Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Jul 1917, p. 5

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'fi s e Mn. Neil Yelaowlees wili be lu Wb 11- by£.hortly ta tune planas. Onders may be left at A. H. Allin's dnug store-tf. Mrs. J.B. Laidlaw, of "'lTe Grange," Wbltby, le entertainlng on Friday at ;ý buffet luncheoýn. for Mns. Sanford. of _ýHamiilton, Provincial Presideut fan L;ocal Counciliof Women. airs. Santord .will give a short atidress aftenw-ards ,on' the wameu's wark lu counecliait 'wlth the Conservationl of Resources. - CAMERA FOR SALE. Nearly new No. 2) Bulls-Eye Kodak (Mastnian) fan, sale. Takes piclunr.es .7 '3%x3i/2. Beautifut îiicitre,-, ade by tiskodak may 1w seni. \\711 sehi ai a bargamn. Apply ai net.Cioil -offico, -In the list of stucctssfiil candidates -at th1e recent Entrance Examinatlans publisheti hast week, lte namteof Gracé O'Connor wusornitîtd tram -the 'Whitby liai. H-n cent lOcale w-as ne- -ceived hy her hast v.eek, Ihus substan- - 11tl»g 15the faci titi au ennon itat ac-, curred la the prnued ist. - --a- HO FOR AN ouriNtG! Sea Breezc-s, 1S1inekoka, and tila landi iand lake reoat Ipointls. ilarneseekens' Eccureious ta alan itoba, -Saskatch - .ewan, Alberta, every 'l'uesday. Buiy' your ticket ourtfile for these ai alI - - -requireti betore 9tarting ai Stephen. 4sons up-towu ticket andi tehegraph office. Wliltby. ai. your. leIsure. - He re-.- i4eemns hie Issues wben prevented- thing. Boy yotîr Tononito, Itiverdale, andi ail local- tickets a - Stephenson's. Oflce houre, 7 a.m. io 8 p.m. - nMn. Arthur W - Lynde teaches vocal InWhttby evel'y Mn n Tuesday t1rau bout the summer nionths as lusual ]Phone 118. -10 Du hiIg the pasi.0 week severai acra- Planes have come tiown ta Whitby -fremn a westerL-y direction, and have been the objecta ce .mîch Intereeted observation. On Sunday aflernoon a large machine hovereti aven Wbiîby fer about fitteen mintites, circling a- round the vicinity of Ontario Ladies' College. The piloi. was farcet int laund near Audiey d uring tbe afiernoon ta replenieh bie eupply of -gasoilue, anti -whie on -the groundth te machine was visiteti by a large crowd ot spectatere. ALL SAINTS' STRAWBERRY V FESTIVAL. A large crowd attendedtihle St-raw- berny Festival -he1d by the Parlsh Guilti et AilSaluts' Chîîrch an Thuns- day eventng lami.. A deiciotis supper was served ln the secool bouse, luts- clous strawberniee belng genenouisiy senetitoalla.hl o partook af thte good thînge. On the lawn, a lent iois.-d thte uysterjoes 51cmforttîmne teller. who was lrgeiy patroniiêd. 1-,,creant vas aise provi1de t i a boat hi. aîd niti- isie vas dispenseti by a grainaptione. A v ,ery- pleasant secilt evenîng was tie resuit, and th 1e cottens of ilie Gid wvere augmnent cd by a enlîstautilisot. STRAW]aERRY SOCIAL Th otgLadies' Bible Class of tire Meth.odlst Tubrnc o -re hast- esses5 at a Strawbt'rry Social lietti ou tire church iawn hast Wcdiiesday v fl' -Iug. Tes vas serveti-on the easI lawn -,-to.a large eroWd-. i)uritng the Pro* grs rthé supper music was dis. pena-ed by tke WhItby Orchestra. Tus -vt. oilowved by'a splendid prograin af -nusié andi rediga, andi Rev, Themas Joplin, ot the Shaxtmen's Christian »socatin~,gavea i'.if(lattd-i - eréss. Revr. AMFauter, pastar-oath STAbernacle, *55 ehmarhlan. The Y. U. 13. C. were able t« ,raise -atmoat fttty devlta-- by- their effortsO on titis o05114- IiZE FOR 'm u C iI -. MUDbl 100. - Oé- o 4iî1e cbn4ltions of! the conupetition Is, that SU, prise entries Muit be exhibite4 tst ýoo~t LoMUdon=5j ýY M.Boghton k .thèse creqt1 e SOLDIERS' COMFORTS Tht-Soldiers'Comitorts Z1(ý s ne knawledges with thanka the ÏàU*wng donations for the Hespital: 2 cushions tram 1 Ins. C. S*o. 6 games (Puzzles) tram Tht. I1ành- ters .of the Embire, Ph1iadelb1a.