Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Jul 1917, p. 6

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t-. lÀ bitteres1c enemies, had oe h u4any.1 worldly succeas te b. negl.i4d inlaauiwas thoreby te b. gained for the tien Into iiiouniiig en uaty i- iti he loieed,».- angeti ta lineogie h aie i. omdt rtc ai hon rretereaca telier isten'sla loka, or;der te nake the -ment o! the chance.taMtlY beutY. PntvatsY, lie cooatd- ceaaed the, de»and for bak on-Geu1ared pitil w rms, hen thon. had been ne shedsetof lattmny'ocnf ~d b>' Fate ne trouble bacd been .ed Idmacif quit. au vaishe ba pawa lImenta&, and on tue othor t bas eutsuasHfelsiws amwie uia !temnla Ugln and, Fenella took It for. what It atoàti u tee grea., no>meana too fer- in the. gamese wa, Femell butbie! ofl the. supply et black glas orna- "Baverai mest gave up the îtruggle f linibeti uxite ihyotweeh oaaeylah ee ) -a naed satemnt e tacs. Itetcfie .uhdert'hi ntelligent tuition admniration for bis yowig.st tess r waa i wehtis thaï uaed te corne froei ofseettrying te reconclie thezaelvea t e aeepti rnpr fie lh thNnmtlsain ol u"Oh, weli, it would pever do If ail; o! a aharp-watted motiier,, who horst neventhelesap.rfectly gesulne,ad continent, h las likewle atppe rereo;liefubratemtti as b, drag f i udybea. nv mon "admiretit amke eneton we- co rJua rte~itk fbron ie i neeti o uu.caner 0 Y the Importation er jet frein spaun escape or to commit suicide or tih "bn eie, hteoe'ttIt-e-Frty ri ngts me,"eh rmake, a en e crn Jll ldeasIl94leart te content ber- onesadat.lm itens. tisais tiati b andcoe yetaeitebcm ktm tmna eag-row aigut, ho ttr,-elmvw - plete detadhinent from tho subjeet. -hob.tolintabis ewii. - %u'iîîy eI 'nuitthe boenivictim ofpmentl & ma ----(To b.-eenttnued.) nn eýtWib.For min>' ment. I. number et attempta at es-.hhre "' - yer onidenablo part ofthjtii jcaps waî comparatively MaU, ani msaauctuwe4 Bt wbîtby was tus- tihe uceeea 'ere f*wer uilL ~~Hsma miis t o PACTA ABOUT RUMAN no01V.po>d frets pahi; but accordlng te "A vong0ful spirit wu sows ln 'Bordde Statieties ~~~~cogimiss', la sSpanisis Jet tue cmetai atissu avIsathse alaara Bordeaux iiiitr rpnyueiLk itllhr b i- ýsadmPý«wgw avlo uinférlor la qualt>'te ti Whftby scmt>' apportiennhft4 et food wer. 1cbecks aniliracui nhim ult CreaUoa '~jet, a" itta s u w n-t-bolsview, contri- reduce&tt-wu* asfezFbruary, 1916,1 eteLeunaighi pt iense n, 'tier.are.al mou bW o tet e downtall o et Iitndutry wben lb. iM40e9 01 ar bffad vas nt te potsandiotin a0s milion harUiïo iW *S u t » b lisoeulustise perfecco t tise Pro- from 9g.-Mto ut. s-clatsof a lâff ,Bordeaux ma ue nd ttet .~w~o lapduit. podt OD p a C!bre lus.n 0iios euanbodteste serve as outietfor au, Tmuinber 91 messw 4gpW -ho uab - gldt se mnlpoundae o ppeur ~liae o equa iltiube f ut, lant ltda. .1u at Wylane taganivs ory er ýin dtage of t*0aste e ~of iatmr, ille ti ehiens ugz~- ber tsâycontainsmoue tisa tare suadredt , , f jbave us<te ta algivo tim -a fe w Jored- t ,n» itu attachabauasael sIlos boeu.it in £à that as Ma&, blot1 eri'a l muvelane1aâMtl rir,,e ve1a k bÏM Midsud mlon liAro1 la untu etre boidy PMU tsirtuelutsi.bWooed, Wben1 ed no&w srae ia aui~ Expoint Etato 4re tbrougistise beant evmry uin*te, Le-t' the tudutry w".<p sprsolne arisIos lb. plpite an on tha l lis. t# t goSmlua Mid -ts .i,',mb .