Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Jul 1917, p. 7

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ths ulemd thie so-cal gans andÉ vçal -and -7 Shr.dded en lfocx - procee Wi - £particle thI w. TSAND *IOgeS PoR TOMMIES 30 ScDer 1b. for boe a lot blhie ~a v.a JWhou compared t. 50 cozinu pr Ib. but Uic WaStc of Are Madle of Steel Wire end L.ook k1.1Uve Weight pald for thé. 0hamDion ci imês% cf Pence is i ird Cages-. the. TOM)nth Pat Stock-Show. 1? fl adpor Next Urne you walk acroo a wood- Stat tqedlng thftt steer noIr and get tma f foci hatblock pavement and stick in the. tar- nome of tthe big money at the. to ans -- i cffo htooze t1hnk of the BrItish army In fce vlù-aldEgypt. The contrast wtll make you Elghth Annuel 8 food breaks down happier. For one thing, the British TORON TO ld lmiang or- Tommy would give $1,000 for wood- lepletes the physi- blcks. ainpvent.M At- FAT STOCK SHOW mental W=- kins is compelled to find a way Ob 1Whelat Biscuit walk qn dry etifting sand. Hia lat-UIQ d, prepared by a made of steel and ooks somnehngStc Yad ,hich nmkes every like a bird-cage. Mr. Atklns attacheé TORONTO oroughly digested. the cage to bis shoes, and tiien can pj , a IL m 0RG F TUE BAV0NET YOLUNG WÃ"MEN la 1675 R wu,-Adoptai! by thé. W ANTED- Armuit.. efFrance sua": Iad. I 9o0d ePPO-rtunit>' effered young 2l~hebaynetwbih.lnsPItof voni, dosinhbg permanent work in- thelatst nvetios o'xndéi wa-1tii. laz-gest eatabhlshed restaurant la fare, remainu the. simplest and meut Canada. Gooti wagea pald, boat work- terrifying weapon on the battlefield,'Iiig conditions and bal>' trèatment. heaa- a nme the enigin of wiiich ii Write, Phone, or Cahi uncertain; CHILDS COMPANY, It ie populari>' believed te recaîl the. 1i8s ONGE 8T., TORONTO. pleasant oId Lown cf Bayonne; which neaties at the foot o! the Bay of Bis-InteCury cny, since a citizen, one Puseygur , aileCon>" credited with its invention about 1650. Summer boaider-Does thiu tre. Ituahed into the mauth of te g-n- produce a lot of peaches? baurel 1k. a plug, it was'thus adopt- Farmer-Nary a one.. ed in Francqand Enmriand about 1675. Summer haarder-Well, what's the Children and Iirda - Interest cbldren lni birdS. ]By a sLnd>' ef bird charte you' can attract' the kmnd you want by providing tie food the>' 1k.. Nativgvbjrds are easy te domesticate, sud refipond quickly te attention to their upeclal needs. Place a traugh of bird feed, -a wash-baain or bird-bath, and a ahallbw basin of drinluing water on your window .111. «IN VESTORE Our Capital Stockr, nQI i~a.tffi ed ta -the publie for the tiret tixne. comi- ijk~~ibines absolute' security [ ~ jwtth lrme dividende. Write for Free Mlue- _ trated nookiet. Western Ca-&cia Fai-mi g Company. Limitai Head Offic: 43 Importl Lité, Bidg.. Toronto Buckwheat makes an excellent breakfast cereal - I te- -Nexi te iba unique liavour, the great f ~F5BL eeonomy of Balada Tea has been thei. OVITM1t-IN( NEWS AND JOB' reasan for Its enormous sale. bowns. The mont useful and Interestinit cf ail buiinessaes. PulliInformation on application ta Wilson Publiihtng Coin- New pot-atoes are more deliciauis Pan>'. la Adelaide Street. Toronto. baked tha-n aid anes.i JSS!AS t illuî'.