-Pa. Flowere f nom Mms. C. F. mceGilvîay and Mrs. ,John Ric.. The. folaowlng communication has been neceivet f nom the commanding. officer: 4'l have th1e houer te acknawi.; edge neceipt of the tallowing goode re-ý celveti tram Messrs. Wilson & Co., To-' routa: - 1 croquet -set, 4 tennis nacquets, 6 balle, 1 net and pales com- plete, 1 set rubber quoltf i 1set cdock Golf complete. GOEa. A. WiVsLD, O. C.- Millîary .HospitaL Reserve Monday, Augoat fith, ton, the Civlc Holiday Celebratloi at Hey- dnshore Park unden 1the auspices of the-Park Co. and the saldiers of the Milltary Haspital. Came and enJoy teblylakc breezes, tWatcit for big' WHITBY FRFESHAR CAMP NOTES. party of childyen, which average about seventy-five eacb, ai. the Fnesb Air Camp. They seem 10 fnily enjoy the fresh air anti fu. Sevenal diehhiguished.,Visitons have calieti on us dunitig the lait two weeks, amang themn belug Rev. irlam Hull, SuperIntendent of the National Train- iug School, Taranto: Rev. Mn. Staple- fond, Superintendent of the Fred Vic- ton Mission, Toronto, Rev. Mn. Wilson, pastor 0f King Street Church, Toronto, and severai visitors fnomn the Summer School, Iucluding missiénarles tram iChina, Japan and Intila.» "'e have received contributions of yegetables trom the follouing:- Mn. Hewis, Sr., Mrs. Keango,.1r. l'aimer, Mr, Johnson, Mrs, LalIaw, (The urange). Mrs. E. Harper, Mrs. Hutch- ison, , J, lA~we, "n'e ColIege" sandwiches and cake fri the Union i-icic, andi cash douatioùt as foliows: Mrs. Davidson, Whitby, $2: Visitors from the Sommer School. $300: a fniend ai Port Wbiby, $1.00: Mrs. Giimd¶in, Stratford, $2.01, andi Mrs. Woadsworth, Wbitby, e." M'ITH THE 208îh I3ATTALION. Accordlng ta a letter receiveti from. Sergi. 'Robert Ctimmings, or the 18211di lIaitalion, (limet uitl was helti op for six weeks on lts arrivai lu England wltir about mwent), cases af mumpa. Fol-C lawling this the umen were drattet Inlto the 2Oth Battalion as *D" Compîany, under Major Paiton. 0f the juniar alicens %w ho mwen-î 'ovenseas Nith the Battalion. on]>y Lieut. A. B. Cockburu la m-fth te unit, the others having been deîalnied ai lthe 3rd Reserve at West Sandling for runrther instruction. -While ou a visit to Folkestone, I sawý% the home papers."sasys Sergt. Cummings. *Thlev have thérm huug on te walis af the 'l. M. C. A. hene tram every Province, counîy anti tawn lu the Dominion, Ir is very convenient anti so interegting. -We had lunch at Folkestone to-day.t Titis is te îown wvhere sa mnucb dam.- ag.e was done by the' air raid recently. The machines passeeti ven aur camp, and alhhough iiîey diti not do mucb damag'e, they droppeti a few bombe wlthln 50 teet of us. Ir was nathert excitiln g, 1 cahi tell you. But ut was a ____ '#~~,__ _ . kINSALE. a u WCiarne Richardson and hefin spent a pleagant day. or two ln the Niagara district sight: seehig, etc. We eu sa.yo m~ê on ollwingartiles Nearly ai of the KinàleJ people. at. tlded the gardeu party1 atAudîey P ris Grü ~n A enate of' atwek heu i opoinion Lead,, a a goodtime was enjoyed by Bine Sone11, those who were able -te attend, W. av lagequatiiesofsome