man (naine on request) reports an av- erage of 88 miles Per gallont for 20.000 mies. Surely tlds Is a record that few. if any, other maires of cars ever equaled. It demonstrates the ono.y of own. ing and driving a Ford. You cma average 1000 miles more travel on Ford -Sime tires. The saving on oil and repaira is prqportionately large The name "#FORDO' stands for Jowest colt and gteatest service.- Thm Fuilu la t. e 68-1-111 mu ~ i POWER FAIIMING IncrRases PrsductinnWithLus kp We seli Avery Tractors suited to the size of yC ur farm.' The best investment you can make. You can, plow enc acre of ground on one-gallon of coal oil. AVERY TRACTORS! are buit in the fpllOW-Ig sîzeS-5-1o, 12-25, 18-36, 25-5o, 40-8o, adapted for ail farm reqi.àirements-fieId.work, beit work, road work. With a Cockshutt or Grand Detour Tractor Plow one man can do your work. Ask us for infor.- mation. We have a large stock of machinery on,hand. W. F. Wîsney, REEare to be sacrificed, regardless of the present cost picein order to clear ot teblneo u ihgaesok hyma o T- Al te newest designs in men'a smart handeome shapes. New -toes, new leathers, tans,- gun metal, kid, patent and velour caif. The highest grades that'money cari procure, and ail tW b. slaughtered right and left until the close of. Con sdse~.. THIS GREAT THIDAYS'IlSALE. Comeandseetheceut1ting of puisést come and see the bargains st the door, examine the bargain tables inside the door. Whitby is the cheapest town in Canada for good -boots and shoes. Our stock is as well assorted as any city store, with aIl home advantages of changing and cheap repairing. This will be a rare chance. Don't miss it. We will koep the bargain tables laden every day. 300 pairs of Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps, the regular price ls $3.50 to $4.00. - - Sale Price 2.69 157 pairs Ladies' Oxfords and Punps In an assortmnent of' leathers, regular $2.50 to $3.00. Sale Price $1.98 215, pairs 0f ladies' samples and a varlety of other surplus stock we are determlned to clear out at any prîce. Varlety job lot ail klnds women's and chlldren's,. girls' and boys'. Bargain Prices 98 cents whlle they last. Men's Oxfords, patent, gué metal and tan, regular prices $3,50 to $5.,M9 Sale Price $3,28 Men's Oxfords, patent and gun metal, regular prîce $3*50, 9 Sale PrIce $2o25 Suit Cases, regular prîce $1.50 to $1,75.o Sale Prîce 98 cents., -CHEAP REPAIRING A SPECIALTYi We want to do business with you, because we have just exactly what you want and our pricas are simply the lowest. Everybody is delighted with our goods and you will be. Rememàber every day is a bargain day at our store. We want large trade and large trade is onIy got by sma.lI profits. 1 amn your servant and will be glad to see you. Remember the Cash, Red Shoe Store. The. belated haying weather bas mnadete tai-mers very bus> tese days. Quite a nuiter attended te gai-dca Party at Raglan test Tuesdny nigitt. Mi-. and Mrs. W. S. Scott metereti to Markitam lut Sunday . Contracter Shortridge la buuy thea. day, building ilos. He 1h bilding ong for Mr. 1- .Guy tta week. 07W814600 W" al oletted on Satue' day, Juiy 14, Fi-ench -Te-g Day, la Osawa. Stewart Caiter, aonpor e. F.Caw- ker, butcher. -hadbhl eft bandi so ba- ly anmglet la a se-usag e m-te ia it bad to be-ampulaite& 1The Canada Maiteaibe anti Stee Range b(fg. Ce., of Oshtawa, le la li- quidationi. Rev. Dr. Spencer, of Lite Be-pLiaI Chut-ch, bout a brother, Wbio vas kIlleti la coetftthe receat air raids ln Eau. band, Wm. Gordon,,aged,1% years, son of Mr. and Mira. Richard Gordon. of Sun. derland, was kliiled br ightning on Saturday. July 14. H. v as aun Ux- bridge 111gb School boy, and vas helD. Ing on theain ofetBoi-t McTaggart. Mir. McTagart was réndered wmcon- scions by Lhe boit whiel{ kill.d te boy. andi hi& condition Iss mli serlous. NOTICE O0F REGISIUATIO14 0F BY-LAW NO.