~ hr.lses hig>bI et eg l açt *5 abasIoiss, tble t- ou i te SI u nts10 îIdu cso! Wthobat we Inete minute.; ti e t tafla ofdu«f. aturhso%*or b -' wo.tbkdsfaIutf1iisr Yom*nragosaNeMt ae thie b ve u exnlea.13alaboM «Mo f yenbreta tJt aalabl9v« ii. Wlt.m Book d__ 'emWshb. ktjmii GpWYowD @yA ?h utalaub as! tisut'veuqi. lve4t b . pwSuod atenii-1 pinte au~out*umies beu*wSii es te ktara et asiu. PuPRISOi4 ? N'cAmPS PORTSNRAC - DESCRIBED BIt CITILIAN WIIO FOOD MUST B foG rU EXPERIENCED THEbf. UNDER DRC IE À COURSE IN HOUSMOLD SCIENCE COMPLETE IN j gl Ntwspaper orsodltFR E ZR0 TW NYFV ESN.Waa Iaternred For 19 Moathg Every Night Ge nteNre Lesson 111-Minerai Saltz. A ulbn akn o Food contairissaits such as suiphur, sunfilaient supply of these vital, if e- Ruhleben la one of the largest cOfl- Army Sef c Crs make del clousad RSRVN LII F2 sodium, phosphates, magneslum, iron, givîng elements. centration camps n GermarW. This " Gieth baidiiu ad ptr£l te-er fBRIS k FRM gentdrol POt5ssiumf. These salte do flot change PoMhaeacncusad ngnsilo amwasinene p nariy o cv- "iv tewod o inbr PeTKE ISIMRSOME' ecnmclpeevsin the process of digestion, but are are necessary for bone and tooth 15tu- ttn wowrouaiet etaa sre hatr n oum tt "medLkblà o frm Grmay a theoutrea ofthe mly gro economical preserves ~~~~~~~=~d absorbd largeiy ini their naturai form. ture. Sodium aide digestion and lsa f emn tti ubeko mthtIsa' akll os AMES hi 0, 0 ad 00-b. ack, Atlantic SugarRefineriesIAmited Aia od up' oaadcl- necessary element in the hlood. 80o rwr. heandîsonr wread moe ths éem g. 'lwakioeadrd SsaFe owTa 2 and 5-pound.-cartons Po-or e-*,M.utml rides whlch are a necessary part 0f is iron. Potassiu-m aide the action smr1n rge.Te ap wsmajo sh aue n osot 15 the flulds. Vegetable foods and wa- of the heart, gives life to the nervou rwodadyug ihadpo, "eygogr"ey h egat _________________________________________________________ estbiishd on racecours, aadthenTareraisescocurteinaondthheob-1" ll TelliCsen ______________________________________________ ter supply potash, lime and phosphates system, and keeps the tissues active are ifoithl-r ______________________________________________________which are necessary for the solid ti:s- and flexible. men were housed ln the stables and hies lofthrerenhfrmad vie sues. Minerai saits are found ini abund- took their exercise on tetotn Minera] saîts have the foilowing ance in vegetabies, milk, eggs, whole I tr 'oacte'ks. sd lmed;hrste ae hre5d t hi h ora rnstef uses: to promote digestion;- te bard- grain, peas, beans and f ruit. ThE y coupl box mideaedsimprsedon ý lmers;n the il nh ,i~ aegahl ecrpino h z en bony tissue; to strengthen niuscular'are lacking in met. Theref ore, in coupe of mddeungedbsinomats1uessmnple ontherwgns nvenmn 1= i (h fI ~~~~~~~tissue; to suppiy acids and aikalines for'o'rder to maintaiT t.he body in perfect a copeongu~eholat ready inpod ttPuErc B t e n C u i - q) the digestive juices. health, it is important that the diet(tho Rhad benld a y maksing îoeng mn un ted usteta, "1rsnr Ys ups L B t ~ ~~~~~Saîts are therefore necessary for'shouid include those foods which con- the Rine)da isyouven centila en-tmenspot ofedth arhadyeefeeo hn OR, A DECLARATION-0F WAR. iheaith. Diseuse resuits'from ani- tain minerai saits. aged jIt nee Britts overimt ah o-rn spor0 t ocr n egato yfrhv o onapi ftry u seed t ay ethat noene Thefoot. myhifof Canning Raspherrieis. or combination dishes. Fruits which ofushdofe aday xprene Tie soudo, hslasrîlg Tsl the onyre'ctc CHAPTER III.-(Cont'd.) cod bythe uid be stewed and kept are allowed the gntherlng together of a big bun- ofhss the racig mhpad~sest hv aeuo "HPE I.