îailf .ti Ni--li-a qi o to INi tii1 i nehuui i4t i-i tom 0t in 1w - m-1il0, ciit er îhtîut Oit li io li Iii-, i-liai s t-r niA-s totii thet Smt (-rt:td '-1- hwui-i 1 tituui.ve 1, 1w, iiii le i hi th i i i i y' un tuy C îr' Ili ch-ltu. It i 100percent wh leve w i th sore un s1es trugNe i f 5f f~ I1 1\attched by two rings idea of keeping fit? *~.~. UOS wheat. Two or three of ineghes of hie undershoes. So Tommy t ) e eea Mackay, and Farmer-Because 1oui aocr homen ths icis ih ml,1 a oon walking with comparative Secretary will mail prize ]jet on re- hehckte ayonet wCa.. Limuted,_elsof parolIIngwoorde make a nourishing meai, Iconitort. The difficulties through qsiest. by Vauban irito the French army in - 4 - ning. 1asari3thlog-nae- wbieh lie marches to conquer mray b. ________________ 1703. MONEV ORDERS cheaperthntncr. supplying the greatest gauged iranithie tact that when the Rural Church and the. Farm. 'T-is Dominon prssmoney OreryI mail. OG J amount of energy at lowest Trurks were coming with ilatent ta des- A_____doftecuty sb oino xrs MnyOdr cost. Delicious with SliCed troy tile suez Uýa"1al hey had tii dig Agetnedogi cutyl di- 110W TO PRE VENT Teeiafeowip arqut.I UIAnH fruits berrnes orO rMil ti grooves. s that the guna plough need to have something to ACID STOMAUHS AND even than solitude, ind whirh. right- S I LTi fut.could be dragged forward. They iound think about. They have many hours ly understood, i solitude made per-18Wet3s Made in Canada. this method eailer than building to think. That he may flot be a pes- F009 FERMIENTATION fect. And to live out of doors with .r r r " ~ " ________________________roads, simist or a fais. philosopher, that h. the morni comltandve i free"-R. L.S.JI I j 5'mz L ___________________MaY fot con over evil thoughts and BEv a tomacb Uu.cita. the o* il When anbu'ylng yL. 9 ~~rnîrn IA~fli 111 is mind with wx-ong and inhuman il a seitist wlîo lias spent ManyCtcuaSi hsto ha Practical I WIIENYOUUI\ OLOR IFDE sentiments is for the Church ta havelIveurs nr the' .tuly and tre:tinent of' d8.lPiO ~ a care. h upi utnt hn tf h oculnthanî<st poleWoEycs irýi oued by-cxp' ouha Whieria girl or a womnari firida ebe athits digniiy ta organiz pay eofrach ruub<-s.ii hanuc been ef4dt Ylis ih fO T Iiesigns cthr enah t ao re bult-el5v58taEur. Ualnd'àndPI N rlrfading, wheri her cheeks arid lips festivals, and the minister must ntatdnorml, he real tr 11W.* taItrecvbyut@ Y mntasos grGw p ,ad-;i essotofbet eahmdt-wa oey, ifby srîhidch cu ail thp pain n ~d dlrtuit ___jc îied. o martini;,ofdnuf easiI3- sadlier heari palpilate afler doirig he cari -bring a better and aairliq rrar inethey. tood fermntall uti. u Cnut.A y-" adthig sliglît exertion, or unîler the least ex- riobler spirit into the countryside. The 1Ac'Id irritates the dellc-ate linlniz f the Your Draggst's 50c per Itotîle. Muirine L), otcetv.YO Ae V citeentit ueaii tha ehele sifer tedum o - - ï suîia'-h andi i-oddfermientato ittu ~~'SL4 CrTuN r oeoltbefyCYrcask ~Te edt ctmnl nasta b smfe-tdu ofcountry ,îfe 15 urisocial. It wInd '-hIch lîst-tie u he stomach ab- 5rret îafTng Bg SpaiaFo 4 -.