- 8S.' of the. Corporation of the County of Ontario. Notice la hereby givon that a by le-w p.ad by t* Cou4cofo the Car- poratson o the Couty :or0! Oulrt, on te» 4ti day .f June. Il. provJdiai- ,for the iWu* of obonhuin t.o, e-momt I t $10.00 for»Oh ure.o "4 s i Whitby- authorizing the issue of debentures ta- ralse money for the. payment of the- coat of building certain bridges in and adjolning the County of Ontario and- for other necemsry County purposes,. and that such by-law was registered In the Registry Office of the County of On- iario on the 20th day of June, 1917, as, No. 215. Any motion te quash or set aside- the samne or any part thereot must be. made within three months, after the- first publication of titis notice, and cannot be made thereatter. Dated this 6th day of July, 1917. J. E. FAirWELL. -4. County Clerk.. NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NO. 858 of the Corporation of the County of' Ontario. Notice Is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the Couneil of the Cor- poration of the County of Ontario, on the 8th day of Jâne, 1917, provlding for the issue of debentur9b te the amount of $40,000, for the purpoise of granting aid to the Canadian Patriottc. Futid. established by the Act of the Dominion 'Parliament. Fifth George V. Chapter 8. and that such by-law-waa;. registored in the registry office of the. County of Ontario on the 22nd day of' june, A.D. 1917, -as No. 216. Any motion to quasb or set asidb7e tbe samne or any part thereof mnust b.- made within three months, af ter timê first publication of titis notice, and,~ canfnot be made tbereatter. Dated titis Otit day of JuIy, A.D. 1917.. J. E. -FAEWS,t -4. County ,CI.rk- LEGÂL 4 4 4 Bantae. C0u1t7 roVm 4- r Oem. aMth vif osurt nom,>Wi*tâ '.IL USJfA A. .A.~ Undoetakoe ~ idtà.~ d ~.U mt ~4q*~t~sa orulght. - DuooKu~ Hawy J. lie sue... Office, Duadi oao~ 3.u ClmtS. SATOP surass» Md Unli Dr. D.D. Cook, j« Dr. Netou%- pract OU"0 Or' the latter m OS.. ~ I 1'eW.M tu l'h, of Thousandi of Dollars Worth oëf,~osm hw Darlington. visited aver the week-enda at L Puckrin's.r Miss Elsie Brown. of LItica. la visit-c ing with Mfiss Eunice Keuxp. V Miss Pollock, of Toronto, Is visltlngf witb Mrs. A. B. Edwardsý Miss Ruby Brown, of Toronto, Ist spending a few weeks with ber cousin . Miss Elma Richard-son. Mirs, T. C. Osbtorne bas returned home after spending a few weeks ln BowmanvIlle. owing to te tflness and death of ber mother. Mluch sympathy1 Is extended ta Mrs. Osborne. Mrs. Crawford. Mrs. Craigo and Mr. and NIrs. Childs and two daughters motored f rom Toronto on Sunday and visited at Wm. Oke's. Mr-. Annes. of Ty3ronke, visiteti at Relit. Wilsons on Sunday. NEW CANADIAN NORTHERN ROCKIES. If you do flot know about thc won- derful Mountain scenery, Including Ja.sper and Mount Robson Parks, tra- versed by time transcontinental ine of the Canadian Northern Railway be- tween Edmonton and Vancouver, get a capy of our handsome descriptive bookiet. te be had for the aslng from W.J.H. Richardson, Whitby Agent.-4 THORNTON'S CORNERS. These bot dry days are very vol- Corne te îthé farmers. Everybody Is busy at the bay nov. The new Sunday Sci1ool bulding 18 progressing very fnvarttbly. The ex. terior will soon be finisbed. Miss Irene Ltike la now home tram the hospitai, and tî doing nicely after, ber serieus iliness. An aeropbane vas seen la titis vi- cinity on Sunday. Mr. Jas, Elloti lias purcitased a new car. -e COLUMBUS. 4,, 'i t 14~ -j - .5 f s -r -r~ ~ 'M 3'60/0 to68%/ More Runabout e$475 *Tnnu e w49S m w '. 1 "ý A

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