(otd) IFenela?" said Julia, a mnomenti Raspberries may b. andb h to spoiî. jdle of hay and carrying lt f or a quar- the trmanprt ube ndpîot ftvt wti h peicso It hd ben wth cetainsornes later, whiîe thoughtfuîîy smoothing coîd pack method. Sort the fruit and Vegetables and fruits in quanfitiesj ter of a mile to provide a bed," says the frmyr gt o tswy onrss.scat of haear tht arntaiewee ha out a ribbon upon her knee. discard ail the soft and bruised ber-, ûften are stôred in hot, damp, and the newspaper man. the tre a.Hda aiigt on Jo hur hnatchedin the common- " 'Well ?' ries. Filt into the sterllizod jars and, pooriy ventilated bine and under con- Like the Black Hole of Calcutta, shoot.up and sinksoi nbihac usa orwosae h fookw eJhntelnthe mlfwith "Are, ou quite sure thnt you gently prese berrnes down with a large dtoswihhse itnfre - Between the. six et us we managed Awaythe a th E frtsa-hhsdrfre rn aca folwes e] wouldn t Ïike a-weli, let's caîl it an- sthanearthckagain.y.Ail theitway Czar's captivity. The fumEerme knows noethng e afe-thght erAbotely c. erai!" ron? ne en a pack oslin ovn er ih Itation, and decay. totenn to garner enough straw to cover the iaîong the horizoltteudepicspkevysaybsyefl thatw o e-heateofr-hlesaese ihou tho rya M.Brr1? ihrAyrporpansoiigw t. Fruits, surplus beans, tmboeadentire 11oor, except for a epace about' af flame corne 1rmtoeel' ultasa h oolcino i John's own work waa harder, in pro-; e 1 ,î umsaal acns .1Place the rubbers and lido in position poon bt the nsfteroghis was..tera; dndte uliethn 1 haeveth ortilytiht, rocy n ht iaf t gardons are allowed te epoil on the luggage and to ait in. We wore given sounds throuchtedans-foitinh.atlyurdhehe nrs cut le everpath houws tetro e en la 1, hea basthfrtd Rtymntsftrbolid vins or rot on the ground. A tnorn- a chair each, niastly dlrty and dilapi-wodbeflytstouberenhtIadihtdacget. whlch he was banishod wjthout being' hnîf.deprecatng glance Ithe site hs are. emove, ase n' work would, can and preserve dnted, but no table. It was not unTtil hld you f rom Gra bevrad Peigtruhteio ciutched by the fear of- seeing the -"of cour-se, if 7%bu like hie looks, secui-ely, test for leaks, label, date and sudl surplusage for use when fruits3 somne days later that each horsebox 'the *heavies" aayotergtcastaturunthplceru blinds down i the niirsry, and of' then 1'il try to get used te thein." store in a cool, dry place - and vegetabbos are sea.rce and higth in was provided with a wooden shâli and runihie and te re gia knowîng it tnansformed unto a sick-! "Thank you. Am~rd you're sure there's Raspberry Jamn.-Six boxes of rasp- d j j piebut curan flogom time to timobrstarn room. When Just as the epidemie ap- nothuig of the sour grape in al thiis bernies, four cupfuls of water. Place I prc. od srie b en so !abofisx our feet long, to thetc W4Theba rtamn h rknhue.gipeo h omrCa tener you mightn't have discovered'Te u hog iesee e where Viues or other lnsects, or rats! accommodation that was given for bottonlees. ciiningmdo ihrsd eety oeegdo succuznbed te the infectionesabout iJohn and mice, can get at it. Much cereai our crockery and cutiery, for the. lard-etf it-is throngedwt ibr f<t-o om eUcplc tp conscious of a pang that resembledi'Isema goold tatreabout hav i?" - lauete aperisadalo n-' fod is ruined bec»use it te net pro-' or tint we afterward began te, accu- or regiments,wit okrablne ondCutBnedr tnvoy. arThed c ýha oerf rm bi worse onos, since I should have seen 1 haif cupful of sugs.r to each cupf ul; tected against weevilsor other insects. mulate and for aur clothtng. A. S. C. lorries ae!ihtosad Ncoa a ern h biaepusponrivdn therotfrom hishilm