~~~~ Irig irom n ar-amia thiri, walery bloo>d. is airainst the welfare of the St-ste. It nornaliv. cuu&lnCi that fu lbloated tee!-DrgiîoMinLOlEiC.ClCe a adp- ~~' ~~ J ileadache -arid backache trequently us bad for the heart anidfi-. the soul. iritr Teie lth ni and adte roetta noea e-bu oocfcux hn actainpany. this condition. and ner- _________ digestion. The mtomach 11% usuaîîy To*help in picking fruit a Californ- n/NJ tunes le aien prescrit. healhy anid normail. but Irrttatt'd ai- jifl bas patented à thimble with a ~Ad Bu SeLiedu! Uis ps eduacelDethsefrea The remiedy for tbis condition iB ta el.-nentpe-aiid and wind. 'rInail such knif e ldathen. stogwepemnt-regan -and lhev comiiriRe lover U9o per I-woe- buiid up the blood, anidi-or this p fr- her stfaoritpepcnein.regrnd- cent, utf ail mtomach difficulties-the tirtt ad tia.i h pose there te no medicirie cari equal fte' fvrt cn cio. Oend onlv s1ep ne-esnrv 1-qt- rnuti-mize lrt Williamg'Pihnk Pilla. Tbey build day, lbe gave one te four-year-oid Mar - ith"ain d ii a ite warm -euidat r Cttlis ioeigspkson bTfyTii aL 20 e up and renew the blood. bring hrighi- jorie, and waited siyly ta see whai she l rme<îîat.-lv sUfer eatlugtiram uinn* tO gladioli os soon as they open; they * i i immWI eiyum V ress te tbe eyefi, caler te the cheekB, would do wben shse sbould disco-ver the' t-îeaspoori or su iîritd magn, wl epaln iei ae ad11 1 ii iiBc r. %%hich ls duutit-ee the bhtst tad olL thel kmatalongcpticn linaan heailhi ai d ent'rgy. The enly other minutes later he saw ber take th eii knuwrt Th, oii %vilshi' neutralized U p-~qi paîeoded ien plenty etantî iv lur et-putch will at once l ...r.r..aiwogU-e pr iidw I~ft5 ~tlr ii'sr s r-atment , . partly esten peppert, 1mint fronihrm h- ene aio ttutIai iicet i pe maoderale exercice and geod, plain ÃŽ mouth anti place it on a table beside an prîrepti ti esthte foodalinaheut< ,'Jaoe.td.ala food.tThe'girl r rottcdWnoagnes 'apes liflUw11111ugiLILI tLIILIiF 1P YOitte niP.zneé.,a.1a lle treatmet aa littrial itilI soon 1"Whai's tbe matter?"'he asked. 1 u h-,' toun' ther forrma uttriv hci n if ANtsrblc ud bsrble.J ind hereî'lt enjoyirig perfpt ehîalth "Don't you like the candy?" nF t lj iitt G the ettL ki ~~. Y~ýoul cari get D)r. Wiluiams' Pink lIl "Oh, yes," replied Marjarie, -l like i*l 'Z'D 5YU JD D IIl iroi any dealer tri medicine. or by it, but 1 thought l'd let it cool for a DVllII AIL l' l ~ N mail post paid as.&1 cents a box or six iittile whie.- HOM' THE DEAF *-HEAR" MUSIC. AVEIIL *V III V LG I y I K ngIo boxes for $250 fom heDWlias__c 1Mîinc(. lrcltvillb, ont. Miusic il; an Esqsential Factor in Train- Otnicesstesrnt n nu-neo An unusual anid yei practical nove1- 4 -P.