shingiin-g for MrLawton.Ed. We'bve argequatitisofla extremely busy. The -farmers have ail commenced itay Fork Rope, Pullieys, -Etc. ling oeain.Teco spet in stock at Lowest Prices. eatewillobe put un<ier o S Borden was forced to corne down at Screen Doors and Windows In Audle>- îast Sabbath for lack o ao line. Jas. Pengeiiy took down a full All szésesupply, and the plane went on its way. We regret te report that Bentley Bros. lost a valuable herse en Sunday. The report given on Sunday 1atb GEO. M. ICE VV it ool at Belleville was much ape lEverfthlng li Hardware at Lowest Prices. ciated. ____ Mr. H. W. McBrien and other triends attended a funeral near Barrie last possible et suitabie goods for the ai- Persona].M.ention Sunday. They motored bath ways and Iled arxnies,-~ and ta have sufficient report a pleasant trip. sud suitable food at reasonable prIces Mrs- Heath, of Hamilton, has been for the civilian population of Canada. Mr. and msW. j. Rowe took a trip to visiting ber father, Mr.- S. Mackey, 0o.. Belleville-on Sunday.1 and other relatives during the week. A big day of sport and fun Is in Mn. Artbur Stanlick, of Toronto, ls1 The special meeting on Sunday even- store for those who attend the Civiel- visiting bis lather here. ing under the auspices of the Ladies' Holiday Celebration at Heydnsborel Mn. W. A. Holiiday, of Toronto, was Aid, was well attended. Rev. Mr. Park on August Gth. Men ln kbaki ln town for a tew days last week. Nickle, of Myrtie, preached an elo- admitted f ree. Keep tbis date lun Miss Clara Colwill lefi on Tuesday quent sermon on Patriotism, dealing niind, and watch for fuiler particulars' for Fenelon Falls wbere she will spend. with some af the vital questioas that on big bills. Iwo weeks. lare sîirrng our People to-day. The Mrs. V. Maffey and little son are.Greenwaod chair rendered splendtid visitIng ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. music, and about $30 was put on the Ontario Unites to Win the H. Tbompson. plates for the assistance of the So- War. Mr. and 'Mrs. Lou Bandel, of Toron- ciety, andi no doubt wili be judiciousiy ______ta, spent the week-end witb Mr. and useti. A call for the Win-the-War Conven- IrsA.Bne. Mr. Wm. Lawrence and family, of .Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Waiters motored Port Hope, vlsited over Sunday at bis dion, issued Tuesday nigbî, bears the tram Toronto andi spent Sunday with brother's bore. signatures of aver 125 of Ontanio's Mrs. Geo. Soutbwell., Mr. Fred Stevenson and bis sister most prominent citizens. In a foot- Mr. a.nd M.%rs. Harry Harrison, ot To- shertSna fenona i nl note the Executî',e exrlains that ow- ronto, and Mns. Williamns, of Fort hee and attendeti service at night. Iug to the need for- haste, manv Worth, Texas, visiteti with Mr, and - ýp persans couiti not be reacheti, especili Mrs. F. E. Harrison over Sunday.I THE MICHIGAN SPECIAL. ]y ln the more distant parts 0f the Mrs. M. J. Roach and her son, A. '4. Convenient nigbt train for Detroit Province. -~We can count on their Roach, oet Hamifton. visibeti at the 1 ad Chicago. beip and stupport," adds the note, home of, -,%n. and _Mns. W. J. Roacb Particular attention Is called te the The objtects of the organization. as aver Sunday. Mrs, W. J1. Roaeh and iconvenlent niglit train operated viaý- wilI be laid before the convention ber daughter returneti witb them on toCida wlîon It meets August 2nd and 2nd, lionday ta IHamilton, whene they