logër,," lauffhed the frivolous O! pulp. Cook until very tbick; store j1hnvrfehgop !pio-tec trsnd le fanbgo ooe fteFut i bip-hesuninte prnfobe r- Fnefa "h, Julia. do, do take hlm, in glasses, bowle, etc. Caver with Alility To Relax. ors anver fthe roupisa nofdr-sond eniieatonebccesudd o nngmn. osee am ports received-couid net sotten that off my bands! As long as he's net paraff in.I One ef the important things ta! ed them te the loft of our stable, their way down t h tl muaceclethat n nn ang fo th il-reulaed rismanapprapriated by sumebody, Bertie wil l Cane must be taken when cooking gangfor he îi-reulatd Inuhmanaîwas b pexpetingmeetabe nce etc, teuse a asbstesmat now n eseciahy ifyouf re aknoaras Brrac VI. assheug it nd moI.ro hositalon te WSYdolabydhemeehronment a ndna tasievdofhichpot e Joh , ihim; but et course bell be quite ase as t. ouea setsmtu-wmn shwt e ousl ln.hda nxasil aaiy hlakt hi adia aho hh.tJhspieased if he takes up with you in-' der the kettle te prevent scorciiing. iwThean,îs howretaxlotheuarteof along e. had ainehaustheblftcap aciyrrie bac tthitreua s n hog l it i.Cutwsaprn fancy, bore some ef the appearances stead o! me." To use bruised and softtheries" i iusy athe tt to eIt ber- VI. a ocamd w'ti iîsoners, ffi I t theb dohbscoeifl ef- martyndor.. "He'd be more pleased. To procure Wash anid crush with the patate uiiosyaz, eac e.wa ecrmi W r ee j * 'elf alone, -las eaved many a woman, aIl sleeping on etraw sacks packed Dange-oiEerHadGadeby50M. Among the pictures which paesed a husband for one'a plain sister l5 ai- er, adding ont quart of water, one ctIP-ramnnrosbeko We all close te ono another that the place, through John's mind us ho kept watch iwaety ona.harde e tha efreanens' fruit.af eugt sacli qurt fpoin t dknow the housewife who nage herself with its low lying roof, itc little win- Now and then hr easde at a h opeeri fo esi etnthee all-gers okgentntosuttie anther coup iundetheret'is not is stiflndentlyphwac, ab ut. -oreicultia frtertr oftebl-orbady else for you on the horizon jus 'cc gnl for fifteen minutes. Strate she cannot rest. If she lies down, she1 mal light and its fetid smelis, hgtansor:ofÎlr fon tu t tinethey hlt Fathor O'Broam bad hie place, along' at present, but youIre only eighteen, n otgavejie nseiizdbt d u at after aIl, whiie i arn twenty-f ou r. t uceiltniie a continuaiîy warrying henseif withi the impression of a veritabie Blacki1 O with many other people mmd thinge. Ad tioyurcace . fes. Place the boUtles in 'hot water offeum he~ng.t t a~t.Btitia l estoaitd ' An______ orchnesaebunýthougits o h wrIhei e letSole o acta u twsntun- fmstadtrfrh eudrvnuslo rbdadte - H.TR~te be much gr eater than mine. Upon, bath and procesa twenty minutes after ig i M. 91,ta teAe ica i Om CATRI.my word, hfr. lerreil's bad taste dees!'beiling atartit. Seal and cever te uh'f t he arn fo* t- tiI Mrnarch, 1do 5sethat onth Aenican hic comand adxnmnmrszrpone ih iiaea "Not et ~~~e-semt b , faffairs lies at thecdoone et the moth- I ue spectacle, tram which he recoied pce ihl aehra arwterrmnd hna f peated Fencila.. as together thie sisters j "Thon it'e eettied!" dednared Feneila, seaiing wa. ors. The mnistake je in their train-: with a shudder and denounced 'the loft 1 road with the emn hhig' heeslin ihbynt diligently detaching the crushod tlow- ta dmap her bands. "Oh, whnt a HwT comz.duers he r agh roj w -grmoothing eut ribbene, oxamining Even if I had tnied ever ce bard I don't' Food je epeiled by careless handiing earliest infancy ta ho kind te others,I were transterred