<OMMeeEaR HNEV tiK . .-No lngof athe ; atice ioryo tY is shown in the romper tlress bere SPEED Up FR;EIGi- MOVEMENTS M HET Philadelphîs . «Oeyua E H Aust ON BAB Muss ondtce resethofhthe ofsan instlarir the hnafiyoe aniiasti-iwi-tirrliteci and 1-sunfeaIl lite walii manoci ihiutratd. i isan he oNeroB te -tution for the care of deaf and dumb -t aysd adb c tr at sc et iehm ilvtsrna oo envelope style of chemise excepi. thal hn ortie-r ta lacilituile train ma'e- chjldrcn, is more essenuial in thle edu- untid e aryetaneIWaasnseitand hlmwlh ntienitrane nt fuit ai- taar. viiant theitilty as ayeut. athr trouble tri Iron not .ak awa frm th' deas.ffet. iti'l'tltid Sutes are e îalaredrailesunîer.Tdeuxcosiîe het trThseriibicinsituion he iseroom thy aI sad I ad.strttithseakirg ian-usatd Ian hti t anm ,aes beridod MeCall Pattrn Na. 7750, ('hiltl'afOne rdtîosconuparedt uwhicli uhor-e i tteIttuMile îtomachu out of ardu-r tca ltîr poide ti ansaondfmaeUo . Ant i eti hmwt eee Ie t3 ows~hhttoutigai or Two-Piece Romper I)retîis. Patterrn areuc a aîîsrrni. uî'îytaiîîîde roxpiai s itheriano, arendre wôale toube a d il lîî 1h a 6lewscrwr aeteodfrs 1 tanadchvtii and nearly'aitftri.0Now aIr mila. erUtaktn tacetuteeor tromptreia Isir tri 5 sizes; ri months t-at;years. Prie, Tti.triîeac.tti '-nslanahnite ay na-b.bytdali tctations, relief n r-'w utl o uid nuxln ti taiamrceotvîityat -na o u 10 cents. li;ill,-ua t iere.ly of Ii ie ues t or huaman lhelp helau't'the niai-er realizeit '"When the teacher plays anexcit- be cperateors 1 yohlmtr. euîrgwtiteboae - iittttturg iast-iiriIaiied no leisthai lie Is Il]. Suinner hIsthae spason '.heuîii eln ae pthog h ssfeefrorae.Irnl i raeta-tt tegiI - isyuaygoi j1 2 i-,iiiH, r mîort, thali double the diarrhoea, choiera intautunu, dysentry (baor," is the way one deaf boy de-' y e àrs before "j bulder.ilP'ii Viâl'taeNi-roewretanu b sitedrrattwheenthoffeethe wor uri-- afiether ptzefonee tiiuîahiîî îîlwuc- Thtis will cut !of hiese troubles niai'prove deadly If1 Others, whetî aiked to expiain theif ting worsthe mort babit-lnigtrgutiuuat rda-grf rnu n n th piiege mve tryain n ) roptytreated. During the sensations, said: -'h feel it tun my tem- -in1imoItook. Every month ai ib1 tis wa'tecoI adoftiee.hefry.wl ay ainîtîlît ~îîiulvaleflte1 thae mothers' bcet triend l isadi ylegs.","q feel k VU yoUng girl I naaSuerod Wltl preventigt eoun raei hm-dw eIgolu 1f Baby's OwnTablets. Tey relFuisanda aIghcases andodyerandyILieellji-es inImi idesk ai- lorenand as Situer miles evpr ainuri orai-r-r 500 tr th ialvaOwn Tabets. they e lne Jteuhmywhleboya nd'q eee Wmain m 1isat pxoSrad watîseousniaigt osveiwto-ia i NT Nl-til pîirlur cars, retauranut cars and ob-1 keep bah>' bealthy. The Thîlts r it in my chest and lungs." . nI.I55 Ol yt ey. l-yarfotPeiîai. ri>ekd- sralncrar endicniu&yThe children "hear" more distinctly nent ln the newea per and the. lu g ie. ier. oursrul ni obrte-iaae yO.ii mtr The Boston atnd Mairie