vil theCatdinPaclile-Mîlclilgan Cen. are fourfold: remain for a week, then goîng 0 ra route to Detroit and Chicago. (1) hatCanda hal de1eûe al Ne Yok fr avist. toLkeave Taront o 11.30 p.m., daily, ar- (1) hatCanda hahdedcat ailI Nw Ynk or viit.rive Detroit 7.50 a-m.. andi Chicago 3 her resources of men sud means to the p.m. Electric Lighted Standard Slee p- w-iinng of the wan. er Is operatedti t Detroit. Purther par- (2) That If we are ta justîfy our ('tIIIM N TffII iculars tram any Canadian Pacifie nainleistence, ta stîccor aur liv. II1 Ii-l~ U l~ ikt gno V .HwrDs Ing and be worthy of our deati. con- TicetPasn Agent, T B owro,DOnt seiptive measures be immediately ad- tritUiIengr getTornt, nt epteti andi enforcedti t maîntain the ________________ stpength of aur forces at the front and to discharge our full dul>' in the Aug. 25 - TORONTO.- Sept 10 Ms aeW lh existiug emergency. MssKae rah (3) That a national non-partisan O More Than Ordinarily Progrmsive Scaa flACIIER OF PIANO AND PIPE ORIAN Govennment be estabiished for the M BLZ TO 'igotos r. lut 0leens n F NATIONAL RE.SOURRES Pupills prepared for Toronto Conser- the country whlcb place vinning 0f N'tory or University Exaniinatlens. the war above ail other cansiderations Cnstructive and Destructive Nuit4 fer Wat Residence at Mns. Arthur Richard- bt- united ta the end that their -o'iBrnS. Wlb.Poe21 strength may be made effective te CONFEDERATION SOBrnStWtb Pon20 avencome seifishness and indifferene. snd that the people of Canada may be SPEC TACLE J AI f E V C .dedicated anew ta their blgh destiny îO-PEÈroRMERS--ý120 UT ER I E of service lu the war. 12 Parties wishing services of auto for "Deeming It esseutiai for the wel- 4acada's Story trou Blrth te Natteabooid atternoon or evening should communi- tare of Canada," the cal! concludes, Dramatlcally Told cate with -that ait eltizens of Outario wba share The v" Apex of Spectacalar Achinvmut A. B. EDWARDS ihese beliefs shall have an opportu- Bell phone 67rS Whi. tby. uity of expressing their adherenee to these principies anid 0f lnsurlng tbelr GIANT LIVE4STOCK AND ________________ entorcement. we. therefore, Invite ail AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY _________________ public-spIrited citizens of whatvrJdigCmciin o on poiltîcal faithtu taattend an Oro JdigCmeiisfo Yun convention lrn Toronto. Farmers - - New Farm Crop Coin- Amongsî the 125 naines signed tG petitiens - - Exended CI» a ts~aionsI th1e cal! are the tollowing. 1_a 1I~oatosi AlDrI~nn. pretty siglit ta cee the silver-likema Toronto, Hugl iMain, Toronto; E. R. chines lying ln perfect formation at lw hty hre .Blwn suchi a great h ee-gh t, neanhy th ree B, Wbby CaneM. adwn miles, The noise was mast pecollar, Georgetown; W. n. Burgoyne, St. just iikt' n stuîûc-anged electnic dy. Cathari nes; H. Cockshutt, Brantford; namo" Hanmilton Casseis, Toronto, Frank Cackshutt, B3rantford; IN. F. Davieon, \'OLL'NTEER PATRIOTIC SERVICE. Toronto: George T. Denison, Toronto, J. W. Dotds. Aiton; F. B. Fetbenston- Food Cautroiler, the Hon. W, J. batigh, Toronto;: W. K. George. Toron. Hianna. andi bis Advlsory Council held to; F. Gierson. Oshawa; W. G. Goati- a coufenence wlth the w'omeu ofj erhant, Toronto: C. A. Goodtellow, Ontanio Province lu Toronto tim week Whitbv; A. E. Gooderham, Tononto; la shane witb the wox.nî the -Thnift Oliver Hezlewood, Toronto-. Arthur andi Production"~ problemns.