te otier barracks." Boche gunners inte hi ag h akddntIe og gathere, and genenally taking stock of believe I evon could have reaiiy liked and etoring. Important ainounta eft o bean with them, to f ongive them, to HadhI i Cm.by n hundred yrso:a oedsapaigit i p tedamage don. upon Fashion's bat- that big, black man." periehable teode are made dangerous'help them; but tram birti te deati ladhi inCmp Lead on," cerec h odfe a- îhlstre n rvl tp leed bto inife hey occupation re e pa-T "hetle h m a beknd as~ co~ re were hardly mono than a , t eruP. and, the w oe rn s m v h fie h a 't o 'A o telkn g ear uio ifootbcus hy r epsd otepa.tel te o ekndas housewîîely conscience was inexor- toîded the. tibbon into a box, "it wil be eagem, utdotort ils25t0esevs.brsmettnwadshgbasn poneo vr pv a '~ suo e and othor inseets. e'ho man who na;i sel aI fr 5 mnindter wsony oaeng oertihte he ec kp h able. "How can you say that it W55 timo enough to think of that when hie' a- Ite from which ta get waten. The ne- bard oId bl~ th not a succesa '" intentions bécome manifest. Iy n't Much milk spoiliaquickiy because it mke bnsel mar mîsoablethan, j tre ixg a acup amyby1tmheîsr.~» III did not -say that it had not been think I havie any greater weakness for le kept uncavered in warmn kitchens. any one else possibty could. She can suIt wasmanlem ucee i eniui.rud hetcnrh-b dmig a auccess "remarked the eIder iter, big, blaek MnÂLanY have- or Clseobservance of the doctrne "Keep makebr ife or f anigitmarv1 "vr a wasceddingt nudwhr h uple aet'orpecruarcrerao as se ctheul wireigamailthe oe ,s.1,ifarer,' forth thefo maetttrr pelshalh fodespecilyalîy , ool, tha coolsfrtuthaoudipaaybl mien arhaineutcoulde boposein-lyi left tart by Fenetia, prepanatory ta -stowing wdthout any of them, but thon 1 have make a ctriking difference i the food to, ho kinder to themnselves, there la1 mediateiy eurrounded by hait a dozen and shovols nd muiin oiiay onaditc te wlyagainst some future oc- 'got a liking for being cerntortahic, 1ohrec ed Ocuc h r- egati h th:!on; II sad that you had nat been an n e~î' j spet uebills of many families.- ne doubt that their own lives wouîd be ciouetesel.each ready t lua tpre-. cergant iortheret htfu n-la u ilt tayhu ft partculaly cnepiueussucc as- Mr te ho wlei petysue On. or two vegetablea, beets or car- lengthened; and not only that, but thecou ee.Sapwstaprîutinfrthdieetcmansaengttenerh.paosro by which laynSPhat Be nd I ha that." nots, for instance, net needed imme- lives of thoee witi whem theycon for non. was provided by the miitany pîaced in diffeetpls ~pa-etti omit fanu expected somethlng ot yeu which- sister, Fenella bent again over th ii eYare thrown eut or allowed te in close contact wouid ho made fau hnîica. - nig we mft scpofra l rishte n ht nvsti dacwietee weil, which dtd net cerne off." tieunce se..was mending. It wae spoiliinsead of being uced in seusmr laat "Ehrnery a ônsîng 'e iche sen- rcthie""Cenni ittn dtycn t zy im ehn rWITH Former- Albowing arts ila- rad'cor- se. But former- ;oner al his cap- 'zarskoe encken- of the fermer r ruler led with cloietel'- àis eo- ad acide railinga nds peo- get a through nw hira his suite where ho uniforra eralleu1'I ta ho in dze caset Ris chat ton a r ceased talk evi- a-re, for id betore fermer tcerin by begu Icer4-wid flied a>. ere and., arme t saluted .ginghs' .d- in the ,form à nd the. ýe palace, àeday«or Icing bill ficera on the. cap-- E> t-c' 's- s 'c 'I F il' t- i fi, 't IÀ; r- t. -4 art bgoa misu

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