has laken off ai 25 cents a box tram The Dr. WiI- etosa I.nat .Mn opoixtionand ibis PICtUM_ W. lm. enttin bagto >-ic fio i et-lyiiîsr' '~-~tî t - '~ .no less than 255 trains, or more than Ilans' Medictie Ca. BroclivIlle, Ont. preus.d on my mmd, The. dotor Wb. icbad rnt baueyncaur ltrIrraieIa o ive tumes lh utcitier taken off ltri na C-0 vnmeol wmoedf omelivingtis.Wihuitnomtehw ikehenuaknm- ('oiiadit, s Bàvlng approximately 41.000 ~' ~SIueOiyWii>Ody oé aeal 'u lo acsnebdmassîiht'Idinn tratn mites per week. Strenucus ef- THE PENALTY 0F LIBERTY. ? NOTA B4T >'SoeoIfsentryaaW<t~Io thfi se s iat ouwuo» an yu*lyi e iliam 1PAIN 1Nd ABT ocifr betcof1.es ay aa.Yo n'gei-tearnt w,!afrnrisru - ,' - -J.i - forts are aisa being made ta ixîiaeuke'VgtbeCmou4 idoic badasacîsqec a . Tenaîteuoshv wee. aieetatablelok nujut pt. n 4 nidt-a chans te iporafiO p raid n- othei- of Ruskin. OR CALLUSES OFF ,wben 1 W dfinisbed tii. third bti cn nto. yua' e t.n ltîyenutuiea loadtng sa that the ireighi equipientI n the matter of discipline John . wascur'sd and nevefeltb.tter. Igrat 'or weitl i W ayorafi et nta 0 h a-al -..<~~~. shat!li e laipi busY ta lismubmo0si Ca- Ruskir's mother was a Spencerian be- No humbu iApIy few diopi - Vou the privilege ta flhlimy t cealao a a u aiwi ie paio hyh pacity, and terminalBesboitid le kepi l fore Spencer. "Let youi- penalties," thon just Ilft them away and ain only taoogSd tolet other WOMuawlthautbomntiS.Nxtektw> ai rul.Ti.qi clear. Ttc Anierican rairoads tealize 44 -btaser hls~e,"ewith fin ,i t on trenliesofr ay ftmm.malabargatr sreuih nS nd - ~~- ti~that epeeti in li-ciglit'moverietIBuotne like the penalties inflicted by inani-------------------bL 42Iai't'vill sut, >tllau&.# %.two wel. Thnesyorargtjiq Ii-tptîoby ai- ttc greatest aide t-bey eug i t mate nature, inevitable. The. hot This a.w drui la an et.her couspouad--____ telp win tii. wal- and accordirte t alal cinder huma sa chiid theifi-at time h. disooveded by a CininuxatJ i#ia. lL reports are achievinig remarkabie t-e- seizes 'it; it bumna hlm nthe. second time; ' ' la1called treeiiose aD r. 1%eCR,, e Th ' ~io sults. itIt&laUV t Canadians to seec i umns i hm every timte; antd he very - and eu, now -be iit-e W that Canada ta flot leit beliind intris bm erna riot btauch tehtcn ad ntnybti patoi ae der." Tht at.ss Mi-.. Ruskin'a meW. u bore bown at oyenD Ct rJudkýl, 7 * M d c IÀ . -- -To illittrate her way of teachtng les- ittile c-ct tram at&D-.7* - u TO WRITE WITII THE KNEES. sons, Ruskin usâl te tell the follow- dru store. Juat uk EAEU ing incident of hi.'fiai-l chldhood, for frisson.. Apply a A Device te Enabie Soldiers Who Have which hie mother was 2d of relat- drop or two directi>' ,p. - LotBt rst rt.on àtendecrnfg r cal,- e m e4y- To d~ Heaherjeseyclth s uedforde "On. eveningt- when 1 waa yet in ini> lus and lhstanlty the ~ VOCoplng a very snart mniitary coat A boon for soldiers who hav los nursefs ai-ma, I wanted to toueh the. tea. boreneils dlsd>zurs. j tcghn . .