-afld a wa- Hawke-s, Toronto; Aemihius Jarvis, m(an's auxillary cammltte of 1 waruen Toronto: Jbhn B. Laidlaw, Toronto:, f rom each tnI1Itary' district was J.eet G.ŽG*ODonoghue, Toronto; S. R. Par- by ballot tram the delegales sent tram sooToronto; WM, Oke, Whltby Tp.; the towns and cilles aof this Province- .TC. Robinette. Toronto, G. A. Rasa, Ontario County la represented byhia. Wh'itby; J. R. Shaw, Voodolock; Jas. Ilotgins, of Oshawa. Iu ibis way tbe Wearlng. Peterboro; F. Warren, Whlt. Food Contnolier bapea ta keep la close by. toucb witb questions et production, man ufact une, transportation, storage, distribution, cote, pnîces, cansump- Chas. Clillou, tarmerlytpnoprietor of lion, exportation, etc. The cemmttee thre Queen'e Haie!, Oshawa. now efth11e bias lu view tbe classîffication of prin- Barrie Hauae. Barrie. w-as Cwonvicted cipal kinds et foodu anti their valuies, of eelling -liquor. Ilis la the second lu the upbuiidiug of the physical mani- affence. for wbich the minimum sen- boad of-Canada, ever koeping la miad tence le six monue isIn gaoi. He was tbe abject of "As lange a quantiiy as remanded for a week an $1,000 bail. IMMENSE EXHIBIT5 0F TRÂCTORS AND FÂRM LABOR SAVING DEVICES ART-Italian, French, Pe.rsian, Arnerican and Canadian Master-picccs. MIUSIC-Innes' Famous Soloists and a score of other lcading organizations. ENTIRE NEW MIDWAY NATIONAL. MOTOR SHOW ut SMIWING 01P 91$WIUDLS Grently cnlarged GoveimiPen and other Exhibits '.-.-War >ln &ail . phases . Model Camp - " rIlley Drive.-- Aeroplane Flighr.s . - Score of surprises in store for old f riends and a thousand "hil for *kw oses, REDUCED PARES'ON AU..LINKS 0F TRAVEL, -- ----~- I Do Y ou Put Winning The War Ahead- of Everything Else ? Are you Nvilling to have party politics dropped until after. the war has been won? Do you believe that -Canada must "carry on ".to the end. and support civlizatkt.n with men. mroney. munitions and food? Ought every ability and acitmv ty-of devoted to mwinnirig the %var?2 .Canada to bc -NEW, GOODS AT OLO. PRICES Breakfast Foods Cern Flakes, 8 for 25e bhredded Wheat, 2 fur 2ôo Quaker Oate, package 25c Robin Hood Oat-,, pkg. 25e Pgiffed Wheat, package 15e Puffed Rie., package 15o Your busine friend, W. Meeker ýWbltby, Ont, Phoeo70- Tvy Our mat - CO'ke Beth» aa 'PAGE FJVU IS AT HAND Get Your Supplies from çur High Class Stock. The quality of your preserves and pickles will be greatly irnproved if you use cur kind of SPICES They are ail pure, fresh and full strength. The fact that our spices cost no more than the adulterated kinds, leaves no excuse for contaniinating food with impuriies. SALN A We can supply you with ail kinds. PARAFFINE is excellent to use for sealing, as it is odorless and tasteless and protects the contents of your cans and jars (rom imold. JAR RIJBBERS Don't use last season's rubbers and take chances on Iosing your preserves and pickles. We have the New, Live jar rubbers, the best that moneycan buy. Price 10c dozen. WHI1 ITH ,ELD'Sý DRIJO and STATIONERV STORE WHITBYI ONTARIE) Soie Agent for autterlk Patter-ns Sale Agent tops Nyal Prebairation.. Leave your order for Piano Tuning with u. Hugh Fer-tison, a pioner 0f Nfar- Iposa Tp., died ln Toron to, aged 83. DELIGHTFULLY COOL ON THE GREAT LAKES. Port %Ic-Nlcbol, a short, pleasant jaurney via Canadian Pacifie Railway, la the Gateway ta the Great Lak-es. Steamship Express leaves Toronto 2.00 p.m. each Wednesday and, Satur- day, making direct, connection at Port 1MeNicoli with either steamship "~Kee- watin" or "Assinibola" for Sauit Ste. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William Particulars fram Canadian Pacifie Ticket Agents or W. B. Howard, Dis- trict Passenger Agent. Toronto, Ont. BIRTHS. EATON-At "'Rayxnor " Oakviile, on Stinday, July 2ýnd,'1917, ta Major and Mrs. W. P. Raton, a daughter. RICHARD SON.-On Saturday, Juiy 2lst, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. A.ý W. Richardson, '%Vfitby Tp., a daugbter. DEATHS. GORM 1,rY.-In Pickering, on Satur- day, TA.i-yist, Thomas A. Gormley, aged fi years. A CHANCE F0OR THOSE GOING WEST. UOMnEP.KRS'uxcunsio-r.t ViA e. P. IL Homeseekera' Excursions to West- ern Canada at attractive lares eaeh 'Puesday untIl October 3lst, via Can- adian Paciftc, tihe pioneer route te the W'est. Particulars tramn any Canadian Pacifie Agent or W. B. Howard, Dis- trict Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. Tro Rent, For Sale, lEtc. ROOMS WANTED. Threoet four furnfsbed roomé want- ed. Apeiy box 3613, Whitby P.O., Ont. FOR SALLE. A fiild Of timothY hay. App1y to Mrm Thoe. Coulin, Euelid StC, Wbitby. STORE TO RENT. Store to rent on Broçk streét nortb, ail msoderm convenienesPo*fs.on Augnht 1sf. APPly FP. N. Burn4, Wbit- by. -f LOST. XM Thursday. ,Yuly 1,amîa i grip. If fouuîd plees rtuvrn t6 W. Parions, 79 Front St.,_ Toro1f0ý s8 able reward. At or »ear Au4Jey g .oddn gàrty,. Joba PueikriW',os n fVI4SyIuly,3' gentieum"s a old vai*h. wtti 13null sovereign attachbed. Rewuz-d for turu a Walter Hunu. Wht.y TO RENZ Fire.-rooon4da, IITO1fW and êlectrie'ttaermt& Aipply -t R. Blo0w. Wlttby ,Ont. Peu phoan. Home phane 14. - If you are engaged you sureiy want a ringc to comme morate the faet. Aring is ilost appropriate as a token of love, admiration and f riend- ship. OJur stock of rings embraces al t he I atest deuigne. Partienlarlynotabie for v'alue is a Pearl Ring, %et with five beautifully ,natched-stones, ut $10.00. Another fine atone at $20.00, and five beautiful three stoili Pearl Rings at Our stock of I)ianiond Rings in mont complete. Single atone rings in pne from $10.00 up to $300.00. WVeare sbowing two, one st 860.(«0 and anotber at $10W.00 that are really worth very_ much nire at present prices. Thenlagain the bout value )f ail in one at $140.00, almoot a carat. Our business is strictly cobfidentiai. BÂSSETT - Jeweléêrand Optiolan In lSthi'i cWith the Saloony, Brock st. WU ITOY WHITBV, m ONT. Fineet 7earge and FuneraI Equipinent Outsidè City of Toronto, A -large steak- et asekete and fun eral supplies always- on band. Bell-Ne. 00, Day o« Nlght. - nd-aNo. 52. Niglbt4 or Holida>'., No, 66'9. M = Are- you deternined that honer, duty; anti-- patriotismn shall prevati over self ihlnzs:3 and in4tf férencé ?ý _ .Shetll wc support thow, son5s, thçs5e brothce, tho5e husbancls, those fath.%rs who AM - i tghtirtg for us at - the front, andishall we Send themijie aid neeedito; save them from being kIdtIed a1êne and umaided 1 0f cou rse you answer YES. lThen 11110cit and-maiI i ,Çmpon, and -get your flrieAds 1,tche,*wi. Sixteen horses wvere boug ht at Port Perry for artIllery work and elghteen at Lindsay. GO OD à LOOI' «NlOMdWinlt&»L" otehes ant blemiehes, likeà murder# wMI Sut unleasthe blod ta kept pure Its puratyisresored an Protectd by thé aiti4ul me of Disney Bios'. FNEIRAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS T 0. - v A 1

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