~-. iO .W e' iemaa~ and erve. rea Thecoa ha anbath arme is cteacribed by Dr. At um un, wiich waa boillng merruly. It Shoril>' yeu wlil fand thee~,g f<M en in Vicre detn i. bTheck, hsan1---- »« 1elnd i.T BaàyQ Prird USA t15 ws- a f&lytsayfr ronesI up-COifl i-caitis'oicoe -- gfffr To 0hold the pauser ln the prcor! yefars ao1got the od !m'lf ott rpsh i bIu. goju mE position a amaîl rack 1ke a miusic' wrlst n.ariy eer.dtuMW~ for bouse.rW -track is tiade Of woodithabooôk tO:aboutniaeMonths thsthb1gW tu, QîwwsiMi adjuat and hold ILte oa @saus, Iami ofray baud, asd trw d ir LiImitsMe f aàtuv =ratavslv ktIIfui lhlidpd stand -two fZe hie in uwii the!tii.alo doctors, s&M Vas orealY@d*De t " iteel la raias a~the foot, restlng on ýýbenefit. Dy a p.rsmaalon .-Moua;a adpoesd tii, bal, givesâl enee qut* a vide fIrled 1<t*MKAR" 5 LNIMET fomakein pen =à be as wefl asa iCuied %M4 A 5SlveIN.rt - »a«t -ou peneili. e vlee ca»ibe umade MrapArAI"Sol ly. The rasuel cf 81.50sud ie iUc am l M udIt 5h. sea& s iens. tatp oés s Fu sprlsgs .osaldb. replaeed itAi sureps Ire-tunsd 1, AM *ouId t essr.wtb.. e.,.bb itk co.tin<t n en tmaptec ias rfuat u' f' ood Irî flavor Igpua etreaetei rts -as vstoruielïydom. by aque, b la ISueI Mtandcas be sui. 1 9Ubox .U T»iipis te >O&heWOM tla for h. ýas w.t j9sU LUMPS, ETC. ia. cure witih- ,atîient. WrIte Eeihman Meti!ca.i S. Ont )i>EAS ] )w to Feed to an> aditreja b>' t Street, New Toit rour, Piano ring an I IQGELOPI DTION r OUT A rhorouihpli off promptly with horse taime tine. ter or remnove the boule, delivered. nent for mankind Veina, Ruptumeuà Ieiarg.d Gland.. Wtou iky. Pt-là 58and là - ae mde la CamalLi rOver iDid it th builders-. rdelicate, thue. urs3eit how immcl va acen doxts o't le who wema ail- le thei strenut tMrely gelt iti ar )epeta., liver andi % teri ta tourteen aJclng t-onn trihe nm afuer titey ltad .oring- for anonts benetit. But iarit educed iron. Iran an asimply ta save ut tait. tran tri a absorbe-i and au- iron If yaou warit otherwine It i ay elesuq. Maity un lias won ie day îw the secret ut lurance aîîd fillet fore ho went lIsto anather han gane Nit sitmîIy i-or thée .. ;M.D. on. reetîtmndeui . is ait a patent eiy. but onaesî hIdi it, andi ahosa irrn prosrthed- by a-tnt- boera. Uîîiike theo Injure ltae teth, ipset theeatamachS; mont patent mmin- e t lnuiigestluta au n-tiawstconultoni. ueht reat, canti. tha. tbay ofatr te aritabie Instittitlan Iy mat u oOMatî -on. and lner«ae ver lntou tr weeks' xr-a ne ericua or- uo aitate r oi-unS lt at tost d ouble rance ta tan Salta Ait. ge09id rtirgste It Ttor Nnderful idTauce i v hi le-t,-.". i îrî. -~, I tIti i t-i1 1 - tilt i ut lt il 'i I 'i --t ,tlt ti-. i, I .- i- t I liait t - - lii I i t i - nul t - i t lits-. n t t-- -i t tut. i i-' h i tt t. .t t}itt Ittili t -i-ut- 1-t t i -- - - .04 lui I-t Vu i tii-t lu -u ui tîvut uttuiri -y lu - b.îîî.i ,pu rity ckagea lune 1- coula ffl 6 =àýq, laffli- 4roq 't 'i k i. s a -r-

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